op berlda «i4.l u t it j et eis£.e I M4h* mi". dtp o Ua"o psines , la lit. ns la le a nativ, et Ul", = Veil djier .d tI ru~ôfty an 0 dati. mAsini tt a lie sot»o *W»"M ift. *wty - uitr Wlite buff mtype... KiaapiorTh.e exp egtpr-ilul "ep eo pite" l itme-r--fecae. ttetd b>' guient. mifit Î Ipton_~ opais. rghe ipc. 1,Md N Md Moi. # to Wj4 i . rc. A-., iss, T>îmool.fle -'-# ..1ai « *.dJYB so Mats h 14M luiPiald tiley. - I Soue ette! fIle DOCTR'S CAR - for'AIL TJ06 who muât use their car EVERY DAY in the Yeajr.- CLOSED car comfort and service in WINTR- OME car conveni ence in SUMMER. An ALERT, AGILE, GRACEFUL -car that o 'landies with delightfuI case. Unusually -LONG SPRINGS, a STAUNCH FRAMEY GENEROUS WHEELBASE ana DEEP, RESWÊUL UPHOISTERY combince to make it a FATIGELESScar to drive. TMe imply deaigned, POWERFUL DORT twofTO pulls with smotlîenesi and deliv1era UL J(ýOWER te the wheels at al time. E-vey"wcre throughout the DORT structure. b. mtii.,. WORKINq STRAIN YeuwiJ îýÜNlM 5le, andi MER STWKFMT14with the re-1 ~~~4týGM 1atii O ~STO THE fEPAIR J iw2YrnIEXTRM DMARY INFRL1 >0 MiWts Per, Gai». Pt Gmoline. 30x3!/z ies VfIO e u ayiCISNet i. or fft 06 i. ý *01 100. 7 Lak. wQzt~ 'fo'1 Fnd Chrstmas, ShpI A Pleasure at Theé.Globe These "May:r. C. Hed 4d North Ci- lm ICTM4ENTS OF MAYORMEI Large Number of Alleged Boot- leggers, Moonshiners, Were' CISed to Testif y. This iuoraifg for the tinet Iiune the. nanet, of the mn a h. wecî,tCB.1e b.- fore the grand jury te testif yagalun Mayor liead of N'orth (Ulca;(o. b.t came knovu wben t1tbe japers tr- t; the ind.tmc-ts wIre ma'c p:îblii ci lie tecord-1 show thitins.en weua I aled Io temtiry tri the pocerdinl; j i9 Ille grand. joly reculitiAgaini.t. tiî.U nàyor e ofith Cblago: Ralphl iem- mtic, Uohua Ru,, John Yelonick. Andro Pucmn, toliî>.MadrünlîiazMa& clinlih Mathew 104cn, ignaz 81.1- arzki. John Saduski. Johnie mos NiNck tA.--aidoe.ky. Jo%..¶ldîos Pull Lewandusiîy. Joe Beisli. Stevue Kioli, Johne Staueaik, Philip P'ink,1 John woItn. Sain Wright, Gus Tan- kus. iran isîele, John Nelson. Trhe Lediti ent charge.ahlie ailed to ac. againbt inacylôt the aboye uamed menn. atm were ildlcted on charges of selîng. inanuflcturing liquor, h-iow- in,- of their sileged opeiclions. ln tbe case of Ralh iHenlick. t fecords show ithat ihese ui"fl acre cailed belore lhe grand jury 10telu- fy against IMin: Fr'îank. iabala. Stella tr-bihan,' Bolus Rtouke. The .4wcific charge agaluat moro titan a sco leof Llind îîig gers and moonsh ile.g any o1 aboie are naitied ln the oa f mdictleenta. Siateen wîîn-eaesweie ,câiled Ce testify in the indicinet oft'John Niemi. c'ligoged witlî op-raîîng. a ga' bllnig bouse. Ni-ml îeaded guili> Io tie slane chai-g. a yeur mgo and, therefore, if con' 1<ted. ahir-~v st-acre hennit>.. lthere acte foui, .8tflaetmIWOoý theni detecties, in the cages ialaut liermiLp ToFbin, Edwaî-d Dole >1.a MicaelImehorschataed a its opera- liai a garablilugboue. . 1. Max Moxim, cho la kuowna s lb. *'foxiest" feilow in the ceuni', waîla- dlcted for meiliiig iiquor. Anton Dudek, North Chicago, iwag. lnalted -iiioe tBlon atloafuiciaffl by four wllnesses, orne a detettlia. Joe and Marie lt.1 puopîiell@t and operators et -Malrioie-t Pouth laite ver, inditted m c m t u& c tor alieged oftratm «ci&aboas. et Wl-tam,gamblisg boum aud Ille$*) jale 01 iquor. Tb* mu Oaata îtaid11 agailist eatitet tko chappl. jmoin .Cut CiüppLo Tyrik W]w ar bars beeii.tbg èpii U imb8ils UOb Assiast-Chi« 1,039 Tpml. aun -l. charged alti e atfa a au boumle, 9a8oiras =ar.t «Il d avi a bond of 120W, Iwblel. va. ale 1& 4rife andI Denai Cawley.e K»" oPucin. of North Chticago, la essatinlU onnfection ità aB kuC , tbihS.11.tser and wo viii ëLS ma ciswwg. ut aeeilug noltngI a- b bod via fIx*4 ut 820>0and bi li riere4igsappea ihi atternOo Te -um t the* uni-S inet t1« BNrslpulit Wedaeidà>, maruing 'bof ors judo kdwardi. le fiiz b o «âf tas* in. dicted on chksga* .*et iltng ltquer, Bgt $2.ffl -eaCb. gmblers a 1k. amount disondOnlycoaduet 9».. Grac* Marié and i Jo.Paldub"d. *,are ftseS aMt el1000 eneb.- Tii. bond eett oinm fore, iinrge< witit robbinh lbç..Aatlocbt baalv as"W fýXe4 i HO- i an t ~ amm.*in liel. case of Johne t4pp Migea leaaee ft iegatio4achi= 140eblite sli torea»Il silo.. M ar.Patit, Nor-lh Ciieueto ind p caplaI vill >J130lit oah. t Mayar, WSvilft C. MacSJustice Job.l 1UIo ad s*-pWO l eblt RlbW -*m ik et *liortW: Chlao i Thyreat llWj brier ian py .el LyN ALL ----------- * Bath Robes 4Wmaa iavy Rencon Eafli Xobea in neveit plaidg and fig- ;'»PeVAri0i cloî No bet- 1er-ggUI at 4.98 to 12.50 lath ré, a l e'7 5 5tIF arlouis colora 13.-SO F ur sets Beautîfui Fut- Sels or Separate ScBI-fsansd Muft in a greal ar- >-By. Anierican Fox. Minât, Bea- ver, Iluaclan IWolf, Squlrt-el oi tuartin at 37959 b$250 Oblldrena Pur Sets lu mny et>lep at 4.95 la$25 t~î<0.5values- LY AY VS7WYIBc rtperiai *..ia uît daialy B ~ aI ~ ~ es .qC11 l< jâ t ........ilaj - » le..sp il AaarîKutejmbrorwer.hw ml O US pa.-Jar floîe¶a an inte is taS Jac"4I cfl...... AI otl s itt bU S.lUss mma' ud colora. M " l la tores -of different 98 04.98 Sprt aêlS53qtB 025 WuaRta' Kaitted le bIle Ig Icn [CPs Lagna& kit. c ite r ttaS. roRale tenat et witselbrw = ein. Lart t ockM Jée,.asi S6.59 11198 18 ta29,c bUe.tO ZTie . fWtieM sit ilbif t a)' AUQ DaiîîtY 511k IUîderwear or the wondeî fi IIcw Ttoll.au C repe. , Btikutifuliy litre tîlcîrir ed n ltirely different fi-ou i te Useai it di Ii neluded arep tamlsoles, Chemises and C-u ni. ut 1.48 " 1 ilik Envelop. Cbunises of' tour- Diîîtliy made et g0od Crelbe de thfead Crepe de Chine. 49 hn eye t0 8498 he'vly .ja ......4.85 Bitiudes for G BlofsLa New BiIk Blouses GeoretteBlue Piettiest sboing >ol'Ill see agxy* Raquiite new Georgette blouses where. Strictiy tallored of chrmi- lu nalvy. bisque, mhit. and flash. fieg Radium 811lk and ('repe deý -- lThe very lateFt models for Chiies. Dainty gis. 'hi-lstm.s çgiftse 9.98 t 13.50 4.98 to $25 lomembor! T~s ~ I~Op.mIwry Iu~ Until Obilitmss Bàby im wattaàm ube rubber at .. conta lu a groat r-ange ettiol! audu SIjiendid velgbls.-I5 51 Je s.y Pt af tBi oat si -Wllh,*aOedlan, Platad ein rutileS lounces. 74- Bihud - womea»s Tuxedo Sweaaer alUs bruahod vool cllar MWi cuit. Vory oirât. varlous, ml- on0 on Hug-me.Tlghts or excellent Habulai 111k,- maUde vîthout'aleetyc-12 Bt .........«......... Sggestions From thé Main Floor Gifts Men Deliglit to Get Nfeckwear - Beauititul sîilk neek- eLr lu Holiday box- es. Al rolore and Vat, terni. Gifle that- are su»r.to lileame at $1 up ftram_ . . 1 81k hirta Prelly Crepe de Chbine ln hanamne5w lpat- terns and colon. -,A Specual111 lci and olor.i à"1 ais, UV trou capeai etc. Ail vgm U6bt. Boxed for #M. ., ......p - 3*e Grained Ivory A gîft tRay Woianai] il de- liglit IL recelve. Beautitul fauicureIacd Toilel Sets, ln liaidiomne gîft boxe>t. 2M50te 21,95.0 --putte tii-oaS silk bote la splendid quallty and &Il lit- es. BoieS ftocgifa15 Bt ....... .... ... Beavy 811k Hose. Biceplioal uaity. -- AU At pair.... Prl ie" flalaed »papr la ltmfl e clom and oi. upnon.caria 10 match Skct<'7$ Let Your %u1f$ t e0kW Every colnac tiacts the new intporlcd DUPl41 qI*auntlets or tr Cbamisdaede.- Ail et the . iât- obades et gril aid brown Md4 &Il îiae. 14mai gtifla_1 -ý ý 1.bsivile &BdS olmr. Ail t aef. Wrim 6a" ?LU te 75 - . 1 bmtfwa aortuont I& Won .vh & ba MMAND Fam Uo4n't Fiwet the Kdis-hyEpc Fr i ai-aviouuts u oe, igb. Ii IdS. ltletlî minabd ru- Wagons. Tallyhos, *' 4,e*e,#40118- tire nbc .S t Reindeer.c.a« dolk n s a & mi cu soc 7.5.4 ne takte $3. ERIOUOU 1075 ~,> ~~z~Alnulacea Alnbau4 Autos. etc. SSc-$U Il ntus ]ZrBoit. l .11, aines Ulepl twenty pou»dt Ba th gobes A gi-at îî-rayor pat- 1trns anS colona. Just the zft for- men et. up front f...... --Sipaier atléea l plka and erBlallon 0f uxellent Mdo ouai $i nteS 5 mew abapsa.....A S11k andS kaillted Mai. lière la ilo. bleek& 4él... Prwed ;2 ftt Q en- o ) 1 We'ye Splendid Lon, or the, iLate per »Out. .'t Delay dry du