THE LBERTYVLLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. MARCH 31 1921. )RIAL NEFIT COATS" of Liberty ville itorium JRSDAY 'th ;UFFRAGET TES -UMBIA TRIO -onolas Wrces *125-00 eer malde Int ices, bi-IONE the il". Sequipped w1tili if. mpany E.BuuE )f hanston wa's a i Local adU Iersonal Short Iems of Especîi Intcrest tc, Libertyville People M . 'El,, 1 NI i C E. AN 1 an', \a g E j Em NH ondas .1 '1 'L! NIEI ', .,î la',,r"'J7 Ni, lai".. I ' 'n l'Il ut d i i MaE %v k u fi'EEd i>.iEEE1,EEjE. j ' rjE E Ii. j . ' ','E ' ELE .EE NI '.E E .V iEjjE P- r i i E h'E"; E', . E' 'N'(E', lE" lE..)Ej'E LLEELLL) EEEEL EL.OE'.EL)EEE NIE 11.1' n E ,,, 1' ELEIE .,~ NN.EEELEE .11E R U 1-1il EE "u IEEE.nai,. 'EX a\V, "E0 E E) '-E 'E ' ~ ~~~~ ~~~ 1i L1 iEE.E ),E ') ' ' 'E E EEEI 'E E LE ;' 'E Ea l. %iEl L E'E ,.'j,. E '! N j " ; V pE E' . ' , 1il'E 1 j , G E j ELo .) "f E 1 ~E l j ' '- E Ep! 'E: 'Eý0 , -" 1 I E E" Ni .)Ej E, j E)E101] E E . ;).) TE r'pEoi- ;. .. EEE.E E j E' I.) E E.) EEE ain a)EE'1E'ri) J) , ..,) E l"Eil 7 f 1 'E E)" E, ., ) ED iii Ida ( ) E '.i l 'vei 1EEEM IEL.1 N. E -ELL 'EEE LEE 'E. , - ." El '~' 'EU j j' E' . " E 'EEEi . 'E) E' n l. , . i(.;\% a k,!'à, , i j E , 1iq . l ,;linli,. 111.- i,,j/. . oi Il E, ij,;jlL, j LIEEEEE, E E j E.L E~ E 'E' "il' j 'El, E V-1!; iPE.E m"E E)ll 0 11 'E' El))'! E, EE, E)) N ' I"E milE.\'ENauke'gan "Es'w MN %%.EL as EE EE Elnt I' , ".,- . --11 lI E' jEHHE E "E --) i;E j.. w ' on, ijEl 1< . 'E i , -)' .nL,;,EEEEM alJE 'EN', il E 0EEEE . i n i', E 'E .j .iEI.Eil <L01 .L -E L., mE'reEEE k 'E'E EEE'EEEEEE ln-l ml ...IE' " ' 'El).. CEE .EEE~EE Ni E) E. E 'E s WE ARE FULLY EQU1PPED TO CLEAN YOUR RUGS W e guarallti"fto satisi , 'he mo'-t (i, Wa! . kîe,)w tai von ~ ~ ~ ~ I hE.îlL !.'~~ t~ ou-,,r ork. W L. k n '.o lire lr,> .'E b iaust i'SC m u~~L, 1 rE-l O Wc-i ! sarc'dt "'~ nn' " l Lic. h,~, E . . E E' E, 'E) E E 'E) E' E ' , ""L'E .... q 'E , ' EE ' j E '.'E'.EE LEE 'El E. E ' ' 'E El 'fil "E j . .' . ljn," I 'Efi. E." 'EL E)" . j. E' E . ... 'i. 'E. 'E . E E E EE E) E E LE E E I "j' LE E~i;,L E' El EEE W" E' E' E EE' E,' EI EE' Won)E.L EE.' El E)C -EL 'NEE)EE rM( AdditionalL LbertyvilLe Loca;s anci * j Personais winli bc fou,',l on Page 4) 'E' NI' E.~' 'E'E',E'. "E E iî'L.' E E E E' E) 'j E) 'E E El E' E ' ' j. 'EL ' E" E' 'E j E E 'E E 'El, E~ j 'EL.) ~E E E E EE j' E' E"" L'E E E . ""'E ' E ' E LE) 'E j E' 'E 1 E ME'j E L .E) .'E')E'E' Ni j', E alj il T!:E ,iL N L EE Eý i.EL. El E)) ., E' E i' Eil'E lEit E,-l[ L nE L) l ELE E 1E1- ' E - E ' E' EE, ) ELi El lu.ii %EElEI El" ist.I,EE" M is, ý th H l aIEInd 'Ni j ý Iii;în N' .N ,L' 'E E ,ri 1 1 E11>1 E1L,. EL 'EEIimi lLEb'EEo E EIE anLdE NM E (; (oi l'j c )I"'onald iLa i iEuE nE, ng t it-, EL E 1E' .EE 11 a nd 1 tecEk e i .diau sEEiiE EL. Eind E .'EE.OIEEis<S E . '%el\E LIE 0,. j) E "E. EEEEL EEEEML ELE. )EE E L~ EL).,) I E EEEE E E'E.E E.' E E iitI 'LE' EL NIEEEEE "EEEEE') E EL 'EN., LEEEE'HEEEEE. E~ E j'.) j)E'E E .)L'j'))'EE'E 'j LEE L')E E 'LE:. E) ').'j"E' E) "E E' 'EN LE) E' LIE E' i I . EL' ' 'EL..,,' "E E"' E E'.' LEEEEEEEE)EEE' EEEEE EEE "1 . "L ,". E E "E "' L j.' L'E' E NI~ E E) L E) E" E 'E' j E EE E ,~ E~ ""'j E )~ )E'E'.E E" 'E" 'E E'E E'EE'EE' j' E).' j ""E" E E' ' E E' E" '-E LE EH) NIE' "E) E . E '.E).)E E EE)E'EE EEE E j ' ' E 'E E") EL Ni ".E))EEE E E' j.' 'j E' L' E 'J E. 'E' 'E EEEEEE) E L'E E '. LEEE "E' 'j "E.)) E EL' <'ARfl OF THAN'KS 'EiEE E' ' "E ,Ey < '"E 'I 'EL.. der that y econo- the lowest irt, refined rou wiIl f ind -the ms, but ai we can tnake a 1 select either a ON, iertyville, lu, E' ~. 'i. .' 'E' 'N E'" E' , ~ "E '~,.. ~tRESNOW-1 In order to eradicate the scale which infest the fruit trees in this section, and to assure the best fruit the com- ing season, the trees should be spray- ed 110w. We have a fuit ine of sprayers* and sei them at prices as low as can be found anywhere. Pro tect Your Trees Schanck Hardware CO. Telephone 39 Libertyville, Illinois I - <p hi UN 'I "il E. j ijpEi. (LE'<! 'ci, .;..' ild'1dci l4 wv y a' " .,~thi,', BtL ai lfty, iîu'd.' rloy' 1 !ct , singl,' dej!Ii ilie idie. PAt ;t to 'E'E2E1k ire. Il ---"- Il ,Philip. Jaeger General Commission Merchant Es*ablsled 1858 s 'L"LAL attefltIODgivM f» LJEEE,.AEie of Dressed HOM q Etoi L 'oulIr>'. tilde. '.j.EC'aisontiEEEE' W"e àtrel. Tag 1 EL ý "- E 'i Ei I'.ElEeýkjd on &;> plE,ativr Cold Stor.a,-*FRIMIE Etalis 1 aid 3. FuLion Street Whr'lesale Markil, CHfCAGO. ILL. 1, Il CI q- D UINC1-ý ihe '<,r ccourse build- int) patrioticalIy was restricted- te eSSenIa1 .oilct&' îy i;t 1;1 pati 1 t<tbuild cxiensiveIy a> yOu Ei i. ('E" ,EE..E. E p',r!,t oEl I'c'ace BUILD. huy W>' E I i L t LauLswith@Ut IUNUII A M A beautiful assortment, small and medium checks, plaids, stripes ~ axud plain'côlors, per yard 2 Lorraine Egyptian Tissue 6 per yard M A very superior quality White Poplin, per yard - 31 Voiles,~ Organdies and Dimities, new and desit colors and patterns SW. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMF Phone 29 Libertyville, Il. s Bc table 'ANY A Paying Investment Treat your seed grain w ith Formaldehyde One pint treats 50 bushels per pint - 60C Spray now with Lime and Suiphur Solu- tion, concentrated dry form Per IL 35c;-5 fibs. $1.50-, 10 Ibs. $2.50 Spray with Bordeaux and Arsenate jLead as flowers are in bud Decker's Drug Store Phone 55 Libertyville, 111. ....I... Potatoes -for, Seed1 PURE RED RIVER VALLEY GROWN Now' in Transit, Order Early, Get the Best. This is the year to raise Potatoes. You Should. Change Seed. -Do-It NOW. LIBERTY VILLE LUMBER CO. Telephone 47 DOWN BY THE OLD DEPOT PAGE F ý -; ýe," ý, ý - LX,