Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Dec 1920, p. 9

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LAKECOUNTYINEPEDET UfZf ~ ~WAUKEGaAN WEELY SUN OCLUME XXVII, No. 44 Pt~ la =k me. L 1sitelm Oiate o0; the. bet&ans moeu-t. The pet'- t9 p f dolar Fre takimg poaffl- f eauh aut gay or ivçry of pspers. Wiate, vuqs a. -ofOrIL 'Il paDY TO BE ASST. STAITE'S AÀTTRNEY IJNDER COL SMITH New Prosecutor who Assumes office Dec. 6th, Makes His Sellection Known. THEY'LL DO AUL THE WORK paSy je tu lie the net asistant etatei Att'$--,y of bake sounity nerCol. A. V. tuIh iC newb .etdSiates Attoraty of 11..' countY bb asumes ",office t,-cCEusl>er <-i Co. nitlît d(;aznnfcçilflWt tO day txat 'Alleni aýsuIuLs ofl e rie W.. luimediatpIy saikt te nard utfs%,!i"e visorsti oa Pprov e un UPpoi.oi<ii. ul lir. Uady as assistanit. The assistant States Attornley dr&wc $2400 a year and Itle sahirY Of tih, tate's attorn9,t là $éou0 a year. 'nie aaiof the asslst5and jfx4 by tii. board of suptl,%isorsandvau Iraised train 1500 tu $2400 vliela Kr. )eane was appt)iuted aaisstit to James 0. Welch foliowiflg the deati' Of John W'elcli. At tisat tiai. M. Welcb expilllDid tbat lie had tu, Pa7 that mucli te gPt a goo& maandi go the board raised the salary to that point. Col. SntthileI makiig th@ selectlùfl of M. Dady ehllained that lie feit th Lrne's as iber@ %hen the beat eftrt& or the tates attorneys office &boula be exerted aa therefore lie frit tliat he aliouid have a resi aid in connectIo& with the van Lie has 4outtlned for haimselt iu Lakte cauntY. lu turtiier explanatiaLl Of bha rea- ;sonfor. selet Mr i. Dcdy. Col. *n'ith expiaited that lt vas is aim adthe si'u of Mr. Dadito ba andie tes Attares office vithout go. outaide for thus.. that or the other case and l Ire outlde council ta assis.I tien', becaitsC lie declaies. tii, office la giag to bc the buineas offiîce wisefin Lie andO bis assisat expect to do alilof tue legal work thât coule& witil tiieui jurie§dtctioli. lie beities iliat %Ir. Dady, Ii-t:uglh bis tw. ternis exh-l ienre as étates attorne) wiil be a noýt valuabie Ras bisiit to i lai cairàing on tln. vont and lie made hvisetsctiofl, le etatez, alter mature Oeic-ratlon, care fuily weigliflg itisituation ,çuiu 411 angles. Tlhe selectisoln r. Dady as as ist- cent.liometer, cufies Nitàincoiisier] able susî,îî e tu tue public gqueniillY as two or t1iree other nanines bâi been îîerd and at no time nd ,lu. w It would be italph Lady who wotuid be ciiosen. The naines of Leiie P. lfannis. at one Uie sttes attoiiieY et L.ale rouniy , ut Albert Hll, a ne-w attorney of the vuUfty and Clarence Diver liad been eird nientioned in luis conliectbt>f. loweier, t aeied tiat col. Smithî figured out the îmlattI tD bits own satisfaictionl and Inauî(d ii-starit gcordiiigly. dayopiada.i,a ucsodeitBCi EI7AOE Dady Hetd Eight Years 'Mir. Dady was Staies Attotnev la Lake county for eiglit years previotii t1 .t16 when lie was defeated by .Jamues 0. Weidb wb lias lield during the. past four yeara. Even assaug thoeewvi did not aiways witt admilnistration ILtlas heen conceded that lie proved a very gaod states sttorney. tudled lita cases thorougils 17 and fouglt tbeni al wth al i i power. IL vas lie wlio prosecutel tehe*-a"e, fitwas lie vIn prose- cutqe the Vola rail riding case. lu tact, atterofele Icks bacit over tii tva terme whlîlMr. [lady- served ho~ lidd Sl5>U1tJe mot senstionai 4al frîiminaL cases that ever canie be. É forne the local proiecutitçi' office withl la gîven perlad. Mr. [lady waa bon ltWarren township. studicd law under Chas. %Vhtuey ad hal pnsc. ticed hILaSse county lever since. l la miarried, lives on CCory aveaue and la the aon et lames DadY, tOroielI or o urnee, who aIse now ivec on > Cary av-enure, Waukegan. lu speakiflg furtiier abdut bis baec ton -thîs comnUlsadministration, Co; Ouilla deciarea tbat lie hepes to teel d own. thq expeuse Of the, office ai mucla as possible anS believes tha by rrangiiig to take inA an salii M. [lady wîtis the undertanding tha they vill handle Il cases for1hi county wtheut b)ringlag ln otsidq asistance5. Le believes lie liaslakie vêry Imfportant step towarù gaviel money for the couuty. EjETS TIIREE YRS FOR MURDERIR( frivai. Wllam Pike cf the arn' -wu, oovicted et murder byi 'mà«W Tuesray ailSsentencie t~i ard. jW4VLeave 'BERTYVILLE INDEMMNENT, DECEMBER 2,1920 OUR NEW PIWSIECIJ'O- OUR NEW ASSISTANT, PROSECUTOR State's Attorney'elect A. V. Smith and Ralpb j Dady, fomer State's Attorney, ywho has been ieiectef.s uy Col. Smith to become his ass*!tant under tne new adnistaton starting December th. ftalph J. Dady 16 MILK DEALERS, RESTUMRNTEUMS M E il EN FINES Investigations made by State Isectors, wha Preferred Chgsp atter Tests. FINED PROM $15 TO $60. The whclesais round-up of Wauke- gai and North Chiciago MUll deaiers. restaturanteura and lunch room Pro- prietors. by.sEte lipectonsvIe r- cently oit sampica of the MUt M-ha4 led. on Wednesday recuited la the. rlnnTg of sîrteen 0f these concerna la Justice LaF. Farme's court In Waukegau. Charges or violation cf variais sec- ions here on 0<toiser 5 Iy assistant supprintendent. Col. C. C. Miner, as- sisted by inspec!ors L. F. Thomnp3on and M. %. L. Olsen. Lst of Those Fined Those fined. the anount of the finesi and the charges against tbieta re: Noans lunch car, alleged violation of section 39, which requres tiat1 nilit for sale 'u-t have at ieast tlîrPe percent o! solids not fats, flned $15 and co,tA. Emnions and Pound4, saine chiarge ana sanie fine D Georges Cafe, sanie charge and uts fine. MallIens Sweet and Tea shop. saine. G;enece restau-.,.sain-.. Liberty restaurant,sanme. Chcago restaurnat, sanie. Broadway Cafe. mne. Royal Cate, saine. Log Cain Luuiri raout. saine Waong Yick. chîop quey parlor. Lothi mutl and cneam undter standard. ftned 115 and Costa ;)a each charge. James. Tentes. char3ed cf sellin -rn- wlîalesome and 1un- en n iilk, f.n,-d $15 and cos. Fîned on Four Counti Ca operative Trading comnpany. dairymen. chargtd S ii seiling nuIt uinder standard ;rite jr.hoth "idli and fats, sot hti-i.7n:.tîiîartsr-ei*s* Inaine an trsps, -t haivnv *-wonaine on bottIs. fincd i <n tIIfcn-r rousti-. $60, and rst. Callahan Dîii.v .tt,. wi tlh selling 11 tiz . 1-r la ndlart soUidsanad using labels and bot tels noi cntaining, ined $.5 on scI of Ilre ouiit, totalI of $15 and i Csi IC empany, same -t nand s i hlne., n- Northli clago itvand tre Cri se camnPanY. same chargies and lite ft I. Foliowlng lbi h)t.kbnx of the.-si ru pies on October 5, the dalry produ r asere analyzed ai. th-- state lali<rati ýcandi cati dealer notifled Intaappý le before Justice Firiner Wedesda>- àd prcîsettion 3ê thiî dai t:. S evenai COunts were dînaI'i 16 v-as found thsat ether parties w ce nesponsîble for the condition of n'u mll<delivered. ep Supt. Miner etated Iliat a botil as extihange slauld le estahlisbed îat Watt4egan aiS veuld he a great bE kit Io l all dealers vlho use -bottiez w vuld piclecititen' fron' îilg mt elgsi hottIfs Col. Miner jplins, ho decrease t&eextuense of buylng1 de batties in i eet to hece tisaI en astray after tlîeY get into otien de e rs bande. H. also recousmendedtl tat aIl taurnas and luneh rnisaWho SE mut b*.othe publie alaulti cail fat lginal one-hait pint bettie, as tbe hlids,tise hast panty, for any viola o f tbe mit 1ev vihse srve lthe Pu broin brokien packagec of contali 1Probe Eggs gitustdli. Tgo T'roma reports recelved coi. '%ina satiafled the mutk situation le be ny today tlan fiLvas October 5è i ë wj. tsj wele rmade. , Ajpfber oft a iplaints $re belnrecelved hir. id I th ie cale of .5mW. bovever. la an- Pt<m.whicii are itaving the attei EiAMBLJN4i UD 15 CLAMPED DOWN IN, CITY BY POLICE Police Act Affer 2 Victima Teli of Having*Been Muleted out of $600 Each. 17 ARE ARRESTED IN RAIDS The gambilntIld hau beaulamps Soya la ' Poprleo e ofgambllnghouaec lu thé,e 6ty kihaqbien oier. *9v ft, lice ta close. Thor have beanSiv*, t0 uniderutand tact any attempt toi re- apen Ibeir places cor business vili r.- suit I raids and arresa. Disclosurea that victimaetof ard *sliarks' often la.several hundred dollars in local gamea brougl thlie drastic order tram thse police. One well knawn Waakegan youn& mnan went ta thse police station retient- ly and reported that le lied bat $600 playing poker ln tire. dilerent gamb ling lbeuses biers..lie said lie lad liborrowed" ths mancy fron' bis cm- ployers boping ail the tîme that lie vwould make a "tilllng" and le abue ta PSY then' batik. He kept gettiuig la deeper aIl the lime. He vas dia- cliarged vben bis accounts ver.9 clîecked aven and the abonlage vas discovened.- He faced arrest uniesa lie vas able te make restitution. Tise poice cailed in tise propietora cf the gassling lieuses ln vhlcb lie said lie hmd ict bis money and the situation was explalned te thon'. To ai-aid aotoriety lbe gamblera baisa- ed ta mate up tise abortage. TIen another man came aleug anS told of bavlng lotit $300 I one gain- bllg bouse and a imlar aaoUft iI anather. Again tb, gamling bouse proprietora ver. caled In. Titfnie tiiere vas more protest but the gamn- biens made UP thse amount lise fellov saiS lie lad l. 'i len the. police decided to, caîl a liait. Assuming tl. position tInt they diS net cane te colect gambiing tisses tliey cali.d In te prepnietors - ie sarinua gamea and ordereti t uta closeltheIr places of huai. Meinhens of the niglit police force have been instructed ta mnait a algît- ly chseck on the varions establlah- nients la aee tbat tliey' are obeylng orders. The police have beau ln- strucled h tb. beatis cf lise depant- ment ta mate raids vlenever publie gambling la fund. During tise montis et, Novenaben a total of seven men have been errent- ed ton gamblinitnlaraids.- conductefi by thse police. The i-esper of on. rplace paid a fine of 154.40 The play- ers la oaci case vere t lard $7.40 . IL bias been years stucs flore las been 1sucli a determined crusade agalst 3gamblng la Wauk(gan. lesMuch Christmas Mail is lene-Now European Bound I. ford Tue Chrstaa potai rush Is flow nd for RaroPean parcuta.For' the iat glo week, cens ave beu kept going at size of the partiel pot beaps. es- An average oý four we6ka la a gafe ierve mal.gin of 61'. for transportationi f0 ,r or, Europe now, thie potmaster saya, but îlaw withln a few days or a week, the tibil growth of shlpn'ents will prObably ubli mean a greater length of ttrne. ermafly and Austra aàe gettîni er le the bulk of the Buropean parcela. lier i nearty every instance. ,the aPoa i the. master said, the pe.rceiamare p 10 WaU4 Der ce le, te r.à remte 9rq 81.50 PER YI.L\i1 N AUVÂNCE. I SHOP EARLY-EARLY IN THE DAY-EARLY IN THE SEASON Baby's Christmas Mothers and those who antici- pafe the buying of gif ts for- infants will appreciate tle careful planning *-the complete assortments-one rfinds here ta fulfili every reqàire- ment for the baby. The.-values.ini cach instance'are verv unusual. Ribbon Boxe@ .. ........... ....... 79c Carniage Strape ............. $125 to $198 Record Booksa................ 50c t0 $250 Pelcating Toi&...... :............. .... 25e Ratties ........................ 2c 60 18c Hot ÏWater Boties ....... $6 to $225 Toilet sets.................. 79e ta $249 Carniage Robe Holders...... E5c ta 98e Drus"e, Kimonos, Etc. To'mention each lot of dresses, sacques, bath robes, kimonos and other articles for the infants ward- robe is practically impossible,> so ex- tensive are the assortments. Mand Made Dreese......... $2.75 to $550 Hand Ermb. Kimonas ... -....... e.....$498 Kimonas of Shaker Flanne ..69 to $1.19 Mand[ Emb. Sacques ......... $2.49 to $498 Shaker Flannel Sacques.... 9c to $398 Batha Robes of giderdown and Beacon Re"CIoth .....................$349 PiIIow SiSps, Lacs and Kmbroidery Trimm................. 69e to $1.59 KNIT GOODS Carefully finished. Many pieces are hand embroidered. AIl are un- usually attractive'and moat reason- ably priced. M ittens........................ 39 to 79c Sotties ...................... 49e to $2.49 Sweaters................... $2.49 to $4.98 Hooda ...................... $1.69 tg $3.98 Opos a Charge Account bre-a great convenience for the Christ- mas shopper. (Inquire at Credit Bath Robes Make Splendid Gifts For Women They -are moat seasonable and practical gifts and we cannot think of anything more acceptable at this time of year. The extensive asaortments now ont display here wili be quickly chosen because of téheir remarkable values. Made of Pure SMI Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor and Chenoy Silk at $10.98 to $18.50 Made of Corduroy. In beautiful Made or Beacon Robe Clotlt witb shades. eoftly wven, luatrous sonft leecy finish finish. 10.98 t 14.95 4.98 t 14.95 Christm .as Furs at Specially Re- duced' Prices For Christmas Furs of every desirable kind-ou r entire stock-hua been radically re- duced for your Christmas shopping. These furs are of our regular fur stand- ard and cannot bo duplicated to ccli a t the prices now asked for them. Many have been reduced ta cost affarding the greatest values of the season. FUIR COATS 0F EVERY KIND AT GREAT SAVINGS DEMAND YOUR AITETION AT THIS TIME. Spociall noted are sucb de- sin"i furs as Beaver, Minks of many kinda, Australian Opossum, Hudson Bay Soal, Pony and Kit Coney. Ail are perfiectly biendedcL I varlous lengths. SiIk Iinod throughout and have wind shield leeves. $75 to $575 Fur Scarfs are also greatly reduced for tdus Christmas selling. Tho assortmonts are very extensive but esrly selection 18 most advisable. Women' s Warm Woolen Sweat- ers In a Christmas Selling. New sweaters that are as serviceable as they are charming. Sweaters for every séasort may be chosen at this timne in a great vjeriety of new styles. The values are unusual. wool yarns in the sttractive ,w ester slîadeq. 5.98 and 7.95 nediuiii and lîeavy yarnn. Can )e lîad lnallai sated slîades ant! -alors 8.50'018.75 coThe new Skating Sets of flrusied \VOOl in very attractive color cobinations. Sîîecially priced at 1.981'4.56 Silk'Underwear For Women This is the sort of under- things for which every woman and yourig woman always flnds a place in her wardrobe. They are uncommonly. dainty and the unusual values mnake the selection of aIl Christinas gift requirements a real cn oury at this time. Are miade of fine Crepe de Chine and ait silk matmn, nîany are beautifully hand embroitlered. To be liad in white and flesti colots Charming New Blouses Are Here A Welcome Gift Suggestion Charming ncw blouses with aIl the fnesbness and daintinesa anc loves in a gif t blouse. Blouses for which every womnan will find many uses and sure to appreciate. Thse prices are really exceptionally low for'blauses the sort of these. MentionedO bor d are: The New Satin Blouses la most cliarming styles, Blouses of Fine Georgette. Tlese pidthe suit ~1 t5eTrimme&d-ina notaI baaidg slom ara indew are mSot-deJ4"&ýbIL s.t tlan. S=in, navi. broya anS black.. Very moderalely tiriced from are made In combiuiatioui colons. Newest styles i~êi~1L0 s 4J8t~2sas THE ENVELOPE CHEMISE These charniing envelope che- mise are made of crepe de chine and serviceable satin of splendid quality. Tisevalues can flot ho too strongly -stres- sed ,14 039 2.98 10 12.98 THE GOWNS Are made bf.crepe Se chine and caila. Trimmed la ace. Titey are omt de- f rom a esi-âî u'Pm LPepartment). $1.50 PER y LÀ It 1.*ý ADVANCE. 1 . e

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