Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Dec 1920, p. 7

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R. WENDLA OROCERY-AND MARK Onecrat Merchaný STAPIE AND 1ANCY, GROC P.Y ooE. Nmi O 8003 AL OOS A0 C UG SDCI 1 Stand.rd SosieFauci $(&ti Condeetiomsvv ToiaI t Persouoi>' Doli snd T PtIYSICIANS' PRESCRI?1 Carefully CernFourni THE REXAIL ST( GRtAYFýLAKE, iWÙNOI' &nniv ~n *.* remoffl at the Jane licAlister 0 0OFI VI&0 tflboapîtda uWaukegin, riday. lim oCET0 P john noyer and Clartnce Hetel -and *, ,,,, 00 0 hKMsss Mslt and irene uer -M PO I IO F U T. Iori, to ýad M r,. !ag el apent Thurday .î'nn ý ' W net,. o; Friday. Ver. 10. a $On. Alitiise NIRi-celia"Wedner of Alla - ÛE 'AJU'V V DE tte danghter iaarrbd ai the honte lisaie lu vst'ng ititi er aiter Mrs, Ut Icuff>U FAIA lilOf Mr: Wagner'5 miuter. Mn l.Johl Le Icird Obenaut. zen of Fort Hill un Sunday, Dec. 5. Mr. anld .Mra. George Duyer of (li eh7t l, . re-m a wlorne 1111e guest8. cego apent 3undajy, IontIay and Tues- p= Supervisors Hear Appications as ths in ttF'iinî son Io arrive. M the iýay w'ih Mr. and Mis. JOtn Ahdrt o K for Place as Successor te read IbQfe littieilsand l. t*a-' wtli ctuylr« ly.the fiiaIdahter 1 beui the bon -rue apgrviors tonv berdoa the .Lezen îamily, iid la being1 EN ON0 O L ue iP"It ,t« hadare-.1 calis'd iser hY 'Ovi' brothers. Ail ïîAu RE O Amn. i. th te county Irood rouda 1concerned are dolpg îieely. 'AUE O . i Aua.ta.%opa, be taken,10 lturcluane Mis Emmna Auchstatter bas rit-f BRACHER, IS DEAD à I L Soder. alérusluer. ,îîd Ilnew engine uneitai .Womiha i«lwî tob aidwith t11w grader. The tre --atomnh glwl rWdnsv, Association af as meeting in LlbertY-reaieintesuhraarofhe FnBailr.àgtya ld.O trouons ville adeptted a resoint km urging te ille .Ed of C t6y W. Breher, county treasur- lmAeh" puTOIIBS5 0<thi, afeaturo of eqiaelit Clarence Hertel, Victor and Edi r died g4uiday niivbt ai his home.î 100 01e on the balet thsî Ibe addition woild Frederick and the Misses 11-ene lier- 220 William@S streel. deatb belndite mn ba"evsuy.ai4la rond work. litelut- tel. Marie Frederick, Kathryn .and id branchial pneîîne'îiia witb whlch ter,..Wa reffered ta the coInluiitte tO Bertha l-ironifliiiaenJoyed antaut.omo h.-lied been 111 .in.' Thuradny. luvetigate and report, bile trip to %Vaulegan Wednesday. (ûtity Tien-aul.r Braçher lia$ Applicetion were rend for the -. been Ili for ici> veeks witli quinn>'. itio ofeuniy tarin upprintend:e The children of Mr. and Mai. Fred Becher and his two sons. Vren NDu from, Philo Burgess of Waulcegan. Obïenaulf are Ili witb the e.hickenuiol. a ni i. R.. madle Iheir honte' with lo. Bb.' witttlieSBfl pioliceman ' Mm. Kale Hloretier rptunied Moônday Mnr. BmeClWaPpiarsinî. M r. and Mrs. KETr and Oeuf-y iawrene Omplged lortno a weelk'R viil Wib bher son, An-J. R. Eraclier. sonl t1ne-n té cunt fai».The dnew, and faemlIY Of ArlIngtoi Helahts. latter's application wan accoip&flisd 1&oanad Joseph,. th tîwiô sons; of THE lNSIPENDZNT always 011 by recommendaiong froo Faseator Mr. and Un. Joe Tilkampe, bail their LipsrtyVfI4ll 101 Swift and oihen leadiflg LbertyvtIle__________________________________ di men. Andrew Efinger .sienoIla salit- in ne an aspirant and th. Mýmlmtte im s a ked ta inventigate the, appli- '*.4 '.-dilreport luter In thé %union, The ration appications are being blisdkmd for, tbe position of couhtyý 0 -S AH farpi ySUP@rntedet ri vo vcyer s r R SS fArIPYsupeinendent lforht Bchye dide recentliy, Sce iliat turne hi'. erintendent. liam fIleid the place temaS V E CA fdS oar. hre îsly o yanal P'robWbionn fileerChurchill aubniii- mî,î e I - -.eîi nul 'eot rom'A Y E A . T I 7 C 7 l. Mai-eh Itl. >iowing cases l ooled A N N L I E OSaffer. status o ni Ii.'-men referred tu ____ is <rare, etc: Ittiorti dopted. f0vyr .11,i), oi.bitl"ýo)rimmfitT SHORT N TC il toi -rhnli ni.jî'd and n.Is M inlupermiît ),,i :,reiain aI i 1e fo ILW . ROBBINS W OOD W ORKING CO. tînillil 1h.-fi, of Nlar(-iiprovi:iet h ir d ., ' <T' D e'- -'i lo " ' newP h o n e 6 1 L ib e rty ville Illin o is e .4) l-:ter F' ated 1- - 'r- Ný1,i-r I- y.ov, h MON di î i' e 1w 1>4 bi >ffl ie <j - r o niî -îîeder tlii> o'-' ' .ma;nl on ,fi, ('ORE"iidl wsh' '>h' lis $ ilO ek -plîng. non n .ain lt 0 . n n n W& 11 0-. -A. t., î. I. t-TAYLOi' o MILLBURN OffcejeFiatN.ioai Bila* 000000000 O 0000000 io, ;in oscsn ned- 'n..rn >' <.i g,,tttr', sai 'îîg nr, ly3 DR F 'TEF ~ îrM' r. 1ifisas-fl ion oniosd.4 ,sIOTANT .'1'Ac VIE 5 w5 .lief ulit' will go1té Ialiforahi. Hllnt«. iss >'joesWcanton apil fi-orv' o *1nd woh home loîlks. ELHANAN W. COLBY Mi-'' iUlfl %leir 'Iiii'.e for sir loînîs in ilittiflgî. .d - r.bngi AiIos'nsy'sl-LSWspen' seve<i ai wsonlh- cilh ber n>î,î - -. . . . . ire . Jans- J:i'îsonfl %Il, i lUfl>5>lI tI RÏYVILLE. tLPI LYEL.L H. MORRIS U ..b tyie - Ilincis ai L . iRni. Ufin IJ L MAC GUFFI. atW DR.. C. 0L METY br' 'TELEPSONCO 35 AND W Bo p9Ik. with Pau Sueau anq ILISERTYVILLE ::ILUINOIS Ri' Morbie -anid 7Granitte c - . cil CemeeryWork of everýN D.,çrltlon h * rupneaw. ike UAV*WtC. ~ucioei o ~~0u~uy4?.?aw 801 .Va*Iulom SIfUO~ Il w~KgSAW ILLU<OIS o * -~ -~ - B., vo Wil 4u te a» Yoinko *»tMay dute. Thoan vIi. bupt Iu at 1-yW poficy tdV Write me 1or rate. E. W.'LINDVAIdL. Cental Agent - Neom eiiIllicsia. E E. i 'nmnan andi .,L<10 ilient hietý vcib1h,,fi.Bontl and fa lY at rhefe wili b> a I (bristmhas enlerý inient aI flh(-<'hurch Iidav i ýg, F)ec. 24. 1 1 . 1 The Bsonnert, knîilîles >111*0 ajîîed al i1si ilroîn DLies îl or a fi-w da>5. The laîhere have finbtied their Job. the ae-hoel-ial4ii nitiljl, fow îdy for the pîsterers. 00000009000000000 PRAIR IE VIEW ' 00O0000000000*0OC000 lira. W. Ritzentlili enterlainedý rother and bis bride fi-ont Canada ber Suu<day. Mr. and 'Mn. E. T. Bacon and J. W. <iris of Waukegan l biited the J. A. di C. 1. Munon famxilles Sunda>. Fronces Albrechi Iaaia perty for a pw of lier schoolinaies one day lest uek. Mîa .H Hoitje entertained Mr, andi n. L. Holtie Mmr. and Mra. . -P. ltzontbaler and L. Rltzefltbaier.qid. niiy Sunday. Mrs. F. Tonner enîertelned Mr$. S- ronner and W. Stoerp and iaiy of jiamond Laie Snday. ,The .tusper and sale of a few arti- ,le vas &au-access, and tex erbodY emed to enjoy. tbemBelves.* The noitu luthe tneaaury vas incrieatti CidepIeuse bhouot Sunday uhlng eaIo10 oeiick for bhe lent bilian practîce, vilch yuli bc tHI- HICKORY. 0 Th@t ladies' aid sociOty met vîbli lev. anid Mns. S. j- Pollock at Autiock on Wedfkeqay a laitveok. F'mank iKénusdy han beau lU11vtth sclatic rbemi". ' t -la Mt. 3J.- Pikles and grddallgbter vislted over Stinda>' at the Corners. SThe Chistmas exercises, witb trea, nul lie held in tiso clurch on Thuir ;. day -eveig. Deceuber 2rd. 'Z.ey. one la velcome.- .Mr, and Mrs.,Jacoblauf apeit Suln- dgy wltlî 'Mrs. M4,Guire and famUlY.' .Mr. and lira. EMMett Ming and dexgliter speut SnudaY at Pikerlle. Rarod Tholipom .MIna..Mary and Bitli <bîmpbcu and IMt. ud M"r. W. ,V'i: Tompuon drove to WatIL0ai1, lut Welaeoday Ueutn& vhel teir t- tended tbe>.tbeatre P PrsaiEent Theodera M. Oiarmt, President W. S. OinIth, Vies F. W. Chupchili Soretary and Manager. SECUITY TITLE & TRUST, CO. MURCSOF TIME -TITLLS GUAIANMM WAUKEGAN . no Iois [ jFor a irnit ed Time IWe wii give, you $:25 worth Of rlew -Records FREE- If you buy your phono- graph now--and you can suggest-your, ternis of payment, todi Cou&a no more thani the.ordinawy T HERE'Sno s ring tW this offer; no joker: T$2 5 worth of Pathe or Actuelle records;.] if you buy a Pathe Plionographl excp sanial models'3 and .6, which ar'e not incéIi No matter if you piay cash or extend. the, teri easy paymients--the $25- worth of records. l delivered with. the instrument na quickly, a maire your sélection. G. T. LUC E&.SJ Phone 27 /11 1~ C13 UICK capacity for hard work is strikingly. conibined with graceful body lines and fine ap- pointments in the new Buick Nine- teen Twenty One cars. Because of its roomnycapacity the new. Buick Seven Passenger Open Car is the choice of business mS and their famhilies, Authorized Buick Servicecvery- where reinforces Buick reliability. vý Ce, Go WENBAN 12.5 Wahnt treet -O I WI-EN BETTER ALJTOMOBILE5 ARE BUIF,*. UI kER A Practical. Electrie Light. and Power- Plant for -Farms W HERE VER our home may bc you can have the conveniences of electric light and'power wi th Willys Light. The turn of a switch-gives safe, dependable lig4t; or furnishes power to-make'worklhghter. This ight plant is compact, reliable and ecoflomical. The quiet Willys-Knight sleeve-valve en- gine automfttically stops, cranks and drives the ror fuel. The Willys Light Battery is made extra large for extra life. tWil s Light hase so many exclusive ad'vin- taestyo are sure to find it exactly'suit WILLY'S LIGOT PLANT CO., IETVLK L.NI 'k go v -1 $125,000.00 : lb: . :-: Libertyvîge.,

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