Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1921, p. 3

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)da a tukesha, Dwaukee in Falis, îorthe'rn tea mers ort end alroad loment .moke- Le you r. conf- eR.R.' E 74. $1.50 y edy BUT rH" )n24 lion cast PUA, ictions War Tax 0 JuIy 25 MEW LAWS FaR FISiERM NOW IN EFFECT ]N STATE Amendovents to Fish and Game Act, wiII be En- Iorced 1- n mpta mendnaents ta the gi. nd 6baa.recently pasged hi' ibm- gisiature. vent imb effecltaday. Amang the int important la put- tinx a seeson on bansa fishlng, a ehange ln the law penallzlng fishing neatr a dam anld seérel changea ln the leasrpgarding the selztti-e, ahlp- Ment and sale of furc learing ani- mais and bides. Blason foc Basa. Under the nev amendinent regard- ing basa flobine. the open season ex- tends train May If, lu Dec. ?, inclu- ive. During Iis î,erlud liass aybe caught oniy -by book and 110e, If they.are caught in any other manner. the law directs. lhaithey muai ha re- sous or firme vithout a buyer's ler LOEÂ EI Provides Penalty. aurniaf grass. brush or peat ta drive gaine oui uf underbrush is aIea made unlawtul. A heavy pîenalty la provlded for violators3. .The apen season on rails has be4n shortened. It ahi open Scîtemthei- 12 and close November :,s. Flormer- ]y the season openm-d September 1. Hiunting and garne licenses ilîl nov become invalld January :l in tead of Nilrch 15. The amendmenl prosides Ihat li huniers. fishermen and trappers nitist carry Ihir licen- ses wilh thein or ze aubjeci lu 4. fine. Persans living within the state for six mnoniha -*are entitled tu a resi dent's license. The tee rernains Ithe saine. Anothe'i restriction has hem-n plac- ed upon tlshern. Alil aho' operat.' mare than 100 hooksaie a tlnie are required la obtain a permit. hIt 14ta to Coul $1. ltabblt.s are thie oniy tu-bearing animais which rney be hlpped walla- oui a permit. Hovever. il la unia fui to hlp thein adi> hetwm-en No- sember 1 and January- 1 lliried lu the vaier. ijînerwime a 010 - -r.! beavy penaly may be lneurred by «I never kîîem ..._, Ssithelb Ithe violator. readlngutahI I.uî.%t as t..': --liat Restrictions are also plac-ed on the eveîîîîmg, tbou<hi I .oUlîlhrîi .h Iength and nuniber of fimh. No fil) -,, b-Iîtr .mr shamya may be tept which s under fine l!])-'rThe JutteaOc ...uTharpywau taches ln iength and a fisimrman la ftmcudb hr a allowed ta caich avec fitepn ln one ID th,'nl a vlvld and ntenle .i ofi - limt e Jrm-..-nt tlir. %iliîch go1 The next, Important change abol- sri' lIjflju fi -e isbed the penaliv aiiached to fishing Pas ali tiy. liii as If lue %%,j ',ing vîthin 100 feet of a damn. The hear,-' hit aS, emp-v mr- 1: -!'ems arndment prosidesthta a persans cauld 1.-er olie. utnd he aý 1, rlig rnay 0gb h hin Ihai idistan.-c iih a ta tilt! Siiilî i. -Ithi.t.ulîj have felt book and lin-' viihot? uofîîun. les mmlstlîîIy, l 1 l v.if the IcI- ment. l.ýr-eoform-. a nimber of per. ers halll Imem.gîrou-. s.'-M .Ga> sOns vPe.-ilnm-d for Violat ion outhie kelb ln îir, nid proiion.i Thre Hu;ing Rulee OumOcrItie Nationali Convention Wul&. The- opemn uma.otifoi lîufltingfur jT1w t wo-thilIrd.. ,- waeqtatIîllhed * :.aring animal-. ia4 hemn ëiendle1 [ )' il-- 'lîbu-raî -nual î:.-nlln froit)Ni,> 1 'i %Iarf h Ï1, -ut the in liiliIioore tri, i 2hat i*. ated- - Anlrm- J :k- :1r' St. erol. shall k ta.. un I. lioi Jo a Butlihi. oh New York. Thm- nil.' ias ioved i. sm-l r hviss n hîu.m-siun thougli effo)rts hlie - 0-eii madmie ta de. the idles uf any fur-bearing animnais. aroIr. î'uîl-n meai iie The former pria-alan set Marclh 2.7,a- tPtl,,n oeat ne Itm' lakifday. lua J- - icue. lo ttI i iliiii-m.rm co: As the law nov rmads o nueîin l I" îk somn i. îrniîîsî.- --n theib lowed ici selI or buy Iid" swithoui t li i. 1 'Ptg ii,îîtsafor Oirsi uhtlaning a permit. N-mT l î ii, - re i . Julit, 4'Cal- a tralper allowemi to sel] lldes tW per b'.. -10tl A*l o am UNouamlmaoi we m*the s f ftoI* e e s vau Puspe.I aeés Timb fi14PO pamin . j1000.0() loir $20000 A am et Du Pout pweo!ad la abe yen So&amh",MW. -. u snE e.vkeisuaMd mm. 41 * deow 0etaava Loai &A oin g~Va-bor qe.nL ws6 Ue au .upmmi G. T. LUCE & SON PHONE 27 LibertyvMle,lu.. ITHE SHOP 0F SERVICE AND SATISFACTION FOR FACIALS SCALP TREATMENTS IKÂNIC URINO SHAMPOOING Ettcie4nt and Eaperltneed Opuatoms For Ail Farms of Beauty Culture WVork. Tollet Preparations, Creams and Hair Goods of ail kindas caM.d in stock. CONSULT Dr. 1. M. BURNHAM SPECIALIS IN SURGICAL CIIPRODY OFFICES and SHOP . 218 N. GENESEE STREET Over Reardon & WaI's Store. Phone 1946 for Appontment& WAUKEGAN, ILL Hear ye. ail intereatm-d lu benebali: Mate an effort ta corne oui and se the, fine article o! hall the Libertyville teain is playing. It isn't neceasary t0 go ta Waukmgan or Chicago, and aIl Itm- aayers are haine folks, ton, vhich makes the ganes Ibm-nore interestlng. Four gaules In a cava is a record anY team miay teel proud of, and if earnm-st wack counts tacr anytbing the Liberty- ville teain is going through'tIbm season vîthout a defeat. LetO ail go ouI and vboop for 'ern. 1 Next Sunttay. July 10, ai the Fair ýGrounda. Ibm- Libetyville team in li wilI play the Ailla Stars of Kenoaha. This one of the bmst knovn amnateur f eans of the Wisconsinl city. and an- ather extra inning gaine la exrpected. The follovine SundaY, JulY 17, lte Highland Park lIts vii lie bere. Tbey have bmen vinnill f rani clubs along the nortb shore. but Ibm-y ahIlfinit somethine valtine Ira rthew ahetl ibm-y strike Ibis village. Unemly Temper. A -taxi -driver who tnomked n man dowr I n Gracechbrctl tree.t bas suin- nmonm-d hlm for using abusive lungtîage. il semin a pity that pelm'trians en- 001 le tnocked down wihîut ahovlng their teanper ite thig.-Lo>iion iPulnch. WON BI BORE STEAM SUNDAY The home teans hung up another vie- tory Sunday in a inessy geme whlch they took froni a n aggregatlon train Zion City by a 12 ta 6 score. Things started out ite a ceai garne, but our hopes of witnessing anuther tight con- test went glixnmerlng in our hall of the second round. Volivasâ Prides started out in the mamener on smre oe playing an the part of the hoine teain.- The tirai threc of outr men Up in the Iast balf of the sanié inning struck out and it. Iaaked as though we were up against saine- thlng rough, but the neit spasin was a farce. Rudy led off with a two bagger to right center; Meyer vas ate on an error ai irai. vent dawn on the tirai îîîrch and inoved ta third wblle Rudy, scured on a wild pitcb. Jus Dorfler! then walked; Ritta scored Meyer wtlî a single to rlghf; Rrunmecy vas halaý on an ercor by the catcher and Ben- netl drove in two runs wilh a single to left. After Pfannenstilli fanned. Fin- sied got a life when Andrews inesaed up is roller and Fitp sacrificed our s§outhpaw pitcher accoua. Rudy caine up for the second Urne and edned ii with a high ane 10 short. Zion C'iy got one more in the. lourth on a coualm- of bits and tour- in the sixtb on turne werd piaying. Finsted mlsmed a throw on Bavera; Brown bounced a stemer off Joe Drflere glus-e; Maytmd- popped tu Rite.a and Graf i gatIin the way of one uf Ben- net' slants and the hases were full Hill drove une ta iFtz. wbo tried foi- a force at the plate, but vas tou late. and Bowers cegisteccd.. Mericli. then ingled 10 lcft and In tii. ensuini' spasiti uf wild heaving three markers oozed scrutmaHasse drew a walk and Adrea ns hit imb a rdouble pllay, ending the inoine. That sewed uli ithe score, but the- tir. wae bualed inoauf hall After Me).-r a nà J. liai er were duwo ltta îîled- tus second hit, stol.- second and wen, lu third o a coller by Kruommery and mcored on a passed bail; Bennett scoi- ed Krumiuery with a single aod Pfan nenstill flied ta left. Ivo more unnec essary runs in each of tht-'ast twa in- nings brought our total lu a dozen. and that being aIl the BaIl Tassera' union allows in une day. Walking Dml- mgae Iicîz calied a Strine and tbhe gaine was oser. The. scora. with saine ut the horrors ett oui. ls as follova: LIBER'1Y VILLE AB R H 0 A E Ilfanenstil rif --------5 0O 0O ()O () nnustedlb._. _-5 0 012 1 1 Fitzgerald 2h ... 4 0 2 2 4 1 R. Dorfler c .5 2 1 92 0 Meyer if ................4 2 0O 0O (O JDorfler 3b ---- .2 1 0 O 2 1 Ritta sô -------- .. - 4 3 3 2 1 O KrumrerY cf ----4 3 0 1 O 1 Bennett p 31 2 1 3 0 12 8 27 13 4 ZION CITY AB R H 0 A E Mercle if 5I1 &1 1 Haase rf--------4O 0 OO0 Andrews 3b--.------- 5 0 01 1 2 Maulding 2b x) - 4 1 1 O 0 0 gowers cf _-._ 4 1, 10 00 Browns33-..-........-4 1 1 3 6 0 Mayfieldlb _-----4 12 6 01 Grafftp ----- ..------3 11 8 01 H4ilc ------------_- - _.4 I 1 8 0 1 6 7 24 10 5 Libertyvilie --.A .0 0 O2 2 2 --12 Zion City _---- _1 00 10 4 00--6 Two base bltm-1t. Dorfler. Meyfield. Base an Ball--Off Bennett 1: off Graif 1. Strucit ouI By Bennett 9; Graff 7. pauble play- tIa ta Pnmîted. Ht by pthe.d bal-J. Bailler. Gi'af Staien bases-Pinmted., J. Darfler, Ritta (3), Maytield. Sacrifice Hts-Fitzgerald, Bennett. Notes of the Peace Offering Snyder vas off plckiag deisies and Rudy filled in behlnd the plate. Fitz wes rnoved aover ta second and J. Dorfier ta third Kruinrer>- mad? a bird of a catch for the lest out in the fourth, cutting of f tva sure ruila. Rudy's vhlp beaded otff a number who aîternpted ta steel. The gaee as marred by the brain- leas work ef the unknowo quantlty that umipred for the viitars. In addition ta rnaking a couple af Annette Kellerman dives for putouta at first, Flnsted stole second in the second session. The catcher waa s0 dumfounded that be cauldn't throw, and Sinoke Suydanh fellinto the watet - hmckmt. Black-3 5 12 15 17 26 Ks 13 25 27ý ,Wbite- 14 18 20 22 31 Ks 1 10 24. Black t 10play and vin. Problemi No. 185. By W. J. Wfld Blak-1 3 4 6 10 13 16 KC 18. Wbte- il 20 21 27 29 Ka 2f 28. Back ta pley and vin. Soltian ta izProblemn No. 180. By J. C. Cralg. a Biack-19 K 20. Wbite-32 K 27. Black to play and vin. 20 14 27 si l124 31 24 1413 Solution ta Prablein No. 181. By J.. Sturgis. Biack-7 K 15. Wbite-24 K 17. Black ta play and vin. 15 18 24 19 7 11 19 15 18 22 Solution ta- Problein No. 182. B> J. Sturgis. Black-12 K 22 Wblte 15 24. Black ta play and vin. 22 18 15 10 18 16 10 6 12 16 PeirllsofPit. The taraging habit of douisitie PoU. try illustrates smre of the d1frenc observed ln the mannere of wriid btd Place e braod of ducka la a field ai they wiii generally purs»e anc coufib inarchlng ln s body over the field viU gruit regulmrity. A brook of cblckenL* on the cotrary, will scatter, ofcssiiCi. ally reussembllng. but neyer keePiDU eiose Ingether unleas tlîey are follow- lng a len. 11urteys scîmter theruselvet less than chickens. bol de nal equai ducks ln the regulacily of their rnavp ments Uphold RighmI b SqueIch Bore. f you llIiîiiii an . Impertinent talter. finîiiui-..toI likeiij. urr, ta h.-, iuii'i'i jmi of ymir iipar- tant mfrri i- --iely cii liin. break--~ti~i :-m uni] purmue jOur ii. hs. iii "Oh Boy! A~À iLh 4k. li&fl" THE CHiCx D9OARD cenduua hr WILLIAM .8. W0006 dem. St., WMMPkm. Gaine No. 140. 12-16 22-l18 Fioui th, MilwaUkee SeOtinel. I Bllack. J. H. Scott. White, P R. Wendeinuth. 1216l 22 17 4 8 231ý8 s12 22 18 9 14 30 26 2 -. 31 2 ' 16 19 18 9 71Il 27 23 1 24 15 6 22 27 23 3 8 9 Il 10 19 2611 ýP13 14 10 5 9 23 16 5 9 32 27 7 14 6 2' il 20 29 25 8 l2a 18 9 W winsý 25 22 il115 17 14 15 19 1 8il 25 22 12 16 22 18 a -Black seernu 10 bave r:-,ed il. heje. Wc take the followiug fin.- Pla. to draw froin Shearer's Handbook. 2 7 15 19 20 24 27 31 314 231 18 23 16 17 13 22 17 Drawn~ 1 5 12 19 3 8 8 12 17 14 22 17b 31 26 18 15 8 12 13 22 24 27 Il lt 2721. 26 17 26 22 14 9 b-3127 11-16 27-23 20-24 't91514 189 24-27 9-6 27-31 6-2 7-11 Uj 1127 23-18 16-20 6-10 27t23 B wins. ates f'roblein NO. 183. By W. J W ,odA lllack- 7 8 9 Il 12 17 2 2 2,3K Wihit- 56 18 30 31 32 Ký 11- Bllack to play and wtn. Prohien NO. 184. By W. J V AND EVERV mm&0 1IN A vhI.». ROLL OVER.» OR MA;Bsi tt d m BUT mOSi likely. JUSi SIT. AND EVER;y o. IN Avleidlge ONE 0F*my ChesîerffeîIs. ANDOF;OH3*oy. 8 GUESS Ihat vuuldret. C OMPANION9=-? Ca tere neyr a' ue cg arette as Cheafte,-field for ted cma y ! Just as mil, mi unnhas tabaccos cao be- but vith a mnellov "bady" that mtis.. fies even cigar sinkers, On Ia«y days or bumy an*-a*U the ,ne$ -you' vant tiIsa at i sf y amiake.", Nu om e sassaMeA. n AIR- TIGHT tissa W 5M 00000000000846000' Franclaka Siegerlioter, 29. Wauke- iii o MADDIAU!~~ .g~ * gan. JJ.IL tiI Howard J. Armnstrong. 43 Chicago. 0.0oo0o00o0 0 00 0 o0 00 0 I-l ael Cecella, 20, Chicago. .TGJ3TETD George Helen. 32. Lousville. Ky. Neal Austin Allen. 23, Ammi, Ky. O OU T IIU Yf Dorothy Owens. 20, saine Myrtie Ledford. 21, New Pound, Walter B. Hutton, 25, Waukegan KY. &&T D Olgn. 27. son nd2du aime. John iturreil. 28, Waukegan.INiT W E b e Morrs Eicksn, 7. ounddu ac. Edaa Ethel Morgan, 28, Waukegan. Bertha E. Tirnierman, 25,amre> Robt. Kobler. 22, Milvaukee, Wis. L. H. Starkweather of Poseu Alfred Wlcek, 39, Mlwaukee. Helen Schlumrn. 21, smre. clad ln evenlng dres. a sDeeitI EUXz. Schultz. .19, saine. Jos Damate. 26, Milwaukee. oadCcaoa6:0 Arîhr Bmblg. 1, hicgo. Harold D. Lee, 30, Zion. ?1burday ta a veddlsg. Re Was:«' HeIen Brovn, 22, Salem, Wls. Ethel A. Lawrence. 22, smre. minutes late. Motoi'eycle Cap IYS IGilbert Brandt, 21. Milwaukee. Leo, A. Zinny. 21, Milvaukee. Gtn IWnek retd~ Loretta Knach, 21, Milwaukee. Valerie 1. Glovinski, 19. smre. Jutine oNnath a edfe. bt Ernest H. Meyer, 27, Wauetonda. 111. Adolph Zueike, 29, Chicago. Jutc ohrpwsadimrbt Bertha J. Meether. 27, Wauoonda. Carolinle Pilser. 29, smre. he grabbed him gavel mnd leapM Ito Wm. IÇulan 48, Oak Park, Ill. Harry J. Aibrigbt. 21, Superlor, bIa car ta judgs the cam..Tms 10- Nelle W11UIams. 38 Oair Park. 111. Wls. 1816. had pald by Che8*sMd VU il58 Benpamin H. Hasler. 31. Keaoha. Beatrice K. Carr. 21, àMarinette. ut; aferbia arreut 8tazrkw'gt Nelle M. Abbott, 33,. ICesoa, Win. Wis. lied be arraigmed. convfctd.o& 111 Wrn. S. Purcel. 46, Waukegan. Fred W. Sparteid, 21, Chicago. hlis vay. Nora Mae Base, 35, Naville, Teno. Violet Donrmis, 20, same. ________ Vincent La Bosco. 28. Chicago. Mldget Pattersan. 38, Springfield. Fi a l - 7h. IMM. Alice Cuao. 19, Chicago. Mo Jomet Klavier. 33, Waukegan. 14ebecca Lasa. 41, Paimyra. Mo. PENDENT. ~* B* B --- BB â* BB-------B *B SSSO S Stockon Paymà *%en the Goverrn -,~ ~ ýý oi oi&thly a nts, a wu as aliurte Now dmrne yrents. * We selailhstocks,IW * ba" of 20 per cent DOWI MONTHLY PYET eharged for carrymng i i puted after first payrn Ail dividends are cn cont, thus giv*ng ail the purchase. This plan1 nae income - yielding ii ient terms. LOANS ON~ -: ~W ke W an 50 per cent t( etvalue on ail active sti *front6 MONTHS to 2Y] No bonus charged handii Write f«rPo SECURITIES TI Io Se. Laà,aUne street-MI@ nt eff«M dLierty Bonde new plan of investn v el Mbodo aresodooe td mmd unlisted, on the 'Nt balancein 20 EQUAL 9. 6 per cent per annua stallment orders, con- t is paid. eited the buyer's ac- ie advantage of a cash gives an opportunity to invýeetmer.ts on conven- Y STOCKS to75 per cent'of themar- ocks. Loans may run EARS at legal interes ing. 'articuars 'RUST CO.- lu ~Chicago,, DL ------------------ 1 LIREimy Job. *uT DoAVS do an WMIN SKIES armblu. ADOVE TI4E 0ity amoke. AND BREEZES atir. TH'E PAPERS' on my d«k. AND TMEN i tbtnI. WHAT I*voil do. IF i vr os MO OPEN shoip. AND CLOSE one.~ WITI4 ONE hoir ofr FOR LUNCH. and T. WOULD GET old 94=u TO àUN me ouf- IN MIS blg sir. AND DRaP ým r. IJNDER A ?ernwnad tmae BESIDE A bahblng brook. a *0 ANSD THEREl'd lie. se.*

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