LIBET ~THIURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1921 Same of the Greatest Values of the Season In Suits, Coats., Dresses, Etc.-Iju Our Great- New York Purchase Sale Lake 9-à.. GreatcstStlore For Women end Children Incomparable Bargains For Tomorrow In- Coats, and Wraps .Ail Sensationally Repriced at l1a. bt-tn tais ,iiice yu aIic t) lt-ty hî, i ew Coatsa t these iow pi- lie aie un tait- tlîo,nand, tf C1!1n.C l --n.îv. iýiPpp>'Ciais ln a st', vt ui-r-i -i1-,oie ti5qulie' Pui. t:-rit -ir taitîîiiiiirîd Nih it- t' ht ~ iîr--ir. tc.* and tîcluje axi tic'e, l - Women's Muslin Night Gowns Values to $1 at !59eC . - ,î-n pliSili anrd eîbol- I-r go, it S nii t>o- l i-t . ail!aî'r - 4 aiai 5J 1.50 Night Gowns $1 Tài lrt.ta> popîtiar pruce of 11.00 w[ii anp-ît~ exs t jioi a I!y fine 1)toiglît t "Il 101 1 AU i ai»,a;e Inclur 1.50 Chemise $1 k ir l --kigA F1!-u pi-tc'- iy trîr1lîi ,t 2.50 Night Gowns t oi ail --r--,,b-att f il' i.j-t-J ' h I lt nOu i 1 A thletîc Suits jRegularl1.98 Value 1 . c19, I n;ciief h cir Women's $1 Union Suits knii Union u in il i f- it , it ff andlace kîîe.iA t t y Women's 35c Vests 19c andJ ' l i gular 35e rl- t il ~, Jquaiity and lit ail .50c Vests 29c 'tt n tioipi b- vs-,1l à hin 1> ' tr anid tpS> sl ailt - Regular 50c Brassiere 29c Wemen'a reg liar 50e brassierea in Ilpat brûraded effecLs witlt Bide stay.. &DIl 481 ei amert inla acomplete rang-. Blouses!!. 1. 50 and $2 Values at $1000-ho liiueq r prel yye i-l okig -ii-tiii ail Siz-4. SiIk Blouses to 7.50 3079 il r- i, a gîîtr tni a-.ra iltter of l'OtS Il i -- de Cine, 1i ita -r anrd t ý -iii t ter> tueit aîîd t ned col- Silk Blouses to 16.50 9*75 A atii r.oIiia iiiî--of land-toille (eor- M i, a tr ýi- i tr ls k iig coloi i.g4 atnd 8tylas oitr.hteu giolîpeti for thîs par- " 2'~7Women 's $1 î(Silk Hose Z Fibre s 1 -sI t i gi-i r iange o! ri-iandI 1.50 Silk Hose r m ii0 , i(iiildiiig asIl hdue-t ail ilit Ilew illi %Na ied ci loi1 2.0&2.98 Silk Hose At thii pricp, IL la doubtful if YOIn securerd soih valuie. Fine Silk l-t-, u 1),ac k. e, ey a nt colors wiih saaii-d back atiJ. icaýiiy te-etîforredis-i Cordicella Guaranteed Ail Silk Hose 2*98 The finlt i--! k liose ue havi 'etr sen a aywliei e litar lii i-t pricp. Tli hotte i ail put il 1k fî-rno LOP ) end i-n S) îIîtde asitr to ture n t-itI lY long wear. Children's New- Hats 1.98 & 2.69 Pi-etty neu- hats forth lit tle tGie are itou ready anîd a! very lus- prices ton. Iiieli dt-ilare th ii S rî-a niid e bhi li inî'd ýir o«iiorte aniaiîr h iiitnîed et- Women's $1 Crepe Bloomers 59c worit-irqanad Nlis"eï' t-pt- bloorv3fra ln fliti 0111y a rt LIi -ale plic( $3- Sateen Ploomers $2.219 Sate nlolegwt ac knee in bak kgren npurp and n-ttypwhie ald ]ýl srpd efc Cbildren's 1.75-Dresses Sizes 2 te 6- New White Dresses 1.98,98, $5, 798 A leaaly utaonefîl ,eleeion or htala srne ie ne white dresses lu crîsp organdies andi frebli voiles i l aises to 14. et 1the varlou* pri-ces: ail ruffled, lac e trimutetianti beribboned. PîctI>- ittle style% lunail - <our, it giugitanis andi c liamubrays at oî-ly $10. W Dresses to $5 Intese iso as-ortunie you wili flnd rnany of the tteaat)fl prettt styles in ail sîzes up to 14. Children's Hose Black Only, Special 19C Children'à hase ln ail sizein lu buk Ouly. !'or tiIs epeclaale aI 19e A Great Selling toit Children' s Coats &Wraps Very Specially Priced 7=' 10- 129 140-50e,16o50 la th ii ou .a (t groupa lîrdicair-iltir tho diff'ie priîce.--uo'rd alive y ru wîll fînîd ail ize-s up to 16 lun-tpartii <051-i. a> c a fi olm îiiîtîan ffect.-. ad wrppy- no.qri iin ail <l i-tictorlmag Hundreds oi Won-<en WiIl Take Advantage of Our ReaJ)y Sensational Suit Sale For Saturday suits upto 39. 50 Suits Up to 47.50 29.50 Suits up to 67.50 $45 Thl-r promises to be the greatecai Suit geliiîg uc bute teMld inyears. We lhave bundrediq of handsome modrula lu cîhr plai.- or senil-talln>red or the larcie kIisi with te rlch enbroldery, beadeil &ad button lr-iia-d eff-cls as wçIl ai. wool Jr rsey Rilts t $13.76. 7he New Quilted Black Satin Coats' 39.50 & $55 sati l L. ai e éjttnt - ---t. rt-a <t-et-I t'1,1iý ýv .y i ,dm J , p r %as and Purses 'i tI2 C2Pi 1,1 3Ž andi 3e i. ru l - ai '1ml C a1, il If-t- i Ai rrontd lly ii -'n 1 i,- t ,-.!a 71,e New-. .Sweater Blouse As Pictured Above 2*98' Tiii, ii a d-cdî-iy cnir-ir. Ta-tit f t ;,l 1)1'pi ti Fibre SiIk Sweater 12.98- t t 1 4 I blin r p ext t (p Y ltrti a-l antd tyl a i l Pure SiIk Sweater 22,50 'Jui! l'i.î!jng fr ut-%ar urh Stont. oe4r ..îI- and q ist:îî r î -r i tthe golf . -- oo î inîg n fui wre- 'i d i--i-t ud s i. Women 's $2 Coverali Aprons 89e ri %ýai rai aponitri Women's 1.50 - Silk Gloves -. 95C W ,tii.i'a ikk glorn-ti t n ail c .r wih - - p p andin ai 4z-.î New Kid Gloves 2.25 - 2.98 - 389 Ki ia] h e % tyC an ; wI I- I ts iih,(l g r y i Iý e u t The Newest Styles Are flere Ini A- Sale of Silk DPresses - Includinjz'I affetas, Satins, Crepes and Others Dresses up to 18.50 J $10 Dresses UP to 1$35 29.50 rei- t ockc of oUrý Ii (ru-. IY a îrîi-t iiteî estiig sight antd coî-. stantl>- dia,.,;thIronga of dî-crluîîtt log lttiyer-î W'e hat-e styles freewu ocuanlîja. foir matron, miss andi ulilor lit -rmai t taffetas.,rhiniering satine sud lte -ery 'new Cantion <repas tin & bewildrîiig array of heconttîîg style& la gît-y alid ail colors Fur Chokers Specially Priced 8.75 and 16,'50 NeIs. ltYllîtI. praetin-al aud ter-y i la prci c e iese new chokers ilT"Ie tous furs and coloîs. VOLIME XXIX- 18 AUTOS E AS ROU ND $10,1 Martin Thelan lace Hall Bur Jnknowi vali VS loir - r-lt t tilt -~ lit- j,-tt, t-J t-- FRANK NEW t, i Retiring Pres Davis. of Lit He!d Offici lt 1.t t -tit, n, r--fl w ':- l ng M 'il 1 A t ln1 s- te tr-], ('ptot d F ii F i-tîn - vr h t- t 'rtît oii- aiii r ni, (Itrîrti t--*etti4- M r i t-1-fi t , l urn tu Di lz-t i i En t l Piï , ' i it Sý Il r % -rt I ige il- T lie oty rn ill and Mî,il j it t-e~ilati i li'ingi h IunISS ITue I i ti intîl attk j m oni i etry 1 Womfen-'s Union rWomen's New Silk Jersey Chemise and Vests Up to$5 at 2.ý79 Tho-,e *aim'y >tikeit umder thingas thut cteiy won, -la mît-es are tniote îY rqîclliy Prlct.ea- periliy te v, r c01 .tttentiutO te Italien silk eut-clope cliennLae :1A %,-! LIBERTYVI .Z