Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Feb 1921, p. 11

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LtkWiât 1 VVI IEflIi7L'Lhi'ilIltUfl RIM~DAIRV l10164 Gls.. She'vas 40 yetra oid. MARY LOUISOEAR Of thers periahed. LO IS(EA Y FAter the G:rmans took u h e LAIE ZURIHIS cpnyo usa n osrce they could for the hometesq refugees. UNDER ARREST One Persoui an tclr D ud -interest 1b the GlaI5s famaly atter Iear~nng of their xlglt aqistie rroprietor of Sof t Drink farlor wanderingaa, and had llîinî plared ila HeId in $2,000, Aller Raid a horne in ai nearby-cily, Saveli la on His Place Iplace from wtj saane j. 1iiîirnerg oftIis 'iliir rriétions esen in Savel wer SELLING BOOZ-E, CHARGE asaany as raa.atially ail industriaes' The tell, aud alto beauge lthe Ltb 'anians Tefar reârhbng ai-m or the law &ided the i kianuans and Polulah cf- ,,Id Utn enforicernent agent states et- ugeefi Who same ta Lithuania. lrtyA. _V. Siî ithfi upen tha' Antlciiaatini-thie hardsbips of lbis Peaccful illage of Lake- Zurich and people the WattkegaU merchant i-. wlaen ila haind cloac-d, Louis Gýeai-y, temPîed tu get. word and moaney ta former saloon lec..Of lace Proprie- tîtei but Of course wis unable t0 do lo- as aol d lob le r, waq in JlIs $ t unli he mails made il jpossible gîaep. a lutile more tltin a year ago. lven Ail tiis look Place Tueaday after- tMen lie iad many difficultiéti wha-n lie ri0o0 wltn cüntablea Clarence E. aiternpted to get paàipportae lai-Ili.- Hicks and Ijeibert A. W~ele wCft fallier and sister. salmly ho Gear-ys Place And Pracecded Maton Takes a Hand l0 take An "inventer.' f the stock, 7l.Gasdrae is a u Placing sanie sainjies In botties and bMnr. hs ie d k indn a l Citneta- bringlng tena W Waukegan for ana. atuner La c leY..%Iaison of! Wsulaagan, lysin. ne States Atofey Smith caD he prubably 1woiitd liaic failed ta get deermine wlietber îiîey bave the ie- passaports asÀI Alan suli reîaaally quired amolint afikte allak bad refused luegoana ftac requiet. stran& eue aMait Geai-y. 1 a isioerMaon took up ibe Geai-y was ntif icalte appear In mailler in Washington, chere officiais Justice Leu F. Farineras court thisr got in toucb. ..-lii the Consul at Riga inoruing wbero he was releapeal under wlo finally signed thaePasisport. $2,000 bonds pendlng bis bearîng. 1 1r. iJia-s hald nat seen bis relativesý The aarest of Geai-y shows that the in 1 -.r; having cosne tolIbis coun- Statç's3 Attorney in cidening is cr- try, lit iliat timae. ,le bas bo-n in ticIe faties l ai cînain aaukegan 133 years. They wil make cula-cetho ac.tlr br 0e cath hlm nt 215 Oak srelt SAVES FATIIER AND MRS. O. LEIHMANN SISTER AFTER SIX ASKS COURT FOR rien, been drces ich we ilete &0 dl care- '75 .85 .75 .85 YEARS IIARDSJIIPS. 4tier six )-eai",attempîs t10 'alvPlis piînta andl si-ilêr froîn the liaardl- slai" of c-at in des atitcd L.aîlaaaaaîaa, be.m-ageti->ay i tht ci-a c laut7in14 Samuel flaas, Southl ,cnc-sce tifet mrichant at lai-I bas uai tiy auceeded. bis faher snd ider ariuing saftey in Waukcgan Niondy' naght; hie nai-f ther, however. Itavang auccaitabcd to Privations and raid atter belfg dilsanf fi-umithteur honme in th it,-iy iof Kur- ahan, which was laid Aiies la y theaf German lnvadeiat. Ilis faîher, 1.Pih Glas.s, la 70 veai s oid and bis &lister, Ida Glass, la 26. Quit Home@ In Haur 1 Sof aller the beginlng of the warà witb Gerinany, Lthunia. wblcb waa Russian erritory andl adjoined the tan- emy country>, was inadeal. thei- Cty, Kuralian. being fireda aler ane houro notire bail been gasen ta evacuate. (7burchet. synagogues, boUses. everS'- ting was laid la ruinai, w bile the former ocupants watched f ront a poinît an miles aaway. The Germna»s bok up Iliir poition en anc ide of the river, Venta wblie tlie Russian amy defended the other. The Gana fssniy was cosopelleal ta fiee ln surI greal baste tbey 100k anly a few boaves af biead. Thcy suffereal greatiy from coid and lait of food, thej refugees bcbg rompelleal to live apon bread andl potatoea for week. ,The exposure anal undernyturish- ment utsulacalIn the deaai ofir%. la congre». t Ib tis reduction lie made lmmedlaiely wiil be carrisai ouI, M'heu the order daes corne Ibru, if it dope, the personnel of the Gr-eat Lalies station wJll havebeen redîia'ea con- .iderably. NO reasonahie aequasa fol,(di~ lhiiscourse as nol sufficient o parîe the personnel down ta requirco quota other mens wili b adopted. Officers aerlîne 10 lredict liow ini-h ofaalie durtuan î-ii le imade an [la' ire>- toi ce. t the saine tinie a coniý1abi Iîe niunber of civilians bin ie a!ta iail tor-ae, principaiiy girls. have aai -i ' notice thyat thtr service.9 wil aab" n.irJvu natt rUu a"ii;,, ENLISTED PION- NEL AT STATION IS BEIN6I REDUCED Hundreds Have Been Released in Last Two Weeks; Per- haps Many to-Go Yet, MANY CIVILIANS OUI IN FEB. Tia' ttsi lPi rýOnnel of t-lie iGeat Aulhoities at the satioa a-"r I7akeat Ilailal tiaiflng station bas beep thllat hese orders do flot afffi itilaiaia dt-creas-,-l b, taccral hundred men S'alai are uOder civil setrvice t,-% iltue durithale ait fortnigbt and presprnt ai iîaing passed the re-quît-c! c1 xain lnlicitiiana, art- that stili greater In- inaîlon, but tatsfin moe--y iliose roads wil bi- made on thie àataions wlo are serving under teinparaaay ai,- lircieht.quta af 11000 mten lanthe ioiitints andi wha have na ainali- %ciy uiesi future, lied undler civil service. Ti a, i-c- il is explined by leading authori- trenchment bas been founaifn- - -iary ticS ai lie station that by special as a ipsitit of bavlng Io gel alang on favor diacargeg are being granted a minasiier appropriatioi ttian aaraaibe faeeiy an enlitedi imeni 'ho reuluetat neca--ar 'o keep the (ntite i(a - han thein andl can offer a good excuse. fot-a e umlii the end of te fis' a] Trhis course on the part of the sa-- - tion authorities lit in anticipation or The 1.- vtabIs. lhe expected rediet ion of theg-nllsted personnel of the 1'. S. Navy tu 100,- If ttiic5 5taiy uisit alevk ie lëit 000 men tram its i-esent statusa a oura6nman itls ikeiyltu - cp out of 13700(). Beief peaiai tthe ns-.. when ble .f'Wt YOu luIL are's'airbg val station that th eamnaindooi--Kansas Cla Star. rec-rute-atio druggist for, and insisted on -j ,,, baving, the genuine Golden Medical Discovery put up by Dr. Pierce over 50 yeaxs ago. lYresa bas changed very much since then! But Dr. Pierce's medicines contain the ssme dependable ingrdenta. They are standard today just as theY were fifty years &go and neyer cont.ained alcohol. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the tomâch and blood cuinot be uurpassed Iy any tonic and alteirative todaY. When yu féel "SUi out of mrts-YOur vi- taUity st & low ebb-the blood become. sur- chupid wlth pomons! Tne bouttomec le c.d Dr. Piuoe'sGolIdmn )&MIclDIoVerY. It puts vim, vigor, vitality into the. blood. Try ii ARl druit. IÀquid or tablto Special Sales Tomorrow in the BARGAIN 13ASEMENT STORE Basement Basement _____ _- ~ e~çtStore on the 1*rth Shoe'd Mia he 'il-s i licIttheBagaîinBasalw .îS-ore a Mtos- t iiiîa atli tîilsemofeV s;t' - 4ra.ï. WbliI- niiîh (of tctah e t-dia uali S 'kin - ud-,il the imipera-fetionis arva-il vua ysli glt-iii li) ai iy g ioitiiiîthie W".AlIiig qtiahe am~afa il ia>PMI am re Mel Mmaue laigli am as onae inu certain ici itithroliighollt tthis ta i . roTaselhect fi-anti h-v ,-eaoowlltat-, i-a ,url, to biig. Pillow Cases. Bleacheb and Haif 18leached - 43a36 MWcarweti Ca"ss 'Pli-et' quali!'y taild5a fl"'. 9 tlertul allite a1a ci-ad ...- 29c Womenla Purses and Bags, 79- Top anad back strap purses, made -witb renter anal extra packets. Alan banld bags. SaMIi-le fines, 79c Haîr and l Cath es Braishes Priced 25c to 50c -Made oaf gond quaaity Pai'ed hum S .25c la50c Tooth Brusiaca. Speceai at 10- Muile cf wlitte tat-tS i[d'ulrota-a ed taonç,and nai«tf-,-fi h lta S~a.-Ir -'a; lo Womnen's Ernb.-oadea-ed Handker- chiefs waala nta-si - a raaroida' il ', aincLitea ad, of int Mens Jumpers and Overas- Madt,- ,oi-r li la înaa, in all 1 il'ai' an.. -i Remnants of Cotton Goods These IBeninaîla.a of Ci 'ttou goodisas-e in méat detiir- ablle w eaves and patterns~. Ail are in usi-aide lengths aud inaîr ua be cLas ante. 'nie'-ai-e îriced at mut-h leas t ha n onit e l 1 orgE i i i -y pai vfoi- <o ual quality. At l2ý,ic Yard-Aiet' emnnis anal shoit icngah i of3i)inch Cre- tonnes ln prcetty patl-rns and colors, 2. inchl ining, loati-oa'tS finisheal At 19c Yard-Aie Robe CItih. peia rae,('niartr ltie, ail aie of fine quatit. Cou-ual % alatcs, Boya' Blouses, Splpusdid Values- 7,1d al-or ptaian blitte caruabray anil - laaa i ar ng an aiaak corliaght Iawn.A tbag atua- 98 Chidrens Gangham Dresse*, Sazes 2 ta 6, of 110e gcanal] aaai In prella jaaitaan(il aotaa amanbanalitons'a an'a. .(' $1.49 Save on Hosiery Here livling tlie îîutîaaiiialiow 1u-h-î-s ou ioaiery for mien, woîneii an:d ci did ili this ai laiaeuîIlit.or. Thosie spi a i ivn' îed are. Mens ,Liste Home, 15c pair, 2 for 25c -Black or bracn, slaght substafla- sais. Special aI 15e pair; 2 pair for._ ý. ..... C,2 Women'a Sabk Boal Hase, 5fc Pair- Black or Cotdosan, Liste uppers, sllitly imperfeçt. Spciciai O at, Boys' Heavy Rabbed, Blackt Hase, 39C p&ir-A coi-y unusual value. Maeta stand Iard ceai-. 39c Pair------------------. B3oys' Heavy Rabbed Hase, Speciat 19c pair-A fornier-35c value. Blacrk anly. A good wearang -19 hace, pair.. .. '4' 9 Womense Pure Thread Silk Home, $1.00 pait-nb lac-k ai coi-do' afi Tbey are- made - n-Oh tîie top. Sîbstandarai-pair $1.00 A'amen's ,Mercerized Lisle Home 39c pair-Fine ribbed. Iliari andl rofois, a vet> fine quail> .39 Subshandai-te..... 9 At 25c Yrd-Arie remnalils snal short he-fgihs ot fine chaMbra' s andl gingiainis an pretty îqaJIa-a st-ipes and rheackaaFianneleltes In floral di-sign.. At 35c Yard Ai Cotton PlaVIp 1kii-ting,. q aamatan Mati'i l "Stiilaa ia-aiii taerlals anad linene. Chidrena Cover-ati Aprons, 50z- Made of fin- ýaile ginghana' a .--raali l -aaetUill fin- O 'ted 1-...... 12 . Heavy Ouin Fiainnel, 19c Yard- 2i incia uiaan; ;n îtaîk or tigha Pa!* aarns. A 2aialiias- inoh better itan a hata u-aIiia 'ul attliis pi-,i . 19C VWte GooÔs, Short Lengths, 25C Yard-A Iia' electiOn Of lina I.* wvs wuahie-oodaiis, ruitînhe for nayues. Ctaoace ai, 5 40 Inch colton Voiles, 39c Yard- ticautafail laitarn for niai-g cpilIag dresses, atiglialy inaperferi. worib t0 $1.501 *sarit, ait39 yatd-----------------..39 Cheviot Bhitings andl Chamilràys,, lg-Plain blue cbambi-ay andI cheviot shirtings in neat âtrIPfýi. 30> to 32 ina-ha s vide, 1 c yat-d-------------.. 19 Large Turkish Towels aItSWC- Plaln whire. Heavy. absorbent quallv. A big vainueOc Huck Toweis, 25c-Pure white, closciy coen catton buck.25 qp 'ciel ai ...- ......25 sa mo mo o n n @aBn en-aaaMB.unaaa al B gaaana aaaaa AT lE Y' AUKEGAN Three Big Days--o=Féeý.17, 18, 19 to see the new models Pritch'ard's O rchestra Wil Play During Intermissions - M M M s. E * M M E u M M w. Auspices Waukegan Automotive Dealers Association Doors Open at 12 o'clock noon * J 'W- $1,800, À MONTI! M Ë. ( a- ' M.i il ii , f»ne lit uto ()[Io W. aaaa iiLaga and LakeV;I:a ],as Iiiaait? aaatln Ch Waago against lan an haele lp it low *ance oft1ilF-lr daigh t c . Cac-i e 'aIl gatI.ixar-ra'cafli a$'îoa mona"t Io) $1,20. The p-i" on anales iar $ý0i0 aliowaance aioc-a 1101 i-mat.Ile naother tu gie Il,'- da agi'rr te'loin fortas hle liasin tahe taliaeal'mhome wlaîçh 'he eal.-i ao Wa-e lin cfIera e -. l t. The decît" graintc-d Mraa. 1Letuîann tarovided $104O a Inonth for heaa-(I' and $-10() for, tae dauglater. Th1 e dc-crte forcaci-re-rpaans Mrlî. Lehlman from asklng an increaLe foi litai-self. but litsayS notiang about bli daughter'a ailow afce, Attorney 'Ben jamljs lacbrarh. reprpsentine. Mla Lehmaann aaid. M aq 2, 1 riuiwupkl, k-hutsu'Aux lu, mil 7a il UT 1- UTO sýHO ,EG, a a n'a 3.3 a il-1

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