acreslM 0. IW. 14 Sée. 1Ufor 12,0". afonte ut doýjà for depreel ation, aeI 1ll ortcrglrei Emma Emma F . McDoflald boullt $2.00 loyen te handie the voit wltb the th fe Di)naean 0. Welty tsrm cf 21 1-2 It &pld that the 11.60 rate wOUId1 leasi possible aniount or extra cierk M IN REALTacres in Section 23 and 27 for lioml>ne ot gtve It elght per cent which the b ire' al considration. John A. Brixen aold commssion aid lit ougbt ta bave.____ _____ mînu ~ 10i acres to Sarah and Roy Geflufg:. Judge Demcy made a length>- ex- DUIf AST U . 2 acres te Edward J and Hazel planation of te commsstona or- Mia. Mar-Y-Michna. of Norti Chi. Brixen and 10 acres ta FanDis and der orf lut Deember and moved Cain. was fined $50 and cosa, In the Wiliarn Leniker inl S. W. 1 4 Sec. that the petition for iehearlîîg be COlifty courtbupon conviction of the to10 for nominal con.,ideration. denied. By unanimous vote the ce- charge of nianufacturlng Intoxleating 1. W. Barwell Takes Titie no J Warren- bearing WR15 denied. liquor. Part of Gradie Tract for the .Wiliam H.tbei*t Johunso'n bouglit he The conv iction of lira. Miclna foi- ild P ce farm of 151 acres in Sec ý ondth*i-n f nomain nh 1 Bre Club Al Spauldings Corner f ront.>Arthur Al~3 oun7cut.e SlaluofInora 'lin'ethéon ________for ifldcated $20000 TA lBOKS O IM ony or.Si:a otfm Jo Cuba-oae indicted at the December action MANY DEALS IN COUNTY Christ and Kýiie A. Sehunacher E fV W w v ethgrnJr. -bought the Pearl T. $tewart place in Rf1411 1 2________ Buiness of the Recordera 1' office N. W. 1-4 Sec. 2S for $1,800 and gave - for the week ending Februsry 5 192 back trust deed for $1800. William m m SU G L M AO&àmrI loy A. K. iiowes, Asst. Secretary Se- Tiîomfohrda bought hie Frick farin h a ooswl otb ed curity Titie and Trust Co. in Sers. 27 and 28 for $16640 and gave Tetabok iifoberayBE AR lZumber of Conveyanccs........ 94 back trust deed for $6000 for thie payînent o! taxes for about 2Number of Trust deeds and '.%ort- In Vernon- twa weeks, It Ivas annopneed today gages ...............1, John 0. Socerlein bought the John by County Treasurer Roy W. Bracit- P.uite cfchates.........~ George Spoerleln farm eof 120 acres er. The usa n9t's grace viii bo 0'tlNumber o ntuet îe nSc ad5 ofrc etdca..ed....iil1owed Inthe payment of personai .1a34me f ntumnsfie n es29ado2friniae. 1, property fai. and réeal estate tax can Total amount cf lbans ... Il 51486 77 In Wauconda- b adaytm ihntamnh Business has been fairy brisât the John Mlidor bouglit the Ni.lîolas without penalty. However. Trea- beDcos Tf-ZuSrvn fuluawing being the more important Nitolidor 3.acre itoN. W. 1-i S c. atiurer Brecher urges the early pay- X0DOOS TW*u eve deals. Vole fer tndicaied $4,000. ment of taxes as Il viii faiilitate 111 N. Geee St Wàuheaa. .JI In Waukegan- mattersa ail long the lins and vili 109 South Gensses Street. Waukegart Paik District bought the Kennedy place on West Stret for S10.u 00. John W. Barweli Trustes ton titie te pai, cf tlîeFanny Scales J <radle property adjoning the God 1 Fetllowahlp Club for nominal consider lot on Eust aide Phieppa Ave, forata.EmrW ytudbuh .Ltt okt i rhcS E 1 LAC I t A I, in.licated $1000 from 'Mary T. Rowan. DENY C. Little Norths aide Myrtle St. West Spriir,.fild, Mlk b. 10 (Speetai _____________________________ of Polar street for indicateti $2,000. te The Sun-Application of brakes In Lake Bluff- in the matter of increases ta Public, Raipli S. Scott and wife boult 40 t'tilities ConîpatIies lias been begîîn Having decided to quit farming the under- NieiaasOd ;lei fi,$300andve Utf ro iel COnmis0i aýoiidby signed will seil at Public Auction on the Dady & back trust deed for $1760, Governor Small. In Lakte Foret- With four of five nienibeis of the Docker Farm situated one-haif mile west of Gur- Trustees of fricaiiM, . EChurh nwcoelainsit0g ndao nee on Grtand avenue, bouglit the Smith I lays properv on Judge Thomxas C. Demicy o!fte cld aouth side Illinois Ai e. east cf*Oak commissioni, vho viii continue ta act .&se.,fors~,oo.un til Congresrman Frank L. Smith In]lnr iglip ad- f n oiescommission, qualifie$, bhe conis- F day, Febi'iia y l8t bought titeJohn C. Borctaidt place on sion at a session Wedneaîbay evening A 23 .E morh ýde eweý nA e. or nd cateddenied lîwreases lin gas rates to theA 1:0 ,W noîtisid Lnvt nAse fr idîate Noruth SI tore Gas Comîpany of Waii- $2.500 aud gave bark trust deed for- keganoa ci Central Ilinois Liglt ~~~A $ of Peoria.zoulflg wl ubesod Io Hiîghltand Park- 0 li lithcaeoteNrhSoe s Maads Lauridsen and selle bcugh d h aeo HeNrl hr a 9 coipav, l Jdge eniy eplaned5 Horses; 16 Head of Catt.le; Hay; Feed and- the Sarahi L. Shiltis'place on soutb conîpnt. Judgil en cyiseonpatthed aid Hghwodaveue eu o Ral-conpaîîy hîad been granted three In- Grain; Pr Maeb.nery and Implementa; Poultry va>. avenue for $6.000. lHelen K. creasea In its gas rates ince 1916. and Houzehold Gooda; and xnany Qther items too Vlgeant bought.thie Sidley place onlthie last being bin th latter part et eust aide Linden Ave. aouh Of icas December. vhen hails rate vas numerous to mention. 'Ave, for $14,000. Iîîcreased ta $1.60. In Graylake- - This was leas thota he company______________________________ John Axel Selberg et al bougit thie had asked for-, and fi flled petitiefi Coulson place on euat aide Sînsser St. for rehearing. for 83.00 a"d gave batik trust deed for in bts petîtion for ritearlîg the* Ternis u usual. 02,600. cempany siated that the Publie ln Atbocb Vilage- Utilittes Commission in its Isat or -____________________________ Edgar B. Williams tîought 1-2 Il- der hdd aabd that il theught thte cenl- tereat in the Muiliains propert> on pany sheîld have a rate suffIcient ýweat ide Foi River lload fer lad ca- ta bring ln elghtI per cent on valu- -E U len $7,00015lbI acresf ieprpetywihtaxes'and PTr OlINSON,rop Nelui .ee ladbult4 ars The cempan>. in rehearing th- P- la N. W. 1-4 Sec. Si from Aiez IL. tition stated that the valuation eofI red Grabbe, Âuctioneer. Stewart for nominal eenidsration. it propert>. "as 82,450,000.. the William Pender bouglit the lohnson 5 anounts patd were $196,000 and &mu 1 F CHANDLER fRéàl Shoes at I Real Savinga- SHere, Men ana Wômen, - is the chance you have been Swaiting-for-Reduced prices on our Shoe. And wben you nee the ppnces at wliich we have 1nrmed you wili quickly realizi that the savinp are weII worth while. The. size range iii mot Styles jg complete go you wiâ be ahble . £eftt.d with our usual mae- fuinesàa andexactnea. Womnen's Black Calf Lace Shoeo pair at ...............................$57 Women's Brown Caif, Lace Shoes, 58 par at ................................. Women's Black Kid, Lace Shoes,$78 pair ut................................ . 8 Women's Black Kid, Lace Shoes,$87 pair at................. . 75 Mens Black Caif, Lace Shoes,$68 painr ut .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 6 8 Men's Brown Caif, Lace Shoes,$78 pair at ................................ 78 Men's Black Kid, La ce Shoes, $ 8 pair ut ...........................$ .% MensBlackCaif Shoes 68 pair ut ................ Men's Black or Brown Caif Shoes $ pair ut ............. . . . . Women'a Black Hole proof Slk $ 6 Hosery............. $1l6 Womnen's Felt Slîppers $ 7 pair ut ..............$17 0D iWde &-Whyte LIBERTY SIX SALES LUX AUTO 228 N. Genesee Street, Waukegan -Sce these four -high ýèà 1c-q cnqat the Automobile -Shol** 17-18-19 at the ArmoryWV aukegan CLEVELAND - - uary Go* Phone 251 DO'GE LOUIS (iEAR LAIE ZU UNDE Proprietor of Soi HeId in $2,00( SELLING B00d The fur reâchiing ,Suîd ils enfoirceinent tcrîtey A. -V. Sîniit: unaceful sillage cf wîien lia hand clop for'mer saloon Icelîr lor of a scIt di ink grasp. AIl titis iook plac 0000 swltn Cünýtat H icks and Deibert ealoîly te Gear-ys Plh Ie taire an "inventi Placing seorne sailî bringlng tbem to W lysin. se States Att determine vbether 1 quired amount of atroag eeagainat Oeary vas flotif i niorning where lie w $2,000 bondit pendlng The asreat of Geai Stale's Attorney la Cie et aclivities lu tnforce tbe law. LSAÀVES.FATN SISTER AI YEARS Il 4 tier six )eas,at t Paî'-nts and ststCr )lil' of 'uav in du-sa Samutl (flas8. Soiti nie rchan t atla ,tlias hi" faiher and sistF In, Waukegan Niond: ther, howeVer. bavat Privations and cetd a from thtl,rhome in ahan. whtch vas luWic German invadeus. Ille father. Lfilh C old and lit s alter, Id Quit Home@ Soon after te bei with Gernan>., Lth Ruasian terrîtor>. uDt emy country-, was in Kurahan, being fired notice baid been gî, Chiurcbey. synagogue thîng waa laid! la former occupants i point cen miles awi The Germaine took en ou@ ide of lte ri te Russan amaly de The Glaa fsnily, fiee in aucb great bai à fev boaves of brei Sgreati>. trom cold anc refugees being comp bread and potatcea f ,The expoeure i nient uesulted In Il We offer' the Public a uine of proven cars, each in its class- unequaled iýn quality and appointmetits; at .prîces to suit everyone. CASH, TERMS OR TRADE