Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Nov 1920, p. 12

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It's Hlere! Acomplete ELECTRIC 1me m .111 . .......... Wash, in~je IMNIII.2 L ..........II $ '.0e i Ouar irsi slip. ment is gone The-machine that will hit the pocket SThis complete Washing Machine on dis' play and demonstration every day at- The North* Shore Fixture Co. DISPLA Y ROOMS 220 Washington Street, Wauloegan, IR1. -in the Conrad & Large Furniture store. Phone 1654 and we will send a machine to your home and' do your. next week's washing free. An nouncemen t-- We are glad to Say we have taken over tfie business known as tbe. Lake Colinty Battery & Ignitioný Co., and will conduct same under the original name- Colwell Storage Battery Cos 16&llMdsaSet Pline 2022 ARE ARRESTEI> 1W TUE LOCAL POLICE Two of Them Are Charged with Having Threàtened to 1"Get"ý Local Policeman. COMPLAINT BY WAITRESS. Titres lallora f(rom the Great Laken station Ver placed Under arrest la 'im Monaay nlght .asd *pent tue Dight Ia th it îy W jThis Moru- ing th6ir cfeea were cOntiftUsdi for ten days 'and they *ere reinoved te the. coiènty jeul. 'rwo ot the asuore, George Caleu and Hector Chili. were arrestea Iy Policemien Lyonn andI McD)ermbtt at 16:40 p. m. Accordinte the police itue ivo lallonewere in the Liberty re- Zt.UrMat.116 Washington Mtent. 'à heY verse harged. witb being drinlk nDm SaWearig ng th1e presesice of a wo- man0. Policeman MeDermott warnsll thema te be quiet or lie would arreat Iflul. A littîs later ilIteolficer vas valt. ing in Waahingtî n street near Cen- oses street wht-n Uic Iwo salions ap- îî,caChed. - "There goei the - . let*a get Iîu"one et liii sailors said. At thée tsaiue tinffi the3 ralîrd to three sailons across the treel. Policemtan McDer- înott calied te Policeman Lyon, who was standing on the cornet andI the tw-o Ratierona eiplaced under sI-. rest and talcen to the police station. At 11:.10 p. tu. >Policemen Dîsîkus sud blihM arrested Edward ONsîl. a sailor at the Royal eate. He was se- rested on complaînt of Mrs. H. Boit. il waltress wbo aaid ONeil had In. multetI andslapped her. At the police station th1e sailors cur. sed the police in general. the off icers wiîo arrested Mlent. the town andI miats for about an hour. Tbey wer renoyed te basement relis. in plice, court hlsis mr.nfg the court fîxed the bonds in the cs% of Vdien andI ChilI ut 1100 earh. MNel waa plaoid under bonds of $1500. FARM -TOWN S ÀAR E LOSÇIN4fiOUT, SAYS PÀSTOR'S SUR VEY Fans C.îy, olî- f t0fhe out. aitanltlng ftescu res cf a Etr%ey of sec tl coniditions lin rur;l coninuniies of the middle weset 11vL. Il. firkleatd, pastor of AU 'Soiîls' IEntarlan ch'îîch of Ibis clty, la lite dêcadence of 1the country town. The. survuy Is bapcà on obserance in,- ! by Dr. Ilirl:he àd lu riore than 'in tsi nn.slunIllin,,i. , In- n(-3o!a. Stl tLkQaIowa, 5!ii'outi, Kazins, Akt .Nebaka. Cclot- ado and WIser.-nýi'. ,!. iële was on a lerture tour. D, Pi tIkliead I.o in -~n active >soriai mokpr' conmunity pi.3Mnitý In>each nit the 4o'vns andI taase, arefi i tqilty ia. ta local conditi.oris ;j orier 10 niake h!' lectuîre!,,pert!nên'. Almest everyuliere. Dr. flîrk!hiat rePor*ta. 1the £ouintrt tOWn 18 51111cr !osng in population. or lit bareîz' hoitling lis own. In.sead of beibg the captai ofth11e srounding farmîn;; district, the country townl la out l.,sed 11v the tfrmers. iI one rom- hîunity 90 pier cený of the youiig peo- Ne went to te city. llie country town mereliant. at- curding te Dr. Birkhcad, conducts hie bu.s,e..q by time-worn methods. and thi. mail order bouse takes lus jlar... lOn the other hand. Dr. BilrkiîaO 'aa>s, the farmer la wide awake anfi Progresive. Co-operative enterprises arp sprugtng up everwhere. tirpat lande la taken 10 the scitools. tir. 1Blrkheac'iq eurvey shows, but In Pi erv town there wtrefetrontone te five dead cliorches. Sonne signa etfà, isrvement t0e etahliph ccnimun t/ chiirhea were sp tîrn "I', two grpa peed of the ft% are Iffiter enuloî.ed biome4 andI gooni ro D< r. Birkbepad maya OFFICIALILIST OF REAU ESTATE TRANSFERS Pumlished ly LAKE CO. TITS.E AND TRUST C0. Maonlo ldI. P%eMs 4 Pive realty dpals over the weeir- nil aie reîîorted by T. J. Stahil ana çonipany ias folows: Ludwlg Schmidt, 215 Fiast treet NI . 0. Atterl.ury. druggist at the store of his brother. Carl Atterbury. Property of Mrs. Nellie Conrad ai t'.% 3ay treet to Jacob Brenchlch. Jlacob Goldsmith property. corner of Shieridan Road andI 12t11 treet. Northi Chicago to John Kukar. Five acre farm at Beach bclonglng la Stella M. Bogue, to Joseph A. -Pot- oc ky, of North Chicago. tlenslow property at 716 North ave nue, teo'Albert Clark. .10e Hucker andI wife to A. 1. Amann, lots 3. 4 anld 5. Smitt's sub- diviqIOfl. Round Lake; warraflty deed; NovembOl' 18, 1020. J. A. Jarltb to J. P. anld Katie Jadrich. lots le, 9 andI 10, block 69, North Chilcago- warrasty deed; $10. Frances ÎPriard andI bombandt!ot Roae Priehard> lot 18, blockI 5, High- land Park; warraflty deed; $6,660. FOR SALE: OR RENT-Farrn. 10 acres. east of ox Lakte. Illinlois. It Yen want a fart cone andI ses nme no,çw; clear tle. H. J. Nelson. Laire Villa, Illinois. W kly.lit log South Genette treet. Northern, Il'@. Greateat Store For Women and Children After Thanksgiving Coat -Sale Ceati<te $30- Coats to $3 7.50- Cmat to $60- 95 24!! r-- Th1e seuona greate.4t 8scling event. Long, shîort andI wrappy' coat.i arîch cloîhi and tIpuAhes- plain and fur trimmel. After Thanksgiving Dresa Sale Dresses to $25- Dresses te $30- Dresses te $50- . Extra.îrdinarlly low pt icei pie.vail on band4ome dx,.ïs' of grepes. woi jericPys and taffe.ui. r.*' i te, a aatln4 After Thanksgivng Suit 'Sale Saits te $35- Suits te $4250- Saiti te $65.- 18 ~ -27~ -45 Your greate't -suit oppor'tuntty is here M Sic newm models,plnanIur*ime1i the seaaon'a ment popular fabricis. Harry O. f1 daniage sag pltotorapiex cordlig to ti ,m hi@ plae tors' sud "'I in Theis1Ne Warren deCl -bis "beUcftt John Mut ployed, bu t arreated iii Truday ni sleepig t u Under the tui Corne and get your's be fort III Ln MMY 0I Charles Apple ceased Sui Terni lck ouIît PC ville bas reee and D. A. Haut committe. sueml app1icaiit. for tii. tendent cf thé.-, eest Scluyler À lte Lake Countj ChaîrumalWet potated Charles ,deced. to«ti board oW supervi wben it meets I Il la belleved appoîntment la t be ai least a dot pocition. A tari aspirants are fri SA30cIES DEAD U! Brother of Vý While Desp Suicide o lut- Sun on 'th ie news i De Lacy of Sot beét cailed 10 tte saddm de& llam GUL qed had ssaccumbed The foiloVîni the Oun today &boctk vien a iearsed tie re era death: Fou du Lac. lli bealth. V.illl a qehalge e1tit -effoutted nuli ttiroat with a r Gili. Who w knoov by reasa -of the Pour f. and was found ln,-e in 'the yai ear ta car. The body w &Dugan undel be beld Outee daîstr. Airs. Bir gan. Il. A rrangemieni t b. funeral 1c church, Fort d 200Afl The vedisa nett and Miss plae lutheOô at Mion Homi, There Vers 2 the eddîng i It vwu quiet ai mony. As tii tened Meudels vas play by bearer, and Je Richard Borte Ir. vawu tII VOIIV14 the 1 nihde to thse refreeiimmlls The. Owese ed.tua bomÊ willov sait 19 baquet et vi Vas deoot. and ithe Von beade. Mir.and Mr V Zon Hom*, UNrJ

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