Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jun 1921, p. 14

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________ ______________LRBRTYVILJIE Ih NORTI!SIORE LUNE MAKES 50 CITI- ZENS IN ôWEEKS With the co-operation of Wau- kegan naturalization off icers the work progresses HAVE MADE FINE SHOWING The North Shiort, Lîne is cairynï: on Ils Ameican1zation plan amon'g employes Ith econtinueil zirai1, la the luas moriIl 01, six veks. acco rd- lng lu luke <rant, writing ln the North SStiore fBulletin, niole ilan Ift- ty track laboreis on the road have taken out their naaliaization paliers as a resull of Ilial work. *The Sun réein] reprintvd an artiele frain Itie 4illlin tellîig of L the sciiouli cxab)lishf-d hy Mr. llyâtt. miainlenanci' ot way enginv'îr o! the reoad. tu Iracli nmen of foiio ubîrti le îtead and witp hie lngislîi an- ln the rur',ije or ie ltilletini Mr. Grant saYsý: -Mr Ilyattl las luliiiid up that workl. y gttiiig iliese itien lu becomne naturalip.ed ci-1lîzen. le ariailgeil * wtb te courts iu Racine. Keflosti and Waîkegau 10 kecît op.'n onua certain evening and mi' titan ifty men teout OItitir palpers in one day. M.any ofthlIe men lbâtilîteir irst Pa- pers for years, but %wete cot Interest- ed enougIL t0 beCUIie full CitiZenS. largely hecaîîse no, neliait ever slîowri enougli interest I lwi i tT 1 "ak tMet If moie of tliat sor tfwîirkwans doue there would bé fewi'r ttolslîev- lIss toPreicli ievolution andi over- llrow of the gos ertiment. The more one knows about Our forni of 50v- Scubelient and (lite iistot-y of our.coun- tty. tète les.î attenltion lie pays lu the 3AiiS wio advocale is overtr. by 60OVERNOR SIGNS TAX LEVY BILL * 0f $23,00,000 SpringlNl-d, 1IL -June 21 -Governor finisil thil. ,iflernoon signeft!tîhe bill iliclî levi-s $23000moqî) for thIq year anti next forStinte Purposes. It aili nîcan a stite lax rate o! atpprox i- nîateiy 60 cents, or 50 lier, cent gîcat- er Ilîse lwa vyear aço. Other Bis$ igned Otiter net' iaws- lnclîîîe the foluaw- ing: ttudeîick t'ruviîles penlty o! sixtY days la one year frt<îhirowing uf uienchi bonîbs..ý Ol'seler-Prov ides rfine ut $50 10 $200 for sounding taise ire alarms. Scanlan-Reituires automobilele n- sursnce cotupanies Io have minimnum capital ut $200001. Road Costik Cul Furîbor redlucthon of $47~6 a uile ln the cash ot roati bulding material bas been achiéved tlîrcugh Goernor Snîall'a deiermiluaiion lu bring coast aititin reason, Direcior o! Pyblici WarksaMiler ancouncedt oiay. Mfr. Mller's statement folowed the iipenieg t bida for laenlv nîne miles et concrete. for thie mont îpart on IhlI <,hîcago StI.Louis rosi!. Log c. The Yîîol(ulktelly)-lii ~- ng lii s'l i thie fîrut i eh lot t he ilion, ey lne Ib liurk. SVtt't 3 Ot Vi' -I foirîthîe iLord i4u1-i4 t19lie' lîtensesâ %vilh you, lilt lie u'tî*t It-h i e bten- 0f Littho Learning. A nian (If ilhir leitiîg î 11llt,îu t lîýtt III ttc It hegii lti itrr.iiîî tc Oneîcl --r. t . Orie Of 'ti< tloi- l ii s -it: la- d1Sir Iilitl- iz i t tt 5so iti3 ril fi-ee m itiig ti rilli t ruiî. ri ilîey (,171li t.ruîitnîý it- i d. l i' ,,,i ,t- - 1t, -ns, , .i - The Refere Latent picture af Harry Ete pOnted third mac ln the ring whla DnaPsey and Carpentier Ment for' elle heavyweight chauapionshîp et? le svOr'id .TUly 2. Ertie la Ciy mas'. Mhal Of Jersey Cty aber. the ightii III b.s ibId.____ Censuis Of rnCollt. TUSl tlîuught Maît te ierce celis ln ii' train of et hmai t belg nmubler soliiir iiiîig illie 1-10,(,»Ott. 'îer rft'vitf iirolleis cunnect tilem 01e@ aitti itn,tlie, uni! tend out bran-lipes Wllolt extî'nd luthie utoqt reilîote por.. tiolls of tbe LîlYSlcîiý ahatomny. MUN WHIO DIS- APPEÀRED AFTER A VISIT JIERE, FOUNO Frank Snivtey who, with.Wife, was stopping in Waukegan Amnesia Victim DOESN'T REQALL ANYTHING Franlk J.' Snively, weaithy former newspape? man of Des Moines ani Toledo, who il appeared several days ago attile retîîrning tobihiîmý ai 1913ý Lun t avenue, lbieage, wa; localed In ('lîcago Tuesday night In cel 263 at te coUnty jail. He May be a victim ot amnesla. Snively, relurning fi ont Waukegan with bis wife and daughter. lad sent theni un lbone atI llward street an i toid tlhmi lie wouid stop for a shave. Tuat was the last tlîey leard froin h it un it ilai nigit i WalS 8.ted by Police. Dc.iertîve Sergeant Joseph IHaah of trie stoctyards ipollce Saturday ciglît arrpited an unkenîltitman. tound wajndîýrîng i a îlaed coundition aroindti fitietti andi Ilaisteti stretis. oit a disiîrderly conduct cha'rge jîî ',ge hayes rernanded i bim u toaii iln-Io-r te cante of John Snively. In- tervieweti last nighit. theitian im- mediately Identified the pctitre o! Snively that Was prînled inl a Chtica- go palier on Sunday. 'Yes. tnt Snively."lie aduiîited lu Tlîat's my jîctie- 'Wiîat are you doiàg here?' ti dont knuw. 1 was lut court. titen they- put nme in here', "Do yuu feel ail righîl? "About aà good sas any une coulti. I guessa' *Yoîi are iiiariied, ares yau Dot?" -Yei. ny aile lices in Waukegan." Face@ Exam instion Today. Snively was as deliglîleti as a ehild at seeing is uan Piclure. IDe wîtl be exainineti today bY Dr. Normian Cope- landl,thie jaîl PîIYàici5fl. Mca. Snlvely said lier tlesbahadb cutie 10 Chi- c"go for rest andi trealmeut follow- ing a cervous breakdowon. Effortýs 1u lôcrUe Snivley's aife in Waukegan or 10 floU oui wbere ne liai been atopping here. îîruved fu- tile. Tfhe police liai! receiveti no re- port thiat SuivleY waa niissing. liai nou requesl b sBearcli for hitu andi knew notbing ufthlie cise. Ilotel keepeis declare tiîey haie bai nu Siivieys living aIt teir places andi therefore te Ielief la tai 018Y muaI have been stopping al tomne Privale homne the location of wiich isnnI knoun. NMSUMMER PAINT and WALL PAPER SALE We are placing.on sale for the next seven days, coni- mnencing lune 25th, our entire line of Paiin a nd Wall Pa- per at a reductionof 20 per cent. IIevoe Lead Zinc $3.75 De voe Mirrolac $1.40 $4.50> per gallon, now- $1.75 per qt., now Devue Fiat Paint, $3.35 Motor Car Finish $1.40l $4.00 pèr gallon, now-- $1.70 per qt., black now.. -~ X Floor Varniýh $3.00, Kalsormne, 50eSO $4.00 per galion, nw5lsfr7c o ffoneted loor, $3.35 Devoç eo i 0 $40_erglon __-- 0 bottie, now 4-se it Brush, rubber$2 5 Same close-out prices in Devoe, Lead and Zinc and Flat Paint. Will be sold for less thaii cost. Cornei and get your choice while lot Iasts J. H. 'LARSEN -"osue are diacontinued items and will be sold at a very great sacrifice. Aà 1N. OnemeeSt. . *Phone22M .Waukge», L. Jus,' A Few of Many H-undreds of- Specials For the 4th The Bout Apparel At the Leaat Prices Cide' 2 Values to $2 In-. Mu sIný -go wns -chemise -p etticoat s -step-in bloomers $1 A gl a tt cîrlety of prelly andi dalnly undergarînentà are ber. of- foed .8 at string loy frico. The as-ortittent Incloîles -gowmns chemise, tiîttlicuats andi step-la bloomcîs 1 n al sîzes. Women's 1.50 Slk Corset Covers A ýpecagrouliîng of Vo- mensa silk corset cuvers ln Most ailtss.. ineludes m.any preîty styles. Silk Corset Covýers to $2 Special $ 1 Marked for imnediate clearance. thesle corset nov- ers were matie of «fine silkS Joys' New 75e- Blouses 59c- Bloys' blouses len iosI *All sizeg lu stripeti patterns oitiinarlly solti al 75C. n-.ow are 59c. -Boys' 1.50 PIay-Su its a~95C By'Play cuits lu ighl and dark colors andinlamustaU sizeti ibtIs loy Prîce. Children's WasebSit£ nt Boys' New- Skull Caps Witl. or Wathoué Visors At 25c Women'a 1.50 Coveral Gingham Dress-'es- $1 A isperial colection utchildrcn'à prelly gingîtatitdroeeinleal cul- ors >nd a go range ot sizes. Other Dresses 1.98 & 2.98 AIý $1.i 911 Ire are pretty new figure4it vo I a and glushamas tftd ai $298 Ibere are cew ginglîsma andi organdis e na wldu varielY of clever stylec' -Chlldren' s1.,50 Princess Slips In Sizes to 14 su1 Special," Real Human Hair Nets 15C 2for iuC 25e Thesle are matie of a very 1'u. perler quaity ai real humai hait' in triage and cap Bhapes ln adl ebades. Special Ssale of Real Leather Hand-' Baga IValues to 10.98 Irubably thneg re a tesat ban dbag aunouncement madee in years. The assort- ment jacludes baga ai var- loua styles le plain anti fancy emb>osset leathers le gray. tain, hm'en &ad back. Many have ilver trimminga >~4 eborae iafrrorfis CbildretVs Va8hi nuits ln Oliver Twist style l ilnaits ai $1.25. In the Norfolk styles in ail colora at $L 79. Women's New- Bathng SUItS For the 4th Very Special At ors at the tpular price rangs quoleti above. auji ntluce soute rapid selling. Bathing Caps 25c Up Child'sv$m2 Wool Bathing Suits 79c colbtig suila for littho ttformerly solti aI $198 and $.9nuw arakedto lucetr at 79c. Sweaters. With Lace Vea tees 1918 Girls' and Misses' kVnitted wool blouses la wanteti coloa r itb lace vesteits ai $198. 12.50 qilk- Sweaters 7.98 79c Ail @ize-i w acnte d styles ln lîglît neltdiuci and dark colorings at only 79c. Wotnen's prM"yttyîebiî.k cuverý ahi aprues lu goud colora and aIl sites at $1.49. Mennen's 25c Double Size" Talcum Children's 1.50 Coveral-' Overalis 95CI Theae clever little coverallai are just the tilng for tb, "Kiddtlea" te play anti romp ln. Ail aIses. Childien'a 69o Little Beauty Und:,r 49C W omen'a 39o Sleeve.aa Vests. 17c Women's sleeyelesa knlt voila la aeutar3k t inj aaime'". Sash Style Women'a 1.50 1.49 Silk Hose $ 1 A great féale for prli',7trudent aumnen. Here are siik buse le black. wht e and ail colurs In ail uizeeal I nly St100. il S11k Hose At 55C Voe'mns I ltto"tiaH colora and szet lin lain antilace ef- te,ý '. Child's Haif Hose 39.c Children'a hhý lwit and w h t-^ihpr (,ycloe trnmgInii.lt4 Women'o New- Wash Ski*rts For té 4th At $1, 1.98, 0 e3.98;i 0 The assartmenls ai$1 SmnL $398 nare eonslieérabiy t.dreicd and 1nlude cottoa noceies mu Veil as surf salins. Sports Skirts to $20 In Silk or Wool 9098, -tthi lot ther an xr ete fianet and lmncy sllk ct'. as weli a barronetta atin ad ail* s*Ukga naU color. VOUJME X)U.- JOHN RIClIA 1IUSBAND O WHIO RODE Irivalid Husban*d woman who tig succumbs a r«"r-. iflOî rat.htri-TItt D". . . trialm flxed ai l i'.-.' 1 n'ei. Ut-dWsgn" e'- . 'il t-r deu- nI'nîît th-o ai0bi il ta4-cîtOn >511 blity ' J of ttI.'lild- mlvh- ru' ta cr.~'ri si herl .itiv-t the yo Voici rail- "t5 Ca-se. ta s. Richardsoil'tu prie t li-pl-r h ie htMtPiS 'i','the]tR S Muées. fJoh ricîtaun voan wo wl ge Voldo al-rlin cae Cmuirey ims onptai M fe reet f rhast eh adrion haI l irct tmev, L ilneai.r a e t 'Id tave iteka m moadeîtheon.wl b.d amrail tht aidb. do bandef le, s oaf thre11wrensofner ht rde n.rIlnla raili heainfiraudeaof anad evemcatheI Madethti nilling bonut 7 'olo w omt oth prch of erh - rodeer on ath ril berin pudleo t thVie h21 t enicad Mr&a.dis sitethe pot of lb ,bandeato -lb. illai Il was her. ohaM whieh brougbl abc lions and litlgatiOi called that Mrs. th. affair made State'a Atty. Datit wromnnere arret grand jury. indit 14r rioting. Tbey puiity andi subseq The trial that pr court proved one q tlir.i ever held 1 faugbt the case tbat they absolut bMra. Ricbardson However. the Jur did and brought il lng ail the. Vomn Huaband Ail during lhe "wherein the Volo prosecuted for rit lin the court hot chair confident -they would be hi treating his vrile the women claîni ardson hati been olher nmen ins1h that therefore th, ment was planced thotili tey tuai t reat lier as bars! The man s Dain Bill Donneli but Ibat bis alfe an wrong doing and he was ai bis w see ber assailaliti And the jurY hi and (1pnu:ed Laler Mn.- Riel againat the varli to recavel' damag aihlehhd recelved, îracted wide inte local circuit cour - . isoo The verdict. w Titra. Richardison efforts ta collect Jousa wmen. Ti erty witb the el 1.2 & .79Aprons- I -a SUITS' AS LOW AS $14I-00 Walk Upstaire and Save $10. and mo re on any Suit in atQck-. - We arc out of the i-ligli lent District, therefori can sec chcajîr thian othcr, Waukegan Clothes Shop' Room 202-Second Floor. 106'*N. Gcncsec St. Ï. luÏ sei aI 200 I 98 A98m598 Ot Superior QualityJ' S Is Our New- 79 l"'H EIN S A ide variety of afiol batbtng 1 . suitz in ailt iv s, syle alde c6 li

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