N.. ruêmort tercet ai Md fuaf.l sin te t" f t the bigbway fommwauom et Lot e mt3i umg Ions whkb bide the view i.r*way. ouip su ms býs s k»MO fief for.* lmg urne fthetbhe .mhgat, le &mS Woieo-baue me ~et tepokè ~e**~éi.uàMy~ Im sm ýk u.me edm ê a» ,t" lawoeI4 b. <bista' te hu pebig simei trite ut tiie ernrnhWof, tie -«M asis xIsud on wlIf 1 lOMs'uP 6f ueIItf ttbt b* idee h iw an& t*r" et tWeie wt ~tUe ip ai everLaoCu. 6ar fi. tow tii he oeldsIosm ehave A l:gal rgt ,**em ta.iLest tde>s or dos $0 tiemeelve, b#, thet av îer n very <cibpuces wiî#e tecmnsI~ en tbikiwnobk or concern theinseircu, to a -extent i th e of weuI i. ydoi Dg S&h a il hSot seS. t4at wl thtu ngody 0et Monday the beffl bd forteittly lbefnu..d fep6qa te slad i" v »ity gleu hi.ader the lwwhlsh a k wte ousil of mvft ga U *-s o mie retive . or a r*end'slite 14 btatoabietrat'--i L p*iOiobIetra &0o gtive as. - Lke County mq~ DOMsibbeffOrtâbiouId be madie to keep croasinge ab h obtroctlona s posible in the matter of approacb tlsiO cvuuig la oue which mail>? pefflns ha ve cliled raY co»nlnisio*cr' attention to during theise1at few tas' yet no »teps have been tahe* to rëlliedy the*eondition. are net seeking te îlrrow Mine on anybedy, but.are t ofnifrsSdcromMingo as a woiti ake Ceunty. It Iinà istis time in bere whcu stepm shnld b. takou td. be lirs cf the Publie, esPecially wlîcn thieslawa 5 o clear, "tii. commiioners ettch power tiat they cau do gmre- ~ .'sb ritoutany trouýbl iftIsley have thse inclina- W IVES AOVISE M. foot Burns Shçoks QSS OF THÈEHOUSL r1ia ie a.m.flIUg of îip ra» Wemas' Club Mmn.ln, a Clii apor "y disi: osaS *00a gaa>lag iSauigt 'audm*e of Mrs. if. fisc fe, tf the Audliott'nu. ~Ii r Md sgbcêpr ver.mutie oe.ments of mmnîbers of thc mss WcmnnmClub follovln4 a iy mmr »MMu.... DIItU Itt ai contcact I toit do =uefooaaztl'llgs. her eluslvencss. csque!fy i abyeal atmmelof c outt- a m««eusof howeplf -M'g a camialaa.uca ien È ata tIc hmt. Abraaat o! te gý - =ieVim addevefop.e i* Talent' vIf. Con 04hmf ubaad. SIl bellret'. iiman uver iveS Midl est" te a wum.n 14$> Wa4 to luou i blD,eulî Maid. vom vomea lie pýiweà:,Lu Ixol if 5h. viii us" ýL l'îZ low' e oge a wOua lupM y el$* tee9 ef ' ituào*BM ide* 0* Itifin t l-,t@" aMUà$tw ty &ýibt otas 06 ÙU WO m bVoeu. t pef l* md"ea ti ber Sa lota 10me "a liA"hi ha*ittal l un evor' u vI am àg hu ew ver Imde Mtr. and Un. liarrs' A. Lyon%,. nai- riait là Cueugoflfy ra&W. cel£- brouteS thir Zlu al.eddlUg muniv c. sary ba Lae Bluff Tueeday. Th Lwosahav* eoin resltents of Lake Bluff for tonty-lIve- years, and aaalir ynailu a svinlage haown 'tiem. A pua. 0f eth$S0lngolId %a& 'l>ruui*td e4 thç village hall. Tht' d è*Ome ,eneed -their 'weidins vene lu 1» prmàaeac ore narsa 3wl -fipana. Mr. snd Mms.Lycu Wiretimar i " 'thteu Cngregadmcal echuler.[ Chjcago em jsnaffs=8i18,1871. At thét âme hoeÎ4 , c,ma-tec 4 -,1e àareh Agd leader cf su orebsales vw" hle bai osanlusO sd vilci Vas cotînue a512rh Iii gemov- ed-t*cIM ]nom et IlWIAV t wê C. xvaui, bot bdhi ely b$ Cook hwle 10'h t é sa large, MW5 Ilêmat tv o .., 2 tulgo gb À18. ILIa nauruultloau ork *t eat» Grant, viom mon aa. îar»- 1v -r tiSa4dtrttt, it, waaf thât- tvents' Der cent f, tthse *@à W tiveo e&tesor 21 guaéduSi Ars bad, (C b6naturalse&- ê befoe Y couli le mnt ovoaeaa frraras' ser- vice. During.,tiewor#mur * len.y" ed mlltarX. ervteo-,by .lalmlugtbefr allez prlv-llegsqo-Nov tint tie cm- orZency bai aceda mass'of thse -ère fflistetttaumaw*. lTh. 1ureu ir né,usila*o hwatcistng aN îles' are ie'soktng te evade the .1gle prcent ta &milens are reguIrel té Puy on thir 'luooU. bewe tus' a« W m r telutioi ative le". . Applicauts muet ho able to show Ibeiw &Mdé fati aà" prve b7 & flYt s'.ar reeM'dthtt tbey are desiraileI eltisens. Theus featureà of the natwrailza- tics werklta lAIe county vere lWumaht but Monday nigît tnal aê 'dree of Jufge Ediwaa'debefome-the Apertein Legion of Nortk Obleffo, dufg ublolho urged the osera- t ,eln of all ez-serv)lc mou to-me. that enly a a'oc4 type' of allez* ho gItan cltlESasilp. Juise Ulusais also PMtlaua word, for hm is *qb Ii.le lhnofthe vili e h nd 11 iii1.a -lavm fer exk-servie. qma vlantbe? nefia hospitia. m epald that the roo6ami wîlOhe umed afier aitthe Ajueri- cam Lez ta l I eCoUstl. lir. Mary R, Churcilli. vietc 0. E. Churchill ofU rvlI~4. onianuary. 18. I li tpe.mug Floride. Mrs. Cbvqioi osaluo etroke of paralysie uni vio*sucMW and the repoit raclai LbetyviSUI that abe Zd40-m TtIdpu deift prnted i t*qI'l n demi, gave ber ebituE ,1 then Il vau later fe. in bt: vile she, very loy, mi»ho iItnab"~ luntil nov o0#lt.e lgtoqI tm e".cu came. Mr. and 1fr. Clurcbîli want lu 8lorda ln October to spetid tbev-'ta terjn bopes of lmprovlng berIObîItX. yov et ou"'tadlaton troublos. It Il sbudbecomie frozen and crack or sprLnz a led, i)et ur evalr ItL tf I2 la l;eyond repaît, we= arplace it wtth a nav cite et reén me 119 IL W"toe-Ok - Phone 749 Waukegait -Work Ci» efer- and EUieere nuL i, er 1No c. .94 't' e ANpoai Our January, Sale of r B-' N67 n en, 8 ppare Contindes W Dring -the Qrtatest Values -in Yars- A aoep nd mi cpricing. Thtis ttre lins conecntrated evçeri ouste.of its merchandimlag remotreen te -make.titis January sale lhr&it with a pr@- war apitit w t i6e-nomy amd thftft. ID tse Womuws'ady-tO-Wtar omtion thse reduRtions are mmtioiàL. The <omfutam wlite priece mentiioned bere, aXe indicatilve iftise vonderNI i siings .ffeved ar abnié ýCoati Rie&uced t aladL Bolivia, Cbomieon Cof=ler, yoaeubmtem, T»aa.1l anS restglow are .051.0of t. maiewlala cf whlch tics. Coars are faphîoaed. ,Many arBndadltr orne are fer trlmm Former Ç29.75 to 3 Coats ut Fermer $49.75 to *i0.5 COMAant $14*75 .I$27 Forjiier e9. t fl75 6A5Conti; nt $32,75 Drese t ~Great Sacrificet R.doed t. l and Les. Incideda r )X e Dre s e "a 8 l* ~5 uedw5 IMiT frlm .age, plofet TwIU. Crepo de eChlae, .orge2te a"iBattu. Tlh. etylea anti coras those -Muet tu dewd. Bilfltel rksasMp, bgmti lucatigarmf. Forml $20 to $U51Dremma t j Frmer l49i75 Dressesfl Rdnced to orer f59.75 Dréms e eued.tfi - fl207 rtote b4tO=s'I , è . bts m* =imo ommed la~W l te sala S.Dvot k~*t 4 masmisasa iii uuvnwaueuo~sIuw. zuey arn dole......... 'Uit' aIt*5.eavy plaid u>aeriaW ,W large, tppiéek pwketg% bIitl'ldon Mlans «ourles'. land Parkta riagi lnt sPin moo.nof sunea ijm.Maunai anengAgcfler mon.. ata Mi.Jc55.ii'1 ve dcJ me cuir.