Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jan 1921, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT_Z Chu&" Y Ç~ ebWAUKEGAN W'EEKLY SUN UBERTYVILE INEPE NDENT. JA N UAIIY 13, 192L $ 1.50 PER Y EAR IJN 4DVÂNON. DNNELLY FIýNE TRIBUTE-- OMR TOPROFIT arim e Quittêna. ~Y~lMi~ - WATKINS -iSmg bOWe-4fld es. profit are rfia 0" f*üj datrynuen goig ont ut », lilumio ilk ans!tallit piod- sa»ge oves. . emon Who iflS îwI mt s lie. tuIeir u..., =brmtprie as ast-,.ciasse 0; ~iiss.Orla as! ay a-c cisesipsr ,et ,ilk rotures hardy i,.iy cost et ur6duct>tOfor < (he ocroits. ttqully bigle ProductiOli sas! ~c~.tfle.iSaretise pr;ncipal f«an s' atonOOUiml sltuation ailect* gdais'7f ai t thI iieaccoriezn àI «Stodiet.conDitiOnIS by the llinis p~l5t1AI.Ocatiofl la thie Curca- m4 a4lt aliera. lalpl'-nîovtdent- xà bom &a!fanla advisers agree ~t 88 dirymianhlas to $peiLtA oU moi etwa ans! hiq fssnlty eau. ans! lato la utasujilaMilk OK be. àmd oiso! medlatciy tblie l e' # go t50 juatify expeillets' aceord, -yM BF afl Mner. & dairyss.siitu iÇ8oBi7- Coat.anitaty reriUlS mud u4colpseUduinaa*Il ec- mêojtest(ho ilk progulcnm'tu Ia- èt~ nbln monos inL covans! lUmeU t l m saglot ie abanalea- s!-Ihtia vithot a giest tac- M~C1r. Barbers'stt"l furihor, 8is1teens lO"scaaLs! short t8rmf e wblch ta,,uue now lias e causes! ietiOS -atn 0 3te ledaliymsii wnOt ibntiaeted on the. basis Of éigler Prsc- The, stork fousd th. liner uu.quwbaga twlea on trip frou Bremes,. ermany. to New York. Iakil ft a husy voyage for the sblp physilcnaDrs' R. IL. Bolli«nd m Dr. Davli Math. TU babM boils on&(ho hgh meas are #"doiag ane." Mbothers.ton. Dr. 14111n:. on thoe1.1 t. la holding Bahr Suquebanna "BonlaIKobnbmrg Dr Vath te holding Baby Mortoa BoIaWollpn. 9 MILES Of ROM> jeceddairyenquteas înuclih . FNISIIED; Il MILES ter oprt0gep I4 o nkpo STILL UNCOMPLETED as p a peus bave causes! a 'hr t-! iaeg t1h masas banlsrurtcy for rlis-Supt. of H'ighways Bradt Re.. If land tOWOri liabilY ports on State Road Work &t-ifscd I sk trices ans! wich' Done Dwring Year 1920 le- o lesA. tIssathe eost ut Pro- i duction bas resuifes! la snany Fieinl DS OALSTETa aies in corn hait coufeattes. ua oerr.INCLUDSLOAJTRTH datrylaenfe el tuse retura 10 normail- gholls! h.more normal.Ilîlinois stoos! second smong ail tee W. 2. Watklns. Parst Advisû~r lai states ln thle amount ot durable bard- Liée Coty 'saIs!: "ie cliosta'tio'5 surfaces! roadsscomplotes! la 1820. ac- of thé urab cus' te sttdng V01àL8 cortiag 10 a bulletinilsls! dby tfli s'apily here. Recora set year show di vision t igh*aYs. S. E. Bradt la tisatIlise average milS recesiia Sur a eperlatendeflt ut hlghvayi ans! Clil- ziolsber %f bhon svaries! ftod "i 1 ford 01icr chef hlghway englacer. $392 per cow. Pure bres! bute aie The total et bard surfaces! roada grosSir appreciatos! when dirymea bulil durlng lbe year was 3i41 miles. -f tehIe average sale prica of seauoh an- record for Illinois. Pcanayi- hers4te1sf yeuxa out 10 $174.000 v '= .which bas! tvlce as mmclimile- as! ia bards where pure bras! buile 55 AIE Illiois under conlract, cons- vrn s es!I8years lbe avorag-s sale pWed <410 miles. , Thora are ai! un- puceSt Ii. ani Une va *a7." complotes! contracta of 190 miles duo Efficiet dairymen-vii last longesf (0 th car ahortage ans! adverse roi- ju&at he efficenti cos' la the bers! lamaet tho Intcrafate Commerce Coul- romains 1055051 la the ilik festing mission. Cntuto al aaCaila"accortiag tut'ai-m Ad- Aolitconstruction cab le t visor Baumialer 5f Freeport. He in- Ias b cntucincMiles. luâratd b pontngt a bar shw-Lineoin Hlgbs'ay .....~.......... 51 ing tisat 33 cows La ltepielei îcoun- ieAit ihvay------------------.46 -ty produces! 11 ff pounds of mlk National 014 Traie rond ....... 69 vith a net etourn $200.16 ahove tees! Chicago-E. St. Louis roas! ...... 113 -cool. vitie 3 cows nlaanother bers! ChisgoWatkegan roas! . ..... 9 produaes 3000 pounda af milk et a State aid vork------------------.. 53 nt raturn of 129.95 or appruzlmustely Uncotupletes! contaicta on the abat e. 4170 l0is Per cow Par Year th9a se- i'oads are apprîoximately as fotiows: Letes! bigh produclag covt.Mre di- mles. - 'giaild farming metbada are beiflg Lincoln Hlgbvay................ 12 -advocatas! y leaders as a meanflla u Dliîghwsy ................. 20 ê tahilfting tb. dais-y buslaess ans! de- National Old Traits roas!......... 48 - ,eloplag aàsacre profitable ans! sore t.hicago.E. 17. Louis toast ........ 71 eAtsfStacoOy biisiilOi. Chicago-Waukegan roas!----------Il' State ais! vork------------------.28 II~NuIIHNew Contracta Awarded ELLEi1uNv DAWNS? In adition, contracta voe wde la 1920 for~ 134»9 miles of grading ans! loft q a A 'N À KS elghty.ono bridges unater flic bons! lt- »L3a A sue systesu. The total amount tnvolr- d lnnlthelle contracts vas $3,427070.39 'C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 6~JfD1unu¶uu i 6.77 miles of grading and! thirly ~ MVUII~ rI~E 11E ~I b hÏsges have heen complotes! nater -2tbon CIfr Case Wherein De. COUNTRYMAN 18 INDICTED ' #~ t who Smoked . says r-E' It, .1.1-Eimer j*~qtow Puishmnt UniaonaBias.Bank of Dixon. h vont broko tliruugh ptircli.ue ota ALMOST AINTS$100000 buit,' druve bard fodaîy Ixons TALM ST FINI bis homo la Madison, Wl.., lu ssur- ~ - _______'rounier' huiseit. Ho vas. ,sraltpscri la ~ jI 010IL0 csnsosirosa the Le. coualy circuit court in conn'.ction r4à 0', the biamigbt flon ans! lie vith file banS felure ans! bis liait et 'l t0m oinsthfe CUY Of Zi10 bate aI 1*0,600. 'H bas beea indicte.t tnr .ecurtailed. If ise vettc- orges"larccay as! lembezzleiaent. a quult gainsief oltsr. or Tbérea were (ireecn sicloents and * evnaltuti. "hooech" tbiK'Y.oiat counis. '1d business. fe-ale! (oCatrYmnan'a principIl -'farm ras «$death." ans!nse lie mls! on, ieols! lacit Raymnond place jut~ ,a"-ciartte on 'tis elvla eat of Volo. Lxe coiaty. t f whs lodepêladont store ça TvOfl. thorit (at ho. carnies! ounfut bis gtreet ý- . 1 e-iuge,-i Ivas tisere that tise f'lni. - .-y 0blevas brouielt beoltVns ou l wj as isouss!inmit of tise - tuandsus!charges! wth l"ae. - ltsig teillai ut the g5exI,-J 0* et*ty ordinance visicb aDueetf àbuitand! cows Ia theI er'd - ipesoa -vifllfic hebordero f1 atiist" th ii. big he t yVo) ,t4qý>&w9UfCt:AlO. etcl.' fQ- - 'erf*it'ittsedispose utno - l: te Cty 0f Zion. for thse m.$6 vilites! the la-, and 1,I t- 'IoWag.' 1 fferlag tor sale.,migt 84 val jtLvisat j deserve.". sos otes'tsedtsosng "This 0seqlweti MWnov liu'-"lais! inÈet p=po 0f aY J. L. B8ibel. teiÏiaeitu« is City. -à aalarittiâ *w '"". V Infnceà& ".àmkvsàiâwd two.OFtuf thée pa~Uith afiasit 11315 PATIENTS AT %lcALISTLÈ, hOSPI.- TAL DURIN(I YEUR Annual Report Shows 89 births took place there; other in- teresting data shown. A SMALL DEFICIT IS SHOWN; ' he annuai meetIng Oft the VictOtY 's! escrtaI Hospital abioctatioiOf Wauk(gan vas bols! Tue.:daiy nglit, at whicts the anual fifl5fliai reýport wab submitted b>' tbe Financ,3 COn-~ mitIce. The report contains ntanY inlerestîng items. A lwOiof ibicli are as foIbis; 11ý1 pt'enti vere treates!dnnuIng te year. itee erel 89 birili ans! 49 deallis; te ccis- pst patient viLs $3.61. Tile ancuai ne- Pore follova: Fromt patients-------------.. $0,M70 Intereat ................ 112.40 Membetship Diues------------21800 Speciat for Cbarîey-----------14350 Liberty Bonda--------------loi-OU Robas!----------------------328 Total---------------.. Disbursemients for 190 Superineendeat-----------..$ itOU Os0 Traines!Nurses-----------..... 9 Lsîîrained .......... ..... 2771 Cook ani'*lp ........ 303175 Gaa ..................... 4i3'53 Groceries ... ......~... .7s Bakery .............- .....-- - 6~7 Wlioleoale Drugs ans! Surg-i- cal Supplies------------- 441r,9 Refait Supplies--------------35.21 Printing .Attverfieing. etc..' 359.51 House Suppies-------------..249.40 Teleplione------------------19.02 Repaira -'........... 843.99 Training Sohool------------- 75.41 Garliage----------------...-.P-.00 Rev. Tax ans! lasurance ... 9q 38 Catage ans! freiglit .... 7.74 ltofuns---------------------37.84 Change -f Namtea------------100 January 1, 1920, to Janua->' 1, 1921 Numhor patients Ireaies! .- 111 No. days' service------------.205 Numlier chitsren--------------.. 17 Nuniher binflia .....-...... p Numher dealbs .. ...... 49 'Major eperations ........... 224 minor operationa - *.'*.'.'.-*.'.'-- "0 Coet pet patient .......... . Finance Conuiitl-e. Samue InuiI Sued by . Deoortor for $6911 'Ir", nstliWedattaz miSd seednlaasuitftor $69 I*51.5 in te. u.nie ournt ..,' là h-s.MrI WORL.DNDS ML THE BARPS TRI13UTE fiff » M E ÀRésoltitons adopted et Woodstock. Tuesday by mesnbers of thé HM Bar of tthe 11th Judlocal District comprisinq Lake, Mot4enry, Son. R HI andWinnebago counties upon the. occasion of retiremnent of Judge NS OE harles M. Dossnelly of McHenry coufty-two hiifdred members of the Juge-bar vitre prenant teop:y him respects fellowing thirty year service on JdeShurtleff Assumes Cir- ao ne saeîw cutBenoh Without the Least Ceremonies. WJIEREAS, iteHn - lable Charles 11, L)onnelly, 'TWAS JUST IL1 K E H 1 M "of Voitîk Illinois, af- fe-r a. servicecof thirty yeaurs la connectlon, witli the assui,(n on Otht/e Btn e/, lias rolit P. of the Circuit Judgeship of Ibis i1d aiy eie s lcO i trict ati Woos!tock Mo nLy it tc/ ctrdamtt ftt interestlng lu know thaft he tw ptitiln ld/ gi-s01q '? of Maà-- . I or al ryears represefltative front ibis (ijiti ct la th Ibefllature. Wreft in!l) odice 'it of tte tSlatcofIllinois, just like ho bas gobe into oýWr .AND fllI'l'tire things: witboUt nny ad: wb.le and! ln aucli a natter-of-fact way ihaithep t rc sa nt rgd one wouid thlflk lie as! b-'n .Iittlc'&0oft/he s.çuui .tt i-odte. to tue ueiircs s , t/t JsuilaCircuiit antd friends, hîr. ShUr.tlef f wOuid norlPer t/te nmct iers -gof te Rar mit any cerefliofy 10 mark tus svOic tler' i ses lion intu ofice. He lias!talien J:1 ecoj. icvetofia oatb of office previous to M0nýay 1(1- ble-d for thctitiprpose Of u. lowing recelpt of bis conmis ioa 1trcsu în j1stj14tribiltr of Irespe t - oovernor Lowdea and wnti- lus friends wanted to arrange a litilu e Cetand IHoortr i udqeJDon- emony'la bis honor at the siwîe ti ui/ y lpout iliA retirrecut. that they bbowed deferentîs Io le- Y R EAiit tlring Judgo Donneily Mlr. S1vi,0îef UIk'RCit would flot bave it $0. The kie'tnl?' jîst. t/sut apr r reci.i man from SpringfieLd w8fted thinglt ln cd uti just as informai and vols! aI (eretcny on fhilngadat- as possible. And lie surcly got It fi <rticc and a fitting~ wjthtiîay ombeniihment. ockaekn otc/rdqcge-nt of .Yiits C AŽE LO NL For, on Moiday MOtuiug whencor was ready tw open Judge Siurtiefî »itti/ Vîttues ."/îotlli bc Juat aifppes! la the back wily, waitied piblic ae tàp to tie chair wlicli ,udge t)onuelly al ae bail usedl for so many years. .As ie THIkREFORJ.' BE 17' RE.ý0L1VED, l.y the present i -esul- entered those in the court -eom tng ./udgre andl t/tie tcbers8 of t/te Bar of t/hc Secttecct/î ýJttdi- stood up san lacuatomary. Ti:s -,hçr- 1f immediately cailedCi ourt tr OrJer, C'a1 C ircuit oft/te State of Ili/moi.q, that itt tte ctrmr of Judge Shurieif sat down and aoi-Jsulge DOI)oîsîsci/,ie antd cach of tt.î regret t/te, baâs to t/s elee/ iy cales! the fîrst case. And in hits way lie pluages! rîght nto tic ' wsy-so t/ils Jdficiai Circuit, of a Judge tu/to jt(s(le gal ituifil- uf the Circuit court ans! ne.-er a lions of al/tig/t ordet', a truc sense of prf sirttliouor attd jute. word was salit 10 indicate tii iL wa55rt aaything rsew ta him. He wnt h-s! 91"l, and jr/to, thie crcr tpc ug jîtst, c ith u ,.pet. just as if lie bad-alsways bta taè re. fNrtttetit/se dttics tof /1is office fcnî-/rsslY (!tt(l 1fir/y t . Irt eit/î a Friends bad alppedý in tN%.u ice /.iudse8s of heurt tiiat lias etdcarcd /bitnt t'i ulicsi iliicsor bouquets of flowera bowever, -en vitl- er aside of bis bencb ans! white tlhe profecssion-. brougtit teni in cotttact sitit fi it 'o t lrouitrhoitt new judge sailles! pleasantly aithIle hi8islong /,ear8 <of public erve5C. odors hat came lherefro:u, bc fsien dis! fot pay ranch attention tu. the, IDE IT FUR7'HER RESOLJ ED, t/ta t lut/te rtrncî of flowers whicli lad!been placed ttýizc .Isdge Donne//y, the Screnteen t/t Jsicial Circuit of the State of 10 grace the occ asion. Illinois, a uf erd t/se lbs of a jiriet of ignsal ability, sap Was Charact.ristic Attude This procedure on (lhe part of the aus /ehonesty and iîstegrity, w/e o8e service oit the litetci did-nitete/ new .ludge is characteristic of the to proniote justice, inctecasc confidensce in ouir eoser18t7lutd c/craIV man. Judge Shurtleff Lias aas j been one wbo was maost motestfSit ail t/te 1legl professioun. times, always unassumlne. never ou t BEJ IT PÎJRTJHER RES>OLVED by t/se presetît Juedgcs aid for showF or grand-stand PlaY "ls white bis trienda wouid have bWn ntemnbers of t/he Bar of said Srentecett/î Jsdieial Circuit t/uit oues biu lionur on tbe occasion of lits oie- sincere ansd hcartf e/t t/tanks bc and t/scy arc /iereby e.tendid tl t vation toflie bench hyletan-Jd D nly as a priva tecitwW forth nn prof essiontal cept bis wislier.ans! te !t a IC Jdc one/yciit'ta thheai big job wltli just as much ladifler. and persostai courtceiisrecivcd by ils anîd t/se kind/y servicese once as lie dis wlien in Sprlnatleld rende, cd to ulsin tht/e pa8t tuit/t further assurance t/sat oues' ore, bé directes! -ho affaira of the flotibO whie be was enacting state îawa for estccm anid"liest tishes go t/it hirn in hi1* retirc'nst, togetier Illinois. Frienda oet1Mr. ShutiefI writ t/he hope t/lut he snaje'ble spared for niany years to cnijopu the throughouf tbe district Who nave beard of (ho way in whicbho ea-ppi confidence anîd respect o//ils felotmcn for /is long ansdi fait/tftI up (o tbe beach of ibis distritit Cuis servuices in their be/a/f and that /is twilight years be brig/stcned flot help but smile as tbey remiurkd hecusiuseao uiaw oe to each oflier that thal was eyactiy by thecnco8ei fdtC eI oc wliat mîglt lie expectes! of Es! Souri- RESOLVED t/uit thii resolution bc aprcaci sepou tte records1 He ve.ailogili nltrdc of t/se Circuit Court of the &cretsteesst/î Jidicial Circuit of t/te no ceremony at bis own eie..suun. >ftatc OffIllinisL, and an entgs'ogscd copy thei'cof pt'escisetthe is M1r. Shus-fleif was keeniy lntercEti'd I-on orableCh(/a rles B. Dots tic/y. la the dqtereace pals! 10 Jusige Don- neiiy on Tuesday as! was vistbly af- J. F. CA S Fy Eî,.ti L.1C'LARizE fectes! as h. assistes! in the programi F. B. B E NIL=TTBiîucsIl. GAIIioE7TT wblch .marked ftle ens! of tho judiciai .H lT VLLML lio career of bis ols! trions!. E L WIEN'LL,% .PE A. F. BSÂuBIEN Comwittee. Woman, 96, Lake County's Oldest Resident, is Dead 1) Mrs. Salome M. Brans!, wlio died N ON E L oldesf resident of Lako county. She " *l ho hurles! tomorrow from lier Over Thirty Yearo on the Bench-and a Fine homo in HighladPark. Bse a.s 811G Lyoars onid. ira. Brans! vas lWIriîn Record at TMut. iAlsace, France. ans! came fo Ansesica __________ lai 1830, as!. vitli ler famliy, moura. îus!gà Charles H. Doanelly, vbu bas fial sommons in the early aummer of >eyed in Lake coun(Y by o% team troni been a siember of the jusiclary of the 1917 as! Robf K. Welsb 0frItockford Pennsylyanla. seventeenth Judiclal circuit, hanslea * Tsignaaii sucoestui career la publie. was eloctes! as bis succeasor. (ha trio Ille. Ho rocently passes! bis 651he of ltdges duriag the lait flire. yeara LIIUAIS 1MERRIiE I STS year. havlpg been hum la 1856 At !or morelielag judgg Doaneily, Judgo Woodîack, bis home .ail his Ilile. Be- Es!wards ans! Judge Welsh. -fore hecomlag a las' studeat ho vwas la retirlng truma the bencis Judge Chares . Frd Nw Drecingemploye4i la the balik- of bis brother. Donelly will share la wbat le kiiowa Head of Ail Phone Service in Webeistook u1; Mailes de ea gnatues!. p eaua awwhIcbf intéoffice ofaieIls rotber-ia-"lw, The las' referres! f0 provîdes that ake and MoHenry* Counties James H. lavin. visu vas long regard-.."ay judge of a court of record in and Cook Down ta and In. ed as a leader of the bar of norfhera tin stateo fIlîlinois, vliefler of (ho clu 1inq gvanton. llinis. aupreme. circuit, auperloir, probate, cluifg afltol.The BiraI etoctive office Jus!geDon. 1county, City, oir minicipal courts."maY of bis home cit'. lie vas nominates! l il 65 years ols! ans! has serves! county jndge belote attaialng bis 35f h Jeay-foutr eas on file beach. Rail year ans! vas appointes! fa complets psy bor a retiring circuit Iodgo vUIl tise unexpires! tersu of Juttae Giltatote amn o f -2.500 as long as b9 lives. betore bis eetcion lute, he off ics! in Tiat -Jus!ge, Doelly nia>'live long 1890. Hie oioction lO the circuit court to onJO>' lite freIronstise careas aI beach 100k place in 1$97 upon the cre- uexatons attendant upon a beach oc- allon of thie sevenfeenth JudIclaI dia- cupant ans! (bat lie nia>' ho sparos! ttlct. Jndgo John C. Garvr or Rock- man>' yoars f0 dras' the pension. vitti tord ans! Jndge Chas. E. Fuller ot Dot- the other puriste of Illinolis hv iii videra vere lls flrsft two judicai col- sare tihe same privilege. la the Iris leagues. 0f bis 1legion uf lientti througholtý t- lon the doiie of Judge Garver. lise district ho bas served villi such, Attisur H. Prost aucceedo hlm ads! ignaI alilif>'ans!credit to binielt tapon the election of Judge Fuller te ans! the p4ople.- congress, Robt. W. -Wright heeame tise-______ jueiclai successaor 0- fMr. Fuet. Foi- *Io*ng tise deaf h of Judge Wright Ohas. Whitney of Waaiegma ucces!' Lighitnilg limix.Les.>' Bell. e- the Belvidore Juaist visuo s MIY L!ghItising stnîkes toany mcii e109 O'taloe gsieIOs!the smur. district. 2Che frequeti>'. aeeerslng -alcztITl ta* m u et Judge Whtney. atter -a tigatiuns. Tiien. la dhllblsli 0w4lI f etjudieliti svIcewvas toUowed hi sady SOÏI, cIa>'. a*s! chik, tae =-atsuadloBeiWs lin ysoit la 50 sit-W ~ S os e -ico IDY Touohing Bar of 111Hf District'Gathers at Woodstock in Memnorable n"ibute - to Judge. HOMAGE TO A GREAT MAN. Two Iundres! memnbers Of thr- bAr of tbis the 17th .ludîcial distr'ct Tues. daY aithtIe Court lo'îse in WVoodstOek. - McHenry couaty .paid a fit tig eluut* ta Jutige Charles Il. Donnutîly wao bas jujst retires! from IL'., Circuit .- beach ans! vho lias been .2Uccesdqd LU' Judge ZE D. Shurtlef Oft itarengo. It waa oneofotthe higgest event a Of (hO- kins! la Ibis part of the clate ilàa a gs est may years ans! as Judgi Oga.- neliy blmself sais!. If vas a -eue viiere a a nuattendes! bis owa tî'.ei. ai, ans! heard tlie nice thinga cnid about busc (bat vouis! urd,îai-llV b. sais! about hlm at bis gm-ae." Nat. urally lie feut claIes! at taS eulo4iec psidta 1 hlm la lite rather Illian10 b6. places! la a positon of having ta wtait for thetu untitlie bl!reccived tshe. final aunîmons ans! then flot bu auto ta express bis gratitude there4or. Il x as areally evenîful ecCas.On la tIhe mcHenry County Court liouse asa attorneYs ans! jusges frointPli Pbrtsý of teedistrict assembles! and sisoves! deference tu ibis jurit wlio lias! isc- os! the beach of tbe district for the past 3o years. Tbohe ntiani tM ings in ftle court rooni abolit Wid6%I Judge Donneil>- bas! heen tlic d'wslai ating figure for the paut S30 YPMr were coyoes!d witli flowers sent 1,;' by finonda. in tact fthe place laok,4 like a but-bouse ans! Judgo llsnnetIy. alttlng behiflt a large bouquet s'itIL bis bappy and ruds!y face. lookes! tiSe une ufthie ruses popPing ouf f 'uus l'a- linas tise huaci otf flowers. &.ýMed - willi Jutie Donaelly vwere lb-e-othe'r juttges of thse district, Judge Wlnh.. Juttge Edwards ans! Jndgohiartfft lte newly electes! man whao succeotta- Juttge Donnely. Jottge Short 101f cati-: es! flicmeeting ta order asd thon Pska- os! Judge Welsh tu preaitie as te varions counties expressei them3etiveo relative, ta the reflrenîenf ut Judge- Donnelly. If vas an. eveaf fuI occasion f«r Judge Doanelly as! whiteIf asa happy oneo la.many respecta, ut tise sainefinie if muet have been a !e-Iy sas! on.. bocause it markacl the Lad of bis long service ans! close associa. lion with ftle members uf chu bar et tlie district. If DISYkOs! (ho lime wviso ho vas 10 retiré as a doatlntIe characfer ofthicJus!iclas-y of Mbs dl<- ts ict hy hein& senior judge for nttay- years. However, there was a ïource of gratitude lat bis heurt f0 f blak thM,. hlied ias! bth ie positionago o unias! lias! retire! aller volWifarily decilng fiat il; vas beaf (o gice op lIs>tlV work. Hia vas a case whIre5e o signes! eabirely voloafaril>' a.iu dis! il becauso lie toit that bis heaif h ju. fI! lic stop. Ans!. sittlng thore and lBariag th# besotîful vordesapoken by bis jua rInonda front varloua parts of thse dis-. tnict Judge Doaaolly couts! not I-lp but teef-Ibaf bis trieahip, dueing ail Ibese leurs bas! heen tsoIroughly c mentes! la (hoeihearts or e very mein- ber of tise bar. Affer Jos!ge Shurticît bas! us'm< (he meeting ovet (o Jnttge Welah., J5> Casey of McHenry ruas! a stcf recq.s lotions eologiztag Juttge DonuelliamI lis Work la tho district and! -suosit tisoir adoption. la aecontttng tse .at> (ion varions meinhors trous the sio- trict spoke la praim cf .Iudgo Don. adi>' .extracts of their teirkg e- LIggven belon'. Lai eCo. Prouents Waltes FOUIofngthe meetiag and! abge flo f (ho résolutioas tise <ataertp adjournos! fa the Cathoilic so r wlere (hey vere serves! au elot* 1chicken dlaner aI (tie coacIsiolt - vblhch torner State. tfAIse sI~ 1 f Mclienry pals! another lifting tiaê ut, le judgp Donneiiy sas!recie1II-*ýc tinstance vbicb very cloaly1lUsiûý os edthe characterlaties of this00990,M SjurlaUtHatols! hos' durinag «ttO i iit- casapaIgi ie (Jaslyn) maif.a;» * 0 tices Wt<aI tise retura n albg ta sau eing iaaMie go doi fig -*% glorwu~s defeta. Ho sais ho vag rlip. (hoere bs retorDsver.conig lau wOM t; psttiaig dova the. "n. 1* X"" hlg a&l beaoma" la No. ~ I Y L- 1

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