Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jun 1921, p. 12

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I. UJSIESS fIN IIEALIIY CIRCLES CONTINUES BRISKJ btsugt tise Fred P1'.Cala piac Ou sast aide 'Foret-Ave. aorth of lberidan ilous for $8.00and gave back trust doed for $5.600. liarry A. Selisery aud vife hwugit ilie Lester G. Wood place on Lausel Aveý for indirated $8.000. Leslie A. Raukin and wite houglit Vine Ave. for $4.000 and gave bacis tk*ëer, lom arerunnng usit deed for $3. 000. v~weer, ans are unn'g In West l9eerfield: Wm. M. Reay ghand deals as a whol,3 hosîglt 4865 acres lu Sec, 33 trust F are rther inor P. and Abert Easton for $27.926 sud are athe minr gve back trust deed for 121.325. inLibertyvilis: clîris A. -Haplie ~~Co. bouglit tihe Vodicica place ou souti ýD L AS MADE IN ij.sie Lake Si. wet Of Milwaukee Ave. * YA.' K.Bows sa.Ast. SerLtary lu Crayslake: Maude A. lide- Security Tille & Ttua (Co. branidt bouglil 2 lots at north vatý * »B.isss of lhe Recordera office. for cornuer Center aud George St. fruon ttý-veek ending Jue 4, 1421. Mary 1'.,PbInier for $4.500.. Numnber of conveyauces,_ 131. lun.ýBnOn: MikS Apbrose bougist tlainSer ut Cliattel mortgages. 24. tise Patrick J. Spxtofi taras or 100 Number ut Trust deedsansd mort- acres in Soc. 31 for $25.760. la&". si. ln.(Grantn: Emil J. Sokol bouglit Total numbil- ot Instrulments LtI tti.Kitubali place iu Devliiu sb. _l_ W No. Sec. 9 for $4.500 aud gave back Total amontsfls t ans 0950. trust deed for$450 0"aluesa in stili quile brisk vwitls F remoul: Isador fleim and vite -ke*sis ove tihe average- bouglt lise John Waguer taIns of 135 Tise tblioviug are tise more lm-1acres lu Sec. 15, 22 sud 23 for nomi- betanl desis: 1 nal consideration. la Wauàkegan Mary Horen liought E Merman Place for indirsted $70-SW IFT VOTESFO - »d gave back trustI deed for $20»0. .lJmes E. and Forence A. Meyer bugt thllie Parkcer ptade ou norîl i sde- CONSTIAmi LARY BILL Pourt i.SI eat of Couuîy Si. for SOM-00sud gave bacis Irual deed B T.T ISL T for tr.200. ' Wilson sud Olini iouglit 76 teet on B T T IL S "Btilldde Marion Si. Just soulli of Liberty St. trost C. A. Hurle:, for in-Bb rvdn o nraeo diealed $2,500.00. rvdn focea f Edilis S. Cooper boi.itl2-1fpet oit salary of Supremie Judges laertis aide FranklinuSi. 691 t ei aI âlsteae « NortisAv-e. from W. C, Parkler for iobae hdlcnted $4500 sud gave brick trust - A dfl for $2.500). ipin£gfield, June 7-Tise Sonate Hjarold 0. sud Edua S-.ti, lought t jis atternoon kiled Dunlap's state the licKerlie place on e:stst ide 'N. coilstabuiarvibiltl. t received 24 -410aty St., nortis of Gilleise Ave. for soles, or tvo lesst tiss enotgis. te021 **-5ted $6.000. agaînst il. Swift votesi for the bill. ýjm*; W. Ellis sud vire bouglîl B6 The Seuste killed the bill increasiug - he on east ide N. Geuesee Si. nol tise salai-y of judges of the au p cme ~~Yiakln S. foan yras W ltod-court trust $10.000. par year tg $12,50. - < for indiçated $4.00 and gave It îecelved 1 7vtes to 15 agaluat it. Peman s d frS3w00 ift voted for lise bill. Judgea are U~ixsdEmma Saris bougit lise nov sîlowesi $2.00 per year for sec- 14mea place ou aurtis %ide nelm- retaries' salary sud are glven a peu- laIs mbAve. eaut fLeaux Ave, for imdl- a te*d $4500 sud gave a truit deed sion Of $5.000 Par Year on retlrng. %W* fer $2300. la North Ciicago: Emanuel DDIEJ l&varts bouglit 161 tent on West aide IIIILLA FLOOD I$Ujntette St. froin M. H. Hussey for laLae luf:Stewart, R. Brownu ANU FERD. KNOX 1 S't 75feeton nrtbaide Ceuler -M. *v uasatut fSheridan Rond troînI M 'AR E CbUl L. Wood for tndleated $5.5'». W N N W R E lA Lake Forest: Mary Ayer Chase Miay contesta bave been heid at * tst n vet ideOaSSt.Warren townahip bîgi scisoul during 11 etb Vin, Ave, trust Gwetiîiyn.thtie liait monts. About tevnty of/the -J" for tndlcated $7,000. . pupils enlered tise drastatic conteat. - 1 Higiswood. Hermans H. itettler Fve of tisem vers chiosen lu speak b8fht tise 0e. W. Svigart place on again. Tiey vers: Birdeila Flood, INIM1%ide Mchigan Ave, for Inui- eln cCluh.Mrire li 4rW~d $4,500. Fraes MCrroi ud Madroeii lleu. Mh IMàd Park: Jacobs M. Appel stean. BiCaroelandFludevon Th-lis b*«ît the A. W. lhletciser building fial ontaDit, A auFloodwonftise y M ocatis aide CerraiAve. east of st. sfdnai m ev gAîuiriaoflutie ua- »agAve, fer $10.500and recol, nd- ie torgrs pk l heOs ý. vos SI te thse commuuuty service ortrcal (contets. John I.eVoy sud i OMaud ParI lac, for noinlcou. Ferdinand Knox vers choses lte speai qU- ti 1 lu2lise fiuai l et. t, ltise fluaicon- Charles Lý Berry sud vite bought test Ferdiusnd Knox von. Bols ; .beJenie -D. HUI 1pla«oumoinS sIde Sefiors sud Warm Higis yl be ": e1011V0d Av*. for Indicaleà $7,000 avardsd medais Fidsy eveulng for «# gave bnck trust deegi for 13,M0. their apealing. Sd . a nd Ethel C. Harris bouçisI »WRaY Marshal Place os vest aide 1--Une.. Ave. usar Seriau PPlce for Ont Use for lthe Wicked. 1110Ateil $5.000. and -gave badi trust Tise wIcl«-d unes are lu Ith. Worid 4»MIs for 1,200. lu produiS patience lu tihe good-St Adtison and Jessie IF. But-banS iu.îiit LIBE UYVilE IDEPW IrTHUSDAY.-JUNE 9.1t92f BRAND, NEW BUT AS COMFORTABLE AS THE OLD PAIR Wbcn you nced a îîew pair of itIîîîs do- you look fondly at the olHiones and hate to give theni upi - Weil, dou't worry agii but jîist corne to us and wc iIl take caî-e of ' you quickly-furnish inew slîocs that LOOK MUCH BETTER GIVE SPLENDID SERVICE AND ARE JUST AS CONFORTABLE AS OLD SHOIRS-ARE BPECI.LLY BUILT FOR SjOLID CONFORT.' IN TAN CAla MM I BLACIKAMM WH=TECANVAS The English cîît with low heel, broad shank and narrow î-eceding toc or in sirnilàtr patternsi with rounder and fuiler toe shape. WONEN'S BLACK SUEDE ANKLE BTRAP $1100 Value - $7.75 Doolittie &VWhye' Wauea e- MRS. MRW WUL 6ET AWARD FROM WAR RISK DEVIS YAs resuit of vigorous efforts of à Cong. Chindblom, words corne through 'UNCLE SAM NOT FORGETFUL v ndeé Sam la flot er.llrely furt-- And lie la nut ungrateful. tThsis tact la abovu lu tise deveiop. 0ments ut tise lte Lieut. Wa&rden Mo- týrov vico aeemingly vas lu good 1 lîcaltîs vien gdizactuiges trust ser- 1vice but w ho later contracted isiber- culoais arv1 dled therefruin. Because 9lie vas in pertect bealtis wien bie en- 5lisled. it lias been felt generally tisat bis sicknuss was tise resuiltof bis At any rate, Uncie Sam lias *'come tlirobgis sud. largeiy tlirougb tise intercession sud sbiiity ut Curgres- man Cati Cbindbiom le gel action at Washington. lirs. Morrov and the cisildren ai-e to bie provided for under tise var riakit nsitrsace act. jA note b lise Sur. trant lMr. Chlnd- blom and also tise letter writteu lu lira. Mort-uv are given berewith. sthowing wiat teps have beefltakefl Waukegan. >I r. l2hiidblom s aya: 1 amt intorm 1esitisat a good inauy peuple li, Waukegau bave beeu inter- ested In tise case ot Lieut Warden H. Morrow, viso died trous tuberculuas as a resuit ut bis service in lise srmy. LHe was iiasrged as being lu goud pisysical condition and smade no cons- plaint about any illacas for a long, timse afier bis discisarge. For thîs reaslou tise Bureau ot War Riasklus- qurauce ea !%rat doubted visether bis illness resultesi froin bis army ser- i enclose a copy et a letter visicis I have vritten lu tise vidov, lira. Wardea H. XMowansd visicitsets out quit@ fuily thse tactsoin conneclion wlt tise case. Sorne ot Your readers migistlie intereeted iu kuoviug vhat tise bureau bas done in tise case. The Details ef aPyment. And bseres s acupy ufthtie letter and vire sent lu lira. Morrow t rom, Ibis sauie cougreasman wviose biigaselt scems lu lie lu gel busy on important maltera visicis bis coustituenla Ssck bomne ask hlm lu isaLdie at Wasliing- Iou-and iucldeataliy'gel resulîs: Dear Nladame 1 bave just sent you a telegrans readiug as tolluva: "War Riask luurante, Bureau lias .Wl INSURE GLAbSES ACAIt4ST i BREAKAQE 10 euls Genese 8t 1Tht'..Deoters 4 ourO 8Sqn.Mc4 .111 M. GConesatSt.- Waulcegan, Ill. 1 . New endosed motor - dirt- axud dust- probf. 2. lmproved cam shaft. 3. Westinghouse starting moMu and gen- erator. 4. New style mahogany dash board. 5. Acjustable steering column support. 6. Special Elgin 1design French aide lamps. 7. Leather hand pada on doors. 8. Aluinnuun door sili plates, cîched with name. 9. Aluminum escutcheon plates around levers, ped'àIs, etc. in front compartment. detftmined action In your 'uibaLd'a case granUing eiglst dollars Der montis trona bis discharge te November 4tb last and one bundred dollars par monti f ront that date t lis death. Yeu will receive forty-two dollars fiftY cents per month for yaus self and chiidret. since husband's deatis. D3ent wishez. Ltter follows. Tise deparî,isent has really expe- dited action letheii matter since tlsey received yuur asat affidavits. 0f course, 1 have kept after them con- tlnualiy and took thse matter up per- sonally with tise Direclor. 1 prestume your huaband vas able lu work up te NuveImber 3. 1920 and that tis tact la thse reasun for the change lr comn- psensation effective November 4, 1920. MY filises ow Vint Mr. J. &, Whyte Airal called on me at my office ln Chii- CÛ90 about the case on November 15, 1920, and tisaI 1 took up the malter wvidth te Bureau of War ilisk Insur- ance on tbat date. 1 believe Mir. Muor- ruw vent te tihe esnitorium etf Ottas- wa tirefl iwing day, on Novernber letis. On Januas" 7. 1921. Mr. Wlîyte re- turned some documents w>icli 1 iad prevaouaiy sent lu hlm, but tisee vw-e Dot compiete and on Marcis 9, 1921, Mr Whyte wrote me tisaI you sent lthe additional papers ont Marcli 7. 1921. On March 2.1. 1921, tise Bu- reau advised ie that a careful ce-' view of tise medical evidence liad brouigit thse conclusion thal yoîr hliu 3 bauds disabilîîy at thiat ie hatI not been Bhown to lie conr.ected wjtl hi3 acetive mllitary ser iwe, but thiat any additiunal evidence we siglit be able te, SUbanit Weuid receive crn,idera- tion 1 tisereupon inimediateiy aiked for a recunsideratin of the r sea. visich *vas granteco, ind 111 r Whyte ir.formed me on Atoll 9, 19,1. thia %Ir. Morruw hadit ben hrossglth )rne two or tliree dat-s previously, aun, 10O. New door-opening 'aide curtains. 11I. Nickel plated top rnoulding-front and rear. I2. Nickel plateti curtain ligiet trames. 13. New style windshield wing nuts. 14. Mahogany cowl board, with light, in tonneau of touring only. 15. Trico windsbield wiper. 16. Cord tires on ail modela. 17. Improved paint system, with additional colos. coats and more durable finithing varmsh. Coin. in andi Jet ms show you tho beautiful n.w K-i Serin Elgn Sixes S.. for yourslf what- a rS.Iy unusual oppo,tunytey off«. Barrett' & Burgrett GRAND AVENUE ANI) ASH STRÈET. mHoNFz 309 9tisat tise add.ttioa evideace Meuired Lby tise Bureau would b. furnlished. kOn April 151h, Mfr. Whyte telegraps- ed me that Mr. Morrow bad died that day. 1 tisereupon agaîn. urged tg Bu- s-eau lu pruceed wusth te reconolder- ation of tise case. snd on May 9. 1921, thse Director ut the Bureau informed me tisaI le liad received additioLal evîdence and lthaItthe daim wouid be conaidered agaîn as carefully sud ex, peditiouaiy as poasible. Mr. and lira C. FraLk Biacktier called on me bere lu Washingtou ou May 23rd aî.d 1 adviaed Mr. Blackner jt wbat had been dune. Upon r.- ceipt of ynur letter settlag forth tise effect of tise documents wblch isad been turnisised to tise Bureau, and ibis morning thse Bureau telepboned me that action bad bes takeL as stled lu my telegrarn of loday. Tecisuicaliy, the Bureau bas given your buaband a ratlng of temporary partial disabiity of lu per cent from tise date of bis discisarge 13c. la. 1918 ta Novefebe-.1, 1920, under whicb tihe Osyrent wiii b. at tise rate of $8.00 per monts. and ba» given hlm a rat ing of permanment and total disabJIity' Iron Novernber 4. 11020 tg the date of bis deqýtb. April 1%. 1921, under vhich l'he paymp'nt viili e «at tise rate of $100 per- monts. Tiss money wiii nov b. pald ta au asimin- istrator ufthtie estate ut your lius. band' and U suggeat tisat you bave audit admiaietrater appolnted aI once. Thsis moe.ey wiii go lu bis estat. as it sbouid bave been paid ta hum In hi$ lifetime. Yuviii gel compensa- tion per monthsiatie rate ot $25 for yourself, $10 for tise tinstcbtid, and $753 for the second chiid, frois tise date ot your husisud'a dessUs. 'iese arnounts yul lie palsi ou accoutt o tise chiidren unîsil tiey become 19 yesrs o1 age respectlvely. and tise DhR. 0. P. THI( AwýAFs wCanted 1 he- was a boy; d as to thr NO SCENERY Mil. ,,v .have f. t t , , l. M sh-s t-t r,îuî i.r cw i'0- sapestsf and lI)ls tPlto R. 1 hsn Fun an liv-(lll i0fa j, li t-îsallv lin ,! r3stif) h ýlic-va. 'iJ u tU tîîç-msîbr a I tii tw sc s iat-d bils ù tint5il i ii 1 t-niaise if 3you w s-s e L y ou cvn lisse i -d momes îct,î:hlue. known as il Vi hie h Ywl us sld ghi.1 air for a lt-w Yalds b> bil titi tordjarîssahli ail. lad lethisdilett I, fi%.. o p in an . stn- i ". f 026 vil be paid yuu IPtIl aletisor remarriage. On account of tise ratag OS per- manent or total disabill.ty front Nov- ember 4. 1920, youu vil get insurance Of $57.50 Per intis.if your buabaad kept up hi# insurauce urlil tisat date. I non afraid lhe did not do tis. and if au You viii nul be. able ta gel any lnt- surisce. 1 wouid 1ke tu have fulil Informa- tion an tu your isusbandà ability 10 vwont and bis earnings f roiS lie lime ut bis diacisarge unili be vas Iolaliy unabie tu work. i vint ibis ln order lu ascestaîn visetiser any larger amount tissu $8.030 per montis eau lie Obtalned for tise period prior, tu Nov- ember 4, 1920. 1 arn a.nslng copies of Ibis lbIter tu lit. John S. Wisyte. Jqdze Claire C. Edward% and iir. C. Frank Black- mer, ail ut vioin bave ssowu greal Interest ln your case. 1 belleve lhey yl lieoglati lu know lu detaili viaI bas been doue. Yourg very traaly,. CAtL "R. CHINDBIOM. nc.,;Osa- 4 ISt..... To remooce blot tsatua ïfrosa dols atinale witis kerisseise aud. &fter it stands sàasSil,, wasalinla va.w ater. A peiste nmode uf commun iaundry etîtrelia und wîîtssr viii remuve blond atsius wltlîoul a trace. If ont enliîely temoa-ed hy tise firat application resesît once or twlde. * Playlng for 7TIme. «Totrîrpeects Rt lise club taest nicht won alogetiser foulong," mid bil&('.111 *id fric-ad. "lYuu really did'l bave snytblrîg tu sny." "'I huow If." lio reislied. "isut 1 liOpedtiat If I1licpt osa talking 1 migliltbluik of aoetblag.» -tos<mn '1rsssýr1pt. A ~rî 5.5v s', rut.. 3 t. a rie i s-, t l.s - 1' Cali1t-Cl'vC futiu sii Bat New Prices On Al El-giri Six Models Effective Monday, June 6, 1921 FORMER PRICE. NEW PRICE 5-paasnger Tourâg ............. $1775 $1485 4-passeger Scout ............... 1895 1595 5-passenger Sedun............... 2795 2395 4-passenger Coup............... 2795 2395 Pries F. 0. B. Factory AU. MODELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD IIRES TIi. New K-I Sere Elgin Six, at thi. price at which it was s».succesfuly ntroduc.d, represented the mont remnavkable automobile value ever offeied inlsifs price clans. At these new low prîces, tis superb 1921 model, with ahl the features of appeai-ance, perform- ance.and endurance, which have madie tii. Elgin Six famous, off ers to every motor car buyer a mont exceptional oibpostunity. Note these 17-important improvements and refine- .nments in the new K-i series lMu-et six lb The Entire Body. o ftuty: re'odathe s4tation îteI1igsit&~o cat.. th.'dlaed ér. tebrýipresing on %onu deltcete nervfé "suc. cessfully'edjusts t ho'V» LMBI.. a AD1ATMS OU-10 12 >.M. tT 6-57TO 8301P.M., 23 I.GiiNuSLmST. WAUKU G AN IL Floor The -»n i-ý

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