LWERTYVIUI MI TP Super r~o C tmg of iàiien m11 C.1re i %tk-, ('1 1 ttcru i '%s file e IENRY COUNTY PLO '0 LEVY TAX FOR ~ ILFYT A lIAD OA W RK D I1ER RKENBACKER, ýrvîsors Adopt Plan of former race driver, who wen in- County in Preference dyg aeaafyi cel To Bond Issue sl i@kn 1 qdd Inith late war, wili flyfomh hm CENTS ON EACH $100 zln Oakland, Cal, te, Indianapolis Jto be preaent et (h. Nisth linter, inational 500.miie rc,( .hi ailtdstisiri<a~i i2t~scce et t~ he ndianapolsAoo pe ji ii cIi-hal' etuflly loday as way, Maday, May 30. Rsckelp wiilT ~ b Ille 101 b uit nO]ii> jbeker fformrly conipoted at In t>iiLiQiiSîî4 f*'l( d.t ajen dianapolis send ether truckka ha 9 did Io siiiittila direct-ffax 10 cot-r StItle judît lai l Icc 1fore hi& entranse. iftc the war, 1îîuuiem but sin«e that tusse the oniy faut ien-' sufTyVii0'p To foi-i jdriving Eddie has done ba& been lii.fgllaerîdi bY t t fle N im I bhihlnthe air. He wiii Ceave isuc plan. An as sfiçî f Caliorniesnveral days before nsun eau> îIl a- %d ll- the race, flyanq 10 Omaha, Feb, 1~ j' tolie I oicd Upiifi iy la.1 as th. firat ole . tjaunt, and tiof is10le ?,I -i 'd over pans to fiy fron Omrneta mdi. iplûn orIflhe dii(-t trIX 1.1,111 arapolis the fo!c'i2dy afier a 111,0-îly di'cu.'iof, lc He will b. scco-ded a reception air ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I .îîs.di iti-tlî.s-4 Inianapo:ia ky tii. American ail ou r 13 01 1nîiinîy 'bo il e 1 jia~' îeutle [e Legion andi by his former racing ûiiiitiee, appined àI a good le mpttere.Ricc erliactrer i3 de lileelirlg in \ViiOstochk ist cîdediy popiul;,r In Indianapoiie, ha~d iecoiiîîinded a $1000.000 hi& former hcnîa. t ,c.Je. 'leii- ooîilec rte' "port ,cdbi rAîii:ni-y Paul J. Lona- 11l - ui'dA. S. IL iuu'nîi' -îuo<f huic- mny.sas rna4iîm-d r.:m f a cùu ur. heu.OîI:ir Tiiiiier*c nailî iaie F-'r'nk 13. meconneil of <. ruond. . Il. liaI, eli 'S Jî, .!oln C-îim; tf llSli rdl' i ]tluts if 1. iIIT iiiî. Arinnciri ti, f liîj i iii!, 4'Ioufi, i Tir' i 51.4V, il. it dftaiiril lt.N'it i] i e a i- <l (ut 'tLT u ,rtirairu -e cli i- fif S- MAV PUT JAJi ON TOP OF NEW CT. ERUSE ADDITION <Contiiuucd fron, ptre O0 ,1t tddiî îcî fmas rq u-tlîflT ho C rruTfuii c' - - flue <l I, uîîrTlui-e hý utfcasc buîiIof, Bm-fiid STOfle ;adnit thie 9dea a i ind l l iî n Iflue fiiii'e i if thse coii- drrldcs 10Io rn <mcmflîî- OId Ifart o!f Ilic (oTiT f lîcuse fte vi IlI bavese'oflîtliiiiTg modernî 1n flicpre- menu acci'additi on cli-i an bel buit tîn 1 riis <oceiia-s c Petstli t- O t'tire comusluit' t-ci-s ilg ingil Of f iaIuai nl i iiiilfor Laite couaîy. il s tb',,igliî flat llTe addition caill be cf s3 tI ne (<l il* îrsoilethiing Off lîni sod l aierîtliun hbick ac, fNiC pi-ci-)cf orit bouse licm st <"cd. 'Ti- s ci dli the tiliglit ini lsii i Pla.t ivac'sriiur toard iii thec fu leiiwi-h 1Infrlir aloi' n le Vire'.t Pca ii ie ifd idjîlultitia )A t isi'r tIl ;tuig Cii Il1 ie u", i i tfeet'sa c-t y rvîi li uT(rncstmd un us tIsa fie 'Inabagi caulity jil has been tiiîlt 'i the top portionî -f 1t.hli inms ddit: vu. Ti.iî - i- i' i îi -i ture s aisoiiîlut-' iTul 'aiTh 140i c-i.s ila Iuhief-i i iiehc o uil it efrt blaTt iti.- , et. 1ihT fine ny 0oIl a teflice l î 1 ~ ~ait- May Do It f-ere. Inf ait. ttr11;: iuiîiiiTi'c rots îf;i r as tait imiste- Tia uTil aI' liefT -ubh IithalleflîiLs if ili( huiid cîîuld- Co iiltr t ~ I, iibIilisi (f o-ii iig doýNil î Ic- î i - ui.Y Juil anîd )îic iitig tiI T.u i n th ii TlPùr lptirtioiTu ffluhE iaddituinu s lui re 9OTut-9 Lt bultîl. The, gempral feelig -uha-in amiiogiuPi'-'.- ly ftntiîl'. eiii ilat tie presenît mil vas thlayFi- trt o! ruîsfi atij nùci r ticid liai t-arfni lt iiliere il ciasq or -indiu'lue aimiangeffienft taI bas b-emn Prai ad tihulh aýi-regards Iflue gaI <',nfif t itiire antis e lnsliriff's ] 'ei-i't-i,. l'it .laTTi! ji a aliciiiiîi.u zii iS t ii c 1' ' h il ]n 11) flu shoriff' res drî. cIit oui.fu i t- Lbut -ioiiciy 1-t -nd. 0f rîîîîi-e 5h' lTTiillli. s a ;-d li ic iid t eeeIîietL, hlal toiiiua r it ducs n but t o l e klsîpurvisoie believe that e-uIle duiue lafue uîany yecaîs. Of Coueu, lî-îi, alfiouglit ilat ut ranght lit-u- fi for sorutie oîlu r Fort of buFiliiî s-foric eruiuuuiy ir;ihî Ihan t i I i0 hlîui'-e ts i-ltif ifltd the iiT'.iTiiCts ini i 2AiwTl.er fe'mmuie of the' iiîtba- go et-)ut ify di tilot is that on to., O!fle ileci'strucuîre te piovideti an open space whleh le gr1 d hr prislonei cran be iakt-e orrcra lion andf re-h air. 'Itla sesfinîated tsat flic propoced addition to the Ltuke couli couit botseiilesc jcost 1400,00 liandtîfiiefoî-e the cotamit- lii goiflg to.huit-y mtters but Clu-lT Gent-ca, \ilwiaukee', Kenkakee ard thiiuvpnces ila liT utaf0get fideai <t aîtghlt e appled Io the Uke Colif ty a dii TIÛT l'le Lakl-ee ruuaaty cotîînttee las pnarîicaily d-cid-d tutu the oniy feisuie isayt tibuilf tle adition vii 't luildcîif uton theetet aide o!fIlue lit oisen t toit tboTuse. Ail tboîight ritbuilding - ilt-e north hafs > b-n at a ilie. 'ilit- h-h-ia i »jplani lias i'-'-ii Ifiuughi tîu bt-in ther iWE INSIJRE r.LAZSES AGAINST BREAKAGE lot1WSouth Senea.. et. 0-n .t- Two Mf 401 We The Intepu d e c n tî i ,zgt-s of lu i . al..' i l, - îad a 'arc- tii y. WANDERLUST VAN- ISIIES AS, SPINE SNAPS I-NTO PLACE Eugene Wtham, City's Chiam- pion Boy Runaway, Has no Desire Leave Home CREDIT CHIROPAACTOR Eîageîîe IWiflaui, ge4 9 , Waike- garis rchamiîpon iuilaway boy. hlus Ici-T flie spirit f aiciandecluci. AI- thougb lie fornîerty rau away ens the average of two or thnee IicAsaL ceek. fîeiTienic- bbeig 1iked Up over' a hîîadred iiiiici, fromn W'sukegaiî. be lias show i îîo m'-or hi clilfiat io:l for the lasi four ct-k. is paients. %Ir and NMis. Je%îîY Shefls. Rive fui] reli.ifci r filit'chnge to Dr. Paul 0. W , r.locaIl aliropi'ScfOr. icîo re'reic<d ncoriui cide ntotice dsiriiîg hi$ freaiment of lifile l.iriani Riiblia wiho wï.-, rureti oif aîlkiflg sickoess. Fuigrue %Witliatii. up0thfli inie lie st.arifcd iakiiig Cii~aftiireaitiieat vas poc-5td af an unraotrollable desire Il)ij'fiti avL3. litve ai finiEs lie (mnt iilj k.;far as ihiego- -010ti iTi T'1. 1«egan 'iova"Iitthe I l-t liauîîrcuilie casc ln ladi ainri. Theei c rcaipades no otaîly ketitheflic 7-Iieddupiiiuii-i tpiiig lic rly tînt hit-glifilTidiaiuthIle tanîilyj P-rli. qtier teal1î.i'hepls flicia tht-r, spefît iio'-t tif lit r fîn.C un the i ailî-oad ln bigine lier >runtg hope- filI i-at k iiile c 4fai One af te boy 'F tast r-tlndei- I'HURSDAY, MA' Prices. on Furniture, are Low and it Wili Pay You to Buy Now Blumberg's is alwoyç Iower when you compare qualt ,Alcazar Gas Ranges ew l~t*s Eurpris'ng to se how many are alrefz ing how good the ALCAZAR Cas Ranges are.Dr irig the past week we have sold I12 of these rangea. They corne in aemni-porceain and ail white por- ý 'IL, celain. Glass oven doors. It wilI psy you to in- vestigate the Spiral Patented Burner, which is only used on an Alcazar and wîll save consitlerable on yorgsblld. They are pr*ced$ 50 up from. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $6 .0 .$15 FeltMattress for only $7.95I Never before have wc offered Layer Feit Mattreamea, rr-de with roll «Ige T and round corners at such a Iow price. T here are only 45 at this- price. Corne' sa" IlTe right Lohimetpriced fine, séirvantiine l.ie - your hone, We YrnigXh fo The ome19.75 Iru i 21 ars Thu If I-a fi (nOur pt-C > y.OrThousaridsû ac Stisid Linoleum Remnaifts Reduced to 59c Wle are taking a lbas, but we find we have 40 rolla containing piecea of 2 ta, 8 yards loîîg-s;ome are long enough to c over an entire room-tornarrow59 you buy tiis at about 1/2 the price, a n y. per yard ................ For Your Living Room, Sun Parlor, or Porch We batve exacti> 34 pleces that we want ta iri]] et about 1, off. 'Iil# La flot a job lot--but perfect plecE-ell of tlîem aie uriboitered oý lzý,nul îe tapesi y. Iland wovcn Finislied in brown and fromed. There are Rocliero, Chairs, Sotte«a, Day-Bedz, Chaise-loeungen and $ 19 LamInc1luded 1'ýt bsca reductioas andi are priced op from $1 .5 15-9x12 Wool and Fiber Rugs, $9.98 V/e only have I15 to be sold at thi 9 Price. They are perfect gooda and are sold at just 1/-$17.95 was the former price. Living Room Suites One entire floor, ehowing over- tuffed, canle and leather suites. We have reduced aur prices on these suit-es for tomorrow. Corne in and ssec how L much vou can aa've. New Columnbia Records 110W onf Laal Baby Carrnages Exclusive agents for ihe Lloyd's line-we bave 35 styles te cl'oose froam. You are sure to find what you want at a price lower the.n you expected ta psy. Cedar Chesta for Your Furs Il Second Floor Second Floor y1he Beet 8& is n ilwe1*rc MSo r Continuing- Th~May Sale of Women's and Misses' Apparel The charm of'fashion, t.he ultra quality of fabrics and fine details of -work- mBnDIp in these carefully selected garments, will appeal to patrons of discrim- inating taste. The extremely low prie es the May Sale brings is an added at- traction. FINE 1WRAPS AND CAPES A at-w auri ei n t $151 lac Iti arlcd. - Tboy are fAslîloî ed tif tu"cf de L.amie, Tin"-I, ii Casmelhalr aT Lie 'n un th fl u (ir t i fa i 4 lîning'- 'Iue guifîii.i o e % tisliaiti;.d Mamdarl ceet-ait 1It ui.'d îî i) s' g r 1p $15 THREE OTHER GROUPS' C(1cifrt fCrl.and wiapFs < ýf i l. t-i i' ' tailB Vllil i'u. -d 1i i.- 'StL-acu are il iii. ltieîîd fi.r'l ? :iL .. VAIti'S ,V- $21.75 $39.75 $69.75 CHARMING -FROCKS -0F -LOVELY SILKS - Frottis aM ahlltl, . ~t.ii. Chai mn îusr m-rd si,( hT.,feta niaie ilie smarict lSpi iig ctuiC 'pca Ifthey art t ats r.ugiy f-hoac - I r, ia It Mm-y Sale thuT aie miî aly uiideipiKcd at $15 *TREMENDOUS VALUES ARE THIESE SUITS Thiryy*sic -o gt iletfy tiitisdaid curl grcd et ire amade of al -wool it'ri'cVear S'- t Tic j5.Ck- ett% aie lin£t tiotti ifsith i k.Ti-i< vart- the tir t îuuîîarkaîle "tues offpetd thîscau. $19075 Mday Sale Corsets SPECCIAL AT $1.98 lu the flcsh color, iade of brocaded mater jis with clastie girile top. À $350 vae $.98 SPC.LAT Si.49 Aneinecauty Corsets made of flesb color Herringbonte coutil. Stayed with Migbty- boue. Average figure 1 49 model. MAX SALE. Mai Sale Aprons POLLY PIE IAPRONS ~eoifg aprofle of fine per- cale o! colored stripefi aîd filg- sred patterns on liglit groundis. Carefully fieihefi. for MAY SALE ...«-*.-_.59 TI AKAPRONS 98C' Prius.C-oktn'g Coveraîl Aproas of plaid percale ad glagbam. Made witb potuket andti iik- -rack trimmed, A MAY SALE-*..... 98C OINGKAM DRESSES, $298 Madie of checked and nirse if riped gingham; long seeves and revereile callar. Very ecrr viceable quality. MAY SALE ..........2.98 May Sle Children's Hats. »-A Special Purchase A ~î§x~sv assortrnt colîsistiiîg of bats of Milan anîd heg-vy straws in b]aek, whlite and coin- binations. Ail thc'-waîîtcd shapes foi' ehildrcn and grow-- ing girls are found in this lot. Valuîes to $4--M ay Sale ....................... 1 8 WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS Greatly Reduccd $ SPECIL AT $298 Adoîalehbats of sti'aw in a lot o! becamlig shapes, trinîîîed with e-rftandeî rilibons In as many ways. Tbey are valucu, that ecîti ute$6.76. ItAY QALE .....:...... 2*98 SPECIAL AT $4.98 Distinctive hais that are iiiiucual- iy charming. Tley are fitsliohned o! mtrh-w, faffeta and Combina- tions. The ass.Lortmeiit lm very ex- tensice anîd ecd one la a isander- fui valne af this ,MAY SALE price of .... 4.98 GIRLS' SPRING COATS Iiîdddin ihiis aFsoiti trîit aj'ç Coats that formieriy soid Utat $20. Tht-y va e tieosoit a ool(n-falhrca tliat are rertaiR to give an lin- ustual aniountof service. Colora and styles are those most ln ddmaîîd by girls andi mothers: .8 'MAY SALE-................................. .............. M 1 wax Io Èteal $5 fiolonitbs mother and "aY Ilvisit to le', U Cty. }He had mPeofneary al i oney shenI o. cated. Ail the fulps were mnade by rail. The boy îa:19Y seated lim Fel ilitrain'a beside foule aduit kr son and pa.serd for theiir son. The parentfs liad become ainioet fiantiwc ad h"d about deiided Io seld fthe boy to a traiting achooil. As É, lai t resort tiiey tf led chiropractie. Tliey say iliat uow tire i4oy eenie Content -to remiaiîî Lt home. They aie conviiieed fliar the adjiimprn of tlie vctebr&e lu bts spine brouglht aboutthie neweonuition. IJOE'S KEY TO THiE SAND SITUATION STIRS UIP SUBURB ,BuiIders of Highland Park are îr- '.lfibed moer tie acilties et one io- "Pvh )desoui. WVhile they have ta tend to Janesvilie, Wl,., Waukegau anid 0fber goed fowfls for saLd, Jo ut el'ives ies am down to thle beach and Oli l is wagon. Tben Il underseiIs bis jivaas2:; centg, bie yar'd The currfn priciCOs ' A profest f0, the Highland Park Buaiaeis Meas ssýociatiofl le bfing prepaî'ed. *.Mtcri1 lias a l'v yto the padiock wlicli opcus fthe gvile toa road that bas ken cioseui deciared Paul B.or- chart. a contractor. "We are unable t0 get nuiliarity 10 fake sand, 3ef lie dae it-untmoiesfcd" Joe was intervliie(d. *It's nobadc s bu-mýiess wliere I r( f My- pcîrnhsiion, i'ctiiîc-d be. -S al riglit." t 1 t - à 1 19 1 TWO POLIE] TIIe SUC r-ntnrcvcle Policer Rice Succeeded Man John F~ 'PETE JOHNSON l11a aliriiop f0lile ?rilyr,-Ri ', for moi Kan police toi«.. anni made h'lods y orthflereî Johnf;(,n. ciho liai se rc i foi, mai-e rNan a ý par. Flefore îaking jnu-t Watikegan diliti mefit canOected if t he fli: Oiffice nt (;îeaî i.ak-eé gairded aietîune a!rflhe ilien thait m-c 'r n ni e fu an d min,>e l.ac ng the' beenîn lk eiiîg Tlage bali 1fe flic station. hr ters'î a btffrm'rialary kegen tdepariîîenf cou John Itahling aha fi Wauke-gan police force hias been naiied fi, et fliottrcycli, cap. 'lhe by ltalihnicandl Jolins filletI hy ceîr ge <;îîîîl. llîtI) hilte Non h S panv. aind William I0ai, rit ) it r' elr 'n - 1îIi (fi h4- pa iCj , cf 1 U,u ta nd aII fig'ili. s I to iiti <iiT f-n, Il.te fiai,- ciij 1' 1 i- ri 1e of Tlii' loi, of jli , ner à' a lo oni T i l .lim -ia.ifnoîC leca.us.' thé plaiec'i, P.l oiraite'u ut Palion lit-ongm Io <fie buliy atîenîtiied f0 iakî Johnsoîn .i Lilte sir Cfieareul reaythe ite -iiha fscore 0fbafîcîci ors; andth te c aen'i aalo,în tut i,îbn-<,n .and SUN AD BRII $2 BILL TO C. CH- 1I irilsil STlà' moulclhappýriuc~th bo hhi'ed a $211bill n bittnci i-gi lie I(aiîîi- tu '.liard lIil-k. said Ci ý1,lf and i-lcud flic S20 lie 1 f filet 11;14 11ii il tr1i lii uuîîIl 11i4-I. iii e tun lu l ;. f i i ;., liai cfigîî ii a Iîîîi f ha- lier fIa t îl - a fîîînd a $-'() tli 1 ,ii &Ü ie Iuiii u't isit lit 0N(,. htai sîc befe tih PiTi-e.i -i '. T- i slii Cf C'iapel op:i- 1. l'a lte sTî i lsd iii-ai f (ii1 pi ' d il ' iIl , 1t 1 Ah );F c -! il, . iii file l'aiy $Im I,,i-if ispl ed auit d s , , ii heh:m>cfinset .d 1ailn ad e Ili'ng that he had Safuidmy's riiii. calleid i a id Mr. 4;ti i ) caid "(-or *nd gt f i i Ulil iT M-1r. 11-n y -otildiiot taI r vi a rd. lîe le a iîi.iiai ri la fniyi f u l'use moi j liithue $îf ý .auil 11iF i-Si Til. il"0.1 It iît ai apparent ladt filie tomber oricf smaof -the Sun ilasif 1e in.4Il la loès. f uatthere are eset people in Vîaukegan neillalns lit'tu ffii't fif tuliem fie Chance tu il (bm-i ihey nmy finul. HIOSPITAL STA ANNOUN CED, NURSES' Anific nient in ia hospilal cu(irl for the -mariailio.spifal. a slaffl wiil lie tu 'lectureao Triiiiiig ela uiembE &fier thie traininig echan' 'rbe staffase iioed tilT fie diffeyelit plilsiciaifs the respective ubjeet: Stit.reon-Foley. Gnuiî Medicine-Kaye, Pain Obsîtiies Anîbrotte,