Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1921, p. 11

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Mlii!flhîfhhflllP7z lies some e, but wear each, 1.18ERTqVILLE INDMPNDENT. TI-URSDAY, MAY 5, 1921 PAGd ' N%4ewr 1relate? 91AISAEOJI __ Libertyville In dep e nde n = *1TA AE U Lake Couniy Independent- Waukegan Weekly Sun O FRMN NWr TUEEDIFFERENCE. ,TI. 1~ILF ' AH CTATE IN ILLG ~O ..'i Il. would appear that othcr editors have their troubles; now and again = I'l lie Ive;efip wd abd w ear wails emitted y our brothers of the peu and qute Fotes ore f T ESat truçntly these ht the bullUs eye cf or own target. L. P. Straube, editor of Ilinois Would Be Di- tW,*"Lincoln Park Captr Bulletin," aorrowfully divorces himmeif f rom vorced From Rest. ______j_______ the followîng:____ "Wheu & plumtèr make a uistake, he charges twice for it. FURNISHES 3,442,000 ,When a laweir maes a mstake, he criete iadsaman dobles, 'itlfrtealso h.A N t wo t y S l ",When a larpeer mkes a mstake, he res it d aindoubehi-i-r(itisofte fi-Ag.woy S l bis Cratiflg a new satae out (or a pait - bis fee. of minois, a tt-tre m: n li sý.n "Wflîen a dtot maltes a'mistake. hie buties it. "Wben a judge makes a iistalte, il becomes a law. "Wken a preacher maltes a mistalte, nobody hnows it. "Wben an electrician maltes a mistalce, be biamnes it on induction and presents a bil. *'When a pi-inter maltes a mîstake, ht passes the lmclt. '-Whcn an automobile bayer maltes a mistake, h. trades il in. *'Lut, wben an editor maltes a mstake-43oo Night !" THEY'BE MADE UP P 0FBOSTERe. As a icàident cf Lakte Couty. DII., the edtor cf the Daily Sun and -.Iake Counity Indelieudent, nature!ly was lteenly interested in the statua of things' in Lakte Ceunty. Mgs., dnring the recent trip f the National Editorial Association.. In Lake County, FIa., tbey have a Lake County Chaniber of Commerce whose scopie cf action ia consderably larger than thea Waulegan-Norlh Chicago C hamber. The whole connty mastains a secretary-manager who it îs nnderstood receives about $5.000 a year. Thse Chambai- cf Commerce in Florida issues a& montlily paper called the Lake COnics. Judging hy the way members of tItis association received the ngtionnl editoîs, business mien cf that whole county 'certainly art wojing band in hantù in g ettiiig the ir county on the map. tThe Chamber mintains a good slogan addreused te every citizen cf Lakte Couty, Fa, as fllows: *I pledge myself flt te crticize or con- demi the Lak e County Chainber of Commerce or any local organization -in Late County fur failure te get itînits unulas 1 have persona]ly given lisicial suppoi, ime. tbought and effort te attain resulta." Thtis obigation you see. covers a multitude of conditions and mxght spply wth equal force in the Waukegan-North Cbicago-Chamber. W. B. Powell is secretary of thse Florid.a (Lake Couty) association id give alal cf bis tlime te thse work. He certasnll ia a dynamo of action and is emthusiastic over his countY. Acording' te ese report he hrt b=sa offered taice the salary te go te a larger connty and follow the saine Une of activity but declîned. explainîng that is jterests lay iILake County, Fa, sud he wculd nt leave there outil be bail attained the end be was seeling. Lakte County. TIa., is oeeof thse big citrua.growiilg cous- ties in tIse state Rand in or trip over il we saw somne wondetful orange "d pape fruit ornýhard%. In fact it was through Lake Ceunty where, in cor automobile tour in evtry village we paîîed tbroÜgbuwe rt ser'ved with wonderful omrnge juice. fruit punch. souvenir carda, etc., showiiig hou very enthîîsiaatic the people in their uwn county are to have everyoile at large know what tbey Rie doirtg end what they arec8cpable cf doing. The ceunty ta aaid te have about 15o laItes and la one of the most beaui- f ul counties in FIeîida.__________ 0Originaio»l for Sprint bY thse Woritre Clevereut Creator L of YoUthful bModes riety 01 choie le color. linO, de- aigu and tabrhc. k Or whlct lh. &,tis be praleed ana iame k athlon Ltirie biset! pieul Lu nie for color speaas. -.e huaic,. 'n a w1de iariIety o! the"mt'C a.-d .nei u." the artiat there la 'a s, tîîîhUuy iuites that pleari the e)e just as surely as in bointi ai. brations moothuý tae ear. àîid we tre at-our'bheu etiia Pa-etie i.î. 1,,i i. ht hues beftre us, tLe tlic, sur unr caflâsua on at-i t0 y l-Iardin gBluae 'Seidom bu Puieln, beau n l0 tongenlal a inood as hiIs Sprleg ueasan. Timea bave there been, ;n- numrable uhonit thelady. Witb mot severe main aud levated pince-nez, bas sent forth ber die- tum. an absoiute CoMmand for line or côlor that gave but Ilttie chance for varlety Ie o» ewanted to le in the mode. Paillon decreed brown. or grey. or gmen. u tbe case mllt be. aud any tiler sImde was de IfoP. Or graiht lins aere th e vogue and &IIleite wouid be fvflwned upaiI. Eut insybe 'twa9 tlite r SprllIS that got under ti'e ir i ady's skmn this year, or rIa . ie a tmogphiloser. bOs it F 'tittd te bâCome youngcl' lu. itd f ider. for no natter wbat il,., teso. 11'sie basunbecded Most gra, rully aid gvu nus awvde va- ý-te tof ail the tints' the f1rai ladY 'ti tho land ojigtit bave -spOLItSel. Ittue waa ber beast happy iraOt choitc. 1 May brI a.3 rncaning tortmo@L i, re. lHarding rnay bave ellosen It Ifiat band, lut let us grant ber the delîciOtis lufecISIOn that 80 important a inatter de- manda. And the new abade that 1,roudly bearo ber namne la îndeed a splendid reflection. on ber higi juclgmetit and good taste Froink my humble etand 1 wish ber hus- band sa ranch suPr iacy ta de- cîding matters ofaate ! 1lue ut t lie Bea, biue of the sky, bine ut sunabîne and spitrkle and life, Of happy eyes and swcet amelllng blOgossOfl bine, traie Harding Amer- Ican bine, plucked from the great vauIt of 00dm own panoply. 'Tis a wonderfail shade. and 1 bave tried to do It Justice in the canton crepe frock sketcbed above. barmoiilztuil witb sach of georgCttP'and cm. broidery In cloud grey. Two acorn bobs fiftish OUf the sach. abi'th te georgette peepa out agaln asulning ta tbe qualut sTeeves. The collar la truly Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Ilyda. for betimeo It 18 trily tigbt and a gaîn it unhuttons ta torm s a ide bLowlng collar. Go fortb. lîttie frock on your m18- slan for better thingi, 'Prend In the knowlflg that yeu have lth etn Color or the day. Cnilef Esteuilve's sAmple Til. The atidreps of -be Pî'emideit l simuplv "Thi. Prkident of the Unitedi $ltaes." There was. debale over tiie titi@ lu theii. UnIoligreras. Saine inu -bers pr*poued that lie hé adtireess., 58 "laEzeilecy."au il,ers argued fer "ai$ Hgnee"bt'a commutltle rslrep"d tm 1!" t flo uîr te &a. Bel *Dy etyl. or titi*e 011e, l ieutl Accordtg ta reports frontHme Arrhtlicp Johtn .Joseph <,enno,î ott Fit. Louis rnay succe-t'd the' tait rr dînai Cachoýns ns es.hbtshop .otf B-144 WNAUREGIAN LOCALS Fair tomiglit and Ttîursday; con- ttnued col; m0derate north winds. The ladies aid socitty of St. JoiIs Réfrirnir il <laierh still ritetThu'.sdZ Y a fiernoocil attthe' hcie of 1814. mat y Batier. 726 Mt Alt-ter actne .Mv'. Bauer and Mî>. Albetrt lla"'.e w il en- Starliing 'luetsR. flt.îî nes gttitîg mitk at tell (<lit" s quitThi-,Wtia reclu ti tif 1ýa eùeî.ta 1tart. Pîili r( niain th e .attî. six it. . .lsAdatii Gtt'.r ,f t1247 Mt'All ter lttfila ht- 2t1i l tai.,xtondtI tiip thiniigh Fîdf pîi.g n. îîî o tîdr t' uit ut iase-uk:. Puîle .î i.(u n tit of MtCie. t t" i ~ it,,I I. .1Et Gi,;.- and i * I t i P Spi ingteld, IIIlMay Z.Tht lng tIppieýsed antagonisin betwefich <ugo andthie downatate Lui.'i nt,- th.' oia.n today in the sûnaît' Spnator John T DeDrîr. itou! red a joint reoliftion lntt'nid, h, Inift'itt. to pave the way foi a d toit.,.of thet' netropoltlan ti lthat cu.iiundla Chicago froni ilict- or tilt' ýtiite. Thw e rsülInon paves 1t'.. f-, a nifemotiAl Io congreas$b In I. ro,stttiontil .stepu te 'rt t..- fluaatet'of 'Nortbern lIIinw" .n't "Souiherfi Illinois." For ai "Northern liîrins." It asks for the necaaaîRyr.î, ery tci be pur into action tu -P Ize the proposed slate of tti Ilifloîs" 10t choose a con'ii" coniention and orgintre ît".f It 'i a sOveregn cMate. 'Sî4)iàeîn Illinois" a ithin 't,1ii výw ( if the lDenvîr resointor. .. w inîltin the preseni t att, t" ii rr.î'r.t, '.î.thin the' bounîlati r i d hy the' teirnts of the ri.'1! ýitîct-s bhouid eo dcternnire *t.e 1etis ( ie Seuatoia mould c.îiiiof AIhe conit. - i 'tii, pane, Kane, Lakl-, .I lie KPItandil Bonne. 'heli, t' nine' iinetN fourcounties cf îtat iPcit. wou:îl rerain as ait v, 1( -i.motil.t- Illinois. Ftgh't Omn hi arnest. 'Tht' divorce pioceedtng'- litiigli, ut becamne eomea ii' whe'n Seniator l)envîr 4fl.I fîghi for its considet atient' r the course a01('he cnttro l'i seuDtion t lis aemîttina 10ie' Chii ý,rgs peçtnîical being by l-r'it of rertetentation in the ,,.'î' antd assie led tîtat the atwîinî't (if j ta-et gaînst the boaîiil ,'i a-le j', now an attack u n C (iî.ei t m-I'riatlîiteiests. Afte, a Li s,irmîsi the resolution vSî,nt ,r until lomrorrcw tindpr th'e i r MWew State the Largcr. Trhe ut'W stdte prlf"'v hi,%. a îîptiîatlon <of 's- I t ont.' its and tiit'ir p[tîIpii. t ; o 1; oia .uf i e . . .... .. * *' t:" -1. 1~" * *,' * t..,:' * t n]] li,-, P t i , 'uintiiitaite i..u pa t î t t îhg Iî II -rt M in't \ ly I Nil i Eîî!tif ,' ,, I I I 1ro i ' teli y i( uý ii' r, luS ti t] i. suuiw l îif',r - J'Itî' ,r.1, i ft! li-e C. G >~ it ]rai 'iaid Seuatai lien - w;ir lit-Id ih. tif i tflfof l ie nn 'î vPl interinérittin Pin" tt o"ue- Fu l'i.'a,a'te i l rili i ti'i KutiII.t"lut ;int.u t--ýrr î.îirlha"- ('lita;oit, i i iglg tît ', t onîetil0. t-i a SlI-lt 'ttC. ;i 1.11] FIN, ia'. ýn.tti ' i ilt.' V ilit fl tht' god Iord ti tutt fit]] AhItn & V iiaiit'.l l'iî ugo iil. a s îI, - A ; ine le ili ir,1y 1,uitI' lisi, r Il lt' '- f!Fe la i li h nditince, tuai ihell, M a f '- n ît.itt> futi l-i. il1-e o hcl ti lit l tiîi'i.rg ..,l.s'ît'nSeconded. tue 11F Iîî,îk,. i le itilice i-f ii' , i . i-i e. iti, 11r.. tiitllil lv tlr itt' r.Il J . uif'lvýA oAi PMi I vti'iii 'ji'. 't ii'ft .1 1,111t !,i&'t.10-. 'i i h t _____________L_________________ t'stt it.c. taîl i il( ,i lc i i , ,,it'; ,-i f tt te>. tth I ilt 9d c" t L)1 n I ni in rXi- W 1Il':,n las iti n t lii cn%,it-Ailn ma h I '1,tii 1,1 MJoit] ;N.: OfJîlti 8iîA..ofil lilt titV. ,t'Itgzitin ioi i u ,it. '8 li g;Itti i .-lil niIig IL.b uTl"', o î'da f thi,1 I '.ii aittend., î'k li t I I ,1 III lolse. Tlhe Eltit' taie iîn îr'n a I' tLe lure ',uiiii'. . 'ii 0 et ,ltsi hl-iIai IINiilt- le- , ikallt'r n-xt Iinanl Pi Ii.ialuiiîîtoutîu andl giiir lî.î it'tiiitt t'arre t-un uts .-ientiig i', t. rrIulleiIrt. utii ohum Io iit-n. tria heing A lfi si(,I it i vii.. 4 ,dis l-,in.i 't..-t (tif t.alk., t ta 'Thi' tiiti.ii i ,ii iiisnhcv '.11 goî iifli' t ft an o<irtit' ottn ftii aîii' o Kenus t'. i i l1t' i ,ieaernî)ifv te iliciti', t t -itr 'ieti l i i .tîî ' i.d deg: e ",Suces StenîII--ut.alig fbacs en %Min. ustut Nll,î.2 :i3 Gideon ate- ai C;ît at taitesia a shotrniakct. vliti nue. Ziin iTu. *,! iv evitnng ai tht' open a siroluat ie roiner cf NIiiith,'ii .' ait-nuie ,nd Notili Pîreet -ncu. The ý'Waut'?. i t'aîdinais" are tn 'rhe la"t ila,.ftor riurntng IterFonai play titrir fisi gaule ut tht' season ptoe ytaxe î.-iA-dules la drue îng lit Suînday afici tiotitiai l)avisfel. nigl. the 0liAo f Allia montl beiug Noîth Chicago. I. iIn tiey ai clashi thte "JiîdgenttDay. ('harles 0. 'itllithe Ojiela Ail Stars. Armesr. asiessor. l1ait sent oni a waarn- Yhe mnthlyintittng of the H-u. ing Analitthose abo aho fail tIn e- cman socieîv iill be eld îemonrow muile teéir scheduli'a by Abat date. afternoon a lui Iipuic liîbrary ati:t 'ailIl .t'.-e R A iiper <rut penalty sd 'ctock. ed. William Spelilian. of t.iberîyvile. E. Il. ' fr.local secieisryinu ahO bas hein Mii iîh pneumontas ager. tepanniuing ntend tht' na. for five 'aeebt, 'iartaken ftrn NVie-= tAonaIl viotlfor conmmerc'ial serre- tory Meumotiliu"tital yeserday t tarie.,.,'hich aHIlbeheled at North-' tht' home of his ulaigter, Nirs. johnM wrtretelu tniversil:.. Etanetoc. .ily E. Reaîdon onC 'i y avenue. Mr Th2O 'le sûcîortl vîlI be conducted SPelimuanlajePLtiîiig aieng nicely. inîer ausptces ofthtie' Chainier ofTh"e Ladies* Aid 1secietY oethie Commet ce of the Uitettd Stites and (lernian Congregationat cburcb aill Ahe Association ot Commerce organ-ltold tiîeir reguar nionthly meeting izing sedrteaîie. antihe restdenceair Mis. Bowman. lienry Peîd -urnu-a (6North avenue. 'hrbnrday. lilile polvy arm oun Beach road. The' St. Maîgateis Guiid uil hold lu addition tli@lus auk le Wanlîe- an ail day mieiling îearraw le the gan. now )las i300 baby <-itk". and Parisît flous.e a îî lunch senned at boises tn bavc better aurceit han noon. lent tear. A vear ago tes killeti Memhis of Illi te Kiwasis club aili mest cf the ltile cicks. 'l'bîc year go leo.Kenu-liii tonigiti.' aber. thbey lie bas a cal and dteg Ib Te cat will be Ille gilesia cf the 1çeeiîs haI waiheg tht' thicken bouse and the Kiwainans. dag burtoas the' rodents oit oethe Chailes Salle'rnd famllY reînrrned _ groîmnd under tht' building andi other fromn Calilot ia sevenai days ago. F-outaide plîaces. "Rais." Mr. Fieundul Tie Knîgbts or Clumbus ailex "fale tht' lin. of légal resance emplit y tht' tht-d degree »poa 15 can- la andi ail ot go Io tbe trouible -afdidatesa udt Snuday afîernaaon. ýd nibbling a Prece of excellent cheese A . J j taela ih blplog out At Wgr- e lu aL tretP if theycan feas'tî on a yopug rn'a NorthliSi, store. achichan"',Miss Hazel Sella baulà eftIfor Penn- ad There IOI he lin mûre case* lu Brivanla for a viit aîth ber bro- Id connty court Il nexi 'f»esdIty aben Iber. Hien alster-n-l-aw 1laequit. Ilii. le Juige Personsa W1).precîdé. Ders )liave beet made,' b. M.M.A.h Doyle aXd daugitter. 00111dg and Gchrýpg baxbenbop. ~ IMie Eiza~tb-bave relurned trom jTi. lmpro!clmnt t dde ta tbs a- I reta. ii.*bers, -tkiry 'selnt a persice. ut D~uperb iNew Suits, Coats & Dresses Is Our Foremoat Feature For Thursday Mi are Greatly Underpri"ced, ml'. lît ,-, «,111 "u '.'t in ithe îQ"te t t til' t. l î an iîîîli'tid[IzIliz( i.e I le aîid skît l lî i uîiî iîg tat atiti ' W ait'a îg ~ 1)uuIIît Iittlientlit il Iret- Distinctive New $45 and $50 Suit's are,. in thîs-S.,le at .\ si i itutîT r1îi- S.1 il i"- N itit .t I. tîi " $ Sut t'î' lusii aîii tii <ij~ îtiii ( 'îfl 'le Sit it li -vîîîlookino for. ClassyNew $35 to $55 Coiats and Wraps Go at 11ithlis disjîlav vtc'l ifind ail thîe stî'iking incw' (oat effeets, ' r a' pry niothlis andl Capte style's ini eidlessai'- e75 A gorgelidf,îi'ics.- Evteî"tv mie is beau- tifîîllt'silk Iined. Exquisite. $25 Frocks Great Bargains. at» 'ùese drîesse's aie suî S Tlîey 're attrac'tive and so filled developed with style (liltiletiti Setin Crel tlîat yott*I wont tlîem ettes, (leorl ail. (lec Chines Are of splendid ýpes, Mignon- 'gettes. Cr epe sand Serges.

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