1 l~PviJlll - INMNrKtNri-a ..* . .S -- >AY. _MARCIT 17, 1921 CTO FÂ&RM ~ T~ CAUSED FUENT NIÇS ON !U2 T AX FINE TU R 0 lf'i i~l Cv !,',T U SPL ~~~~~~~~~'" i TieinMny1 Vvl:c ~.2 rk WoWre Ex. 'Orit of Populction Haqs '_L~ ctd10Fl Been Turned Ic'u dRpot M NGE Slf-'CE ES" "A. ISSUED NOW loi ~ ~ ~ e n i ' r fl-Ili of!1 i ' tt , arrli' t-f 'sa., n *Wderr' it i. artnti e moi, JCOOit e I ari l'iitine t'.îa lil ail h ýpres a. aar werer bastri' ttrhr' i u rriirr" r n " tair urof front te rt in lt 'a'rru a rarîrc tii i,' , , e 'ai!P ico i Ig a f ar it n hie iril artr('lirainn. C '.'l ! 1;1 , il ia n t taxable. t. lite fataî-' ar ar r rfier ' 'a r -a Ëe tioa r , làrmwa ii ! rr- i i i r r'rlea' tiiair c teatin of rra iatit, r itl orai it 1 'ar1l "'ndiotheli '&flà'a, a ittra' lr he, i nniI l ra r t ii ' fa îeîdcnts, 40P"fulaiion 'f un' irriant"' dis.- tlira ftt,a' caihiarirni.rrrtel ' tr' r r n nt ir in.aîi irat Pltsise . ti'y.i v, liii-. yr.rrl 111-ia ~i a ai irr i i e fri(t 'a we tias aliin fi, , 1 îra:e trii rl!r r tra a'uî -r'trr ia rrarr i a ncd f.ile çlly in l're liai 111 a irl noaiaiilit t ri nir. a rr nr'ît Ir'î2r tia ecitiy (111ran19iPaliillîr nanti r t r incni a'araif ar ffllowin i tire a.ra - % r r. tr.jre ,triirr, frrr $,lump Turos Thiem te Fat-m r. à n n. r r: nd ar rrid r rl"%~anris cof farinci s ta iiilcîiar $-.000 ri oîdr..stt their filanlies carleIai' a ilci' ir ' I cfi i filles 'a' er a. for tira r a ri .ir'a'a'no tix ti mille bial.'a ' l\a ilac ,!ur:'i:, tht-i p_.'"son$ - èfl. in i ' t- ia 1t0icoin.i or aiV týir a', 'li I' l.. i nsi it i li'r ia r" i tr' r-r or fis.i;i i 7, 1,eairi ilalari aOlLe to N e as it- i. t he fl in i ,l t'a' lirarat a.i a il, A t-ini Ing tit i' Ir.' L t it a Il a -b I! Ij, h ni a d t io, woiiilr I Mries'no ie. -i 11t.ril narri in gt t aiiai ori rir r-alarr'lir i nii' Ro r'b or. and on, tara,' tetara n frai.aIl i [am- l r ina a tîr" ay Tu e :a"i'tt att a i I. -i i rt i i r -lfl rI'Peu a liv na rajnti a~' ci i l' d~aai ' rTal' r'r-11- 1,1 eiliier iinbatid or an an Iliiiirit exiletlca iat r' ia': lh ' 1' .' h 'a I:!, brire ti Sperce(nragai, tiurt t.ti i i r sr a raerh tlh aa arae e dW sales are now being mat'tiiiain'arI-arlltha' p rae en i.frorn lite clites as sgains aleî,îai tri cii;'lia, triai si of icoane ,i)o fat-niera, rtiln- i'r'ra.il3' l1. ruret aci inese- - Segan Late Last Fait lîa'itev tt ire 1iiiacaiie of busband Xbe 8-rt Check an t1 e z i i l",0a l a~ he roluininei net 411 nV aiènmber ôcrfl!,iai aiaii iravoa' W&, "aipPears frOn avaatabie ,[', Exemption& M'ot for Ait 1111111 bave conie lte ast fait, wiil Niai ei' ...Ir,1 I ra'nis entitied "Ughtenang Of indusiriat conditrins 1tait !:, . ir x arr.o.Thte aim iIouaequeni iaçk 0f enuployment in i., !irardenî utan wbetber man and Itlies. DI became 'increasingty ear a île lerir1%'a1riatotarrelhi'r 'aithin the tbia wtnter untit in February Ile iaianang of li,,revrienue sut. In lte ileenus toetave begun 1e floa'11 tir berrai'at a' trînucus re.ideri e t. ir way. l ai lier, a reia man Ori ornian fin Me çhane naiiunail' la moentnmark. ira9 ic a tir , ieor htîu"banai, depends Mg ltd v'linlty of ftle industrial cen triarili, tiir'~aiuieifcite separation. ii. February sales in New Eng I nararririýbte ablence of a Witte or t for Instance, hs;'ang increasea iniar'i.nd ai a '.i.rtoiuaon accout Mi than 200 lier cent over ttoare cf of aintr,. att-r nualîPremitide a dlaim ý'pr. titose in tie Middle Atlanticfo xanrtoI.f. iowea'er. lte bus- au bout 175 pier cent over'tait banid iNtunris and cc)ntinuously t. and lafinte steel canters and mari- ni is bsiro,' ai one place and the Maring districts cf te central west ailfe at anottiei. tht-r are neot living to- oezlmaîely 100 Per cent. getiier a'iiî uiierneaning of tbe fil- MM Enaland Loada Movement coule tax laits regardiess of their per- iewEàgan wa asonal relatro n case of"separatlon w England a ad te be leadinkt by mutiai agi Peltent each must zuaie re cunrà.nliebatitue'a re o f inconte of $1.000 or more. , ovement. Whiie té Increase Th@e sante aute alaîsies In Ciase of di- sgh'out te Uinited Siates'is an ex- vorce cir legal selaaêratîon. A matd or l f 80. per cent greater in Febru- widow notîIlle 1usd of a famity and thai for te saine period larit yealr. titout depenîtenîts is éntitled onty te r Egand'a farm salas ,hotw aurn- an $1.0ai4r1'noit-n MW of 200 pair cent due 1te ire lac' m.any fac'tor) Aoi'kers aito Itaîr' t thrown rOul cf cnîtilyni, nt or f~ JA f d to irnbmiatoeviage riaductaons, O WI5JIVU I liftthe cillesa and toiLs oaand;one tgellers] farring. dairyang, poultry E , Og raiBing and bee keeping ais D A NW U E las te ciativation 'or smail fruit. la taterestibg feature of lte situa- làat fi0llte 4,272 farans aolai Oniatat Pfau, 69 yeara oid passed ýYur. 1,1711Were dîi5osed, of an away Ibis morning at the home of r Ealand. more titan one-quarier is dauglter Mr.g. Carrne Breciteisen. heu te residents of chier stateai' 120 Editards streel. Mr. Pfau was go -f te 3,0farias sold in other born, Juir 12 1851 in Saxony Germaay 0& onty if'yseven buyrme ere liae narried Pauline Gescit. Juty 12. R Eaglaad People. 1872. Sevefl eblidren were born te terntof wbom Berthta and Max have srnce died. In additon to lte w ELFliti ' IJS w Mr,. Pfau teaves telb. owii fAILY COST 0F a TDE-NTS' FOOD AX days food at Blackburn college S'ery astudent lis requirrd tb leC"sîs ont>' 38 cents. sccording rtwsident W.. aH.u}tidson. Titis s JIl. h. eaid. berarîse te institu- Ihs no "iirp" to py or fed f m r , ssupplies cornes froan Îiéi domestuc Siene and agri- se are te salient fealurea of itru coltege, Ihere in aso an wle course. e"aelf-help" tdea itas ppit Ito tla 1913. ln 1912 te instituion *9 endowment of $107.000 and te Mte numbered thiry-five. only Of whomn dame f rom outside of Necotpin count>'. The endoit- t fond ai presenta atproimetes 0»0 snd the aludenla number 138, ueeting sixteen satles and four ýP Coittries. . ,le nol al wori and no play nt te bi; 'however. iit as expiained, as hatitution has football and base- tIssuad two literar>' sacietias. Tre:- ' 'e. eforeainîon i ".atarla-dwltlk ëgfflf seei l laed l hy a Mcli. It anlealoitary iit t(.irairtalîo, sias pers go, says te Ainerîcan For- Pl Magazine. l'liera'wirof arovri ii. ,Mçde ireps for tliair tt'itiillaai a laui pby coliear. lni s.sdiniit'ia-.',i'nrl n rw yeers itte opplressriveObarrei'aie,rs fl ýKôremn tIttîs irais broien lire 1'tb*çeby ltimrr.aCf ioxeider trocs- lt flte Amî'rienniisison tatiis. .&pirtuat A'arm Ciecks. isers, lîl.e siartn clocks, get et ther abuse for dotng Ilii Bpoft Numes City s.st bet ùéod amor aIote Dit mad M«" 1oflE.and t'hre «CRssI te ellliIren 'îNm USIla " 'Sbefl i~.,l Mrs. t"ariae lireciteisen of Wauke gan, Paaiane (l'lrk cf New York. Le- Waýs Pîsu aatd Nleta Brunner bolh of Chiicago. tIlrý and Mr%. Pfau restded on Lewis avenule, 'aukegan, for aline Y'OSs. For sonie limne past lite>' had liied at ite lreciteisen. Had Mr. Pfau ived and hie wife woiitd bave obnanîed titeir' fiftietit wedslilng an-1 niversar - a year from next July. I«. 'fau bad suffered a stioke of para- INsis cOnte tinte ago and bis heaitt, itad bren failing ever Rince. Men, Young Men and Boys WiIl Find, This Store Wel. l3quippeci tô Supply Iheir Clothing Needs lVow. Styles that are entire-ly une ommon, in a variety ample to allow the indulgence of personal preference, is one of the rnany advantages of coming here. Add to this the extra quality of fabrie and tailoring that is a basic principal of this store's.pol;ecy and y o u have a combination hard to surpass. So before deciding upon your Spring Clothes corne and inspeet our showings. a We are certain, you wiIl find values that wiil appeal to y ou both as to quality and pricel. -In Our Shoe Department you wil find a beautiful line of the latest styles Slip- pers,' Oxfords and Pumps f or M e n, Women.and Chil- dren, Waukegan'is Busy Store. Rernember otîr guaranre- ~ycur mncy baclc if yoýu ai e siot plcasrd iut eu'ry scay trith yolîr puîî'eliusG'. Forty Employes Strike at Farmers' Co-op MiIk Plant A.Jurora, Ilt..Mardi 15-Employen ai lte St. Mharies. DLi. milk Plant of the Farmers Co'operallire Marketing Comnpany wvent on ittrike toda>' and fariners wbo bad dniven ln vitit truck loatls of nîilk could not deliver lbe product. Thte plant laakes about 29.1 000 poutids daily. Thte mea on atrile number about forty and are tsklng 50 cents an heur. The>' have been getting 40. di. -j.oicoi ..1 exaertnleuts hav. hua ma a îew melbod for rpImtlpo hàlr upon bald béeu..Ttlbi IiOl 'ieund Uhal baldneaa neyer affecte cer- tain paras of lte bac o f t- hesd. Long juin stripsetf h&Lrc!'Miw ia cul f rom ltes. e irla may b at@ed upon lte baid amýen b fort' ow5. Ti,'ae fertile parts. n.'ieu brui1?d,en. tiret>' Cover lte batd iinca.-Brook7m Buttle. WE UNSUE GLZSU AGAINI BIUAGE i _ Tu -n Y /h êXif -'a,' ~IkQ -J i ~-1 trmainthre cri fia a11gli erri 1 raclice of law 'ne ont>' Po e; ir ietti tafi prr'sidenr'i'wBi Il f-a a'1 r rn Inthli'elar irîfir det, lie lefi t!JraUgèlihat lire lrreailrnt-elert. sa'riibi-i èniif Tie- uni' cat uirtfile <if t!' e isnet teit. in il cianest for thr ýiere ated front rii'.. Atai -V .niiy ito itu. Thte more utot 1.1cmaaliiiioiel tanif fueart he (bran dattaiiieil i metaîl ha' t1ant iaw on tit'e uh, penda'nt Pension àtnpieaen congt Llm ItIle etory, *rigfissted itti (et îttdnot rne Kress lok tiei ictlin the 'Nit DeRs. WIththie or>' plius!" lte fit lr n larrisot MrsI "tti'lolo * proprItions for * Ing to that uni the poputar prc torte'a: "Titis. fi tr>'." But lte ca enouagh t pay of lte MeKinle: That law wî meeks before 4 .Ions tn 189. bai] anythtng la *' excuse 10 mark ý pg vomen" re igier cost of a îverwheimed lh ulte bouse. STitat wus lthe greater potical dentlal electon went down unsd cor Cleveland. * 8kim Th Anaetîg oliier lhuvo lxix 'ade, liacsti-gbiing sei lte alun onlte ilormitll>' Wtint, a «e5nrv'Mi'aL i LIBERTYVII -1 -17. !NnirPrmnirNiýr r"lr tr%,,r% A on Our Ey JAM TU1E SEC( 11833-Augutit riacit, t Ohi'o. 1852-Gradua lege, O 1861.88-cele Civil 'A 1881-7-tin th4 ate. 1889--Marcit twaflty. V the. aot 1892- Defati 1901-March jamin 1 apoliq, B FJMI Cleveland ldrian, a t aasting giaaitî' ûr aMtO hailtc, .g clrir to tre nmai titn ('Iî vead W la ti14' tirv l H .iy . . si rr, i r." t tir td r lir'at vIý si>a iiil i a