IÂd~ ffiGFrr LJBERTYV1LL~ INDi~PF14O~jfl. TI4URSflAYs 1; PI PLEA FOR NEGLECTED MEN IMrea Theuaand Voterane Prom Le- @#on Ranke Are Explainhssg Sit- uation t. Amerlcan People. Thro. tbonsond voluntcer speakers brm th ranks of the Amercan Le- glon lu everY state are DOW carrylug by word- of-mouth to the Amerîcan People the Leglon'a sto- ry ofthIe "Butter- lng, ahamettil negleet aud lu- governmeut'à ad- ilustratioii of 1 he n.gtions debt Io the dlaabled, sshlcb vas cou- John Thoma talued lu h for- Taylor. mal memnorlal svblch Vie. Leglon Bina Preieuted to President Wilson, f.ire8kdentPelect Hardlng, ýaud tu ail inetubers of congress. Probably never Iietsre ln the hlstory ofthPle country 'bas aucb su arîny uf orators lieeu uolillzed tu speak nt Ptie salie iale Mpsuîîn asîngle text. Tlise Leglon latis ta present to Plhe Peopîle et tbe United Stutes tlhe tîcts regsrîling thee plsub)led lu the sainie jatiguage as they siere prüseiited tu jibe officIaIs ofthPle goverrnmemt. TIhe Legon'a memiorlal sviiscarrieol to Ptie Eresldent et the Whiite House by John ehloinsi Taylor, vce clalrian uofplie ]Leglon National Legsîsîlse couwwit- tee. National Commander F. W. Gal- braith, Ir., gave l touSenator Harding mi Marlon, wlîere be lbad sailong and limpîorant couterence on -the dlaabled situation wth he neat Presldent. The lefflon denounces Phe present inellod of carlug for the dsabled as si "fallure" shlch oly cana be reim- * edled byPthe eDtîre reconstruction of th tillerai machuery deallng wtb the probliem. 1Tii. fonctions of the three agenciez. srhieiideml i lh h problema of the disabied. the bureau of war rlak in- tourance. the federai board for coca- tloaal education, aud h United States publie beaitli service, "oust be eo-ordllîated, Phier maclilnery decen- 1ralized sud ailtPlree placed under commun contrul," the iuemoriîil sates. As an equally essential reîuedy for existing condtions. the menioril orgea he Immedate appropriation for tueuse ofth utled organîzation et o a suin ample ta bulld or rent a Mfllcent number of hospital8 Lu take ,rareof tPle 16,9X)ex-service mien who are unabie lu recelve trentmesît at present becauseo0f lack ot beds and 9ilter. 4TIise 1falure" uftIhe gos eruiment ta afferd justice ta Plie slck and wouuded Ireerans le attrlbuted by Plie Legion te, "mun sslualsiog staPe of dlvlded ré- aposlbilily and wasted effort a1nong thsé governimeul ageucles n 11h whslch thie prublen restq.' The break lunPlie cliîn ut responsi- fsllity occura, sccordîîg lu Plhe rue- inerial, as a result ufthie tact Plat the war rlsk bureau ls under sud r,- aponsîble o an assistmnt secrelu- ry> of Plie treas- ur> n ôUier.g ttle executîve branli ofthPle gov.- eruueîitcwllle tise tederîîl board for vocaplonal el- '< tiCiilluiila respon- #Ille -nly lu cou. gresq. and la uin -der noue ofthPle execuiive depart- merss of the govs *ronut. F. W. Galbraith, 'Tuie memorimîl Jr assera Plat Plie United States bus been lire Ilîeral tIssu sny ollier nation lu Ils provsisons for lise dlsabled soldiers, but tlîîîP[t lias falied lu large niensure Pu niaePlie ,,'m Provsilons avall-aile lu spiPe ofthpe betietit orthPle experlence ot otlier nalions lunPlie recent siar and Plie ex- peilence ort Ibs nation in prevîous *'ln thé ire-lîabiliatloun o a dlsabled atout hier. are Plree needs-iiuedieal trealmneut. vocaploual traiinlg anîd bianeai support," thlie ioral et ates. "Thei governuseut ts recog- Ir uied the thrc. needs, but overlooke eusl needs uf one nian, not of tlire Uifferetmnuor et ounea t tares dIffereut tinies. Il mukea Plrce proh- lemit out of whlaP really la one probieru. *"Cuntluulnog thlis faulty conception, Si ltus gîven he problem oser ta hree agcni-ies. Ail, by force ot clrclpmstan- -eu, lare exerclsing fonctions Plîey were mot lnte,îded lu exerclue. This pro- meula an amazlqg .qpecttele of admîn- 0 lia 20,000 uow lu boupîltatsi, 4,500 art îmartered ln Iustitutions uîîsulted te lie needa ofthtu men quartered iere. New lio9pital cases are deveoping et Plie rate of 1.500 a mntit ln exces of tlhe nuinher discliarged. Stxteeri tlîousuud beds are needed uow. Iluu- Iredu 0f s'perans are Plie object of guiblie and prvate cliarîl>. AflUlcted iud penless veeraus have been drlv- eu te refuge ln ainiahouses sud jalIs. NMauy have dled. aud If ismedate re lIef la net fortlicomlng, more .111 die destitsate, wthout proper medl- cal cire, scîthout compensation wlth whlch to obtain It. sbandoued hy the country Pliey aerved. Ait thla la at- trlbutabie directl>1tePthe mnner la whlclî th goyernimeuP ha@ admalulm. tered thé affaire of tbe dlsabied. "The bureau of war rlek Psurauce Is responsible for tlie payaient of coms- peusation and for médical and boa- pilai care ofthte men. Logîcali>, h.s would luvoive establlsblug contact svtbPthe mon ai the tilue t tlir dlscii*ge froin the mililPary or naval service. It abould then delermine Plié existence and degre et dlsabitlPy and compensation ountMs baste. "Due te the centraizatlon of the bureau*a forces lu Washington, Il la practlcaiiy Imîpossible under Plie pres- eut isw toecstablilskcontact witb Pthe min euttled te tiiese beuefitsi. The diaabled man la plac-ed la tIhe position of a man lujured lu Iudustry seho must sue the cuuîpauy. He muet Car- ry on au luvolved auid techulcai corre- apundence. Il la ususly uenthes at- ter lie la dropped froinih psy rotiln of the atnîy or uavy before loi laits- en upon Plie puy rol et the bureau, even thoughlitPil service dîscliarge shows a peflute degree ot disabllPy. un November '20 190, 83.000 cases Nvere peudlug lu the bureau awîltlug lellulte adjustuieîit ot comtpeusatlon. iliouspsuds are %ufferlng and wang have ded as a resuit of tiIs negiect. "The tederal board for vocational traininîg will accept h evîdence of the bureau'»mémdical flien grantîug c m pe usat on as pro u ft hI at a m an 'S ePttted - toe rètôiu training: 1The bureau. lioveyer. sylîl net accept Pth. evîdeuce t bat tie board bas awîrded traing' as proof that s man la eu- titled to compensatlou. "If the vetermu la rccelvlug cois. pesatlon andS wauts training, unaiiy lie muât take anotiier physical ezai- lustlon. dminisered by the board t determine wisePher tuecimaut bas a vocations[ Ihandicap entltlng hlm Po trainiug pay, or nhàereil a compens- able dîmabilîty grautlug hlm traIuîng ouly. If th vetéran la flt receiig. eoiupeumtion, due le delmy by the tureau, lie muât lbe examiued bythe board, lu détermine lis eilgbility for training, as wel. "Wheu a min calera training with exaiung ~psy. lts compensatlon stops sud lie lalihifted (rom Plie puy rol of tile bureau 10etise pair rol of the board. The board, sviîlch wsi created ;is a training sgeucy ouiy. lias bej comas a couipensatîug ageucy as sceiL. Maîy mnuhave been képit un tise psy rol ufthPle bourd. not as a training meaaure solely. but as a ineasure ut llinci relief sliîch tise> were eu- tiled te. but unabie (0 ubtaiu tri>. plie bureau. "Wlien a al)an ln droppedl froin train- inîg lie la supposed 1telie droppidf roui Plie psy roll of Plie board andp talion up by tlisebureau. (Du hoth shifîs tliere la delay. Thîe average lengîli of tlîoe for iiin u b. druîsped front tlié bureau pay rol snd tuken up on Pie board puy rol la about Uree sceeka. The average tîme requlrcd (or tlie secoud shiltt back te tue bu- reau psy rol lan wo moaplis. No pro- vision la mnade for Pliemnus main- tenance durlug hese lterîini. lunPthe meJoriPy ut cases a nin muat under- gola uew physîcal exaiîluattpn before tlàe bureau, i i nII .apPAY JkiIm coin- peuiaQii. -In otlier scrds, Lbe muet &gain prove is claluîî. "Thîe position ufthPe United Statet public bel se4rvice lm pecuilar. It Pt) ulkis place lit Plie re-Iiabllllulieu sclîeiie rîoorly eqîipped for Pthe svrk Lilao perforîii, but wsia pparentP- ly Plie best iîedlîîaIgoversiiinial igî-ucy thn aviiilmîle. ILt es an agent liopli uttheelînreau liaid the bourd, PbutP1.4respesîsible teuo a u- tIoriPy poîpîiiori Pu lotlî Ioaind ni bureu, huçause Ilisre lis ne aucli au- Pliority. "lu vvlew ufthPIs condition thie re. wîarkule blnig uhôut Plie preseîîl re- habil iaton rograin Ia that IL lia$ 'c(iîîlialed Wîî1 III t litteI as. Suciî pîrgr.s5 a lasbei-pi îmade Ila atrîbute Lu plie sliicerlly outhPle nen lu tlîe bu- rea-iu, Ple hoard anîd Plie publicelîealth service who geierîîlly hiave made the hest of aunPipsile stuation. "The ienbet out hia impossilie situa- lon, liowever. lias b een lusufficicut îiiwayg. Thla la8îartleularly true re- gardil osîltalLzatloîî. "Oif the 20,000 men îîuw ln lîosptuls, 4,500 are lu institutionsa wlîciî are un- f it because sutabie lioptal faclttes are uet îvaîiable." The ILAçiou avers Ihat 16.000 bei], *ar-e needed ail once. Of Plila numher, 1.500 are necessiry for transter oft u- hercular patients frein présent misai- lsfaetory bosptali, sud ,f00 for t runsfer of neuro-psychiatrlc patients from. tPein ladequate lodgings whlch *tlîey occupy uow. The number of tu- AT Speciai p rices. FOR THURSDAY AT CONRýAD and O'SHEA The -Home Outfters 222-224 Washington St Waukegan 'J M III cil THE. TI'MEIS'HERE NOW SPLCIAL !y 3 Da Sal Comendn May26,We Og1e r You the Follow*n Paint Bar gains Fiat Paint, flouse Paint, regular price. $2.75 ........ per gai. $2000 Floor Paint regular price $3.1O ...... .per gai. $2.25 While the'above 3 days sale lus we offer, limit 1 gallon to a customer, our regular $3.00 Floor Varnlsh for $1 .50 per gallon. Bring this ad for your gallon..: ~Mahogany', Lght and Dark Oak Varnish Stain for renewing your old fur- nitCire, woodwork and Iloors, in quart cans. aine $1.40-at this special sale for 90c. Excelsali Cold WaLer Paint ln 5-lb. pkga fqr 50c a package. Waukegan- D ecorating Cô.> 219 North Gene St. PHONE 27 Walt.er Larsen, Prop. WVHY NOT M USE Of ci ON LA Sugg estion 0f fi ~,Park Board C 1 Service ai AND PRE VENT i, rî'ni r T i;n ,SJ Jn foi, Ph.i, Emni Il' rin- Il iùl y 'i mi <<nd 4 1i- i<. r sn Dress Shoes5 and F Sh( We mu Time] Your and h Visit for y $1,1 $21 ITheri Give *1 Ope regular price $2.75, ........ per gai. $2.00 :AT HOf Ril SAL E 6FLOORS 0F (10 41 High Grade Furniture LJOERTYVELEINDEPF.NDFM. THURSDAY.ý