THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. MIARC H 17. 1921. ___________________________________ IPAGE I \.' C.r ii N,,rl, ar \Vr r ,Ir n1 r r, "1 il,~ ~ ~ ab 1,rj. ,r \\r f. r *,~r. jrrr i ,,j~ rr~ ,IrI' i r r r I IÇ.' '111 j j~r r r j r, r r ,, 'r jr, j, . .,j,,jl Irrrr rrr,,rrl j' NI 1. r r, r Iii, rir, ilrr rr,, r r. .. r, ,,rrrj rj,,r rjr "r. k. il,, r NJ r i.rr,..r iii ru j,,î I .rjrr r r r r H jjrr j 1;,,,,, r ru,î rîrri,, r r,,,,. Ml i,,' NrIli 1 t.1 , i i , p j lat j , ,rrr î . M Bff l i M , i NIa,tI.,, 1!1 Nl, 1iIn1 ' , . , r, ,,îha ini Suwdîr , ,i, Ni,ii zami N, Nii i hou, trom , linc îî jipr,'-,r haw fki i , 1 Eltectnic Shoe Repairing The Qwickest and Cheapest Shoe Repairing in Town Ladies' Rubber Heels . - 40c Boys' Rubber Heels - - - 50C A Corresponding Reduction on Other Classeçv of Repair Work USKIDE - NEOLIN - KORRY-KROME Besidles the best grades of soie leather, 1 have Uskide, a ncw, hevy, f lexible. waterproof sole mi ater'al. which 1 arn especially prcpared to sew. as weil as na'l1 Also the durable Neolin and Korry-Kromne, the latter for work shoes. 1 ALSO HAVE BOTH BLACK AND BROWN SHOE DYE FOR SALE ALBERT ZUBER One Door North of ihert",ilie Baker)- Nlihaukee Aenue LIibertyv.ilIlinoi Are You Housecleaning? Send us your fine RU GS WVe willeami them thoroughly Send us your family laundry and vour bath rugs Ache9e1iabI e ardi Launderers, Dr3 Cleaners and Dyers il Phone L.ibertvville 67-R LIBERTYVILLE, 111. Big Crops Even at a lower market, prices are better thain a poor crop at any price. Armour's Fertilizers are the one thing that wîll put your Seeding out of the way of drought and f rost. Corne In now. Make your arrangements for your Seeds _ and Annotir's Big Helps to Pro-. duction. Time is near at hand when you Nill want both. ~iI (,'~HLr li<,*II,,, .111,1 NI,.. I~ 'I'r.~ i i ,,,k,'r NI,,- rr'.r-f~,r rr, I j I ' 'r , n ,, NN r ,k. r, iN ' j,,, r r' NN , .Iii. jr r r' NI N Irri , rî i 'jr -' /1 ,rr '.N 'r il ., 'i: L ocal and Personal'. IShort Ilers of Especial Interest to Li bertyvillh People n NN r r r - rr N~.,îrrj r 'r.. Nîrrrrr r 'j' r , r r NI r r rrr~r.r. r. Nj ' r 1 NI '.N r, j.rirrrr,, rr ru N .r r j r,,,, NI r 'h r ~ N .rr, jr 1,, Jr ,r .j r I: . ilirj NI rI t Jr . o,, rjirji r \rrrr j,,,, ,, î-r r., r rr~ I rrrr NI i.1-1 1 1111,01r r N tel r .A,~j,,,rr N ur I ji.rr,tr '-fi suli,îr ,, rli't j" . lr E iij î !iI' : r.1 rr N.rî r , î lN iilisbcj1.,I' r"r'~rîjj,.,, j irnt,. an . al ,, .111,,i r rj;.r'îrii iii. ,, NN ar i i,, ,,j' r,, r,,,,, ~~~ rir %4w 1.i,, N '4, r h.,,, i ,'rr,,,, j .r r,, 1, I . ir.., jjj , 'r'., r , . j, ,,,r, , r ,jr r,. r,. r'~jr r,' r, ,rr .rj., jjr n r r, j, j j rrrrj.. i il, r r . r. NI, r r i jr' rrr,,r', j' r, r, . r j r.I,,i..'j, ,rrj r r. j,,, r, r r .,,~,,j,, .rj ,.,jr,, ,r,,j. r . r .j,~, 'j r r r , r ,.~ rirrI, r. r r. ,rr,, ir'.,. r',. h 'r-" . , 'r r i r ..r r r. r, r,, 5 r NI MNai, ('arroij l r, inr, ',,tk iiý,s,'rai rhui d,,, \11> Jrlli Ia,11.JIfl I",,,, t r 'til, i Ml s ui n ,NIînrr 1 1 r 1,i , .1 i 1 \1r1 ,,î,j N M l , j r. i~,,, V, Nir î'.jj, MNi r 1='f Ti;, .andj'j NI.,LOI-,r, 1 .i l ,jr,1 , Mrs. Flira Dutanli ~ii. mi 1Nj,r,1) re i. i lb, î ,> ,, rr ii ,iýiio, iIi .tn î, j r NN .,jk,-r . Ni jr~, j,.. jr, r r,, NI, ~Ni, t, ji,à'.î.r',,, N. r, r j,,~..i 'r ,j ,,j Il.. i. i r. r u , j,,,rI j, r, r r r r r ]->, .1 , kr r,.tNil Il , r r r r r r'.,... r r r r Nr r r r r jr. r r r ,-j.' r,. r r , . r j. . r r' 'Ni "r' j r r ,. j r "i . iii,. r, jr. r r, j r I r r.r j,, r. r r. 'r r 52 r j .~rr . r j 'r, Perýýofals wMi be fouod or Page 8 r r .2 r I. Ni rrr Ni rr n Nîrrr j r r ,rr r rrrr, 'r jrr r Ni, lbîîri N;\',I.rr I l'a ilj,'..,l ,, r rrrj, r , in r r M r,,,, i r h;. k 1t-1,-," i "j , r iiz,,,, . l , - , j.., Ni, , , ."~,l , r. , , Ii l, l I.r i l r, il- r r0 r,,'. rrr.,j , i,, r Ni , jjr,, j,,, .i..,.rj it ri r,.. ,nr ' r ,,,.,,,..~.., r, .j 'i NN. Ni., , j, i. .r j . r,,,~, ,r j',,î,îl<,,rrii r r,, r r NN r r .,îl i~ r r r, r .r,, n iii.',' ,,j,, r r rNr,,,,irj. jit,, i j ,j,~j,, 14.. jr.,,., j ~r.,' 'I ,r.,jrr r . NI Ni r,.., j r. j r ~.I r . r r r r, .~ J r i, 'r j,. r r j r r 'N . r ,. r. r n. Ni r, "E. .1 . rN, r Ni j r I.rjr r r j 'r,,' r r. r '. N ~ r r .r r j r.~ ".. r ,r. i, NI ,' r rj r~ j r j NIL 'r 'r r r,' N r 'r ,îr. 'r. r .'r . r. r r rrrr r . r N. . ,I , r r,' N S"PRAY YOUR TREES NOW In order to eradicate the scale which infest the fruit trees in thi s section, and to assure the best fruit the com- ing season, the trees should be spray- A cd 0W. We have a fuit uine of sprayers and sei them at prices as Iow as can be found anywhere. Protect Your Trees Sçhanck Hardware Co. Telephone 39 Libertyville, Illinois, r .'ilir inl.r jr. p r i . .. l. a: r ijr >.I' r r .~ j ,,rr r r...j r r ,j U' h ,rij , ,r j. ., I j . r, M'. 'r r.r . %Ir Etbihd1858 P hilip Jaeger s è Idpiplie s f Drnisbed H iA. C ommrission et ,e urzIr«,,DM U 1 Stalîs 1 and 3. Fulon tr t ..KetIeMaret The shelter of your live stock, your implements, at the prices they bring today is an important saving to you each day. SIl N\%]IlI i' lO jî1'-01 1' O H 41(1ON Ci ,1r2,àîn in acdecl. NNSislj o jr.,';,,,k, in 'r.'" lîtOi I).' itj"'IN '. l,(in d d lîfe iii tIi u ilijt.Ir We feel that every time made money. we sell you shedI lumber you bave i W.F.FANZ N PHNE LB.5 WW. YVp r-6i-IWAT VUPAYA' r Reachi"' over 15,000 readers each week-readers wbo buy-' , r ticles adVcrtised and pay for tbem, The Independent stands withM a ri val as iîn advertising mediusm in Lake county. GINU tIiAM A beautiful assortment, srnall and medium checks, plaids, stripes and plain.colors, per yard Lorraine Egyptian Tissue per yard- A very superior quality White Poplin, per yard - Voiles, Organdies and Dimities, new colors and patterns S, 25e 68C 38e and desirable W. W. CARROLL & -SONS' CIOMIPANY Phone 29 -Libertyville, 111. loir~,r r.,r r' .11 r r, o k IC r r. Eveýy surplus dollar not actualy hidden awày is earning noney for sone one, I.ntil yoti have a better, permanent inNestrnent for your ftunds. i savings ac:-ount at this Bank is the ideal nploy- ment for thern. Don t let a single dollar lie idie. il to work here. Send us There your Dry Cleaning and Dyeing is no0 bettwr Dry Cleaning and Pressing done than we 10o Red Comb mash* - - - - $2.50 $3.00 LIBERTY VILLE -LUMBERCO Telephone 47 DOWN BY THE OLD DEPOT FM m"ffl 1, l i l, *