Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Dec 1920, p. 8

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Ameîca LeIon News- ÀN AL SIS wsotusaaaxuoti by AlUbfttC. ~m Ses Aamymi. sorlag- letes es Provlisions of Oie izLW. simlatxiat seeds ,*m »sait hm elgbbon ~ aiA l* la alasbel. eol4y"Mr. Wilsaon K.&I th*l er. art deanud »»l do ual undersiand'tuliy toOttwhiaeesds: radI clevri h abroer, Wvite ,lor.i, sisîts eut dite,ajlfa timolbY. e bl» grass, brûlme grasu .05' a, tre *rase, roicb, rapt and fbat elador oftereA for, sait. xbeadtag Mre polind.muâtIlié Ir agu tg shou lie analyste io>tlistie, <liaciL bi, &thsft oddor. 11.10 004 p AUtanti or ld Scumul, elhbes, 7 tolé-etir0fly, la piosa n th1e tofeom» la .grater nMm- i Oie proportion 0f .i120 1,000 fun mouds, fitvould be0 uùSi 4sedine ý*urpoae» vithhl the 0ictMilield 1Ba rnei. curlad 4e daisy, 'on incocce. eltu- vor ooti«veiy. 1a present Ix >r Prporetion thau i w 500 of Mu matis Ji voulAb ungals. seetilus purpoea vitt. thé, às 0! iiOf th 0'. aientloired 1 uota la preseut t. greater btisai tue proportion of i lu, t tara seeds, the naines of W. b. miovU oun1the label or, ài bul b.tiçhed ta ail lo otnt!or sale for aut.ed oe& 'lb gel tâtsai roportion 0680847 t. harethte eed iu- tolioviasfora ut label or tai kPaeduponl by tie Attorney ,5 A" la conmdred stanarad ib0ve tarin seeds; q Name. ........-... . Webtd $end8 lreoenlt.ngreater erg tunito 6,000 .......... )uesor moieo! wbich la in er uumbee In lie aggregate 1 t. 1,000 o-suttb faim eecd >one or More of Whlch la in Ir Dunsiirs Ilu lhe aggrgate l'tu. 60(e fruci tain aoed 50(1 med present-.....per. cent .D.- er ceut .1 Or ïta sammlar tlu the ahove be attlaced te, ail packages of ot =aitiRaaboyeansd tOit teagi oiti hy as-fermer 10 MeS. MM4557 formrdo mot v meia 5v »raquir« as ia MN» i].et Ow« »M ten o =t« us »ho tam iios!or taget be-, sala LAetl.ia viWh idthlav siouhtiits id Aualyms. 498 DoWit Opdigfld. DL. for a S runsur fat hé sm ha t. geing t. aMU, tas arvtfi le àibm m ýou 'hautinitdolar.. d %rt takou ro itm ia Sest parta Af lie claIe, raet tila 4epaimsu &»an ulltlastie, ]&u. eedAei eutalbusa veli m foyeasti e atir et tIse aatq on l icain L:uMd eung Junè 80. kt tactistha tiret tivo, e et lie rate or soc per âaU&- graM-cot on Wbler the Oiet 1tive., bbaimtibaexercîmed tu i% li abfflsle Ist «f - bas. fIt aw - til vwps not rocit attaken. Tb kA oulO -,ô The nét e sler meeting of tbe pst j viiibé .oxhe tttei w ma all tsé aeveth o of eifber. Aul aboul isake 1 au effort te, beprese4t. Oâ the.M Tuesdsay of tht iDth it l. plalaed B"toi bave the . uitlg. iuthe. I4hrtyvfll f Commeuioal-CIuii rooma. T he mettit ,le U. tbe ososiica «f tiîOloM o9 ofterg*et the. Pont tor'lth. c0m169 -0- The statma of Nov. York. No" Jersy aMd -WaMu4toe are tbir iicilhave already déeWlar.4by popularrogetti the. men «bo. served inu the lats mur amt gititi te son. adjuted compas. "dton, ud Jhave miet the question vi .Itate'bonumë. And the gocod part of] the program of thet tatbe meftiotledi th that the coumbenation prçovded for. th gven oýr ansd Shôre viat It lsa d mittht thte.Natioii owe oS thebex 'the ;iure oi(oMr att 1may sec thipadas Oies. tatu a mir«dNbave. Eilest Éottett buss transferred bis mémbersbip t. thle ÂAuopr Polit lai the Union Stock Tarda, Cbleago. some Poesa ovèr the country havt w. kuov vould do amre very bard sud permustent voit fûtr lieu favorito. Till le pouy 090e91 thie innV tbligmfila Maite ?eP ool vor=: th l soialsida itautnt n d il servft 10 &othe 1i spiit UV.riacimember ofIbis PFont shoutd5coue ttô véry metint uttil su îte Jk. ,IýàéIt.or anme pl a Wvoit eAtetsinltn. oganlsh eto, sey« Lhotem, wlitkh bas 1tetit *itiltitivoicat rfoui vucommuli. lty or Oie WtUaAI ofoui.r Rds Wtk thsépand0f, th yor clou et bond. evry ex-servIèe malanvIto .not yul a intuber of Oie LAnerlouLetion .ilwuîd b. urgod lu juin. llret7 Poil aboulA bave a 400 per ceut moaber. Wiii.,sad itl vitke peisoamilicita. tigetulutelany members. No doubit tmieoare scores ur men Wvia-vear Oie bronze buttonvlào are flt iMimbrs ai the Leglon. imPly becau#e11none tLeîlt increase t. meiibel'aiîp mxiyear drver lii years. It la eapecially deslned liaI on tic chird Tuomddiy o! thus rnonth aIl ex-er- vice mon binte comnrunity viu are pot, meabeis as yel. corne ue tt CoassictalClub sMd #etI acualted, aud *e tneu 11151 qne ulil douht ibt bis membershivl, as voit as the. utxt feuln, la osattal for tus conrlle* *uom 01 Ibis organisation ut ex-0ui- tudersanaidsa5ilora. rl MAROON: AND, WHITE r 8OMY SV.ERS,' 1 Dorothy Retirson, Social Editor. Dorothy Siàydam. AtlatietloEditor. CORRIDOR GOMSI The Annualutaf lta guhug lu Chicago a week trou Satuiday. SDavid Flatggbas héon lectod busi- noes, manager ufthle Athletîc As9ocia- lion, f i ilbng>lie acaucy caused by t11é esîgnation o! No! Young. .Basket bal praclice bas begun. Wali for i e achedule. The Seiilors wlU enlortaun the stu- dent body sud faculty Deceibier.17. Last Thureday L. T. H.-S. lest tilt lasi football garne of lie seasun lu lHai. risun Tech uf Chilago ibi a score ot 13 teO0. .bioh teama playmd a guud gaine. and aeem anxluus lu meet 'gain on lie tieli. ut baille. Aller tile game lie girls ufthle cout- tng clscs serveit a elliikeu dinner .10 lie Harrison lean. 00O0 0 0 0 ô o0 00 O0 0 0 0 00 or ilý fînest bouses in Wauçoflda, and have resided hors ever inme o IANH0 She ioavea to mourn ber iosi a bus- oooo*o, dbsrl0 _nani o noJou, osu D Ialetrt The Chainhoniain familles of! Lhberty. m ae, oStoilvead hone., Ptvr ville, Area ani lvanhoe and Earl Rtaa ecwo iea oe w and lîttie dangitor apent Thankagivlng daugiters, Mrs.- Hovard. Davlo, vho at irvtug Parkvith Ur@. Or- reaidea on Ia faim ,1% miles veml of rell.towu. aud Uns. Vernon Joins, wvidl rein. arnk reaeofCh ' dent of Wauoonda.1 Un. Frut tauphir 0f"C0Oà'O The ttunerai vas ibid tram os . . a apect part -of lautwtotk vili hdr par- church at. I ock Satunay atsrý outa. Uit. aid Mr&.Wn=. Euebker. ,noce, lb. lie. Mr.- palmer e otoauttlg Mima UlubetilW#414 ihmla Yitle; afie i bmheremila s mlaterred wM i Mrs. BoeuI mLua. 0fWaukosafllain thegfmmiy 'lot lu the Waucoeid minis bore Wedneaday eveing for tiii cemetery. We extuati oui miacere uYa. t*maltder ef thi ee ;0£patby tut. lbertareti famdiiy, - PoWt 11brget lthe isamr a et heWood icA as emali arw ttosMd ove, WIL.LIAM&R.WYISAJC^UTION S"168 miSe Aurons havius trait or Vuet&tf 3014dMr ftmk 1iWin soni ai bita to douate pissa. bris e AUM publie aution. ou thet pretaimes, one- vilo are vilhaag 10 heip deconatih le hit mile uorth of Rai! Day sud tire boolils art, lavited to Muet st the l»anMd oce-half Milla sobuehof Liberty- Tetiayatlin ataie eloot. , vinl«. 0ouLKlvaekeeaventue, mais ornn> leMd atiMs. loyV. Chamberlain o!fnituclisat 12:30P. . , 8ha9p ou UbertYtle cuA 9 reltint tus TURSDAY, DEIMBER 7, 1Ms vllity $UU&iY. le the fell.winq personal prepty: lirs. Wiliamm uebker sud daughter NORSES AND CATrTLE lizabethl %peut the. veoil end itt Oua black mare.-21 yrs. 'old, ut. Mis. FiantkLurnîhier. 91500 poudaý 1 black man,. 5 years oid, Un. sud Uns, Herbert Lua ud lirsa vi 1600 0ounds; 1igray mare, Il years Sui Bryant of W,ýausncafl at oi.vt. 1460 pounds; oua good tarcliy the Dopi home Banday. 00w. Churah cilSlool usil Bundar at 10 Tn GANApFE a. m. Ciurob U ea. a.Ser- T sort, of go00d hW corn lu tht mon u sbjet."Tht Vine sud theshock; 500 buuhels ot'oa"t. Branches." Choirpractios fflday ove- MACHINERY, IMPLEMENT41, 5TC. ning ai the home of. Ur. sud Mis. On Deerlug 6-fL. grain bluderi1 Doipi ai 7:30. Tht Chamions vill! Deerng 5fL. moyen. 1 eleveu.ft. bnosd. alomeet there the aMamee veuing. caut Roosier leader. 1 Gale corn panI fer sud 80 roda of vin.. 1 16-lach John 1Mr. and Mis. Trem ansd daughlois Deere' valklng plov. 14-loch , John or Chicago vlsittd MUns. John Wlrts Der valking plov. 1 Casa sulky cul- the latonrpart of the veet. -livator. i ingle culUivator. 1 3veoton t Urnsd UMm. Frank slugsof Chi- oarrov. 1 manure mireader, 1 aide de. cag0 pet Thsntsgiviug viii the lat, livery rate, 2 4-loch truck vagous ,(oui tel.rM othier. mis. UcUghon. neaîly uev>. I_ mrrey..1i imuabout. 1 * ~ ~ ~ rs MiaZtefmt ! ogers Pak heavy bîemklnt cart. 1 nubber tira vlsited rottveu int illa vlclulty ne-rond cai, 1 puefiMallo tred. cart, 2 a cenli. ,buggy polos, 1iarhackme, 1[ baud corn r-Geore moite sud Mis . R.C. PaMe O mlsier11M00POMuLd Platform soule, veto #Ppoluted delegates t. thé Cou. 1 grllidtair. 1 extension .laOtien. i g!tgational-Associationt meeting, to ha tmery uheél. bob smielhl sud lteetack, abelA t til Steves Building t. Chii- 1 not double harisSas, 1 et fly net.. 6 - 0510 Ta day e. tIL collans, torts. shovels. hors. blankets, housebold goodeansd many ther arti- cles too aumerous t. mention. *. ~ ~ ~ ~ u W U Oi, unof $10a"duudes.euh;oa $600000000000000" ehii, purchasen entetins spuiuvs 0, M 5 M.* IaIs . . 1. ao f Paltine btikabls ilote, beartas iUtOtst et the à- Woucouds vibm Studa. rate, of 1 par cent per annum frot uà g4 At~er c d aà te abefdsre on s 91'5tity a wiLtiAM NR. WL8ff, Prt 4 w Ü " e& ,wi.itm d m, .AusýLloyd Mudtia, Cii Br lie m iFARED isRYKER iAUCTiott R = , WaaaiyD M 8, li% t0. 1 " 0o t'~~~~~t CIt tn'e, lv Dr, , Ue bonum t l- w le.7 rl!t for, b« 'hit 'to W61 ckt tu e- the doitï Oasw ue a Mies Mat IbomWu.f*-na Pak'Likagfl 1 ma tvumla auaSu Wis. Ah Ia*~ aIMr.-ucland kt" . .. .,.t r.m ire 0S**e96s.000 te48»»et r. çdMmrs. oe * M i» m a rie n s b .le m p i ss S b tt io s L a g ,m aW ho 5S la tt d m PatstuaSay sreaing, -uin ocor of j wi hber as. Kit. Kieaýa. ber elltenlil bitida. , t emWobuba tiea Misais Sua aitou= ad Doroth ue=n Retohelt retutmai te Deé ab 6a m~Miwuaao l t~ . noie ëfLexlugto% YY. "dhto u lbe '-el sudiponra t" i Mis, a Ob e la0f Cio 1"»er.tma- M. emb- t ritA at tié.411de's home Susiui stV Min" Caliarabs coaïa. 'Tholof et fer LexiUibatt ean srtaiiug, *ilg@q tl'.y viii roeis41.a09Xb" im Ur. s&W Mm huicbco We Msahi~, $Iký ggàwPaoyer4g daushtar *pe*tThunaday ità t, dis the & W5 D i er Xý Utm I14au Wootiug of Bhermaavllu home -in Wqq £1 tilt Jia . E. Woodfu oenteri 0 i~ Meurst. Gerge pettis, P. Salm, .e club mettu; of e Pire Pnltach eMd A. F, Meyer atteaded file TlaB ~eoon. Live Stok .1ev TU*adap '. day huûm a ttre veeks, viailt Lý c M it maêiastilI~. M peWu«.Wlt rvlu Pr Ur. aud Mms.Howard Gibbs verO vas 1h. Wlett uni t .O01u Prk.the, teats of UT. a MM iUP. 0. O1*i TbimdÏ UïiÎ-in.ItfCari resuu jI-'orà d nirew tbu Casssat tha as theirguoets Ur. and ?à;rà. Corad .M o.bon is, Uclimon aoLibertyrll, I. r. ud Mà bss a7edasdou MIO mail! Mn. Walter O.hrke "el, Î Ur.adUlm. itarI h ainMd- am tsnd uday li cuor ut their tbath s»d M'UnS.P. Etittm o f Invlu veddlu alr.rmgry. LjuPart. IriU. udbki.. R.M. Vant entertae UlmaaBellatU 11of Llbertyvle vwu e o*ssistv orevUr.and 'he out the guest e t mIa. Cloua stuy. 1. fe 1 etavet r .su in.1, xiý um,' w tdu m avd A bsmuplsegv* lui. Mr.Aoné- w-fil-. Nées l~uhC~j Jeu im bterma 5.4 Mrs. Guorge Simd.,.: V MU MM UM' -l *' M - "M - - --, F. -tuaulj'. - ltza aoml £ais. Ticeo stmtum rt HE DTillataraila amso ba te .g. Asate Mud fa c"eoasd re 0; ee oo ts0ara *haacrviW oha o f hadollar TAL iYFOICêe. II3Sinuimpnovernuts efrettas paus- Deatroit. Ufoih., Noý. 23-lîefftln iiTonua-1# ber cUecah o0AMY Of .P. Tobhln, oraalmetn1thle, Continen-,'mal; be. Ciilndcllvçry of palois. tel 1mons .conoraîlon. chainin ofut lquine of John 1H. woun", Uil- the board of dirsot m i uthle c .ncemni tister-ol .-ESI - W .I jUt. Tokbla vas. tie ldesà tati <iti4>X Mn.. C. Curtis, wvie as tormonily rs.- W. P. Yeoman of Watikegau.> îobirni Alantit *Ciy.-I: e la the lait of lie tsmlly andthtum hIiI i lt foi w'tonen I. -kly va La, wl %viii motier bas lirai W sec alilo! ber chl- not gcore nemtp poptisr uage, accord- die eu o obforo ber. Tombilo wiav ng lu the utmufswturersataihe CuiL- lMmnuaoY voàthYs a areauîit,! lahig voltion -of lie .saa<ltied trusla- grt oalueewa uthe motor word. Idustileb or America bore. huInjtIq ,AwsL p1 »M, mzzyrbug; M c- lwar col. the. Neu> 5digor .R AS)fANU»OFF bhas nol oflly MM& E-CitRATIONS fOr tew Edis Heom b so made rocoringsf« mencof tüm standr taBing-mchùa& W. are gla to announce ta thon teai eubima recordling's May MiW ho heard. W.want "me to heur them-" d xmpae 1. De-' fta" Sf r 'oW fwhlcb giff Lut m, play. Rachmanin'off's EdisO n Ra-CasÂuoriS for YOM. la" bow 40ma, how truc tho - motmO -Sée. how ovn ~note fohbnu1% vSy SS.t In hislu- e wry, $hode tgIh pse"g b pu fectly Ra-CUA"m,» at*e the*. 4 8omn&taof i~bâ b t tot il- M seh. . m "MIest of 4 sr.ce by th~e New E-dison. The absolute fdelity of the Ra-CmLArlot4 to the etissrigina pefonunce astouncidsd the listeners. Make the Rachrnaninoff coin- paràm . It wil guide you right in sehcting your Cbrstmas phono- graph. about Our ' &d.t Plan It brings your New ldhon fer Christp iwthout * MquoelgYOUI mbe5 to% that, i buyung a Nw 94i Ww, yoU sevirtuay bau1ulg a bdore-tbw. WaW-vUIMU wftJIan, sfter-the-wpr" "mla. The pricS of the New odkm m icruad kmthm 15%Y mli 1914~, mi a -portion cf thà unoeis wov fa&,là s4bpaStood cm who tovul edW-mik I4boeyvili, Mil w 'OLUME XXVII,1 'Il paDy TO BE À. IJNDER COL. New Prosecutor who office Dec. 6th, M; Selection Knoi THEY'LL DO AUL Ti pd5ty je tu be th,- Ze etaieâ tV li'y Of * undr Col. A. V. .Ih *eleCted Siales Attort.t y UIUV " hoautioffice Dc brCi. Snlli dû Itannu.. day ltat'A lien a-su1uLS ( liediatpiy ask îl e Dus visorti toapprov e tr ci. P Unr. Uady as a3laiaut. Tht assistanit Sîste draws $2400 a year and 1 the suals'.atiOrgitt tlà 1 Tb si aiy o! thelie asl by the board ot aUletil Iralmotifron118 100 lu $24 Damgne vsaappointett James 0. MWsich lollow.t o! John W'elcb. At lh Welch explalued l tai he that mucli lu gel s gG o - tht board ralued th tiii point. Col. Suiti iseniaking of Mir. Dady explalned the Lime sam lien@ .h efforts oft hi e tate's 511 &boula be exerted ana ftoit liho Should bar in connIitlo& ri.h the outlincil for blffleif lu lu furhber orPililc »Oin for aeleclitng Mr. Stiti oxpiaiued liatitI andtihle aimio! Mr. De- *,*tes Allumera office igoulsid or to is.. bter case ai hire out%] asisu.i tieratus. hlîn- office la goiug ta be office uhettîi beand expect lu de ail of tii liai coule& ralla ticir lie ic-lt'es iiatl. %r. 1) bis î o tern iieiien allume) will be a mint uort and lie ide lu, etatez, alter nmature Oeil tuily weigiilg the itu angles. The selectun Iut Mr. D sent. homeier, runites N. aile sumlive tuthie pu[ au lau or (hree other heen ajeard aai no11 mur been currenlta tir wIL Wouid be lialph DLad ha rlauseli. Thje naines one unie t 0f Lakte county , ut A iber attorney outhle vuUfly Diver had been heind Ibis cotiiection. * lowe'er, it semied il. figureit outitire riatti saisfa~ctionl and it. acordlngly. dayuiiiadti-i,a rucsodeil D ady HeId Eighl ' Mr. Uady wusarui 1 Lake caunly for eilit W il16 ahefi ho s James 0. Weicb aha ho ltepasltfour years. r hase uho 010 nul aiws a dmilnistratiion IL bas I tint ho proved a very gilorney. atudîmd bis c. ly sud tougit tben all power. IL vas he wl the0 Or ae, Il iras cutqe theVola rail nid t' act, afleou lotks i tva terme vhlclii Mr. ho il addle abouteg a t- al frlimiual cases liat t fore thm local probecutçi la giron perbud. Mr. 1 [it luWarren township, trader Chais. WViiey' tlcod lu L«ke counti e, Pý la married, lires on COc le lie son et lJames E or 0f urnee, uic alsu Cory avenue, WVau1egs lu speaking lurther a ator-us connng admît O Sith declares tliailho duvi.t q exPerise cf *mucti as possible and hby nnnafging ta tata Mn. Dady ulihlienti - îey viii banAle ail cuunty witbuut jbringi lsiilsance.Le believea a vPry Impot-antl stop atoe> fur tire county. l"- ETS TIIREE FOR rMUI Plvate W1iarn Pibt oorgm -atioue -u o ovIcted ct màtll Tueuiay "u

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