Li r fUNAWAY BOYS FOJDHERE LIV- ING1 LIRE IIERNITS Rad Taken Over FiSherman's Shanty on Nofth Beach; a Letter Gives Themn Away. Th ,It fin ie f uraicI 'drKdî iv,l 'd Y', ~ onîf ltioid traNen, Spetl 16. toi): ot Alexis, II.. uîrciU.' to rn aaa ihes' - ilii roti site hone andte]i) their >oung mus friendas wle re they ar tidtng. If tlîoy hall bpen more (i$- frped hlfi-lime 'bey snuld msot have 1<en lorte i n tinr iîeln Wau- futî oda>. MW. S. Mcl'elîcv o fi xîs fM., rime lo Nniîkpg.n Ioday nIuh-lnfîl i i tir the pltice in fînding Lis two boys. <Oec(f ahorn was hansun. île aiti iI'e bo>r lefî homte May 7 inflonsti's Il" Ver spjeeîister. filtelitwfia tîrct IIhi pf sbodys. ne filac' irett Io ,,'t vago Vs hie fie round i lîv tî ad trieîti ln in ,t in mir te in. ybeir.rre ýi etc iferaîlse oftl i r NoUui1. Frot 1Il <-e le et fIie titI Tlîcn tie -iii 1, cidgs0or Ii-un tii 3<'s ttiîbitle i l'i ti It laiie touli! ,ofbeini! I ant egînTh-, t lie eploîi tc;ý'î'tiet andîtnoîtti o! the' I1;rtor àt Wsîkegaîn.They e'iptained fI-at tlr re'l iinin sa fih 'ariîy 8"I;ad sre eorlkinc ic-jr own îii- 1 îoîîr seil- as t11-i txplailîîedili. Witht-i i ffoîîtirn uiit the poice ae-, clnjlMnt< ii (y 1olu 1e aorttt .a îh î is and i e:( unuiiîliuîîrnd the potire c onîihig Pai tir 4 Il, niake AI lire pouîîlic afti un tlît ýjj1w- Illaî' rît li T 'y tut CT-'î il. ai Ro t ol t i n,]t . Illt , ;unitliit il- 'r n lu ( rgnl(;, t w ic -l. Th Ws r'ine ws u'. i-Tr'i'ii Iou lieinu. luic '-1 tnt Tirni leue n ilii) -hiun î Oe.udiy Germe on Biank Nrtes. f i c i c fii <tIl., .- iî ftîc l-T * 3niir(i* u- , , - !.',t l l111.1 Il I, Ila e I.un ý<i 01.<1>C,%erls re. lrt tu lu , lu i e llili n fnn ilurty litis anîd liîidtIîl[if.nnit t Ii1eIt M'ia. tr In '-î!îiîî, oîlu <f l14' geih'ls Iùiîîg of a ch 141v lîiîe ýi îî te' 7lU Eciu n aCîv îiiict ; il I lle tc t!îsit. Oniy Tws Tnîrngs tonOD. 311(l , i 1 ;1ui :17 il?> 111 fints te î do Qi' s f t tx%, i-- Icola U un <lii 0 ,11 * tîliIT.y 'lto îî 'niei uli t %,;ssn.' t ar- yî. o t te iitîrîî -ifL.'iier. froiîn I îi -(11(t"iî i,- t i e ti lis- Jl~Sd Iv tre Ca.'i I i, I Tt( -:il tîLe reconciri it ort In3orlu1.72). Irt *ý,fnlisrni ejrcaîf ripiîttv cuer în btfthe (rrmn Pes ssdn.fin- 'Serrl izrIC, t n îglillif and Sct- *rn lan t .ln Ii e t' . iii lw uis[lre 1 Coi;ege Peslmsm. Inlalfc3 ss-ud Lî'ia-ui'm .rtl(lcinta h I. kui ( n Jî(-siimaIn'.î u lr cl lepes, lie ulentllcs îiit l sli l e Sais eit lîîtrvliîrt liaLvril 'aîr'ty gencrai agreemnt liait lire 'i ti a r(ecai, alîit vaguety, s reitark iuy Itoctor Jewett, wiao suiti, S es erty as we cau r emler, Ilînt wiîe Le :vas st Oxford fte stîdeîîlassere fonad et refertng fte the Greek lfl liât )tg .n:ýn <qis aient i, "Igueo .Onlce upon a lime thtre cas a V. ckefai< i"6 V. Ujli..U isti <ilbeaOu flad.ugIce lite s s o w.càCdI fiat lheas Ce 11,Isi l ti usa Cli- B fuLLt i ueu lia î,idscouthicn, aid àhe su Li ig s ollilnr tu kînit lie ,aCorut nthe IoN i hOsuthît týe i ia- C,2ssscouL-d ilt c-ýaaîu. Tii, lti. tst andi moEt beautfîua uf tic ,îil, CEseen mi, 4a tcakle of thi ta wer. !lathe miuddle ofthlut gt, *S1iuthe big, Ésolder Rh lasiceki. ,aile ILachu'À ilur eienrd'r band fliroli theie rox bar-,ailthlinedor and dole h îiuC'l'beThn the rilil. Lu-se wruto a i.ii -tli iobiia<k- ened end of the flie lle i-a i, 5J lier siikea aîiltri fofr palier. Elle folded tI.c noie miîîy tines end etuftet ifl itho 1h1 pipe. "heul site made sonne Fiids in an OuIl crauketi iisit aIe foiîid in the tower and blew a benutiful itutille, andi tiere, Ilu thitmddle o!f the tublte. m'as thte nofe tint ste hall wriften. f',ie stepper] to thae casrn5ent and At tte ijubblte Itoat off int the air. "Now, ber lover, a itantisome prince from a ncarfîy couhntry, hall heard ftat bisseetiteart and ber. risters weie al inîprisoned i n tie tower. so bce e[toted i iîsCif In another tower to se-e if ho coulti cafch a limpaiiof tic Princess. Wtaeu te rinceF', st tlie itible afloat front the raFciiiTt. the liant]- gorne Prince saw it runit uayed titat Iltirouiîlt ~Ite bc iiisfl'idcsv. lie founil an <lti snl'.h f fInchftrePt aud asekîF dber t-I reciti .n charin, lb t wuiit i UT'ftiec btîil In bis w'ndow. and site sai ehe ssoîld if ile wouid marry lier lu return for file favor. The Prince was go eager te bear f rom' the PrIucess Ctnt e bnrtly heaMîfwviat te old bag salit; andi le airreeti without neiflizing ssbnt If sas lhe promise(î. Suthie otti wilî'itrniite'f a cpeti arnd thte Ituihle w ith te Princesai' note rame intothe Princes wintuow. le bîîrst fte tuble and rend the note,. end then fIes asicec the w1tfci for another chnrm, a ritarnuftaf solîil heip bfm hoe rûsrvie te Prîncess andi lier loveis' citers. Tfîe witeh. has- tug the Prince's prohmp ti marry fier, foid bfm in catch te first r»igeon 1-at lew liv and tf0 fie onlo Its fetda calke <cfsono wic-Pht gave hlm. Arnaudt the uoap thli wraftlied r Piecro!fpaper givîine tht directfons it sb bw If shfld , -ss& Tht e a4e# ,eus rwkl- filoia wcit fch's lnslructilbf , Anitât À JBERTYRLu WOULD EXEMPT WOMEIN4IROM JUY --SERVICEINSTTE Mere Ekpression ot Wish Sut- fî.ent Excuse, According to Senate Bill OTHER IMPORTANT -BI'.S Illinois womcen came a ttep closer f0 'exemption from jUry serv ice witit Ibe adoptîion iy thie state senate of Ifie Celfiboîtron bill giving titem the iglit ot exemption by rnerely express', Jn.g tiîeir wM sh îlo 0sefli on Jiries. Senaioîs Sadier andi MaCilurray. botit kicl<.. 11w oif. The Princes iuunatitle s-aliil U u.11 tillUiez- fOid 'rapptu aruillaIt. bile foi. iowead tibIa ....î'llu * ailieLu iSicîy Lier saitly a.iaii 0< <ofloi*tinte: s Oii.i upliiîiii t uaCliy o" bi.. u at"ino. l adil a irebà LbKu .i ut uds .01,1tziu s .tsi a alidLinS (i. sl biiwsrbi- L.cs L..'it'îrî- inOn as 1):g as tu rur. la ,'î i'.Oa s-e .tblow If a,-eiU,.a Bil, auJ llpeiiiir eýi Fi I. it litlue (A ier ii bal. 100111 , Ii n*i<e caica Ls-tzh:.obat- ni îlao?.,.,.ilius, l a I nty %wuîît ilcat, inflg -uit 11.0 5ltce. Juilt <îîsilo 55* I)iî ia9 ia I iîîile fur lier- Et-i ;, tiue n i i'. i . (illie Lata Luser andùtu llidbei !fàr settîiag bsn sut'. s free. Ah tilt mlomentt hiefil.iiboma PrnLe, wbni isai be«C y;ltchlig ibm bis fuSer. rushet up file stairs tu ressue te Ilrinicess. Seeing fhelicang titeîe and seclng alea tule biîg Iaîboee iat the Princesaliial blasal, ie orienuc the stît i in tebubitie anti ere fte King kîîew wsitf was 1,aiipeulug. liait caîîghf the King lîlsilîe and. closei the nul. Sc the Kirn Acatcd ouftoifthe iii.t ian 111 sace. *Nnsv the Priiices and fte Prince iteard tfi l ai itch ecHîib- ing up the' stai. . 'ficîle hrillne, to escape lber, quick.; putf 0ont Kings crash i flbc. isiich bit hadtri roff in iir, triigglc switi thef King, an(iîlwb-'îî thse witeiîenter-i(l ti.c fuser s tirluglit tilr.tho sîs fle ic iked Khing. iir'igthe hbil- bia floniulg away site tflougittt tît te Prince haillcscaped lIf I, anîd se te ieacd fint cf te wiudan suit cursed ail o! the tiaîtble. thtf were ttoitfirg In fle icar anld con- demicd tfaenîl Infuîat araîînd f45-. evor. Thle bîbbie contaitiing the King sfruck te top of a citacit steeple and itroko: andhlthe Kng, fa-lîng f0elite graîînr, as laItîctInl. ,tnntiy. Thie Prinîce ularlith ie Princess Paircla, ac] ividapplir oser allerwsirîr: Nitthlie cieveli iteautiful prtncs.acs were iscv"r mccii agafu. Unive ien uub'os a bulbhle tint IRlan5y-roioi'Odar! very beautffî<t ou sutllunow t)at ore ofte ceven prin.cesses 15lefl It. but eaunrr ho set fltbe- cause of thte rsrse cffte'wfîrb who aoidemnpd them tt wndit of Chicago, opoosed the M>1. Besator Sadier, a baehelor, waa"oked when b. took the floor in.ÇPPQBUion 10 file meamore. j "Mari age Iicenass &i uni v $2,". Senator Barbour, a Chicago <oiteague. sald. To.1License Real Ettaf. Mon. By a vote of 32 Io 9(leht snale passed lte Daily bil utting rlt estate brokers and saleseo undet the regiiiatiufls of 1the lps.rtment of Firme receiving goods for storage are placed tînder thte regùkltions of the ttaie public utillties commission ity a bill offered by Represenitative rSearry of Springfield. Tbe senateè passed the Schultze bil Drolridiflg lie. séntencs for bomb fth rowera a.nd malier of cf enctÏ bombe. Among thte bille pas-ed by tht' houne today was reprel<entative Flarrg' meiasure iimiting rond and bridge tgxes to 84 cent@. Thte limit without cogn ttetown audifors la flxed Wiso Unce Jutper. Senfo K in et f <laîrr 'altlng of woien iî îrd .* duced his; resoition r e.Ll 'il0TiueÇ: 'j<lt annual seýýiûns or the i. aui*I ti itî.<~fI The rotuliüm ratilim aonl < iNi (<- i i tutional convention tu ataku :' d. p iîic% s'iIl. I '01i for iso e7giîlàr mte nt n f;« i. î. t,, iîv 'ai ennium, ont, foriniLklfI~iui n.l.r'-i l In ho' ld1. ~l.i fion-q uni', iU czhfr fui i :e *..:Il.-I lî". fo han a ': ment of jtiw . il 1,1 Ns 1:,t!liael 1'lo, hliisý4! Oanger in Toc Coue Shave. AcreuîItg I le 1h. tileiît o!& N'ewv York llf *stiiiii, lsi'îv7ng ini- Creilsesi lieeiubility oft i h ds tQ neurtilgin And otier iî trou- files of fthe face. anldclosfe slin'.>î41of the upper hOPc-aî dliy oftgf i bin cretited Sifl ilih zîu Lerses dithînffeet Ille f iii <.U<.)' acute eye früUlete fiat iîljjtîe wileil the musfac)îe uns firuiitsJ ou grow. MliaeeMi. 5.1.. s, W~SW~l1ds e~ SMASHES RECORDS!. 11ec New LIGHT-SIX now holds thc five moat important automobiîle rosi recorda oen the Pacific Cosat, mr.rkab!e feature being that ail the honora were won by the samne car, a stock touring car. within ten weeks. May l3 ~4xtMrs. Chaplin arc- 1. Yosemite National Park. A Studebaker LIGHT- 5. Los Angeles-Phoen,.X Record. On the morning SIX, pioted by Hart L Weaver and carrying a crew of of Match 23 the LIGHT.SIX left Los Angeles in an at- fire men from the Chester N. Weaver Company, was tue tempt te Iower the fifth and only remaining record of -ft9wtoobile to, reach.thgYosemnite, National -Park consequence on- the Pacific Coust. The 422 milesoffdes- over any one cf thetIree anow ,covererir" ia& ideri- 'ert rallrmLes Angeles tôotç,qix *«uema&in, 13 own power this year. The car went over the narrow hours 16 minutes, and 2 hours 28 minutes were taken sud daugeitous Coulterviile rosd, bucking snow as deep from the best previous automobile record. The aailroad as ten feet ini Bore places, arrivingmin Yosemite Valley, time is 14 heurs 20 minutesi'or 1 hour 4 minutes slower January 16. than the record established by the IGHT- SIX. 2. Round Trip Record Between Sain Franâcisco.and Hart L. Weaver off the Cbester N. Weaver Comipany, - Les Angeles. On February 2 the smre car, driven by Studebaker Distributors in Son Francisco, madIe the fol- Hart L Weaver and James F. Gurley of the Chester N. lowing saternent afler the completion off the Los Angeles Weaver Comnpany, established a new round trip record Phoenix run: he#w.ass San Francisco and! Los. Anieles. a distance of 864.8 miles, iu the sensational time of 21 heurs and 23 minutes. 3. Coast Route Record froni Sait Franccsco 10 Les Asictes. On titi round trip ecordof February 2 fi Studebahker LIGHT-SIX lbs- tned tite coast roule record from San Francisco te Los Angeles by 2 heurs, 36 minutes and 20 seconds.Titi former record was 12 hours, 47 minutes aud 50 seconds, tiéti ime cf tite Studebaker LIGHT-SIX 'bing 10 heurs, 12 minutes and 30 seconds for tise dstance of 463.7 miles. Titi pilote were Hart L. Weaver and James F. Gurley. * 4. Valley Route Record Bebween Los Angeles and Slan Francisco. Oc February 24 te Studebaker LIGI-T-SIX smasited lise valliy roule record betw*en Loi Angeles and San Francisco, ranning titi distance ot 411.1 miles In titi remarkable tione of 9 heurs, 15 minutes and 50 seconds. Titi record was made ail tite more rimai-table on account of the car'itaving te go titrougit a dense fog s distance of morittan 100 miles between Tulare and Merced. Tise piblo wene Hart L. Wea- ver snd James F. Guntey. Thàis ta aStude F. 0. B. WAI Light .6 Tourji W a 11 i le dn -1 - -i lTisese tests have ciCrsiOb$tratte en lte rcad everytiînigtisaI Stuilebaker cr'ginseerm ihave c.ain'edi for the niew LIGHT.SIX.cyliflder car. Witen if is reiembered thal lite bore and stroke of Ihis car is ènty 3n 55x4 ' 2. gîvangit a paulon d.eptacement cf 207 cubiç incites, and liant the car fwily equapped oniy weighs 2500 pounids, ftese records arc ail tise more remnarkable sii-ce rrest f cfflem were formerly held by iseavier cars cesting much more than titi Studebaker LIONT-SIX. 1 amn inclined to e ieve titat tise secret of thint cr's wonderfui perform- ance, and roadaîoility is due i a very lange mensure te its remarkable balance. Halved or quartered thei parts ofthlie new LIGHT.SIX woutd' wcîgh approximately tise same.1 "ln making thse Lot Ange!eg-Pirrce'ix record h arn frank to conftsa ltat despite my faithitn tise stz.musa of Studebaker automobiles 1 couhd not believe tistaIin>' cer ceui malte titi speed over tat deert noad with tm ruts and cituck hoies tisaI fas necessury in order te ow- er titi record by s large margin wîf bout falling toi puces. Any auto- mobile, irrespective of weight, power or piici ca. t bat Can lowei- lte record establieited by thei etudelueker LIGI4T-SIX wihh have my Most eiccere'sdmi ration.,, ebaker Year LUKEGAN rig,$i,585bOO __ ls b L'a I f I % 1- L1flt b Sedan $ 9UU Light. 6 Coupe $1,950.00 ALL STUDEBARER CARS ARE EqiIPPED WiTil COUD IrRES Achen.& Wells Motor Co. 217 NORIH GENÊSEE STrREET PHONE 5( Fc The Bubble Fainies IN Ti Arvo Karlala, of CummrNc Through 0 COULDN'T Waukegn a I bin case. ln sarloils fet, lias di.vetcped (oi Shc l rt aine ait Ilii tic* glit ear ftsrfeal t, tliîî i. noppe i . In t f!i f"î a wa1 a5 ail ,l ic but lrrl uitii xi éllcife. ii-tt ,...lionl -oflPr. Il xt. ohalipe-ned 1< clan i'lte Rubui puperredeti by a 1 Blerger. isho hani and wh,e atleii 1lionot normla1 Coli a Wvait of proie fiatietnity wlo lu loissiail tiilin- hitran n 1- (l' 0f 1%, Fiiln More <'r thle ltuiîr'h Nc-IF)àllt '.hati Talked %%'le.n ai kd a fit fîr Nvift *Aî ea tai: Inicer fiaI auy lef took bs(k en wl ben> 1 hadl a 'espirtlion at 4 'rhere was no0 final in , ltiSICi %I r iit aiking ( dliy about utS me ing. filîfîlng etc. ln thim rmspe the Rtiiîn rate lu Ihal nehe ln en the uront' lit- had tu lie foi re.qtfessiail t1wi Mili arsi ouid Oin lii. 'VInI uîi'-v i ['g a t l tnnai fi, and, va îlîýiif Sti uP niC ou ponied out 1 .-.îIsaa xi1i Pj. nMM-