Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jan 1921, p. 11

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YOTUES&' 64<n paste O9M e-ýWef, Ted 1i aasA ph jtu rou ol, gato te be wvlti u -ea în éVr et Waqkeiýrle Pad a olbUl te Jpdge Dount.tvllY u 515Ba 0f oraton- liCl1 cvi wtila Mient .. p onel!. abosrng he* %4 06 Wseil kuaG .l lis weÉ voluenmaud biltdreu 4b1 home*0ansd saw pnu . Thel uis ' pItqeeti the Judgé in turu wvi'd l rftfls. lie eald fluet m wu safl orcefai .> ,mm ZbO lived in tue aideé 41 the rend Pmiii aIt plw 5iLa lu oicluia oli a ~ ppeu'vlsUon et bis = 1 u leh&it ut bu lhoprm.eiteéd voy Wirth, à haudsitue goild & "d4ebsifli shichIlie i4pate~tlYbut prttiy ks*D in tr>'-tg te expïees OftCM Fatal Expériencei lauinacceptiqg o-9 it ý,@'fl Oa&7 Iava Ith lîlshaudie. - L"~luaf becUnutigo profliàLe. uld .l ra regret bâti beeluil tuat ' or""é pt fêV yearz le Lad -1»ga cabte to hoid court tainlu C»týUMaàU 1-asb.waîid ha,' -*dýkif. Tbetac sat la. uil <ud-a ïweomw. t»st tisat Orflt <su%'i Ihlh0 U. lu tact, It carw,'h uic-e gloetSlmg Ime ta ilau tdî 'l t- .140 tm tmI éon I have not t re' *11 ndt»hatg s vy IilaiX-tbeen V *atd, t@ le la cout in Lake CuIll'> 1 j"0OS oflyvas Ille eiln j- fl a l.0mOrpet cMe ivulhdi IV, aellu Mthé circuit ccul: tl.- Ce v t S~-i as a great 'îîr..u n U he MW sa alule sud bis triitids resu- e~ t bat Une. AtO'iSte s'hat ho nov anya it a oalBShStasit tIsai t pil l;.;C.%l - aéUilaé bus beaitli. Th*érbue t ca'thé ceremelll in tisacoirt bbffl vartse- menexpredsse itbçnu- 01tS rep-té5iluifl le uiftc ii Btéeas lolleva: - ,CT. limydeecitofe 'iakegt, fle 0t thé Ofuési iawyers praciu.(i;~b -lin bar la LaIte coutY, Pait, .upu- ma" ltribute t- tai ge eIODIelY 1n beý giliI tie moion te atoilul.c l-<,i 13M Jadge luoun11elYlîsb" bu;" a' - -<atbtihansd careluily adii,în. -lIVIe. hi. ottite, t-ai vienL ie i -ti b,A U-b -. ua deltndt h- d fi .il1) le- * - ltlOt8libecause iut carme Iru- itie, la tact, he felt liat s.l~~ -~bdte impoFe a eiCs-..c ,ynin IL utas %,,iuade. rI.<r r~g é.i-t.lie tit iliat. D,0" uco Bel sdgaed the beici, Làaut";,- - ea5'evc atud knew tîlat i c'a ceident o1 LaCS Ccouny md "' en tire dIatitaPillecclatiu , iut ' a due. ir o Atterney m 'cci t.'t i ,es,-iLtttieil u tu ,-idt fa tDisladisîtrict, told O!f "la'-f~O<la guaaut-af<e in.i uý9eluilîli < thsepast 30 Iyearsl. u O -f ~ - lo' ierîeet Laces pa- t.Ot'< the bélich 1Iela tisu oS. hU 1" a Persoel 01 ofthe 1bar ul".ula hias UacUcaly luaigud suc', DouAYasuueul oluce- Wa.s Rései Jurist qn théeUie '-ie hll pa-u<l,", i lir. Pàoecé. -I base lound la11l îo Sessed et atfrlbliies and 0kiil -< i-r -Mmd tInt Madie hum a reai jUi ut L au advocSte 0o! iljustice 'e a-ilà pr i llnois,.inl at. ibu1 u -bsd les' éqtauig lu the tate. iqci] cut Dchb las never eniiiuti Cli -'eue mo> le meos of5te et I slt-i'I Sr5 lotheca Mefisund iu-A.Liz ý,jrlIf ach as .ladge L>ou.,I<lY «W Itooné coafly hlasaliaYsri .'i îu -q« us. ~ o.ufelly and the 0 1101,- di trlet leit thé saine w,»y aboutL t a. Ci,,» er thé peciuirai- siînte5 It OUoaesed. 1 veuiti Lave betn 91-j bé a,é,ana hlmelevated < iss h,ý en an sd iItuov tbi.t L usbaa-eeling et1rlIat th I drne vlienblaLa retiriug bt le ni ~a5é o lioke bacit 0,cr fisaiait létlati.,- vth a feluung ofa:î "i arng.: a.ltuInubis place wtî-AI turienut Wha, lé, an VD ho W éf op flue so-k and tLo0 i - ~'l1hae achcrédit as ùdi ,udmte 1). - ,-p~lé wh lih anaemed Off ice. Î@ É'411 rwbeconiét JudgO Oet(0 Mr.hbrtieff, la a man *1 .'~a4d tiél acédnlu1t1e pr'o"; Obl4 .olid bavé béou lau4-ir, ëd QR 1 t Stbpriugtiald eus 'Ni, -.- irtelMenvWho rtaît te bl bill sé e, han sd lfuitllie-ita lieu bléssaic uia <i lé àistric sl iùc icb tîlu ta teeSeWbseti Jluà hl sea qticlC5UuJufi . body~ ».sed rud cet Iomta*t m15 Dl é itrt Mat tIbeiU.s'ie Bé mi l wé yatiletué uli .1 ee »I f aéJildOeh>Oï afft 1886.1 ' lhi à .0i tooke t lm ed wi e $éUd d 1Wd 4 tetbToUit-le .111 Ia PMe1ti mi Iiotllét Ibu4 i Lu vunlie-iai-i» pu nt. 'I <:,jthi Ûtne- à. bard to cet Out thé t"d, dau of au thiff u,, ss M utetUM Aa reiclrési.Ci t t lu a leet t 05 i , t5I Uuit&&Illei dl ouvtdd t ri- ot il au i. lai iln r ii ui ou bil LU il ICI ýüiÏvç iiil; M » tht..lI ockrad e ariy front y « U PO4tr w11l se ýW olldte.u , 1supoeyou bave eateu5' LAKIEItESORTERS éýeuUblft' Tribut* The colored wornan entirevij wora gsai represented Lake ctlY. IlIC Jtdge, 1 did flt have e0Ypper i Warnt F A A E-R OO à,tid tilet the bar of Lake coanl i Sac 5ry- îungry."1 îviS rmnchs plesstsd te COOl' if'Nti i< urnlng ltu(the boiliff . !dy. ;<,u LL ERjE counltry te psjy trIbute tu Jw1I4e Dun-iielly <aid, Jus,palis that tFay tirer 5ttllyUt)« Ibis, une of 11,li0 ~,; da., p I i,>gro ffi ntil'ni not ery heu w L B UIE tuie tpan'of .ludge I)onuc<l,î a.-. i bt i e qîîallly andcbrti pracicaty covered the jet <i i pe'!.-,tic otf.lîdge )onnelly. ItM U i'L. fAssociation formed in Chicag ienc e o the average iawyer Inthfe bhlm a gri-al man, a Iton Jin.)bl ije1 w hich has in Mind Savitig district. 2h. ponitionf ic pilges i1,4on-warrmî lîof lear ànd generoF.I.y luC' 0< ut pOWver, Inifluenice and tfll0t anfd liée sary Ilu m.,kc Iini juist UiCiI àwea Resorts on the akes. sald tiat Jndge Donnelly is iPs' lays admire and lempc-(Ct.' i llved up te thia standardi la every Mr. ilu:,p of Hlvidere aii tisati e<TO FORM A DRAINAGE DISI seuse oi the word. lie toit tliat Il la tfe t tat wudge Donnëlly w' t '4re.%t peculiarly f ittlng & tila ti m3la ,ioaY jurist and a gi-catlliethe lawycr.4 nice thiuua ugs Scot he Juîdsýý, .1 a of thie bar oft t1î1 district. lie wali Summer rcsidents of the noîliej Uine vbeu the oid Jarist would ntt twl a lovable nman that if li nad Illinoeis lakes district have becon foire if as a denire tu curr'y arur it been a bad Ju'ige lie beinives thit lie triglitened. They are afraid that the thle bande, or the court. pieîonally wouid have loved i i j ust tnlkavi .danddyn *'T"lere never have beeietfr'-lie 1i 'e- theie ame. lie uaid tuat lie v ,aes a e wl bldaie dyn blltions between Judge I)oinc"ty anid judge who woiiid beip Uie awyprb if summer by the Fox river, ieitving fi tlie.Lake. Coanty bar,'! sald vIr. Be'au- they desiicd. Judge Doniueliy, lie ci- estiriisted 10.000, 'cottage o»ners w. bien. "The attorneys alwiiy'i ave pined. wssn nt oeeoetthose elle a view of scum,,Obd wee:a insl.ýad Ioolced ap te hîrn anîlit ahouti b.' vsu.iid ]iîn'-.lbeiind h lui dlnity but vater. A jurlst Alioueld alwaYs -be ni," !u'wae cl,.ways ready te lilp and acivie Tho lates involved are Cathi-itu te by those whe werit nuderh lit: 1' lawyers whefl po'o'ible. Channel. Marie, Grasse Bluff, Fox, Ni muet carry out the effiesandi t'tdti Judge Sliurtlech jendti tlegrais persiuk. Petite, Long and fislick Sage et1 tue la* sud fileat lu,<i'actly freIn iPauli'.. lcnuvau aud utiar l. %Il drainjute tthe Fox river antd vliat Judge Donfleily bau dlwii îl,l.i-. Wrghit çongratulating Juùd-' Duiel. flowa luto thie Illinois ut Ottawa. fie bas kuewn the law very t'tIl fi ly oun the fultilliuent of. hia leng terni . Te retalu their sports o! cailin -h sud bas figuîed It out fuie i' . n<y of service snd expressing hep. a t Ilsfhing, and bathing severai cuitai uis. Ho-'u alwaya tenî;<,ei-od ]'es- lhe would continue in goo e !oilt sud owuear3t revived au eld associationula tice vith mercy aud basu bcen i'i icind- ire for many year8. night . e put a perianeut dam inuil ly man amoug u4, a tanu w,u lur-ine Judge Edwardé' Appric iation 1 iver at cStiekneY Run. three uil sympathies la man r.ilb lo<"e 1 >rm- Judge ldwards ef Ls.e rourîa ldsoutli ef McHeiiry. iteenyeitrR a, mou peoplea wtli as the o0W. l'il tlat it gave iui gresi pleahume te lie a ~dam wan cobstructêd there. position. Tise member.3 o- ur lia. at a meeting of Ibis î<nJ..Neuer w asbed eut and suother vas built ai Loeadrespect hi n tl o e lbaeihadameii tt it f ieut et repair sud ikely to cue ofhi Sud emo hl m ad l s bii b er ande i bear s %teeln l biswalied away, The meeting va? ýhî caus etbisver deuocatt cl<ri ~'ai-<Wrsudceleni15 t ~Cil ' I tlel Sherman. Chicago. Tueed; that lie bas been field Iu such liighmn the piivi-ge of atten-iiaîî. liy1 "tua. u ore thon $1,300 W5t Igo cteoni b7 eerybodY,- We Iarut-ilte ccremecuy a inng-d u iclia urafuer. ne , ihed and -4~bcoucicl love hliecaue-ef is iiuil a il. ~do'evn i uuaLïy er nmid <ï-ajie ilune. *rifLPeter5.,whopreslded. 1af hies sud wv*etolelo<<'d O1,3ini 1 know-of nia)pa-aîie va"au-f I amrn The officers et the asseclato i raîuru liccause her vas one 0f!<Jc. glad it was on- i amn gin ladt rc v-ere A. V. Ilanuilln, presidel *'The rerneratiou vîjicis the Ar-appreciato tbe efforts oet iui',e Don- john A.«Mcleau. vice fircsîde cuit judge receives Asnîail Lu i efi)ii eily aud Ibat wu have seCfl lit te josjîli G. lillîW treasuier, andI C. pari8on wiih vbat lie coul i:i*.e i' pay tribun ip nehîm nu v, t 1ibis Davis. socretarY. le bcaitlieved the pr'acticu, ') las timpî. 1 wa,, diewy touCctl iJy toîit The association aise disci'r' '1 exclUisueiy. Our- feeling i-i îhst a ofthtie rc-iauaaiks made for jtirý" ItoU- frm,,ation ota drainage district. C 0 ua-vbo ban given up hb% L'e ,) th- n elly. 'lie re'tords <of tet(pCldl'Iîew speaker suggested that Foi riv<er1 work et th luiaaac-te ia <- tufilati hplias be'-n a great jari.i. !at il made a really navigable streaul a] a ftting tribute stici as ve n:"r>- s bis heart btit ksiîov, toî'uy. lie eF-Umateil the cent St $30,000. iug te psy hlm teday, et a fume vhen bas matIe gou becausehle -veý peo- if s drainage district lu f<rir, Lle bas. reacbed the ieugh of Lira- pie aud because lie las boen'r ife uf every property evuor ln the lake Il reer sud reluruuuq4 te piu- aieIe. tbemn. ,i hope, Judgc e ouuelly. that trict, vhieh la abeut ffteeu nuie.- Ici Jutige Donuclly-s wîfs oýtLl1 çreeenieu you viili e vpaiv-d for mai> sc.ra lee aud seveu miles vide, vi11h1 asb2 t uit from takiug ourselves tefou iin corne sud Iliat you viilcvntinvo' te né fer iii nuilitensfitte. ly sud le liés been a grent n'-lp te as iichinlu ur friend<'bips asu a)i i-aie Gev. Binaivau reported by El-r' ail of the bar et this diâtriclt. lieel in fiue pasut." , onter te hé persoùaly intercsti-d "evntesyt ug w ugs rbte the Fox laIte district because Ilumn as ho gees Ituturetirement iba heîurt alilk odton rv nteK is a place for hîm oath lebod ot the Juilge Slurtieit said: 'Iu Jaige À el, rer, vbh loe tiea rougi t ttrade lu Lakte county vlîeurv.'c lb Donnelly's retire-ment froul tiw- licil goverursbeome towvu. cores ve uud tiuî s'~"li ht- i bas hmen agaiuat my Jutlgwueuî auad aJ}B Severingbansa ceg ini 1 roei-éd r1andliebt h olias nn %gainât the jrilgment sud advi-i.s e ty bail machine wbieh laeiiuu<-I retlred trom our bearis as a Weua t, ue bar et Mei-tenry county. N edtd vlth the staté administrationi, Sa' fLake o uty." fo tiy iathyseidgtes t ispeaker at the imeeting. ueisfine. lbVe er, ai s-t.,oregret Oetervez ^Il He Cet James <amey etfMNllenry teaunt> recuoutied vit-a persouat,,prîtr ýs, iisî- itliug is emaims b>' eayjn inWIn't bad il govuaJauge ou>euely su jun. (t ut Louudeilas theoigh ii 'îv' t isung pcau-e 1t u is ibroti,er. il" -ai,. nelie ud lettril dto lnes'film 1s)lona, eo itimateiy lisat fleir heiea s sPern ed te be g.ovîu toeiter. le ftiu that Juuge iueiuueiiy aeaerc-ýd evcî> sentenice ofthfie resolution l bol :,a thig i itWas exaggeialcid ibout ltl- as au judule or a mais 0or a pi uta c co.L zc-. liskindaeitof etic t lie tek w-as eue ofthelicoutytanding é1ia' ui cr- oueslcit.r. ctasey -tltlilat îla (:'-CUM uencuh lo alorii ,peuiianI timi -î tu-n firelaie bIl-u ft- îî,e i Ii, i a-' Iiuii wil lu h.' rigffl 5 of!fi" s-<-.17110. 1<,-oIc alid- iu-tf-,oc' the ML l mins ul uie li i lat io-tlin lt ,;çolituy releilecitatr Ci 'iitlt- loua i ttn suytiug lic ualt (iL 1. tI' hupfwe cütut. ' f at' '-ît fis i14'uonurr-l>Lyfai donc Iliî i 1.ui-3 ua sfl a ut r-4ullat filus c-s-'i ue.-u alsay'u eatisfanu4o[y vlML. '>-y eitt fIi, Caat gctI*-d,. ,: ni' tue xictiing allant-i. .%r'a.y It Iliat rsiee t" i, iuuge viuo.-c decluiolas have b-eu a, 'u-'ed sso gtueiziluy cy 0.0u iio,t court as Judge Dounelly. Aieîuey ...calîuy i KIaiue CollIî * y, said liat wviiiuzlota .eltir (r. Muis aistriet tise eoiuaay n c's~i e tlat jouge UOnluiiîitSs une Lisi toPos Ln belîsitof hane '.0u<ty .sSr bu loin- 1. d iu thee c-Oi-ee cxliesclionit (là? rs ' elutin. " ýe kuuw Jutige t>oîiiiely'. quauiàtes and vaut ina ituI no-e rtisa w.'apîecùLted hîm aad iii work e. t hieeich. As ho rec!-,ao e kSOi.- tisaitlie bas the bet vîis(ilo ail titi uns yers ot iane ceun3' e- Barnes Praîses is Weîk Juge Couailes Lames t flihe Mc *leluy 2eluily oOuL joîied wihui ai L8 ,list «aulieu<u valu uer j au, to1].UaéIài lu.s a ma.ur Of aiiureciatuiu <u Lie scul Levics wuuiciî lie reLiuieefte -iiitlct I-anti toit tilaslie vas entit.ed tu a- *d fo.luie îIýs.u vas buail;nano -li, nia iiue cci eu>'thea iifu-t ls S As te uu.le uub ,.-ief %î.Nu. llac- li taidl,*"NV i suIou..'linalis 55 5 4j IP t.ser. f uuge &iu'U uieib- ftsite si uibrict thaitiî.ty éxtenditLUaMr is nuartieif eîeîy u, Ut %kîp tbat la,. Leyers Can -gi.e te aa le inlutr>lub 10 êtes. Êo- ee.! j ilge nueods tmu ar siaLatuLe wvui l aeju.e. 5 .Uea,iî il- ve if tue>'se ueite. utl l f4iy si di -sip tiiin8 pilier the court but et i iI, Loq ut6I. tsar ouaelo te uttr clieM ,là uu MUns peu mit Us LUte be uiair ti ,Ui juge sud ail prsefici.<g lus.uYve i- Désiguui w reauze Iflus tact. ai j. 2L ..rvig of t,'.uca6o., tornierlys i6e-uietuuéir of trie Laie u<tcunibai lot la tutt ai lu oln'oer ina ucra icu l11iréehal praoîui-ed Iu baté ol uutY.1 tiasmi oulrtui fe tee filé uiévt'iupàuu 'rt that i LU4a.. Ilteluee ge0fDL ai Iaé Suwiy, .Juu.,ô L, «Uand lt vi oUtl a £biesiug te see a a u4.aILL lse aliaS, Mberietlefoucerneotetu e "l Wk sissi itas aadge %'iâb as ud -beau ci et r two livit-cp.'esiuiilg Lover thse ai tyl ùtal é li tiaitihe judîcta-y et tU lut u wu5*1sa et éxceptîluually üLu Li 1-'" -&lbrt aiL e t ck!ord spuud. Ou tbo ueti seéiulunt Wh"Au le eteda 1 et OésIilfeneila, vbicb jUdS4 Donnei ittilUb" tial. Ille tld et elss01 e Ml Le illil Sh Ulokg'd Pm bos iuaofWe. li h dieted.iuudst 'wUsa eoatd Mt Ib' wme »d béII Mlu*bé4 W-1a vol IteeitrIC»bjff flu530ocOurtýo ihe sfep ho isas faken but are Eglid ilusi ve are abile ases' cur appré- - nation o! bis service at fl inhue i- ilian tisan at a laler ice e'lu.-ulie- -ilîl ku not eîing about if. ilîclese tise ouitandisg clacac1enrstiC- e! jurige flOnuielly bas lcin hii romui e, flie tact usi n hlwi-,s lia-I tiue ücur- agê ef bus cenvictlenp. A man 5.50 tiiks and figlîls for slist le tflis lit Mieman w.,e uWins and t<hit mus ht Jodge I)ousi-ly bas a«maya fiouv-. Tiuut ias hat bas madie lis cluieci à greaif one. liéelias doue fii ail l'îit dite. f amn giad tiat he dupzn*t hauve te vaut for years oiu oi b>.- liefucene could haie toud oauttat fIs-i aî'pIe ieel tosard imnas if.av l uulI nauvel toda.y dî'non-ratti. Couiaup ws oe efthîe main1 quults by wiJ.tofuwe iae iuarued Io love ;:nîl u'l'.v um su (doveiy and b biulc by bus triiouuail Judge 'a car-sevp-csaed the person- al apî.recaatauî u;olJiige luoi,, hylyaL lits s, rk on tl- <nc-.Fi-e stid tial. we ail prodt by lii"- caà.,,n ut t- day which aifta. vel ail -auaepcaiu .,lho dete-,, a Il ivila..' au' tas i,;u anrd nuit s-ttit ul r uuiCa fi i-ii, île migat no e aule >.'te kisow anu realize iartt vais being donc iO lin, "ht vas vsalisincere teri,w ftaut Lild you good-byo' today uis v'-ir nilemuver etf th is('rctî' eruli,' rnid -Jîudge Wels tlrning Io Ja-'it' tiIiit'i- ly, 'sud 1i ece6iiize tfel1,s of ytuui -presence on thebefencits. Ve Niîl musi saour kîudly, sympatisetic humua. . uî-b -that bas ais'sys becu gte means nu - rlngiiig close friendsiîp te )ou. -Nolhiug better coulti lie sa'd at tuis -Uie. Yeu havéelicen a goond ield t ;and a good judgc." Ater bearung ailt tnee rj'-eun.t jthiftgs salid about hlm Judg? >uul'Y gavé a cniaacelisurc tadi fet ult4Iu rive minuutesandi ua 'iseau,ao.uKa-ye a.maisher f oid s couple 0et gudnv~i5 tia Most apprepose e ofuich u$smee ue inwhic aie eiplaiaed liu# neà s. ft on W edueaony iorniug wue a %"l t Srolled oer irun Deu andtoila Mcat lbu did flot lhave te get fuPU-il htuuZ lu read>'. Thtis, suier 30 yesuu servirt: as ,a juristinlu ila district. <. .luoge Dou..ciisai-I. 'aeldonuIsaa 16 jutige privluegeli te sPéaX ai Iat'sa rifaerai or to attend or heur tha tmugs tuai ai-e saldt at bhumenrai. 'lo s..Y tu that 1 appreciate thse remarIes joaua 1,ei hetoda>' weuid hardi>' exP-e3oMY.11 k 5elluge. It toacbe$ fue spot mue au ilioply than I eau express. 1 Jipe . aiInev owtisat members cifilie Deau re- giet My retiremleut froenithue coisDC 1 I veaic feél hauly did i nettiins limai dit tisas u s. Butl'il tell yoti. oUce ln cin sa vile 1l'1 suenkla ltise bacs way IL lto Ithe court reoni sud say ai; i na> e U etea said hefere. 'Deu't ihbéat isli e>that tisai felios' 400aut kuow fmeI asabout la tIalhe tises?' Lt. "I 'Sut >'otiail to eie-ver -ftiliai 'aù yoti ame selcome éai my off ico 80<1 LW MiY borné that you are as wéiclisOas la- the. tiovére in M&y and tti, a e uis ,i u 0yoflr visite at éit-lei- w>' nie ýglL or office. This a sverY naait.y ua- mien tor,-rme althougb Iltgl a caaae et là vhére Iaam having my funeraI e t'eni 1 anM alivé. 1 thank You ail fer eau) .d ino; bdie today te pa>' me this trih- &putc." mil> litz- sa eleur. but Vry' tci7as 4<> uio il>' few-f-tlIePre etiil tsiqts i tý lo tecor. Tise f.iL10110 Poieutiild et l . rMsiand nont leutstufi luWt., rtl yreu ilad'iddsare feiisud Othlerf mtI r mely trI ioti1,- .biut 41 'e 141 , e~r'ul'-~-teif1 AY, 1'A» 4AR13 , 1921 ;T. ffte 1 t ph ut ilp iee ig, lait iles go it and Liiy ect- ut; K. led ted 1 In nter Zau- the lic ýial 01 NIT ATO PUCES AS SEENmYTHiE SELLER, IS SH1OW N Cadillaa, Micb.-Oue ofethvs--'- )al agrlililtulsiPrOdufils o1>liclhir-uin apot-ates-'This city la tise li-f i lé lîichigai PattafaGOei- e x- auige ,a co-perative o~ulii >unceoed toalie a model etOf " c umacutetiug. 'Ibis excbauliemai:i àlarge slaai<e of thse POtailîeq ircýwn ja Iul lieut p1ueiug section <ý- ;-i!e 5att-. 'l'bere are seVerais uiiii of 1"-1u ?la er No. 1 Muichiganu w.uile ~n - ered tu areiouses in 'i't'- qitliigau, Sa. Dg for tue dmi-iaud îai îtcb Lp sufi htbe surplus. lu CMaiy cities flue tIiier.sllti ')tC <gen in tr-ai pihet0fPofaO -a'i îe repoited les Prices 1ie-'lvtI tiY nie inaier lias cauaied consiimerq oy ritef t oiganiUZc,. lea îdu'ate ~e çounute . u fa flue i-cal 19.t ofàAoaiQcs, fiuaesClias' lefen j&PàaieO Iy e Groveis' e!cfitltgIt aimed te expiain fthe dta. il' n prîce betWeen thfluasill an'i "iou te. mou-e e 1 vlere tisehole'e' rse<uey gees. *ccordiiig to the, cex- eliaage - u ta marlief ....... ..$ .f ba,s», ljotilb., ectis ..... 0 Lauor ai vaienose sorliig anxd Brokelage------------------- ...O Seiliug riait. lusurancé ........ .14 Averagé tfreigut i'ate....;. Lljuiug o! car----------------.. e -Dolsar GoalstAIed>' Aireaajl qel-Liîsr fbas .eenl sfent sud thue pOiAWé'i liaté JaSt bletu nies ei from UWtI>1111 f et egin tu the li-y 0. cOO»,&upfl.iiu. uere cas Oece aotIons taic fer the p utsW5S as jt. ater thé pommie aruive at hue ds. Unati- e.-t4euli iii ier,, él»Uile. 'ibu çarlot iUisiribUitoi- 5ts Lu ic-uts a bliUaei-éllé oi' )1tlvluug t1it 6,i1P tout aiuonu tbe deaulers. etoi c1'4 i-srtage leu o u Dt 1CeUib t> *0cent & <iWt. fh«éthéeietaj1erméaXett-gLh Profit.,vbuhlqwLU serîgé aiàc-ula peu- LU#) ptines. 1ib ages tuSe iu- as, yet tue ISirner nas madei)Jt<ui. ,1he Silové îîgares prote, tue ex- change as.uih usi PLeatets 'auà! é toid, way !s'u. hbeé uitiets for .ea thau $..O7 sud the pricé ,c<il ne as-nmu-. <more aà the tsi-mêlage;i fer luios puds. FIEESCÇUE LAW 30DAYS' NOTICE Peter elcoXls. iiighlad Pasi -ksa takeu betore Jtistioe L40 1Y. fiarmiet Miouds!, cbàr8ed itis haVv la"'ii thé state igo potgh*uhfg te coutrufi tibu r et iré mcpés lmou"ldga et tvo gaikosuc e. bffré-tise pper atones tu-ee ocapléd by ijess Si omies b iéil aptoilovlugau tu veatigatilp Ob staté lUspéetoF. BIS5 die won nét for Saturday. .Iam. 1 1. i'éualflfor emvi«loS -*la, Wlia véél for ea*b véék ti. over halls té 40astriCt a amré ésOal * ster hétl& 1 otlfid te do Be. pesntiii> ' keilimes'au>' bikW ta tl i t 1e " le b"',aIl WED WOOLWORTII $10 CLERK; tiETS A 30 M4ILLION ESTATE meut et less than 200 verdF, wviuilnr lhirty years 8g0, wheu lie vas a pool man, lraluk W. Woeivortl.ii, or- lui- et the 6 sd 10 refit sl-n.'iO dled April 8, 1919.,ildliscit of close te tbirfy mulions to lis vl Ths vas disciosed liere loîiay w'îený James N. Gehrlg, ransfei'. ppas er, iied Su appraisal iu ie 'î o gaies court. Thé filiug oethtie fer.-e lee<ani'Vi' vas >seet wif h al et the trials of a struggling- youug busifleus main- -add ed a touch,-of romance lu kieePing - wlhthfle rise of an itinérant s<.are- kecper- lji Watertosn, N. 'uJt.>1 leader eof-financ-e. Thiifeen years Ietorie lue srote 'lue wiii oolworth mari ieal tue îi.uuetr-ri -of Thomnas Crpighwtn et Plictoli, Onf- faria. And records cseow fluat the day b-efore lus marriage "owi:1 ualary sas raiaacl to $10 a wee'o. Values as Appraised MÈ. WocwQrtiu died on AprIl R, 1>19 and thse net value of the estaae ne 1ftt as appraised. i,, $11,201,111, auj vllh tise payfleut oethUe fransfer tlax of I$$,04,761 the total fax levy ut ted- jeral anud ulafe autheîities asa rsnd te $2018,8U2. more than 825W000 of tbe of bold< e hilfgs la tlif. W Wooiworiicompany and lutfIî4 May Park Place conýpany, Wbili ~' Woolwoilli i ngauized ln the cossst)-x.e, tieof e iebig building iliat hoars toc name, lnaddlitlion, lhe.heid o<<ut bonidsi i ;î umber of railrot Sc', liard en Humanîty. ENùs , < i ,mi e- , ' riclice of ll~ i jiy i'f i '- Ia"uy. T i h.e~v . , ' l j .v 1,f'of .x ii. lY t ' Tlif i , 1 ,-s -'.. ir<k as liefig galit< l. »r moa %v<'oroau m55pink.-CiiÉ. tons <sal. AL.x 1kmGo. Save And P..e ur Own Biueao p Thse Year s Great est Bargains.Are I The January Sle of Coats, PLAIN AND FUR TRIMMED Values -Up To $30- Values Up T-$0- 1 Whié tiser. are not complete asëotnhif lts of Cearfu at lbeae fao prîcés. th ore are, neveriliele-s. soeé eni.atl'ousl isargains at esclu price. At 11000 la tise Smaller collection et oddis sud ends ot geod-ieokiiig styles ln vanted celersacd a fair range -~~~~~~~ --szs t897 hr aeln u br et lu p Ainfai- uu tye la vauted m&terlucis, colore St Spe -l nd'eyle andin il sze- ,Ial PriceI Brown Caif Lce Boots With Miltary Hee1s - .1 Jt'%w You WillFid the 5fr.. on T'his 'Lot The.Shoes5Aue $ o$0Vl REPAURJG A SPECIALTY Wau kegan'9s eIi~ 1 Ofly-one CE ARE_ W. offer ad in this fiiful stock atch euse- ntions and ig, this 18 Ex LAT- idprie À cd g up Iu cNDAJISL lm fou&-

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