LOVEz DrM Poior than' Ten- rders. imiuatry Io Vol- r. marliagca ln gave tire yoiUlg lecture en '"ftn- bo teguli mîid', it Iwo iiroai.ind en of th"- atirri- Volys distdjir- Mie instractioSs bd out, acnd cM as foîka "tll. lu ins. nuy diamnrod 'ou thinrilpe haid idvi ie." hée satU. in weî-e unsptr houl-i beoutll or viii IlIvie a'uîae- ianroan ring. and niey um tire iranln d tirat wuli be ot ti ,'l ci- th 0111 i u e "1.1, A-r d . o -e - ai t - PANY OFFICERS lliii 'of -lfldok- etrCan'iy Féiictor>' gi n ha.led la,.l rt-h 11.- report .3Var .n.tunir lie- air ùn.'aeutoîi and rr< ele*"'-l dires"' for il.-- ),Ar 1t#21 ',-> rîtrb f , 2 1- iri roe bar Fr imtioî'n T- 28( acr i ,trli -"but. Boi-t-. -2 m tie - usrt Of F*n*, ond .&k r.e Grmm. 2 3 l-'oî nfarnallon teWntai. 3uille Mrn etc.,a A d- L.AU COUNTY INDEE ENT aeCut/BgWkI WAUKEGAN 'VEEKLY SUN JOLUME XXIX, No. 4 'UJERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, JA~NUAIKV 27, 1921 $1.50 1' 'AR IN ADVÂNCZ $1 OO Rcwrd SOLO A MILLION CLAIRS SItE BE= Harry Poretsky 'Who Has CAME BIGiMIST BY a Charge of Waukegan Busi- MARRIAiI3 ERE Forl n-es a Record. Gust Wlliams Held in Kenosha ie esSle oUewsaes While Local Police Seek Ed- iiarry Porelniky. WaukegatiîrgýI na Berendt-Williams E . A f ai newsboy, u n no un12ced AîL~~~[ ~ yeaerday that ARS paliers durhng t.Aluuîa iaiî'iliangle In the pa"t uîgbt l volring ii."rrl a. ntwy" and ais n~i.ngUu)YII yeaî'4. The (êPo .pi etty girl 'atst a i lt, inciîned tl) ilail hi, el!iwilialni agel . - y t : . aliti111 he " First Official Admission Made papers a'tî.,ei lci-iu':î" Today. that Factory Was ')'di 1'- )- RaryPoretski îflI7. t"' r bo- k-lon a.ý,uory S Set on Fire Saturday lc'v: tL , -1, -g11 .i. or : tr, ~i aid ri notl a f:.i -auaiaLake Foit IIo" IArî.g'u- d ln'oî LOSS W S OVERSTIMATt Uitte t t 5 V. u "kla .iîefor Ii' T11i ilth 0 tire of Ian SFatlday liai ry lidi Il b i l'-r. rîr '.1 tit Ii ' îii . -tI ar l. f.-e un-i >L 'î 1delitroyed the Berger Overail i*rih,'il '111 uî aîd ,.iI- tînri ;li vlrwit0inil>l0" eoI planl t e heManufacltrera' Ternain- age Of !rl->t' 6' ., 79 Siti each bu' t , ial l iai'hm s nteW lîr- ai ': sthe work of an lnicendlary litî. tio' le'Itt" i n i' t' at Car. and I-aI ltre flrebug la being souglit Q-.---- ~Q1 becati known toda>' when the coli- .*I. Ipalty officiaily eîarted an 1laiveetl 13 U1W IlCAN MC t; o it' n -yîerItltet ,un-î tion ta discover the cuprît and terrt AUKEG 1 MEN onis iiq uriai nI ofJiiiliterendt. bd a reward for iis apprehlenfton. ý tTh 'niLsre.Ccao Tire Sua on Sattirda>' eald ,tbat ho olariI te nthl h-,tte"î. I-l irtg 110ysti loue ciruriaances eurrourid ONJURY C 14IG -nd rfite owoman and tuai a'" far ai 4dt It" trire and intlniaied that iil tsfl dîitoi"r, nu effort .lias Ie et ilfi ik teac (fan Incendiar>' IN N ,T)ADA '.En n .'yetr-,' Maion an l ' 1ole a A reward of $1.000 wais îffered I E TM N A Ior b a-'harreat antd con. Ei' 1LLrdia ir)e" -'Nis 4ito fiepersan or perr'flflUre- il lui-w- roh.'tni gra-1"todat. hu' li- r »ongible for tbe firf In questionl. AsttfT Mr. Berger n a tristement tîî.et-a sstf. ief TrrellCase Is on t'ad no, been tak-iiw notuto ly errnoon deciered thbM evidenc'î ga- Cail but Undoubtedly WilI Wiliams Dectarme Knowlcclge tbefed by thre lire departmleIit and re- BeIniue ~i n hoi ce!liat lI i" cil> ,ckip tliia preasentatlves of the sate tire in-îî'BeingWt't-îîl- delatd 'a'.Le specîlon depatment wouid indicate iarainu noahelg" of ii. ulai'x i of, lilaallihe tire dld not origiatê hInlire MA NY CASES UP FOR TRIAL. i-r-udt upon tiii- monian iitnli longo pcrrion of the building loccuped by at'"t hlie ai ni uali,î Mi.-1nl there lerefOverll conipany. -lmMldbenftrninK .haat Thre pretildient o!flire compart>'alIi lr'àn m in ii e 'a t II ,La bee r Il,"in In' ou" îîîa a î no g4tated Ihat th ire atbsa as greal lceîa i-i-, fapa irei,',lîe" iai-' r*i utiretî y 'exaggerlated. IVie ie Etvestlgat - 'meî fa;a-"o i ,1ý aariiO ieslo Ii tlina telure oft he caste paO. ' ve ieleiv.ahi a" utnoe !JlnNua-"u 'ia' :,:It uit Mnf . Berger sîaled iun effoft. -Oi 0 apinr1r;un c tii'. flext Mînd. rr n ir.v-a'lt', Mr.ot: ua' bos' ýaaslea. lirait $.0'i0 antd 'se ng linirt.iy .1. whinthe I«., f.ji " "'.> . t, -htin viii lie n a positionI fl b i ioerle- an' A Iifull forîce agal t ta ih lten 'Vus cre ,rl AsI. ;fTiirie . r., , l, 'V ik- n on dâi".l j"1; ru i f !lt-r' It - ' lated WU. - i tîto in confident il,.i ll euir. os tf b"el stt *0 ogo onlt.a. n"t i:aui, 'i-itii. orîiu. 'liieteti, h irid ail tlb" firme ioiurlngIlle buitditg Mon La>' nrornng bu'. 1,' hfn, ,aly 'liai.tire"hllibeen nîared 'o Beendt will tuol excoed I16(r,00%) adt-iitli ht'Mi. -VirreIl Il mti Diie and si..' awonr.o if 'îm i îî.rü' t i tu0i Ii il. 'Ifat unie 1tu'ne trted. An iage tui thiee wasan-ureason v.hy- ter continuance ià expec",d. Suate% - iù lîotul n' arry irie W ViA[~IL.J ATU UAI Atorney Sm:' lut La large ututober of ntaliëid iry a îu-i ,, uat1akegàn i1 WAN EDSAT RD Y 0aieàwhic:i iLe.hai flot >et îrued no do norknow Illr nainr>. anl tut -e nhIfl&Vlie .Iho'a'l ire nudiiiculty lai eeiec' r,rnmd 1la .olianidlr'ei wr I'IULWAI IUI> IIL mg<one trtaethe iiae of Ile wer.' 'narried bh aat er .,le fvrre~ r.'di] nu: ge' out a new lîuene in Ken- }'oluwira, :.a lizt, of Ile r:o 'ho o-li. 1 i îelv. rt lîi, ti 15-Cen:. WÀNT~ED IT BADLY litari. enil cluianu-1to r i.- n ber 2 r ola-it >eialien ah" I-,4t tort nez', Mauday: Kenosuta andl wpn'.t'tu e lhonte o! lier Benlon. A. M. igert «on; Anirhc. uncle ai ('arervilip. 1 have tried sine- RoberlSeite , Urfli. larri Laison 'oa ge' lier tu Coit.e ,o,:îe rtu' u la If Young Man Had Not Had HsJolie Th-iyor John S't.ntoiî, A' un. refuel Wish Granted the ReSUIt îîarln %Vr3,tMm. Lyon; L;k." Tii.' îîero W l, il-nlo elE ;ui ight'Have Chaflged lt'ir an il Èa.l'isi~, ir . '-v'. zTc î ' - - Fred7t:i-ui:"E - , egai. L&w ilia' I-I 1-fur PEAL TAE, MATS; REAOON l-lnkter. Nî-th otaniCrlr uîn PEL AL, AES' EA O IcKilia, L, li. M&r'l.l, Ueo. W. Prit- Was in the Ns.'y chari. lieuntPeterson,, F.aak E .v 3:to- ett ed n'h u>iîrii H.OLIDAY Samildsun. Waitter Sboor. 1D. A. WebJb; 't, B frsa a le!eird' rlriu ':.y Nir. Seip, if il'aail lilli' Shirelda, . hiH.Martin. Liberty -ville, ae îa am o iewtini 3,ol'î Id like îo gel away Sa"'dy o Harry Ga'ta, Henry lIane. Jire Riei.lIrel' casa., wa.. a sergeani in tleanis'. tll r-day." Fiemon' UGeo-ge Ladd. Curba, Ernestliallerwk eedisn u l -Sr. o.but 1 dont ae irow w'W' i seu p .. Leoliand; i.ÀA, 1-rl- ledeciar"d btIri iii 's-îl(Ilit r-i,ýIrailge l-ite iiatle ail arrangel-Krupp. Eiwaîd Ot; W'est eeîlli l l~tt10e @aR:ry ailIt dy Saturi'.ry W.H. S e"tes llenry Slgesi - tia.pervd t in tfiait .u,îniîe wtlu îu--t.Yoî'd bettr select aonme Jamea W aring; Deerlleid. A Il l al<t-hr ht11-".rlt'Ie u-C' c- '-'-c da'. W'itere (ilu)tou arant 10 "r. .>13amBbero"g..Jr'us- -, aî lî riletta'n i idh)' g','. 'I1uetii i,, faA. t a' sfu- t. r-llgI t..tu 1r- ,'t- ralircr a pet stnalinit er 1' ktIfsti trn lat-I'e i". ai . 1I IL lus l lre canie , t lU. 1I itfer nl nu oECE Ataturs a ndeerB.ien iîcrt- t"lCjr îc -i.lî i gitnow IM r. Sti' e ~~a~ilia 0 a lr. li, î te pwtuiu - Oi., îha'a ail rigii.ict, u. Eut t i hetto uÀti1a i lit e i'., if iii c i t b l l I ja . l vl i e i a r r a n g e ta g o so rt e o t ie r . , l e o î a i j l A r t , i u t t wasa everai mnutes Itefore l'O 9tioZIaadGCsacl lip1 rII cew up Ilircourage tethelr'VCTM îsD AD Moidaywa- i i.' v.ontaît Belc-n.iu &uit - uîg point. Tîren lien a.alowetl itgû ani -tae l blnin,-in ttcI %>il, tir iwice and biurled out: ITN SDE C'3Il.%lLnwInii ('l u se,Bos ihad tiannel ta -ur-I- -- --o. M1 niaurrîed tonîorrow and 1 fIgure-I Aleged edo ui obr eCee lla i ebire you couid upaie une o e. edo ui obr SaturdIa> and Sunday." ,-Gang HeId Without Bond:; 'Niri.-- I ,t4,îu- 1 .ii Mî - Seip av.allovwed l aquld o! tra - tIle ir 3 ru- tid in Knoal i dtuelu- guant "long ul." sa great vas hiis My Not Fort eit Bond eclub, d'yCI,- er Ii'ie a-omInarn ilg' od surprise. Then le sîlat int Ile Lux te 10lok at. Wiliants t'aid tli,' ut:"ý of!sarwdut back of the aid 'cannronlTO WITHDRAW MOTION ciîOfci lu.' Pc'ice liratire Iu;n.w or bai" save. file fut ttei mlCrrage 's s faisc. 'l lJ'l'ho -exploded. "Wly didn't ocule '!n.w lier as Etna uIl1- yot: aay no ln the irsi place. Sure Jorun C. Heap%. Indittç'd h tie Lalke loy matîl '-lu"nover itenlliî"nd tîi you.can gel nway Saturda>'. Go suitiCounu>' grand Jury asýlIte iead If ftic'formet~r tin i ae to ni -." dcclurtel I- btyawekI oewntt. ag l hl ptire Andro Parci,,liants *i arn wiln Io du aiiling ed in due order and tire couple lètfi and escapeti with a'bout $1,.0inMO ii- tlian diicated tit i , ihadl a on lheir ironeymoon. Tire> did nt cash, nia>' no bo brougbt hback liere iigît regaîd for i.te >aorg armanan sta> a week iroweaer, for Lou waa îo face trial sire in now beîng lit I hat lire woxîid not ire adverse la liai-. -- backi on lb. job bright and early Mon- al Plymouthr, Indiana on a chîarge of i ng lier retitrxed ta Iin. etendt 'sai .W dry mornlng and fila bride va. bAck exper'ed ta legcli Kenosta tii alafer- ai lier dulies of leacher l inre Iiuimurder. roo ue l tke fhls paitin te anglt. oid red acrool houae, Sherif i ?nieen 'aent ta Plymoutht Aitit s hna<ppee otyfu asTed a ta linv;~ell te efarts RRIL0FF E meoftire prncpaas in tire foiegoing -'-- -Of-RE -, dialogue, conducled a litle genertil douiruedly wiit Le ndlctld b>' DUIêtheM 1'aI store ai LaIte Zurich. grand jury with conaeneiin la P RUNYJAIiRDIN I1' UB> Tire "Lou" reterred t0 was Dons mouifi next monlrRiand fle prosecutot' lotier than levla 0. Brockway. cir. ira announcd lIra'.lire v.iii demanti cult clerk of Lakte County. Mr. trcl th îe deatir penalty v.lien lire case is e îîSîale. te a rllane'r1A. waay waa dclk In Seipa cltore. Mr, caled.for trial viîicirtwill corne short- Sîttbîrv.ii ilfui lîtepi ose rît Fi. drc aud Mia. Brockway toda>' are îele- 1> alter tire reluin o! tIre iniiicutint. îî' rdAitirotirfainr,r. nditted fati bralung lhicr forly-fouruir veddbng an- Heeps- van placed under $10,000 all.-ged atlacitutnAty-utn 1 nîieiarî.bonda In Lake Loonu> on a tharge etf! earold Iti'glin otî'uaîi adoputel lott robbing lire Potin pace sud 4t aa'aatu ie fsiiilî- of Join iloliil. aneiglllo B RRNTO-VOE FR while iee wag ou' on bonds ta'. lit of tiHyar'd' - In do lit -. Sttes At. BARRNGTN. VTEnFOR three -lol-rerofd-ont ta tulaioerne-- Smtiei ,lo iti il, cri o u" SHELDON FOUNO.- EIUILTY 0f SELLINGi BOOZE AT RESORT State's Witnesses Are Hostile; Deny Purchase of Anything but Ginger Aie SEALED V.ERDICT RETURNED Geot" Stelon.piop:' "w utofa nO)it at Fourilh Lake, loi,, iý ,1, Qf' <; éotg.t te liiimunte' % i'n a iuryv na < outil)- out' Wedn"'dayfigl. pr' urnr'd a ..raled r e.îdîc rl n ;uilly on Ino riounts of Ci *,arf. >aie ot i-n,Oxlcztlg liqýiQr. 'Illecl, was gîten 10 tile jur a t fi e * O1,3( k. Th-" verdict wýa, rea e11 d a' ç.'tî ,clock. 'lT.' ,eaied rîdict wv. rl.(,n 'd in court thi-, morninlgrat nne tn &C clk.'Sheldori was n flotn our' ut rie fiie. heing rePrrefltei by A,'yý (;eorgeield. The J'iry foiind Siildot. gull' (In he' a,"teet.ih and seveflleenih'l ui t,- the last beingt lie nu.isance tli which autoimatically cloefle ~fc of bu.'iness until Slieldon Pois itp a $5 . )1 ýbond as assurante, tiit 1ie .î il not i trate the law in fut ut. Tht ttt han but four ron nliev weîe Nîck and Jolin iLu a- (.;Orge Oiierensliaw, ail of! Wad w oti'. and %Villiani Murie Of R'Ii't Il. An inurlal1 procedure vwS rt"-" ed to by tihe pl-osuetoti hn i!ii, u1 IlLi w!Tn-.ýes ookliretînI oî ra w,î t Illat tire stront.s,' tiiev et e: ptrhased ut tileS î l(,ü place was ginger arie. M'di ie loti' iaid lie lîad purcliaied a of'l' i gla.,..raof Sontie liquol Cýt' led 1 îke tea and ta-'ted sonteîijng 1:1ie troüze He uaid lie receit e i tii, li.-n lie Called foi a tt. I lii3 lu'b hiottîeii andOllel ens.l i'r testified 10 liting gone It he Sliel- don place wliere the ,% said llîeyiLad rzecelai rouis; of ginger ai", 'lie pro-ecutor stated tltit tiireî, iniony of the w'ns",le'uie tllie giaid jury was entlîely diff-uent and lie 3tated Iliat 1naswwclt as ail four af! le muen wei e hos-tile % iir,,e anda a-sked that îiiey be nialle tates wll- and asiued Itai liîey lbe ma-t statswine:e, o titat îiiey couid be t1)-re\ititine.i ,l , h oth tue state anid delense S'11j, course was laken. The lepîo',.cl rtîo fit1en produced p. transcript (o, twi.' .dënce laken be- fote Ili@ grand it Thîis shoa ed 'hat pracîîcaltv ail or Ilie four men li&d teslîfîed b t n ,ing pîîrchased -iilnkev of ielin Murileliîad told NEW BOOZE RAIDS TRAP IBREF MORE; STILL~IS SEIZED Trio on Prescoit Street in Touls of Constables Hicks and Weale Wednesday ALL AUE OUT ON BONDS.1 iLoking lafor . ta. n iirbt a tîer, . coîl ueuuît 'nW'zpae ncniI i' c i.iro am i t a in:, c a 'Nd nsIit 'i tt i ie i 't n'b-. 'i. - " ersons In hiiir \V.îioi'~bu- t- a i bitoitis of Gn tra anid wiii i.' r fi"' te chaire, if ngizýl .iit i t ' 110S ,r '"s l t 'r. ' tliitli iii Stcîm .i in i re l >owbnir a î'îî nu. il l1 it, 1- . und Il-'îi .- - ' ieýila sttu in p.fsltgtoul aoi. iitg oîttet ti and îuanll, of a lit-t- \11!(.n Saii .Ilf t-an 1'.ttr 1to iekir t Cali 1al 0ci ofi-i.AI thui ats r' 1tb0 i- 'al i rr'c galiuts Ti' v'ui a- .s .agn.'r b bf.ate .Irî ime lea,'i i - r uiliose au lu î* i lt tIli -' coiiý iut)ifoiiteuilungt JUD4E PREDICTS DRY LAW REVOLTI liente iv, tirî itiibingtt hé ii t'îlit ed S taie ., ls to aoid a stil-- 'lI ( bi' iî'l'ecautt IC '-tirUtNS "f' OFFICE i t ouliia-- .btilerbîn titC.Pul tk - aid le r 'd 'R je.rl of tt.ildI ' t alh tircr AT RONDOUT TUES. l'ey, i , t id utlbu anp. mcllit I l t îîue r u n' fate a liiîu il itatl: ia> d,-ît ir-- f iun.tan migiti n ut l't'ia- ai le i - 5ed mhiitilti ,ii, o!r't ttiglo' 1 hrtiI r eofiti! îoftîe c-îacîtrt." Juinînte Poiiik suiti. iri' nspeci-tin .';..iIl itîlit ofthe E. 'Mrii catînît c(Ofittiti" tio bev P7 .1 f& ut ruîti,iiîi ut1paiiyut1 t lîout. h itlioni lai. - andîtd itIbir lili'î' lue los iwi ro un î,-'%e.î1lunt aîud tû itt" i tcf t!nii.'blPai l S. To' tr"mais uacot eelia' iou lot-k biii- taik Cîiiri ting s o! Utwuh'a. lît .id gaineti auçh lii-d- tilt buît ng tv.-O puritIbotIeslîre,. P..c -tuit îi, builling c-' .11 nul b" .au t-l. ing $S for one' andI $ls for lire cllt', l'iderctrt'ex aciinltionIriinlle u'. e ad lituted titat Itlie '- v I A ntfll" 1 Tue îtutltf!s Ladnotîsud.'auîle duffi- stu'" , statenents eu ete gr111J 1 ciii'>keepitig ci der litthie ctîtît>' juîry. Ltii îie a hla'seruiotmi 'ta cil('onî- Slieldon hId not trîke i1ew ilie stiable Clarîeune f;. licke mas cailed etainîl . Attoi ne>' Field tbu itîy 'ift,'r upoir tie v. itesanad Io testif>' lit hleietti ulerdiicut uae ie'liat l'e tire cuis.' against John Madruli. H-e 'couil iito' ceîtatnI.' balte an alpael das coîîîpeuled 10 talte a sa.iov. lu ile li,ht cr tilî. fiont b(h.- varionsr boules and lire, lue Oin a pt et t'lus ocra-ion Sliteilon 'v. f; content.,; of Naliii rie offered lut rtounrd guit>rof a iquor sale, On tli i idt'ite-. Titet e wni a scores of "t- occasiun !ele mciini- proiied Jîdgo Iles dec la ced a-neutilaini lg w tîîe. Person-a t i he croulE flot conlîn.îc a-Lhiteimunle'. wisky, bitters. etc. Er' thte uîîiavf'tisale cf liquor. 1 i ue'rî-tinte Countable icks-k <lti dto tire citcinsiinte.s lie Is anbjecti10 a balte a "va tg'Itie spectalurs aniled more cci cie penualty nov.'foi-,ltre 1 aaîdire hld o antife bacltbeiîg lut- pror-lîes a iiurîtîli Ieavier penality for able tu tltre a an ta' w ultilirhe mnen (ru cecutul conu ittion. îîîb lihIîad vubsîded. «BEATS MONT CARLO. Second IWRISecond A Special Purchase and Sale of- Women's CoveralAprons Tinsec' irn r -l i îc w c i d th f 1"l'w ot ii pr.-l- of il1ki lttuhwý-Ov'Cl' lglît anJd îîk I ' uxide.Attî'ac- tj'r'(lV rùîîî.Sj)ecial 79e .............'.'.... ... . . . . . . Wonien's Gingham Dresses, $2.98<ý Tire.>- lut. -e utte edaîced for a finai cliurunce. litia grvat iàt iof sT5eý tic',ti>aire malledoeoffine gingitairiun houutu futi tut' i c utbiilat ioný Value, illait i uritet iii>' old rp 0 G.'a S.-ut i>reiiicrul $ 9 Children'a Gingliam Dresses. $1.98 J c'attactive luttle Dresaes aret. ie hIn iinifînt >1>er, îîde o! an rlent qualitit gtngham. -Tîjese apecial îpu tînc- v.iii- bhipe1tuted b>' en>' niotiter arîo inapectsthe tir lues and qualittofî hie-te Drenýe8-----------------------------------------------....... $ 69 Wash Dresses for Children 2 to 6 yars, $1.49 Matde o! prelt>' cleeked and plaid ginghanisanafd ,Ialicolor chambiay. th edrsssare moet benomnig. Theo dellghtfub mstles wiul mccl1.4 tira appraval o! nîctirer as vell as bIeleilîle iss.. . .4 Boys' Corduroy Knickers Tii.> are «f a qlàtlty aotod for tiroir oerveeabiity. À pair ot 49 --1h. lU aw-bebd~ ~p sit dubo ite.Bgoll 1 *49 Warner's Perfection Waists For Children, 49c Thlits I -erkil oIt et sfor ontorrow ont -r. They te it r,' ot h a -t miusliO. t îtoedan-i but tons jputt'a wi' h lapce Rubbeî buton liose ..Up* 9 IrîesSperîi a 9 January Sale of- Wool Fabric Dresses, $ 13.75 BOtil Olix lîii. fishion î- d1'l"' ahlivaîdtiO fie qualit * of'the t'a- brie of whiùt-l tev ire mîade tiiese dre(sses 11(1(1 iiiiitiiil iititrst. TIieii too, the pi ing -t xtreîîîu'iylow. )n'ouht îltoît 1).v a 1' 'ut îunit&' pur- ATTRACTIVELY STITCHED and Embroidered with Silks. r TIlîeie îiivîuîii.'dre'us r- ie miade cor fine Fienîoli sc'rgve Nitil tunlie Ove'r- t skii't. iu' sh-Ics are lilost deligýlitfîl and t I îl mboidç'vi'ç'dosigns 'are done ini coîtîastiug olor. ivTii are .rea11yI " VerV' tLîiiý ZIval iues $ 1 3 .7 5 . ' at .............. WOMEN'8 FLANNEL GOWNB, $1.98. Made of heavy outing fiannel of a tott nappy Onaia in prelly col-.9 orings. Neaty nMade, Speciai at ............... Sale of Cpraets, 81.98'- VOLIVA WINS TEM. PORARY RULINfi IN BlIh LIBEL SUITS Court Sustains Demurrer to Certain Points in the Suits Aggregating $700.000 MAY MEAN BIG VICTORY a ii- r - ' r- -ut t;ng cevti maut ut ".t-ittli r'.a iî'in ur-,-n Judgia sol liu zfi 'uîn '-1 u!t" t-ttt o! Zion n-i le ,.i alI I,--i-i. ttornéy.h i t-t'- tu-tte h ,)Sit ut, IL Nels'on. a 1r 1 '- n il îtî,.-rî trînotli andi 'i'li'ii ttn el Vol&ta t'i tol t ti tîî l,>claimitié-, . thtil ' iirtrf mat t ' I t - Èti 'ton Ot îrtirti1i Il"'lru I'iti an,] C. i'. lit ~ ~ (,ný ie Il "i n fg ilr l e. it.l,.nd-nt, iud ntuapot( gounrlis arc, lIo'iufng at htîttu h.' 1c-Ilbious toulii - p) t atll 'sroti' ir.Te iila tîînî t-*ltsirtn boa ride -ç ioppite i Ille 1iil '" n.'nfs i it tt, aas tie pria- ripai]utrhl t-intu,î.n Site iboard i Sr , 1 t. unai,h uea.gc t-n il tata TIi' mnu unon 'he' srgn 1, a3 fol- , 'p lu ri« an fiatiq' b>.1lon ie.- i-le andI foiliit twpopic >. ,Il la tlt exclusti ie-tqiateso! thra Chritînian (ailtoiie' Aî,o'.tçic Chîurclî in Zion. and tie Pî irate Ihonte 0f Ias ottîcers a nti iniberi. No gel'tuentani. no' bo nientof a, i'brltian. v'oii b-eak unto a ('hitic set4lEIe r .. ad atfetto 101(1 îinieet- ung- otria establîtir a toutner-orgail' toatiosa. w-Io do are noubbng it iP ote i les lian reiiou.s irumql. 'ranîpa tand r agrbonthe, raitti bai ýitoior t han a ciinsz ofl ligliîatt'o!).1 ors -andt litg C e' o(u' o!fiisicrnt- iitnît t. if > out i avr a iil c-p o! litnest Itiaci. and go andl e-' ,b1îiul a reille- iiteni c(eît ,)iiowrn Il',i*on s c iie i :e lt to lmee' mc- ile tt lj'i .!of t-ailor,4. iîoct c iîr~' set et'ion I lue la cir. am taltît -iet iiîttatr'led flot ex- 1îttan' OuiteIly frontiiZioli.' -n Fe.-isicl oat ibotre or Gai b.ner liîiitp ibas nu riglti.vltin llii; settlPtiiet. l"ire var is on red hoîtî. tntl a-tiibe v..ged la> uand night un'll et eu-ytil roi. goes Io0 hie owa hI tc' W liritGlennVot' FARMERS PYING LESS TO CORN HUSKERS NOW Sp it-t cil'ile rtaie tale palE coitn liîîiklerin linota lit ring lIre .a, -t aason waarfrcm ,i-xto aeva cent, x'r busliel. as c.airriared wlîlî fiotîr eigiit 10 ten <-cnts tue xretioui, yc.r . SD. FessendLen, tniîed Slc's givntrIiiiŽit staltiiat.lfoti hMinois, re- 1 porl,-. Thec i am roiielitng of a shitiagI, o! corn iîtî.kcî s aI litas aîlf,,'.%Mn. l'es- sendeil aaid. MNiS. HÀlay SCà!WARTZ % lia Harry Schwartz Of New York iiaYed a huneh wbilO haOeY-, nroonlng at Monte Carlo and Wou. @ho sa.a$100.000. 8h. and ber r EumbUfd bave mat reterned te New York. t wu fer twentié4h birtlîday and sfio plared "20" en