- wroettage, wers feun 'aient tii he OlU invalid. Ne g.inad *.trance .ote ~tei. ilrly ot Bd-i" a4I thou, on the pm.txt that ho de. vsed hlm te go te ZMon. and h.ie - sixLL near litre a week *go* u uiIg slned ta -um1aueaoiS Aip.rne oswywt ooeanI d motor voie. ocaloi ad era, 5IJfl~~~ jnghi* chancI hoa ibapfd upon tb4t named 34rM. Prkor, 2108 4abit., ave* ________ ~,uaè wmi~wm.ana oackc, cIamIinshi* band 0ve..Mité. H li. ht ebdiv Çondù4ted uy WILL iAM;eJWbOÇ4 Oa't ce Dense ha. mouith sa.that the. çould net moka aM Parlçêr'sa ine s aturda.y laet. W'OMAN IN ZION C nTY ; ery. As hoko.h ico ho Tesdayn afte ome boic.30 M rs.Jo AWTETRSYIâIm trBim". ferTStLk I uoW~.ro gribbed-up atieaVy pocke tilinoisbtEnr ventUtuuheah. ie,:ofli John " itaeutm a.ffl bal M tel i eo ou goio h neadrpotodly. In har faible way Muson la 55 yeara of age. elle cas i, avdatanig St., WM mblàla Lad Arre8ted for North Chica. aho tîilratated hie ffort#. ^1Aili ebr parle1 r.wliîen Ganer entered the,_______________ 96g Theft IMenacod by Me n 0 jerai wa iflgasnde hlbuefojer oaiwi. ~ & 91 11.ton in Its t.y;' FeW tba 14Xj woula ravali CWb4ýd1.a who Threaten Lynching. br'aat. I:filriated bocause aho tried O er i 9iiolult et et B 1. lxner lmnaa N. Stts Equal Hur r. inoJ r !the Caw run - ~te reaéisi. thamoron grabliad h*ý by a.4 h.ealied eut: 91 52 1O 41 6___ablhlet Wb" the pihsw rc b.toilwint la the complets tory the. nock an6 awung hier h.ad agaînat IhinKa t Mer Noluaband. 21 17 Ill16a 18 14 4 84 27 st Miueety nùuuldene "a lrefct»t the attack Made by a young colored Ia les 0ofthe bed ilti1 ýha biet lhar What are ycli dcii honte su Il16 18 Il 9 18 29 25 '20 27tienloaibisys an naAui dltlncs-. nlAvroelieteil e&mtwytln béve NhIortht Chicago on an Mged real- i.to iraen*ibiiity. Than ha mitftat. eaLrly?" tbunkngtat It vas lier hua- 23 18 14 '20 .22 16 16 19 31 15 hottiiyerlubt wtte Algsaiiobtda.rclat dont or Iton City, as prluted ln Thea dlher. band who hall returned, hombe troin 8 Il 23 18 13 22 25 22 nat il o .lncraad, tItI. inor-nglt tIoiiOatSn4 uct- 'W!qnkgau »aily Sun of Novamiber 24; <Garner taid lie thouglit the oid wo...m worc. .226 3 1 16 26 18 3 7 mation conilng-front Oinar H. Wrlgi B n l =aabl a peint àa sort di. * foiwng two attempto to break an wa-iad, but ne ho atarted . (Garnfer thon. sskedXlIrt. Mamon if 5 S_ 0»L25b 10 19 15 Il of Belvidem. dlredtor of finance intnce fraiS the bu rs thie w. rok- *tt iaZo ali nêfr .inhlaave hia vlctim trugglad tea àaSttig shehad any chickena to] eil.. VWhto nov han a cotortabie vin. 'the adinisltration of Gorernr Loy.Me 15dlacoTUId ryti«dy b>' a tAt*Ùà ilet GamOr, tisa liaiI'Oboy eflttud -poition ajlSb@dt cal coa ht 8.ahO"No," and, ordered the col- .a4-lu skIe.117 Mr: Greenwood aug-den. Var>' ew testeaualuy cdaim -famrii. Aboard, waahed aabrafron% dia sd Ddd W4t h vin . attecked an aged nvalid bIt en o m h t a e c ud ored lad oco fte iebouge. geistkit Iis la ett thons3-8. BU la ta u nob a record b eetua. aterwar the Wiakage bals. lotbli au ed in d i u a d.* I cb c woeanaa f.nug tata mredat.-I ctiJorislp.asahvra ma ore Mrs., Magon thien turn.d brbcathe UnCibrclopedia. pDUO 460 var. 20; effect5 bave bi'otgbt ira a~ it sud tiis led searlera 't~elee hn Unati sd POthfp5 auccasaur attOiiit ivrking on a brick fowsdation fext and Carner iesped upon ber. tc H mae.,bt ialt 5ea i fo t a. axpeat-'noualt yIvitln. rond.tlal.bdiat'aoamouauotaepan EgO eaud . md tniht.tia n *-den.dragged lher ltttia badroontand a ILt. kattotu1sut The' lero oud..fttb. ittotd w degl. ie mhêade ton bght elieanaiuo . e.iiê ut~~ 4na pauflercetriuglOIthon ensued. Garnor b--ere lMr. 0. pîas1-e 3-6 gtlesaygli H&20 wu reouTj< M chig visi teo cc. wams a te W.ulcasan and cauaad hlm ite ha upon lher, draginghaer back hy the 'hon oveitoford be, as 1ri lalci! c.-'Aterelie litle-Oo4or lifkad up in the county jail. liala heels. Thon ho boat hair ove. the heed watt Dot stroiig cwjug te ber por «-Witht White acroas tiseboard, 1qet o rsorâio 01.md~ otIli oi otae.mao bosg hold *ithout bonds. Tt od.with the O.archllght untli ana îay bat.- attl ovetmtt qam; i en pO! tifaI aal agemnbetwehav tii o hie ag*d.victîfi l auch lth uat Thea nagro aya ha flgured ah* T a dt hke OvardlMniad. i t5st, iMT ae osslelb. dra, forutadeprctinloflianred ndthaen fi leaa'd the Colinot aurvive. waa domd. Ma sahd ha plannad ta kilO oadt h strlîaeuî ylr boeaeptulo8 heagis cft thesrlous stata activltles. twica Tueaday night mobale ri ed t eo hona at athe coutld flt jdantify hlm Gainer thon, pickcd up a tbe éirflash-______ KaidtesartgaedL Ont tW nanr honn al.and tILy giath f .wa ad ith .fldht ievoac'lnjved i Probleux No. 105. By Wm J. Wood. "GOVqflor Lowdeai bas lineLad thaï. Oua ota ibod an ae and caid restd. He di'aggad h. hloto a clostt ha wn .le r backvsuuu appropriation requets .muat lie kept - volntiOna t. fOllOw hlm te the and aiamed the Oser shut on lier. Ud botislber eyeai acre Oaton anid Athelb.minimum and that ench item *"#eatd bli the boy. n bth Wisn the police had has. thfulbisd r.Mantobeme un muet lie Cai-efuli>' consldored inluis ys cOtise police auccoeded in dimspers- cnesOnteri ntvn that congelous and Garner scized lits helpli- relation hoelthe uecesaary moellaeofthélB ll cofsinte i o odilegs victint andl dragged ber loto a M4ZN/ a -tate. Wilalt nwbdgtal)po *liqi"a cwdebuty: ket ath nefétWàas modeima:tMe Ma:: ttenhi...t.un' g»>&Mb5Nithéfe bdgefthela Be l @ ail aaght. hrar oeldgits which ae left;hber uhere sud trteft lsedai Vide for moderato saay adjustmnents . Tda thy gtr tppd of hata er oaedupon the An ayWii liese h tt qist mc.w on fot in Zjcn, lad Anoth pite.heur and a half later Mn. Magson rand veth tota a>srpialmt Baveai lmon Wocama Ihere from Garneaet yaterday ha was 14 cam1 haiberontbis verk. He ta ale eMegoi tthnx ogsa e outhb whera negro lynchînusare~ . years ci. Haedj d o a.t he brckayer by trade. tir l7heutes cedthuo aa somsmat, te organize apoafî waa 16. Asistant Slate's Attorney Fnd0Wq37CIae.tvoyearsa go, the excellent cash oe ra* te 9torm the jail tonight. Tie Oaane la ooking up hi* record n On enteîring the bou" lbe'Io'ited dmoai dflln the, stato trsgsury wiii. more £[ lilla 1anet bult auffltiystrong -other ctiea. aMoufd for hîs vifle sud afler a time iian tait. care oftthIi ncreas. and lie ht~~~~~~~ardauant, neige ln the lteLoa Chcg T lp on th wthstand a determinad attar md Pareled tg relatives ta.,-, Sa'urdaY 110ada apig cloisDivision of Cash. fer that reason t waa decided tersmh âtrter heing breugit before Judge closet. a bort o aPiion th dcer.. Local Chicahestade'Teleathone the nègro here in an automobile thiP Persans on the Charge et isvlng brok- He pened the dgl uad roud bis =9 - t40 c~ ensrthb$10 aluat t a. This iak on. an juta the RedFiroent Te.s store at vifs lyittg ln a ie.ml-ceouCOSa 5151. Back-. 8. 19,23, 24,K93 li $10 vluaIon T ootçso aeby the YOlt North Chicago sud stealing 11130 Her condition vas lruly pitiable. asWlite-11, 15. 22, 30, 32, K 14. waa a reduction, or 20 per cent frontirctr te tise cooltt and mot matter-ef-fact Scot Ganer. a 14-year-old negro lad lier fac e vas brutali> marred sud ber Blackt te pay and vin. ilie prevleus Year sud 35 per centi «tannar Poaliewaa ont Of the maIt vent te Zion City' Tuosday sud nov Lai body wattacre -ndbr- d.Onti. y14 cents ef lait years' raie vent.- *awmome avar hoard. lu a more aenjoua pra<lcament titan A clii) as then put in for Ille po, Pblam No, 106. Dy1 Wuit. J. Wood. lioolte geceral revenus f und uaed G~~~'ff Tisa boy told of having goeste two lror>exaec. lice and ou arriv!ng ou tihe spot they - for general tate. purpffea. 'Wile 23 Press oAon~ - lia ioua, Inttao ataknga Garner, vite came ta Nortb Chcago itiîeiteytlt O o dano-~rnis vent te lte. Comunonlcol and .uMaa,Whutla bah a aaaho waa da- lu Septmier front Anderson, . .,clion o! the asSailasnt. A boat ivrem. nvrl> f liosfld u ~4dbcuaho thoaaght thé, wemOn vas arreated Ini lion Cty >eserday to aeaogt lrd peuplcna e otheo lnvaarafoînd any ~r t, lrngfr lmt.bodi.atter, ik;la clarlie. heentared l. the >> ~vrebeugthe furtber reductio tlis yaar muaetu .Thoen h cama ta tisa hom.eftithaibone Or lira. Jonn Mason, 65 yesre lMasait home. necessarîly corne dut of te revenue oiyutýaifow rab t ld aud su invaliit.asd attacked lier.' n. Niaaon tuesa lùeusitfd <GarneriCW Q£und, but vOIta cash balance in lb., dor Bect arCherofoiceo, 'mca the lulty Persan., Ganr w as ün -nth sat res yof aiproxi. to move, or if there are any doeBce.Gre, lo hough mI>. nuaad tute epolice station 51 il maite)>' $16.000.000ad.1sd ,touneb- a youth. l large for bis age, entared aPed sud Chie! Becker put lm - "" normal appropriatlion neoda of tc ther thehborne ef lirs. Mason vhîbe ber tirpugh the. tiird degree. mae-o*- aat o ti ea lnuut changes that should bc madje hueansd vas svay. MAr the attack He ccoiftfesa t he crime al aepsil ardc tl ute h lb olc ayhohstbs iti ace cleau breasS cf evarrthing. ,rdc 11trie i in your telephone listing. th lce stn, lie, bat i dae vedfI rate l 'i a al re mtofhor'__ 'L general state purpoeies andl uAppoI1afoC r, i 'nv ragti "; 1 1 les* 'lie all tre aor bougieW yet leave an excellent voring bal- nc s hoursI'latcr îie .uguanal. plls-alat iL i nt5ait home. Heiuquirc. Black-5, 13. 22. Ka 7, 8. 20, 23. 31. aite li t the reasury." ~I,1poe 9 0 * clans mp.y itaI lier condition la se- aIibat place if tiey badlat> cu;ga 'o Wiite-18, 19, 29, 30,'32, Ks 1, 9, 14.on 990 ~ «',a. t uaimf sel). Titis, of course, vas 0517-a White te play snd vin. e J .5 LC u e O"t É te Garner la sali te have adnttted "ýbluff." , 'ru, z. i r l gW« »Imdl h eoemveras te crime. .ProbienNa. 107. By Wm. J. Wood. i c ,' ; ~ e Ganer hald beau ln lait for seversi Scott Garner, the 16-ý,ear-ohd negro a ' i'l .il~CHCAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY days after lieing mrated at North utoron' vie savagely iattacked Mis. ýtti. li iIt - impe The Wà M r to Chicago sud lia aUtborltiea ver. at John Masan, an eldorl>' nvalld. 1 > ai g a.mo"r- Iw .hn ppd up Chrmîas Presutsinil a Bond hlm bacita Zion. leavhng le nschaIlia t - imhoi eil North itii'0t. but teen nrelaitves condition tikt reste for lier recovery promlaed tealaite carseoethlm Judxe #te entertaineil, vams entenceil te lire Persona reloased biat and ha vas -ta lmPrisonment Is tise itate reforma- --~-- -.-. -.- report biaikte 0the court an apecIfied tory aI lPonliact vbeu hoevas air-_____________________________________________ u.7uId .occasîinste show ho" lhe vas gettiîig aiguod beere Judge Persons luate z a ai ou. Aad nov cones the lion Cty counLY Court Saîurday merniug. 1111111 Ordipanlly a youtb sent te l'enlise v fut6*amEua f~. A, report front Mon. Tu.da>' nit l tic eprt le bas vas taI lte Zleutpolice, alter yard aervea s ew yearsat 1tise reformalory, Md à"slU ow 5 liaitabout lie allact ou tise aged but Ganter viiispend the reat o e Is dkiem * ~j*, ounsu, vers coing W0 mova te boy tilr. there if officiais cf the lust*t Btak-6. 11, 13. 18, 22, Ma 3. 7, 29. A Trai for Every N eed of the D ay to the Laite county lait bocause lbey tien fotiav the necommcndathuna or whiite-1o. 20. 29, sol Ka 6. 21, 24, 3i. foared an atenspt le lyncbhlm. Hov- the lecai court officiais. Judge Per- Back toul~aay sud vin. ... ever. bie vas not tatou aval front sans sud Asistant' Statla Attornd>' M lon unîili bis maso vas calted up Iesue recounmended ta tthe béads et Solution la Problein No. 102. By W. onl today.. the Pontiac reformalor>' thal Po pa- j. Weed. TM M PRMTold t. Go t.elion,. rosha grsttted tu the yeutb under Etack-7, 10, 14, 17, 22, 28, Ks Il. 25. Garner bld te police 'ruoay any cajtidoration. as lb.>' poin'ed out White-19, 21, 23, 32, Ka 3. 12, 30. Ho funt Whoewa t154Jak h t eina 1715e. 2o16the 5 21 14 do3- 1418 T HEtRplay M0dSE R V IC wunigtrlitIbiNota vhi4paI 04 Jck- ltaI e a ape- n1o!16b.416o21 dan- W1i1ta18TeHEla>' O F dERiI. !5ý Co. slaated litIhbahbai beau arreatad ia "Thons l no ealon-te believo tbal 15 24 23 18 10 17 30 14 '2631 Nati Ctlag-trtaaaiu m a~ Gerber ever vili ho paroi under 16 19 14 23 a le 3i 26 18 22 I>tik Co for De mb ia8. athe latiet prosecutor alt! "Itase no reasokn gSolution te Probleil No. 103. B>' W.Taist Ch ag DayasFlw : ------------- le aligea, a Mise. Peaer. trut vb>' lie authonities et Pontiac aboautit J. Wood, ristoC iao aya-Flo s diaregard agir recornrnndations t e BLck-1, 9, 12. 18 20, 23.Lae onttLIsnswthArv ruse a parole aI any tinta." Wt-5, 14, 37, 29, 30. U2 . > brtLei ztis B 1, Cits.Circa Whou Ganter firalvas arnetd ho Black tetopa i d Wb %ttatdtiat haevas but 14 years obi. 20 24 18 27 27 32 27 23 g3 18 5:48 il. M. 6:05- a. n. 7:25 a. m. ~I  T T t ~To. have metad ont aucit ever. pua, 27 20 32 23 95 22 Il116 10 lth6:8am633.m755*.. -ýW V t &NTLE D - Intimantltoso0Young a boyvouldis*e S232 9 27 32 27 12 16 198115ote61am :3am :5i lie«' Impossible.but Garner tdmit,30 13 2 15 2 018 1FIl Bum7ss6:48 aM.7:03 a.m. 8-.25 a. m. If lbe ever gSot»î.juté oytrouble le Solution te Problern No. 104. E' B- :1 W. .733a.n. :5 . s M.~fcublID 'asern tie h vas but 14 y'aao.~ oi 7:48 a. i.. 8: 16.a. m. 9: 38 a. nm. eh. W.M-. lIa ait!, boeva>', uaI ha as ovar Blact-1, %7,8., il, Id. 19, 20, >24. K 29. esvryhiho>1: U. M. Daenammnpdateiy tilat! a Witl.-S, 9. 13, 17, Il. M. 37. 30,.19:8a .1:0a.n.125.n. A d.tpi. ellnquency pétition against h ilmuIn Wite ta pIay snd vin.1939.m10 3a . 12 .m - wt-PA.all , eaîtER tceaast oll'h* ug bt pouding 96 19111 s 30 $122 13 1 10:418 a.mI1:033 a. mn. 11:25 p. mi înyour lit«a atisoei tg n wul Jubave- betci nalPoaSi onSi S4 31I:8a.13.12:3 p3'n'1255 . D Toua faim 'AhallKlta ont eeout, hua oistsnlng 18156 1024 180 322 8 1 1010:48 1 n.1:033 a. mi. 1:55p.m. wih bils rmlit mGanrtan rtagdl peainntits S"* g If Ar. tii. Man W e Want forhemaction banafitKra" cour t . Vrt Uoii"2 1 .n.123 .n. :5p n fagimnbuildingst evghtlng dalsil.«Mhe Inty. Il1:48p I. m1:03 P.nm. 12:25 p. mi. area Ias gad pntr vlba intcaasreer>'a!tani eabudIll,@toy nthig .I~I f1: 18 p.ni. 1:33 p. iL 2:55 p. Mu. yul atasaiinvesri-thearnaitteetlaourr or IfY u A'rttbthe MnlusuWaes su raiatin . » Btt axe e i "' A5Wi12:48 p. 1 M:03p. rii. 3:25 p. m. Imov extarir painbti tram A ho Z. hMnehoaisaemted about to falat. He ThenIuiwu~~ lc every haif hou> to: Teua aemotW atraii ofialitial laboer but cm sa tottîtred ton a momnt ani thon reeaed DIBJ l!WL3I 4: 18 P. iT&4:33 p. Dm 5:55 p. nM. yoir banB i ai l as jour liandia. . idava>'a.et Ha &Mata grab pIl id t: .t av lia bsiessabut> b tak etiuate o lie rllpg a fon O!t~ebecliF% the, 4:48 P. DL 5:03 p. ra. 6:25p u lia r ai otb youaateudmoka; et.. l hereby aavingbnth>' rrom fslllng 1te 'rieremaina o!flire. hoMe. Albart 1 .z'53 .M :5p ers. 'fou ara Caable o& baadtlg vbat vI Aiont . taefleun. Blaarus. vitoma dasie ouva sPMfb r518p 7533p i :55p. m. 10Tisecrime foer mii Qsan r t Edgfiet4, Waalî..Oct.26 sud via.& ,Pry 5:80 a :6 .n teabmuaia otf>oun ovn. Gaaaubî pnlyvsoanr o lsWUa.a plongeri!reelifeit cftrnet hir at :41.D :6p.n.73 . Yeu le ib aked tema"a no invealmnent. Wo i tuth daspicable latua atsane o! hetownshiarrivai ith WbutOea sTu«>. 6:1.Il. 6.-33o: p. ni. 7:55 P. DL requin. a doposit cf net tb excead $10, vitWb" . Crinelau t c 0Ouit>me a amnittld ' i. h vyh mt :8P u.d :8 :1 bt Il beo eber hoe ivtit tise ~taT~afmrihneand 9:48 1p. dL ai6wd cc oitemal te. uil 12: 48 a."ni. rit>. jhis deposit la sobject 10 recaL delibenataitentWçsu atcin e.WhieBd d> T"taca ut home on atra Ascie rea n4 aIa linr, anoditheactiv od ii aWlemiarsitihm .culliurisî ot place u ina btVteavCM- erulsupot fporseW*g rglh a uil<î»*Qmbmty. Aian attqxs- tm enfu supor O!oursetl~5 t'gitlatln. ng lber liaéis'aged lier mto s clothéoas Mn. Stear-i uaboauat Eutekla)d., -dopa m a igýaute iador ast. ~MeM.and, vas 49, Ferslu m m tu You a m FArc en, th I'zu0 x)nta 1 $1 alit a Secli About - tina as sa er site caime Bot 1.811!y agalat iui. lien co6adi- vils ber pargenta. Mr, mi li rs,. Ob. Eah uim «itlI tilt a enticai sud lutla frei art sud Relie. Vu». te WaIi'fsuig. sh iMay die s ag aut of!lber tan-l al bipvhre mita ^ natldai.for usas> ma1- j~ts.1 - ." -4 W---- ti-.ý L D13AT1 5OYEAI j~Time Approachei Betore Half C be Unusual Rock Ilaand, Nov. - emlng vbenibath Wiledl uPon le lave cf porions uutier 8 Dr W. a. saisif ou edbeore t.e Sot Commerce. lPn. %adenorgeli faS or tice Mark. Thero e, n h. iulil. cting beari Cier erganhe tnoubi as old agi- dl tvhich many pellc itscolahf!, repu, eery Yeaî of tho-ý tur-,cof ,l agi' Dr. gailcîlit ne lv mod s atd pa(a.1i1' tffîl i a n ad il1 a aîetI-rliair., or mature, tisi-llig (W4i wisiria ira-at Per' venta-ibl y)Pi-r a arn-daysa-rtcea. hi Iu tii' ast 25. >i' btas tnerîasa-,l 47 Pi disease 32 par cea - Etjalel'thes' diif * ng by .leapisu d ho tsck the varnlng 8) the lalman la- put ltae dorlai' * These coutld ho. jargi- extent b>' 'biaphyaical velta parison t ieeen t] and tia pnaeiig "tuncle Sams la loi poirof!mauhioil lmt i;tese aute I r md rmada' te do a mlantin'!.' sauidDr. 1Am In ofavnnt "Tba- lime la- romf oner .wti ho rallilai gale ail destin o! * ystap f agep -'Matri'p eOP)î'di, Inu li.' untr. thua ment. Pateumntna t.i,-rulo-ha- hird. cilh nnqluehnf th DeathtRate- "Tishe deatb rata cause l fg akng Il la.vig thae@vho rirontnentl are beaut On the quest ion iimiter declanadth I w linte nprodu *t bea uegulatad usisud lumamîl>' a Uiaestisa figittla te". criasoof a tinteov vwr lt titan. viii »t b. ea olft 10mcl Mdnifguresmaire remuit. b. deelaiid -~Am 1 la tavot' o .«T sanla- tavan of degfenerte Chili "On. percent Of tise United States i tutiosfer tbe RKs sa WIIICII Bi Nortl ,Adas. N second snla-ersar Slte arisltice bai H. Gadali>, Princ itigi ichootla 1»t van paint la no lo, titougi lte tresti been t-lgned viti. Mir. Gadai>' ha, cluaien lta!doein tois have gone ciasaroot. fHe i thal iteneatter cý bareed' fronthlie 'w-la.painted îlac otier extreluies ila ne Ogeni a ente itle ha-hntc'l tit e1 tic school talh amting linte nt te. have as mut Yarit isterli te u I for tttuiing tei low tie knees, t it iatede ac il Il la numporeil -w-men persist a starteg fer ti, dresa ceuser. WELL Pi Sprtnfgfleid.-I Of Illinois are fa theur verk, than poste, accordins b state dePartmen -Figures CO!tUI * -showv hast of t ers in theBoCo 1< va> bas beau 55mi of necoguitati h Idition tetheir htave bad twlire leua) ciools, 35 t" lu norma~l sciol o! lie total n -table ashows 88 ales, 142 atheni 27 apent six YE teacienaattend