Thé tdrai ntie e veic th IL & P40Plée ye mx 0thiatic, becauft the reréénte IorMedilocal husi- namnpéot bleuir that they haed the choicéo! two things: L. The Intalation of a pay nt&- idWmnInvtgaor lSleIestlous In their store.1 1. Th. renàoval of their telephones Kenotha Centof ot (rom a ePoint Of vantage on 1115 cotit- 'er (o a nior 4baçnplé eéth It lse, fý éCjetepbi IOéia--Knu>h<ametiéty, ag Aked chat thé atonoke@pog* coutl Ir té CSaiMU f et ébw» étrf. jdo tu case &asOoticuatMer came ln -M l th, and aakéd permisson taueo" théette. âm beffl1 heSwiesOtthis phnethe' 9bois e rmenýatIv@ x1ý--tmaaoïe élmesof a eroly repliait Ualthé company tl. t!L2LPitJy béen tun MUWSa. .1êted thgt thé. colabsy -taego"9 ta tktIbminthe allegsd traiticlcialst upon, the Conlract Mod4e by the 1 ctwet Canada and " liisrnterg, namely that hé vIII retain, deeb..tenar mStly batthe phonfltor big Ovn persoaUse li!I bsea vas thé Iglu n ahort hé gave théréglers ta WO IéIo<aédian vhiakW sod stand that undér no clrumnanea *ms é04ià tt dlstribuîlmg p»Mat. ihould the ttlphané e hfoi' public f , Wisconsin, itrilaf, "o~us. the inférene belié that persane Mb1a.Mnneota and fora. Iwha'fflueâitthe use of thé tlerérhorelq 0*9&idan déclared thot tbe ln- wlil e laid to "go to a puy %tatioui' si vhlch lhé lied secreti veelti ilowever. the business nmainiiques- tcre thé Canadian partiton aai dwhy -thébusinesshonée ën eftonrt asoeur, botter cÏ& wnid therefore bc expected 10 PY bon: belvéen t4ie'tWO cOUti« 8%é a monîji for, whréaa a privais t uocnetof thé liquid lava. phîone pays $3?',lie coteaded that buo Canadien Liquor ecsomrs and peoplé vho come intu u 0naste vhéra the iquer thoé store regulanly expéct ta Use the> oahipt to Kéncéxha bahe phone if they viea . cati home or CeliNs long heen' one vbleh MtFt«elC a ie Pa" of thé tliéir cilice; q ad h e otbat s«Pina P. *"e iarger part -cf thé éhip-éd thé a&"do"oml o f $2 a .onth vaécréi ruCiaoaiter thé privais phoéé. Hoefait tbat M. Io an îaà sentmore ient ver muth thiathe private ity fit lé Iilwed lUat il ust home oulihî ta have the piviloeéocf firel beusont l in aI Ciety. ei lting u atomerseoccaslonelty to uiti Ihat o*orcfthig âIkulilse thé -phonie for- théir owts convent- have he« n nugld Imb Ké.d lKariy hi thé Inn thé? vere le of a hom o at hiflaini- SKefho m i &MOthé, ah.pmI NTF U msé rotrnoreaveré neyer ipbUa W EIID TI- gréatfn part of thé vhI8keý IIDaI PvIJIa11JAU 19 "0"to h ermi"t lavé na5e g" écmi ta Té P eu 114cr taken trou bondétpiA 1U I Rt*l(l stasies and allégédt tabavé tuéei ed acebrding ta thé provisonsm lav. Highland Paij Police Chief DEY John Sheelian Maàkes Im- NTERS portant Capture Satturday. ?lM ojSk IT Three meni arrestpd tri ilgliianui vlien hé found thrv-e revolvers hitden rie leseat of a Hudson autorni.- M ~ON TuE PR UII akb Ci trhiJonSi-hi bile vhish the>' left at Larson Bfroth- eat-aàge, are lield by the> Chicago WUe HOUSésWarhed they 1police, iln connection vîth the >hoot- Iii tom Phone$ if Use ing of John lBudz. He vaa killild fi ntRetiCtedi ln thé holdup of bis saloon at 440q South Ashianti avenue, Chicago. Dec. émbér Il. mpreséfilative of thée hcS They are Perey C. Kintianti, 931 1-2 ilrne Company bas be.malu- Leianti avenue; David lrankl, SCircuit of Waukegsn butiness 931 1.2 l*kh4 avenue snd Richard a ad sésving formai natice On Stlngléy, alla,, Bradshav., 440M North sl Of televhc.éstha" ulesthé Lino a venue. Chicago. m of tlePhob0lethaluficU'thé Tony Mrosaak. hatender in thésa~- ipeeY viM torthvith 1némo11ve loa Itietifiét Stlagléy as théeumm musega-dieu of théereater*' ho tirt-é thé tI vlichtruclu Suds t. la thé leu. Thé éther Ivo. héoaI&, reproeétative of thé compSuY veres tinaers accomnplle«.. un" t 1h thé pialluOécf thé Lieut John Nortom la Inattgattax lw ila go Leet théPublic et-Ou thé possible concection cf the three thee privai* Pb--é. tucnr -mon vllh a nunahér of forth shores iéer mar sive botter, service baldupe as veli as thé actions ef a 1réaters Ibésésévés. mien who represented hiutselt as a Peint made by thé téléphone iop Ienosha business mna and, atteinpted Lative la that 80 aIrnnY Of thé to obain their mienesé hlle thé? mé phnesaiare niade us@ Of by vwer. la cuaody at lHighlandl Park. Hav'% yIOU m«n -thé fmnt'Chrisîreas dis- play cf phonograph cabinets hé touen? It's bei-cl You ore coediay inviteti. 1a-ai-y New Ediacuinlaa gébuineaperioti cabinet. *chdcéignis takcndfrectly *ooimeémme maupicce out ~iDECKER of theé Golden Ag* cf Fut-- fture 17 rnodels-English, Frenchandltaliam.Séethes furnlýuné at-atocratebie you buy. & H ELTO0N liec ' privat .~7z7b fui ch to ad[ suddel The tionr or Pol to tie Tie par ANY. ANI> ALL SIZES -'b SPGLL IZ45MADE TO O1bkR A TSHORT NOTICE W. ROBINS W OOD WRJGCO *fc Pl at Lakes Lad wanted to get Hoffie te See,.fotic and -touldn't Malce IL. étée wa-u a snister, detérmîneil nm lin thé cye of the Laui outli i tooti againat the b.ur ln anlea on la Chicago Sunday nlgbt. vltb dréan eill down ové» hblé yéa bis banda Lirrust filole isipocluets. lettel, question flthan" Lieuq. UGI OR aiste Shoem«kér dir-ecteti, and Dse- UlNOmIiîJ1t Wrltp* a stiuinls ie serpeants Wllan Carfté,. os, paregraph ablout pollbhng brasae Banse, a"dPatnicuGNeil vho on a battléehMp. O. lHenry <-oulti et eniéred thé bar vith hlm tu Io&È lIt duas a laugbneut cfthe subJect bandit suspects, stèpped te théeat a tel A ot-ei.i cu idnit a lunhont 1'i aide. à of sPk!tclijng post Iust tryiîîg tu de- Fiaoh Lump andi Piatol m-tet-b rlhtvo-k andiwhau t ilmi-na [ft1i stJIVl. onan orderéd. »and tg iibri e~eéiéi jo-iband av> trm yar ~ The Auueriran batil. iteet used te ho iOné;-. iliopr," the tLu youIih pro> white. Qn thé crise arî,und. thé e. ", sidii'î do nothing.' venid la IWO0 forel*goes mi.arveled ai ,vdr ntly you werént planning auy fur' eleéninéss. The. siis 'ver> 11ke &. vî tér"aiti onan, am lie gréé eet rtng edvetiaments firrmorne iht i(, iiiht an eilsctrie flash lump washlnji campeur" ý Tby even solil ïa Pi tioi. tilélil" éxCialinéti an Australlan. Pré iasi somethiiig curiouii about Tidinem ~la ail night and eu le he*lth- plit. lu aéemed rathér iamai i W O-îéjee ut Wagirt aré gau« exaru inéd il more cloaeiy and i tt eau bé carriet ille fe. Atter thé ed.l a 1 ééctft."LoOK Bpenlmh-Aauerlcan van thé etérnal lU- lis ileutenant!'"Fititim 0f Paliit ant scrubbiag andi Oflly s Water Plétol. POIlahlng eépied vltb ironhouaf rd hi- hél uop tu thé othair policé- miés te préserve fat-glI" purity ce S inspecton-& vatér plutto. .what had béé eiants&i scrubbed, aeil 4e tait yoîîtb began te véep. poiéhei, neerly it-reré mnt1dieu"a. zuéési; [looku pretty toolish 10 you tien. Thlisething vas Mid te avase ai. "But hort, i 1COuldn't héen respoinsble fer Mors than 75 peli il, l*m a soldiér, or 1 giis1 cent of desértiongst aIt ai Ure, untii ilok off my uxileri.1 I'unaliy waî paint vas edeptét ili il'ni a déserter nov. andi headriipaee wîé al nt pe ob soue naval prison. Plcv fwie al n pe ok lway i vas marrled léïs-han ar a re ~asegray.. Even ina, once s> agi, My iwltés fIlks live lni beautlfualty poilléhell, now fadeti tâte lanti. Slie vaitedte to ne them the inimty hackeond'et the ses ho- Cliri -iit;s, iion. BattUe'lentenns and seereh Aaaiýr'. pay voWt do k. My lights xere hiacé. Ilaiigays a-été hail Wi-en employed by ail iffîcer - duil t siiiiiced. Eséry effort %iuemade he h.- i,,l ection. but bt-cauleitri lis.iire ciemntineîm but Aithout b- lti . ork." ir timictky or foppifih.Ail surface s Chcsa the Wrcng Wa!y. i Wè-i- . indé dot]ifihat cotulti lie. TiîiajY is vil waasvent l'or. Wtt-l 5h, '%r:1htwonk éall-"ou théelîi.rle lt liw, n -t îstody eh(- fainte! i'17 Aa. ni. li-ans mit'e uhau liait iiii ou'il i iionie some way. gi ili,,.*! ,verhîauinig ftj of actuil vid. 1 iguess i choise iii..; ln. iL tu,,lit- sali. 'I wanteîîî The aiaî,ie alîîp I le iytei iiito c,i i- 0 se i. h. but net se badiy è4.;ing stutiois. Durnag thé mornu, g .lii see you tbrough." watch froni 8:30 ta 1.30 théofui le mailor prov-étite hé Nelson He- aweép andi aMb pélntworlt. canvas, ne, an aviator éludent at Great docks, naetsd éther parla. Tl.é s. Hé viii Le ment te the train- pet-lo ti ot 8.-16 0t8:45 la merely a station today, vheré naval au- finai touch. tics wii handie hie casé. Hé le Ini thé 'ongine anti dynanoic t-cis saris obd, anti aérved with thé het Lgu ds fmtlM c division of thé amiy la France. rbtéI edtcle éa rac )ungHazlUneandbis itebadte lie ahineti, But this la coiidééed la 2a in thé olti Crooker place i he démcl Itvii aeublagontdock. Hoff. kegan. ve. outdoor anachîneri', sucb ae Mincbm .crénée, ant eapeatarbée fusil utipaintetilporta vidéarem 94. lébeti Kt "br-tghtvca'k'use> ý-- - 7 W cod cela al»o hé bégit véei U OOTCIIAND '¶ I3 sutacé unpainîéd. Von lucé lth. Rj T KENI RAI IMMnérvroahéL Thor ar-e mb- boit bl«hed a th amandi amnti- -papereti until »ailywhité anti mom- Worfrta. parte Of 't gent are poilah-t rgo Horrat. Cinton Stedet éd, but lie har-e, l inteti tiài pay. nted and Plaed Under A -ones-iontea Iahlnls e qa ptiéby Bonds of $ZOOO. line srace rh ula i Chie ~ ear ;rréî' ~ ivs net bard work though, anti Cbif o PoiceTyrelitotiay Ibère la so-mething I l thét appesa y heforé Doon on thé Geore te thé mcii- A few bright spots change ,at home. 310 Clînton étrécI. nm the whle 8111P 8paPPfrance. If la 11h. id in the scizig of a regulalion thée sigle Pearil In the dtfrk fiée et a Bohine éti. Ivoejugé of moun- vell-inésscd man'sapparel. e hlskey snd tva barrots rot Jackumighu flot entlrelY agrée. But Horrat vas placed trutter an- bis eéthetic tac-te is lésas Mtnîditan and vas anralgned belote Justice hé triées tr pretenul. Fernmer vhere thé e uesw@con--________ Pd for fivé days.: Horrav vas ed unér bandaset $2,000, hotuS RALANCING, d up lni the co.unty 1laitlLnîle- j)0l".E Isman'a gréaIt-et socilgtnt of obtauning bail. IA Awkwardnesa marks thie ,clati 6 1 111 Equiihninm of nîind andi mental gttl- )r instance ln thé malter i.a lute, grace of ben -iag and -a .nnir, are store, euipposing a doctor la en-, Characterletica of R gentleman thé 1r-19 tocaillfront that ptirtlcular verui aven. .nd undér tihe ruliné ritthé ni I gl uig. negn obo)ni comapany the>-store iteeper Ad toc gl o o nl Id h.> lable ta have bis phione ré- tn eti whén permitting théetioctor 'te It'sflve!" 'lécfalors cried wahon m-I. .the fIni t -ar,,ligo iIlinasm klckcd aide- be declar-ation by the téléphone wiat- and siiîirîed. il rais, But thâl u'--emed te be very' positive: aas811. For its hamie tnct, of balance iy t"L thé atorekeepers are <ço-, made-it no more than thé abysmal oe b# forcétilte prevent thé pub- bruite ancéstor oft cor gréaI race cf iBing thelr-pliones andti he penalty modtn steant machineries. hé, insteutaneona removal tf thé Watt's engîne . neurly éuiook th& eif It je tound that thé ri in laabonatory vundows out Bob ltutoe'a ied. "baby' Snatched ptcl front hie. Tes- be téléphone man éxpiaineti eryaet", écarna by such vibrationse a iy that thé téléphone cempany ing ta keep a car-étui checlr andi servons canlliquaké coult'tIMtate. rhat pOnes are useti hy the- pub- At that limé etlfugnl forcé a-u wheu n i réailty they ahoultit be thé dark hors> of stésm design. lie. até phones anti. affén thé -care.- Wét&-tliat lv levéiiges--ot rotattlng chécking aver, thoéé vho refuse DnIasaé êteethé vildtri -bé or orl Iberet lathé compylpratne alUM M«clial construction. Oflenaa" lnly finti thémselves wilbout tel- QOM wûa-onuthéy descend on a peatc»- ho raid va s ductéd o~ocrra- Mn habitation of ct-sasued a-bée. receivéd b, théesaosttMCiét and vrcck the whoeé ontraption. Ma- olicé a-ho comunletetd the tacteSgine@ t-in, but for huiv long vas a mal- ho abortf.A sefflhvU'artt ore r 0f llt.- au out anti thé tvaotoifceniî maode raid. "Aer types diti falnly wvél hemaga ho tva barrels cf viné véré e.- hein spéee vas notbing te bt-mg about bd i thé basémént. Thé éliS DortOX ttW' Civil m-ar liie Ma-y dé- hb vu@ of théeat-dinar7 copper Pért»Ut l it thé Wampamoeg Ihétite NmiutS thé usuel Ccli, ogéther Pprolé et cleasn on t Johnnjy "ia W1t1a tve juge et home madie vhis- ausifà4aggar.ce destroyers. Sut Ian ver.on fount na noom la thé Up- kitécé kooud toether lot bard. Par -ofthé. bouse. A- diligent 11« aV««,ed thé thén slaifl ieli , talSétite. révéalthé présence aPéél0<'1htsboun11cr trial *lp. 1bo ber alt engluti lu l aly 30 tur1w pw as e é 0f jSéae- beelinhfot-iméi ae.& S ay géanig a épesul du76 Bor«ta a conducting aî blintirvlfoiaasitd te thé st-.. HeMarai: deutlti is chat. -pié-aal Cnrs Ii -týfoi 0o NIAGE LICEDFS 0 0000o 000000 000 000 lialpliMicelael SeCre-d alicensé in* "t aagri Wetinéady altérnoon ta mar- t-, Mné. Ruth Sajsan. of Highliandi 'a rk. ,eo 1F. atuséiL, Fou du Lýac. Wis. 22. trené L. 13eltuger, saine, .1. Jaumes J. loin. Chicago, 60. Augusta Moore. 49. i.ances Mi. Wells, Kénosha,-Wlé, 27 Btertha Suret-us, aime, 19. buevpe t.iriane, Mlvaukée. 25 i-,'iz Saliron, saine, 18. in. H. K. Cburch. Rtciné. 94. C aat. Edads, sans.- 24, -Poco. O. Wilimanue, Chuicago, 44. Itarge-Ot Willlu. Washington, D. C 42. ChIarIty G. Hifleraid, sainé. 21 Emrnét Ptrry, Waukegan, 23. Mnis Mattbéa-s, Lakte Foest20 Jar-rie Sller GI. LAkea, 21, ilire tm la.Wunégan, Il. Uigar A. Tut-piei, Highland Parh. 44 Florencé M..UMenton. se, 84. tilt-ny C. Anderso, Milvaubée 20. JeieaféUgdrMe.némse. 24 Hav4 tinedy, Ch"ca.o,27. vio l ieS sales. 18. iamâ IL U» ars.ouiao@ÇN l Mlarmaret C_ PotsUcs OUM. 2. iara Moirt ,Masé, 8». Albert X. Uvbgstculo. Obloao, 26. moahébILe 8. megone. cae, 18. lien-y'loch, Detroit, 21. margIt-cé ird, TerreHaute, lad. Chs USt acine. .38. Lésélé ljoiéuain.zmne, 33. jafToluIiréb, Mia-aukee, 26. Amn" dloiden, «Mo. 20. Ralph Smth, 25, New- Glanu,;. Wié. sud Latins Zaliler, 19, saine attirés. Hermoni PottI, Ilonovnt. Wis., 29. anti Florenice Garnlety 24, saineé ad- Dlkran Zingozaa, 24, Waukegaii, anti Ahsa Rachavtai, 30, saute ad.- tirées. Harry P. Matigail, Gréat Laktes, 21 and Rtuth Barber,.Waukégau. 20. Willim Sar-geat, Highland Park. 29 anti Gertrude Wagner, 22, aame adi tiress. Franik W. Dawson, U:. Ft. Sheridani anti Toledo R. Schtttz. 24. Cumberlandl led. Wili J. Andrîson. 27., Milwapkee. anti BetlsIyuoIRevers, 22, saine atidreis Samnuel Glassman, 26, Chicago andi Mincie Pais. 25. saine atidreas. John J. Doniroes 21;- Milwauktee anti Eltnieda L K. Meier, 18. sanie sel- dress. Dougla., Nonteen. 32. Fox laké anti Hazél Sotons. 21, Kenosha. Peter Bértont, 24, \Vhnnetka. and Mînnie Gandini, 18, saine atidre.s. ltobt. F. yehi. 21, Milvauikéeeatrd Alvins M. Burgan, 18, Green tBay. Mike Hoépté. 48 .Milwaukee anti Jcsephtae, Lîinmain, 18, saine adi- tiréess. Adoiph .%Irnude, 28, Evaiston anti Maé Bursé, 27, msai dresé. Mîké, Sariltiéan. 22. Waflkeg&ft al Arsbsiouté Junkamasn, 18, marné adi- Roland Gemmer, 27, Chicago anti Geneviéve Bris». 20,. saine atidreas. Jas. P. Callie, 30, Chicagoand My- ra Kééfé. 13,- éme Udt-oea. Len W. CavillO. 22, Gréat Lakesand Aria Bandétttul, 18, North Chicago. CiliHaie. 27, Grea a eksanad LaVéra Wlters, 20, Evamuton. Eda-le Mat-c0',40. pou du Lac anti -Ber-thé h.Wotke, 3», NotLPitchérj N.' Y. -Wl- Reaily MPakel for Su"céem -Tliew t-i-oets fi-si- nien ant i i uiefl 5 t-Cili.s - -114 aiïtlst aitl iitt- thAt She oiîI poqsible .i-esfuir tiienilé étherssoliîl,he tiliire. But -li théh 1 deicaériemajr>' r uiepaneif itt tC tac i,t i- te i -- -,I,,tet iti dentîî I o0 die is sra t... -iut-Ecliaîgo. Toiltuté i. Il 4R. teil for IL Toî l i. e lgss 1.-i-une allimesby tobu udne] ut bY seli-indtull- c«M anti indolente. 'Whoun on e M oe béis wa-cr, blits l tea abapSU oue rii ~ -n. PHiS RAKUP 0uEML u rMIRUM BIORE; 1USBAND IS ':Asit"Srùy Stalomn Maki atilviete th bh, Trwc pigs. tii-e ciikens. iwo dock; s no'Wl.. 8640 anti a gose causétti smarital dis- and tt (AGi' S. 100 i u 3 turbancé hi 'the borné ot Charles U. UtgéAiiW u~ Young of Highland Park, vhich cu- b. 00> mthateti Thuraa ltnifis disappea- ai1LldmtUh$ Y ahStOningiéstie.'- &e with $e Lýchîcaga Tillé an"iTrust Cicý I r,, Younag who riana ýHighland uarlicqn téei $78 - Park'$e clu rnhture smore, appearét Il, s-2 Lot 9g Bkek 4 at hume at siasn net long sa, alter MAdi at ilséihé a vst at toTrevor, Wis. Hé hamméereti U.-. faréa-gl',a*ti vifs W on1 the door. LaboratOrtéé, W-. D le Dringseroe Livetéock. .Tract Of tand UIL0* 'oh. vlféy! --lhé shoutéi. ".1e NOM uShtérelét J "aIvorj a-bat ivye ga!"' andi M. W.B.SuN.0 Ail thé néighboré rallied their a-la- NerVi hiCago diesé, white lirsYoung tnléd te lg- 5Cb HMy fa mi vfl e â acre ii. Thé Pua aquéaed. thée et ,cO a d . &L.. O chickncuasqavketi. thé ilucita quscitedi ilte u ele ,U andi thé gS»ééhSet. 0J . xa-p. -lo 1 VModok Alter putting aa thé live stock ~t~itIno éL1~l hée explàlin e hl s t gel 11cmai a bi uaMl M Trovor roatbouse. Mmr. YOeag quit ni. rta1aadiéo* spéalulul to htm. ae Ioi D , for 81_000. vithdrea- $2,00 fr0 mthé A'e ra ti, o lél batik. coiecteti a bunch af bis antid 1014 b él g teiéprted Mm. Young asicet thée ai ~"~I te t police ta aéék, hlmai T mévor.Yéî-t -5'c fléé day ee écélvéti thé falloving noté, L*ta U ma 8 malleii Chicago. Vet[.Notlb <JOlU - ,,Dean Wie: Impossible foir yenu Ul àas W & D.ami anti1 tta Uve togéthen. Goed-by, gooLi 1 in1A-ock '¶" C %iéAd te Iuck anti Goti bleus you. tiséeaid kam adj. She nkéi bs arr-et. . qA. ftévéarnb Jr. te 0. . »W U ih se is rei.-Leéta.$10>. . Mr. Young recently achieveti local Lota 22 23. snd pqrt.<.25 famé lai lhghland Park vhen lhé pro- 123 Nrqei (-'hicago. teltd the cullorinatIng cf the m-suer .JohnIurving an vite ta MW. supply, on thé grotinti lu rutd is Uvéna, W. à). $10. home brew. 130 sces hi S. W. 14 ée, port la-p. - W. fi. Johiamondittie t janin Ilovénineer 514 -e PAST R A TAJS 2 acres lu N. W. 1-4 à"nO 1 *2S. 3M. 1-4 set--,se BLUE LAWS AND eeeriio "11920 P R N otl n LO lt1 cage lHighlands le Cuba Ta-p. E. G. Kalvîtz to T. J. ILBaa In a lie s-ita tleé déduction. matie$0 tdIttonially today hy thé Sun,.rmai this Lt.a 17 anti 18 Block, 5 Lénlat 04 névés-item fr0 tiltodav'. Chicago paper North Chicago. mucli alang thé sainie trendt of Chicae TiUe andi TruatlO.te» thouht:ry Has,él.Dééd,$6000 tIis2t' inMat M tréciurch anet Lots à t e Omé fas. regain is vanlslied powver by gie'ing ifeside. tus support 10 a biluélae iadLunyl Tho. E-atéer-anti vile- t Job*S tiue ktv. 1Hugli Roert Orr. pastor etfhig, W. D- $10- Ail dotis Unltarlaii Church. Evans- iu. 90 acnés 0. B. 1 e.$ ton Munday tienôtnicéti"the l>urtans Aii.och autilSacres la B. W,, 011, 0 or 1520>- front thé puipit. 18 New-port Tv. tiltié of out- charebes are 4500w- I2oii dTileluSUn Md vite »0Js QUO) Péoploe,"eminuster aali. 'tTheyVOviét-., W. iD. 110. 110tolDe cooeti by a émail mlan- (. 1 ts21. 22, aid 28 Blocku 1. Ogékf It?. 'l'ber uet e.aamy mors thali SuliWaukeguî. 1 cam se. tho évil etf héatthtnlépertg Joseph 01p1:ta tulob* ;oIéa , n iad detuett tlleatres -on Sundap, - 1). $6000. , 1 - 1iUn%$a-tu are devotint théin en- 1»t 17 Block 2 Dunmt'ô So«k " Case aI thé vrouai, It hati len report. Sub. Waukegsn. - eul tc thé police triai shé got it ou Wr,. (apesuns ta Mary W. tire UImé té eréscting Ilé acto fianti heira, W. D. $10, t Olliéra ére a burdto th 1e chutc- Lot 19 Block 40 14k. b» M ~ thiey a-làth 111c voracicua demanda W. A. Donu'santi wlfr Sud icylesa inftinctlons. s,5lanson et ai W. 1>, Pm. "Téchut-oh hbulut Ils plaeai LoI 7 »B kIlo 8WbwhIUM iffeérstiip teneuse, Dot keepig Dace Waukogss. villa scIence. Il bas elung ta0a-arn-- i Ont ,tceeds. huven 1the trémendous '<o-éVeé îtieaet Nsgaus. effort 0r thé lntenchurch Wozld Meve- Tliî-11tî v abIt it fthé runt<é ment i«nés ualaideti thé church «Ot Mli , N év euié ew tually. ulcubv ell ate "'Ibm cilurCli cannaI gavé îtseéîf y Version ofth« enou e It Îe inasing upon 1the reiétabliéhmmntor vTétb is a-eU uadurteed, a VPurltan tSabbath. Ibère la soS. a calf là; e knel tlu g -« tblug vroeg vuthin thec cuncb If it bore, heuce, cpo neoula ieglaiatlcn tao délr-oy compati- *.oau-, tugrtëegle tion on simday.1 "leleba s eertanbéyend théeb svh. "t te ut th clinrélls. Thé citurchés have iatheté aiti àteWttt upion tiléir mposilecreédé anti ch- top nsiti"tl' a~ solélé tubas umtllitelligenceé a ani< utý* c te nlaitfe sa tte, aPnIrtuailty at-e stie oe4flde thé bihlt' -C secte. Théeéilgian of hurnshlty béu toit thé churches and thé hué t aa- lmmrai tan tohlihut. If thé ohuîpb ié'ta live Wé stad nd amaiê q è ad serve the future il a-fil bave- tuo ~ ~ ~ >c breait loose foip Ils îbodaëband 1211 or1:111rs f V becMOm.fflln thé pioncer la le& - teérét 1 fet (-:I lsctital, moral anti ccliaipt-cgr-ea, " ueéfg. orf UéUU5f id M péée.andi v i il L Firal ln élue Oomni - ThéeIM&U-M"SVw"mIR" ~ PENSENT. 0i**é oh '15 - i-i. h - The Ray Furniture&Pat StoresR inextendingsautary holidây gretings desre.-t timp: eman ptronsefor their tuiberai patronage during. the pamkig eventfil year, and exprsn the, hope that Our servce hame a continuation of sad patronage,:we cordia1I rwish one and ai A rrj(9i4rÎi:tmi ao ià a A' I-g sté. alla B, SUe et, thé *bet ecét -e . M. ~ DL - .Ifl.~ i. ID. .51. --ýh