?AGE SIX LIBERTYVUI INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1921 - M __________ - ______ I COUNT BOARD PROCEEDINGS Contiuead front Page Tliice j.alnc, remainiag bin ands of Couuîiy Treasurer at close o!f business Noý,emibar 30, 1920 ........................................... 136.35 Toal.................................................... 104.45 INSTITUTE FUND IRCEIPTS Illance un hand Pecember 9, 1918 as about Inla ur lat report ... 283.52 Aniocat îeceived fruni Couat>' Superîntendent of Sciiocis during the 2 years................................................. 1,202.00 Tfoai Rcelpts ............................. .............. 1485.52 DIS BU RSEM ENTS Aunni paid out during the 2 years on orders Issuad b>' the count>' superintendent o! echools............. ........................ 1146.01 Balance reasanlng la banda o! county tressurr t close o! business Nveubs 30, 1920 ........................................... 339.51 Total ......... ......................................... 1,485.52 HEIRSHIP FUND ,ECEIPTS Balance ta fend Dccember 9. 1918 as sbo,%vn In our at report ...15442.76 Amounti ecslIead duriug the 2 years ............................. 3115.75 Total Recaipts............... ............................ 18,558.51 DISBI1ISEMENTS Amount pald out during th. 2 years .............................. 2214.44 Baiancc remsining lu banda o! the Trea urer t close o! bu3iaess Ncuember 30, 1920............. ...... ...................... 16.344.07 Total................................ .................. 18,65S.51 MISCELLANEOUS VUND ilECEIPTS Balance in fund Decemiier 9, 1918 as abewn la aur Iaýt report Aniaunt ecelved during thc 2 years 1rom J. (G. Welch, Statea Attorney, Faesud Fin"a ........ Froni Extension Fees off Cotant>'Clark ..ý........................ Froni Plat Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . (Seo "Schedule A" for tua last Items) 3,83.9:6 ront tiiscelaneous sources .................................. 47,515.78 ToaliRacalpi..............................72,184.25 PISBURSEMENTI Anjouais paiS out during the 2 year3 Transferrad feesansd fines ta Canerai Coutl> Fur.d (Se. "Sciiedule C")........................................................56,969.25 Paid Lew. A. Hendep. Couty i>elrk. Ex. Feas ................. .... 15,283.44 Pald to sundr>' personas euiledthereto ....... ....... ........... 45,674.24 Paid out ou Plat Tai ............. 1........... ................... 213.62 Balance remsiuiug la hands o! couRt>' îrea!.urer at close o! business , Nov embar 301h, 1920........................................56,043.70 'sutai ................................................. J72,184.25 INNERITANCE TAX ACCOUNT Total amounl received durlig tiie 2 year.i............. 1........... $89.273.58 DISBURSEMENTS l'aiS tees o! spprainers, etc ...................................... 4,762.32 Paid tees of cotant>' clark ........................................ 150.00 iletained commission es coant>' reasurer (Sea Fe. Account "Sciiedule E").............................................. 1,785.43 Amolut paidstata treasurer as evidenced b>' vouchers on fiul iih office..................................................... 82,586.8 Total..................................................$89273.58 BUILDING FUND RECEIPTS Balance on baud Deccmber 9, 1918 as abouit lanor laut report . 0.300.00 Recelved luterest ou Lberty' Bonds ............................. 3825.48 Transfer frani Canerai Couaty Pend (Ss Ganaral Cotant>' Fend Sciiedul, "C") ............................................. 15000.00 *Total Rtecelps .......................................... 49.125.48 1ISBU1ISEMENTS Noue Balance rEmainiag in liands o! count>' Treasurer ai close o! business November 30, 1920 ......................................... 49,135.111 DOG LICIENSE FUNO RECEII'TS 'rotal amount raceived fronthtii seversi township assassors duriag te year endlug November 30, 1920,............................. 3,186.00 DISBURSEMENTS Non. Balance ae(mairing la banda o! count>' Ireasorer ai close o! business * Nov ember 30. 1920.......................................... 3186.00 SCHEDL'LE "E." Showing Raceipîs and ?situremeuts i fitheFees sud Commissions oftheii. ffIce and întereit epon fends. Fao Acceunt Durlag ithe Year Endcd Larminga and Receipta Nov. 20 Nov. 30 As Coutn> Colieclor 1919 1920 Total Commission on G2neral Tax CoWileid.1I 34,632.61 9 46.94690 $ 81,579.51, Commission on Special Tax Coiîecied 1,706.27 1,633.69 3,31.9.95 (See Scbedule A) Cosa.scu dlluqueni propart>'......... 3.470.42 3.207.28 6,67'7.70 luterest on delinquent propcrty....... 2.084.64 2,990.24 5,474.88 Mileage front State Treasurer .... 88.40 8.40 176.80 M3 Cariai>'Treasurer Conmmissioni fro.n (Canerai Ca. Feund, 1,821.15 5183.45 7,1005.00 (Sep Scitadula 'C') Commt.siioti !cpm Ioad Bond Fend - 668.10 1.499"0 2,167.90 <Se, Sciiedule "D') Commissiaon on laberitance Tax colcctýd 1,184.34 50109 1.785.43 (Se Schedule D) RankAInluerest on depoits.......... 8,181 58 15,613.27 23,826.85ý Luplcat3 tubariance Tax Receupt ... .50 ...-. .50 Tut I rcilits ..................$54, 340.01 877.694.41 11132.054.42 During the Tear Euding Nov. 30 Nov. 30 r.ISBUWRCEMENTS 1919 1920 Total fia y of the Couni y Treasurer 3 ,000.00 1 3.00O0.00 $ .6.000.00 tSilary palO .J. B. Sicîîlens. Deput>y 1.800.00 2.16000 3.960.00 .aappaiS ira E. Pauruali. Deptv 1,800,00 2,150.00 3,250.04 Salary paiS Helen L.ewis, Deput>'. 1,763.01 2.150.00 3.913.01 -l'aid t)ePct>'Coliactoru.......... .... 425988 5.277.63 11,273.23 1'aid potage.........................-6.00 21S.12 3" 8.12 * Paid express, frelghî sainddrayagc'.... 1.47 ..1.47 l'aid for tnlscellaneous advertieing.. 6.45 1.A 7.45 1'a idl!or supplies...................... 7.00 ...7.00 Paiti for mapa............... ........ 24.00) 10.00 34.00 Paid expense tua tripbu ta Springfield 8840 8840 1.6.801 Plaiti pubication of dellaqueni lisi . .. 2.359.00 2,C022.6<> 4,381.60 PaiS tees o! count>' cierk at tax ale. . 539.50 7 2.00 661.50 Palul roiserefunded ...... ...............87 .... .87 PliSext-ang, ...._................... - 1.70 1.70 l'ai icund n ainIn anar -. 3.09 3.09 Total Dsbureum,nas ...........$21444517 22832 144,277.ô5 Total amouni recela 'S.......................................132,034.12 Total amount paiS outi........................................ 41,277.35 Blalancte o! surplus receipta froua commission. fee3, intereat, rosts, ec., during lis 2 years reuîainiug n itanda o!fte iressular anS ex-officlo count>' colector lo be accounled for ................... $87.7 57.07 Tire records Irn ihe office iow tutaI on accouRt o! auci surplus re- ceipus the followlag suais hava beau îrsid ia iithe general caufit>' fend: m July -14, 1919 .................................. S ,00.00 Augusl 9, 1919 .................................. 10.000.00 Augusi ?], 1919 .................................. 16677.38 August '11, 1920 ................................. 53313.51 884,920.92 Balance remalniag Iu the uîaads o!fte Count>' Trcas- uiar aud ex-officia collector aithle close of business ou Nov. 30, 192C ....................................'.8..1 bCHEDULE '"F." ANTICIPATION WARRANT ACCOUNT rlEOIT.3 Amount issueS and oultanding Deccembor 9, 1918................ $ 30,000-00 Aîîîouni issueS Suring tie 2 yearq c9ded Novouabor 30, 1920 ...310,000.00 (Se, Accouait Genürcii Count>' Fond "ScieSuie C"' Total Detits............................................... $340,000.00 ('IEluITS Amount paid. during the 2 y8ar% endeS Noveauber 30, 1920 ..25,000.00 <Se. Accounî (,uueraj I ouicy Fend. "Sciiedulo C') Balance outatanding af0 uupaid et close o! buiiess Nov. 30. 0. 95,000.00 TotalA....................................... ;.........340,000.00 'iti'fliowing ia a lu.toAtaiciaioun Warrants cumnprising aboya *balance. remainung ouisiandîng anS unpald et cloecif businesp Notamber 30, 1920: No o! Warrant Amouni 996........................... ................ $ 10,000.00 99......................"***....................'»10.000.00 998 ........................................... 10,000.00 1061............................................ .10000.00 1067.......*-........... ........................ 10.000.00 107 37.......................10,000.00 lii? . ......0000.00 ;' t.t'............... ................. 10,000.00 10000 to b. remailling in the. bands of the count>' treasurer snd ex-officlo Count>' Colector at the close of business on Nov. 30, A. D. 1920 Titie of Fund or Accounte Amount Non Hligti Sebcond Fund........................................ i 1,894.67 General Count>' Fund .......................................... 2615.13 County BIond iund............................................ 110,247.45 State Aid ltoad Fund.......................................... -0,150 25 Sheridan Rosd Fund............................ $ 848.15 Green Bay Road Fund............................. 61,546.31 Blviders Road F'uid.............. 1............. 112,-.61.87 175,156.46 Witneass lee Fund ............................................... 136.35 inatitute IËund ................................................. 339.51 lieirahip l'und.................................... ...... 16,344.07 Miscelianeous Fund................................... :*::..$ 5,043.70 Building Fund ............................................... 49,125.48 Dog License Fund ..............................31186.00 Pee Accout.................................................. 2836.15 Tota.l ament held as Count>' Treasurer..................... $387,075.22 General Tai Coliected and flot dlstrubuited................ ......... 750.00 Persoual Tax ot 1919 colected stuc, settlement.................... 161.61 Redeniptionis of 'For!eited Property' ............................ 1.281.54 Total "mout held as County Collector......... 1.............8$2,193.21 Grand Total of ail tunds remalniag In the biands of the Count>' Treasurer and Lx-officîo Colector at tiie close of business on No- vember 30, A. i1). 1920....................................... $389,268.43 The records in tih. office show sucii funda were hald la the foiiowiug mnner: la deposlt subject te cheock Nanie ot Bank Amount Security Savings Bank, Waulcegan, Illinois ...................... $234903.69 Waukegarn National Bank, Waukegan. Illinois................ ..... 1,822.09 lirst Natiônal Bank, Waukegan.Illinois ... ...... ................. 1,448.36 l'eoples B.ank, Wsukagan, Illinlois.............................. 10883.87 Lake Couîîty State Bank, North ChicagoIlilinois................... 6e.025.11 Lake Vila Trust & Savînga Bank, Lake Villa,.Illinois.............. 5,082.40 Lake Forest Trust & Savina Bank, Lake ForestIlilinois........... 5.031.66 H-ighlad Park Trust & Savings Bank, Highland Park, Illinois... 6,028.65 Amount iield on deposit aubect te check...................... $314,226.73à NOTE: We were furniahed with certificates fronm an officiai of eacii of the above nanied batiks, showing that on said date the amouints aboya sbown wer, baud on deposit lu such Institution, to the credit of Roy W., Braciier. ln bis officiai capacit>'. Certilicates of Ieposit lssued by The Waukegan National Blank of Waukegan, Ill., datcd July 27. 1920. bearîng interest at 2% per annum frrnm April 29, 19.20, if left sixf monthq or 3f if lett for one year. Certificats No. 4274.......... $20,000,00t Security Savinga Bauk, Waukegaii. Mi., dated April 29, 1920. t sainie rate o! interest last abute descrubed. Certîficate No. 43461........ 10,000.00 Total held la Certificates of Deposit.......................$13000000 NOTE. East o! abovq. certificates being In the naine ot Roy W. Brach-yr, Couuty ýTreasurar. Liberty bond@ of the United States of Americat Ammt Llelilu 2nd Loan ....... . ........... .................. 115,000.00 Amount held la 3rd Loan ....................................... 15,000.00- Aniount lreld la 4tii Loan ...................................... 15000.00 Total amount held la Lberty' Bonds....................... $45,000.00 SUMMARY Amount un deposit subject to check ............................ $314225.73 Ament in certificatea of deposit ............................... 30.000.00 Amovint beid lIn Lberty Bonds .................................. 45,000.00_ Total amouat o! funds on baud ...........................81389,225.73 Credit due County Collector on account Sale la error............... 42.71 Total.................................................. $389268.44 W. L.ave cara!uily, thoroughly sud systeniaticaily examined ail of the books. records, accounts and vouchiers in support thereof, kept la thus ofie and tiiose in the. office of tbe count>' cierk havink any-reference thereto, au stated la the introduction et this account. ad We findtthat eathe lm osfo business on Novanshar 3th, A. D. 1920. tiiere remained lu tiie bande of lMr. Roy W. Bracher, asa cunt>' treasurer snd exoffîclo count>' collecter. tii. totalb suni of $389.268.43 belonging te the severai fondsa and sccouats of the. counttyE as shown aboya. We found the books and accaunts of tiie foregoing four tae offices of your county to bave been kept lnas velu clear, neat and Intelligent manner. show- ing mucci car. and thougbtftdnnasou the. part o! the several officiais la keeping and pr.servlng Ils accounts in such manner as ta clearly show the finasciali codition o!eascii cf such officers aadlis business affaira at au ttues. COUNTY SUPERINTENOINT 0F 8CHOOLS Mr. T. A. Simipson held the office of County Superitandent ef Sobools froni the tirât day of Deceniber. A. D., 1918 (tiie date eftiihe close of cr lesat ex- amnation) to th. firet day of Deceinbar A. D., 1920, Wicii ua the pariod o! time coverad by this azamination. We bave tiiorougbly and car'-tully exnmlnied ail of the books and account8 sud vouchiers la support tbereof, uow remsining on fila la the officeansd bava as carefuliy sud thoroughly conipaîed and reconciled sanie witi the. severai hlm 0f funds fronithte count>' traasury for the use sud bencfit of sncb ln- stitution. We found that ail tii. books and accaunts concerning tii. finaiciai man- agement of the business affaira of smcci Institution have been carefuli>' and correcti>' ke:-t and lu such manner as ta show intelllgantiy the financilireas tion o! tiie superintandent and treasurer tiiereto at ail tîmes. Ail funds drawn f rom thbe count>' treasur>' b> Dr. Brown, as superlutend- eut, for thea u ansd banelit of sucii institiUon, have beau !ully a ccouuted for b>' hlm snd at once baid avsr to tii, treap urer as sbown by bis accoutt; and ail fends paid oui b> tiie treasurer are füliy ev ldenced b>' voucliers flou re- niainlng la bis bauds. Tiie amr t of business transacted on bebaif o! this Institution by each or sucb affleia.,s durng the. pariod of tume coverad b>' ths examination, as shawn by ail of tiie records aboya refarred to. w. now set forth and abouti la a'seriesof sciieduieo hereinafiar following, marked A, Pl, C andD, and con- taining Information as follows: SCHEDULE *A" Contains a statement of! ail the. accounts with sucii Institution of Law. A. Hendee. as Treasurer, siiawlng the. balance remainlng lIn bis bauds on Sep- tanibar 1, 1918, tiie amouat recalved b>' hlm !rom Dr. A. E<. Broun, suparla. tendant; the amount pald out by hlm on sucii accouat during eacii of tiie two yesas under exaiination; and the balance rhsnafaing lu bis hands ta ithe credit of sucii istltutlon at tiie close oZ business on Auguat 31, 1920. Foiiowlug such sciiedule we prenant certificat, of tiie SecurltY Savinga Bank, WsUkegaa, Illinois, siiowlng the, amaunt o! depasit reaaaining ta bis cradit as sucii treasurar on aaid iass mentlaued data.t SCHEDULE "B." la a atatament of the Gentrai Cash Account of Dr. A. E. Brown. as super-f intendant. showîug tiie amouat received by buv as mach officiai from. ail sources dluriugeascii or the tua years under examînation, and by hlm paid over to the treasurer as siic -s, .4a "Sciiedule A."t SCHEDUI4 "C" la a statement containlng sa -Ompation o! the severai quaatcriy reports made by Dr. Brown as soperlutendeat, showlng tha total amount o! ail r.-1 cipis and disbursemants sppertainlng te sncb Institution during the. »erlod. This taternient la foiiowed by a reconcililation accouai uharein la ex- rlalnad the. difference exlatlng ln the. amount of balance of cash reniniug ou liand atthe lcose of business August 31, 1920, as shown ln bis owu account and that of lhe treasurer as given la Scbaduie "A."0 SCHEDIJLE "D."t Shows tii, total amount dlsbursod dtrlng easciio! the iwo years under ex- amination for the seveas purposea tharein named, as sbown in the ledger1 account kept b>' the superlatendent.1 1 he total amount o! sucii disbursament shaun In thia sciiedula excea ds that gîv.,n la tiie report o! tiie superlutendent as ahown la "*Schadule 'C" sud1 for the, foiowing reason; Ail bis and involces when lirst received are en-t taraS under their severai beadinge Ia the ladger account. la ths course o! adjustmeut and payment mauy change, are made sucii as corrections in prices,e riaterial exchanged. returned, etc. Tiiese charges aud adjustmeuts ilu sachc sud tuis difference In amount la caosad b>' this metiiod o! traatment.a Tii, accouints la the ladgar, iiowsvaîr. were found to b. lu balance sud tii.8 balance abeet foiiowing lu "Sciiedule E" Io tiie combind condition o! salue at the, close of tiie year on August 31, 1920. la the 'balance Siiet as luat explainad and iaflactai âd selserai reselta o! tii, varions accouata shoun in "Sciiedule IY' ubsa combund wîitiith rem"-ln lug accoonts carried ~mIii.eiedgar therein mentioned. SCHEDULti 'A." ACCOUNT 0F LEW. A. MENDE, TRIEASURER Dureg thé Year Endlag Aog. U Aug. 31 RECEII'TS 1919 19!0 Total Balance os baud Augtat1, 1918 as sheun la our ast report............ 1295.40 .. 1.295.40 R.ceived trout Dr. A. B. Brown, super' futendant ...................... 6,95.30 30,823.69 87.776-9 Total Itecelpta ..............9658,248.70 $30,823.69 $89,072.39 DISBURSEMENTS Amount paiS oui upon checksieisued b>' the. uperluteudent as evidqeceai b>' vouchers ieid ...................5.16.9 $30,936.04 188,13U.3 Balance remaining la bauds aofithe treasurer ai close!et te J'aar on Auguat 31. 1920....................... .... $940.06 SECURITY SAVINOS BANK a! Waukegan, llnois. To Wiiom It Ma>' Coacera: This le ho certIf>' 'ihat the. books o! tuis bank ah tii. close o! business August 31, 1920, shoued a balance of $940,06 ta 1h. craSh o! Lake Coca?>' Ganerai Hospital. . V. il. G. S. FARMEIl, Casitier. SCHEDULE "B." GENERAL CASH ACCOUNT 0F DR. A. E. BROWN, BUPERINTEN DENT During the, Ymar Ended Aug. 31 Aug 1. 1919 1920 Total books anS accouais kepi in the office o! tha Count>' Treasurar; sud we land Warranta draun uponl couat>' trea!sui-y the record a! ail transactions apperlaluiug la the Distrubutabls Pend. tiie on accounit of Buildings and trouadts $28.900.0C9 785.0 Instituts Fend and the Permanent Fend derme Ithe perlod o! tim, under ex- Maintenance ........................-22600 04) 26,51)04)0i aminaîlon as repraseat'-d lu the books anS accounîs kapt b>' Mr. Suipsont ta roni Auto Inaurauce...............80 b. correct, as evidenced b>' aIl o!f te books, records accounia and vouchers FromJlasurauce prerniumu rebated. 218 above Sescribed, sud that sucit transactions were as folows: ï'rom refend......................... 17.12 .. DISTRISUTABLE FUNO iront suudry îersünýi on account treat. REC E1PTS ment at boîutal................... 5,115321 1.591.69 Balance in fund on Deccrnbur 1. 1918 as shoan n aur asat report. .$ 793.08 'lUotal lcceipis............$.933 10,878.69 Iteeîved f romState School Fend DISBURSEMENTS ' T'axes for the year 1918 ........................................ 33,541.57 adLw .HneTraue .. 55-U-, - Taxes for ithe yesr 1919 ......................................48,035.53 Blanc a i A. Hein..bTres o ur p.er- ..u> $-08.6 Total Receipîs........... ............................. $82375.18 Balane remailose ta baao Suger DISBUREMENTS31, 1920........................ Msade distribution to the. sevural townsbip srliool treasurers of thea SCHEVULE "C."« - IeceiPt-4and Diabtrsemenis dîîîîag UetI wo count>' as avideaced b>' vouchers flow ou fie lu the office erashw yteeptofheSeinndL March 21. 1919 ............ ..................................... 673.48 yas iatu yti eotO ieSuaîtacl September 1S. 1919................................ ............3259 RECEIPTS Augusi 3.0, 1920j............................................... 472992 aac ailnn nbuse u ______ treasurer August 31, 1918............ 235.40 Balance remaininc In bands o! the Couaîy Suearinteudent on Toali amouni receitved front ail Veceniber 1, 1920............................................ 1,446.50 sources ... 1.... ...................6.95'3.30 30,871.69 'l'otai lîcceipîs .......... ......83720.7 90.878.69 Total ........... ....................... ................82,375 78 PISPURS}7M13 T INSTITruTE FUNO 'ï'oal fDi, cunnt...............87$08 30.65290 $29,6S5.00 49,100.00, 8 1.) $S,31.99 $87,. 736.99 87.,831-99 $88,08-,39 REC EIPTS Balance un fund Decembar 1, 1918 as sliowa n our asat report ... 281-52 1 l.aaUçjtU6Uai1 ; 54 1920................. .... 425 69 Amount oh tees for examuinations, registratiunï. uand renewals receiv-liIECONCILIATION ACCOUN'1 aS duriag te 2 years ....................................... 1.202.00 Amount of balance baud b>' tie Treas- - urer at close of business Augusl 31, Total Iteceiplt......................................... $1,18552 1920 sa sheown lu'Sciedule A ..............$1 0.06 DhSI3URSEMENTS Cash remaiuiug lu bands o! the Super-. Amouat paiS out duriug lhe 2 ycaur.s for instruction and expenuae.ai Inindant on samo date as shown la insttutes ................................................... 1,146.01 "Sebedule B."..........................5.0 Balance îemaiuing ru [und on i.eceibei 1, 1920.................... 339.51 Amaunt o! balance as sbowntinlatlh - 1 accounis o! 4he Superinlendeat Total................................................... $1.485,52 .;Scltedule C"......... .............. .... 423.69 .- NOTE. Sec AccouaI o! Couni>' 'reasuier. C'hecks chargeS ru such accouai and outstanding andupsid aI close o!f>c'ar. PERMANENT FUND No Amount No Amouat ItECEIPTS 4356 ......... I 28.35 4107 ......... $ -S.00 Bialance of Fund lu bauds o!ftae Supçiîutnedca on Daceuiber 1, 1918 44112.......... 54.05 4420 .......... 15-79 as shown in aur lasi reporti.................................... 9.9 4402...........35.00 4309 .......... 20.7 2 DISBURSEMENTS 4360 .......... 22.28 4367........... 12.01 None. Balance remauiag in hands or tire Superinteudent Deceni- 4423 .......... 20.15 4437.......... 148.03 bar 1, 1921.................................................... 999, 4418.......... 3.601 4417 .......... 32.35 EXPNbE PAD FOM HE OUNY TEABRY4434 ............00 '4438 ...........2.63 EXENE PIDFOMTiECONT RESUV4374 .......... 15.50 4430 .......... 82.50 The recorda in the office o!fte cuunty clark aud tiiose in tue office o! the 4195.......... 6.96 4364.......... 1.48 couuîy Ireasurar show liera itas beau pald o "thle count>' snparintandaut for 4249.......... 3.86 4419.......... 1.00 .xpense incurrad lante admiînistratio! lb.th business o! the office durlng lie 414q,.......... 3.15 period under examnation. ithe following amauntus anS for the purposa bare 4257......... 6.45 namad; suci paymnts iaviug beeti maS. by wearrante draun upon the coun- 4357 .......... 10.61) 44'21.......... 6.20 yviasr under the order o! vour board. Ott WbhatAccouRt Amount For postage .................................................9$ 260.26 For express .................................................... 35.18 For office halp.......................................... 1.792.20 For allouanca for expens................................ -1.00.00 For Incideutal expeuses ......................................... 128.42 For expense a! exhibit At shate fair............................... .50.16 Total................................................... s3.466.22. NOTE. Tiie aboveý pa>maflts fer expitnse IncluSes item'o! $333-28 aliowed b>' the board atitis meeting iteiS in Decamber 1920 anS palS b>' coont>' warrant No. 1851. LAKE COUNTV GENERAL H.OSPITAL la aur lait amiatioa o! the booiksanS accounts appertaining tlathei affaira o!fte Lake. Coutl>' neral iHoqpital smcciiaccouRt wusa cioseSand satied essci! date Auguat 31, 1918. Thtis pressei; examination covered tAie parioS a! tîme beglnning with saiS last menlioued date sud extendcd 10 Saptemnier 1. 1920, and incluSeS a cqreful. boraugi. and syslerniaic examination o! ail o! tie books, records. accounisandti vouciiers in support tiiereof remsiuing In thé banda o! Dr. A .E. Bîroun. as Superintandani, sud Lau. A. Hendee, as Treamurar. o! such institu- tion, uhicit contained a record oftheii business transacted b>' hem lu thbar 'several ofticial capacities. WVs !ouisd tiie accaunla o!eascii of the above named offIciaIs appertainiug ta sul institution durlag the huo )eara incluSeS la tuis examinilln, have been kept In the sante general manne> berotofora dscrubed aud explained la a former report concerning àucit accouRt as made b>' us ici >'otr board under date Novambar 11, 1916. W. have calefully examinaS ail o! such seeouats adlthe voueh.rs in sup- .port uhe,rp. Sd.have ooipre sia'etc8S, eib Mweral quar> 44ti. .......... 6.30 Excesa balance sbout inl Superintendents Account 577.29 $1,002.98 7.921 $1,002.98 SCI'EOULE "0." Distribution durlng te tua yeas and for what perposa as aboun b>' leSdger acounts. Anaestiietics .......... Beldingeansd Grounds.. Ecjelpment ............ GeReral Expeuse.. Canerai Wagsg ..... Ilast................ Inuhralice........... Latindry ............. Ligbt aud Power.. Milk ................ Uurses Wagas .... Proivisins----------. Balance Durlng lihe Vear Endai Sept. 1 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 1918 1919 1920 804.400 279.00 1 4 49.50 43,210.35 27,287.22 2,713.33 16,968.1a 5,154.18 21565.07 7,924.00 4,671.31 5.045.73 13,590.66 5,413.79 7,163.26 6,822.88 1,992.94 2,012.7 105.41 1.371.20 1.153.64 2,334M1 823.13 264.26 989.28 256.37 465.56 2,326.13 -492.03 712.01 15,604.75 4,165.07 4,765.46 12,947.70 4410.74 4,321.33 $124,617.41 856.616.98 $31.631.90 Auig. 31 1920 81,632.60 73,210.90 24,677.38 17.64 1.04 2É,167.71 2,630.-25 4,421.61 1,711.21 3,830.17 24,535.28 21,679.77 Noie. Tie salai-y of Lau. A. leude. as Treasurer, foir 2y- r.Vi,. the sma ot98300.00 la snluded llte aboya iabursemetits. (Saet, lngo! Co.a. I p a ti non pag sSa nsd 4-o f th ua re po rt). T ii. salar >' of D r. B ro. . as supr ' ineda.vig.,$3.0,AO er year. bas beos psi4 b>' warrante isaun dtv.e1Y .-Z -l1 laidddlaté i s. 5 I* e lait 5dt*a WAUXE6iAN MUST BUJLD I9 RENTS ARE RtbUC- Increased Taxes anti Hiph lir terest Rates Largely Re- sponsible High Rente ALSO HOUSE SHORTAGE "Are renta going tô be cheauar tlui apring!" Titat questl,îu in botiierini tanants sud laudtords alike lu Waukegan The. enswer wiii b. uagatlve, Itlaibe leved. Tiiere arc aieveral causes foi the. unpleaat oullook. In lIbo tiret place feu resîdences lbave been conah,-ueted or are bains conteîp.'ttedulis&bulding candi tiens bu'conpe more favorable. binst of tihe ransencos being bolIt are for occopsucy o! thox. building tlb.. Tiiee are b.ing coastructed beause thelr ouners uer. unstile ta !lnd any- tiiing Sultable foi rent. Tii. nost ac-onoîitclkibonse of! fias or riz rmina hult nu will cent be- twen 95,000 sud $6,000. Witb tiie preseat taie of intorest. 7 percent. If ineane, !igurlng an average or $5.6 tii. Interest sione would ha $385. Ad&. Ing tiie taxes, uster rent, repaira and4 upkeep tiie annuel cost could nt possihi>' be lesa than $600. Thi equivaleut ta $60 a montit reul. la order ta lire la a home o! titis kind s persan ahould have an Income o! $250 ameintis. flgurlng liai onses rani sbould nat b. more titan one.itio one& salary. If it cette $60 a month ta lIve lu s comparatively ebesîuiy bult bouse Il la am4-a goed 4aw.stment for a -ten. ant ho owu bis bomne. Neither is il a good iaventmeflt for the. landiord. Wltii two big increases ilu taxes dur iug thii.lat tuo yenrs sud incretsa la jnterontrats. investeris are net Siees te costruct residesees as au n hvant ment. Thor. làal alesis sae lom tiirougb careleses 01o!renutera. ral or. te get rentai payments sud Othef enlook.d for cosl. Under presettconditions rentera cannt look ýla inventers afr.deiiei trons the hou-s. siorisge. Ratherfi ta up te tiie renter te bud sud ouis a home. The fiurnhed Moins Proposition if a!feted b>' 'he Fme conditions, la- creasedcuit of bating sud lighinsi alsu aida te thecenot O! operatioD. Tlh. ware eytrLer la betweea titi devil and ithe deep sesoa i Mecon,. naction. gsu epecial>' so Il b. bas been required tla Lake s Vag. clii. Miac>'Waukegan laniierds uha lied figured on rdifcing renteaitis aprîng hacausseeto!wutgc eductJon findi h inâ, possile te do so hacause Of!theIef2 percent tsa nrease. coniinud biais tai rates, nnd practically no chang W ia upkaap. Persans rantîns: ligIli bousekeepifla rooma are sddiiiouall) burdened wuCb the lucrense ln gai sud electrie ligiii raies. uith 1a0atee duction in -fuel excepi sort coal os coke. lbard coal belug the. sanie pria§ as test fait. Day-Old Cicks Order your day-old chichil NOW for March or ADril deliv- ery. With every order you wili be glyeu a supply of Starting f eed f ree Our cbicks are f rom vigor. otiq. itility stock specaliY [sel- ected for Egg production We ran supply an>' breed- any pjinber. M'rite, phone or call A. B. Dane, Poultry Dept. BiatchfOr4 Cali Neal Co.,, Waukepln, BI. phon-daytime-3l"7 Dr. Paul 0. Berge CIIIROPlIÂCTOR Dr. J. . Meyer CLIIROPIRACTOR PALMER GRADUÂTES r10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE EACH Houri 10 to Il a. M.; to 6 mad 7 to 8:30 p. mi. 123 N. Genesce St., Phon~e 1016, a Waukegan, 111. 4v y v v -No rriatuîur J i Des Ital b>' 11-1i1i1lu ud me ie.thiclufre eporis st,,ve fu"iu SALARIES AND EXI TI'ne it-cordsinathe oxinuy lieascrer situa ali to he Stutie.i Aifuu moufta; sucujatte as treamury unleit' he or Expcuses. On Wh;lu or teicjulone and uti-j' orrente!o ffi-e. - . or postage.......... or incideutals ... or cILties .......... 'or paynienis tb delecir 'or traveling expef'es Uor copuies Ut records, e' 'or exliee-f <o! wuln"-b or cQt.t Jcosti... - Total .......... -Fur Satiaries o! A.~ .1<taV. %Wainh, sali t\ WîlluiamA. IJeane, Total ..at.îry paid Fur Siilir) o! the. ounly Warrant NO. 5D Coupt>' Warrant No. 63 Couni>' Warrant N o. 6e Couniy Warrant No. 78ý Count>' Warrant No. 88 0outity Warrant No. 8! Covty> Warrant No. 92 County Warrant No. 93 Count> W'arrant Na. 98 Count' Warrant No.2 Court>' Warrant Na.2 -County Warrant No. Count>' Warrant No. 1 *Cotant>' Warrant No. 1 à- Total amoont pla ?sînnount o! salary due trvr toc 2 years ati8 'Amount o! over-paYme Acconio! tees and fit Feesu................. lialaflce due on reports hAmouuî o! orar-painai *Total aniaunt char.-ed ibis tir 2:,d29j 100 I , IIENDEE, :11>' Clark. '. have made a rr I" booka, race i. i;on file linith i ýcsuperititendeat o! in te Introdudtoi'y P 'o! lime de8gntedhi liereby certif>, ual, h rectl>' set forth and ai etsc cequnte as si o! tuh dtIven as i L...Ail of wblch la re 1 1 ilà b t 1 COUN1 iingi und <tundm pîery Romni srsi ilan....... te'rai S' ....... at ............... . uranci .............. ike C-oco?.ý.......... îUndry ............... 11k ... . . . . . . ,mses "u' . pelailing lIimi... ', in., ' t uofv' Fi, b: . ccuufli s îorilii s te ing Ille dueituelt I tIU ilu i lulluini ru. WVs u » a " huu'uue « suciih 0<,f iunie. îe Circuil 1 uuî ior! ta potIuni. 1 dw2,Marc .,9 er ,i i, n Ou toui, it i:L ' ua s roui F' ih ..1 .u. u < r ar.1i 25, J". .. cvemb.'î 2.Il,~9 *cembai 1 l'r Totii . .. . . . talailu,it' t r eipii. ne u~d% . uuu. vas ipoit insue b WeSat Bd an otc ayne u mi.tr le, 1>12,for et I F<es luuti1, lnae. Reu Tiue ltHuL 0", cunfy OCli k .i i litd bY iteSiete AH ik a113out lite luur 1.110 »W yu uaced italibua- ste ut " 1l'u ot case occt itCouiti>'court eh. 2-1'.ople vI. l'ut 'eh. 226-1:Isitc mith, 1u1 'eh. 26 lienrY DuMeabi *.6-a>'Sporer, 1 'eh. 26- Jainues Sh 'rry. ahb. 26-L.illian }IeIîP, il>' 14lu.shuts.I Cii cuCurt 'h. " v-Pe'c % lu -S