#l cmee Bloomers 49c Women s ,ild Mi-ta' reg- tiLar $1.0OU cr re iloonters4 $a fleala only $1 and 51.25 Solied -Waists 37c Wormnn a soiled walta a? good ic-k1 g voles la ail aizei LEX HEIN Go. Northern II's. Greaiest Store For Womon'a and Children'a Appare) Child'a Muain- 35c Drawers lic The greate4t bargain in yeiarâ modt ail sîzeg, extra quraity. Women'ale9 KMitVet 17C eishta ain -e t t a l Vtr lobpic Bargains Galore For ThusMa 68auea' Greal Sale of 200. Trimmed Hatsb Sgilora to $5 Values ta 7.50 Values ta $12 .169 1.9 lUfn- 3.98lQ At $1.89 are lKnox bandtrinameti stilora of rougit entibarn-yart atrewe in navy, trown auti btk. 'Andt hen at $1-98- anti $3.98 titere are pretty batinl a variety tf abaees; lait.'. t.tdlimanti oftl In wanted colora anti emrkably'clever styles Fi tewtlil lu'nrwu'îr,. 'rItbe ns, fruItg, eatitera. etc. $UO >SA kGloves wtrnnr.'& %I.k flicce% a ll h f >Oor i iensA "'r tutie-ul89 75c Brassieres Wometr a eogit"r 71,c bra"nriras la al 49r tbm sata43e 25t bras,,ieres 'Woueae ,.ius a;!n can- on LIncra it, r,'.e preu'y r ew > styles ae't'Af il'b ......t 25c Tadc;um Powder !'Y bes ;tda» i ce can ln 9 Lk--?19' jersey Suite Up ta $15 .Women's $1 Gowns Wonaen's muslin niglat gowna tufisi andi white. A Wonder- 59 fui birgatn ai oîiy ........ Women's $1 Chemise Womnen'.i iunjin chemise ln. white 'iy in ail izes andlan59e very pretty stylt~et l...... Girls' $1 Princess Slips Girîi Pint'ss lnlmon tg ail izea. ticely trImmeti andt69C in a variety of styles at ..... Pe tticoats to $2.00 1 Women's§ntusin let.tlcots f. lilghtiy soiied f rotn handing.89 offereti n titis gele et oniy.. Petticoats to $2M0 Womens musil. silkolilne and $ sateen petticoate wth scllo»- eti bot tts or ernbroide red fIounr . ._' .. .. .. .. .... ...... Child's $2 Koveralis ,htiren's Koverali l na ail s- o8n es; rade b sal fur $2.SpecîBI 1 tu thia aie at ....... ... .... $1.50 Silk Camisoles wlatenAai ficamA ileasls whie n ci flelik lan&Iloiesela 9e and wntrol'styles aI. ...... Silk Chemise, Vests Won'en 'a aiik jersey vente. binomners andti etk chenm se lanmany $abn pretty styleslan ail izeso *9 Girls' $1.5 Dresses ends in sizes 2 10 6 ia gooti-7 looking stylai. Wlile they at Girls' Dresses to $2 Girls', gingitent anti percale dre.-s_ Riz"a nd colorrt Organdie Dresses Gil.s' diae'res kf de ak 1 no lnciîtdttg or giii i 1 9 poilu y eoitttiinatitis at.I Organdie Dresses Girls î' w uiner dera.of freth cheml cool io& -ig organ- dteti and at upward $2. 98 Gowns, Chemise, etc. Women'a muslin chemiâe nlght gowzas and pettîcoata la a wide n veriety of tylas $1 9 up to $3.50 a et ....._- . Child's Wash Suits Children'e waah anti xlay nut nmont ail bizes -la gond styles wortit $1.60 ...... 'Long Silk Gloves Wome'a long sllk gin-e la Mon* &Il colora &It.$ 1es 16.50SiIk Waists $8.75 Women'e itantisome new t - .. .... .. ... .... . Suite Up To $42.50 At Suite Up To $55 At FoitivelY the ini fLat aikable seing 0f PUits We bave ever. announccd. Ilere are prettY andi serviceable wool Jergey Suite ln.Tuzedoanti bultOn fronts at'$12.76 andt iere are velours, serges; IricoUnes. etc..,autlthe otiier pricea Cretonne And Gingham Coverail and -Gretchen Apirons Very Special 69c Women's, antimLiWes new coverêl BpiosB in percale.» and prettily coloreti cretonnes andi the Gretchen apirotas ta ging'iamsanBd percales. Porch Dresses to $5.98 A greet epecil ieelling fer lte one day only, at mis redicuiousiy$2 5 A i styles ................ Soiled Dresses to $15 Wonen 's wa!,n dressea ln a number or Pretty atylees ilghtiy o eti frotta diîpiaytuî t chear et .. ......... Child's- 7&- Rompers Chiltiretîs fRompeal li andi checked coiorinsina n ail sizî's. t'> rlear at ....... Child's $20 si&k dresses Pî'etty littie dreffleï in sllk crepe de chines etc., ln white andi coi- orsi in maost ail aizes. 1 Batgeiîî Day _............. Child's Coats to $9 Odd.s andi eadra in children>&statendi capes whi 11,e ley 12.t nt00 7t this i.W BargainDaMy Pitre or- .- $ 3 0 75... Corsets to $2 A very gpeciai purchae enabies us te mtake thits very iow price on new Anerîceni Lady Cor ieta $ a i . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . Corsets to $5 Front atud back-4aced styles An discon- tinueti iumberra of famous Unes; ail nze, 3 2 n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250 SMl Brassieres Wonaen'sa braaaierea of satin, 511k jer'. sey, etc., linitandnome new b a styleseleiborateiy trio 1-7 m ed i a _............. For Bargain Day, Women 's - Summ L er Drese Values, to $6 3-98" values to $12' Values, to'19.75 78 129 In thié greet array of fine, new Sumnter drer'.ei 1you wtll' fiati pretty. giaiglianus ikt $398 andi et $798 and $12,98 Ihere igre any nukniar of wanted ginghanî. voiles., organiies andi doîtetiSwisein white andi ail color At inte very rteweat stylcesla ail sites et thase sensationally luw pelri'ra. v Wornen's Silk Dresses,, 7alues ta 19.Z5 Values to_25.00 Values to 40.00' Hfera you enjoy te priviege or alecUing front northeern Illinols isrgest atockd lntludînigaBuclI Atfgflfhaelt t Yles andi ereations as are ahown la the ftnoua Betty' Walo. modea in pretty taffeMt, satins anti crepea andi verlous conablnatlons. White Wash Skirts Womeas white wash akrts 1Ibo la mnyi pretty styles andti C itiost&alea se pecal t ..... white Wash Skfrts ta pretty new styiré at .... Silk Skfrts to$9i WomeLas nIk pojalîn skirts la n noveraI wanted tle_ ant IS very good clrnag~ $1M50and 1$2 Waists woena e wrtmor $1ai ln whtty new voiles anti organ- J die%. t thii low prîCe............ Gigm rim'd Waists Abeolutely -1:enewtot ide& ,linwajda waistna are t'hese gîngitan 24 AII-WoolSirts to $10 women'is aliwodl akirts la pleartetieffects la a varlety o0f6 colore, very mucla below cont $1M5 Middy Blouses -Girs' aati ntsaa milaybo Oe4 tu white twil of an-'extra gooti quelity et........................... $3 Middfies & Smocks Wonaenl'a andtirls' mIdtiy blouses andi smocks ln whtte andi colora 1.98 la cool, Fsoft febrîce Silk Waists to $5 Women'a stuh weistn lit poix- ~ gee. trîcolettes andi crepes An .8 good styles anti ail iszes ai..t Silk WaLbts to $15 wcmmen'e itk waise of the molit ela- orae destgning; beautlftsiiy embelilheti by haut, "'t ...;. *,---.ý . ý .... ý l> el, for Barizain Day, Women's,' Suits I A Clearance VOLUME X) SIX INJU AUTO! Sn' Five remoy treatment; is he oir I ' liiFl rli,"'n- ' t i" *1>' Ifr :n - Lit t rirr.r NI .,A nna T fît .I a d s i'I , ~ away.' ai F o xJ ' a l' i ..<, ni'900& TheiFollty rJohn 'iii, qurb'. F'rrd. Bo10 "ilO'.a lay opeale àir -mo e c 'placsgoans cotaeka The totiPr BFoed Roi ra of lfie Btatesia pana10 A lecor aa protipos BOOZE sli Shtate Women's 1.25 Knit Union Suits 49c' Women's and zti'nrth ii tit , in imiinflr w igijt adI'tn aIl Aif y1 . Corset Covers lot Silk to 3.75 A 1.59 Àvery sperial meliitg et ýtlk corffet eorera la flirtaerlwhite eiaborai el? fintshetu andi lace (Pr 'nbrridery trima- med, ail sizffrs Women's $1 Silk Hose5c Wo3nîena rilkfibre, b 154ein ail col.,rl a.d dean madta e ali fur SA 90 1 iri priceti for tMiA uunual .irlluîg- Silik Hose I 1.50 and 1. 75 Val $1000 Probabiy aite et tie re aîe io bargaltîr we or eny ot!t;r îtare h oa el- ci offereti are ltai" ertaie .ilk boa'. la ail colore plain or lice. SilkHose -to $3'at $1.85- Vtomnn àslk lt,ý.ie lt ail col 1 ors.' pîsia and falut'> a vcr>' special purcita-' ip t.... Children's 50c Haif Hose 35C Chldran's liait itse ltiwitrandr icol- oretu effectit la ail colorsa t Children's Soc Lisle -Hose, Hblen' in ehosela browa anti blak in a gond alite range. % wontile, fui bargein. Children's Str.w Hats In Values to $5 childireq's strew hat' R Jbiack. wi aae.many of which are nîcel>' trIma- $5Silk Petticoats Women'e Petîlcoata Of iik nwn Jersey atid jeep taffele 65 flouncea te alil colore et.. ,- Silk Sweaters t» $15 Wonten'a anti mipses' harndonie new nweatnre of siik fibre In tuxedo.or regular trotsn$9.69 - aU