Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Dec 1920, p. 9

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LIILK iV ILLE~w3riuJ [AME COUNTY INDEPENDENT Laike Counys'Big WeeHky WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN, XXVII, No. 48 tIBERTYVILLE LNDEPENDENT, DECEIMBER 30, 1920 ~I.<> 'tt~ 1~A L I AJJA dird 'lot ý o loto tue ic ttel- very deep, Atioîi.vý Bulkley. as acterai iiPflort- sot aiguine'lis rreêentecj.andi ever4 ad ~ILLNOTCIIA 4iE were Rsot takers Into conideration it the îulns ntt pr fte betr PRESI3NT. TAXES NO. CIIGO. COUNCIL =m*rw out0% Rise PASSES ANTICIPAT'N iame on Resolution. ~WARATO 1N M DECISION TO BE FIAL 1 RN F$,0 't i e N o r h C< t c a o Ct y t o u ei l r'b. recent.ruilig by the uireme neiti an eXCeed ngvbrief meeting at lt, wlh i lhei the dectolon 0ot Ot. oumnt c Nao i onday even- alow*er court îegarding Ille 30 ing. r Dent tx boMI of the 1Lake countY A resolution provuding foc the la. bd of review conceting propeity ttance oi an anticipation warrant or Wauake;an and Highland Patk, andi 41,0u( waa read. tiffe auto being due iob krocke out te4*Ulper cent Ile william il. Uter construction & teature which 200 property own. compaay frwork conrpleted Bt lthe à *iaffd. t<lits Iesseniag te-coa-n. ortti UChicago waterworka. Thre l tai recelpts $23000 this yusr. bias resioluuon Vao passed Dy a unanîmous SbiitàIiz on thia years taxes. l svote ' lo stgted lnday by Corporation Colin An ordiliatce for theie tsuance or' tAIhur Bulkiey, who repreented new bonda for tue <ur pose or refund. *%kegau n 1theb.ight, which lie car- 9 Ing 01<1 0045.IDthre ,aggregate bd te the bigli court for tihe v.riosi la uting te an.00, annluai dl- emI taxias boies. rect lai to lie les led onl ail taxable Attorney Bulkiey bls learned tIba' roertY In tihe City of Northt Chicago. e board's resoiution ofoff Utc vr neote ing ulaflimolie. osf tned thes Supreme Court rld ast u'Vt en uîrp* us accepte as -finai and that bicauce ire anud sater cormirîre revorted .ë notices. whcb notilred ni< tlttlr wi utrec.en IllfinisbEul show cause why tey 1, td t tie liv wa utrok cte o ty tbe 30 per cent iricrea»e. we a îtd isout andtit îtIti. wo>uld nisie )t sent outL outil alter thie d'le set ît necesýary tri Northi Chicago tu r ott$5tiofls. the boaiî 's' act.ori wa,ý -- urp a wa'i-r C<Li froro cuiter * legs]. %\ ,iuicî-gn or ].a'Lr, whie Ii s The Suprceecorts ec-ttiaf r ' ut beiit. s N o actionfla.,ti ets oeily at yeitr's raiec 5andlil aîl Ii i-n on it lta'V rheie be 'Ug le no beariflg iipon Ile ,cxlcfsiuiul io Gutterbtri-- e uiOuncil ad- ! taxos thiis ear, itlich<it5,ik i, jouitiC wl under way In County <leik Lew ilendees ofÂ-e. Iladatditioni 'OIlle -.0 tC î:tF,. qpar force of! dents. W,ýI'iiBers.), tooae alwnys thre say thairwse M W lia. Robert Wocey are "agagedtheIbmbest. liowevet' rugir Il n.y le. extension workil, , Custom wli rentier t easy and agres. Etwafl apparetthrIe Silretie Court'i qItie. rvh.l' WE'RE TAKING A BIG WALLOP AT THE HIGH COST 0F UV1NG IN A GREAT SALE 0F SURPLUS ARMY GOOIDS BAGAINS ýOR ALL Rtu1aior 0. D. S" ts AI wool Blankets. Amny isue, ad'tvo Largpe euough for ful ObrtSpeafor395 jze be.,Abig 49 SHEEP LI2ED OVERCOATS, GUAA&N. TEDSpecialat ......................... 14.9%K LEA114ER VESTS NEW.ARMY SOX MeIPI wool.... é ÈictVa Hevy Wool serv- ceLl soe. Ma&e-of vir. iwooL A big wiwmat ... *, DsWaMeCotton Som. AItMY OVEÇOATS *(i.uas Umine. ...9 .-ARMY SHOES' Army Russetta. Reclaim- ed. New Buck skcin '2 soles . .. . ..... HEAVY FlELI) SiODES .A Good Wearing t Now Army Field ~A Shoes. Guarah.teed .h New 1Italian Marching iShoco. Made for ,495 Italimam rfy. " New guAeti6.95 - sta hoe.. 69 New 0Eifev Dresa Shows.m A inost 1fewd abkQ fi Shoe. A bis bqrgaknOsJU Rubber Hip 53 Booto ....... 'Lubber Knee Four Budile. Rub- 9 ber Oversioes.. Ail Woçj Qificers 75 Gloves. Heamvy linedà iIeavy Buc k ukintmether Gloves. TnipleiC lined ...... .. rand Navy ,Stre -This piture rualieti hersItro Cor%, Ireland, DY7 special liantes, The berning of thm Sinn Pela ciL?. OU Dec 11, WlPed Out trom $15,000,000 10 830.000.000 l'he Iis clalmedthelb. ire wi Sir Hantai Oreenwood. British socretary for Irelanti, denleti thts JUS. SARAlI BROWN 1 DIES MONDÀY AFTER À BRIEF ILLNESS Weil Known Member of Epsco-J pal Church Passes Away at the Age of 76 Years. PARENTS WERE PIONEERS Mrs. Sarah A. Brownt dio t aher hoe.13 Cuny "t reet.Moliiy a- reroo iectuer2-il. ,.'Brownf Iwas the sont of 0. M. Botbfarii 0' Wîinona. MiEls.. Anna 1).lgosfc.dandi Mrs. erriy I.. eeoofo!Waulegan. I'unerai Wdnesday morning at 9 O'clock front Christ lEpscol'Ii5 fCn-hi witli interment at Sycaie ii wliere Nm. ItroscEl seul to ise. M,. Brown was the daughizer of Reuben Botit!ord wbo came to %%'suite- gan in te early daYut. She was born at Saugertels. N. Y. ina 1844 andi carne to Lake county in 18Stl wîth bei Par- enta,.%Ir. and INMca. Reubeft BotttiOrd, Whio located on a farm at Freeinont Center. MIra. Brownl mariet andi weut wiib lier busband I o Sycomore where he was IU business. Afier lisi death sibe came back Io Wauktgan wh-ere abe ulias etiwilîMiss Annaî Botsforil. Mia. Brownl bat been fafiii.,fur %Oot Urnepast but ber ceai cckes dated from albout two weeks ago. rIl bat beeit platmed to senti ber o t Chcago bosptel for an operaticin but ber condition wéakened so rapiti» that it was tecideti inailvisalile. Site cotinued to declifle rarîidty Ant thse end came. Mra. IBrown for. yeacs wac. choit esotier of the Episropai church &a waa one of the cIoseat filet-di of mr. w . E. Toitwlen Mc. 'Toi! w rector of the parlab. She was a -- mari wio wasa active i- the Ladies Aid andi presîdent of that sociptiy a( tifferent times. Few niemiera Of tite Parlabt were more 10 'edthIan ae. 'FOUND WITHI BMi 0F OAL; PINCIIFO G>.pýy Marsallari get 32, wa3 ar, restedl at 12:50 oêloek Ibis morning wb ise Ituas tiscovereti totlng.a bag of coal on bis back. "Wtiat are-YOU 40lng witt tal coul," the policeman Whla eneountred hlm,. asked. "Taking It te tire chie! o! police," laesait to have bbe Maraalsls answcr. "I guesa yo atI -boilitter corneail b me andI wel1 asi tise ehief about LIal.' the plie sabd.' He was given a bearlng this momnsg antiCharIes Joclut, _a apecial officer for tise E.. j. anti E. aitinttedti tisa ie hiat gîven-tue coai ,t0 Marsalal. Tise cirarga against lIre felo* wa troppëd.. Tihe estais, oftise laLe Frird P. Clark cfrLaite Zuirch, waes aluiei at -$10.000 id, proof of lrelrahip was- matie Monday'Jtiste probale- court Petîtion mas flet for tire aîrvi in, wtidow, th ise'rll provet ant &i inite, - torecoffi. Bond*w aq fixeial. $20,010 anti letters iscted to Flora Fox Carke e ^ecutit. -. ~ia-sCa o . uebse h.' src DROPS DEAD WIIILE i VISITING KIN ON CHIRISTMAS DAY Jas. G. Smith, prominent Peoria Man, Heart DisUaàé Vctm at Thornbury Farm. W. A. BREWERTON'S GIJESTý Jantes 6. Smoith, ageil t;.110] flcft Peoria buscess mnt, uma-, bslnd.- en wi tteart tîsease Chliti.ntaesen- ing at tbe laeteof W. A. lrewertoni at Tborniry larituo ne mile east of Libeclyville, w hile visiting wa-îis'lu wife, Mirs. S. Augusta Smthl. iter ,f Mr. lcev.erton, during. hie tolida*se and wuas duad a-len fouet lis- niemiIeis or the tanrily. iHe waaagoi ng o te dioin& room foc a coP 0! tels s-len tricken, failing 10 Lire flooc, wliu-e lie was !ound lifeless a fe- o intitêâ- 15er. .%I. Smith liai bei-n ln zarrprenly goot liealth. Besides bis aile li2 ieaves a aon, nine years old. The funeral wa8 lielul todaiv1.ront Sî. Andcew'a Epiecopsi Chîrîcit. Clii1 cago. wliere Mr. and Nirs. Sýntîiî were rendet a-les a tesideis o! 'Iiicago. flirtai Was in Foi-est Horne cemteelu PLAY INSTITUTE IN NORTHI CIICA6O' A1TRACTS INTFREST Foi fouîii c Veti îgSrie 't th Ile Audlltîîrlitn Cyîrr of North Chticago, w ill Io uit niuîeanti fun, for these are lthe niglitauoflthe PlaY in- stitule beiiîg plantieti b>tie Coto mounily zelrvice ot Northi cago. The iîtstiloustll tean ptenty of funirt irt i ili meoru also qtaît atiy persoirs stli gain a krrowletige ot gamea s-hIchii IIbe tseful later 51 tteir parties. scdais. nieeUngs ut -abelever a grurtliiof leOrIilu-t-Zatli- eceti together. - ThseUtie front Si.3ZO 108:15 P. tir. wii be tievoled 10 lrîtenove irainlng in suisid4'rci'galirtes, tbe dranmatiza- tloS o't atorles, kindergatteli sot folk - ganîec. Tescliers. o! bolli day gnd Sutnd«achocolesu-i lake advaný-age of these sesslois. From 8:15 rt)1in p. ni. tisere w'ill be gaines for allouges. tmern antino- <saen. suris as tlurce deeti. hi-elle Ob- stacle rettys. etc. Thte eomtifite-ic ncharge oftire institute hopes thuat front i tee class- es several persons lîuay be tound tIIwCO seInli e intepcstd ili assNtting, in the ditrections outhrIe su interplay 'feê1ivi- ties ai the.Atîduttoritimittis year. Thte play inefilti'te wahi bé rorduct- ed by- members of the illinolit Indian District ut Natilonat Conmliliity Ser - vice. john A. Mtarltn, lMarguer- lie Sharrettel Ger tucltrude Dav- Dîurîng r ltriii utce i 'li-c5tzr- iguerite San ut c o 'oittorllif Se-r- vice vpiet NortrhChitcago t lead lit1 plantning tbm play Instituits tiacd -lui the, o!fte local (otiitl Serice -'wqr1 geteikilY. Already iuch lntct-e-t lia-i hi-il erinceil by uMaily teaders u ti.of " tor sf1115 aladPublice'i-- LoBiýS Cm for ocM Sbotig4f Clairns Cora tried to Make Love to His Sixteen-year- 4 le old Bride. s-lott lIree titoCa, one juat above Ie .îeart-Louis (ora la belleved to be in ti nfg Cottduion antd John Mikele. t ieurorto o!ru six aI . Wbh dii tire sîîooîng, ciaimnrg cora stierorîteti lo 1 os e1liii girl ss ie.won - - liîglit o V, z ukegjn tiis rro'n "'t by E i ii - .1 . I ti c i- f i e iooîig tlok plae bIttodav ilgl 1" t. il lot k tt titi-b ris se of .ir Ot tl , -01i ioî a Bfli'Silo. tit nu cli 0le cool. couniy line'. %us t '0! li as I , 'ta lio n . M ek ele w toto iii t i*r- ,ýil 1w nadiusaricil Coca nuî?t.)b3s %1,11 iliq ~ bSwifP, andi tMai t a Iw r iio~-%va boire. Mct "ie lait-iid l ld iti at îtuattc ce- 01 %s l s ol ,,ti Iti riee lime.- Cocas Wa. Sol altose Ille heaci, lni tbe >101etio 'flî i atd Jo-il uoive the ioutb. - ohar. i-%% uer oi GIieewaia cal- iý(i a ( o a lîrua-led 10te Evans- ion icosriiî condition ia repuai- euciia. rliugerously ri-iiai. John B£. Meaney chiet or police ot i hiows7 St. Patrick-et. th. peiialpgi thoroqighfaTre of Cork. la tnenroe arrestit Micluele andi ield tl thse greast retai bussinesssec«tion witthâ:a ita y8riouaiy estited at tisu untîl lte arrivai ci Srieri Oreen vui ineendiary andi cbarged the. "Biack a"d Tas- pPiics with startini5 I.. no liouglît Iini torWa-uegan at 10 Io l _te Husse4)tComom ickele usas arraigneti betore Jua-. tie larry iloyt waived preliinary exairination andi wsn held In thre ian îary tIraI. At .une tite Rev. grand jury. uner $10,000 bonds<. He ,RÇIVTO' R. UNDI JLud 0was unable to give bond andi was REV MR LU I) S L ilc'cortcd-lie poitioni of Suný talen in te Laike County tsFl. CUIEIICHday echool nisior.nary In the Illinois t ora anti richle anti bis wsife are TO L AVE WEDIK Smy liB£' tistconfrenc andin t oto Uctervite, La. Nickele. ge LLIYLJYLUJI Sat paiy e gained a fine te- Lu, andO bis wiie 16f Wee nared olly putaion ll qer te stte.a.weett ago. 'Jlie irkele'q were viasit- CHURC FOR EKÀ 9B Not olta , I.Mr. L.und a tirst rIai:s irif Ifleir uDcle on tileîr buneymoon. tinction, orre o! bis painlings taking 'Vsgraht Phllosephy. 1les. RTiynoît Liiifd of Wanltcttatc tiret prime in slrong colUpi-itioS "N%îî:il a rot eof .,teetti'po lia, accepteti a cull tgIre the pas He ta a rsrai designrer and tec "rat.Il' tor of tbe Sycomrore aud lice DeKalls or. 100. anud several of itis chuborle eillCe o , lets. tll-te .-weedistBaptistt ile- it Mirnnesota lie tecoratet i Isllt-lt l-.tlti.'-lle.'. Ile m-111i beglî bits duties &bout sslfh beatittiful pictîlce. - buef 'ui n- -o Akilowatt DELC07LIGHT ait a gi-eatly reduced price is AXoffered to 'you. - This plant generates plenty of electricity for ±he average. require ments of tire farm 'home, for abýundant electric ight, power for purnping water and for running the machines. irdinarily turned by hand. k There are larger DELCO-LIGHT7 modela for larger requrementsat priti .lower than t/usaI paid for former nîadd aof îhe:aýmieapadîiea. A[ilDELC.O-LIGHT' 'modela have the sameun'excellcd mechani- al features. Thcy are slf-cranking, scIf-stoppinq, air-coolcd. have only orne - placç <o cil, anîd are cquipped with titick plate, long-iived batcry. Ne mattcr %sshcr Yeu- live, there is a satsisficd -user near Yeu, enjoYinz thse comforts, conveniences an& labor-aiing featurea of. DELCO-LIGHT., -Oert 125,600O plants 'in daily usage arc your assurance ci the continucd satistactorY an'd economical sersice of.mli DELCO- LTGHT riodels., There is a site DELCO-LIGjHT te imeet youir n"em Write. phone or oeil for ditilei inform.tioO NORTHJ SHORE.ELECTRIC Go. - 139$o GneéeSt', Room 27 WAUKEGAN IýL. Phone 607' IIi~# titi] FIRST PICTURE OF THE UUNINGOF $1.50 PER Y EAR IN ADV.

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