Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 Nov 1920, p. 16

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M~AR IIEROES, MEN- TUISVJCTIMS .ILL; TREATED IN COUNTY 21 Ex-Service Men Cared for at Long Lake Ordered Re- moved Immediately. AT SUNNYBROOK F AR M That au institution in western Lake t5Ounty which bas been treat!ug ser. Vide meu whos.e nidns vero affertesi by tas, etc.. lias flot been trealina them properly but that they baye bon neglecbed wiereas ltbey arr the oues wiîcî should ho handled wtb ait tenderness .ýPossible, is evîdent trans thlie Item trom sa(Chicago taper: ..As the resuli or an lnste5gtinsb Itt conIt ions nt Susnyroraaý farin. sear l'ong Lake. Il..imadeby stuite commander Mccautey. twemt'-cnr wa servic7 men. seveivir.gtrealmeut for mental disenses - îl b'e tranafer- red ta gos errnusert bosptals beore thse end o! the week. "1Ih order transferiing te msen WuÏ lsuel by governmen officiait la lts titan twoîve houre atter thse re.W IS A port was submitted."'B L ,W ISU LaeCounty people geuerally i flot know that auch a number of ipen. E FE tai victim iren the war had been un- E TM I T R der courses f trea tment at thb bave driven pat the place oflen tuts i 4E IAR 3 S summer did net realize ter. there, working or lolling about the place were heroesut the great war-theil Representative-Eleot Who Has dia net realize that as they passe"ed d on Toast and'... i t isat spot it was hallowed and they Lv n lil snould bave looked toward il with rev- Given a New Diet. eftme,. Yet auch was the case-and flOw .ý boys bave been ordred r.-AT moyeü because of the treatmnt th"~ SPECIALISI SAYS "E T liadt receivpd. - Washington. D. C., Nov. 15-The Âfter baving lived on toast sa 191q deatis rate ln the deatit regla-ý miik for three years-eating it moru- t ration area of continental United ing. paon and night-Repreantatlve- Siates, emibracing 81 De r cent of flite elect Wm. P. Weiss lias been made total population, was abown lunitatis- happy bealise ho lias been toid be tics mnade publie today by the cenaus can IIOW est something. bureau te be the lowest recorded for And when a new doctor ho has cou- any one year. Thse rate of 12.9 per sulted la Ciicago told hlm: 111anm 1,000 of population showed a drop of atraid I wiil have ta laMe toast away 5.1 per 1,000 frrnm the unusually higli frrnm you," the local new district of- raté of 1918 resuilting tram tiie ept- ficiai 8aid: "I don't care if 1 nover dpmic of Influenza. The total nitro- see a stice or toast agaIn. nt if 1 ber of deaths lu 1919 was 1.096,436,. live ta be SAO years old.. ai Vihtcit 411,579, or 10.2 Wpe 'nt, it seens that "Bill"litas been on a were causel by heart disea'se. whtbe diet for titree years as a reanîlt of tilberculosis cauaed 106,9S5. or 9.8 bis pîsysicai condition, hrougbt Der cent. was said, by deletive teeth; that the CTR. 131 N"r Guemseet. E Pm Bl'D' Poison Permeated bis aystent ta sucb an extent that hiv as ordered ou s diot of toast and nilk, miik and ! oast- day in sud day aui, and hoie tuck ta It like a major. 1l-oweVer. whil lise kept on living. ho didu't live vory weli on toast and m(lli, as apybady waîld conclude who huit trled il. And se t came te pass that wben bh. found hîisoîf aub- Jected ta treWunst experiences af, *'swelliug" o!etiheface and banda. lie consslted a spe'ci.tist in chicago ibIs week whéo lIdhlm that ho bad not been eatlalg prop*ly, gave hlm a l af thinga ho casld aud could net sot. which Iucluodad chicken, f13h, etc.. land now Bill J3 starting la tue oiy ]lite agals &fter three years of mlsery andl disgust witls athera at ilite Elka and elsewl'ere sehen ho saw titem eatiug steaks,. c. An now uuî£..' that If anybody over bas te utrveta put a plate of toast beore, bisa ,thec'3lieh a straugo cae lutle Justice courts. Yeu Arnawie. tl bad been rnisig ail dgy4 and ânalty lttle blettie nskeal ."Mnmmag when God gets ail ttao Juice aqueesid out of a cloual whnt dues ho do wlth It.' càtbbag. and ostonS gro w ort* eXpect te have thoun l. Of1 buibels tbroughout Racine "d Kenoeha on baud. Ose 0of the large proWeii coutles are nîuch worrIed over the sald Ïosterday that noyeer before market -conditions at the roeet have the conditions beeu more dia- time. The price 'of cabbage as 86 a couragtng for the sale of theze two ton and It la impossible ta sel! h. JIn commodities ef the tarm. tact ver> few carloads are being sold. 13ecaube of the abundant crop hun- oî,. *a@teu. dreda of tous have been stored lu cactus Jo. says the only eft'ect Po. barns, besidesataraS,' and hay etacks fitenesa bas on a regular roughneck la and other exposed places, and there t aehmtikfe&StYub la antîcîpatel a biglg as trom freez- amk l hn esstinble ing. There i hardiy a -store bouse ln bd lte cabbage bit that. la not paclaed ta capacity. As to oxitons, lteco la so enormous that there la rcii t.cally no market at ail ad bee the next season arriies the grwer 131 North ER __ TRIS 'SALE WILL DOUBLE THE BUYING POWER 0F YOUR DOLLAR Begins Saturday, Nov. 2Oth- FACTORY SALE of the latest styles in Overcoats, Mackinaws, Raincoats and other items of wearing apparel. Wonderful bargains direct to you at'bargain prices.- This is the sale you have been waiting for. We art factory representatives. There is no bunk or or fake ini this sale. Prices marked plainly on tags. Each garment~ fully guarantced. COME EARLV. $15,OO Wrthof Overcoats, Raincoats, Mackinaws AT OLD TIME PRICES I OVERCOATS Big MIl Wooi Ulster Mo(-del'NNith lhaîf huItOxford Relail vilue .?50; faetoî'y gae inice......... $240'50 Othiet Ov (ieoats at. big s vnîgs iniatest stvIe~s-w~ortiî up to $6.. Faetory S-ale $34.500 $39.50 $42.50 MACKINAWS Ilre is vour chah'e to get an ai iwool Muiïw.-ihail round beit; slasli or paf cli pocket; shawi collai';$17 t a oîy Pi . ........................ ............. A leimier' weight Mackiniaw', regular liýêie $22, Factoi'v Sale- Prie........................................................ $14.75 Big Bargainsl In Hats, Work Shirts, and Work Gloires Canvas Work Gloves, 6 oz., knit w ..s........ ....... lOc ArniyARMY -SHITS ~.liri, wal wooi sllirts, two povket, froilt yoke linied; ........... ..l.............. ........ $ 4 7 RAINCOATS Amazing v alues; double texture raincoats. suitabie for cold or rainy weather. Buy now and BE PREIPARED. Double Texture Ilaincoat, guaranfeed waterpr'oof. $5075 V~aine $10 ......................................... .. ----- ....... Arim Style Raiincoaf s, Tan mith $ 7 dloule Back .. .. .. .75. Khaki'Bombazinc ieeýil arounud beit BelioWs pocket. $975 Regular price $1 3.50 .......................................... ............. DOUBLE SERVICE Twveed Top Coats, fiai> poekets, beautifîîlly tailored, sptcial $14.90 5,0 $16.50 Arm-y Officers' douible breasted $1 .5 Raincoat. Bc]tcd, special ý.......................... ... ... .... -o Motor Coats, worth $4..0, at liw factory $24.50 prîe ........... ......I..,............... e~ y rqU( AKMY t5LAiNI!LI Regulat ion U. S. Aiiny, 0. D. ail wool 57x82 Blanket, 4V4 lb..................-....................... ......... VOirey, wooil blanket 66x84, 4!/ lb Vlhîe $12.5A0 .. . ....... -............. ..................... $7eOO Corne To-This- Sale and Save. Money, E. P. IDINGER WE INUmm GLtIIAGAUMS Tire. Dootn T,. Hem Servien 111 K. Oiee St. Weikuna. lD 10Seuths Genos.. Struot. il GenteeStreet. denesee Street. EU Choose This Car As Your Car You. sill fîîîd the Dort ait aleî't agile, grai fui car that liandies Nvith delightfui case. lnusu.aIly long spriîîgs, a staiunch ifî'aîîîe, and restful îîpholstery coinbiîîe to inake il, a fatiguce-less car fo dî'ive. The siîupiy -dcsigîîed, pomerfui IDort nliio r pulls Nvith sinootliie'ss and cielivers fuît 1)over to the wvheeis 111 the finie. Anîd so stroîîgly ani skillulyis the l)a,î eoîîstrut'td tli evenin î stiffest travel dut ' , it .equlil.f eS îeeiai attention Nvith SIII w iinz uîeî'îc Tlîroîîglout the euiit ucdesigil vou it ' init ï cver-strcngth anîd <veî-size w îîenuzied- ness iâ reqîîired. Riglît .iaw w e aiîitmake iîîîîîîediate dechv- crics. But Nvee <au't gtiaî'aîîftee_ that for long. (omie ini - or p'ontîs at once about voîr IDort. Don't foî-get 0i'111- aiis Y'fi' i îîî ber. PRICES 1'uuriîîg <aî -...... l1oadstei'........ I>ourealI'tSfl î~î. . .......... . I('0îî1)('s.......... .O B.F'tîv Tibbetts Auto Company '105 S. SIîîidail Boail W'aukegan, 111., Plîoiîe 27) Auction Sale 1 will.sell at Public Auction., on the. Gràaam Farm, 3 miles northwest of Waukegan,bhalf mile north of Spaulcing's Corner on Green Býiy Road, on SPATURDAY, NOV. 27 AT 1 O'CLOCK, SHARP 20 Head of Choice MiIk Cows 3 Horses'1 16 Acres Corn in Shock. 18,Ton Tamne Hay in Barn. Few Tons of Strkw in Barn. 250 Bushels Bariey. Farmn Machinery and Tools, Wagons, etc., and other Articles too numerous ta mention. * Usual Termý-of Sale FRED GRABBE, AýWboue. JMÇG Ch N ~1 i s 0F. OVER'COATS, RAINCOATS, MACKINAWS -1 111 North 9 109 South Libe La» cou We di United Stal unirWaY soanethins Mflat is Whî cm point v ty. Akffl lects Wn milliondo cowity like laInfa-, more to Lu Iaunched N in Lake Cc two standp fore. TheC manufactu tL. case of oducation i tai the wor e&k,cationi ThIus two enons way, ever thic tlat 1 fliere isn'l which wo knportancî would rait Heaven as boundarics reliant, sei iutaoOur i inoters of a site f or WE HAD might mdi This Countys that two 1 without si is a compi rngbt aloni "lit can " *STc 04 à"

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