Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jun 1921, p. 5

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_______________THE LIBER1WVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSAY, JUNE 30, 1921. &N FAINTS AS PRIVES CAR; PRFAKS RIBS of Garret WilsOP 20 miles aller acci- b. cnt to beat stork iut of t' ît., nloîîtltt of' Of~u uth 11 ilnt of Wlhon t ainieil Sunday uoorflinp as utf thle lit', le. dli iing a rail ('i. ai 'o ro Wta tilegtn, i tli. uiiortouu e ise tf1 hec'ý tf ijer ii. w-ere bro<- le ttîuFiîtneui a e'.,r.' bruise 4; t.". and tati one of1 her il', cul. be r inJuries. MNrs. Wilson 7 ylea.t- Oild. righted the car Io M7 atikegan, where tbe s Astening toe h' ome of The stork arrived Monday iib an Pigbt pound son. Pr Mirs Wilson was taken tel of Dir, Iieber and Knighi ean, where ber Injuries were Içctric Plant, rmers JVant. LKMERS enjoy the onvenience of Willys ît Junior. 'Tbey appre- t its ready power, Bts iy lizht and more- ý value iti ecanoiny. rery fermer vanta yp Ligbt Junior on Mtu of the vonderlul i-Lite lengine.genera. #à improvement it ài u today Md i nd ubout the conveniencea rt et a coot within h 61every on. LEIZ MOTOR CO. l'eiephone 89 BERTYVILLE, ILL. tan, 1 wiIt seli at ACRE FARM ,on the premises .Illinois, 5 miles east Lake, Illinois, on the ýh slate of cîtllivation. estment. Dixon, Illinois. the Man ýonday mor- iinted witli 1 scrub and s of heavy, 11éd with boiling bend until back id why mother is i can relieve Mother lamiIy washing. tb9t even the most rn your bundie with ýr te iron. o much better, andi )UR DRIVER. ýUNDRY t and Dyers, [le.67R " flHarT> Gotti returnied Saturday i-ront ImoC%%.mtlandiclersoiiai l!pn Short Items of Especial Interest to Lbert.vville Peuple i ii.tYi\.tii 0. E. Ntianioni . iste UuoCi fa new iog lalo itting ctir Josephi J. Wlson andilaiîy apent Sunday ln Wiîlete with %Ir. and Mrs. W. J. \oîk Mr, and N.rii. J. R. May have iurn- f.d Iioin tueir vacation at Eagl it.., Wiscon.-tn. %I E. A,.NIù"jnbi-ink and two chul dien are vîsitîng frWinds in Sfiêboygan, i., con sj i. Mis Clara Ehninger iîta hang a wî -k's vacation fro ber dulies ai the. llecti -Pl>ug store. Charles Hsiber of Austin spent a few days luis week ait the bomne of liii sýon. Frank Huber. Mrs. L. Z. ProtiDe was here fiuni Chicago Monday vlaiting ber mother, Mrs. C. M. Ftuller. Mri. Fiora BDurnd bas as ber guest ovtr the week end Albert Howe, of Wellsvîile, New York. A THOUGI F0 INDEPENDEN are inse INDEPENDENCE is1 dence on others FREEDOl tan cnly be whieh means care and wi of our reý The one big national need When you practice Thri. yourself, your famlly, yoi country. You becomeà more pro This is REAL 1 3% Interest or Lake County LIBERTYVILI Total Resources of 0vi ."6JIM'S"9 Auto Repair. Shop W HEN in need of Automobile Re- pairing try us if you >want the best. Now located in the Durand Building on, South Milwaukee Avenue.' James B. Res.. Telephone 364-J Shop Telephone 367 M ss 'tIatide i.usk .,k e t. 0 i iaiintng i îuutî\%.Il n ni s. lii., t- diuu cii. rM Tht,îtt ti-ane> , andI Stindai t tî:his but>h... idhonien D, anti N1csuW. E. Leckci ,i.,,s reco%(eitfl.lînî, inn..a hI reninr jf lie tan titia eltiftonsiiijtis. E W. Parkliurst, thtie vtcran mc, chant. is a business n ,:nChica,,() oday. !wo weeks 'vacationl in Chicago. 1' ni ihe %wt- k. n n .cri flotz tarin. 1'hl., spt'nd ihts vacatt iontih- MNr.t M ZW isu lotin.- c lac i iar ut ' t ome, r Mrs. A. W. Lindrot1i staiaMercy hos teddih nuiîtci i it1tn Mtg patai, Chicago, wltere -,,hî, wtliunderg') iteddýeana ineýi M( anr operal ion in a ica da)aîI> . , tS.edrlRisr ltn, NI s 1 %-hicb war. hel t iEdg.,-brook. F-n Nlit. Hairtet Gridley is ente-rtaininitrîtei Leit dauglitter, Mrs. Elsit Candis, ,tn-î eia nibeh.s' ola .iiMna lir <ou hildrà fi ra 4ansîen. aitendini thf- iit ai Illinois .4 the lier <icitour-sîending thte ifuiuter saçation withi gerald. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kntgge m;il iatnily hua fatii.r Hî nry Englebieclît. Mp of I eerfieid matored lit l.ibe-rlvvilie'Ms z. N%;." and Mue. XX, - iid ý , 1ito the. i i.m 1ecently '.atidtl, . 1,, atnd DJoris Fîti t -i F'red Cai>ne- i . .i Ijtedward, weniit anl- le ta pentl a t,. i,1 u IMP eL 1r a (Nti l-. 1- Mi.Fii,. Sam Duba is ir iititîli M : ;ud NI S ehris lii t rti Pld a numht'î tutrelit' i.s i itWa Li Mni fi t n' , -o.îi,., A hoine ot het-t i.' rM-j Mu,% nti M z . Rui -i-,un tf Probit r uuiç:oxil t ti , 'lî î y Sundti y .Ni'. andi M iixi iN i Iakt- Foiü, t spen' . -unda i ,itrih vs . t it atitMis. 0 , Ntijl .Iti1hi . oitl last Tbursday and v'isited u i-nul. lie. B. J. Siliien atnd dauieit.i, t flus wt.*k ta afttdi lî- île oOtî Edith, wil leavt Fruda> loît. vsuii intt0nfl iithe Catholeic I, ý «oei fl, ayinonil Ai kinson lias t i ul '( d 'n Miesa Hten l'arii land Miss Bessa LiclIlwt Siinsprhi adlgtfrniill o1beatttrnlngclui Ka,. ayant Sunda> ai the houle of Mr. non i. îl i.Sieaplheng eeaefot h itr>tli u oeht fc ted~si ant Mr. Aîhr Bawn'o iglanjients, Mr. and Mrs. Maitiia.s Stoli. division. the t. aiear ai St. -dary9 MIision. and rs.Arthr Bowi r ighandan Tecbny. P'ark. M - andti Mrs F . .ouli'taie enter Alt-et Bennett, a bioit,' i ut jacksoniý Mr.ani rsAi Hîî, lste ~ taufing their daughter. NIra. Robert! Bennett, went te Iowa oînari. vîr tthe' Mr. antiMrs tC E. Wh)eelauk amîi OBrien andti etdren ai Bleomington,! tirst ofiast week, and iten Punît.- home, daughisi, Gwynaîlu, and son, Trumai.' aii es here a few days' this week. Tbey Indisna, and Blair Foulds of Chicago. conVeying the lnfornaiitîn liai he had i spent tii, wPek end wilh relatives In ree-entiy relurneti froen Sharon. Wis., 0 laken unto bimself a bride I Chicago. wheie thty vlnitiedtihe lattera rtla- Miss Florence Heatut oti Mt. (airoi, tives for a week. lli., ls visiting aette L. H. Scbanck Miss Atidie Millet s etnhluini. à .vo The Preabyteriart Ladies' Aid So iorter-an ParkIlace. Site wiî l aso Peeks' vacation Iront Ilit isn thte 1ciety viii ni(e-et next Thur-siay afttr - visit other Librrtyville frienits during law offices oif ber brîthi tl B il. i faon, Jul> 7, atîhe chureit IItjt5 r.' her vacation. Miller. She ilas isitimei' «-lit ,t--andtiquested tai ail nitmbers b.' streseni t. tiends in Chicago thii, -k a't his, îîîee-ing. Mis.s Elsue N . SIîeckiiiiin, a lît i ias 'T t~~~~auglitiin t-,hight a îîîiii K--,iua Willitn Grill'.-ri t. l'k,îît-.Iilan I Misslsi lenciiki lia" tirndt tb'- plint sai, i't 'l'ending 112t,- Uixuiel 1 Miss Pk-ggy SchUiL ilt.1 i't Illui', hel liant, in i ttila ii, i'- sacaion.î'iiiitîîti t:icilii i r.. tcîTuesdas, itine 21 \, Iritis ta-ssîtntling ont. week ai lite hontte or andtoi Mi- WXN. Sit kian, o 1til knoin in Li.i .liaiinZ Mi' 1C M Fuller on Ni-a berr At- R T H t loatlaav. %îiteti trienti.-. 'i-H tt.. 5. miai eti t trdIM w. i n th Mt.aat.,aii. titnie i Ifit-L. Z Pto C E & TiiRIFT \tdn- Stfrn t.iý>ý t.parable i o uri .l ...ii-t. 'rtii Tutu -. sliFdu- WCH'lX tt ilt . î c 'ltiîî mii îuîîi t . freedom from depen- X i i l itit î' i .ltitttiit I. i ltt ' NI; n d lî.it.u , ii NIT,1% iti \î M i i. < ' , i.iii-h îi tt \VaYe.t iiaf., lAI it' titi Mstiti !i.,, titiI jiil maintained by TI-'RIFT, Au -.n. x-,t t'-niitaiid h,>Mi. mi Fi ilts and itti ' Ilit ,îîî li . duit , a ci sdom ini the management 'Ml -. Fiatn kHth.îi un(la> . .iti1'iitlaleii. ii," ,liiiis îh.i l-r i 1 oday is Individuel Thrift t \-*i,î i ' :nt,n. n.a - iti, l'tt Lestiert, iiti.'.. t li .tîi tlit 1 1% îî-ît, ni i ft in the home you help 't ,itn;ît. t ht on. .n-I tils. JîtItti Lici .n n . ttti .tt -t': t i, tttlîî,î or commtlnity, state adi-; -u uk and.ami, iti'.n.lia-ct - M. i t i. i- XX, tin S-i Il- T..b. iîiiiti Wetmore LIBERTY VILLE, ILL IT 18 TIME J'OR YOU Cet Busy! £Dipt Delay! W. can save you rnoney, tirne and'worry.. Our plans are easy to get and plain -ta follow. Corne in and let us help you with your ideas.1 Coal Libertyvilie Tirne Lumber la Getting Co. r<ear PHONE 47 Chunk Wood for the Fireplace or Furnace I1-l' ai ni. tîJiai> iih. ii,,i't aiti-ni 'ut- Ill.iiiti, a % sit i ath hi-r itfl' I canti Mrs. i i Law- te i- tilti lent ('tub> s'.iii alienil r Of 'niaîdu i iîh. suiunt-r arattttn v'. tlth i i vgranilp.,rent. .NI: <ant IMrs R. A. Sttlzittan. a lit tii front lAit t >sihî- i!t Ihicisto -t j, ow anilu'o,ai,î.now ai Lîberai Kan.,a, . aei-the.> willueniatn flac a' nionit ooking attr he., im iutTue> mîade tht tri ph> auto, and repert ;t was a ileasatit journt.y. % Misa Jeannet]- Ta> lau lefi fouIliii ara, N. Y, Frida>. in tottiîan> aulh a a part> of friends Iront Nouthwest, in t ni'.ersil>. Tht.> will att.-nd the. na- tional convention ot the Kappa Delta 'iororiiy. and will vstit Niagara Fais and ether places et iniercst in lie -ast before returnung home_ Muss Marion Huson, lou'nueu 1> oufiti' litge, but now cf Elgin. Was ont.of. this yesrs graduating clasofthtti Columbia Sebeol aifNMusic, Chicagot. The graduai ing cxerciaes wert. helti Frida'. evening. June 24. Misas Huson ; reevdtwo diplomas tint. in 'Pub- tcSchool etfNMusic" anti tnt.'in' Voe-'Shi- leaves un tjebr:i oceui tht. position of Sup)erviser Of Public Sehool tif Music in tht. cit>, schools cf Bozeman, Montana. otf ionsils. -NIr. adMilXi-. c ul MrIn. fBrow-n ac !tti, 1twiltlii il- citis to the. bosi.itii Luber> ',lle fi terit- i i i-, (Iladi ' Waud liave- ectiîsîd announneuîîenî mi 1)ler unauriag.- t) Geor-ge ioyeru, theit îceremon-,i kmtlie. alttia>. Juni' 25tIu}ýt Fart A!ktnsnt,. Wis Bath Mr. tandti Ms.Mo>-, utliai any iendsi. n Ltbert> tille, Ih tstng been leachet,, i. L it. L. T. H. S. Nîrs. Noer t ili teath donteatue science in the school ibis year. andi they wtllI nakpe i etr lhtonte ci, Libertyville. P'-tetl'Pai chrtrthet ai Niai l'ait ltch, cf Gi dsa i-.dsappeareti about Pua a'eeh-, tic. andi the tsan ta tu>ing Il citlehittu Tut'eIeder Mnflavit'i a ,i. autkinii on i iii' t.Ietrie t ai i.i liber> tulle, as. t section hanti. andi has tiseëd In a A'iant> near the. track tort tht. paPi tw nutonths. A man tîtîît IýHighland itk lus cd aith im in Ilte shianty, and Pavelici saiti nothing 1c hîs conuîanion about going awat. le II isited hi'. son ai Grayslake once tactu a eek, anti%%at. pparently un nîttît health. li .,-.aid ihat -a man aiîo 1kne7w hit i sattititsitting on rte trtii a i theb,-utkiî y bridge one'ma'. hast a- eek Tht. -on is unable le utecouni ,fuir his di'.appparafct. and lears his 1 father a>. itat c met with aun accidet. Your nid * hoes mey look hopelesa td vou, but flot so f0 Us. Ltt us show you what REAL SHOE REPAIRING la; we often make them look and wear as gond as new. We'D fil 'eus op vle you *wait. Ladies Hait soles & Heels-1 .00 Men's Hait soles & Heels 1.50 [rALBEKZUB~i BECTR.IC SuoeUPAIRlUG ý'.oDM oURTR O LItNIMIwU 1 Phone 29 Libertyvilie, 111, LLUhIkFly this Fine 4 ft by 6 ft. FLAG JULY 4th Which we wil give FREE to new depositors wath the, firat deposit of $2.00 in our $1000 fifty week FIag Club Cali and get YOUR FLAC todey and bave $100,00 addition.] Savings to your credit on Juiy lst, 1922., ,..,lhIfr~ ~EC IAL attention CIM l PhiipJaeger s,, I tDoe t, A, E c r.aand Iwo P p 'd S of constgnflh Gen eral p eitd.Ti at md li ~fc tnxlsbed C Statle 1 and 3. M erchantFti'tcr, Street Whoieaale M4AMU Mercha'tCHICAGO. ILL ------ --- --- Ir~ÂumuMh ~ WE ARE just as much interested' à your smail lumber bis asin your large ones. Regardless of 'the siie of your requiremelits wq want the opportunity to serve you. You wili find our ppuces right, our Sk as coinphlà your needs demand, our service adequgte and satifau ini every w&y. independient-our country osperousi PATRIOTISM. ýn Ss;ings 3% National Bank LE. ILLINOIS rer a Million Dollars. * M gWhen You Sec Others Building and Repairin, Closed Monday JULY 4th The local Groceries, and Market-sw-'-I'l be. closed alldayMonday, July 4th. Do your shopping Saturday. MYiîniîîî,îniîîiîiiiiiîiîhînuinliini,,înniiniiuiuuu nnnînniii For Summer Dressles * New Ginghams. Plaid Checks & Plain i New Percales in Smail Checks * New Voiles in' Smail Patterns New Organdies White and Colors E White Goods in a good variety Flags 10 cents up Flag Sets Complete .$150 -W. W. CARROLL-& SONS' COMPANY1.

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