Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1921, p. 14

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ZON APOSTLE TELLS 0f lTHE WORK IN ClN C3,1 VJiking Back From Chin Gives Inside Facts Re- garding Zion Missions. SAYS CHINESE PROGRESS 'Ey E. W. CROFT) 111iiA X iey i9i1îrensti0r al ;. n c theii'Zfon ncollege huild îr.t -id iiii1-v Aflosfli' tarI 'lk- Hi in p,, le liasa juil ietuîî e. - i o inanarnd lilii., binft:l ai in. 1.~-. >rCriLkatout theilfo"veî A:t iînnt ce.ic icuî'a! huný i1 hooi lliref. ard ti!tir inrch- i l' n n'Miss Ma', 'rhnot;sonn arni liOstît .nrîIlru L*4 lt' rinM hu: ilit childrr"n i l l y'i iftn i ialc i. y on'~i't flet nia ti.l OL i lo -' '.' i: i ithro t ni ii- iigt' i 1, i 1u1iei11 Lave quPp a t .'. iu 1 ~ ýril,' tîhe r î onl3 - aliiînugl- 1. , te,!i iun e gratif iîg fi :r lu alk ('iilnes taii 1: 'I4lîe eau nonmil t u iof ti 'ica i-, « ii0vi no iiinlil i) n!) Ol ilit ands t i th ..îilelanîîuage. sehen lie fin-it %- 7i i China 2G years ago. He je c hi, ctImii'non Iw o tlîousand tai lea i i tînd it look lm ufour months c Le- lden' îuapEal ' .are ean'ly taught In th- .: r B itl e se itootthe clîltli en r i -Z'Aî illrJesus lieals i! ainmer - ,' .,-tnîi'esanid iseiases, an when I laîhis hIe itolilicach le. toul :I :è et ion sin 1Vain ltal i], tihey corne t* -'îî a leathier and say "Yainen!" w-n i iinterpîs leni ieans iiray fur T'le simpf'lfnt gii1 itir'.Chtna n iland CI os ntips <'fables Ileni iz a-1 t.~-îhe ieaiýiiifg Con dsMne eal- i' n d 'ng Ini ie get healei t liiugli f- in Jesus ',y the iiiinnlreils. înIeViking has acq.aqired s .1 ieal of the simplicîîy of the 'n-nPeople. le aiks wiinut lillus and its '.language Iý ' -t-e as thie Bible itsdf. unýt J a sampilie: -1, liile ftîlne"'e beyCamLa tii b 0, ineday as 1 îinod wani;ng for, a ' :e! calIl was ta se:'.colti oif ad a., flie 1111e fellnw lonok. i cuna i ne 1looted far aNNa'. le -,r saylng in Ulines '1)o a gua()i dI. 1 liit a heas y u rrcno et on v !'ni the iûllar i iLîneit upRand i Vmi, verv iran m isite. T'llie.' ywai b'rngbut lie fldn't isk for non"y. a,[ lif salitiras -do ia good dednl l'1 v w.ioyc %iey îaggd. boc' hn , WaI't lie liai scarceey anythLng, irIn i bs body 'saiexpuset Io file cý!I i n i le haldno siioei or i sk ngs 0u". it was s'ery eotd, but Iwaq s'eirvyc-ami. Everytirne 1 Llaenl awinY, lie wouid corne arounni and face me again. Finally I walk- el awa>. but lie c-as right aftér me. Ife' iai Cone hfrone oh the beg- gar bosîs iat line hotu sites c f i lie "Stiîdienlv inIo i ieart tire ciie a ionjing. iTtc-asi-el-y cold. HIe wass sery rî'gged. 1 looked int&' bià face asdoit blits eyel. 1 PUt Ini Iand In mny pocket, gave hi. «,)tue momey, andt lie c-as off like a 411 ai. lie fi:ohably c-as hungry awl, w-nn'd someihing Io eRt. Soon after t1iy. se OPfencI !a jItnior Iible iclioal t'ni 'e. 101(i . fes' of flite haý son tie Street ho cone atonq. 'T'le day 1'.' openedt i-i îlîC caiefrouj ait Love Voyage OVur" GreatMay Sles Aux HIN Go.K Lake Co's. Greatea*t Store For Women end Chdldren jAit tho lw-se Nain Kanî,as to China t tae li nîrt*îe. Thata what 111ils 010 tawkinsi of Arliy. Kas. wilI do aft- rshe la gîsdIlated flin>Kansais Weae->n U se-si n JunC. lCr% fiance. Warren S. DudlcY. a gnis. «uptoîun. a lri Clengk!ng. China., dtr"ecIron% and eowded In. laiiy of ilien, had take, and dusafLns witi whtcii tliwy i0niied around garbage dumnpe s n-1 cnaî o see if Ilhey coulti fini aotriit!tinng lu cal 11s..Viking toid tireur 10 put t4se.r rakei, and thefr du-.L pana neai- the dicir. W'e teliaht thaîîi the Bible and to sing. Apostla Viking s a veeran nis- sienary corker. lîa'ing tolled a qlar- ter et a cent ury aitiong the heathen, c-hiqese. ttFie nows whaîil At uil) face lIidnnljî iand danger. 1'o ia- vel in iobber infealt e un:i-y and ta fâce tire dangers oflIoaisoîîîe di messe Inlesterd areas. An intense love for children and for tie thou- Bauds wlio ocier leaid the gospel [las akeptîi this litislii a war-i toit-u Ing onl yeir alteri car in ibis ddrl. cnipi Nia' lie Ira& carne ihomîe !,) t)a 1-.t Swlilc. A wonrd slîiînid riv. tirelitîîî;rps. Aliiil, uPri-val-itiiiiit Auitrlrilit a ciili li t of i l i lr îl lio a 1I ii1 i il i. î innîl l le-m m1, a n o îiî.tiiî if 'sisiraiai 6it',' iiill îlot 'lo Oî.v~iii f eitiiate-. Tri Srhioty laIi nit, fir exasapfle. a tens lîiirs, -ill iit'yli traIni vli takn' ru li tIlle ieIgtuî.4 f itt,'iire ranBille, sihîcre Iiihiti lit cIamjj, l' o Ii' înrmtl% of a wnaît lire temlper litùit.ndry siîîîaiîlne rit lier- WE INSURE GLASSES AGANST BREAKAGE 109 South. Genesee St. TI'rel. Doctors 1'wo H Our Serîjice ii N. Giriesee St. Waukegan. lit. SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY & TIIURSDAY Sale of Men',s and - Boy's Shoes ]lni aiariid ... Women's $1 Union Suits kini Unioni SI'îitslai A Woinen's '35c Vcsts 19c bed e:i, otgo ni niiilily and In ail .50c Vests 29c Wtî î,rîbîneil veaî.'ituboth the botti'c iid. bandt top styles in ail si.ea. Regular SOc Brassiere 29ec Wonîens 4regular 50r brassiereq in fleh Iî' efse flerlswlth ide ataya aitd"Ila-itîc insri-t, lui a coranplete rangte of Oliees. at 29C. Night Gowns Values to.8i at !59C W)nîetii-î plain an!1 entilaroidered nigit gonin n s*date% tlnail ,;Izpiî -S'p'.?ial at 5', 1.50 Niglit Gowns $1 Thi . v'ry p9piilar pri Ae of t?1.0 Ûvili bîîy i" exc',ptioîîai'y fine iiglît go nr ta ir l) mn i ? i î'c e li(!Ull- ed. 1.50 Chemise $1 w mnv-11>3 wutitlii 'i t(n , .' ciienie tIn nice-looking styl"a piletîiiy trnn1iled and a gao tlcra 2.50 Niglit Gowns $1.79 uiîce soft longclnth ini all kî.zcq, hiati- f.tly îrîinîued wi'hli tCC3 andoit cb't-iîl- Bargains! Bargains!! Cb-hildren's 1.75 Dresses Sizes72 to 6-- New White Dresses 1. 989,2.98, $5,y 7!- AX iealv wonderful, selecion or t'itiniew hec -ite dressesA 1n CrIsa. aii .,.î and lieslt vo)iles lit att sAzen. tati. tsa tthe varinua prires;'atilrufIlýil, aaeII nînd ut lertîbtînn. Blouses! 1.50 and $2 Values at $1000 Woîokena nec-Wirthuzor pretty. Irenh-booking styles ilu ait i-a -SiIk Blouses to 7.50 3,e79 lÈrii-.' a gond iized aaasoi'nient «s pret ty -iecw -bloswîea -of' -ergette Ceè Silk ('repe de Chine, Tricoleiîe.ç;an!l Pongees An eseîy nec and c-anlnnd Co- or Lt a very loi- price. SiIk Blousesto.65 9.75 Aniidnîîîîîer of haiidsome G'.org- cîn i l inii . istrlking calot agni anrd st yleï hatve Ineen gî-otîped for thîs par- tll-uh!r s"IItig. sICî,-î3niait~I;Ii2 ,tlçsn alt Cç ti iryi at n.iy îo Dresses, to $5 i tI itiffie e t' ii.A tneu0' jyuu wi tLfîad nîsny af (1#3 -e.iin prplileal lyleai ii att -uap..i up to 14. Children's Hose Blackt Only, Special 19C -(I i ctea a.e la all i2.i Àtà ablêel enly, for ttîln, iperlai sle at 19r* (2hildren 's Day at HEIN'S. Children's New- Hats 1*98 & 26'69 Pretty inew hats for the 11111e ",,a are isow rpad and Bt a'ery low pri"I toi). Inel tlded are the nn'w *Ide brtini- tril's ita r theâatler tr me-de Women's $1 Crepe Bloomers luf it i Sc $3Sateen Bloomers' $2.29 aftch si p d ( Bargains!!! Great Sale Coats and Wraps Ail Sensationaliy Under Priced vtt. - '$5,00 MNîî' îa-k IKid ileht~ 'tîll' But s' I ngiisli L tiIsBal: - Stiz These are wonderfül values. - We advise you to take advantage of thiasale as we have a limited amounit. THE HOUSE 0F REA.L VALUES. Dooittie & 'Whyte The horne-of Hlart 'Scbaffaer & M4arx clothes Values b $22.50 Values tb $27.5 0. 7391,8-12.75- Values to $40 Values Io $55 19.75-$3 It bas been yeara silice you wcre able ta buy hand.saxe nec- Cosa at these low prices. Here are literatly ttîou.8ands of Costta, Capes and nwmppy* Costa An a wAde variety of clever styles; sortie cilte plain; ôthere are elaborafely- trtmrned c-lth em- broidery. taaaeI», etc.. and Itîclude ail the newc clo-s. This Wrap $12.75 A Great SelUung of C",drn Coats &Wraps Very Specialy Priced 79$10 12' 14.50, 16.50' fii (lie varinsgioiipa tIdic ated by thi diffn'iiî pricea quoted above yo)'. wili finit al i sze'i up ho 16 linuip)rtnî <Ot, i a n Dol m )uiîan eff.-ct.i and! 1'- inîy n ias iii t iti -Inîi icudi'i.: Ah, ni*1' biu-" Wool Jersey-' Suits to27-50 12.75- Suits up to 39.50 19t po.5 Suits up to 6 7.50 i oi a i , li1 e tegrcateý! siii S11 we have hled ln yeaîs. %%'e 1l.1" Iindreila üf iîaîdsonie ani , , et. ' 'r. or' îîîtaori or te fî<.wit' thie rich enibroidery, bead,.! ac eton I réi i:q.d <'f1îî 'b a.i va i ia' Women 's New Silk Jersey Chemise and Vesta Up to $5 at 2*79-r thinge tht e ly antis I se Ore IIowve- e y tecitiiY Prted. e pEtally Ce1 Wc e Mattent<fn o th8 Italat a silk envetope ci enj e $1 Silk Hose Woiîs45c WotsanîdNMisses fibre silk hm-ne In a ver Y gond "ange of coloretli ait kîize't ah thiAnextraordinary Iow price. VOLUME XXIX- SEIZE TRU BEER I TO 1 Mere FactTha Slipped of f'C ea Quarter Ji -- :iiniin-i 'l % 'nu : n 'n ieu ide - i nIiin I 'h' î.-nunierot d c-i' ito :.'%n'nr ni nd t!, i - - n n *. n lui! 1" in 'iarii lin w.,- -, '--i t~ a'- 'la.~ n tiin.i ni! Wl". 'n.i' i - i i i. iii . ~il ~ -i-gir, - i I t 'n t, '- Si n n i nitg um nniîhsr detaiti. l,'il of beer c-n inn ! jnart.tco BLIND Pi inote o at)riice cnunty court Tt et] guWiy tii u iîboxicating liq n iargiiig hîni iet in court Smith \îonda> Kernueîiy lied I fine -ais fixed LIBERTYVILLI FALLS 0 ('orliss Cote i o gel off a cai Genesee streeti îiighl cwhite tI His heel caugi ws ithrown, h mîent. Dazed cut on the hen the Pewere dri sician c-OS cal] It cas foutu ut t *ohs au prac.fl *ahie Women's Athletic Union Suits 1egular -8.98Value 1019 Ofî'r t, ','l Ptîtîi i tem li. ,' ,t: and c.',% ' 7, rr îrthn îe '. Bizei utith ii liiin. lý

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