Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jan 1921, p. 10

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r~utm d1~î~r Ï Waukegan Weekly Sun TDGE DONNELLY. The. formai ceremonies at Woodâtoek Tuesday mark- V tg thad retiroment of Judgo Donnelly as Circuit Judge in Oit.l district vers met fitting and complets. The. eulogies paid Judge Donîelly by bis friends of ~~~~t - a vr onoe usuafly hea &Mr a mai bau been caN toe h ie Great Réward sud accordingly Il vs ice. it vusa fine that thée things should b. said in the prosoîce of!tho eminent juritat thoeUrne vien ho vas hors and iM vs able to appreciat theo'sentiments that came wlth Judge flonnefly very carefully and characteristlcallyi .xpeusd bis feeling that ho vas much intthe position1 mftan attending bis ovi funoral by heanng the beau. «Wfu things saId about hlm that ordinarily corne aiter But the old jurist vas vislbly affected by the beauti- ful referencen >ade to hlm and bis career, and it vas no woder that soverail imes tsars coursed dovi bhs cheeks *fer b. mu#t bave roaliso that the. gentiment thus express- .,camne from the heart of every man who spoke. No mai even though b. might b. physicaily a giant, coiild have wthbshood such an avalanche of kindus, sy- meeting Tuesday without giving vay under il. In fact, the faiDade tbat vas direced at. Judgo Donnellyva *nough to penetrate his very sou! and hb vas suroly given .mougb. to-think about for the remainlng days of bis lie as ho rehbattes over in bis mimd lhe beauliful sentiment expressod -by the varions men vbo represented the four1 cotinties inithis district Zn Judge Donnelly's retirement from tho -district, as Judge SOhurtieffivho succeeds hlm, said, voliôs a man vii. bad the. courage of là convictions and alvays stood xpon them no1 matter vhat lhe occasion. Sest of *41 Judge Donnelly vas always foarleos, hon- est, nstMlIdiknd.iliearted. Re vas a mai among mon. Au aiother speaker sald, "Ho vas a typical*ilustain of a',mai' ho llvod in a bouse at the Bide of liBoad an a tw ia as vby overyboidyvho knov him loved and reected hM at al l imes. Il vas always a rscognsd fact that Judgo Donnelly Alvays tsmprsd Justice vith mercy and bis decisions ir:rs. congtièesd rellable because ho vas a thiorough stu- dent of the lav. Fs, jurists in the state bad a btter re- cord la.ths higher courts hI he malter of reversais. Juldge »ogieily vas a most unusual maninh that, despite bis Spoor healt, head atuck to is job andeoven i ace of a murins broak-dovn mai y imes alvays came back ready togo aheadvwith bit arduous task as presidng jidgin la viev of bis reignation as judge it la theref ors mMiUng that the. bar association o! the. four coumties mron bis retiremnshould uiov deferenco ho hlm. Hlov müth nicer itvas for them Wt assemble at the Mgeliry Glouaty court bouse and bore express -tisir approciation ot. bis services vlo eho vas lin the ioalth ani tin l. ood ~cte herwbaltbey bad tW eay rather than tW have'bad tiiose xicq tblugs said about him after ho bad answered -hhê.inal suimons. The district bas lost & mot vonderful jurlat. But it vil have tho satisfaction of kuowing tbat during his thir- ty yars administration lie bas proved ï most efficient, ieoflabld violesomne, ktindlioartod, merciful mai. The. lat4h-keys wiliisMM romain out for Judgo Don- tu 3.17111I Couihy, evon hhough ho vill no Ionger grace tbubolmo. Ths fionda liaIho bas. made lu Ibis couaty are uumbs'lsss andthie expressiof o appreekation given rtojiim on Tuesday are very zmail manifestations of tihe pouerai esteomin hiichho vas hold throughout Ibis My .Tudge Donnelly live many years aid may bis beatk b of such acbawr hat he eaiu noy theperiod of! rest vblciiho bas nov eutoed vithicontentinnt and mu eofuldand body. ,Judgs Donnelly retires undor the. pension act, vblch glysMa i tnsion o!f*$M00a yos. JUDG2 SEURTLEFP. ii 4zffOrds us gpeat pleasure W cal Ed. Shurtlefi of .39&rqNM aro'representatlvo in Ibis wtM la f"c,- it SOUnd&s rtier 'tupbboohosay 1"Judge Shurtlefi" sud I it wM1101 .be teMr. Obunrtiàf aminwfrienda uLkoOut ir.*owugàouh ih district tq apply lbh. honorable 111he bïIlaview o! bis appi tuî tOi pstinof Zudgu t*,e thé place of JudsDceyon l*e circuit ben*i 001. LOv&d.'s appolnt Mtcf1r. Shurhfl sa Wâ 9"&Jhhat àW. Shurtiefi vau Whfl ho accept the dretiremilo udeDnll bq«hul wX or gy. Lo*Mua"oôld othame dmn fluor than ho have.namd Xr. Sht flef, a Mati vo vii b. Me hoaayo t *s v<iso lb. iedis- trict là an absolutely eofficieM n *at idtal-M mamera tbere no interruption înCircut Court imatIer as & result of the change. li fact, because Yb. Shutleti in-ajounger ma ad h god heaML4tinai lqwo u Donne1Lff's liessduning the paît year or so, Mr., Shat- lef no doubt vill prove o!fpliat assistance W lthe othir judges with wbom hoe ha$*towowk, becaung ho viii enter ths important task vith a firmn k novledge o! tho law and, dehqls ofithie Mlinois shahutes cleanly in bis mlud. Mr. Shurtîsif is .emfnently qualifli for tho iiporh- &nt position aid tbe ionôr that bas been conferred upon hua la notbing mors tban i. in entitled tg for' ho very patriotio services vhich ho reidered Ibis district aid tho state for somany yearspast. Jùdge Shurtleff han many friandsi làke Q.uuy vho vill b. "hfcékled ho doahh" thW orf'hsa owment. Hovever, their feelings in thé i. ;ruot efface- ho ,,general regret liaI prevIs over t l act tliai Judge Donnefly bas found'il necessar, bécauso o! ill iealthp'ho rosegi rom th. bencb. KSebas oveéd a most1 efficient judge, hastaken part i Momêofhe bl tnlls iwnLae Cunty'and alvays hleen considermda air aid honest jurist aid bis dpchslous as a viole have leen marked by accuracy. COOMBS ESTATE S IN -ÀBADLY A-TAN4irui DSTAI fil tic th Il, De Pioneer TaxTitie Buyer leaves o Big Debts and Much- Litigation. 4 R ESIDENTS AT GAGE'S LAKE Lake counly fpt-apte will rew.cmbei- the Hiam Coombs !amiiy via cmnli neveraIyOis golilveti St Gages aI(e la thei- ôva summeirom.talas lui; le aa soi-y oI tihe amseu- citer the deati of mi. Coomibe Local people vill ie ointerested m83ithe Combi vere vol kno.v i iere3. the sons add danahters beiag uspeciaiiY4 veill ikUd Ly the yaungcr peupe aI Gai-ssake. Tiie tory follws: The estate af Hiam Coombs, came af tie pioncer tax Utiie bayersaof Il- linois presents ane of the mnt tan-4 gied property prabiems tint the hi-o- bat. court af Çook eanaty bas oIen cali0< on ta salve for yeirs. acci.rd- log ta Paul Coi-keil, assistant la JuJge Haraler. Attorney Arthur U. ilias, aepre- - senting the estate. in jueparhn-1 a pe-& titon ta he suomittel ta i. Corkell,1 atking tai- autLarity ta saili ome $09 ta: titles and tax liens acqui-sO by Mi-, Coombs durlag lias career ai fleur- ly tva score ycsrs as a tai lbuverin l Chicago. Thesd tIlles and liens n-e- prement a total purcuase or face .'atijc oI about $150,010. ILid la ILsnemi'future ina--le -t- caga i-cal estate boair oians. M-s Eanly <haamset UalParst, vîdow o t he. ta x b yei-. viii P ooab ly b . a nc of the. biuders. ]ulinssonixiJoi1y miles a tempting afler salit i-bSlitY 11111 b. the ýuceStu1 bayer. Sire lias a Iuat on ail t thi bayera for the foai- lowing ressens: M as ui,C00 Intereat « She wilii fot Lave ta pUL Up aily anoney uti bey bius toLal mare ili>u ' 43,QouUma.tle eât,me ases behita amount as a viuows award., b. aubject toa a luav's gaver, ithicbi vlli cansîllutu ai adwiîionaI incuvt hianc. and coni-ispon'fingy viii ie- duce intcî Ct nt athe mae-. - Attorney Ballas vent befare Mi. Coi-ta d, presenteti a lust andi truc. accounVt. asisni; tatlaie per- sonal prcporay of tlb. ctate aaiel2t-5 ta anir 15.1. ile -tuasdeits ta- tsl bXtii9.52.COU lte 'buis of this showvlis as îkcd for permissi-on ta halO a sale of lie tac lues and teîmu. Mr. CommansdaMay i26, 19115.îeav-4 lng na vîli. Uol alteri-m-t luYrs. Coambe wva araded 83.4>0 tl.eY 4 hon living expeases dnriigthie pro- bating aI the. comte. tdavever, ti. astate Las aoI pi-oduccd c0o00« a-0 cam, tapsayus award na.I-iavp n of lb. debm i» orarneym tees bbea palOi. . Aide tro ue ,Leeût» as1di. -4tate there are ledumbrances amauntingI& t abmut $80,0W on the tus titi«..'ilase ame held Ly Jacob Gieas.,Is b1i-r; Attorney Hoi&a'O S. Oeam lland the estate aofb'rederick W. Ci-moY- Tex Tittes Date Far Sock Muet of liasse tac tilles ai-et-ventY' jenor more oic. Boaue of tiai ru ack a tu n 1; irur.**-aGmn bid# lhem in, Iltà#ezplekd 1h41t ac *U viii -hs tala fle qaisepnrsued iay -bar bue& vatehtui gthe nem etaIs ma-c siperttlgit.hive lit appu-m liat ilceela a gond op- gantnety for.'a taie. TWls viti la- -volve yem & ai îralian. Mant -of lhe pffert t uns hd elt 0vaan. -Desiàes is vidow, Commniq vived biy tva sans. Nos-aim ansd !Geori- ecoombeii.'&Ld Ivo dubti3ns * .815 May ad Itin, XUliy Monane. 4 brother, Richard C. tYOMbqen ii- accted xith the lalanti Steel comi»,an la~ adnamr tatheela- *public chartIe les and iunevoilèit se "Weoelstl fnr tle grtiltus r elief et evegy B melé af 0"--îeqa are .ieîîlial' ta .Clrnttnltyl - <thîofm '--îe elvii or feIlgwOL'5 haes '-' and et* ire.- il Lt-I i.: a oe Until coaWtpaniveiy vrcîît inlies le Chananel hinders, sud, iiideed, aost lahabit&nts ar iglt emoter Unit- h islandst, *frÇ, notoria, ily vuperstl-, anus. Jrprovea Communiicatiuon wlth le Maisnand end îLe Preîad of Aucntion have ltrgely drivenots- irstitlOns whleh weri'clong liuldying. ý-enry lianvain lu ictter in Chue Lon-, son " I I i i I .5 iN~u~ tY.>~S AGAINIT ~5lt5LAGE AUhIftA>U'Wate et the tact that Uopt or loi, eai-5 ainveîytt 1), CAIVIU IE OR E" tbnmate m iaiin, have carne tlxCi me better lia Iicnaw anyself. tisaex- iresogn-. t or gooc wil and' of R EC IONTOBEI3NCI oui- 4ire ta furtiier lhonor afl*X tèies me, la very deeply apPreciatedl. AI- - - hhoug ne an eupoU tiie beiCilcai Juris Wti HasTriedMsoy Lo~~ tlimes and under aiXl'tr- Juris Who as Tied cesnyta please ai whoa i-ice.k Cases mn Waukegan, Makes before mn. mii y wluL ta cSitiliue Formai Announoement. ln the office vihli I a o LidWinl Fm o fnetS exist oniy op long as-Mny 1wotl shahl.- su awhoie, b.e satlsafietJiTta imse TO HOLO RECEPTION SOON. *hLo are practicing before me and MAY. BE RESUVUU. -Who ire'anssating sac in lhe atrIMIPl----- Juilge Robert K. Welsh tof t.,c.ttî*d tration of justice. 14L--ho is lidng lneuts tu wlîo~~" hLi " shallhab.a candidate ltso as!' %lu at*a atandatlll'-la faut 1 ,whobas eldcour taWaukegan myself and i want you aitlet- khow many times, ia a candidate fur 1-e- that la saying Ibis I amn a uteed a taid#UIi for a MU* elction ta îLe beath tramn ll . fi b'y7011fVery kind req»emL M cfliY i loitlaemuW seventeeintl judicial distuict. The. canipalgn efforts will hg the perfortît- d01110tetl her la1w Pari anoe et M daties. as a judgeetas1t$e& ucnq& a qbtMdI l f r k f o r d Ib e p iib l c ai c m i e s t e to i- îh e n t . la t u a r é l à 4 o m t lowling story la which Judge 'Walsh WitL kindest regards Io :-oit, niablg lurger huat IforipIapy î&fleOulcea Ida caiidldacY, I amn iq .-verù igntWs. Joîlge Il.K. WelsL ofthe i.crcuit 'ausvery ci-uly avaïultag at 10I #. e6îrt vîliLe a Candildate for re-ele- R. K. ELSi.' atrip. The flsherlu* alé lien ta the, circuit bench next 3 y ~_________ st(ath i, V Hé bas Leid -the position etai,%",--o-utaiuLr SruI Judge, ince i9i17'belng elected ila Ibat ?iabln ampanT pla ÜLWN*4 year, ta fin ont the unexpired terir of The Old Beecb. tiiat 10]Mai fla a d ~ the late indge Frast. The. aId beci ktept nie dry choul S long, lbard vinte, asEt Ail members of theê Winneiagol vile the raua beat steadiiy on hltsO1son batdu« udibIs.0 Couny Bar asaclaton have nlgnd a head, bt lhe kne;v îîovta iiresenve rnath ag tt o le the in 1 petitian requatise that JudIlu Woei-h te downpour for hIds wn aeeds Froûnsl ut. fu nd-dl bc a candidate for re-eiectIon . T e tiie mags of the. leaves ai d te At te pr eat tisas tld petitlon vwu pnesented ta leu isanie thLeramage oft the twiges Ibat bore commercial oshermeà 'à tIme ac. Atter cansideratlon. indge ftlera and gainifi. in volumes, desceud- masin ime. Tbey are b Weish annanced Lis candidas>). jc Jddge We1sý sent the t:1oiovn ed as a tricklto l[lacbruthe and 85ted la weatibi001>01410 ter o mmiest- ris fountain ta the. Laughut. Then coi-dingta Captata 599à» ter a trtspeethe fo'elmebecbs ofîtmht a ktcfoi. fisfaiag operatlass VesM me a vitten requeat iai . ýh@taruua <owa the bhe ne a torreni îîeved that mi an.rfl.b»94 entire membermiiip of the bar of fille and VanisuL under heIll cvCelniI viiremumqe aperatiosis 0 ccunty. to-became a candidats t-) ruc-eath.-Eieii Iiiipatts. tn. -e-ni Our Greatest Sale Suits and" * ...THIS lsa astraigbt-from-the-ahoulder, dlean eut Clearanco-prices determined vith only oie idea-moviug, merchandise quickly. HRE ÂRE.. THEC PRICES THÂT WILL DO IT. W. offer you tho finsilapparel vo bave ever bad lu hbls Store-Ovsrcoats--Suite5--4nd a beautiful stock o! Furniabungs vs challenge you ho match oils- viiere. Hfere are a fev brie! descriptions and prices hypical of vbah you may expect. As regards Clotblng aid Funisbings, Ibis la your ivshm ent period. $35 $45 $55 I KRT, SCEAPYNER U MM X UITâ AND OVERGOAtTS ALL TE LATEST STYLES A»: 'AtTTEIS. - CONSEBVATIVE PATTERNS FOR TRE IÂAT DRESSER. - 191 TIE YOUNG MUNI PLENTY,0F FANOT SUITS AND OVERCOATS WITE ALL sTHE LAT-. EST STYLE CUTS. ducdpi'showa veùy ineaffortmont o! Hats fromth best makerg ini America at greatly re- $1 RLOATS ------------- $ 7 RATS '. ...... . ........$4.95 Boy'sClothes Boys' butsaid Overcoats ini ail the best maatenials tha wilIl give, real- wear.< A .50 $ .5 si.5 Underweur Cotton Union 8uits $ 9 lEcru and white -. ........................ Wool Mixcd Union Suits $ 9 A t...-----------.......................... . . Ail WooI Union, Suits $ J - A t. - - AUl two-pieceunderwear ah reduced priee.. Ail neekwear in lie bouse uit reduceitpio -o o 8.W0. Mt to be r ot W5 lute ta j gb ii i &Y Bar au ~'andn boainely -06 vell e woaac bis bale Thel a he JUdge woua be ai" à ite ppil mu ar cwiuls Opt .5e Fat"l judo vSu l iac( jflte dry au! vwit ýý &4et itii<ybecinie s bu isgi-eut regret *bbi 111e pust tc ;p.ea»be ta halO ct to. ù The tact fi »«OMV, tbat.that O1 ý.îîwp 1 OW"5r me thil guabmete le la cowt 1 ISUlaîe ipet CI Il as a gi-at itudWhe sdaitl t~t hat Une AcceOldingt vn N«#4 M% &task th .,b gefU"e Wli es The Tribu thgagîe ceramon 0varsons amea e. ef n s repreftll ,.T. itsydecker of 09"b oliiest lasserI .11e ban la Lake court ma"i tute te jutg. gi*iUI the motion Io oithUllY and t-ai-aigU -.b1 office, liat whafl %«à« üona datcftluiit 1uc=t8t beateil ý,»Lla tfi, e l, ehi * Lad ta impoge a1 au7 mun l ajit %,u " '.0f re t.le teil Il 9.1*7 bad gi-at-d the 7055a, elice and hl, resideuit o01Ike "Ou' tira dbisfu.YaPI1LvcIa!' 'Attorneiy %%M. ilicr e în5ath i lu t I liais dubtrict, îold of the pat 130yesr,1 were tlUleent iCSS Ç ,the beuçh Ilen ia i *pemne 01aithe 1ar hlUa asclly Chane DoneiYasuixed o. Was a Resi Iln the tAxas'hie nat li-. P-etîce. ",'lbave 8.sieud 91 îtribuei mindthaltad nte h 'm mS advicate a1 rai in r l il if i . hin Lsd 1ev equists in th cuit onch bas Decee fur a I i ee ',jurlit %mciias judgi 'aoule uuly liasa tralutthliiîe sani caâueOf lb, peculii wgsid ouid ýj be ave aselà hlm uit Ieebêuici and i ïlu, have a feelig e an le àe iet ,""« l. lookci -L IgtaUIO. ith & al "I à gn1 géLIat Ia i~f rZanate tW Lhai.e ea u n the v rk - i&semuch credit <I wiien bho am lebdviaced 4 Ibaa me va ld bis, ëd oe u r m aet bPî dàrj-lr»th4 eà a v btari mare - -~JSWEbltahsodko1isAit Q8;~riA0 ooo ue shunta vrs e »Ung up t1ý $16.00 lau t mumcx aî nty patte=mnuadna s binte.rov imllng trm $Slip

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