JRT,'YILLE'INDEPENDENTr iIlru IN>VFNDNTLak Cuntt* Big Weekly WAKEAN WEEKLY SUN I .O't VU IND P M f Lb UtU b u"WUM63Câ .bW W U E 1,IBEPVVUJiLEINDEPEà'DENT,. $1.50 FIER YEAR lIN AIW.~ -. - -~ -~ --------- - I MARW ANO J9SI~I'tI AS - tod0t lianded SeOultre (,rtu Wýth o 't mlU artie C tel70fou,1w the toVa îùW t bas bMen tf; M ébr'e',Mérus locl t>it Conaquest, and d*ly.type Weiier ta ~d ute thle.W.îu'lýe&ai iwdli bherFClf cend 1 fo the Vocal j m- ji tilliof joy IbaZ iiqs alv*4 111e -Tribulse'« daity idae on lte Job Wt t indov ytseady kg »U1toeaa 1reporer. lu ,b184 the coulter lie noîed i«, hshe10, bazet cy.cd lady kt bar wrk- f1118 -'ttalll.rbcre's id lmPesWil aMd paper. e w e-I.uietm te Po- m h05 a ero.id la 3au 'Wb e&ais4id for-a book- ~~ftv éeis lot Oua day, 76 çist psy that îuh vosml.i beaper P" aurpriaed)-Wby, 1'W afrald I>'tWe ai*»cvyreawaabi" rae a ~Ir-ou eeffl ay, 50 ecelle' "Lventwou"b elfor ScrIbe- MW'. I lmarda ttmitive «te to lie i ipUgtOX'O aitoy 0ft£w omIt and iftie r OS.thebeibiSIls henssîf ï4Siapeùm t ce sre- - l8da7',ý,Oê05- 151.tht deptita t41 #.preFm-b aieendors t e- jemi (riýdiLs"ad tepolitcfiSS uO*$WS '$1sydoa'l. JOU assis r J Seibe-dboSS rd btter. 1 cab't atIP 10 $i*v d9el 50 cents. TtYmveul th ie reportera bnoe- e-n Xllnpmtugely017as hSenedeisvflr'. t0coul pes «a16er. Very g0ofy ir e t x i*,usion Obis face.a, Jeme e Ioting bewiidernuefl'i Ce - do anytbtitq? Brbe-i'd ike t0 have you Sel ýjoile (aniiliS) -Certeinif. - KindnmesWihoit Lai. Wkth 115idv patience' the,19 vear adlv srano auperinteada thl e-utIla. $natcies of Mnaverl*c die lseard: 0. you muet tart situ j$ýer sir.'--BelIer teli leit ov ugi xpernPlc yotl'se itad. Nlce- tarI a iAee- ia4atraP.---- fhinIf vomiught te Bay how niaci jawai. 10etcuido vou! #cxIbe-WetI, 1 suppose abolit $20- * 3Male sgftl)-you'd titer ai for m«. Titet You fan corneow a bit and vost taie anything. WhY net mat.ail $W5 - TbaîSÉ8Il. Noe m" 'cp e-ith."May 1 Sea rotu >-ouV' - - <tl <pttsîg-That *outils -:gul Pieaauii.y-O. balt e*.qdit- efoentp. tTbeyPPttl pk jou'nte cniginal ed tbm Y «O'l m54510a giod Inipresa$ Mon MS' Qleverybedvy & 'S-laOinils te bm f roIs7m Otson." ' TheOl.e aek laDons Th .-lI ettes' la couaoeted. .Jearie ad a rIelse.ý clrlbaaleehersei. Ws a te q ecotiIe as te ne tue--a rose, a O &A»CrsMi" essai e-s, l lb. hik« 111 1)NC FRCK SPUEDY JUSTICE is MUTED OUT TO ,E CON", MAN Thse dan«e frock MaTbe se, boutlfanta theYoungS mi".de-., ai«te i pte of Partsa docite that, thelie aIha0b. long &Bd aléud- et.' Tbe fUdiaIiof Cthia f rocký la o trouemIJa, lThe corsage le e4. not a 80w et baada tiUaed with lJoiea dfsr lTbe plnmi ernmie tladma4Cof sermia foyes ofroe elffoa ettge "DRYEST" MAN IN TAWid iIW HAÇ THF ý:ct'ci f Jury, trying ef case aud c-1 of Verdict ail ofDQ~ f sixty minutes. ~DTA~'JS3ErfRDHERE .vil-doera.%vas moîrd Out i Ciit court ',%r,.'.cccty aft. .i e chn (91(j.,clo.cd ln..5ai geî~d viitt avt- ti-attait UYct1enCC gamc. rroin lte moxictî 1h - crk of luti- >finieiiiflà,litjutr- waa alrtéd 10 thSe toi *lit sia i h Au'I v 1Pdback lmb liii tcrj roùm i wtlîa vercLit la tile tes: tt.n slxty iniutes had ttgit5Cd. Tii' expeitow; irnser lu 'iflichit tIti- rit, wa3 ,Ihfila iâd ta navea braliit ail recordj for the .loCal c.rcuît. roui t. Brava was foitid guilivy. it was <on 'invpnîtaer 17-thaiBrOWIÉ came tau V.itu.Cpaand went tu lte I pud S Sýucto Uit. He tld Mancel T1alteun. fl thle Pro PrietorS. lthzt lu- wafl'cd toa ecd $20 in a lttIer but ti, -iîot 1ic' ta Igend il lunamai (itian;;e Ileaated il lied iigel &41bilt foi, bts chanlz'. Mir. ialc,)tt-'fôôkà $21 l'1 te retser but befoe îu'iing it ,pver etarted ta aout tlit'chlaffl %vittit iBraown lid a,%flite counter. 1%Vhenlite bac!i cûunt(:d out $13 and taw waat appeared 10 lie utI cast 82 worlb more be gave lte bill ta Btowfl *114 itroreac wtttlte couint. Meaatwhile dirown piaced the bitllaL an addresaed Ienvelope snd seaied t i. it deselopeid miaItise ainaunt o! money whlch aUrown "td placed on th1e counM vas &"oeral cents short of $30. *'Tlat's tunu>'." Brovwn remarkad UT muast have been ahorîchanged la la crtiastore down the sîreet. "l'Il taka 11111 moniey rlgbt baek and se abouit It. l i ot Ibirs env etope wlit the' $29 o!I u i tuntil 1 gel back." ki e thon licted up amtati bittsand5 Ichanige on lte couneauatre t et lte store. Soaething made 1Mr. 'riect uapiclous no 11e tore OD lihe enzvelope and touid lthaI itis uas- .'..i.,,. ha h,.... ...il.fon,,nAo for- 661W "UvrSreCEL dtolverly planssed titis aur]bail laient- "W IT EST" ELL ed a slip of newspaico nmai40. iln. 'lalcoîl aced out o!ttISe store aa pargud thse fegme <de-n the Street Baismentof Hgte BiM ng "&"ycatclliig litreand uholding Stn Baum nt e Hiley uildng outia policeman arrived. 'heu f'ast is 'Beng Filied wiêJh lirownws eaarched hoe-axa foutoi N1 Cent isated Booze. 1s015g le-o Or tbnee 120 buis. Th.S ________ olm'V -e-as iciid 1tetc Juryva ls Sti. ORVI OFERS MEM N.cait court 'iedneezhY atteonoansd %t ORV> FFRS ASMET.proreci auruucîesî 1te resali n &verict g, -OfiÈtYlî. Bronoe made a 0 à fott Tlhte "l> i"Mais IL auxegFan bas 8 tecilprove 11e charges. t ltue "vettet' cellar. -u.leyls.e land tête Sauti o! Il ia Ibat ihtis Y AU Ii Mat la Rot tving out any koys Ici te S R À A » - C iforeaald e c ela. DEIP rRIITEl lleMais lu Quegt ton la W. uP. iç:ey BLIVRI TiJB OUT I -I e-ho for Yean, bas beLu recoguized a s one or th isedl',s taaiicie.zt proiC - NO CES ff CO UNTY s tamncitei by gtatces Attoiney Smilitt unhter te sate Searcb ansd Semscine Rumor Seeks to Make it Ap- ta tae- tiloas or0fgalions of %'c te pear County has Overdrawn l Itaale. emi Sd brrls ft. 'onfAnticipatgry Warrants. c have beeoiStaored lun1the court bouse s tiie rout>'lait and otiter secaro pc A cet eilguated 11v Sherift Green. HENDEE MAKESA DENIlAL ci 'lh. tant Place t e aluilize i ls ltce- Msmmotit basemeni under -the. li -ir u -oi -rltbtl '1eY buitding e-ib faces ais botht c arre ntd.truaytalti-poffrt b cii Ucesftse and Washington treela. >tr. uîîtr oul> f, elci' I(0t ,i-cdfeltiit 1l1gley coilSenteel t0 have te basfe- lauecor isuoflci Lelcts-cVer:.Rgon l : 1 Ment uSed. for thse purposo. Ir is said c a n ioliLaeto'owli tuai the adm051 dclivraids are futitonds anti! DecIl nioirhit tundc C11110i1111hu ssmeut and aesov itiac oîîeyfirn lii-' tîx 'e' rouir-a It. viii $0"n bave Icte ocatod if tte- tthe ista o Ii-î p1.ie aM1103e: Wit Di ow- rive bannla o of re eg Ill.*sawittiiut any ftitnliutiiin atored in lise front part of 1the rotre M'Cuc eîtui tii lbi Station. The, officers are cBoxions o Mr roiary for lns ttlit y'esSo .bave lt reinovèti but tb' slto'ic et-ilîse conuty t ltom*s officeritas int >01t ottar]an-, st Ilzu niilic, t ,otisr nocie place ta store il. ranteome Ille filous> ulifriires taxi Atorney E. "lil, omrn ev>' cornez lu. I-e ses te coit>Il <lonirlsSlanr. s s oneforer c'yt tprîtr o îe c eî anomster. bal§e iumetforwa 'cviao ti penmtrees-yut h w7,rce t ca netilese e-asraalî as lîîr cil tltis-ya' abrasle iuuposoi. but te atten bas flot e-amants. Thé couatît lias drat'D yet beon accepted: ne expina. but stlhli , c a large le- P e-ay ta cIme- on, île- says trela n tîiance o!fte NÀK CH RC ILL Coctity being without fîccds a ushi i. money tram thse tUx t cy cames le nexî mnti. air. Header.' in et a lobs Xnoe- bas suçis a report we-i attl ci unieis at -i doue tilt sin hc Of try' PUmItV. l0.f ng te ui7ure thse enedl ofIltue ccutj O U .vich rias iIe-ys boeofathue hest. ii, wChurchill 99 l-GraySlke. Ioda>' (lie L,l1cdy momuhci, lt'ti's ttita 'as nan"0 joe fbeiiafltiTas: aitor- rgvýhu ýO 1 u n.tl rot" s . ouity 10 aucceed WWI or gsi-cbslet tIat ilclt pietlult a ubisfF. ela h -o ed foaoeý-' 'ieili akta -îtrî l ~iaelemetIS 0the tdata %seronas m51 itamoter ec- a~ltInibi'tI tUiSve f roum liis distrilc. Ing iti had te-ait litîrti-cbAlcOlsy. (hurchillFa appolitiut e-it . oitts motbeen&ah.iceé itl liPtt by Attorney GeÎnd - 11Ee-ard oulY One nletel la the>biakt, tWheh 1* The liee0L tlise APPoint- pnostie]lm. On te 0e> boieteu 1 e with te *015 etOft peet h.i' we-lîy ld ibtIis. n-e re-' the. ' , t- atoruox7- sea;O. plied a:"'rVb>', iuotler, vos Litoir Il .5 '11017 ôy f te ibislieiiUnle Co"v souteare alw-ys haut prlce ->.it chck ;4pan t1he os' a tat» lr.ChcStthil 1a o! er tthse et'Cltl' Dvont . e'came Saekb6 44{Ithe*0010 intrte.- , Ile gsale' te Sur titeno Preeidgt - - saslever i&tbeesiae titan SOrrY tolffl* - v«emsiiei obmclea. -tie White Us-5 remark W1111i1iOf *de look î1AnC or- aaili t h@roncese, dme e »vteWtla< eopi donftcjsh>ile strengil ansd Iuansuo11'aeh. ovser occaiegd te - WÛ u.te *ororillem. P a mnlcu l" taon-Van rJir. fl k ,*fte.tZdIJL~e if a arg mrI <risI. cletland unsuioeçvelê 1' %à e. Ibe a<iELp fi*ioffwbst CIqum'ne"» ~ teeded."i ci -ed ' wt h ~1~y1rp i ho Propse. r , lit le l te À ird 0w a fun. ~ '~ufit1iL *tlleae-4i'iSS JThlý aze tori 110e esson'O e-ora t~ r li' ~icsil *,-a, feur 1 u,jîÏ YliiiIS0t M aillae" - 0On qitei$liig. rouaIte "bueg* 1rn rs BEER! lkl*lrii ABRIDÉ MCQIUEENY'.S COM - 1 f'dSURITN FiSR Surpervimors' Reords Show that Detectb',e Bils t- Iowdedwee Fîe" BQoOZ-, CICAI!RS, ETC., PAID lyin tav:icli I - r- i2 L Mot011 lt a.;e nia at-t t--. l'ct crig Ii -ci .î'iou t. pn;tflf i ]ci" aî. 'I t.1 ey i;itar c,1an t î-could di air itedci-iia baps . i tie hock tinwili.-- tiiidt i!i ýulirtVl.si3Sao flott ùýd the "r htiud~oi*the-Ii.,tte-i aturiiey-ofic-- ihe îrr ri7 is;e n icd ci .scp ra7cli 'etc ~. on ' -cie lica nurred tadci-tr- te and et cailt itîn s bav e tond reatIdy la haick ui itutu officevrten roqueAs ei-en' iiaie for, ttnanciat,iriîin1 ~UGUTA i..5 Iit îi dtet(cires. e'c. icitrýi. tn MInalguata Olas la te bride Bdecrsiow ,taied lit Do un ceciýain w ',riS' et Robert M. *Allen of Roanake. t -hat the board e-as ready ta bel, lîiti Va, Shea lb.' youugeat daugitter wtonever , po-ýibIe.. t-e eutîuitsized fi et senatoir Carter Glaiss, former ilie tact and ucgeýd Iii vuîto rcauit htt secrastai'? of tisetreaaurl n d tlie board %vas -h. bhti. . cloe trtRid of PI'Oadent Wilson Fuiltermfore, tbe supervisant tiave lt nu direct respontsitilit>' ta enforciflg ______________________ te lavV Is -rt iinvte gaiabliitg. blilcige, etc.in lthe city of Weuke-- E gan-and ltat i wbeze lthe Ty-reJl Mti PLAN TO' CLOSE. case stikrter]: ise' enfoncement IN the WÀ'uKEGAIN. The couat>' board has ne VC M hadrenobaud lu akiag Wl\'akogsu COUIRTISOT 1EY C UN live, a cilthe iae-and never e-ltm tavse. .That 1.ï up ta CITY officiais, lu AT"'R MO Y Therelcire MeQueus ys attenspt ta n BE A E E NY mnake lte board of superviser$ t lit Ce 'goa n ltIhis malter ta uat taken far kîadiy b> those of us e-ho bave a ect- da .ake Co. Lawyers and Court ed the, hoard'sg'iteriit policy lit l'y- bu: iut a keep tincans in tise county. sic Attaches Want to. Sâ.e Ïae l a ny hlies zoameot us have 11c Shmrtteff Sèated. IelW thilt the board e-as tac, leaieilt laDe * the ziatter of paying rietectives' bis tai fer' booze, for PtaYing slot machines, sel IEXT MONDAY, WQODSTCK fIon '-nur> lostwai. carda"* -etc. But. titey hiave tried ta do the praper Ibing - -tiey hatve tiled te lie fair, ltats a"l, hil AccorclaDg 't reports front Wcod- - T'h. Couaty'a PoaltiDn di stock tu liseln. E. D1. Situnleff. ou 1 §,:55 uQe*y me'a aea pers.ona! S %'fdaeeday recelvecf bis conumiss:on teeling agallsat lie cont>' boardl, ie- et, froni Uov. Lowde-i ahowuig liai 11e oeuae i l dd not espond ici bu deas-ir ail tadtIcl b enppointed circusit Jdge lu ta beudie tbe caunty's ietectiVe we-ate tâta lau(' t4 Judlctgl Itica. How-as & continuons service, butat la ab TOi', as titere le no court lu )IçHenry ne resson ta compromise lthe twiu mal-iîjç c-unly Mita weei lthe plan la fer Mr. lors, 1the cily sud -ciaty aud lry te .4burtcrte10aecGuie iis jcoîitiOtl _a sift 1îcspausibiiity -front.- tce Cily>teta Cir-cuit Judge usai Maudap e hirf court the county baard.fa rpctîs et %'aoislock. Certain '*detec*iveî' and althera h Arcording la reporta il la furtten livse iiêen ry.ug ta matle a big ado ai pianuelil oi have quite a cetebralcan aver thesupervlisors' 1010 wbichippiO- t Wood st ck upon 1the @o0cioR aof ideci ti t te aa ea attorney lltfOr e ti Icîdge l>aaneity's retireiuent aud 'str. - ireua iriti 'mut or lt'ejr is't s!finrtielt assiamption et office. .ierge -îiiîI rolut h liaite 'ao tejdc tice-rdaand a itunber ef iocal al- i b5~c be- laie bo arty ottiUlite chaiiicsti anors * s hl entlgabut ros- Antdlthe Sun ittppens 10ta now ltha' 80 isg court ta \% aukegctn lu order t0 per- thli, rote e-es lthe ma!st sensible one s nit a large numtber of lte iemiters es-or pas.3ed by lthe board alouu lthei i thse Lakte iJunty coults aud aliter line of protticirth Ie taxpaYOI's' e- courts aI i tatrace 10go taIciWoc- mre, l.safc htbfr twsI stockt and-be tînoset et Ijie Céreutumon sýàe . is at act titatbtre lWab-hl w'iscis la a con. equonce of lthe imjio îtaia Ld b I5lte coant ees itanoily rab- tant chsange tainIe jcidiciaîy., bl >tîc'sets hiipsi liecause ai hi-, tuig service binie caittc .;'atea atorne>'s offlce's deaire Stditri't - tltais eit litrIeoald li~etioalte,îr muet filting fur- Lakte toumiy folîksa,_nàid ilse lappens titut titis salt', ta sucie- a littie f'tjrcsion ai appt-e. Mri. ?tcQueeny e-as anc wbo-se bi- Ilt citton f fJudge -. ;lIitièiiy p tubitucciciit le of cICaIlth' rote icl it 1retn*'met ansd air lteashow theïr i'cca.i tcolinigs be-arr] lii' aew jidge sWhitu LOOK AT THE,' EFAiCTS a cissiaualOiv tliqîday. Il is Lit,' Nais- bores anotier r.r-oli- tievedth iat a )aiory oîflthe t-ar oftrâu,on <ofh-'itpurtsne--'"t tlecklin' SLekit 4ouflty w-ili p!tn tu attnd theul, on Ihese mititrre.The bo:trd ai reremosy If il la dec-ided 10 &Ooseitelst uc,s'.oa (192(j. Septëleubet r'- Scourt, for tlit a . ceived a bill ltlinK p.o$i.îdfront lite ie Ow ile Of lthe court but OtfouseTii lest iteni eaiasse nae-Mr. Weirt, Sa lias tls at f getting Ijondid (l iie attorney 'couir nul O. K. I cic1fl5 0115r pretimtflary sautli el ne thiili l -ws-for $16i-95i for .'eit- lie eau5 Stp uptlit the bencli -TiWwi ll t e.'cInlres cta ar dp ail b. doue b' necct MGnda>' cuidlbs-tilas aanI managei'"of Ilte agear:-'fort cause of ,iudge t)oeneliy's tmcg ser- i -4 18-20, 1917 et l'ox îLke. '1ite1s vire Me .chang' la one ofl 'îoth? i ixttL_-c ' tiî'i d l iotritbIh, rail h ImoO t f l t Ilkiud Ibal bas ta1.00 cati face, itoia, t1 h15ione- and asoo r piaceA lis ctcnny Counl la in a 0d ~-4.'e,- ileboard tlicir eut the blil, muly ea- ct-st bcue utitat -ut backtitieeyears 1unit Sera-s c the>' didu't propose opa; IcijO.rii' u t'tis to l'ou JOJ.N ie i»W~I1I -it. Sorte" tupcnres -JURN H. O 1 !3* ile s iious itou lt mht rade uaI1 the bilt taIs IN CitUfURNI -For c- ery day's Items ref ,î-ing t Nork ilS*itShteridaen uaing fiont -I'ug. A 97 esep.23 tre Word 'wusarercîved heree mdcc f'ci l npes oofl aI "Drnk$. lh.Se t <O .IS lu Uo Angelot4;a. iof itccig igeý ret8.e. cI' a iof eli* John fl..tGrUfitt, fathilr of 'i Rob is lr d p er day. Na1t a d4but> vite at: ert .4 r i D.Ieatitv;49 d cIao Gy-o;cctcoitid acaIe aund duaiti tea t 'Pueua m~sdOcei1sred .lanary 4.le hecoadlfral.n ThSa .i~an re bfiins shîppodut eau ýy>'bIan iehar o a ~i'ai -torlutoraut. he u-, 4 cl ow abilltof bat sort? Dmcs ali'e j* CsIcor int a>e feruccon a il usît!a>' ire ta clean mmlicondition.' ftour o'c41ok and e-SP 1e brougt i rurtternore, lte-board raembers reel, g1W'a1kegaji The lunieral te,,tatI lu lie totail t,,r e haven 1t wi!bo dP'rldAjvý untermentll ieéen ~ougit convictions foiloNriffig t&k pI att r u'1 1e nhiiiWeSmati utis " -et'lioe coiiected by lthe varionsta Iedr'a- s'Gith IOT trely wua detectivé ageuttirs ta juslify even a aocttetiltbu$" esat Wauke9a hîir of lthe expene ttat aireacty bas w111 11 hl* 'lw.Ilavle 3fttt' Ieen pald. - Atnna -V.-rGrlth, dIed Jane L 1919 - Cots tie'uctaeDrink and six*agwisterred t ha l teiIse- Il la naticeabie ihal lu the ase ci l0ûii5~~ - ' O cime o!flthe deteclli"btsle - ieuses ton 'piclaalot machines, drinks, cîgars, etc.- " -n isalmostas lnuv«âl iis 0d', mach ;s le bill fat serics. l In tecaue or McQîieeuy tue reco SuseVsn today amuled t athue etateînents aof delectîre bMcQueeSv lu tait eveumng& FSais relative talte stsporvigor.s interterlig e-Itb prosecws tioas orthlaitnel Waulcegan it lY. A camplele -"anse.e10bliîr sateisentî sîlli 11e mcde o asrroe--nit ltat tboy feet it mLrîts it fronitIShe staudpolint cif being WORTH IT butî becisau-t'.e 0 waut te show titat lthe comaatv board la airays ehive la lite aituation, and ai- e-oys cooperatlug e-ilb ait $eOUitY fr- Thte automobile àc'l'ercs t lslàéd ,anothet' meeting Ibis oefluiflg te0 !s ter discaslthe propSaed autoabitue. Johnu TomPkîsti doeaat tako mucit stock in - rbins -,s - Iarbingèea 61 sprng se îbepIllai'day ho ieuonttit auj captared a buller[lY. -Wlstch 1.6 braught 10ulie ut office t0 Prove the balmy dava bave aruid& ai'] mancy loday proraise te o IMte1119 back yard and pick o bouquet O! cI- olels tor tb. vealter s'epottll. PautlI-,.Cole-ell bai litasdale font S hoti's c W ofi ! Pra t,È le ln Chicago. 1H'c laemPIOyelg!l& Chas. fJacoba stitre and résides in ZIC& aar hbas 100 aidifli 11e ýqV"", Mni. Fred Roert c et oth;Gentieut îru-et liitsrécetreil e-evd Ss't»ihI jirnof! theedeath o!f.ilht nwbee- & PALU"4UILTY";- FENALTY SEVERI Proprieto.r~s of Marie'È Place, Fourtil Lake Roadhotise are Falilig Jail SentencaeL HUSBiAJD 7 TlIEIS'!tL r Mlaic 'andt Jo' Piule. Pra»îietOr.i ut k. XcP~e t Fe'urii Lak, rÇoicsrouJS(e, where pnslal4s t ,' r ,- i a u v o t n rlc fi ud f er > 'fit 4 ., i1w" ilc ] C,'tflhtnc: wee tfQttti guiIiyii inte cAîruitcourt and theY' a f a c e , l a i s a 2i s e n le ltC s s o rQ i' v1 T iine,. or bot. nd they yet ore un- d cr ! nd i t c ', m c t S uf r r, e r a t I :g ea g n oU i tlîî~ing ~rand iîoc1àcaiIll il e. M ci- 2d ie'r hiu'rland ,rcîe foIzs -1 c Ellîhy utite Uttii cunt il %Me lit5- ccciitrr.i. citar gn lthe MIauLWt SU<Se ot a utauncit. and lu, Ldàli6a JOU. PccUie vc.u, convi"tLdeion s 'x.ctbiont la te 4 ivment citar.-nng te un-~ hwfîtl sae cof wiagkr. Tite *nu..aitce rias-ictiijame-na tict ctosing of iiarie*sPlace fi' tite ir-wHn. and ite propnî:aorca cannoi reaopen it uaîil tey have pair] iSsus finel or zerved lteir jai*elence.i, viliefithev wili ho i'qtuîred ta p« upli $itî Londs a lbie fot-trited in sCROOi ttiy y ccr %.-i!n are tound gulty ci sîoiling ttiie 1 CunvîW(i poiG teR xeC'oargse cariesa ai1 îlsence fin M arxia for f rota oeetîo ix tîtonthsba r tîom $290) and noi tu exceer] t504. las addition ta tiii pnalty Joe Pâ#io wlil réteire a fine aif front -300 te $3.000 aii a Jail sentence ofl tros.a fim muths ta one Y".ar ilu alUor ob Providing convictions are oblftewi ln litilhait doz h aier udeone'W for gamiug sud c%actlng a homme o! III fame. If lait aentenlces are rý- ibounceci. it would mean that 1 the grop-' rietora wouid 11e compelied 4,1 spM tman i>'tntha and eeu yelirs la $iI,' t Thé jury, of whjcit W. .. achmilà wa3 foremnan, waa out f romn te 4 ~ clock, le-a hours, and e-hen the vr- 5 d c t e-tes recsd by L. J. W llm o , c1erf ý eof th~e court, there cas a tiutte? (,. exctient itrougli-tlite cour-, tç00fý i e-ich wasfIliiedtIa ciasdîy wUl-' s pectators. Titis makes tour victorie a tra gl*t for tate'a Attorney A. Vs. Smith1 f*1 bi is asisant, Ralpit J. Dady, fi t b. t ers being Luwence Paltn. w eha i r n oteveila titrsi'e 701snteasce charte of nobl>ry, aud Johnmer# *it oudguity W'eàUE&netâ 1fle:ce Mailcel 'Taleot ta a 1Aduxce gaine, FeDERAL WORKUi5 o le y- o' '41 r]f rk to ce n $24U bonus for fedierni euspioyeej, -1% lte Leglsiattve, Executivc, and Juii ci Appropriation Bill for the. -çls iag vear la tirectically assured.Be coi'ding to etaieents et the boeme quarlere o!flthe National FederatIft of lftteral cluPloyes Ioda>' on lbe auto il>' Of Piominent imembera ef Cou- green. 'l'l i eealton bas aslted thse Ap- propriations t2OnMInifee tle outlat. lte blinus untlt a i ecassitlcati..ý et te service eau11e serîtrwd. and 4w- sataed Suihlier. on aîiîhonly'. o!ft04 sanie {ouae leaders, tIsailiter.e somif be no difficaîty ilu bpplvini- the -ý classification psy rates 10 thia mdfl appropriation -bitta shouîd lte- taIlla pasa tirât. as, la gXpectetl. .-.- 'The National Federelst o! o u*aia Etmplayes. a14bIowh Ilitbas cool te succesafut Cenipaigisa welbr Ponus liai been serured orait tirât, tire ansd ten Den conl. thon,. a vear. andi thon $240 for lhe le-o yesns, han al-atys rogarded tiat'rate plant as menely a util a itI ieclisiaiflcalloI1 - -. the place o!f1the exites ult' saiary rates, viîcila baed eM arde o! 1846ý, -- lTe achedullei of tise te c"aasfîCAsîîon QUI, wiebclI durec tb L i -lAisse i>eeem; -4 body tise' 1140 bonua s a 6, i Ifle permnent euge ale, - rangîng train a minimumi veaem aI otrale Up t0a soilior grde lu ach or groupae ofproel e akliled cierice; eorlonr. T -* rate. are E1Cataed 10 to lite. .Xllland Ircaliq lte« job, sudta put the, service ona s esc'-lhke comparable îe piveais lad tast report ôt* othI. S. tgauîy'JII1040 1dibuf slr natbet- lr e35*lý pAal, -4l -- r8 sg " otailttomi te - s- it , WNai a TO BIsu Tbf, native pomal ltea afamia $sure a rdeos aetai Baradoé lite et ol. lShe'. a travelins a-ar. taobee hen ouber beadad eI1 ft by the mentL ber hard so they allowed one hall )e il-50--ll mequeey bas ever clied for lthe $500. Another illustration of lthe flagrant ianner ti whicit detectivo bill$ came %and- wiicli caused lte ba>ard Ite hait laItera a littho: June 10, 1919 the >enrai Agency ttad a bilt of $147-45 ir "services of îwo *ojaratOrs three ~a at ý$10 a dayý-$60" and "expenaes uylng boeze. ra"iiroad lare. piaying lt machines, boat liûre. cigars and tel bittlscil $87.65.," in short lthe ex- eeses for booze. etc., of these detec- ors was $27.65 more titan their actuai erytees at .$10 per day. Arnîstroing Weet Il Btrorîg Edwârd Armhstrong, for Instance.,iln ils includea for each daY "iuciden1l in k t re a ts " a t C am e rO W @ [M . - Sheidon's at Waukegan. atiY'oX Lake, c. That he spen% ver>' ayatetuxati<- ky in lthIs ,probe- la ahora by'~th act that ceacit da.y»s expensP4 rai iott $1.50 te $50 Oowlth lUttle ia- ocn. It As noticeahie ltbaI ail the bills cou- a in any Items- of .'inckàentats" In et gos niany that the board could Irve 'paid a few couaty officei<al- trles ouI 0f lte total thusasaaribed. The rule which causes the sate's torney to cousait te citairmtlua of 1e board of the judiciary commuitee lairman. ivas flotpaa-,ed;recentiY- '.vwas adopted two years ago when ýmany bitts of surit unreasonabie ze were pouring in on the board and whici causcd the board te realize ltha Lwould break the couniY untesas oin hait was caiied. Guard County'a Mokney Thereýore. ln boitaitof lthe taxPaYl ers, the board w hici aiwaYJ tries te act carefutiy in surit matters adopted te -nie in hope of mking the task of tirilg deiecties a lttie harder and more b1asinera3-ihe. Thte chair1t5 nevxr ask m'HERE a -detective l4 te work-Itey just want t0 know wten e, 1iýgins and when ie ends bis task -o iikey can kunow where the Iaxpeyerà noney la gotfg. ,teQileenys reference te bis work in thé Strang deatit case brings torti astatentent t tom board members tI tieffert: lAis testimofly before -the grand jutry waaso weak ltaIlthe jurt did net consîder lthe tarIs suffictenl Ilrturn an indictent, w tich Of IL scil nhows titat McQàueenY cOuid nul tave donc a great deai o! work 01 hat case..- wAUKEGAN LOCAL&. $1.50 PER Y.EAR IN ADVA ir lrS BEER! E