Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Dec 1920, p. 3

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rend ýlQng the shtos *gMo. rbe t.uieg alocales seda. ce Done ;w wor' ý,s Essu. Theti blecp a"s lçgt ~1b hone - abut c any -madle IANY )ay a. m. 5 a. mi. 5 a. . a.m. a. mi ~P. Mi. P. mi P. Mi. ~P. Mi. 5 P. B1. ~P. . î5P.n p.iw 5p. . l. Mi. ~P. ni. 3.9:8 8 . n. Time Aproaches Whefl Demise S- Betore Haif Cintury MIB be Unusual PrediotiOn. Rock lnnd, Nov. 17-'The Uie i. ç eonig wben the coroner iWMUI b1 Waied upon ta invesitiatQ À*1! doatbs ne. persona under 60 Ysafi Or aq Dr '. '. S'aito iaopdi. ed before the. Rok amd habe or commerce. Vr. Rader urgosi adoption of sciep.- IMe tôt a ortihe cntrol of diseabob WILrç moral aispeal bas failed of Its mnariK. There tg a group of diseaseus that. we cent Control byquarantine. be %aid. citlng beart Ilver. kidney aiCd pther organic troubles tat are clas.'- %bas ld age diséams~, but früh! Svich manY iPeople (lie'vOung 'necouitlIr!, f'Ijl',MIISdeathha evers' Yeal ft so-(. wiso die prema- ,uey o!fssiai'j(j as.d-eae gr adici lIone, hundre4d fifty tbog- sad (5i ,111 IPf<,rP file,' agi O 60 *, aa.sqi t tt di'I-se 4o. And alo I't lwtr. occurÙ0é 1'prO. Mature, de,41hI s "r'vsry year. te ýwblrb a grpat Peori o "11d ie Pr- vented iy props'r applic<ation of mn.!- crz1-day science, licdetlared. kIn tbhe laet 25 >earm kidney diseas' tas increassd 47 Per enDt, and heani disease 32 per cent ln the United i;tates. heze diseas4e% are ineresa- ing by . leaps and bounds beailse the) jack the warning sYMPtonis by ýwbiâCii the layman 19 put on bisguoard. sais thie dortOr. Tber.e coild bl ie rciinIvented tO a large extont by PhYscal examina tton. et least one a year, and by the lndldui.l Maitali-if -srecord Pt big, physical welfare, SbOwinf com- parIson between the Year at baud« and the Preoeding Year. 'tceSam n i aIoinz 1he primle and p o fotmanhood and --901100od yMtt as thle stagê 'whore Ittlmftaine& and readv ln do' someItiilg for uli magnkifl'l.* said Dr pailer. ..Am 1 ln favor nt chlioroform nt 60*? -rbc tfeole gromIng wlsen li' cor- onerwjl blie alipil uPOn ta Investi- gate ail dpaths of pprsans under 60 yenr. o! agi' "More pPOPIP di.' of? ilarI dli-psce lInbim cuntrs than tuioany ther abl' ment. pneunionia (com- snP!tan,! tiibrtýuiocii' Ihird. bit we Are grad' uaily cnislIerlc the latter. Dealh Rate lAwerng --iObedeath rate la lsswerlg 1e' cause Itg !taklng the gusePt1b4ê and leeving thoe@who 1w race and en* vironnient are beixt fitted 10 urvilv. On 1the queRtion Of metality Dr. 1154er declaresi the time bas cornes viien the reproduction of the raCe *Mnt b. regulated If feeble-unind- nos% and insaaity are to b. detroffl. URlteai the. figt Ila taken uP againU the"c csses or manklusi. UieY wvilla time ovflower Uic buman race sMd there viinot b enoutb Cle-bme- cd oesu loft ot au guards. Wset sMd figures make tbis an inevtsi.e "msit b. deelared. -Am 1i la favor of prohibition? Tee! .1~' am la. favor of tbep-hobltion or degenrate cblîdren. toO. **Onse percent of thc poPulation oPF the United States ta qonfined ln Insti- tutions for the Inanc or feeble 11313S SiOL WIIICII BARS BME l13iS FOR (ilRLS Nouui AdamisMass -ow thai 1thé Second sflaisersary o!flthe signifl of Uice armisticebas been observ cd. iM IL GadabY, principal of 'the Drurl bilah achool. te of lthe opinion that var paint in no longer neSaary. evea thougb 1the treaty o! peace has not been signeil wîtILîGermalaY. Mr. Gadsby bas came btiste con- clusioni tisatcoemetica andi barbera' tools have gone far eiioUCh in bi& cmsrSoi. lHe bas latsueil an orsier that hereater coanietîe are to le barresi. (romn the gise panted laces. bare knees andi other extrernes in style or dres Wil no lougeribe iermitled i n slasroom*à. It lie hlnte' tisat the Younlg %sonen 01 the achool mai bol tn indignation meeting in tIhe near future. They sa>- they bave as must right as tht-jr New yark sater6 to use itosmetics, and as I or turning tUeir stlockîngs dban be- low 1the kneea, îbey say tise> have a right le do go il tise>-wish. fitgisrumporesi Ihat if the Young -Women perist a movernelit a iiib6 Stsrteg for tihe APPOintme t fa dresâ censor. TEACIERS RE LL WELL PRFIPARED IN ILLINOIS SCIIOOLS S>prinigfleld.-Publice chool îeacbers ef Illinois are f ar beètter prepared foi" t their wot* tisan People generahl>- sup- pose, according 10 offIiiaisO!flice b state depaat-it Ofeducatlcf. 1 Figurescoptfluld b>-thé. IefatfltOlu ers 1 ic he Bc)ti8tWeIla WhIch &sur- vey blas beefi made, 4M 3a»e graduate o f recogniiesi gb sehools. 41 u 54 dition 1to seir 111gb SUholtr&tnuW bave had twIo YeUr? xp 0 nc * or mal schools, 35 bave 1 he er Mon.d'ay Night's Audience Mystified by Phono gra-ph Hears famous Contalto compare voice with RE-CREATION by Edison's new phonograph- could- not tell the two- apal'te M ARIEMORRISEY, the great Amenican contrato, gave an eztraordi- uk recita to a.packed bouse on Monday night of this week at the Libertyville Auditorium. Miss Morrisey walked on to the stage and staod beside a stately cabinet. She be- gai to siig "Doot fiait Know That. Sweet Land." le audience irnmediately yieled ta the speli of her beautiful voice. Then suddWny there was a stir-a subclued mur- mur of surprise-aid a pezplexed rubbing of cye. Miss Morriiey's voice continued ta NIl the audtorium with undiinished sweetpess-your ears wvere proof off tat- -~but'her lips had becomne absolutely silent-your eyes told you that The Wbat wizardy was dis? h was the test off direct camparison with the. iving artist whkbh Thomas A. Edison bas deve4oed ta desuonstrate thut the. Officai Laboraoy Model of bis new pbônogaph wiil sing any som exactly as it was sung by tlý. utk and that bis RE-CREATION of a singer's voice. as it cames from bis womidefi ew phonograph. positively cannot b. dist sihed froni th ii.ser's actual voice, wlso bath are heard in direct conipauison. Mfiss Morisey made repeted compars7-aways with thi nemreait. k wus truly wonderful. This master achievement of the great-pizard, Edison. marks a siew epoch in. music. NEEW I2DISON "15lhe 9hotwrp Wth4 ~~I YOU casü have a dupicate of the wonder fui instmment used at thec Libertyville Aud- itorium and, if you act quicl, we cai furnish you witb an engraved certificate <sgnd y Marie Morrisey) certifying that it is su exact duplicate in tonal quality of the. instrweSt she used in her amazing comparisan; also that it wiIl sustan pre- cisely the. saie tew. We have eight of tie fanusu Officiai Laboratory Models and Marie Morgisey bu. certified every ou i otheni. Came ta aur store t once ad ask ta sec and barh. Officiai Labaratory Madels on which Miss Morrisey bas issued ber Certificates of Authenticity. DECKE.R&HETN Phone. 55, Libertyville, Illinoise 4 -.-'- --- -~ f 't '4 0

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