Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jun 1921, p. 4

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TH£ hIBERTYVL U lE Ioefr. UIU AY, JUNE 16,)>921._ ru- - _______________________________ Luertyviiie ,Indep'endent1 &au~ COUn*Y hE.A Sulent - Waiegan Weky Sm mu1tan ii t he Potoftoe t huMoIl. II. UL, coudm aMaUatr. SSJUSCIPTION @PftICa-41à0 PER YKAR, STRICTL-Y UN AD)VANCE. OfflaS T.hphene Numer 1, Lihurtyvllo e xoanse. W. J. SMITH ~~ - _ _ _.. - - Editor! P. êSMIT ~....-..----- *--- ..Manager ON"& D. NALLEY ._ _ _ _~ ..-.-.- Local Manager I ADITIONAL LIBERTY VILLE NEWS Miss Grae Butterfield ls driving a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andrews and Mr. asw lord sedan, purehased lant Bat., and Mrs. Chas. Rubhof Des Plaines urdai. Ileft last Saturday for St. Charles. Win. to romain about two weeks, where Mir. anis irs. E. J. Curtis and Mr. tbey have a cottage. and wl &pend &"d M r. Harry Gleason were guesta the Urne f ishing snd ejoYilig life ini cfrelatives IDnZMon City Sunday. the tae regioli. Mir. snd Mra. Chartes Fisher and Eldon Kitchen saya bell tell the dauglter, Margaret, and Mrs. Carnie world lie bas a perfect riglit ta go )L Schroeder spent Sunday with Mr. driv ing these pleasant June evenings md lira. E. G. Becker at Loo! Lae on our fine roade, that he's capable of taking care of his own car, and that he Mrs. 0. J. Young -and Sulas Wright iseflot reajionsible for anything that returned homne Tuesday f rom Ellen- Frank Kennedy May find or lase. d1.. eNorth Dakota, m-er. tbey apent Allen Wayne. Iree year aId son of tihe paat s»verni weeks. Mr. Wright Mr. and Nirs. E. H. Colline, died last m-sa laid tu m-tb illness the lasIt wo Friday, June 10, after an illnesa of meeks of bis visit, but la better Dom. about fis e weeks. The ltîle boy mas Mr. nd rs.A. . Done nd rs.thought ta be recoverinfi. but Friday lni.Di and ir. . . Doane y ad M r as taken suddenly morse, and passed tene aI fsyandMrsII.,Doamtby nagbaway suddenly. An inquest mas held tonavll o! ycMra. II.a eSn da m 1 y bDr. Taylor Saturday. and the ver- fors lai m-thlir ad lrs Wm ~dict %vas "death due to kidney and Collina. lMr. and lira. Donne returned beart trouble, following an attack of borne Tuesday. mhile Mia. lInsis and llîeaslt s and intimps in Februar',." The lira. Naugliton w-Il remain in Lberty funeral mas held Sunday morning. and Ville for a meek. Mra. Devis (5 5asis- interment was ade at Lalceside cent- ter of Mrs. Collins. etery. lira. Kate '%cKee. linaîtietor u1thtut Liban Theater in iis sillage,.liai' mat elosed a deal wheceby site bicornes te. omner o!fithe Bartieti Titeater in fllghwaod. This la consideet ont ai tiahs fthe- smaler-shoiw bouses on1 the norih shane. The new oamner w-lIt put on tba sanie higli clasa pic- tus-es in Highm-ood that are being show-sIn Libartyvilla. A party mas given tvcdnesday at the Edm-asd Curtis home. near Liberty- vile. About tmenty-!our guestae-e in-eset. al Young people, and the ave- ang mans sent in playing ganes and muale, sites- m-ich rerfeshinantsmes-e uerved.Il m-as b have heen a suspria pafty for lilasTlsresa Ray of Aitiocb. but )Éiss Hay mas detained et home, wlbheYoung foks meDf ahead mitb tbbrpsty anym-ay, mitbout the gueit of houas-. FITNESS 0F CHAMPION SHOWN IN "A DAY WITII JACK DEMPSY" A )ay Wth Jack tteipsey' sthie iti e o! a Pathe offaing Saturday al the 1,ilier ti 1ieter, Libêrtys file. This is th.. nly autbenlic and actual pic- tas-lI reproduction o! the chalniana. training activities. n preparation for bis baIlle m-th Carpenier JuIy 2. Wiie lb. film shom-s avery detail of Dernpaey's daily round of atbîetic activity, It ia by no meana Ifinlted iu entestaiDiDent value t0 att spocst-lovera. No figbt iD recont yoas-s bas aroused tise interoat mhicb > centered on thse coming batUle anq lbe film et tise Libi- erty Tileater affdre a splendid oppor- tunity ta see la action the YoUth mho m-lIt defend bis tille a! Heavymeight Champion o! the World. Dont failtot soe. this pîctilie nert Saturday, June 18, at the Lberty Theates-. 24-lt J. N. Bernard, sroprietor o! the Lib- ertyvilie ,Garage.,isarnaking hings f 7ll' h=aila the automobile lune 75lnce he O tesales agency af the Dodge uv R E O po.motos- vebicles. During the pat m-.kle sold a business car ta Fred O ET F R U q*Uhhe o ftbe Libertyvilte Bakery. D C E O U 1=e oube Laundry also bougb U~U e~cniction with the rauidly grow-- O RTT R ku w o f t h e la u n d r y j w% r e a n d A l n e a t h «c u t d k t f o jrving Paynle purcbased a fine Dodge A lnea h cutdce o tlng car. Mir. Bernard bas several the June terni shows an unttsuall3' Moe prospective buyers of thee ipu- large nuber of divorce cases up for loir Dodge cars. lr,,a,--seventyilveen al. Many or k * these will bc diapased o! at tis terni Considerable building laoin progrels but ltt s doubtfui if ail wilIlihe trled. Us nd roud te vllae a Liertý' Already ses eral divorces have been ville. W. F. Franzen, Jr.. fis furnisin tried thus far this manili. materla o e oueFaiWbiIl has liten the plan ln other years ble la building on the county fa~ta I get along mithout jtîies durînr road. abd for E. Satndere. mho la con- the lune terni. This was dune by structing a item residence on the But.- air'- so îanv jurv cases up for trial -terfield raad. Besides these twa jobs thai l it asjnPcPssarý ta sumittft0 pant th15 firrn la supplying the building ma- ils ;( 1.1t iteu, r'is is ..exl)eced to tetial for a house being e ected by' la !b'. irdshui,'n fat nter H. H." Weirenberg. Jr.;,-andt he lsauns %%ho fi ie sununia.ed as titis i., th,, cild bungalow South o!fiieleet ric l it, e o-, t t v,.a 'ett It raiiroad station. s- .1'. vlsîzorl is alto building a item bungaloW on Wrighi Fis-t ln Lake Couny-«the INDE. Ç ,adtlîere are se rtl rath'.r et tensive remair jobs liing donc. PENDENT. LIBERTY THIEATERI IHUR3DAY AND FRIDAiz: CARMEL MYERS IN "THE MAD MARRIAGE" Alsît Ctmedy 'WON ONE FLI\VER" S AT UR DAY: EXTRA Special EXTRA loc and 25c The iatnous ive reel Mack Senriel Comedy Maslerpiece "Love Honor and' Behave", A big laugb in esery lbm aifihe reil and some more laughs in the two reel Sunsbine Comedy "lis Noisy Stili" Extra added atraction The oniy auhentic- pîcture oi the world. Champion in training - day a-it Jack Demnpsey site liai ai his training quaiers see hlm sun, jump, box. cal. play - anid'peepare ion the, greaiesi ri pg batle of the Century. ' ~ Adniusion only 10c & 25C SUNDAY HAROLD GOODWIN in also Pathe,Comedy "The Sandman and Mutt & Jeff Cowedy. o- Comùng NEIXT TUESTAY and W ednesday Marguerite Clark "Scrarnbled Wives" '10e & 25c WIIY IIOLD AN ELECTION WJIEN TIIERE'S NO SCRAP? Detey ate' EIam Clarke may be asked to ask for new Iaw in new constitution Baase a! the great expense in holding the reçent judicial electIon when there were but three candi- dates for three offices to lie filled. a discussion bas been getieral through- out the l7th Judîcildistrict tending ta discoves- a may mhereby such an expenste could bave b'en avaided. it is estlmated tbat the expebse ta the district mas anym-here betwaen. $16.000 and $25.000 seemingly mith- out justification. due la the faet <bat tbere m-sa no cantest in the eleclion. no other candidates had iled thelr Lames as nomlWees and therefora Judges Edwards, M"elch and Sburt-t leff m-re unopposed. and, as a ce- @,uit ofthie election (bey mereiy con- tinue their duties as judges. Because of the feeling tbat sucit -in axpensa mas unjuaiified but of men m-hase namea appear as nom- mness in an ur.conlested election could be Jual as weil caflified to by the governor or anollier state officiai as If the volera were given a chance la gel out and vale under the Auq- tralian ballot systent when tere la Do content. Il in understoad that %Ir. Carke la Dom- considering the matter and w-i Probably use tbe lIth judicial dis- trict election asa one of the arguments in »sking the contituiiinal conven- lion ta adopl a change along Ibis Une. CIVES PARTY FOR SCI'4001 MATES 0F TECMNY ACADEMY Mis. Joseph Guesin, living eutI o! Ubortyvlle. Wednesday a!ternoon en- tertalned t.mentylive girls and seves-al of tihe sisters frorn the Techny Acad- erny. lier daugliter, Helen, is a PUPIl at tbe Academy. and .tbe party m-a given for ber schoolmnates and teacli. ers. Music mas furnisheti by several of the guestsasnd garces es-e piayed. Real refresismenta, the kind alm-aYs found in a country home. were served. and the young foks and the sisters had a deligisîful lime. Techny A". orny la one of the beat Catbolle achoola for girls iDnoîtlhern Ilas. course- lad Io 0e incurred t.der the. NOTICE lats. AtlY. Elam L Clarke af Wauke-0F gan mho la a miember (if te comitli- ROAD GRAOING AND GRAVELING tutionai convention bas been Sp- Notice a! rosit artating andi grave]- proacbeit by ses erai taxpayera m-îhu ing Taown of NewpotrTt. s hêeby the suiggstion ltat lie embody 1ia- given thtl eajeti propîosais wtt!l he sible in Theitem- ca.stitutitn ai ]arecels cd nth ie Tîts n Clerlasoffice which mould asoid a position sucit in W'adsssatii l! tE al iiick as mas sea in tItis dislat it a the a in . Salurila . tit- 11. 1921 f'i'îrth" tecent telecton. 1graditg andietas-'izgtf I 1--'ttole, It is pointed otît that la Canada 1of l'aich rait!, fi te ii Fastt toi, ai condition arises wlere te nota- Section s. %W ,. ro ii tii nitiiSet tacet sevéfiledt leir pet itionandmil i1 tioni la. ii iati w th lt îtný ;r.. turnes out that there aili e iDo crni- 'pecifirat intiý r.oril. iw tithptii,'itdi i itetition in tie latiotn. lie athai- i ignet! or l, ji i ittt itit.iltiit il iesiiet e tien have tii le gatitiglitt of llighNs'sy'. tii deciare ilite nouirees ii v eicct rtatt-d a ai itî Il. hit il, ' et!. day tif Niai. Ai P '2 Thtau wauliI. lltt-n >utvc au ii dion. lXMdT i sai%,-te coltif i-unIt hiue tc. aitdt iîgiwst tittisi'iitt is juat as etfective a as !ut leu-hon -.i.'(S tsr. hleu. Il lsa skn- tac-t th l Twsn I let neyer does anybody m-it tus writîi.g Tu onaiNia tort. lis naine an the ballat,-htherefore the us 2t1s1ly .v2t Have You Ever1 Bought Any Stock? If you have, then you wlll be more than interested in aur oulfer. W. have the. iost cornplete, Information Bureau in the country on unlisted stocks and bonds. We are offering for two weeks oniy a conwlete book covering ail points con- cerned mith the purchase of stocks or bonds mritten by men m-li have had trnany years experlence In -the securities business. We also include in this offer a mnarket report on ail unlisted stocks and bonds, snd allow tm-O reports on this contraet. The aboya rnentioned book may seize you many limes ias cost for the lollowinit reasons: lat. It expigins Promnotions in plain English ao that any man, wainan or chid cen understand thorougbly the operations o! tbe 201h Century Promoawr. 2nd. Il explains bom- 10 detect frauda ln stocks and thereby protects yottr savinga. 3nd. It wilIt enable youto talk intelligently to any one offering you an in% est- rment which rnay be a good an. Our book isafDot offered to the public mitb h lb dea of bampering any legitimate entes-prise but uirnply t0 aid the genes-al Public in.deterrnining m-bat ta do In thse event of thei- being offered stock or If they have already purchased same, How snd Wbes-e to Bell. We are not connected witis any brokerage bouses and m-len off'ring a market report liai aIl brokers rneklng a bid on'the specified stock witb their offera. The abéve book and report' serviceselîs for $1.00 and m-e do nat hasitate In saYing that you m-ilI find boih ta becmworth many tintes the price asked. SECURITIES SERVICE COMPANY 1101 Chemical Bidg., Si. Louis, Mo. TRAVEL RIGHT With Right Luggage L IbERTYV~ILLE p'aple caiî purchase the very bcst in the ire ni Tra'.eiinîg Bags, Purses, etc.. rîght here aI hortie, and at 1 - iar helow those charged in the city. 1 have a cmpiete Lrn.e nE guaranîeed goods. Corne in and see, and rimparf- tr PrIC'ýI wîîh hose charged in other places. SUIT CASES ranging from $2.25 Up TRAVELING BAGS from $2.50 to $25 Ladies and Gents Purses New Up-to-Date Line 5oc to $7.50 One Higli Grade Bicycle fl lectric iJghts, Born and Best Grade Tires, Etc. g Pormerly priced at, $64. now $45.WO Auto Top& Repaired, New Tops Made. Harness« and Shoe Repairing We also do thc BEST SHOE REPAIRING in Liberty- ville. Bring your shoca ta Our shop, and havç a new pais- made from the old oneà. JOHN W. COLE 1 - - , Tired feet make you ache ail over Aching feet Ican make you -wretched! And no shoea can be comfortable if your f eet are flot in good condi- tion. But every form of foot trouble can be relieved by one of the scientific appliances designed by Dr. SchoII. Dr. ScholI's Foot Com fort, Week June 18 to 25 Corne this week to oui store and let our Practipedist examine ypur f eet, f ree. He will tell you what you need for your foot trouble. Foot Expert's Services Free, Corne in Anytirne RAY N. 'SMITH , T 4 ~Let Us aliFor lif THERE'S only âne way to avoid the drudgery and inconvenience of the family wash day-and tba i"to0send your week's washing to our Iaundry. Tooexpensive.>»».Not at al--- in fact it's cheaper than -a washer-women would charge you. Then think of the elimination of al worries and cares ---houirs added to your pleasure., Let our man be a weekly caller. Let us do you r Iaundry work for you. A phone cali wiI bring UýS. Reliable Laundry Phone 67-R, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. bAi,.ç wuu T sors --10 'Joui 999 don'i -The% go( Savi Mak savîl A si the 1 Lake Total AutoI I Telephone .Wh Bui Gel Weit plans are and $et u Clai Gettin Near ýý3 1 lm Lca Short Items Clarence Lovel t ciD.. Win., Saturda: Mir. and lira. M. ZMon City last Mon, Dew-ey Buinerski for a six m-eira' sts la Virgula. M. andlira.'t daugbtes-. Elinor, ai Waukegan. visi ted tyville relative.. .Nisjs itelen Cia teacbing in lb. Toi visiting relatives b fore going ta ber h Illosa Miss Marguerite brother. DeDzil, rat, tram HEast Troy, Wi spent the weeIc end Pr-etchen Eboleder bomne for a fem- da Chi-Tex 011i rodu ty, Taxas. Oil les are aff-ring a limi par acre- Ten-iscr moih $50 ptr acre drùe lion Ton, 21' MVa uls-ga n.

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