Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 11

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- ----e QIT -ÀS ARESIJLT OF cos T's BOST Iliçàî Prici of Newsprint has 'ýpoied.E;'.d for Many Bright Pub'ticntions. liostun,--b an article on "News- piarer Mora Ifty' te loEton News -Mireau in a current Issue Lays: l'ne narrow margln o! profit JiiCb exicta in the newspaPer bu- îress betycro pIitbiiaing coet and seîHng pre b as been wîîîed out in 8, very ii'rgî' number tijr-ses the aieady tîpmard niarûlh of contrai-t pri-ies f,r newsprint.. Many pbli caions are now ielailing on tbe strecîls for very nearly the cost of te biiink P;-i'(-r un which tbey art printed. 'Ntrly liii" îriig thie baà l t b dudisowned inany publiai.j ers ah,, %v e nt trong enougb bo citer (11,11)altose il by raIsIng their p'ici" or lu k(ep theniseives afloat1 * on the -ai'inings of -more profitable "'ieîîigntude of titis flood tide and file ruiiiher oi lis rirsOs. le ln. db. titi» l he'delîilne ln regouatiofie of metonitdesq pjublicatioes viit b. liOut <te Dei'artneb "Decrease frn prevloum fiscal - y"fr: 1911,1-l,19I;1,11t3; 1917. Pl. -"I bci;, cçf cours, are net figures; that ia.. thty do flot meusuit tue flunber nf publircations wIcb vent out f h-n-, sa-bbut offeetting l i ii l ev, publicatio<nsregisterr-g. lit viit h,- nea publbationi regîs tering for te'tit nlie. gdoii f nde-ilîl trenidj"94w ahi '.efulneasure of discontinua- lion ofr- PtlilC-ilpublications le ContaiXted 1ln the figures if iessers. Ayers ii d So-n. of Piiladelpbba. Their coîttulations i-low the folios- Ing, ssùUions. net listings and net losse% for Ilic tht-ce yiarm: publicatitoit, -urîended-1919. 1.689; 191.1,4; 1917,i1.a5-9.-i-t publicans direct a tit î,of uîn g npes ftor titeir sulppliii- t the publishied con- tract prieFS. iv Tlb grcal' h-r (,f publiez tions gel their nevuwFpiinlt througl- Jobbers an i mdhleien and conte of Insu uo Dot even bave ,otracts.. M '(bere aeeh. consumers Whou@ nees ff drives them tO PaY the "sPot" Prnces for-newlt-somtumes as blgh as tweivýe and fitteen cents a lîound. A few Yeara agn newmprint sold for un- der three, Cents a iîound. lhe Dasaing orf tbe countpy neya- laPer vili mean the Iob:. or a unique Antercan moder uf publie opinion. t as W'eil am'h1083s. of onç of the Qj wbic itii keeji thé worker ti! the poil. When coulntry newspapera 90 O«t of business te exodus front th<' fkrmn, Il là teared. viii reacit even larger proportjons. BUDDIES OfFTF. SHJERIDAN TO HAVE ..RENIN N OT Jcientllic C nt Six tbousand men vito vere "bud. dies" et the two tort Sberidan train- Ing camps la 1»117 have been ln- vited tu tbe second Ennual --get-to- gether" meeting at the Fort Sheridan ssocation. - The affir ia net for Dec. 10 and noted spe»seres - wiii be there. Federal Judge Landis. Mai. Oea. Wood and Brg. Cen. Dawes wiii speak Thbe latter bas been likviteS and là ext. Pected but bas flot officiaiiy accepted tbe inviattion.- At theefinual meeting plans for te Permianent lits of tbe ansociation wili be made anS pubiiael. .- Te Fort Sheridan association »aid ail the expenses ofthe bureau of nui- diers saliors and maris w bich sec- UreS Positions for 40000 Chicago en- listeS imen In lb. lant four nionthi of lia existence. tien. James A. Ryan lx pree3ldfnt and Myron E. Adampt 1e excutive sec? retary of the asacclaton. Fox Lake Bidge Is- SNow Entirely Completed Prcsident o!fte Foi Lake \'illage board. William Nagle. sonounces liat te new bridge in ibat village bas been conpieted and tbat tbe fuilon eliber enS enS lb. oadsavae about heen finisbed. Thte settling of tbe flil yul-b ril labo lace dtîrm« te vin- ter wth repairs that vatli be miade eil spring vili put lb. bridge and rond in shape to une. Thun tb. coOecting ink oetween Chicago and Lake Geneva and soutis ero wisconFin 1a compieted .and as s;oon as it beconies knovn t is ex- pected that the trafflc viii be beavY over ta*t route. M WHO0 PAYS 11E BUh WII YOUR CLASF BREAK? If a gusî of wnd -a budderi moverent-or en accidental jar sends your crashing to the ground aho pays the bill for rerlaicng the broken lenses? Uiess y. Rate IuedTise Frie LmuesYOU Psy lie Bih We viii brsure yoîir glasses. Bfôre Vour glaira tbrcAk trirîg îhem tb us. No macler ahere or w-bm you boaght the-,,-se can. inaà momerif, issue a N. 0. S. C. Lens Insuraînce Car i gtiod for one year. If Vour glasses break aubhin that camne smphy prescrt the carJ t0 us andi w. aill ceiî in fuit Eayment for replaciig ite brokeri lense,, îc wery break si.1, front Ioneans-opt-ijIJealer anya-here. a-ho dspisys chiafamous eniberri. aili mnaketihbe rrplarnrnent ojîhout charge on presentation of tour N. 0. S. C. Lcns lri-tceC(ai-J. masure Your Classea To<ay-Tbey May Break Tounrrow OeTKAL sum 111 N. Genesee ROYVS109S.Gnee Waukegan, Ili. Auliwutd Rtprn.sat..s ocf the ma"uuai Ipt ice ncCwuqali. neiler clone ,$he maLywork from morning in.ntil bedtime. Slie rny su f. ,ferrpainaýt times from girl. ilsood until middle life, but ifi e vi take tie advice of thousands of women who have benbnfted she will tait. Eïer s Favorite Prescriptioq ý There Io one thibg that never goes out of style, and that is bealth. Plain dresses on a healthy, good-looking woma-i show off to far better advantage than fine rainient on a- sickly eoman. ]iÎealth neecln3 cost a woman much. If she is weak, sickly, out of Isorts, rmn down and irritable; if she has pain on top of the hessd, drsggîing-dowfl sensations and dizzineus, let lier et a bottle of Vr.~ Pierce's Favorite Rcmedy at the drug store and take it.. In short odcr she v-iii find herself growiig stronger and ieathier. Sh. can sce in thé looking glass that ber complexion is 2proving, imd that f rom -day to day sIte is better looking. Suie Nl tII oto yith great joy that sIte is keeping in style by keepîng - !r. Pree'u Favorite Prescription-lias been sold in the drug etores, for 0w' In hall a- century- no one Ma everae l better medicin*forwoinen. A rernedy that has made' sick women ulfor so long a time umast surely have the confidence of every. trllhoidi Uii ar"clé i te paper. Try tetabil* nmi. ~f4loo te nvalids' otu, Eua1o% . Y., for traipackage ruction TOýys --ForRedm-looded Girls and: Boys The lest fun worth- while. any b oy can hÊave is making soinething or doing something Such was the case with many of our great inventors and constructing engineers. You can begin doing things today that will lead to big achievements later.- Gilbert Toys open the way to success to every red-blooded boy. They are flot like the wamby-pamby toys that do not teach you anything. Gilbert Toys will make you a leader among boys now, and later a leader of men. i > Outdoor Wheel Toy' Heres the greateat toy of ail for boys. A regular hurndinger. With these fine outfits you can bud a real Geared speedaster. a sporty wagon. glider, wbeel barrow, coaster, baggage truck, etc. Something new every week. Itsa easy as pie., Each $9 and $15 Tool Chests They contain real finely tempered steel tools such as carpenters use. Just the thing for, good home work for boys. A fine il- Justrated book on carpentry with each outfit. A book worth dollars to you $3.50 $5, $7e5O~ Card Tricks One of the. foremost magicians of the coun- try designed the Gilbert magic.outîtý Price $2 Toy Motors Powerful littie electric motors to run toy enignes. Each *$6 Tyro Building Blocks Build everything from bridges lu bungalows. Gun boats to1 ris whels. Price $1.50, $300 and $500. I Lionùel Electric Toy Trains IIn construction, finialh and general appearance, Lionel Electric 4 Toys have no equal 1 195 and 17.50 Air Kraft Thtis is a very fine ail metal acroplane with apowerful littie motor, you can put lte plane togetheir yourself. attach it to the ami of the tal1 metal stand that cornes in the Out- ifit, ti tahen set it going and it will fly round and round the room. Price $10~ Knots and Splices Will tell you how to tic the trick knots, used on the stage and how to escape from them. Also how ta tie Al sorts of useful kno.ts anid aplices and do some startling ex- periments that will entertaîn your friends. A big illustrated book gocs with each out- fit. Price $3 Puzzle Parties >Did you ever hold a puzzle party? If not you have no idea of the great amount of fun ta be had.I'rice ,35c 75c $1.50, Electric Transformers The best transformers huait. Eacit $ 7.50 Liberty Building Blocks fer- Stone building-blocks in colors. WiIl please the littie fellows.. Price 1. 15 92.2 5 and 4.50 Overland Flyer Trains Watch .'cm go! Racing on the straight track. Stopping for the mail. Off again, some speed, some f un at $2.25, P.50, $2.90, $365 and $395 Hardware Gilts are Use fui Gifts--Select. Yoùr Gifta Here BURKE 118 S, Genesee Street, & WRIGHT Hardware- Waukegan Phone 372 Designer and Toy Maker You can do ail sorts of acroll saw work with these low priced outfits, make fancy boxes, photo framea, book racks, bird cages, toy animais, cut out puzzles, etc. These are dandy sets for making Christmas thirig. Prive *$1.50 ;upreme bas o',sed 5 -1 1 1 wqmw lqwwý lqur ý ý qqwgmum ý lqww 1-quop, "quw ý ýlqww lqwý

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