MO~NSTER WIRE- TO WED DUK1r. BOUND 6UN IS HEIAVIEST MADE~ Sden-lnch Gun Novi Reing Mountied at .Watertown Ar- senal Beats them Alil is PRIDE OF THE SHOP, '. fivnof a new wir-b "In, "inmchiguni 11w e:ng .ene nIl 1 di.àpiIeaing catriage ai Waer i tM s.)rsaîentali lla areal even, j' ~ 'ntiear * v 'dîinnce 'rodunion. fer'. f rîon,'er rifle ith11e ae- gun -'-" -~~ !,il a'aenient fJ.,rmalle titli rare. f > "0e 'abei-n tiler sî\teen ite.,J 1.'-i ilîde foi-Ile lit T h. QOLADY8 DEACON4 * et,.t,,rî~r and ,.iflid,'r' Pirls reports aay that Mise r.tte, ofet gfteen linch jCladya Deacon. formiriy of Bon- 'eia.,' ai,( ) 02.în ,feiet ton. la to wed the Duke of Mari. l'el e .aot a diffîeleý ia,,-l boroughb. Who was divorced re- h'I re i o ia h- ý*, cotY bY (the former Ceisuelo rtf'su .',îor .. .î,î Vatiderbile. G. -ll ie L'o lui' il, illu ijl',lQi t IllîIý IN ÀLL TBIN(IS i:.I, w l (ýl ha> bt, n I!. i',' t !U~'.iug iin. aad IN PRESENT DAY a; ttti'il(.ut't1Wliia i tf -I (oliitu.w,li ie l 71-a C..r Ii i la nning eî'ai'] i c 1 a. n, _ fi. 'vi a I al. r" ,t:î hui 1a;. t, ' an 1e on'. , a'i înh d il ea ndi o ret, L. ,-xj-tbsrîxud t îe'erîr."'.'î ,,t j u..w iii" 'jol is Tue->ra '3 a t- 1 i !'! 1 i:nds hbuît, tt .1i d & ' I' "w 'n i iiern( t, ni n l i l i y iii .ui l l"'.. " ' e' th- C l'a f t p i an Ilt fi- d us I o a oi le gr.f 'î 1 r ik Tî:iee. ithri ti armesiý !o.'.!-t- i ;, t i ' u'. 'îi. - l v 1 i -X .au't ..u' In ' el1, li -n'. Ï:I.,(,'. -1 on, ", lý i. Ill ailil etu an Ia in,, ti- i- '1inelle' t' W' . e " Ot 't' :-r'.i-t' - i n I ,i ii %I. t"a Ii' op. 1fl ), i ' i zz" îI * ; wb eu!. la ' i l 1 i . ' ia I1lidn ! o:ntrnue :Contenipt-uf -t-i fî,îîîi~ii.i1111f Il' pîti' i i~ tt i * i r~~ i ' f.-,i, b in tu % .1, l' . n p 0ý i e'. tn t * r. t ' ! ikeglio, t iti lit f.- ' . 01'1 1'd ,,,' iif u;, n L tt " ct ft te ,-.rato, t i L k- ' I hol il i litI, i C i "t ' tîaiv I Ci- (t a a' 1 ' a Ae et .-r at d ue til), 'a a i n" î stîin '. O andl' n\ 'k~l. . 0ilnîl" Ful, n ll ',i'g,W .'n.ff.'u t'fma 2, '2 v '0 î it thît J i': a-J C t (.enr. i f,ii tiontha of, ' ie tl'i a-ro ti an Clin; i si rsu'>i.. tl%.n' f!ii i u. 5 > ' t'flt tri l l 1: CE i Ct'uital . - e d t lt.U %,l 111,>:' -, oft ' % a -ý : i n l l- lu ia la:.,t'an i Ut 1 tii 2, i 1 1 Ii, li,' Cl. lt-r MuGt-n, e o undcatie. i I m .t'utfs l h,,. t hua Ifn f -.1 :itir c. tu'.t-l. , 'fI . ,".1I. '* i'* - s 'i A 1u > : i , !i , t'1'11,,,":' ra t r M u t S o udtfsr 's loi e '11, --tolServe e Eggs Attractively *~S Nv MSý J.PEN~INGTiN' .î,uffed Eggs Wr t audlti ,'e \m'i xift *:,i rii w <ih e; ..if q antlty 'A -pt-. fe Iai or R îisfeî'ie i- 1' whifes and press'i.c i% t ogelh- or'.fleR uone tabii'vfîîon bititor s ubtiitute with i1 ltîap o uîr. mat untîf ufightte tirait r, tie l- t iue Cuptuf of tra. rîrd ititfo juit' ent .oli. unititi (k Potur Cie itit, 'ahîch hfieehin mp' irarin ini a bafmig dish andî serve. Siow to Fry an Egg PerfectlY FIr'.t 'ýtfod -P f h;f! a pni rit ef,îè off, fard or barf.' uter iiioa fîîiitg îî"tandi pîf ee over a g.î.d hre ',%'i.enIi t tb: i atthe egg *"îîtIintu 0 lit ilîut lirtkint ilii Veik. and i thi a wo,,,ifertspooOn ittirn bt htehe 'îifuir ti" yifk ie al to caar the c'jmi 311pIe'foIY iW'heii 'oîki'd. týIthfe fe gg oit wfttî a îiititiiti'r. .: t ûntri tffk Paper or a ii- fih fat, 't ta aiwa 'a' h tj la t) 1 ont ogg a, a tutu' Second tvetmof i-r '.011W cfi butter tln a fis in. i ,]i s'hpn it begîns t, hus a i'fg"r. ly into t three or Ilîr Pnge. e atM the >oik with a libife hittnf' but tar, andi cook tln a slow 0502 -nf.; two or threo minutes. Eggs Goldensod Remove the yolkoe from - titi belled eggs. suice the whtes an heat in Creant Sauce. serve 0 buttered toast land sprInkle wit e chppeti yolki. ci4 be4 boteaogus 1u aua Eggs for Dessert irf'glisfa ite )0',k9 Of lwa ux'ý1 wrýi fo; r o'iriîes of p'awdora'J sugar dîfufail witfa one joit fa.mli:n4 îîîilk trought to ths firý a th fîck"n withiiut boiflnrg. viuilfa. afînrtid-~i'.nIcon or orange Sweet Omelét mi, t'ije yofk.s of hra'v egsgrati. uifty wftlt six btteffOons 4 pow- dmred augar andi atir uuîtif Il ha coines inootti andi tigitt. Wtfsk 'lhe whites of six eggs te a etil! rtrotii andti mx with thte yoiks anti 1 the augar 1) tVais gentiv. but quickly, îtrii t'k!ng aa mailpart tf tla a-hile, frotti to b'gin wittî. i nBittor a diAfi andi sprinlife with kpowlered sagar. pour tli the t-tit itmâture in an oblong Sape andi lt prInkie with pawîleret s iugar andI k tCak in a. hot oven. Titis neltt tniy ta"' lat-oreti with aimonîls. liiituro015ons trafilla A Nacaroni and Chocse it- Aiet, extyou cook macaronit ji antd ateese, place a doien slrtps of 4i i)ai' in oser the top of lte dish Jiis'pultinti It intIhe ovan, am >'u wi I tuease the delicar.' o! Il . mny tites. ri Gatdevtng id To iirotvct vour tiails from ltae on sofitwfieti working In the garder, iti rul, a littho sta under the nafl4 baforo golng eut ho work, andi yen wtilnd It easy te, removo the turf wben you are titrougis. Make It a ta regular habit-lt Lis weli worti MAIZICH1 9,5Easter Sale of, Coats Suts nd $19.75 Is Now In Progress fitîi . l a tIl.Iritftttte jil lp ~ iiit 5'i r fh i't' t 'i fvitiîgli 1e- . tt a iti- I.1 Itf itiJil Spring 's Newest- Suits For -Easter PoP ulariy Priced at 19è,759 29.o75, $35, $45, & $85 !l;,ý Il i, a Ll f l' vý fo p l ief Co la l l, 11, ' i i,»fn wil )u ari i,- l-e alin New Displays for Easter- -silk blouses - skirts - hose-.gloves CHILDREN 'S. -coats and -dresses Beauitit llnt ajpearattce. extqui.tie in falrc and rroaaonabie in prico are the elab'. ctate etiaaibva cvaaa.rtierllem ermmeÈuted' Spring's New, Dresses5- In A Bewvildering Array oit Newo Styles 137- 1L 291~ 3915 & $55 'a. rt tti t'îff r i -- . i'a)t" i}î il t> '.'!-l. Easter- Coats & Wraps Gorgeously Embroidered, Rich Fabrics $1Oe75 11975 2 .50$13 9.50 $5 Ilhaill Co"ti if ou wantt teîior'ite ' wrai)i)y* afais . tl iludare 'ioi in a wt-le i ariery or ef thn sprîfg noveibica. ctaorgloui mboiei' trac.. utetigna on rvint dut;i'eY -0ilrar;'eva an-t V.'Iîyne wrapâ. Stiti ottieraof rattiAr briglit sairttear.- nîhIti'lwttc'-'bikpn* Orrili-tf tireaula. And titan the new lt-do, cape.,1'ctited anl t'.'.a! trinr ci- i rashould lie riictn'loned roo. Easter Miliinery- In the Season's Hiandsomest New Modes Very A tiractively Prieed Mfiifaer>', tihe crowafng4 titýe dltpays, for Spring 19 Vensttan Tricorn.velled W ;ance of Iovely Iwoman's b0au.ty waî never go weii repra-eented at8 in Hore ta a featuro collection ropile witln mrations are pn ietlaea Hat* witb the iovely coloreand~t piquant illo d" ;4 e - ail Rmn .am oul& <tg~tes id. \ OLUME XXLX. SEN» ME 1 "PEN" B1 MY BROI Judge Ed*ward1ý Appeal Mac Confesse i,toltLai-die. aHt %V' ikcg-uin t"ri1llî " i i lim l't i.e fh l1ti' -d cr te toi t., r'..'i"'t'f -' ld t b I br tiaI. a"t - ii t w ii -oo tor 't'n e wa'. houuded lice. being, arres v ery tilDe a crit -'le said ha' was anotbet' and '.i'.rd as a coitv 'Aould have la q >tauld the expres whiwlî 'liawatt g W tiltfo vtieid tii! career thatl i Other Ct 'tadrew Toney, ;!,ade-d guilty la iI frottathe MoÈ '.ntehced tb set -ars in the att wufe at preaont c ,"oufty laul on a :rinate of a diati Stol* Re William L. Ko ttoen a Red Crc Great Lakes whl a chauffeur. He cago and abada court bore today for a joyride. Ef to the probation and report back. Jan Wanl William Wtlke arrented when )l rear of the Sam Genesee street a. arued lwith a boa ,~drivodand a gu EAds today t g o that ho coul rocu free lnu e wliter montha. the sumiher tii flenahan at Rou Amployod for hii dented the atten The court haa r Mr. Reneban In negro the high( Mis caso was roi Offlcor with th( w1lit be partilod t Blair Jaeso.Roae, au« pouglan Bf