Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jun 1921, p. 11

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'LIBHR1WVI NDEPENDENT. THMmSAY, JN3, 1921 am efrned to %va er a tWo wûekýi i I t CiaymIake. Nfltu i litas of N fit Il wii h irîiarîul;imiiîrin,l lit y, 5 on til m i,1 l'ha wut-k of p itin rogrees thim ft yl on Nich(.tas W i zel, :nm idj vils ant baby. lefr P. n iwsomoübile triai n Wiecongiii. 3LAS8E3 AGAIPN1 i Geneseoet .t Two i-lur Servie St. Waukeçan, ili a gîuod i-aie. 50C e to the falry- our stock liais -aie anti dura- the 'bum of tise 59C ......29c 35c Q o $300q 6c7 25c !5c ~'55C 85c $3.00 S29C ible tîige p.. Miimsc ik. .50 e$4 ,50 andi $3 '0 $17.50 Ac ',85C ...75C baîf mlee-s'aa or mplest ot eig. or Ncc&vear tr cisarm andti I AINEAN ITEMS TRAVEL FAR IN NEWS DISPATC1IES ippings received from far "corners" 'of country dur- ing Iast few days INSPIRES EDITORIAL It doesn't malce any difference here one goes and iicks up a news per or magazine, Waukegan is und to be included in the puhlcaw -Walukpgan !tews travelo front roclcbound coags'ofu Maine to the Iden Gate. L. Elmer Hulse. whu, J ot returned with bis family m Cincinnati, 0. lagt weeko aw' news dispateli on the front page 0fý e Inquirr" of that city. It con- rond tie man who %as fined foi alking into an automobile and timping is Ihead. The nomne itemi and the one about b. miracu lous saving of the lite of gaie Louise, daugliter ot Mr. andi r. Chas N. Ffeele, when she tel! to a duck pond. a ppeared iant week tbe L.on Angetes Tîmes. The Boston l'ont contained the item ut the *Jay.valker' and the Bon Traveler had a hlai colunin edit- ai aboit II, In addition to carrying nevs stery. The clippings fron ton vere sent bY Louis Jones, mer Waukegan man. The Items trom ns Anveles were nt by Thos. Il. LindF xv. formîer res- frit of Iis ie. Jlustice Water A iTaylor aiMs re- ived aeverat clipings. Editorially the Po'.on Ti aveler Deservedly Burnped. A br f dî (Ilîu frmil Wlieaîc .n. I., 'tells of one Il. 1' eltinier, who' as arreëteti and fncd $7.40 foîr unsplng lto an au (Ilîn<dhile. \','li B mail anuni like thecruwfl.tig chievement oft 'une as ver who ed ta niakê tl,*'court think Ihat ite vas back, and Futedc i ances are that the (toit kocýw >bat if vas doinz and ithar the fman Igned and u.os itid l ad béeen illy of deliberateiy trying tu get He vas flot Jut an ocdînar v «Jay-1 alker," tht oan in Wa u kegn.( ether vas lie tî>îng b ui- de-far from liii lie as trying get imselt cOifoiturîl ' Ydanagcd lie vouitibe able Io ring suit1 ainsI lthe moItozi'.yt and collectAa nm of money. ThItnga like that t.eprrîbal lv ppened in tiis % il if T , ait :ough me do flot recali aty insance sîcref mealtit-s have beýn If-vied un thp of- ~entier.1 iere was a case not long go, at the corner of Washinglon ~treet andi Masachusettesienneý. phere a man lvas observei lJumpîing ~ut frttm bphinti a pot andi ruofing tordo, preuniâbly). A policema.n a' ngîh caught on ta vhat tihe gans. 'as andi sent tisa scoundrel awa> Ith a Fharp reprimand. Of ailthe fshabbly trIcks for tic cx riion of ttofley, tht5is onte ofthë shabibest anti mosit desid abie. Pc0 lice and autoists rhould bF un thé' vatciî to nlp It Inthie b lads. ,r, ver 1t' apî'ears. A record probab)y nevir biture dupiicated laNWaultgpan niw sl.ali-- don in the tact that thse June 21st i-s- sue ofthte Los Angeles Tine, car. rieti tour Waukegan news îiq,îaichoe.. In addition to the two sbove naii.ntd ivere the fanerai of Congi essman Win. E. Nason anti that about Mre. Barah Johinson placeti in jail at Zion, cbarged witb violating Vos as mod ut drens ordinance. MOLDS RATE LOWER IN ILLINOIS TIIAN IN OTIIER PLACES (Turn to page SIX) 1 ii,yield during the ilear entiing Ot.1 31 .a return of 3.96 per cent on ihe1 imated value of the roati. aiiowingI or a decreasa of 10 par cent in tise .volume of trafflc. vhile witis trafic1 undiminislied It wold brIng a raturn 1 cf $699. If tle Illinois tate tare la flot la- creasei, II, vas astImated that tise roads operating incomne on tise de- treaseti traffic would yield a returfi cpf 1.37 per cent. *The Cqmmission bold thaithtie Ila trastate tares cbarged wîthin the state of Illinois by tbe Chicago North Ebore and Mlwvaukee Ralroad. oper- ating an electrie Interurban lina hW * tween Chilcago and Mivaukee, are oweZ than the corresponding- inter- state tares cbarged by tiha company -beween points la Illnois andi points la Wiseonsln andi are accordingly un- duir prejudiclal tô persons andi la raiities In interstate commerce. un- dly referential ta persans andi local- tilas lu Intrastate commerce. and are imduly dincimitatory againt Inter- atate commerce. Tbe affect of tbe above order, thse officiais of tise company state. wonid ba ta ralse tbe Illinois Intrastate rate ta 3c a mile te, correspond wîtis the Iterstate rate. In aiber yards, lIt vould simpiy put tise rates upon the- sarne plane. Tise ffect localiy voulti sliglitiwas h la nnderstood tbat it Id eut in any way ffect tise tan fi» inj t%,cnty-flvs (26) ride rates beti sa sn local points andi Chcago, vicii air eow lover tisan 2c a mile. Tise îu:joî ly of-people iocally vili unluil cîiiily avaîl tbamselves of the advz!t-t.e ut the ten (10) and twentil- tivéei'at ride tickets on account of flis nese rning. This does flot In anY vay afftect the rate beveen Milwsu- kec and Chiscago or beveeli points In Illinois anti points inI Wisconsinl. ye orix *u*lflCflWomnfLead. IWomeli play IL bigger part lInlise , usiness life o New York today than q 11U C4 tuithe voriti. World's Biggest Mule' tOST 0F FARM Lesson Boards LABOR JUMIëS RE- PORTS INDICATE Illinois paid $80,389,710 in 1919, census bureau reports $36,308,376 in 1909 FIGURES ARE INTERESTNGI W'aFchintrtoa More tisan$h,(O90 vas stient by Illinois tarmers in 1919 for lahor. accordlng btise repo)rt ut t-e rensus bureau.,teparîment et commerce arngntuced loday. Tue totial sapenditure for farm iaisur In îe U'nited Sates as shovn by thle1a-t encus was$1.163,45431,0. am cos-ý pareil vitI $651,611.2S In 1914, an in- resse ot 109 peTr cnb The stx iigleat st;tter, le tie expea- i1ture for labor. of whiplrlilnois le ihird. ls slîown lih- rePort a'.* Cli- fiirnia. 11126.69R.152: TaxaF.$5 .i RCS; lîlînois. $05971h.;1vva, $7ti 6516'Kansa.s, $67 71 4Q4: Nev York. $64 3'4.4.1.îtinci, î. aid oui $3rt67î.ç,376 n 1(9 $1.101,228,543 for Feed Tise tarrnîrrs capened-ti $t.t22MAI.4 toc ft't'tinla1919, as coropart(l airis 129J,",9.57 un 1149.t'en aiecren'.c ut l0.l 6.or 2X71tper cent. T.i, g!eater lpart oft his Incît îst' s doul t tcrs ttte retu1t of the' rruthuglier pire.. presaiine in 1919i for lay, corn. uats ant i mli feeti-. v. lui- <u si'utt' tht' hulk tf the fc. .1 rurcla'.f. by farnieri'. The t'iaegviicis reporicil tht' lare- pit expendulures for teetl n 1911f vert' New York, 5 9632:lesa. 7 09 7,,:tinois. $f4.930,48-1: T,-xas, $61- o85-.527: Nebrasuka, $61. 591; MiF- '.uuiý $6f- 171.5116, nI Kansas, $77- Double Use of Fertitizer. The amounit exrîî eteti. byfarmrnr- for ferilizer ln 1919 was 395992 as comparati vitl 8114892,541 In l!,îî9, repreFentlng an increase utf S2141207.- 371, or 1865 per cent, 'Of tle total expeadtlure for frtilizpr.ila tbï. Unît ëd itates ta 199, 91.X per cents-a'. reporte-tiby tle siatets asI of tise MlissispI river. Tise cenRus borratu report in table tero sfiîtows: LA BO R ................... î4 w t'.............ti 5 tin,i..e ............. 7 1.i0,69 1'" -n t I .c.......... tu4,12 i- -t of tnrrée . ..... tIil vatiîe of rc-nt anti boardt fui ni-b, d 151',- - - - ut>72 P , m , n t ( I r n d, e i . . . . D 9il)............:........814 2'.51 hIn -, ............ 2 t 1, :,aS7 FEED Iii -nti '-in ru.r, ... 2 . 3 Ttîbzicriigruvine r-lits Iu,eh rucli tiiti ji i-r. the' bureau rf-tutrt '. Great September Morn Act. ow Beae 4Bnlrtgs $eFine You i'anl discuhe in a rotor car or in the- i'îislcs ut Ile lrie Bluff beach. -uu-a ual be let. John Es er- n, ,71 icligan avenue. tîleti It taire Suaiiay. The irsi urne lie vas wactuet. Tise second btie uce'sas ar- Ersteti tyesitulliytliîry int iîn $ and rosis. Episcopal Church Finds Newspaper 'Ads' Best St. Louis, June 28 -U'.e If (1110Y nea-spapers as probably the nuost ch- ff-cive medium for churcis tuisicils vas recunînîended today at bue Epis- cpal churcl publity coaterence, aI- teatietiba tielegales troni tweive midi- dle western jtates. "- littie verbal acrobaties" la hie headlines oft durcis pîublications wvaschampioneti by thse Rev. C,. P. Parker ot Fayetteville. Anc. The Place of Uildimninished Satisfaction Tise Joy that tilla yonr heart vlien yen vake up In tise 'moning and listen to the mnellodions gongs of spring birtie Tise ar-oma that touches your beart vhen yen are in a garden witi beautiful flowera. Thbe treshness tisat comtoî-ts your tiresome body visen the breeze caresses sottly thie limpiti waters of tîte lake. Yen ted ithe rame deatblesa joy, tieseamne intoxicating, the came everlastiflg freshness, wben yoto get- your Ice Cream andt Drinks at tise PANTHEON ICE CREAM PARLORS WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS GUS P. GORGAN ANDREW 1D., MARIS SEND BUILDING STRIKE; BEGIN 'WORK TIIURSDAY! .?nntinuedIrnni ragei Clapi bhe Jase obstacle in the vay e o rf.i in hica-os 9100,000,000 building tiuî up, i'rior lu yesterday's anaottncttiit-nt tht' carlîenters lid teadfasil, re, fusCîl te accept lb. appaintmF.nci(,! Jutige Landis as arbitrater. As a r.. suit a greatjtumber of men tu ori- building traes vere unable tn go, on vus tiseir vork and building lt, tiieds wcre ctli more or Pies. a Plan New Referendumn Tomorrow nîglit a specli titirifLe ot tise carpenters viii be lii lui whidis viii itolti a new it- bcr enduni on tise question ot arbitrati in Officiais ofthtie union expreseti thlui tief tise decigion veulti ha tavoî i.;. The aset arbitration vote of liii c,îr pénters, la wiich It vas veet ci ifi- Mine arbitration, vas In a great ni. a'.. tire res-ponsihIe for tihe stubborn il' uul teck between tisa union and the' i-nî tractors Jutige Landis' Influence sue">s.-ujl aise In removing tram tise carpt ro'. i workinx agreement tbe famoos art,, e 3, section 3. visichb ias bsJred ai] nuit union building trimmings -iluirs iashea, etc -fromt use on builiîng. Blaue lias been placati upon tii.., article ?or mucheoftise building g. il, now being Investigatati and vli]i, hlas resulierf in a score of IndIctuieniîs ns its tarins na union carpenler aîîl woîk on a job visera nons4nion ti.i, mingsai-cc useti. This ituat'on ]t.ý Io nlimrîluabuses In île w;.. if brtibet'.s an! graft. Awards to De Unqualifteti l'înding tisat the vord mniniîuîî harti been treeiy naad in thce u-. Titnfi-nb- conection vitis vage Oi1p îlatiins.. .udgt' 1.andis assertiel1, vage asards voulti ha unquallît,. tt%" or any other vorîl If vs icavp tise word 'minimuti,, te.,- agrecmnents,"tise jutige Fît,!, vil! tucan lily vagascale awail' wý lc valuelessa Von tolks couiti gc ont anti temnant mare vithout isu, i ing tise agreenions, anti i do nui pu lose te lava tisat. 'Tise vage scales ta be set cri- ru hoiti goond. jmt as they are tc-" sillon, for otee yaar." Tise Nord "minium" vae takri The judgeaise fotand tisai s 5tilise agreements stipulateti tim' taitd one-hlait houiti he paitifor overTi.m.- nîlers pros ied a double lime ;a> ment. 'Wl- sisoulti oaa man gel du. it'- time anti anothar only time an,!(.nt' hli?" the jutige vantedte bknets. tii. intimateti overtime psy voulti ,,-tunt forte. Tise At-ea job is tise oniy (une ,f hi g proportions in Lake countY ontar i Chicago lahor 1.9 employeti. Itttilr-, of carpenters a ntibuilding tlurer'. nov retîtra ta verk on i,,pro- led v. hic h a ilcontinue tor '.îvFral years. - I W HAT a world-of pleasure in the mere fact that you know you can harness electricity. And what woman is there-especially when the hot, al- most unbearable days come-who doesn't want and need some of the labor saving de vices we offer? We're ready for you in every way.- Here we have Wash- ing Machines, Vacuum Cie aners, Electric Irons and Boards, Percolators, Toaste rs and scores'of ,other arti- cles that will make life worth while this summer. Each is attractively priced. Let us estimate on your hou se wiring. Warner Electric Co. Genesee and Clayton Sts. Phone 428 Waukegan Pollyanna TJnderwear Co Silk Camisoles Fine Crepe de Chine or Fa- Ncw idea in womien's under- î.4î. lace timrnat. Ligiht andi weai union cuits utf softi SOi- daik cniors. Thesýe are regular t erîi. t ut aitiecstyle. Conieî $1.49S salutes. Xc have been in fier-h and whîtc, '.îces 36 to rw lling the-ns siglit isiung fur 46. La. t >ear t 55ai,$248. 9C xr Pc 98C 214 N. Genesee St. Waukegan 75c NEW SUMMER DRESSES l'lie surîplus s .tovks of pronîîîeut mran ufactîurer,,- boîîght t t îLg ~seifit i. We~ <lier tltes& easî,titiftil dî4-ses to YOU at a priee tliat is pî'aetivally tlîcir regtîlar, w lwlesalec ost. A wl iudeî'ttîl showiîîg of ]atest Stîiîînier styles ini every v wanteti sliade. couic sec tîeîn! 'o Extra Sizes Ail Sites BLOUSES - Big Sale of SKIRTS Ws assNew Georgete Dresses Gabardines Of voile. batiste and organdie, 0f fine niercerizeti quality. enibroidereti anti lace trlnsmed.- 1I ,xcilou1elt qua'lity ail slk George tte dresses ini lat- Ideai for Stimnier wear. Nicely Mlostly tic back tyles. Sites 36 te sotile t e trcn cdd aî ii iid 98C broidcred cffects. Fie selection of colors. Liîîeld- 98C te $1.98 cd ii this group are a nlumber of hîgh grade taffeta anîd satuin dres. On sale at Voile Waists miSurf Satin Fine Frencht anti domtestlc voileAtrcienwMdlinhs blouses, Sole trinsmeti vitb real pepular material. priceti far be- lace. Henstitched anti embroidar- low tiser actuai vertb. WiI1 Dey ati. Sites 36 te 46 anti extra sizes you ta buy tWO or tbree. to 52. Worth $3. Pîlceti at is Baronette Satin Overblouses Smocks Rubberized Aprons Sport abades, aise black, visite. la Georgette anti Tricolette - avy, brown and gray. New Soi- stylilh new tie-backs In every Washaisle Frcnch voile vnîocks. Wasliable. 'sater-pioof bouse- ter styles. nicely tallored andi wanted sisade. Extraordinary val- tn ail colore. trinîimet Inl contrast- holti aprues, In colored giîigharn niade et gooti quality flaronette ne at (his prie Ing colors. A very unusîtai value checks. AIs aya neat andti tdy. -- satin. Ensily worth 112.90. Pric- aI Iteal 75e valuîe, extra ,pecial at ed at $2.98 $1.98 39c, $7.90 fflThe STORE of SPECIAL VALUES____ ___________ vQiles ginghams organdies Il i-- l'

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