Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Dec 1920, p. 2

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ca tttkA'nel eib e h ÏW There e tesorai borgaung kt ofT E I S E L bonds. The.y viii dra, ftvdne inthe aFlâtlfl. lthes te C Bon r SALE. IN LAIR(ECO* 1 S: iad Ftituefoa ýlh tbogo e M"ent Tine l'raternity captatfte (hurche, and aclioois shoald flt CotaiHeydç%ker Heads Com- ;lok hi; ay r ak nntiu ,nlt.eNavngSeal Sale hir and$. A TIRCRL D The sale of tlief'hri'îns seais fer 1 alf e oÜti s .Well unîler NsaFY. (IO Z E CI ('oral T Heydecher, Ille (cnunlv U chairmen i oalZiatrigen N SIA NsJ . irot corniuliltee. eon4istina uot Ose fol uiS ÀONS lowing: John S. Clark, eliailonal ___ division; R. W%. ILOwis. soüietIý-âanadi Stili the booîe flown tto Kenoabal xaion division: Theo Bleck. netcatI on sm&IJy siternoon Bflotttk car- tit division: Mis..Jack Iiloban. wo- loati of presutnàbly "wttet ais" ar- mma, S divisiQu. Seth SiaugliterFa ' ienohani1nOZt4" OL"Tè the. Laueranian. rellaeous IivliIIQtioneinItaksttil1w5tt- agis. lrisun. Miss Nenard. induistriiiUn hnI ae et lI-wsu ,dvision; W. J. $imth. publicty. iakded alvd carrieti tway te tht vare- The division enaimen are orgafll- bouse Or ellara of the, consgnees. iaz tb.ilr respective divis;ons., and rhe s hipinent wes recelveti by the thé sale viii go forwaru ,aith 1icrea'saine crew o încu wbicb han beauaun- ing speed. loadifl forner sbiprnents setoetitis Lake county in îightingth ravages 'an bad been ail of those whlcb reach- of tubercuJiosii. Coder lb.' crntrol ed Kenosaa In the p4gt. or the Lake çounty TuberuiuisA.s- The car vas a. box car -of Penfisyl. saclalon the p roqetds wll b.' u'ed in vanta raliroad. Nuniber 2093. It came einpioylng- a %,sting ndise, provid- Into Kenosba on the, mlik train flun- lmg nutrltioined casua§. a ler.' îht und daY affernoon and imnmedlately the er oureistied chbuidren will be pm- - elepholue vires got hot teling of the. vlded wlth proper food ibdnesai-rai ô! the wett ooia. Il vas sali opeit air ectiols, eloies. etc. to have been sent by'express from - Tubercuio8im la one' of the 1 v vent- Chicago. jibe diseases. and can be ai resIed1 Work LikiW Beaverft Agin ». lasearly stages, vet t housands die 1 It vas Sunday aflernoon and lb lp 0ti5 they hame lot the.knowiedge fmot the usantl costorn te unioad ciri, 0f oy Il properlr raie for tîtosei reachlng Kenosha on that train unti afflcte wib i. 1Monday imorxilng. lu spite of titis . One of the greai aima àô( the i ai ,hvever, there was Do delay le gel- taxai' state and county tubereuiôslal un g to ias destination. Trucks vert association la io spread the gospel isommoneti and about four o'ciock the .1 kovldgeandeductio ~, itat rew stgrteti unloadulta thet iquer, of knwiedg andeducaion Lo th t ia h elevtd that the car receivc-d o one can say. "I did flot kn. I l!n Kenosha on Sundâky mlgbt b. the Tht budget 'for Lkeecounty i i ome eifctor" vhic bubasboe Ti30.1his la but samrait atnount runt, around. thtexessu yards of atit th counttee xpet Idstetuaebî ago nd Milvariukee for several MÉDt e ti.t orbebid., veeks. That car ettrtedlits travelo s»Y lour contrbutionl la flot iimted by eui vae(s agi, vi t ' l vs sent tie u isDa o anue thiab enonba consignets te lIe unioad- ~wtht cOunrnteeiiaLve.Haith BOittis 4à t TruesdeU.. Wben It reacheti Mages la Pries front $& te 41 ,000 1t0thie stdng tiiere, the prosence of tva ttiecmreof the. targe r anotions. trangers. beileved 'tobe êetectlves. Z-vary bdge, union , oclety, ant inl- laterfared witi lis beinh uniaaded and ý5s**@try sboui4i Plan te piirbiiae on<' lt was sent on to Mliwaukee. Later * re 'of thie ,eii od iesel h waa ieturfle. ta Trüesdenl, but boode are matabie for erantlag amt mot unloatieti snd sent teo Olica. Goold Yom ReSe aFinerChitaGft rha theA1fttyto PIa théPuWefl? ÇHRI BTMAS oring It doet for te- piayer-pitlt be0f per«ons iii receire vlat "lkeytouci" dots for the- bhis insreious gil!t - th band pîlat.ift, I les diredt abiity to play' tbe p"ao wei- contrai a! expression tiraugh qiede posible b>' the Guibu-a- the pediais. insteaiof aindrect. Pms player-Pisit. mechbanîcai Contrae t h r o U a b MW te>' viii be ab'it the "titicea." -ha lett ividuals on ea 'ti' - f.ulbrauseu "Pedi-.toucheu-- V. al tot malc.We na>'mila you o iniay' eisureigyi, h *4 tanUwWeet th itiflgera tu ralcali>' or irieguliy. a» yS pisay tht M1ato. but ve do kna- choose. or as thteniuslc dexmildé '1,0v this or thtt piece of music sccenllng tiis- or bhitatmot. puit tua ound. bringlus out a roium» of tône or Do_____IF_0__ ubdukg1 litQ Itt ptano mu tJ ,wth th~e PO& fice If you knev >PIIVOf -4 t-aho al-Touc in -or- vint ktys ta, dIngi->'$pWerà atnike? If wv.Iowait àressits ame sad 'ta y ou, WIite mmol 4d$75 unmai* 0&b --fibre la an lu- c~ mus e W.aulgt * t r uin e nt Csuatwy &Ma one$ meana w*ic, ai. titat gurea yau test. aliti ce- lte POWer te, S.h&mqiwNqa.. »S os*~ i *iiual>-as veil sPuSiOlu iJ au an>' arilletthat i-or lvet*ýi." Ipoabible vle I ta. U drw,. Vouid't. you* bu>' vith the' con- bacha.1 Po thstate Guibransea ,Ofdenc tint Yoo coulti put ex- la sOeasy à aMatoa, however. PM"as uin Int t? ratipnt 0 amÎq i tes pis>- 01 eaurs yu oul d! las vii 'xupressia. fluIbràansen "ledaI - Toucit" la Yoi'Tou ca ta 10yousel seopfflihie fou- tht ditîeinct&k a f minubes' tuai. Try a abaraterof this Player-Plano. (Iuibrabn si at 1tore. SE. MAIMAN, Wàucondla, III. yLayeA -% e t -«q t*aôkO, he--, . * putLtira, U*ATs bade Ornv homUe n" oi Ya JUN E tr ,ith bar, tat' M s ] JII<ECarfleli, and tiier frie0dà. ~ fI N Mr Bgrteil'of Chicago a wseteýaUn Of McH~ryCO~rty Lad* SeisfýlenOicitht nelghbàroot. John Grnn -Word iiat F«meLr Rebfte- the, tov4 bail andi Xteps the. crms on Hii sentatiVe WÎII flue wiiks iu itttissu ShaPe anti fa dolas - ~fiat vork ael arotist. Th jt.qple are vIntereat of Lke County Peottîcans vi ah.1e0d0lhbte<idt onGa vas arouseti toda>' by' n foriWan- *thet ogrd matie, anti va 1ILkrééi-0.04 airent,*zItItI PoÙncemenut trou Mcit.ary Stut>' voik lu thet-future. - __bytu_ ai frein a friand or E. 1). Sburtieff whièh Gm NtsJacobsen vas iamat ttram b* itoiM statad that Mr. fihurtîtif vas to b6, Itti duties at S L Cartllds-1 a Part of r el comreettdidste for circuit judas lâtVeak, due ta polsoni; coltracttçl vnt 1 0 1 vice Judge Dolneiiy .vbo, 11 Ia * stated. ville wtrkng ai tht canning factoi-y. d ao, ï wiii "otseek re-eectlan bedause et Ini-irirdiy h c heaitb. 'Tht recetit annunUflCtat The GraWsake Arnerican ion Jabean train mmn ry -Countl that County bse altsivntertrtgr. Ptro Jutige Chartes Barata vas to lit askft hlttas wobn'tietn h ti frtiePtmni> s cantldat fr JtigeDonitiYs mette Athietlc Club by' a sSi-eof 41 kOtba. tmkiz lion andtt 5.bis oui>y opponent In tu Il. At thtetati of tht tirst hlait bolier, I' thnt county voultib. folDir Count>' tbt store stood 2 0 ta 11, but during the van late 51 Jufige Stuhlie>, causeti mail> folk* to5 concititi that Mr. - ShArtlcif viiôe ecod hall the aid sttam.irroier or pid over iv Dame hati beetu mentioieniett as foer ycaî-s gt busy andti l-oed out ta steady Il a possible candidate wouid not hé lnan additional 27 points.ters5and ont the race. teel netatta Tht basket ahootng of Moual., Ruse- q0me i bfl Hovever, leal nexrc m1aett and Mende abuwiedt tey veret u- aioig thP ltter recelveti totis>' y a Lake coun- as gKoodtortu ns preyloua yeart. andi ttacs viie t>'offcii foinn cilenr 'oun>'tht guartiing vas ahi>' taken dare of hit legs. H InO ~ offci r are M 4enrpyit v t u--by the Pester brothers' and litonard lce in Chic, thorit>: 0k.the. physicli "Juat a lin. toa avise you that NtSaturda>' nigbt, Daec. I1. tue thenkie 0 frienda of Mr. Shurtieif eniltetId Wa ioathletlc Club *111l be.bei-e to la Merloet i the inoitient ta maike hum circuit try "er lock 'vith the Legllon teaià. suit sLiilst court Judge are greatly. pleased ov er It in abco »ltinned to hae a curtala M4 b>'hilsfi lbs *stuation,ý tht sentiment fol hla.m riser btwten the. llgbtweigbht teain bing ov«rwheling. ,You are ati andt bë fîrýtb'uruee tetm u t LaitF. x 0e 0se a lilbrty te sa>' [bat hbcviin bu a can- Ila> nlgbt the Llgitwelgiiti bat to thet9 1TuEIU didate for tht Pltlong helti by' î Qurne tOtaïni atSrlie.29 ta 14, antia Meetb wid Jutige Donflelly. viioe health.v yu returé game vii bépiayêd Ibis >11-t 1- ý ae oti knov iba buta lIparetifou- some . Ing rdda>'night. ~X e a xe lrne.t "Nevaspapers of iiockforti art out lu ver>' strong editoriala for Mr. a Sburtieff. Copies vilii rachi you eth- er -n Monday air Tuesday. Wisb you wouiti give somaniespaper publiclty in Waukegsn to tht Shurtief!for cir- cuit, Judgeshlp cantiltacy. it leaa mavement haLvina 'the Nil force of bis McHen-y county hupporters lu Puât cmpaigna andithflot an original ael Of -bis ovu, but ratier. the vork or -iientis w"i te*, hI la due him foliow ing hil long s»d useful public se"tie et Springfildit taa. state itgitoir7. 0*67 900000900000 OS * HALF DAT Tht unuai Chrias'tr e anti pra- gram Inviibu presentedtiIn the Town * 'elt!'~a.iI.t'evenink, Dec. 25. t.. i k....g,£c. iâ, U-ie vilii bce churcb achool at 10:30. Bath olti anti yoangare earnestiy inviteti ta tua service, -Evenkg service ai 8 o'clock. Tht sbWet la "Tht Glving of Gitt." f4 BvetrYot la Invitedt taattend. Chir rehearsal every Sunt, ia> t3 ip. in. Ail are urgeniy 'requtatedtu t Joi lnkk Iis community sigine. Next i8unda>' aitemoon ut 3:15 the chiltiren are aÊktn la meet at the towu *hall for rehearsai<of tht Christmas I srograin. Lest Sunda>' evening. aler thteiegu- l ar service thteéletli o! officers of t*churcl for 'tht comlng year vas ,beld, thtelier. C. E. Wolsteti presidina asmatierator. Cari Witt vas re-elet- eti 'tiacon; Li4nati-on re-elocteti Strustee; I. H. Schroetier treasurer. with C. J. Herscbberaer as assistant; Mis. M. A. A Liail re-éiecteti clerk; Miss Lydia Meyers reelecteti aa"It- ant; S S Supt, Raiph R Kelthalm: aîst. Mrs Coak; S S Seecy-Tu-ttft, Carl Witt, re-elected. Tht annuai meeting wiil héheiti tarlin luJanuar>'. We regret ta chronicle thé death i Detroit 0f a former resitient af Hait Day-Allen Gitason, about 65 yeara ef sgt. . Hie boybooti vas spent bere and young manhootInh Elgin, empto>'- tti lu tht vatch tactor>', but for man>' yeara be bati been ln buSiness in Copeisit, Mich. Recenti>' vben bis lteaith tallgt i hm he mavedt t Detroit vitere h. tuikina haspital. Rbston- F i Mral as belt in tlihaime of an ai aide of la second, virt. Mrm. Mamie Haiet and little tiaug:i ter. Bla Doria, art visting relatives inBervyn.. George gümfcif! aiuncie L H (Ontly 8 Of I Krugr look a trip to etîvîitre villi a truck and buougt lhome a iond of! U M R E a rn churoh furniture vitich bail bttn giv- AJ ORSYbspo en te oui- eburcb titrougb ,tiie kiadnesa M *cates in toqal quaiity of. t 0f Mr Warren anti bis foi-nef pautor .iend the 1ev E. il, onwas of Bel. Libertyviie Auhtorium aud ci vldere.. ab" lute succesathe sanie test c ?uany velulu inthia vlityhat gone dry titis tin, and W A okta her living.voice. Bysagningtli bus>' dtgking iuev ones, the, latest for Pi'ed Towner on tht -Dinond ]Lake tfrm equal, in every respect, Road. ____ ___ ood beside ber Nov. 29 on thi laa0S 00055 e OO 0 0 5 0 0 d ainazed'aII.IiertyvaiIk e R T I'K e Le il$show Yom ndplay fo 0 0 oae 0 e 0 0 .01-0 0000 (leorge Strang vas à çhlcago via- Wi ibor montit>. ,T»t honte of, Dan Titoitide, hich vas ieotntky dgmagaedb>'rrla5raç- reatiy foinoccupa«. Thét u> si eJgtven the Congre- gationsai Ladie' id -v aaace. Mu- andi Mrs J WaW tafao ma 'T li abient lait Sdàuuraat lte bhontefbie latter* partàis. r Am iMrs 4.LeLw .g de ll. demoe À L Xede o! rWa-keaaa mt Part of at veait vitit relatves andi~ tr Uio" i Bau Lo vu11,- %IL. "- heii tut« ' s ' liteaccpteti a Wslticgl ai theWmeq Wltllllw 9,atLÎ Cbirlio Scbuoetir, vbo9 for the pat h ' vagit luesbees anti. ni viii pano - [diuon tok p tht sane to A Iàý &tr"enet aise Wasal, It ElT ultt ÜÉ ýM«NT; SUVE S ia 1,hd Pimu fal - a a, eti '1 f 501 MtarIt the 4441popbard luck IfJsT&I- DA nov tryillg ta e fu ýjnCk la auit ~r8010~l .. . ~ . li of whleýwva beuun SaturdaQy, ê'ecen*Ot' th. cirrctil, court atgoaink Bertha Peýpr6On. le a mnoviDst vansolierator rn oved a pianù :0Wau ag tii. Guana boy a Laklng te Pi ano front tiie liigiit the Imnumsent, top- white tht boy s trymua tanti bath tht lads. pluotuld p ù Fî oy'E en a t lt arpt vo:: broire: p n Fia -.nn ni s ago Ihe lid vaa wailling 10:00 P. M. m lie feit anti brokie one 00 - He went tb a ioetor'a 0f- ugo And bile dtcendillng D Yoùr Christmas ShoôpmngEuI tus'i staîra feu andi brokp p of lits. goondieg. Nov h.' op mifti rbelnvatistntr. T-rio. Mt the. Petei*ions vas strt-, àatber, Ni-h Grana. IMOI0KNSý4NT latt * Cla Afed A l e Imdepeaduau -* ruu.its, Q " 0ei i-ta tevaear i T O e s1 -,. dVI el 0 rte Walk eW Oround ai P Iowtiwr claffi Mî ie tht bfoon n~. i"e oit para tf mai kthet aPot$ N itiGior ser9ean( t ý1ergaaat mntieor jwe ~4and 'absl b~ Tecbulcafly it 1 0aff the parade g * stantÇd in til. op»ors inhabiting jilaw i hi- i J f h(-ahi... i dev of th e. tPC-t tffl ta ieflseuv'-l WOMg 1.0 Jall'are .U or this came.ou Lti States Ditrict Mmaced tliauhils a Win& !n a tveiy coi bai beesitgrafitec tes Supretue court Original Owner'S, Ie cse began a tsaP. Prail of omai aiDer of tht it Sheridan nov ,&tien againat Ni «~ Jr..commanda 1 oÇy . . B.Carti M&ine 10diispossest ed, [bat Ils-y v ldiagi; on hig proix mIssion. lie baaed tention that the Co adihgem 1lirnughPI ,tee iquired i he la le mainta-ined uhat tired' the proiteri Kiernuetionoc'..eî "fliore, it shoutd i âfflatd 'th(- landl lfp-bave be-'fl sel silp,>.. bei-ê v alitym, bill Prall 1-tierp bee-n ti-y Cod te Mim. Tiie ,'es. tturkhardt Mo ver.' itutit lb i-cuitIoda"Clal o*kegan agrueti wiî bMey CI-ne uni àt be offieers, bu kWa reognîlon it ne tue suit hmd n 4~9- and see ft-so-n ATEfAUHENICIIIYw signed by Maile Morrîsey these'Officiai, Laboratory Models in Our store) ounced theni exact dupli- toy Modela. whbave proved their supreme remuau. ltheinstrunient used inth, Come in tbis week. Remeober, webhave caly . We ipabte ~ ~ sW ofsstiig ih ibaldeet wi h ach Officiai LAboratory Modelthe . direc ompsainsit witb n orit h iIp-z h e d~naoea Certificate of Authenticity. wh4ich Miss Morrisey bis his certificàte, site deciarca3 other umscal instrtimntt. It will flot- oiiy bc your to the instrumnt %i"ch means of acces. to the meal voîces of th. worlds greog he stage at the Auditorium artisti. but also a peculiarly pu-ecicus mentento of mie of, 'the greateat'contraltos of ail tine. you'these Off icial Làaora- Aik. for the'Certif ied Officiai Laboratory Mdl fhy the AudieoS it UbetyvilleAudtorium wu 8o 0 edb ý4EW EDISON.~ lie Pf/*nogr*ph wlth a Sour" by mis" M$isey $omday No ôse in the audienace was ai to tell Miss hrisey's %tytville Ausditorium. living voice front its RbCwoze" by dm. New Edm&. ased to sing. and the New li lhe oue apl dàvbed that aparvel of marvu g aboe. -prfedtrealliL tlt us delteer teds"y o.0t ithé&N*Wlg!IdstiavllCertIflatse of tcil>'. YOoun a th e ipst ban>' way you 'OIssue. Stop ln, or te= sn.Th*iss n*no te t t.-- Ann The* BUS McW, C=u Tihis.a a"I

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