S ES N6iEW9 gh Attorney Proves the in -I St-to in Justice Coýt 0lr Dr. Butler. vw "'attlltlg Jobis" or "PL-icliel o -CyjtlOfl Jhnvsîili 'buî wist t»appl b tte el] 1Wauieffl mn. mslied )si tie.An Justice Coul- la~Waukegals, thse latter part twesk la wlsat snOw 1rQve*lle. e beit obe of Ab ost .ena- Iwsice court cases hearff here mg time. Thse particulsirting rbrOsght. th istecdistInctionl 'C.P"u as ttiat lie hurleit a 7right againat thse jaw C DIr.1 8utler, Wauktg" dc]'n i>*,»-1t *t wauthe oly bloti -ii tiste At vas a K Q o yln ne, Doéven Dr. Butter. s isappefled tht I)ar. Itutlier had d a suit sagalnst (,ai P-obeis4 #Si dentalbil. baTg tout the stand anl tbld ,ne dît not cane to pay for den.- kytie vllh coastteit mostly Of p 4lscsssua s be *st la the 4qiâçen tias a«" ldental vork. Wtbat tter he "nuit CPinl gt ts dentiat would diseuses ov-îRerintIlmatt-"rs s l, etc, adthàAlinsteait of put- t~lIit mbbis teeth tse ast- sesIsteit moestly of putiing ideas is isead viiclilie nisteit lie ot isieresteit in and Whicb diii OU*"a thea tothacise. au ourse ofbis arguments pro cS *A>ucbsr -Pope" calleit Dr. r aîieiiesrl tintes andi %ll tisadoctor got "bel up.* Fin- ho said a couple of tlmes"lt ïTise leut time -Pusncisor Pope' bAmind n- just like tisat" lie il baci bis miglty righi lband iSded fil ou thse dentios face. tafitaud Much in Weight. tLllag.ohn" wasn t10 be giotre JDr. Butler outsweigled hlm Issu e, and se, aftlx svnging nnce pUàd back. triptisi about ATE o 510 a hotli. uý - aUM mrabW* iu..Ae mmpq" by -b W sudj mik TAYL9 demi a a meo" Idin~~UeIsinois -I.e JiIm.m. fLKob. IrIPHONe. CeoAveNPas 1U- ~T!V ILE, .ILLINOIS - . LYHL 4L OW Aoahd anLAW nnuiments ' asul p-reple to cr rmore if il cafi'.. Bât, vere More blovî sîtrucF? There vers, flot. The dentiît, mchl perturbed bh>tIe *ddeu c.rack ln thse eye. tuitiedtuh 1i(. justice and salit: '-on 55Iw tiaI? , . mauj jou tu renieusibes hr, toi t shali sie hlm foir dainages, and ai, wan:, you -a-. a Sîteess." 55ii1ie thqieCp51 sat doinn sd *CYclon0 JÔhliu con- iiuued tihe argumient, but l i 0-è tinS? kejil lit6 eye on tIhe plainulif. Encouragdd> He Prances. '-Bàt ling Joisnny," proud of Lus v fC, tory.wýe s axit ltIse isoIté lunîsi.saf- gunietthat'the' case 'agait i ts lis tistic prowess lie becume éloquent in fils oratory about tihé meilicd os treatîng ltosberg. oalwsbtng liai lii bac] goue there te gel îlll.nga in lita ieeth rallier than lulits bs-ai. Fl densanded tliat bthe rase bo i-aisA b(ecaussethe dentisi failt u aIuow sui-1 ticiesit evidence to indîcate lie i 1 dope dental work wli ju-lîlidtWsa eli r 'v- conceding tisaI LtsénuxU îei of li: ..tId been put lu but ln:usilngf i llt 1, uM beesi put lu luntaI, u ai tet' tuai?, actual dental )Work. --liti .teriss4 selcti s lits o<Ci iS-> torn<ýanIcr. ann i sied tue sicfeni' ani wýtl persîstence. He entO' -sumed- tu juove iltitaiFo8ig liaid]u-oiuiaO..d with it ii foi, certain wOrk ai $11,4t andi bac] paid ail but $35. Fosb-ýrj; claiuss iliat Dr. Bltiier bait rpoiiiisctd in tisé bid te do certain surgical %% oie ait well whith lie. nadt neYer done. .fr. BAutler- nisted 'lie did net includu thie jas-bonus operatittu in tise bic]. AndI tisat la uhler. itie argument biý,d. 'rhk- case As disistsed," suid Jus- tiec Coulaun, sand the .dentisit Itia waîkeit froin tlie cour t rooni, loser blti in the legal sud fistic oncoisurer. RAID MOONSIIINER;e CAPTUE 100 finLs. 90O1'E IN MAKINGi Joe Bielski's flome Yiekts three Barrels of Mash, OÙ1 Steve, Jugs and Funnels. Armeit vith. s search warrant, Suer- iCf Bluter J. Gréce and Assistant chatf of police Tboe. Tyrrell ewcx,.,ei dova uponi the home Of Joseph isleLn'V 1725 Cmnioavealth avenue, Norti Chicago, late Monda>' atternoi an* seixoit throe lbarrela of raisin maish, and a quantity o!. utesinhs for 'ntanti. facturing "vbite mutle" placing lIs- laki ualer arresA o a charge ot menu- facturingisitoictaing tiquor lanlira- hibition territor>'. SWbeu thse offeera arrivait at thse Bis' laki home tise>'Cotaitan ail itove on vlbicb vas a large botter, goias ff l tilt andithUe aromaof termnsetin& rasinsa filled thUe bouse front colliar 40 garrot. In the bouse at the tin.meofo!me raid vere Biaisti. bis vif. anW Afr sous. Blelaki viathse ont>' oile placed undet suaist. lit aititito thebs req 59. galion barrets of.mass Use 011 stoye. botter, tva f Ave gallon canas of kero- saes.& ftve-gallon Jug, aud a.Couet, vereseclmait, bp equipuent, vas le cateit la a room la Abs rear of Abs Bis' tati home. *The 'out i as resuaveite 0tise caA>Joli, vine lod"Y sealle lieea itistlllsry. Bialati as brougbt it, Wautsn wviseab. sud bis vite sigaqit a 82,SO0 fer bis appearance ait bis osas cottinued utctil Dec. 4. before Justice Walter A. Taylor. Bialalt bas bes la Uhesamre klnit of troubla before. soeording te SheritI Ureen ata snm ie mlegoas flood $100 b>' Circuit udge-C. C. Bdvards. Mi tisatime-tise North CicagopoUice etagad the. raid and seiseit a atill. No, ati11 couli be.locateit vien Use rid took place Monday. âherff! Greenais Ats Uatvbolesale maids niay bie executed ln Useser future to cdeanuop a large.nuniber of uloonahbasmoss. viicis have beau tbrivIug bers. The moonalslners are getting ricis as Use>' charge 110 a gal- lon for raisin viste>'. JANY REAL ESTTE DEALS NEiOTIATED Cnsvforit & Iteoves. a Waukegais resI estais, urss. uctesi as brokers In sale of store building ait. lot, inluiing a geseru stockt of groconles andt dry gonds, os Csitan avenue, Lske Villa, beîdsgiag ta H. S. Dlxon. to Etnme&- 3. NM2S. of Russell, Mr. MurIe soit I is 40.affltaus near Russell ta Mr. .I Biou, visa Uensoiti ilta John Bai-. sona or Bristol, Win. SMr. Boyaca vils tata poasasion nezî month. 0fficli>l of the E. J. & E. Dies Suddeffly ln Chicago t'-t.Rxcida lsdid stadieni>'la l'tsisgnS'ndt.v o!flroltcibaipneu- stioii a uthi-i borne at 40U0Norths Ineper for tlita- aizin J-Ht .tassd Eastern ranaîtaa. le -sa nutil 'sihvkniswsas s railîroi buflitar assdi as r'e of tise 111555 ongîneere -hso- Mirers-apth" ts building ot *-se Miisrirnssî er l11% alec laid oui tise plan for tise c'tytas A t a neetlng 0f thb.,-board uf direc- Pitons Companyin luChlIcago., At thse tors of tise Chicago TeIehitlone con- cnnluîion of tise roelvertbiis, tu 1919. parsy. Noveisber 24. Edtgar Seiten ble, as electeit preaItent ofPt1qit4 cons- Bloon ait William Reus Abbott paay. Dunlng the paît year lie hite vere edec-téA-c]iiectis ait sice-pres- aIa iseeu elsiteit presIdent of thb, -dessla. cMr. Bîis.ï;. aslo-made ;i Indiana Bo I Telepbions compansd meomber of the executlvg cosusnIttee. lthe '0h10 Bell Tslephenou, Comptay. Mr. Abborit, st-o 1r ut-et-t i a a ba Mr. Abbott's, telephous carer b.- been gscxlmtctssger of the c l'-gai in 1889, vsen lie becamec osahier pa>' etalîs ttisai tile, srlseWstc9îs NgwVûToi) Tel- Mir. Boent AsL« vtern l tise Bellephous comtai .He servei tibis cous' TeIeésbofloî onglinizatiots. Ho began pany adthAbs aw York Tl . -Phone lita telepltaus cires,- 'vils Itse-New Catispail>'ott l1893, vben e osame ta Yarit -Tsiepbone coxtipan>' ho 1897 as CbtragG ad latercd tihe Chictago Tat-1 W. R. AeB0TT. a construction engineer for New Yxrk dit>'. He bas hildImportant execu-ý tive positions vibi Ibe Ameican Tel- eplione & Telegrapli compaay snd tise So'thvestsra Telepisone & T.-egraPh conspany. On .Isnuary 3t,.11,14, Mr-. Bloom vas appointed onoufuttIhe ne coivers of tIse Central Ujnion Tels' AFTER SLACKERS IN ILLINOIS DURINQi TUE WAR PERIOD 0.- S. in Letter to Gov. Lowden Wants Draft Evaders Caughtand Tried. Spris1flel.--Governor Lowdens ias =essi a letter from tie war de- p arttilWashington directiss tIai Immeiiate mItebe taken tinaPpr.- isend andt ising ta trial draft regis- ttranIs iDIlîlinois guiity of w1iilftl de- sertioni. Tise governor salit 11 belitveit mslyj men of tis state nov inclssieit in tiseq "'iesertesr Bt" vers only techuical de- serters b>' virtlse of ihein snlisuing la tise navy or marine corps sud b>' the r failure 10 notîf>' thibmlocal boards tisai tise> haitvolueereit for servi ce.1 These mn, hovver, were tlnaified as itesertetv. tliough actual.ly iu serviqe, Governor Loviten explaIneit. is s&toi. oit tIsat tisamen, by vnlting uirectl>' te the van departusent couIc] bave tiseir asies clearsit from tise gôoro-. ment's liaI of iteseters. "A large ansiser oli mnuiturtug tO tiret part af-tise van fasîsit to report for military> dut>' becauge of ignor- Sacs of Use draft sct. the goverhsor salit. 'As viiesproad suit coospiete Informsation vas given àoltescounry, a greai number* o! sucis msn Ister, te- porteit to mlIttry cumî.sfor service. A certain proportioil o! regibtrants declareit after their Induction onder hait been malleit andt othor registr-ants senvedIthe111 nililary or naval force of situe o!fisur.alies. "Even duing thse ictuai progresa of tise var. b>' resa orf1thediicevered situations,-tfise van iteiartineisi '%as« ablest10 dispse of cases of 161.000o men vholiait been reported a deoet- ors Out of 24,000,000 registrauts 1the maximumi numbet- nov rhargeat#le vitb vilîful itesertion s less than 1 klpen cent of tbs total re»gtratîin."- -, Tise govoimor adited that lieeteit iteeply tAie responsklilt>' of exast- ing every possible nisaisior eliminat- iug snmes o! innocent men fsoa tise Host of draft itaserters before 11e> vers pssblsled and processlsit sainat. "'To publiais tise naie o! a man Wvio lcbual>' ýerved ';is country hIonorabli- itung tise van ould do ,hlm an Imr- parable inJustice. Usa Do subsiequeut announceursut b>' tbe van departutent or tIse lnilviitsal coulit coinpIo[ely re- move the blemis tfroms bis-aaie r moud big dainaged reputation.," Gos-- ernor lovdindeclarsit. ILLINOIS SECOND IN 100D BILDINf UlN iPASI YEM L IL ÉLOOM. eplione consPan>' organization as clark for tise general iuperinteudeut. Sine@ thon lie las.occisiod succe.si iPI>' 1he positions of chiot dort Io tIse general superlatencient, sperial agonLInii charge ,( riglite of wS>'and cnialuis supetisttenitent, suburlan division: goneral. comsmercial sueintindenti tsno general manager. DISMISSAL MEANS COMPLETE END 0f TU1E ÂMES AFFAIRI If Indictments HadMerely been, "Strioken from Dooket'l they Could Be CaIIed Back. Thse diamissal of the Fred Amnea lIsdictments by Statesâ Attorney Welcb means that th1e Ames case 4i finally ended. Thse situation nov la that Ames could unot be rearrested on those lndrctments--had the state merelv *'strickeikthem from the dock- et wftb leave t10 reinstate," IlAmons ever returned, h. could b. srresteil. But a complete diamissal menethse eud of the courl'a jusldictiof hased on those Indlctutents. The Aines eusbazzlement case vas the most susational 01 tise kind tisat ever took place inIÀake couaty Ames bsd. corne la troni Antloch to Wsuke- gin to be asistat couilty ti-sasurer when L. (C. Price ws tresurer. lie nt one spisflg Into popularity te such an salent that vison 11e rn for treas- urer after Mr. Prîe's terni expired he von vitIs usuclieau. Tlsings ran along then and ^nmes continuesi 10 be popular and 'thse gisa- eral feeling vas8 that had be flot made the mistake whicli déveioped later 11e ýcould have bac] almst anytlàing in the county which he might aspire to. It sens that Ames hait been Ilving very expensis ely during bis admin istratUon as tresurer and even ha fore the "explosion" camse maay peo- ple thougisî le vwu hable us vînsi up suù1dettly soine day andt fibsd ýhlni self in troible., However, vi-ea the being removed froi the couuty ex- chequer tu any large suosai a given finie.1' Frieuds of Aines have aince Insiated, tisaIt Wey feel ooftf ident that Âmes 'SPARK PLUGS Are Gaaohne Savern sud 01 Fighstera. Thse New and Proven Idea for Gaz Én- gins. lisat snd OÙICan- & 1 É flot Affect this Plug. PrieI*, †-- -1 ---,aiVt ;nl fe b e s aue f elu l i lsto- mer> work et Everý A turv lx- irebtl 's-"ei.outs 1 o9a-.24th, getitrusita serdici awarudingbttls.-. iecf mdsbll±b Des.atplen . mamag&et o!1,"(,.ta Use narent-m M -ar.WiU lhstsrunasu a ocloe litleTedy uka Wo ws llllotidtise divisi. «fbuibv» au- 11111eTeitit' buk. visovsi iilici m- X rcéd vert oa clappaI undfr the viseel& of a truek, avaps In pewqàvý a te' g brepot v J. . elm. Tise evideile saliaiva,,,tU isugera;ai B ol tA~l1 6 Cie eseeSt thit tise utile Lisa lbaiy' as nîdhig rs- tisisatu t is vaW t in -S ite l 1 ilon tise running hourit of thse itehn vol. Waukeoean tguck. Asu1e nereis 1hhonte h-- Tc dte 8 27 mn«eso! ro&elanbi umum wmspaflfleijte ge« off.1but thse driver 's *i&ti- have bera liravu pas fl w b' adte abave Inereassedi* hl ,»<ed nIle ise tib i .,lad Ctr ros16 W.pe~' C. DICKD thaïthtie y6uagoaer alippeit andt Asti vork viiibueppskeMBu nesoea 14WgT.t-l.vuaitr tise vieels. ieng'cr-disisit ti veather- traseus h rd" 4cmutCo.a Séellet leatis. Bhn tfflfed t t AI itraIt. ti quit. Aàâa»W04114cf aIwo~1e tî,i-,woîs van zolng about 15 mitas an issui B e -cf rosIs le isola9011181110Wda81W. t iSi' 'i.a 4Iý . . - e - - o. 0, c test tamises of tb. iglivay lepartipen su YM eià . -. &,Wi.»4 .a*i-Kt. - c.-'. tel ofefat. . sa"..~fyV le -T o k il ve n uniatil as tisAit et tise E jJ~M -C ta>'sae utâtt re mmdO céanot> ieorda Wvus8suait mit thems - ta09 10reoe .an - Pr0ualt-D4eW '/d audiýtons roundt dlocrepuslea ls UtW al#*l. besa e pea nd ms *114 records sud @evenk alter tlsey vers dis-- ON IRC TAI L*ÀW isee dl oatAuobaku closeil Anses isitoait Abt b.ie'sion. - lu a tentative otitluacet la proaa aily ý kDev nQthbng of -1esolansiaide - to u li bigAWta eOisauvii use clared. t othgne le bid empiloy musî WiII S«k Repa> .1 Ex<> ardiC ialsaYsrtaa a lisves botn tIheones 10 faIliy tisa -rofits Tacoties. iissvy suria", 'the bilakgu r~cwds.- riîiWiux;I.kt m$that said. ia throtitls bineas eteig il lai recXlied tisai-AmtasreiaIlnlu lleUIt. verywhere. is el#o>- lu the trouaurrs office I' Stetiolts have beau iqltlfs f'oiner Tresauur L .C. Pricesandi !ai- The mebankers -throuigbout t l Vaisa Ale er aU tise 1"ub tkir becaue aireit1 d .cided Dakers' aa500lâtlO but tbe canitalittee lu lis 410U11W Pre aIs asesatiton.charge cil, hin e casA t itls «r'5'15 *" uitisre ets fortS lAs ovn dugisetou ett'beWilg Abs oouaty fadoi. ' was otisq% national -boardasa"d, r norgra apossible prograzn tu remedS>'Mx- tried in tisecircuit court boitthAs e ry îtIons ofa commsrclf a cbier -for lous.tlevileIn u tax lava.- G«Onerw. dismlsued It An.ioweser, Mr. Prnlýe i.a joint arive ons isgr u s e~U ses.rmils ol -a or rmle iî flt romain armuiss Lakte counîy 1alois o! press a ies aud cs4AB long, lit . uôied luSt. Paul ~and abreP 0f thé se ffleasprofite tas 5and a tax on undistribute It unes 09 Ilveit tAie prachlti a l oflihe tunie seurs other subsmantial moitifica.- corporations1, a mal"s or turnover lti $Inces. But at suminour lie vamne W lion tol la Abs ta% - lava. iIt wva u sexcise tai on*Athe privllege o!f. *to tis-e county and blas acuû liiitsg ~ii"oufled aitishe bead'îoartero of tise holding lmanits, ua increst la 'vits bis daughter An tise.iouttiwtsbiernnassociationi. Thiseicatton's figisI iamP laxes. -part ofthue cousit>'. *vi1ili vagedIt * as salt.' b>'y adaueCunamuInla audit ws tat he ciitous- e% ers froin alsections fttIse VUnled ttli.Iwaally-The IIndepianet. tendleit over a long pe-notA, tuvtrAi&g usasy mil] alssLa ralier iian ________________________________ istusottw4Isý . = responRlti t Sr n- r- esubetzieusent of any luIsit" suin al nioney, but tIsatishe sisortgge cime os thse reslit o! lits tkelal es!eW eep--it ng traoItK tf tise fuaits. JI is said ujtia lie eeu admiittedtca .sl't0 vas iu charge orthtie office 1h51t lie , v lisad drawn u re nscstey. tlIan ii!;ut ary provided for, but tîttl v udt t'Il tinse case lfor bini to mate.an c- % A F counting lie aotild Lie sIna isi u CQ IJIN IN E do no, ansut it tout having wh1i l 1 .A ai5> of is persunal pruppity or u,] FU àcAmi estiswhchbe hbacsqulred tdurinot Cuea, CentgLas 4 lits.aduministrât Ion. ~ .uleh aG4p lmime4Aateiy itterles î - dnlNegieced Col" are Dinarous left toi thtie bolsdussf. . eiv ciii,- upon b>' former States Attor-ney ')usîl. Telle nobsaceae. Kse tiss stdarFd riaâad>' baud>' for the Oi nw~... sud tise supervisons Ioumaklegucsd pti Breaks Dp a <aId in 24 lior- Relivea thle bonds. il vas thlen tliait Iisey Osippe la 3 deys-Excalleu for Hloodacis levisit on bis persousi elfecesndstucwiaI I Quiin ii om Rs a ot affect tise bed-Casu la baet Toqu eatate witîs the result shat tise prou Laaad,.-No t ita lu1181' tiurned oser ho Ile bondiuin. A.LL D , GI TS SE L IT SUES RAILRO I)_ __ __ _ __ _ FOR, DAMAEES M~TadNI. Ourst, Praslident W. J3. smnlt, Vice' Pru*dn Thle dîînage case -brouglit aus lhe St. P-aul railioad by Mrs. Seamb Ie)ngabauglik of (.raym Lake isa be1nt, tried 1.4 circuit coud ro day. l- Lougb ugl wa- aligliting frni-1 a Sic Paul Ir in wlsen it started forward t udden1W. .knooldnglier bt ti -sta. ion plattôrnmi according to the cfarges! made. She says she was laid up for l six îmontlss. being practically liClpIeas sud was lamne for over a year. Leven nov one of lier legs still la l4eak. B UICK~ , ALES-.ANI) ERVIC~E W8shlflgtou Stret iloi I hAvenue' YWIEN -B% ~ER AUTOMOBI LES ARE BUILTi BUICK W&L PUILD THIU 8-. -- 9---* TO- Value of Prc tuovu reaider occulrreit Nova to prostate Mo Pasoua o!fIth liAs estatcec o!real cita e t Ori>'. whlch se Tise lieuaficlmî GIays Lakte; Grasys Lakte; 'Grays L.ake; AnniaC Ime B. i4lIè, j Round Laite. tionet - Ghi a> 000000, 0o* m 11 A Commuai: Prsiay eveniuj îles. and tMi sîseut Tissukst E. B. Densai Muntay f roin Miss Peail C ity. ipeul s teN retûrulug SunsJ Edwin snd S ver>' narr5ow 4 vissa the trusc] cia). umausg R. WE Gentrai STAPLE AND MIAT Country ?rod P. E. mii DR RF.XALL COUGF PIY SICIAN? Careli, THE RE F.W. TuM EPiO «*tr n d M Si O SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. ABSTACTS F MULE flMUGUARANME Capital: $1 25,000-00 WAUUMAH : -:IWNOB 32==