a. Witteu Be $ a for * m ra IE Tle ethsl pedi reat value ai, -um CLU Uineh ctiels ai% Salut>' id ereled, Table Dawxsai. Hl<lovez lu al p e. Colore. $1,> at ... ... - .. . li y Ail aizm WNEZ PANTS ia fane>' sStrong>' iadet fa<'stripes MIGT <)WM< ai ?ni> aie. at..f Siam 15, 14 a:SI afIn kitterm and colors. -W UIITS e birLai wtth collars ai- 1ractve . $1 d fleeme lineS S nS whbite. A Dollar.$ me ligvehthsouba ain -a t .. ......$ Oone no patterm. and or Tbmraday, ibars, of fasioÙa Aurarlca Bugiy on; -,4 tat cg licen nser a"d 2 o- Pure white Cotten; BW 1-5 MEAfL WOUtM.. tm a.arlons leatend te m bnt in tiie Criminal court of Cook count>'. is To-ffeu *lght« FORre dea nsbiane. two #t least Is FOR veno the. border lino .of lliâitity and the alier four veresflot reportait., WÂI1K~&AN - ne declktai ton vas made ai a ban. VYfWWW~ô é)MFÂisauirai huadrai attguey»anail quel tendefed off icrnof the bar asso- scor of JM400, et tb. mop l d eltions vbicb Ara members et the Count>'cour%. uding a ez'.î federatlon 0o, bar aaociatiofla or the r Who Wa9MIoetd- Pthosa preglint *f eventli judicial district b>' tii.Aw LISP SWtoWred F.-- popey o as iaeaternaofIllklu Ia vaa ý.*Aaoo m S«e D PoM atersbanquet baillal OU bMly Wom jC = tý. i .eratio et Local 'the City' Hall Square building. Bar Aasoeiatiý obtà et faslWwpn. Dr. Hall urgeS the attemieys te puilb - herdDr. 10m WhltO, Rea. l- jthe adoption or an amenaient to the Tt -If laGE1 . u Ofet» et ie twùlity weaet insantit' tatut. vbich, vould 0*joom qb aob tdeprv4ahere . an ent fbs 11fSiS ftlin.P gS n a <iepitala for theisane of thé rigit of puis tVient. waU 1 1 . S it s a t ntii achincaPg atientsaiattheir ovn dia- ! la am wuehet r mtI Ma liIs."j~1rt. %be iirecevotd nd uaba di, plans e tra tatse ta y> i'_______________________ a* lea tii ve i". fLya UMMat ~~dimnoPuO4»Teralni, . agb r«,4 &at are mar4. i . , Fo' Goodness. tte te o r % w eU mbai Y",Te.for "goodus.ale" you-uh ould iake tti ajiSlrUaur@vryar gOeJ RUu MM, Vlumet -ba beau verking ai iéloDetof r. Artiie T. Nrtth.£Of glit &teaVa^s-. Sie diaaeurd ýh«îsOOf bave tur chidres. Bar Xolr, écéd il. Beulali. 4. bains At the Ïb hi orne etbor grandrnetir. ira. SVinoctt, auraie. and Veina. aged ta~ itb ira.William Nyora, at -, ' aoty rhngh le .l ~rwseVeT l MI onths lait aummer Vincelit vas empleyid ln the hal Feidtlare, Chicago. h vas lii.vj ie h.va.louait late Fni. 4a>' anS tales te the bospitai. worry iP bellale te lie the. cause of ba coodition. prietida d"lre lira. vincent bas ao réeson for belfin froi lo.reiNie te Waulegann, a; abe tated saurda>'. several of ber Wanlegaii friends have declared that ahe eas ,,ber homew.i.jh hem. The>' re- gaSler as a fine y-oung woinan vIn> baa ba" more <lan ber ehare of liard #ueL __ __ _ p ràým.lZelééanddaubier Hele n 11Wa Se7 et Chisani viaied friends o Cityciiand Waukegnfl over the lWpk and. TuXila ý e.ll bas returseStebe base e la <ita City ater sening a empte oÈ veela iii 'ber on Pronse Agi or esU fWauconda, formerli lra, àom . J.Nelson i.nnl auglter wlo er. vitrala (Chicago t-j ias Adelalde ýaIl of Twenty*aec- hi treet Wie bas houafiliat her 0e for svenat days is able te b. South aide Atletlc club 01 thia 1 l pay'the. Moffet Park teai gaine of biasket bail Tueaday athe bhiachooi gyM tn au. ~A eleeedingl>' enjoyable surprise iatpudered Mias Ingabor>' Stneed ~t evenlng st tihe omno f Mr. anS r». 1. L. iCma of Sixteenth treet., b onor of Mis» Streeds birthd&. b.out. twenty of lhe Intimate f riends anteAtives of Norhi Chicago and lukegan atiended. A very enjo>' * lei eveniar vas spent iv ail present. Inuging inri etging. dancing and Saint1 re!regbfleflts. Msa Streed ne- relveS many iteautifulKilits. Mrs. A. Ruth of Coimmonwvelthb aI sune is able to lie out again atter sey- eral veelria iline9:at aiber homne vîth le-t 1fêter. SP ebe of Stanley' street, n officer oret attaes. siteS nt the stationi ~pital laie gaturday, eveuiiig. alter 11extended t§Unes'af!about three nthg. The. local inonda extend £Ir svmjpatîiy to Mrs. Debe ini lier iZevnet. Oficera main the naval Uon wili have charge of the funenal, Icrie. 1fr. Bebe waà ln theservice pieaxten ycars. hilila *arie Blurke rturiied to Chi- o5g -ater spsdiflS several days villi ftlemda and relatives la tis City'. , lnr anS Mns. 1. Lucas of South Park avenue entertained a number of their Iendsa t a boum. part>' Sundo>' sen- at their home. A very enjoyabie losg waa reported b> althe guesia . oelvisiteS at the borne tf Don Smart o!f.&ntioch on Sunda>'. ~econdition of-Mfr. Smart vi lias aue filIfor sie m ta. ii aeepips ttkses laalightly improvesi. lianT M. Cohen of Harvey', ULi; call- cd an trjends la ttasciiy ioda>. lira. A . T Jextor gave a ver>' Inter- i t al brai evliinh at the Sunday e' -n club meeting ai t be Presby. ebureh. The subjeci of ber qgu "Hov We May Makete t o Oui Livea." imn . a belesglugto the Amenlean or vie abould lie a member. vileS te plair baket bal at the torlin ymnpiim iis eveulag. ~~tti #NetS>. bas reamed liolk nt hW* au'aPlumbilg- aftea veee vacÎlion ired D»eewva'a Chicago visiter ~lien are von. .nlIngs <han iot*g ,Ly eu. ca n5 get I. i ad agaîn; but beQ~y% " go bonlrupt m,.ane amnd teatffl t you are of ll' 't» laity en rtsend Stock salesj Nf1TlCMlÇlTIST. WAUKEGAN 4t. TH4URPAY. FUlýBRUARY 17.,1921 Aoeî.. 4...4er. Acetie ether lx more general» inw Os ncetileester. IltW an ester ot acetie avId. espretly thje ethylester or qq Ilyl acetaie, a coloriesi lqufti of serüe- able odor. Tihe eroma et vineg:ar le PatrU.y due te lia presence. Avetic es- ter'la ohtnlned iW>'the action cornietal- union of acette ReidS and1*rdlntry ai- cobot. Acetle uel a the sotir prinei- pie of î'llegnr, onacintS coupoý3ed cI]-m- Icaly et carbor., hydrogen and x gm Thea ctelar VUlveaa. The stelar unly@rs bas a tnci greunil of pearlr White. and astrono gamt are guemiflavbeeMathie 8m- niering abroud la Readhe OC udrilliOn-1 e« aunaor vh.ther tii unimeiela . ersila eW u l mtt. Sake! 7 store your buying head- Unhform goodues. of ail merchan dise sold by titis store la the bynote of iti sScel. Pricos aue on a love! with or below those qj-OtOd eIswhere for goods of louser ment. Pirsung ur -usual custom we o ff or the f ollowing: - Bloomers SiIk He-se - Girs Hms Day- Leaders Women's ankle lengt, good qualitY sateen bloomers in black or colons, - Dollar Day Special, eaeh,$1.-, Women's silk hose in black or bnown with goôd length silk.boot. They were $1.75. Dollar Day, per p4!, $1. Girls' fine ribbed coinbed yarn cotton stockings, aur most .popular- selling numbér that has been 5kc and 59c. m-f Very special for Dollar Day, 3-pairs for $1. Our very best boy's black stockings in ]BOY's Hose heavy weight fine or coarse db, 75e values at2 pis for Si. - The f amous long - wearing, SHAW- XnkimWg~ soxal black «. white foot, ,M en ()X medium weight; also extra heavyý 3 pair for $1. Extra large and heavy fancy Turkish To we is Towels,- sof t and absorbent quarity- were 98c. Dollar Day at 2 for $1. The genuine Stevens make, ail pure line cash towel'kg, In the unbleach- L inen Crashed "lor pecial Dollar Day 3 yards Our finest quality women's merceriz- Liie 1-ose ed lisle hose ini black or white. Regu-, larly 98c. Dollar Day at 2pairs for $1. Finest $1.25 and $1.50 women's Cham- U lov oisuede Gloves. Ail colors. Broken -G 0ve s lines and sizes.- Dollar Day 'at per pair, $1. Women's bleached white fleece lined osuits, i ankle length with long Û inS tsor short sevs.pca olrDy Uno utu'nseee.SeilDlaDa at $1. Tiny Tot, ail pure Australion wooli- Baby Vestsfants. Yeats i the Rubens' fold Pe style. AHl sjzs, Dollar Day, ac 1. Kleinert's Pure Gum Rubber Diapèrs Dia pet s for infants. MelMedim and large. Dollar Day -Specia at'4 for Si. 'FeaU silk hafrbow iribbons. Chokce He&,.Bows of -any Of our new Spring patterns I 49e and,69c gradési 2 1-2 yads for $1. Specialat $ one lot of dress goods that sold up to $3.00 a-yarde, consisting of wool batistes, serges, plaids, etc.- 19, mtIIBcaalG. Ds1*e C"-Go POT ROAST LAM'BCHOPS YEAL ROgT lZBRELWAST' BACN 15c SALT PÔRKME ~, PA. DOLLAR VALUES at CARNEYS ARý.e SUPRfE PWies alreay heavily.-reduced on ail limes, are disregard- cd for DoUlaa Day, and broken lots of Ma& and Furnish- ings are offered at a uniférmn price of $1.9G - ato wort h fromn one to ten tines this amount. Tis offer in- cludes ail standard limes, and as few of the many bargains can bé listed here, be assured that al items we offer are. of equal advantage to the pu rchager. WOMEN'S PURE SILK HOSIERY- C losiuî out ouî* stock of Wonitfs SiIk Rose. Black and Cor- $ doviîiî iii plain and fancy. V'alues ý3.QO Dollar Day cttects. Special Dollar Day. el $ .00 vhc2 pair foi--....... MEN'S HOSE 5 PAIR $1 Regiar "Oc value. $1 Dollar Daý-5 pair -.-...... ........ Caps. values toK$.0 3 for.. ..................... $ Meîî's Swveaters3 0 Vra1tte to $8 .......................3 5 Valtiîcs to ,4 ................ . ti MENS UNDERWEÂR Mcfditiniweight Union Suits in white and ecru. Valueés to $141 f Dollar )ay at ................. BOP? COLLAS 4 FOR $1 Take your choice of our regular .35c. Soft Cojiars, ail sizes. $ Special4for....... MENS BUITS $2750 Regular $40 and $W0values ini Me ns snappy Suits; in broïwn, green, bine ad fancy mixtures. 2 7.509 $40 to $."0 Values ........... MEN'S SHIRTS $1.00 oFF $2 Men s Tics $ A t ...... ............... Men's Handker.chiefs 100 dozen Men's White Handker- chiefs; regular 1 5c values 0 Dollar Day, 1 dozen .I- ICHICG ARE SP E-CI1A L 41 POUS DRRI BUTIEIN s $1.uO 12 OUND FRFH'HUEBUR STEAK $.4 10-LBS. FRFSH .COUNTRYSTYLESAUSAGE $1- 12 LBS, SIVEFI CURECORNE)BEF $I.W1 71 POUDSBFST RENDEREI) LARD $1. 6 POUNDS NATIVE STEER BEFF STEAK, $1.00 -1 1 ii. ý qpl . 131en's F(ýltHats ill- «