Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Feb 1921, p. 12

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEDENT, THURSbAY, EJ<AU ,UA ~AtILIAN ERS ATSTA. fET 30 DAY LEAVES WîiI Receive Pay for Period- Seeking te Get Added Ap- prpition in Meantinie LITCHFIELD IS HOPEFUL. Titi-ceis mticb uncertt4fnis' aMati elivilan e- ployes of 1b9 naval a tatAoa 1 illowing te faiture of atboritleb ai Washington ta apfropriati- the en-1 ire $100,000 necessary ta meet al 'ce~suniil .luly I1v-heu flie fiscal year ends. rTe $63,000 wbihifnally -as appropriai ed illviiia short of1 te anount n(e,,edti. itla 9 atd tI atl.rigitl nov a maiorlty, of the ris itan eniployes have been gîsentlttrty daYa les le of absence itît. Thei men who bave worli a' thw station ia s-car are cnltled ta ibisa I-as e. il it figuleil ilia i utilies end r Ille thliv -dat s itw i be known iiwio.t tîi'- Statils i'. If fle gov é i t~lit t llafditinal a;tpro nfi ns i-u'tli, $100.0 hlO ie bn eil 'e ît iX o w iik ottter ce iano it nt tt ti1e laid off in vet tio alin: in the interest. o Oi- çîntîL5fl niploye- antti Obtaifld lie neccseaiy aprorittlinr is of ther çpjî.ion thal triattadi ii nal Iqutt' tp ris t n i c b Itti (li ng o l MOFFETI PARKS i DEFEAT RAMBLERS, io'lffet 'ark. baklth3illan' ivfeated ftlt, Ranhlers last niglitiaik tlie il igi i Schio1 ce nilY a sciire or rTèe NIMofeti Part. teai tiotpl a tl fliceRariAita in teamtwork and i aute Ing basket-, Dakîng fouirten f:sldl noais and tour fri-e thîows The sttottng of A. Bits ptaying toîw'ald eSs a feature of thte galine, le rollei ini four field goals. liîrliiyv kept up Ilitel'el) w tIiBile, iiiîttig fout fie-Id goals. fiUynotld a Llyhai- cei'eiî ;la> ngis hicti ul gond gai1, ossing in tour free tutowsansd one lfi-ld goal. ltangebi-ati t. alîthlili I>la> inig gliai i nmadet w o fIel-Idgui F rnt.eisteii Lelt clo-cse. aili oit is Dpponcfl t la 'i '-ivn I> le IN MARRIAEEUnI CENSE 1AME JIERE Number Iksued During ianuary Nearlv Double that Issued ini January Last Year DECREASE IN OTHER CIT.JECS Reports repeeved tram other cities ta thte efict taI Ibere was a marked decreage in te number of niarriage licenas aissueti during te montls of January tIis year as rotupareul ta Jan- uary, laat year. caused the Sun ta make an inse3tigation of local condi- tions. Tite .coparison was quile Interest- l)uîing Illei monîlu of January, 1920. a total of 123 ntarriage litenses sere isaîtî-d in Waukegan. Tihis waav-on- sioîiithisa titan in January. 1919, w ti. a utî ot 164 censes ver- Is4 sMitt- [turing iar.î'ary utfitis year aîî -i-r a laIof 21? utarliatge 'i. lin cc Vii-ie~tid-ni-aty twasi tt nau*as in Jlantiu' i fsft goar. , fital(t, i-tsoný Atacbcs of fle cOunfty clêrks Ofi'e are frank. 10tadmit itaittry. do rtn know unleif s a ie ncreasiig POP- iarlty (if %Vaiîkegain as a Cretna Gi cen whiuiridraws niarriaigi-seelîiig coupil-s ficntnimore distant l)oîttsand nînr-e tilait akes ip for a Pitobtle sim uplia al it otilerwlse liave tak. oit plale. Tlt i a1tact tatinanOriV thei couple, s.itn t-ki- out narriagi- ici-fses herp cîme f. ot t lte fout' cor- nerao ailite United ti ites. In otlier ridle 1tPIti- nP iOnp iiar- riage icences 4t ,janiedi on lite duiî- ness of conditions genialli- but titis wili flot iîoid trucinIlite case- of WatU kegan. NORTH SCHOOL WINS INDOOR GIAME IN EXCITING SCRAP r e ill ' xil \i îuuga"Iiie f lii(' ýd inaor Gilleswas ie ofiiu'i tPoli, 111,Y Isua UC '*'" ii ofi'5 i Gai il' Uii3 LlAs met in as in î I t l tle t:î.d > i,-îii.fernono ait Ilie local gmti andt- jui s tte ofutnitthtîg titre ît.atuit ois cn tIt i-îti lt anti Cen tiitI goIttl ilal Selîtîtls. At Lte i-nil <f thle Niiisteçi l ai tr(i iloti i tae ittitibltris -s etIt i inninc file i e t i- t ti ed. rittalini- ii:e i d îtIl It ts tîîl It aniini- 5 andt , ecî'.ssitzititig an dtifi'.lt cii atîtt1 ftir titie ttt otlîeî inning iting pttîtl, 111 tle blis It 's i ii a it..lte fiel e' iii ii nat i-i t h nning, ti- Nothîl Scîtoo tirai titn antd 1100l' i. i t.Oftthe MIti-lt tin two i tnt andth e (CentraI nnly oui-. I aria ttait i tatia~ite il e 1 nsI6lit faisor oi lit actitin tl xwi'î'a en thei MO! te Nortli Schlo. TItis sia- titi-firsi f-t t l'tî tk ee'îtd t a ind t h e C('iits gante ofthei tli otosw hetc otore thlai. l.tiottet is won :5 l. liettîtg :ndtheutusunai sivon itîninge son- plat i-iPl 1Ittjgtt staltlte-iftir, ilePiark. to il-cide the s innîni- teanb lOrly [toi h t lns et the-NMotffetPal'tthi nie fri galtopis vil t hi- lailto r A. C. toie ilih il I and toute 1,I) hcom pli-êth e ltl i-gite sertie. B a roui t tan in an> gitite liais seaso n-oi dtiiOue.,> uttiired testeî thsi aie ready toi svvet aI liarder gairiii-. ______ Thir lia itiot 11x t eventh i - y W E. Collins of Sixteenth sti Sit foAh fo"ttîltParkige1wnit, teserwti.a Kénosîta visitoir yeslerdaiy A ( ean l9j,tad;n rte itinh-paieýtr TIti-Laîdie.sAid iSnciety of th icti-t lit ai t itîe dta:tlile l nthett lppr kodist cittrrît w il iti-ertoton v i-mt sueydE-! te tftle loffett s'i-gkiattennoan althte itonti ofMrs. Johni chiam.pions. Tita ttlîe as te Rause. Jr..Tteîetng iiluii Mofîct Pili-.îm etil hoids tfi-li tenature of a bhldt' Party Ili lii' ue a nisbp î o~ehotior tf!Titos O J.Ni-lsoniSandt h( chapshui du tea nishp t oie hostess. wito viii enlertain. A ful nt tIi-bask~ets that tigti-lt he- Motte' t at - nei dsr Pstrk teant lest an exhitilon gantse aence Sild defstrcd elila ai-ainsi the Nlc('olielrA. C. tîndi at ieenSpîi.ndotsitiii itia chlleiinges thinit O\anothtier gains.te. Ps. ele u tiusiitts The.i-MofettParkt eani ieatied tItIs Theaday. n0 M-PhlSmt challenge te lthe-M. A. C manager rTItinos aolditn ores i iit i ii a sieek go îbillias fnot lte:ttJ 1eN.iatitabuitit of Chica;1go iaus FI ent business vs-t uer in tltis civ Iodas Titi-wi-.kiy Prît>or nil i lIng (it ie A ~ ~ ~ Tt (lier' T rtoit' t asceot lie l'il rASIIFOR .rSA.u lit îîrticlîtîtch wl w 110,tt itt-i Ii SABBATII FOR TIIOSE i-titr l Iif E ts P~I 'ofMî (ý'.uî, il iiio "Ek HFALT unit; a the ltealelis %wtl iýta IYBO SEEK IE L I ieH 'î' CO~ It-e G>-nascunt hits t- enittlg tir bas- ketlhbal prueice. AstlIteaSis aie tutaku. tue i-Sabatli safe for Ai- houug organi'ed tIi w ho visii te intot ci'i îîîî e '.i- i s lhe sîtii are retînestetiIitînso outu tri prarti o îtl atitipîttdIla t iîilitt y tii-n and t IutOne. iti -teatîs iroîn lise var- -Ilct-iin nît-mîers itf titi NorthliSh-ore ios NulrtSthore loisbalive citai -A~et i-it-. wigsined att-i in--l ii tet il'ti-anis' ilor aiil pi-itîtioitg the Esanatin rtty gau'îea. ant ias ston as tues- git or i-ouneil 0 r-pi-ai thelieeilIii iis tMtiegatizt-î. w ilarcetei h- cii-t leitg' lavai. frei oulsiie eato. E-itlng ordinances nov- bar Sit- Wii. taya, Jr. w- 4i ltlitsi dus- baseital. footiball, tennis. andi honte witli typtildt feîer is net muci golf. Titi-petitlon asks tat a ce- lnîprus-ed, f'irnduiu bphibad to a'-eirtaiu publie i-t1. . l ikiiiof\Iilw;Ltkee cati-J epinion. laepresi-ntatlvesf utail te oui fliends in tiis citiy uduy. norihi shiore lawns ailended te meet- Ibou't toiýgi-î flii-PtaYtng i-utti- Festi- Ing, which ws elh-i lite Éauston svai lte AuidiltiuGymnasion ta- Commeiircal club. marruw ienig. Slngtug and ganes Calta Reformera Boishevîki lisse hien îanui-t. alita- te gtlt Tit i- erl speaker, -is Peter N. order. e 3ans, an automobile deialer. living at \ numher otfteopleteroîn tItis CitY 2010 Ridge avenue. Inluiollntig te are atteniiflg te automobile show In Clims oftbgIteagiýç lie siad: Chicago titis week. ,i-efrmera wbo seek Io make bitte Thti condition ot Mis. t1. L. P-zY- laws aitoldiehi-classed as holsitevkl, horslti sho lias huen ili itrichome Thty are fermenlers of dîscanîent. for soute lime la not nicîs ittîpro eut. "The> are tisatîriters ut Amnericaitne- Tiere will lie a R-Pulcan and Cii- rial lite. Tit ilutes as well as teti-en Itas àni-ding ai teit ty Hall retis are atlemptini-,o tiesro'9r thII; enn tto'ic~ ttswi ctîntrys noblest itel-liherlY. hi li n i gtt or fc isiD paii- "-Aida ta Healthiv Public Life." frcniae o h rmre.AY 'W *'t ie tc ii iý,1i t Icu iitîv frcadatsoritPimne.A- rports are aide lu a iîealtity public onei- latini- papers ta file tust d i ite XWe i-itnk utischoita i nIut ,i 130 t titis tinte al, sati mueitng. - fnrncecifi i ate>nup i 'rt tu"'11-";'- i Last ei-sini-s bri-til tatedti ha1 bine aws. E'.aitsoi's exîstilîî auw titi-ProfessAonitandiAiBusfi-essiMen Vrohbiting Sunday sports la a tal,-.wold pay titi Pri-ahytertan Citorcit tire if l is disignedte t asstat in cub ai a gami-etif Vlley tilli 'rues building good i ctizensliip-" day esentng at tep AudAIIitoim gynt- Orgaaizers of t-,i aine plan te naiium. Tithiswsa un ifrac andi Wr bave Ii-hi hiami-. tepreieenirig Wau- w1Ilh ta o JictA. Thti-gainue attutul litgan. GreaI Lakes. Highland4 Park. ban-e ien pl$ý fheoday e enînPesti Giencois. wlnietlia.wimelLi-. Groso con t le inl a oi ji ont, anti Esantun. pneti until ýi-xi Monday ieving. - Wi-'htge se pardon 1. t tg)te-ti . --. I ti- r<-ausîîîî1 ai't" , ii'. -' it til i-t Tii..- .ng. eý l ppeiW Whoam in lle babil ot wor- I Edible Lobster tIse Favorite. .. ton, 118. -J~i tg AstliesI-uibie vs-utily oft itIIgtvrg," btite h ~screrofi-r a i : -ý andutt ottece %n tibe-Ir i-utite Silk and Wool -Hose u to ,$2 a t Thts very llkely l be the mant important baalery sale utf the entire uuaoa. Wmnsant i Msses' woolbona bWlansd green sud browa pailturestUa l isansssd thon there are slk boa. lu *wanted colora and ail ailes Ihat at I tS vsry iow lriceare les tan wholeaate. Priced for Satrday ut apair Lake- (ounty'é (Ireate8t Store fer iVmen un d Jhildt-ci Women's $1.50 àltslsn Plesh and White 79cI Prelly mualin envelope chemise n white and flesit. n alil izes wt bodiîce top or "bul-up* aitoslder. Circîs69C leccd Vests & Pants I 29c agmr, d'8 fleece liaeti. D-re sses - fecognized as te peers n wopite's and mnisses' dresses. bandsoni-ly siyled. beauti- fuily nmade of very fine quaIýty faXbs and very rea.onably pîa-ed are now on dlsplay her. e4lusisaely in Waukegan. Feby. Clearance of 'Suiïts .suîits tb 59.50 ~shita to $100 19L7395,52.50 Neyer ln the history of Waukegan merchandising liayes uct re.7aabkable valuesa betn offereti. At $19.75 you may seect-fronu waol veloiro. suAis, serges, wooi JergeYs n advance Sprlng styles. Titin at $39.75 and $52.50 are many of Our fin est sus eiaboratly trirnmed wiîh fur and i-mbroldery. T allîus t0$6.50 in- Slk Pongee Blo-uses. A$2-098 AWlde Vacti-ty ot pretty styles are grouped n ilk pangee for tiIs very 10w price. Of course tere are mnany ather lîreti- blouses n Siik cri-les atthIis ridic- uiousi> low prie $1.50> Blouses at 79c voile blouses, sltglttly inusseti or aoi1ed frain dtaplaying. but tn good styles. 8.50 Blouses at 5.69 !uIek geargette cri-pi-c. alk crepe de chines, strlped taffetab and sinai persey te-hark bloustes itniany want-d str.ies; and Colore. Silk Blouses to 18.50 9.*75 Thiis asorimprit la cludes mhany ot tii'-' oiec tl- f a gi-at blousPeait.son elaborateiy dot elolîcîlin ine -oî gi-il s. tlrOl-tt-c. etc.,w e ltandl silk emhîiiiiilry Gloves jL1 Chanioi.,e'te- g'i -ein bitacolnrs 'mnportud tabirc and gen1înhl chantIs glas-es lu gau ntlez (orrregular styles ta 3198 ai $1. 98. 39 Chamois glarta, white andi natural. $293 Bruehled wo-ol md nl' !tgIns is, $1.M9 2,000 SiIk& Wool Dresses In the Season's, Greatest S elling Drçsses Up to 32.50- Dresses Up-to $40- [fta5 Dresses Up to 57.50- %#tn75. The announcing oftI3 arealiy satitoIal tiresni-w, tasoccasioned girester actiity ln our dri-ISston ltan wi-e-r tIiag- nei. Tire most hantisoîne style creattons of a ni-w season are abundantly presented in aitlteir ti-nipltign@neýs of fasýition-mode of decoration and extrente reasonabienss of sale prices whichIn Anniy cases are hi-as titan hait regutir prices. Odds 'and Ends in Wool and Ssik Dresses to 18.75 at 7.98 ' I Cblldroa'a 59Ci1bdhs.MB Wonng's Mci114 bse et Wone's ISa ilk ot l4oe Woabno'$ 2.50 amul $3 aillean& MOOI bose et 41.9&5 Vuai féibfoned ti A. wopll wool home ta $4 et. O12.8 Tic- Back Sweatérs Uti 0$6.00 Most ail clore in tie-back and nme slip-over aityles la sweater,% en d sweater blouses are here for yourt choosting at titis very low price Feb. Sale- Cbildren's- .Coat.s là tbese varlous collectlons ytu - wili find soine wanderful bargains 0 ln ail sizes and materiais. many ai which et lte bigher pricea are fur trimmed. Coatisto $ 10 at- 5.o98 Coatisto 16..50 at- 9.*75. Coats to 19.,50 at- 12.50, Gigila nd ral(ef Dresses Up to $4 at 2.49 Chitdren's gingitaindresses 1In sizes ta 14 ln many ver; b-coin ng sI> yleq and colorings for quiek dis posai et $2.49. Wash Dresses Up Io 3.50 1*79 Bizes to 8 n pretty styles andl gond quality glngbauta and per- cales. Silk Poplin Dresses 10 $10 5.981" One large rack Of rtes. allk ppplin dresaès ln ail colora mnd là most ail aises marked for ciearanoe 2.50 Flanelet Gowns 1$1.49 The greatest flannelette Rown big gaina lan town. Ail Iai:to 17 n a VOrl, gaod quallty. 2,50-APron-'Dre5se $1.00o7 Womens apron-drosSes ln llgbt. mned. um and darlr colora ln ail S.~Zd Brassieres to 3-9& --B. & JI'stlk -jersey, satin and and lace brassieres t Is4»9to, 4 ind fine treS bnra n -I 1166 Ào 64. Comelà ilt d14 VOLUME,' JOHN Ri' .SALOI qiEl Libertyville -Cassof Beersai Smdnîgltl drink parloir., ~ertyfflie. tlui iarres" le un î-ating liqî'til in hiW r(-ire a0 Wi itf tri Mi. 01iltt- lin ivi 9ti -t lit I'I -Un isIII Z t) il). *an >11 'tii M i' Savs He %~ at Col H .iutd 1îail;- ksnte rlt pai li i-Ore 5 i!treil, tuut iake t.nus agun t t î 'ittîl tii' $1i'ta rît est adut ofte lota itirnk entw le i i lad. rkit qi-en"' a ot lons hlmOiect tluicl-" ti tf CI Ci

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