'WXRT~A cooo oec- ,om H<mGART A giance St the a it Of certiîîed 1iii. LoIs barbern diseloses the tact tisat Highland Park Police George 'Wasington, Lloyd George Shoot Liquor Bandit mzd Mart"7n 'Lutitar have just become - lui-liedgad lonsoriai artias. Dr. F rancis W. Sieiardon, cirector o Hsghland Park police angaged in tise department of- raglstr%4,,n, stob a gun battie Tuesdav nigisi wiuh Pad titree times in sigoiug bis Ënioja three men in a mo1tor car visa Uere ta Cartificates la assure limsalf ha icvrdulaig!qo rr saw correcîls-. This paricular George dic1 rduiadn urto Wahington lires in East St. Louis9 freiglit car. One Of the rut connais L-loyd George and Martin Luthser live vas siso', one a ws apitirs-d nd one ln Chicago. esc apad. Rev. J. J. McCann, Ousted Pastor of Elgin, Is Dead The Rer. John Joseph McCann. for mer pastar or St. Marras Catholir churcis in Elgin, visa vas austad by Bishop Stuidoon aftr bis aliagod mai- riage ta a former nun twa years ago. died yetardsy in a sanitariuni ID Seattle. Wash. Mtie had bean work-I ing In a miai order plant tisera under lthe name of John Niles. It 1, said. -1Ilu j I You- Throw a House.Away Every 10 Years 's,- YOU WOULD FIGHT Y at the mere suggestion of renting another man's clothes, yet you think it 1ýa11 right to wear -another man's house' over your famnily's head. A few extra bouses, like a few extra clothes, -are only the resuit of a lit- tle foresiglit and thrift. YOUR LANDLORD figures that lihe makes 20 per cent per year on -the house you rent from hlm. FIGURE OUT ho* long ii would. take yog to pay for and own your own. home at this rate. Why flot start today to be your own landiord by making a small pay- ment on one of our choice homet and then a few cents aaved each day wMI pay for it. YEB, YOU CAN occupy, swap, or sell it and alwvayg at a profit. Own smnethingl Be nomebody! Stop buying autoiaobiIes for your lancuora. Think this over, then corne in and talk it over wffh T. J. STAHL &'COMPANY 226 Washington Street, ,Waukegan Real Estate Luans mmd Iûsrinçe. hn LAKE COUNTY'S LARGESTREALTY OPER.AtOR:S YOUTJIFUL NI3IRO ROBS STORE; TMEN "BLOWS IIIMSELF Scott Gone,' aged 14, North Chicago, Picked up by the Police of Waukegan. ROBS TEA STORE, CHARGE. Scott Gone, aged 14, living at Fil- teentlà and Jackson atreets. Sorti Chtcago. vas piasad under arrent bý the W'Iaukegan police laie Tuesday aflernoon on a charge of having robbed the National Tea Store at North CIlcago, Monday night. GoDe Ida a fegro.' The robbery took piace wbîlfi Wil- liamx Waters, manager ofthtis store, was at supper. Wisen ha returnod ha found the glass in -a rear door broken and the cash drawer looted of 116IL Suspicion pointed ta &, ma n mlba hmd beenn lathastore siiotLly before the manager want ta supper. Suspicion did Dot pointto tise coi- ored boy untîl the Waukegan police Dicked hlm up and obtalnied a com- plate statemant. Gone was arrested while at a lo cal moving picture theater. Suspi cion was dlrected againat hira becauu ha seemad ta have more monay than a boy of is aga would lie èxpected ta bave. WVben searchad by Assis- tant ChiaI of Police Thomas Tyrreil ha was tound la have mone v ln two pockethooka whicis ha had concealed about hie body. Thèse paecetbooks contained abolit 5j<)Q,-Gone told the police tisat ha isad purchased n sun. severai boxas of cartridgas, a pair of sisoes, considarable candy and soit drinks and six raiiroad tickets. This accounted-j~or thse tact that thse $CS ýas niisling. The youngster lias heen turn.-d over to tihe Narths Chicago police %lho are looiiing up furtiser details. ZI1ON MAÀN BUItIED AT NORTH! SmIR Thse limerai of Erastus Coop.'ids'r, for severai years & reaident aofZMon City, vas 'haid on Monday with tu- lernient ln. Noth Shore eemetery. This funerai adds another tao ta tise numbar of communitias rapra- sented by tisa gravas af citizens i10 Norths Sboreametery. Every Nothi Shore towO Irom, Chicago te Zioa City is now on tise ilet. Homne Surreundinge Cotant. A bauve lu depressiug or cîteerfuL 'Walls, woadwarkr, rug.drpr4.ii niture, piet-ra., ornaments aeiter lnte tise color sciseme of thse routassand a discordant note amang Su>' ot tbe wiii destro> tise unît>' aoftaé wbole bouse or bulding. Colore muet be bal. anced just as forme are. A .French Invention. A Prenchman hes Invanted mettîe5t ef enisrging records ta aitain i.- creased or diuiiniehad sound Jnte»s ity. Ladies' Plusis Coats. regular pricte, $25-90; saleâ D pneu wiethey asat ......................................... 5.00 Boys' Serge Sweaters. Regular price, $1 1 $2.50; sale price .................... $1 9 i Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants. Regular price,$1 9 $2175; sale price.................... $ .9 36 inch Cretonnes, regula r price, 59c per yard;29 sale price, per yard .......................29 Outing Flannel, extra heavy weight, regular 35 price, 50Oc yard; sale price, per yard..........35 Germantown and Saxony Yarn,- regular price 1 35c skein; sale price, akein ................15 72 inch Mercerized Table Damask, reguI 1 4 price, $2.35 yard; sale price, per yard. .. . $ .4 Children's jersey Leggings, regular price $1, 3 $1.95; sale price, pair................ $ .3 * Men 's Extra Heavy WoQI Hose, regular prîce, 4 95c pair; sale price, peu pair ..............45 -Men's andI Boyrs' Caps, fur band, regular $ 5 i prîce, $2.";,,sale prce ............... Extra Heavy Hockey Caps, regular price, 1 2 $2.00; sales prîce.................. $ .2 * Comforters, bath sides covered with good'sateen, pure white Cotton, regular price, $1050; $ 9 sale price ............... ......... ... 6 9 Blankets, plain 'and plaids. regular price.,$75 $ 12.50; aie price ................... $7 5 Mgen'a Mackinuaws, fur collar, regular prica, 129.50;230 sles -pricsa.....j'................................... . 0 Boys' Maçkinaws, regular prics, 114.60; sale prica ....... ...................................... 9.95 Man'a Al ,Wool Union Suits, regular and extra aiss, regijar '>g5 price, $4.50; sales price, pr suit ........................ . U ]Boys' Fleece iÀnad Union Suits, regular prie., $2.00:;.5 sales prie........................................ . 0 Women's Union Suito, long aud short aleeres, or sleaveleas, 17 regular pica, $2.95; sales prie, par suit................ . 7 Cbildren's Mittens, regular prica, 75c, 39 s1ales price. pair ........................... ............ 39 Boy Scout Gioves and Mittens, ragular price, $1.75; salas prîçe ...................... ................. . 9 -Ladies Dresses, ragutar pice, $26.60; salas price ............................................G.lI ie:'s Jumbo Swéaters. ail vbl. ragular prica. $12.60; 67 sae prie-.......... ....... ..... 6 75 Bôost for Better Shoes for Less Moneyl Wo.en's lack «or Bro Md Mmes$&85 This illustratea buta' few of the' many high qusality shoes you can obtain at Klass' at cansiderable saving.. The Klass Shoe Sho Corner Lie and Genesee Streets Neat Sboe Itepairing a Spe-cialty 906 lOth St., Corner Prescott St. Meana Uveecoata. aeguiar price'. 150 èales priee ........................................ . 0 Waol nap Blankets, big size, regular prîce, $ 9 $5.50; sale price.................... $ .9 Childreri's Flannelette Slippers, regular price. 8 $1.75; sale price .......................98 Women's Fiannelette Petticoats, regular price. 8 $1.65; sales price................. 98 Girl's Tmm, regular price. $2.50; $ 6 sa les price ......................$16 54 inch serge, ail colors, regular price. $3.50; sales price, per yard............ $1.95 36 inch serges and Danish cloth, regular price, $1 .50 per yardl; sale price, per yard.......... 79c Ladies' andI Girls' Skating Claves, regular ~i A price, $2 per pair; sale price, per pair...$1.5 *~ Cotton Batte for full size comforters, aize $1 9 8lx90, regular price, $2.75; sales price. . 1 Women's Sweaters, big lot to choose frorn,$6 9 worth- pta $1 5.00; sale price .... . $ .9 Girls' Sweaters, aIl wool, regular price, $5 9 $9.50; sales price................. $ .9 Girls' Serge Dresscs, sizes up ta 16 inch, middy style or hand embroidered, regular price, $14.50. fl l sale price ..................$ .5 Children's Flannelette Night Gowns, sîzes 2 98 ta 16, regular price, $1.75, sale price.....98 Chitiren's Overcoats, aizes 4 ta 10, reguar îrice $12.0o; 79 sales price...................................79 Men's Packard Button Sisoas, rg lsrie, 112.0;, sala price,.......................... .... ... . Boys' Sisoas, ises Up ta 1z;%, rccuiar prices j1750, sale price ............................................ Ladiea' Shoas, Cloth Topie, regular pvîcc, $1 ,o;29 sale price .................................... 2 9 Inîant'e Soft Sole Sisoes, Black culy, teguiar price, 75e; 29 sala prica, pair ...... ........................29 Mem'a Working Pants , regular prie.., 81.5n; sale price ............................... .... . 00 Man's Corduroy Panils, regular price, $Gso; sale price. *.........................4.95 Wnmen'a .Heavy %VfflI t n&.'. reguar lance $1 75; salas prica. pair .............................. 79c -Hare la th< OUM that seli oquare Yard. The Gt 75* EXTRA SPECIP AUi~ Genuine .1 Mai-- t n ilp m r t $25 Fe Tisa farnous 8 k:suwn tlis.wo It SoI t m at fb es. SPE CIA ITEM.! We F Wau Hi Tis nev I estaiaisment S.. Soule of tise country 1 and va (witl year aid> von very Iceenast good tes9t. va servi e, Uoe ti en o f cO r . a i tby aeknowle nesa ot Our Ip ]y acclammedl $8050 si Tihijoldi n, IL riced at I s bis Back'to Pre-ýWar Prices During Town Boosting Week.' AT- The WabblinGDepi.Stor SAM EISENBERG, Prop. Be sure to visit our store and make your dollars do special duty al week et our sale. We wiIl take Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps saine as cash. Here w. only mention part of the Iiundreds of hargans awaiting you.- Special attention given to oui Furnîure Department. We have Stewart Peninsular Stoves and Heateru at leu than coot 1 1 1