'q'ILL. MOýnDAYi<FE"RU-iny 21,. lm~ EAA 's HISTORY ck f ioes,P ieeds ti loT. ati onice.-taý f the se y justl rk ôftIl ck isqe t the Hart chaffner & MarxSuits and arn ishings11, everything '--goeso sale.. 1Feb~~2nd 'dock nai just as they were You select what you Every dollar now Sale. continues until Lhaif. Early buyers 1. of the bargains. ler &Max Clothes, THIS WEEK-11 BoyS' Su its, Overcoats and furnishings now at -Haif Pr'ce Here's theoprtiy you' ve been waitilng for to get boys' clothes at prices flot onl y below wholesale cost, but be- low cost for the next* season Hundreds of fine suits- qnd overcoats, many of- them» made by Hart.Schaffner & Marx; Sp'lendid Mackinaws;.fine shirts, und"erwear, ties, shoes, stockings You'll save just haîf your money by buying everything your boy needs, not only now but for the future HatPrices -are Slashed There are thôusands of fine b ats- hère; velours, feltsI, cloth hiats, stiff hats, hats of every vairiety Eveiy. hat is 'one every well dressed man would le proud te w ear. We're selling them below cost of production or re- placement Just and saw corne in, pick out the hat you. want take it at haîf pÈnce; You' neyer such values Off ý , F ½ ffon Everytihng There's absolutely no restrictions to this sale. Underwear, hosiery, neckwear- everything-,that a man we ars, are being. sacrificed at haif price There's no use. trying to list althe hun- dreds of- bargains. Whatever you, want you'll finîd here, and- you'1l find it at just haif price Sale Star s at 10.o'lock- Sharp I = E .1 i.