Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Dec 1920, p. 4

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ttaies*i. Npmier 1. Lbert> le nMru a. at Ubortyvtlk flt~as Secou4j~lmmi I~aD Natter. pR4,OOR oAmOT-DO IT ALL ALQNE. Wd, >the. prOsént states attorney'S officeIlavii béri for t*1. aew one tizat buisl nDcrle tbe ffeaershavbeem ca*hUtutihe act. It ta anid e ef tbat thse new atat'. attornsey wll sboue tosécases to thie vory limât and uend the of. ~k*ovw the. nad if vitbin ida power. Eu#weer, ve ontaw as emuierthat m ,BOXE of s urlmlna.l cases titit the. incolmbnt hashuadled, It bu m the juries that comuutted lthe ibonelZ' is, Mer tbhin the ,rosemtor himselt. Wth evidence thaU --jlkasA . eraLmas 1.rishav.ut of- Wiers Irese aiddirect reflection lhas coe e Ii.state'a =cu wbereua the Jury 4ý..f basbeentW biaâme. And rbevwith Gel.Si-he can'tsend the mon over 6 rcad-h. can just pul in the evidence anf ask jury-- en th aid himi convictions.. And se,wvile ho may M o othe best iean, juryméu can ah4hnder.and tà.iy block eeffectual vork ho m"y plan, If Ithey se dd. *"&bsd they have show% cleaires along that, lino vhich 6v been most discouraging and evon menacing. LAKE COUNTY FORGES TO FRONT -Lk. County inm rpady puslting to th. front and now takes piseini the. front ranks as one of thi e «"U pure bred stock IleQountie of thie utte. men 1cf wemlth have spent large os if peym getting together the best the. country alforde d togl.y Lake Cosunty has mn of the. best herds of dairy ît beef cattie, boss and hottes to be found in the United LICENSI3 PLTES Hundreds of Ltters Receiveti ai Springfl# Asking for Certain .#nmers. aif il: lie tl nu nu Il as t:i fi t- sa se Ca no 41 110 fàtnm Of Lake County âulaould vitheniseVesOf ~ uny of g.tting momn of tus -pure bred Wlood intoC 1% apçilistg horms, camte, sbep gsud "vine sam k onr the. eounty abois Iiow very truc ii am mnt la ésd mu" of.1stock hm. been i cmd meut matevmilny luhe pt fw ymv, athingwhih is bSnd to 61p fmn'i- 1Î.lhg949«d m u th.t comî fr051 lMe iflmde Itdp lun dm hobe l,. e k orSinachinery. si Mm-ein eIDChicago' witr lle iaa.14oper a ager wîaa ma bg vatin .ftèr the ministens association Lad con- mmd hi# prmence umr grand opmr becauso of the sandaous "M iOp f b6s personalIf. ini aving open lived with a sun mbMe wife, dSting him previoum vimit hure lut yea, ,t a4 a forcefu illutration of what the "aesthetic" folk&s à msd do. This m-On Bakiainoif was given a greater Ovationa i a riew sta wbo made hi. dehut. Managera of the. opora mined dtRs h.private life aid noe enter ini t", his ability dnup" and bha pert of theïr show. That surely Piv.. meaa ihigbt m» tohow tIii .1W' nd "a.sttic" look at 11fe.1 ~idua oomp man bout if ho Cm ësing tint cover up aul -« dmlects and snybpdy who would m»Wf at him is not MWk» Ismst itht L.trubewithh .worldtouay?Its' gpy- odiy:if ipmouinentroa.qImahesi ahlmpcdl oooidWm, h'. poiRged 1tmasm a eont aioe-rbut if ýaMn'-stubisa-loW of brumd for hi. farilyt ês.nue ho toviug, ho is. cd. a tIef sMd smntgt primmn wâ 60. 1h-Wawm mi oprsit daem't - snythiag 30 nugt, mc6q gas ho cmn snig. And 4 mtilsore ee taworM' gtdg bqttur if a banit, caugtred-bamded inlu t of robbing migb car vho eut Up a flglt sud trtiuto kbih uRd oM< ldprop= # # ut tider *10f00 bond edn li ud,*h in - gt 1h.bonds r.d o 010, trmIldu't buitemb f4Igip " ' si~mî lauah Juil ptihnoui. Do YOU thbktbia-bird iii ever appear tr1. »wovh Wlambs of X Jlutbeomm m mmuhe à 1«bufia mm*umi"yMf,? ourseMM otI Be Wu hW a. way uitisat% sU. Uoti ofIiae is i à mattS M»some lesraiuatl imaIhâ, vianthey gel or u* suc no M Om lestbe0eU#t *bqlrr l rionbisbadl 0v03 o- M becâm e i c riut ooutmted laItber viii la to bu.y tMbl fr6ed<m by paybs' a m of mouey lu 0 oqéeta bond. We repe tisa our &t@at ll l a dSvawfit to reluse Ibis m abeoume il in tb ý-4- tsaI badts vbo p,,f«oem a tio ots are tugel wbolIRyu*ddklfld, Juil enourags ri "a'a a. Ç* um cflm &Wsageo u 05±OkOIbtttliIflnel, t the om et bosineo on the et ovoborli~- mdat- uR ntofM UbliAccouçut.Of the amouacue à s Mad..........n.......... a................ s ,U ....m.t............. M.. . . r tu M do-Wi a wa.......St... .... ............. - .......W. S- Dus êouDamIi......- ............... . . - .. l ..... .0.. Pbum-00.urs-Cà* man Ran... -............... ,31 l ela osu ........ ...................................... isiu 4 Spingfield, tII.-tlundres of lattai-s ie poni-lut daily' loto the offite of 3eratary of Blate Louis. LMmci- sun from iautolote tisiougisout the gate, wbo desire liceuae numbera, for 1921, -miuua "«lnx" humeai-am. *,You aa give me an>' number bai 18, ta a tr-aquentt pies, wiich la soine- Umoi amplIfiai by "Also lias S on give nMa a lccn base etunbera aded Witt total 18J' Attaches of the atate automobile de- aî-tiIlant say nome applicanta wa catisse numbera these ames s thels teiepboue ninber, their bouse or Isola tige eeci. One ratirnai braIte- ian akefidîIf ihë àe ésm&uuuber ai-bis cabooce coulin't-lie aitotbed to hlmn. officiais or the depai-Iment asfla-4 racticable 10it tise requeota. - Germen Gets No, 1 To Sidney Gorisan of 436 Stane ave- ue. La Grange. anlueîl>' gouts Illinois iceuse. No. 1. Ms-. Gorman la kuosi- s thse "father of es automobile 15w' ft tisstcaIe.IHe wil b.lie allotteil tat nusissr Iis year. De Witt Montgomsery af this citY, fi-mer secretar>' t0 Secreta->'Of State Louis Steveniton. wlio bai ýý-lV i 920. lias maie, applicatloil for lie sane "lucky>" number udxt year. Mr- Montgomery' sé idi t have an ccident Ibis yeai- wbite drivung bia ai- witb license 'ausobeir«'13." i John G. Ogtesby; tieutenant govs.- nor, favors the,,numeËal "7" on lii auto liccuses. He bas one car regis tured undfr nuniber I'V'sud bis otliei machine under number "777." Fred Upham, 0.11 42" C. J. Doyle of Ibis cil>', former sec- retar>' of saite. Witt getlilcense numiser 10"foi- bia 1921 car. Fred Uphant ai Chicago, Ireasurer of thet republicar sational committee, will, get numbea Some of tise early applicants for 921 bave aaked foi- sucis uumbs as -24. 54321,,, "888", 99"and 2468." etc. Thie new 1921 Illinois licenseut. wieh have just arriveai. have a black back. ground. witb white numerafs. Church Jr~e PRESBItTIIRIÂN Lai C. Morgan. Pmetar. Week beglnuing Suna, Dec. 5. Sunday itchoot at 10 a. M. Oui- Sun- daji Bclool atteniance la tise lai-gemt eves-l in hehao->'of Uic cliui-b and Etill grêtng Tiser. la a viss for yot. preachlug at. il a. 16s. Toilcof tis ssorntng Ser-mon, ',The Plgiins isPars- 1dos.."GoOi ntusic. Christian Enicavor ab 6:46 P. mn Tolt, 'Pr-ogressive Living." Be stm ta attend assai ve tise soctet>' a ne' bocal. Preacblug at 7:30 p. m. Toplc o thse pveulng ses-mon. "Tise isuader- stood Silence." Board of Truste.. irlt meat aIt th -mas.e on Mouds>'. Dec. 6. The boUT pi-outl>' at 7.30 P. DM. Boy sSutsm onTudday, Dec. 7. ai tise ohurch. Camp Fis-e Girls the sain es'enlng at thesansse. lnpos-taiit. Ps-a-es- meetng Weipasday. Dec.8 at 7:30 p. in. TovIC, "Exlistion 01 isalim 40. xeSp tvo dates la mini-tse Suna Scisool Ghratum pi-opus. Dec. 24t1 and the CobllouingSeZvice Dec. III ai tise ev-eing »Mesc. METRODIST EPlrA1OpM- 5ev. C. F..KîthaureuPster. ada>' Scioot 51 10 a. m., Mioina sslpatIl 1a. m. zpvortis 'ase t 4:30 p. rm. Evenlng vos-lp at 7:20 NOTIC E OF SALIt0F PILRSONAI PROPERrV IN COOK PARK 8, VILLAGOI 0F L1SER1YVILLIL PUBEUC NOTrICE la ebera>6 s tisaI ltugos-umaca 0f au onimme paamoi sand appi-aiss by the Pi-os" aid Bossai o! Truslt« of Uic VI ai Libertyville. eI a spectal rutUà beS on tise tlft.eatb 5y ofNovei" A. D. 1920. SEALEUII) WIL B I UCEVIID by »Mai leBoari-S thse resalai meeting of niBarai-S IMonda>'. Pfeenier sixtis, 1920., Ielgbt a'clock P. X., eItithe Village Re tbe buldings 4 st-Uoturosl làe QoSk park. cxceptlngtiseivit boumthereosi, samii &tic e utces saliCook Park., «cptung thee-lu s- a- of a>' r« eàit Ins ber mE si on aI [au aul nid me rS BAis viti b eoeivodfor a&l of mai propasty. or amy .prt thon«o. ., m a#umbe t asmouiaiby a uM ro*e*for te par cent »f tht amnott ,"bat midaile pevty 0"Id bo mus v toutbs yruulees l MWl Vflwta $Mdl sal 00*patk4 on or befcrewareli!et, 19IL. 1%0 lltap boiut ooovo e ia l; te tiiot MWy ai aut tilu âmba- bu vii be p mode ot Dommber *tb, 1*80 st 8 Va1eo* P. 1K. mtet*:, Vfllw Hati Tb* meemefl bidSer or biSers vilt be irod wftbtti o4Mays aille- el<lag noumet tlé meceptaaOê of ,.,eà mmuis5md lamatS h;i %b iai-sisal 1). S. Limber>' lis week recelveai Uic folié-ving sunounsemeitý ln connectirn attb a lettes- ashiat- hlm 10 look Ui asu> of tise vetersus enitici lu pensions under tie c t secently paased b>' congres, and wouli lie pisasadIotaaid a ns- perous ta recels e vhat la due bis» or Uicm:' ATTENTION! 0F ALL E%4-SOL- DIERS wbo serveai lu the war wîit Spglu ai home os- abroai. or those wbo aaw service in tise Philippine Insurrection or tise Ciina r-elase- pedition sud their vldows. Tise late Cougresa passai lave o! tise utusoat lterest .te soiiersansd if tisa>' in eui tipir »nAn anad- ires, te Walter S. Bucisau, Na- tional Aul-deaffals. As-nm I Na- s>' Union1 Route 2 Loqiàa. Va.. ho wîilb. glaS te adisa thein fuit>'as ta tir igbIa uuder Uic nav lav. Prompt action viii mes the posasi- hie savlng of mrnay. un the nav pension commences fs-os the filîlu of thse etains. Mr. Bachau visis- as te 5aI5 tsiecograiles lu oves-> possible maines-. Write bis»and enclosea samp for repty. DAT A ADUTWA Fos-ly-tous- Conu tie u ilîluOlshave organisai condtteas ding.tbisenat year for tie pUai-poe of collectlig r«,,- orda peitainlug 10 Ibeir ioral wva acîlsitles. tise wos-kbelus dlobe.ier the generat supervision of ?isti vas rseorda' section of the. Ililuoisa statq historical lus-ar>'. Collections launmutcouties viii be dispaYýed at the -cousthouse or lu thse lisi-ars- aIthe ôdota'maL Service recorda.cftos-es-y muasul the e 'ouat>'who . esites-si theai,»>'or na-y are belue attaintS. LaItesamd 51.1i-.vitte bs-set-ice Mms vila là canîouments-or ««Maca are bain& s«ec. War ti-opbfesos f ail ears e.Pocafly 7va blé for Sutbto pis- pQMea.arc bciLOOIttteL'Sa vo ninem irn iia coun reor. vas- vos-k doueaI borne kb>' liseclt sens.. I~ý Li a--s POR IL LXOR. RENT-Frî'm or 100l acres, aut of For Loke, t»L I yU' W*ct a latin, ore Md s"e. i o. Clear tf8 R mJ. N 0.ê A. Ko Vs beigLob*eïil - .48-St WANTEt>-Olrl for goDerai boume. wo4 346Prospect avenu, lake Bluff. 4"-t FOR OALE 'OR RENT-8roi'nbme. cm~ ~~~t Mcilyaeu go"dcu- Mion. Inqi4tre et lanesClark. Plme1 801-J. - 47- GLASS FOR SALE,-WludùMoW, pate, faay!&rt..wjr hlusietc.. 41tomo> FOR SAUU-TW.O fit bleod flTC&Jo ièr mcy bogre, ain outnOl d.,Warrn Marrlgk. Lake.Foi-est, Ill. -t POI LE-SOmie bead-picked vinter applWes <good ntlugsud'Co okng &> pie.) at $2.60 per bnhiiei. soue wao 0140v by7the gallon or bmart et ca gal0* -of.. erion Stock Fasn. TaeW FOR BLE-Seerattoma ut hait SiASB Corn. i-ali toiub Parm; l1% mUlei satb t fPrairIe Viev. 44 15k BA;LE-A Qum nuty, a of on Botsu- ý shunt. Rolland Meyer, R. 1, Ltb$X- tyvtlte.4-t w -nce beat . iqufre of 1. W. Co te, L#OWTUU LARGE AUDRNCB rVESI V E IThe concert hlet the icLbertyite iAN <i(*ft0 URS Ae4siria Mçi& y:evewnisawa» èM j àuk affor. Tiségufft», iithie num. -ORES ber of' aboeutfive, buudred, assutbltd AT LAKE V IS dethtod at tie prospect of lea 4à i-actud lbe the céebrated Min Marte- Morrifey. autai 1w WatearChaposmusCaretgkerg ýUnfrad of Prqwl- Piasut, dtd kÛroid LymcU, flutt but- , aee as miProns. vag lunstore for thoa. NoIt! OIM and >9a saiss, w s.souî on., X ts MortitIey. but t*o ato. fl te! witt SevwralSIFqts. thec. -pctbomd,'audtcnoes; sud-tise, _ piaadnufuit.soiecoi o e.Playad Robj>s Who muuâacked the lia», bY. woatii- ste.Thia PheOamuniasi 'of tira. Abie. Famrvetear on# of@ brougit abouat b>'messe 0f aa mefu ai eFi rt' 1Iiea ipe, Mus cabt ic lh tood baide1eriste - rentai bdy abuta fired bW to -on tbe stage, sud utastched tiai-perI womcun caretakers». seonr r orfloicsnote for uuste, sAd tonte for yss er'shm eS touThé of Lakte avenue sud. Wesmlustir 1 tiilst lperformsance of théa miracle rond. Bbc lias fot been lviig thorae wu. latise initial number uthc pr-o- reccsstly. - Thieoaretakers bava beaie gram. lu-MgMisa liorrisey. stanidaig )Ira. AiSes-t WernIsam ansd lMr, ,baide thc cabinet, sang "Dont Thon e rjnAh à it 11ê*hiUwe.îLan." n Uli toi- of the Lakte ForestKgarage, aàDiii.! ti lt r. e htison's rc-ci-eatiou of berdisant. - own voàMe la tise midat 0f jtis oul. Tva uien i ent to the front dort- , M iss M- nsys lpc cesai b nove. yeatierat'ay and lot tbentte lu nwth s sut ,s-sswcnt on W*tllsut,"aise. pasik eys. Atb ley entere&unenaftse- -tameir 4-dâw»a - athse&astout""ed roolij-thé tliet-tereieeD by-:tiut1 audience that thse artit W5m nu longer ctagetaliers. aiuglng, tiiougi lier vice camne forth t01o ue ac p hient Ma cbasai- saeet as ever.Shie t a-aira. *riere tliey iocked a oumber eaua agia-ani the only porce*tibte uof doota betwecn theutielves iud tbe différ-ence -was tie motion of lier Ilps.:ýrbes $lBbc cessa. but lber voîce diii s-«. rbiers.ybthulttemevso 8Veritabt>' il seemci Uiat tiss- re Leybubsgit hmaîeso two sluser# upon thse stagc--two alur a .32-caliber revolver lu a nearhy c-s. but yo~voice. Foi- tic tetas orTtsey Sot teUic iiol. what arefo the New Edison Plié- Then ane uPeneai a wiudow, alit noigrapb matched thaoae froin thc living! ber eyes sid i,-d. The polir e camse artiat ao pesfectty tisatIt was Imuposai- and th-e robtiers s-led. cari-yirg osany e bi tedatnt ây iffrene. ,Th In aisabies sete fi-ouitihe tirest floos-. a i 10 dmeteat auj' d nt ufen rc. ise u . >'i-r->wil i vlitliser home today e ruten cotent fotbaece aoruces> but thsei-cal thing-.Miss o asunt er issc vie uelldb>' anm Dnt a RKfiIU¶W L Afeteappiause. vtiielif oiiowci tbis remarbable exhiiion, Water- Chspman, pianist. came iorward t10 ERE TM N M N , sbas'e tise stage witti bis feil. muai- R CTm NJ NT O rcaiste he e Edison. Again two art- losa er. botfera us, for Mi-. Cbapmnn IS ERM N at tc piano, piayed in unison w.,s IS IE VC E thse i--creatiou of is art. Oni>'by ____ -wtcbiug bise could onc tell when bis' Aiil a-i ousii ern ,munie. camerne udouble measaure. I A.amone Inieon wbi-b illbeis- ' af Ietlatlaer arclr bsrondze c aiet n o ci-ar>w11iIn, Theaconcert vas ars-nged b>' thse. vtérn ~frcé is gcommunit> willi bc r tilri of Docker & Helton. local i-cpi-a- Barringion's mensorial to cx-eervlre seutatlvea of thbc-Edison Pisonograpu mii 8 o ay ise Womns 'Aussillas->'bas reached OBITUARY tbis aecirlon -and , will go abeai wltb h Heleu Gai-i-d was bore su Erie.Pa., lb. tuaIt teus-lus. aluga fr -im -Febnru- 14. 1854, sud came wibh lier possible, lu lacS the order 1,w ual pars-cul 10Lake cosmty, lliOino l ieRybe lrdadItaxc4 ,Mss-ch, 1854. Sise united witb the M. XE.,uae br e pl or-al udInsti n ')Yu4 ehiieh etaIthe cge of 14 years. and lias next cpilu. bette~s an active meiser ever since. Tihe site cbasen b,- the anxiliarv f-tr rSeptemiser 27, 1881, isf as aa nlîc Iu tise erection oI tise mosoris athe mariage 10 Meuzo Websb. To Ibis'iPr -pàt h eu union foui- cilaIs-ou ere bai-n. two of l r -paie iedî-~ wiont survive ta mourn lier loas. as weil ase two grandohildren, Vernon and Alice Webb. hi-s. Webib pzssed awaY i- Priay, November 26, 1920, et thse age t ôt 66 yaarm, 9 moutle sud 12 daye. .PENSIONS FOR SPANIEN. t- AMERICAN VETERAt-48 LLOC short I.err Mien Jeaunie à lut ptiay. gan is itor W. on Uberty4ilte Dr-. C. N. lita father from La( Mmra.M. R. t hayes spent Fi kegan. Mime Lois Lyt "gueit Thankag The Woîld -of Recorded Music is Yours -When -you own The Brunswick ~OU would not select a piano and agre. to buy ail your music from one or two publishers! Then whymiake such an agreement when you select a phonograph? The Brunswick by reason of a wonderful ail-record reproducer--calkd the ULTONA-, plays any record made, just exactly as it should be played. and without any bothersome at- tachments. ~~ caie in arad am for yoursêlf. Ezan- iii. the Ulkon. LUten to the nmarel- ouly pure toues of the Brunswick. That'm ail»w. ak Ask to hmentBrumswick RecordmCan bcPUM edon any phonoUrppli sh te The RayuOitueand- éait Store AI Ph, c.w- uai à Stock Padin u.............,......................-.... 5000 WPmbad8Ued >b7 i t Stbth lut s-c AtejneBlëWtrt 'Y- àààP-ot <mt---------------- ----------sdSvin inst lu Mravu 19- Lilte une Wter f' 4 rs, lu 1 tb 1 rug, @m'bbYý M4 i003 g « te of Ms-g mus lta. ey1 t...... ...... ........-...... M548 2u saiSpremae. s g-oigta" tEli, aieGm-eya l ke cut -i- I Umbiltim ...1 ............................................ . JiWicoa Up tue groude nuc nS MdtouaiD tv4s. day i a bg ae ceuI>'*h Uns ihi. Presédesil of thlLaIe VIlla TrustMsua ss-nsuDBak, do bishugi se0M s e iave thse osanethurslat du tsasias a 15 ec sur *ati.above statorcnt l in u o 10ths est aiof m n olgo In50éd' dabus outim. ueoO F. M .EU34NFreldmp. - A ib his lth dey e oolr ,titis.1rhe t'l tei- ovot0 P. I 'm.m i D. m 1tkc(from s in aisly a fevW é IL T - X 4 ZUPTW mgo. Siorli>' aftri-: echil opi gc am vr uto .mclis tub " dY of Novembher @*PWuPaP tus emms-heie- o to MO h o rne- frawcStole 110 -.1159.00 10 Double Fâcsd Rem*'dSM5 Tota $ 158350 1 -eN ths vforking CO., Ubertyvill. 4--f94- FOR SALNU-8mait Um s.SlnPtlcty WANT19U)-Mau to u mitcoi-; 1Se and Pier and $obuMneuoàet ner basket. Louis Hansen, Ai-ca. Tel, 25 par oent off., on accmof over- ipâone 263-L. 48-lt stock. W. J. Chinu. Aatlocb, DIl 47lt 9OlL SALE - A hard coat base burner FOR ALB-Cbotu r«d*umlot&00 tove, neariy ne%-.. E. Wlcox. Tela- UeXhdney Aie. Mmra Grime. 31f -----IIN MEMORIAM FOR SALE-A ncwS-room tborougbiy la loig KKJCHOry of Ornie Weliren- modem- bouse lu Area. pooual bei-g. who paased away tsi-c e als agé- 30 days after maie. F. M. Hiarding, Area. i'Dc. 1, 1917. inola. 1'tlwàe 184-J. 36-ti Happy home we once enjoyed, __________- ------- 1 how asseet tie memory suit,; FOR BALZ-15trtctly modem 7-roomt But death bltf a otmitues bouse. Phone 828. Libertyvlle. The Worid can net-r f111. 45-tf WIFE AND DAUGHTE1t. 'WANTED-Mea or woinen to takÉe 3r- CARO 0F TI4ANKS ici-s arnongfriand. and neigbrs WNe deagire tua sk ltse neailbors Il.1ant kind fi-fisaiii wto assisted i- u nout- ior the. genuine gua=iteed bouton.: 4te bertavemeîut. Aiso to thiank the fuit linos for Dieu. women AU-j chi W*. C. T.1 .ladies aud misera wba fu- dieu. Elîmllatue damrng. We PAaisteîed lthe loiena. Me a bour for spre Urne. or $24 'or jME'>iZO WEBB, fuit time. lIlrlouc unaeceuarl IARduIE WEBB. Write International Stocking Mil. LLA WB. SNrettovn. Pa. 11-241 CR FTAK FOR SALE--At *10.265 oer acmre. t-, Va li 0ttakalts eaie acres of -oIlLl1ad near muaniait and friands who eo kimdlyr exteuded R treant. ouly one1ml. aid a quarter; their xympatb>- ln aur recae bereave- front town, wttb two rallrocis. .lu ment. 1Nortbaru Wiaconàiu. Aiso .40 acres MRS c(ÀTHEtIUNE MAtuf). rtevet land 2% ipiles front ssie town.1 T ODR R.MSN One forty or bath eau be bougbt for, TEDR .MSX r*10.25 per acre. If Interemîci. 80e own- WILLIAM M. MSN et at once. Wip. lHamiet. 204 Wsbng-,--- ___ ton st.. waukesan, Ill. 44-4t TSE INDEPENDENT-Il15O a Yoar !U IA

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