ta-ges Sales NT B of Bathing ita and cblidren.- ai Col1ore and 59C "' 2.90 mnalins s aud eîîvùlupe f fluie niu.lin. ...... ... 89C Union Buits yf yrnis. Itegular 1l 1.ght s,.oîîid. AIl .... 39c UJnion Suits tra et knit of is......_.49c iletic Union tits îdinîlty; cool and Union Suita lts. fancy madras. kable val-98 msets n' i Specia I cakes. sh or %hitte Ie 98C Lerwaists r-u. 29c ed Sheets .ssle Hose iLisle Houe . !irg 29c s Silk Hase le. black and col '.d 69C s'Silk Hose 1k full fashion l'S Secounds, 98C tilt t pai r. n's Socks ýwhite witit color- atIon aind %~9 [gavy Hose se, black oiily. All Lisle Hose uîd tan, higlity mer- ,nîdid value25 ..Ov . ëa . -s25 y blue denim, well ...........49! 's Coverails ite-able niatera-- .....e .....d . 69C d Boys' Caps golf style deaiJrable, TLBERYVI LIE LAKE COUNTY INEPENDENT INDEINDN Lake Countyý's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKY -SU LIBERTYVffLL. LAKU COUMNT INIS. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1921. VOLUME XXX-NO. 28. 250 NiRADUATE FROM 8T11 GRADE IN THE COUNTY Hall Day girl attends sohOOL eight years with perfect at- tendance record ATTENDANCE IMPROVES renaoente ?1wlu-pupils who have rc.-deghtti grade diplomnas thisi >,,ear wer*- *nnjtullced today fronthlb; offic oi Ccunty Superintendent T. Aý K4mu.pon. There are about 260 fiantes jr the- HIis live years agni tber- were 180 graduâtes, thte echool attendant,- in t- village and rural diRr rtls whIit art- represented hta% flot ýfcr,aKked, lî., nct-ease Inthlie n umber.of diplornia. Indicates therei t ore, tiaI the bocîe and girls arenowI rq-malninr In rir-ool rmuel, longer and -arpfilttng tk-t1144--to . nenter higit Vit ~p-enîag. ot failute.- *as larg- ir ,ban it shoulîl have been, thes fallutomrî rpresent (expensi-and lôsa of tlm#e [or the pujîlîr and âhould re- #vit in .a deinand by scitool patrons tat belter tpachlng lie donc and bel- ter ,ich(ooifacilii- 4b.-afforded in SOu., disrict.-. L.luGlearion "flilaift ay scitool la.-a ecord cul î.rfset atteitdaitce for uugh, >ear- a'ite attending gram- nia, -'citool Praetkatll>at',rihe Young peopfle wil sntt4i igli eciool inthlie ael as 1 her.. are but fewA who will it execused from àu Iroot at4.-'danre becausi' uf -ags Tik.., 0f graduates follow-. D.erfietd Scitool -HlaReicheir Misiazc. E. StrYkor Marion E. Landau Fcretoe -A Gloden Btmeita Wafilr .Majoro iK. Ludwig Dei Ç oleman l"Iard l'. O Ben-.en Tboore R. Sticken $Wftt Scheel North Chrteago .10& CamernIk Jamb Noyait ukle . Svet. .oft L, Neser >,»Mk Grunt luc»etDobnk - C55 Volîn 'iU.dilore C. Foberu vhtflia P. Kapata iyA. Hodttîk -M»#% 3. Brunt Jtis M. Furlan AOW S. Wiecitecki PffItJ. Prunk .Qkpko F. Ovetan JUMPk Pavlik - VYMR J. Novak Usigah ScItool North'Chica$o mFls 3.Smith ~1fard FLundeu ~~es E. Neai UInNeat à54 treedl 'Adflent E. Sheridan IoW Jappas ijde B. Wagner Nlararet M. Rondeaux IlliberHuesing ll«grmI Scitool North, Chicago I).ld M. Davis abolhy lasser Dg@tbea S. Schultz Whiffl Peacator Sibey Kaplan ~ v~Kaplan ilihrt E. Plummer CIk.aLeonard W21111 J. Hart Arbur Jadnlck Hloftba L. Soniteniterg Jl ai Mller 'IMdodore C. Cummings A.fold Benson i,&WIck H. Brunker Mae A. Herman MiirRause Oon Krall Highwood Sclioot aDael Swan Au"e Crrley ibrielte waIîtr. JilbKline B l P. Morren Aàce Bergdalil 1uber R. Weinachit Jieoitno Maestri Jeaeph 3. Siegele .,ilgaret Kehrwald john L. Ducitane Waller Hl. iibtis $lgrid L. Holmberg Michael P. Rîkite Vela Gentilini PakPhilips JuihMordini Vola Lnngren latherine Glader Wlnthrop Harbor Se ont .Atrid M. Bergen lUhsred A. Kiigbt Pmry B. Bilas eiorge Strelyw, Phllip L. Anderson C. Langwood F . Lindstedt AtiOch 8cheoo wMak H. Wllett ~Uerite ID. GOnce LIAiS ~Cornelia Roberts, aict DO O UIDI IN Johin Ciamernlck,1"oithCiao 7-- Emma DeMeyer. Literlyvilie. Everetl Neville, Grayalaite. OOUNTYNAMIiD BY II tA a !Cmsay, 708 L.ke. Helen Smith, Northt Chicago. SUIV» I.SMPSO N Harrsn o, Ara. Dorotitea Sîroiter. Wauiîcoonda. Ethel Swa, Higitvood. Floreitc Schuiler. Prairie View. Inluuii those who made MWargaret Finit. Laite Zurich. J highest averages, wnners of Edita Hon. Barrînglon. Stearits Scitool-Bernice Cbampitey. L.IIIUCy scholarships Round Laite Scioo-John Wagner, Phillp Wagner, Roman Wagner, Irene GOOD ATTENDANCE RECOR , lig ide nepVva us Spauicînges .orner., Scitool-Em-w County Superiittendenttof acitools. mtet Johtnson, i T. Arthiur Simpsoi tIoday issueS a 1iW Vasey Scioi-Eleanor Dillon. L of al 1h PUPIla Of te village apd %addeit School-Rudolpit Haismna.b rural scitools it 1h. cooitly wito made E'nI tCreek Sciool-Ferfi Scitu-b time hitlàest avet-ages dttring thte year. macker. EKi Kuitfabi. n in addfflon ta a l4t cf the vinners cf AonC te Scol na ie- lite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Lide ctlîld n iep o.%ildred Exon. Blanche Siteldon. b pila wito hati a perfect iltendanCe réc- William Bratzke. William Edvards. c ord . Sherman Edwards. Glenn Edvards. tr rbese are te 1uPilë.zwitcî made te Paul Exon, Donald Chlemin, Dorr Cre- hitgiesl averages in lite final ex nîIn, Deibert Hook. Edwit Wells. aminalion. - lvanhoe Scitool-Weston Sitepherd. Eltel Swan. Higbvood Scitool, Grubit Scitool Heien Neaitaus. Oli- Katiterinen Minlo, Oakland. st-r Hughes.à Helen Smith,. Norlt Chicago. Emmons Scitool-Charles Ferri. il Aice Curley, Hlgbwood. Anliocit Scitool-Hyrtie Norman,b Everelt Neville, Gftyslaitc Bernice Faibricit. Herman Roslng7 Helen Rtelcitflt. Deerfield. Stepiten Pacini. Lloyd Murrte. Hazelp Margarel Finit. Laite Zurich. Normal. Ricitert Faibricit, Esthterc Mriam Sîryker. Deerfieid. Bartitel, Helen Normait. Elte Leven-e Eva Luiti, North Chicago. son, Doi-otity Sullivan.c Mary B.Toi-e, Everett. Rondout Scbool-William Benner.n Donald Davis. Noct Chicago, Half Day Sciool-Lueila Gleason,t 9 Joitn Kerry. Gages Laite. Frances Aibrecitl. Myra Gerbert Ai- Astrid Bergen, Wintbrop Harbor. f red Slanclîffe, Bernice Wylle. Mariait Landau, Deerfield. Stafford Scitool-George Mutrie,s "ýrank Wiliet. Anliocit . -,Mldred Fuller. -a taillaitUazansity. Fax Lake. j Haineavilie Scitool Tony Tracksa. Marguerite Grice. Autiocit. Wadswortb School-ESiit Kunlar, Alice Rocitentacit, Wlimol. Harrief Ray. Julia Ray, Margarel Arthiur Chitnisen,> Aioai-b Lui. Harriet Hodge. Area. Saugatucit Scioç-Shlrley Titomas.t Anna Coeman, Deerfisid. Arciter Sciool -larence Scitaning-9 Wiliard F. Rondeaux. No. Chicago. itausen.1 Evelyn Wright,. Druce Laite. r Nort Prairie Scltool-Hs.zel Mel-t Mildred Knlgltt. iWnlhrop Harbtor. ville, Viclor Meville, Hvelyn Scott.i. Anto( ny Tracits, Hainesville. Davlin Sciool-Vera Sslazas. 1 Mildi-ed Huilii t. iocit. Gilmer Scitool-Mildred Umbden-1 Genevieve Sanborn. Autiocli stock. Grace Umbdenslock. Lila Umb- Edîit Edgar, Anliocit. denstocit. CientUmbdonstock. i Luella I-oit. Grayslaite. Fort Hill Scltool -Duriey Cirran. Chtarles E. Neal, North Ciicago. Grange Hall SchoQi-WVllka Ku- Corneila Roberts, Channel Laite. zink. Doroty Clark. Evhelyn Neal. North Chicago. Nom-thm Chicago. Northt Scitool Ma. Dorotity Giasset, Nortit Chicago. tri- Nysîroni, Frances -Kogovsek, Dorotea Stroker. auconda. Fiantce.s ,Sleblay. Anlosey Smole. Gabrieila Walsh. Highwvod. Wateritury Sciool-Leo OHare. John <'hamternii-k, Noi-rtChicago, l'ighwood Scitool -Hferbert n Dorotitea Schtultz, Norlt Chicago. land., Conrad Swvan. Paul D.1eVr'.o. Fingal Pescator. NortCiicago. Eluur .Johtnson. Olga Krali, Nont Chicago. Ar-a School - Fittnk Baunigarftne. I Helen Tulley. Everelt. Luther Sntal Luit. Johnson. Jean FiorenceScituler. Haif Day. Ray.. Enmm', DeMeYer. Saugatucit. Central Scitool Northt Chicago-ý î<ariieen Wylie. Hait Day. Hertita Sonneniterg, Doroîbea Schiti.! Jacob J. Novak. Nort h iicago. Brick echool-Mary VogI. t Albert Sorencon. Svaf.Mllrn ciol Knem De Veta Neson, Grass Laite. mi.lm Shoi-Knn e- James Graty. Oakland. Hicktory Scîtool'- Shirley Holien- Frank Tracka. Haineaville. - beck. Alla Melcaif. Gui-tee. PTe Lindley acitolarsiPa are giveti John Brown, aged 18, son o! J. E. 10 thte pupils In te ifferent seboal Brown, S. Jackson street. Wauke 1 t lowniips vito receive te hîgitest auffered a f raclure of te rlgt leg averages; teàe scitolaraitips are good above te knee, logetiter viithh otite for fulr years it any orthte normal Injuries, viten te vas run Soya- by scitools cf tite state. Titese pupila viil an automobile avited and drivon ty receive tent:r Joe Marin, alias B. Piillebolan, 423 -Astrid Bergen, WtntittspHarbor. COait treel. 'Tite accidenlt appened Florence dlient, AminkU Saturday aightl about 5:00 ocloci on iCatenie Mta,~itnci. . Dugdale 'road. BOY DROWNSe NEAR- LY DRAE-UM TO IIOTIOM WJTIIURJ Joe Thompson, Chicago boy, victim of rocking the boat at Diamond Lake Sunday Recover Body. 'he remains o! the Thompson boy wet-e recovered Mondtay mori-nng about 11:00 o'clocit. PThey were traqgit 1u ..iberty',ille. vitere an inquest vas bteldi by Coroner Taylor tltat aflernoon. Tite boy's falter was bei-e, as veil as a alImber of olter relatives froui Chi- cago. Tite body was PrePared for buriai and laiten 10tte tome ln Chti- cago tat evening ity Underlaker Tri- towi and J. N. Bei-nard. Chas. Thomtnson. aged 14, o! 523 W. 42nd Place.,('iicago. was drovitet hn Diamond L.ake Sunday niji tos a ocloci wlten a itoat it wicit ir and thiree cornpanions, from Cicago were ridini- capsizeti.'ltbe olther Ivo hosti wore their, batiting nuits but Titomption was futllvciotited. He îp. parently could nul swimt, 'or if Ite could swrmir ils ciorlrmng impeded fils efforts te sucit an extent t"mIIlle coulti net keep aitove lthe vater. Wif- nefses sayilIe boys bati been rocking lb'- buat.1 1 \ numtem utflroys hiad made lte tnr te Diamuittilaki- in a truck f0 siiendthetti day. Wlith Young Thomp- son in lthe boat stere William Porter. Edward Iieckwitîr anti Elmer Cloud,. ail of (Chi-ago. Porter nearty lbat fils lfe li tIrying te nave titlo! fils iriends. Ans be sav Thompson struggling inthlie water iteIsani roeitim, and tried in itold hiti tmp, a i t e same fimie atris- ing te csliu imrs fi-ai-s. ilowtevcr Tiontpson was îthreslring thoul wiiîi- ly andth irew i at-orabout Porters neck. nearl iy r rngling hlm anti pull. unir inri ner the w 'alec. Iutbol ev-y ounce on et rîng1himPortet pis- ses-eu uni n-ehrittirf fr0111 tti-erI-ath coira , b-c in r ot trii mcomtent t i i ai- usorijj(jlia\, î .dru.. ne bit fî entis w Irîr ramm r irir rît a.r acnt lhein t hi-il îrîr.hstr ranIdm'owert lfr %liore . ws m n îr-si~iisir COT 1 TIVITIFS LFT nAEWN W1PIN4I NFXT TWO MONTJIS: ritngs ,'. tgoitg b lie raîher quiet in bol tire county and circuit courts duriitgte nezt fev monts. Titere yull be no more jur-y tilal cases It te county court unlil te tIrsI veoi Oln Auguat anSdlte oilly tiig viii te 'a fev motions for nev ftrials neIl Sa- turday. Circuit court, term itan been ait- joumned uni lte October ternt. Tite court will heai- a test mtions and di. vorce cases it witich there viii te no $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANC AWARD PRINTING CONTRACT TO BIDDER WHO ASKED 2 1-2 TIMES MORE THANLOW BID PERSL ETESLibertyvilie TaxpayersaeAmzd RACEFORNOMNA*at Action of Thîce Members TIONÀS CO. TREAS. 4,_ Deputy treasurer sasth bail rolling" for"the pri-i maries next April _ 1ite change of lthe lime for hold- irn le titimaries through tire recent ,rrr on of the' legisiature fias aerved lu -poedl up thingm lit Lake Counfyý and other cozinties in lthesmatle. For. in- ,n, ad of lthe prima ries for thi- No- 'i-mier Pec-lion in 1922 being hi-Id ln Si-pli-mi of next year. lhey wili be helddin April lnstead. Ttrur.tir. primarv campaign of ail ,msp.~irantslo c office will ite shoved âhead about five montits and ail' can-r rirdates acconrdingly are formulating riteir plan. and rearranging thc-ir itinersry 10 nteeî the change. Thte tir*s format announcement of rhr candidacy for a Republican nom- ination corntes from Ira Pearsail, pi-es-, ..nt deîruty county treasurer of Lake rounty. Il lias iteen known for some imi- tlat Mr. Pearsali was planning tb bc a candidate for Republican nom- ination of county îreas.urer li thie next primlary campalgn but up te lthe pres- ent lime Mr. Pearsail bas made no deflite annouticement. However, it tite Lake County year book wiçibas just iteen latued. Mr. Pearsali iakes a formai announcement lthat be will ite a candidate for the Republican nomination aI lite primary te be held neat Aprîl. The election wiil be beld ln November of 1922. Up ftelite present tIme Bir. Pearsal la te onîy avowed candidate for couitty Ireasurer and Il la lterefore net Iuiown withler lter. will be a field of candidates Inthlie prfmary as lther.- was tbree years ago. Mr. Pear- salilitasiteeitworking bis campaign quietlY ever sînce lie assumed lthe office of deputy for lthe executive and now coules hîs formai announicement. As To Sherlff At the saintime as Mr. Pearsalî's tannouncement comes out for tite Re- puittican nomination for lreasurer. comes rumors relative 10 aspirants for lthe office of sherlff. Rumors are hèêSrd that E3vin -J. Grifflit. former siterif f of Lakte couitty and at present r irstdeputy siterfft tor-Stetit Green, i., considoring 're-entering lthe race for the Republicait nomination. Sir. F riffîn lias been aiteriff of Lakte couD- rsý for (lîree fermsanaid bas îerved as deputý witlî Sheriff Green. Report., aiso are ltat Supervîsor George Ilairslow of Waukegkn. T. J. Stairi. and Fred Grabite, aise of Wau- kegan are looking over the lay of the land bo determine whelber tbey wili enter the race for sberlff or not. H bas bei-n reporled fer a long tîme lthat 5Mi. SIalil and Mr. Grabbe would lie candidates for thte office but reports of Nir. llairstow consldering enteriitg itiie-rac(ý is. iew it poltticai Circles. tp to Ibis lime titere bas been no otitet announicemeits or rumot rela- îis.- ro candidacies but nov titat Mr. Pearsatilitas titrown is bat mb lthe ring andi slarled lte baIl rolling lthe chances are there will be otiter candi- dates who wiil soon malle lteir an- noultiements. STATE IMPOSES A SPECIAL TAX.ON TRUCKJNG LINES (mo4-ý of 0010 vehicles tîeti for crsmgfreigitt anS pa.,sengers. Shi-t op.-raled over improveti state higbssays. svil itave t10 Puy an 'addi- tiffitr;ti lillmois 5uotor0 vehicle las.. V. iiihî' used for carrylng frelgirl mi] ) mtae lai- one-imaîf-cent a otile andtim' lIs for cari-ying passengers Will h1 arressed ne-twenllelh of a ,eni at. mrie. Titis l ix is 1n addition to lte regu- lut- limcîe tee dentandedity lte state fror att owtierq ut molor vetîcies. If sill ttc payabl1e montly lte secretars tof claIe and musIt e ac- companieti by a sworn stalemenl on, battit furntslted ty lte state. Thte amentinment was approved June 24, anS became effective July 1. Thte amueldment applies 10 ail mo- lor veticles, trailers and semi-Irail- ers witen operated regularly over fixed or defînte roules belveen tva or miore munîclpaitties or front a point or points ouf"l a municipal- ity itb a municiisality.aven iniprov- cd alaIe hitgtuays and vîit fixeS :citedules or rates. oi me noaîu w uistees., Independents Bld of Four Ceta No. of course. int tii case ltey aWutu- ed it 10 the 29 cent men, WiteBlte Lina Diregarded and Contract independenî's bid of 4 cents a 1111e w» di Aregarded and they awarded thée 008- is Given to thé Register ai Tens tract ta the otiter paper at 10 tents a. ini sseen tbat itese titres trzU Cents per Lime, Meaifng LOof. tees bad not mucit conception 0f VIta noney actually means. At teaslt lle5. Many DoUais te the Taxpayers were unonacseneover lte expaiei Neit Year.-Looks Ut."Nig- Titse who have itearîl about lte action of thte board, titinit that titere ger in the Woodniia." is-a nigger in the wood plle"son nol been able 10 locale il. Thre meber oftheboad o tius. So far as taI goes. lte ladependent. tee Oftembilaeof liebrd 0fIrItbavecould stop mb court and enjoin'ti*." lue u lie illgeo! ibrîylle bvecoitummation o fte contract e cK someltin glu answer for ln te eyes ed in titis illégal manner on tiihe oO of the t axPayers ohflite villagefor ltaI the îbree trualéeeavitho ca = titeir unwarranled, unexpiainable adtitrougit sucita deal were betraylag wholl unbuinessike ttitu anof 0.teir trust ta lite laxPayers. inghtalawundtusineslieactîforude opuob-' This Papeita PoIicy unglu war lie cnîacîfortit PtbjSu lac as awarding lte contract on' Ilisinof uthtii-officiai Publications of lte basic of circulation, It la 0f 80 cm> lte village board tualite Laite Codnty' sideralion vitatever, bécaneselte LIS Regiater aI a bld of TEN CENTS per erlyvîlle Independent itas a etrculattOS line, vien lte Llbertyville Independent un lt e total probably grealer titaa#»', te otiter weeitly papera 1ln Lakte eote wbich bias Itadth ie conîract for a great ty comblned. Hovever, lna aklu«-ge~ manY Years, Put in a bld of FOUR bisa on Ibis partîcular coutreet eiuv-' CENTRýa lune.I laton vas nol mentioned as tune «1-*' Thethre en hovotd a aa I requiremenla. Deaxite thte facltli"m Tit tireemenwb soed u at adFrankt Juil violated bisGntract vw»t lte conîract ta Frank H. Just. wito es-, lte ownefs of te Independent seVeMi tabliabed lte L«ke County Regialer1 years ago. viten b. found he couM ê aome yeara ago, are tefflos, 's te ciattel lmfotadi WILLIAM F. HAFEMANN. bugth ueindependent. tis P WARREN GRUMMITT. bau gone ahead and bas *edevUb GEORGE STURM. t0aserve tietefaxpayers and lis u~ Thie- wu trustees wùo voled again.st laIt Lbertyvillie and Lakte cone this nusul prcedue ÔÎawarding a viii continue ta do on. tits uusul poceureTbe facttaI te titre. tutflua cOntract at 6 conte a line hicher titan bave betrayed lte trust o! thetîîii te low bidder, were: payera wlll not change lte policyi E. E. EI4LSWORTH titis itaper. Tite facl ltaIlat 1usid, te maiîgn ltelndependenî ovners, Who GEORGE MASON. ito made some Insinuations ou 5 Titi-oter member o itite board, J. floor o! thCit ly counceil room M~4 N. Blernard, warr nol îpresent aî te nîglif. lie fiel litaI thaped la fofq. mueeting. close on lte citattel mortgage afler » 1 solà te paper t0us, lte fact tb4 5* Tite unituard of action of lte titre. ban Iried hy every book and oro% 10- men in question la one viticit cannot Du cit p latoour bu nana btb bei anawered by taxpayiers -wbo are on Buctéeas, even titough hé viola"el te outside of officiai busines. es- vundcnrclb neig ie;w. p..cially at a lime viten economy la paper in Liberlyvilie afler bo recetsr lte watcbworml whici sitould guide money for bis papers vitici vela1a sucit cil y officiais in ailttings. run-dovit condition vhen vo purobita The fact ltaI Ibis cOntract was ed tem, thte Independent viii toutimU, awardèd 10alite Regialer over lte In- ita poiicy of îrying to rua a roi enU n defiendent. wit a variance of SIX papur. and serve lte interests etif CENTS pier Ilne meana titat in lte readers. course ot a yeaî'. providlng lte amoulat îndpendent Qrowing ConsAtnu of business done Ibis year ilte saine Ever a rfli e Ust ' as last, aIt tese costs. iî wîîî mean te er dayheninga nenev IQuho S expenditure of.severai itundred dollars ifera. and ie npénenîstau qo si for lte printing te coming year under lteefdfortt s fpreand satang 3té lu h Ilndependent. Titi-motion tb accepl lite Reglalers Why st for Bids At AIl? but of 10 cents per uine over lte Inde-- Aid, atter allas said and doe, It» pendents bld of 4 cents, vas made by conspICUOUS Question la: If lte» trUb. Mr-. Hafemann and seconded by Mr. tees desîred t0a vard a conra«t Grummîti. bot new members o! lhe TWO AND A HALE' TIMUS wvit board. could gel il for, WHY VNU Tite-facî litaIlite Llberlyviiie Inde- HEAVENS ddthey bot te, 0si o pendent bas been prinllng lte officiai bida en lte vork? Wity not bagit * proceedings of the village of LUberly- Il 10 lite favored one and lotIti go et ville for a gréai: amy years seems ta that? Il would have maSeo heu sPoit itave haS no effect on te titree mein-t-ion mucit more excusable andde 41. bers o!flte board of trustees. Thte ln- ble titan to bave asked for pricesaU dependent ail thsse years bas made no0 then pay ouI TWO AND A 'charge vitever for printing thbe offi- TIMES AS MUCH AS THEY à~ ciai proceedîng r fte counci, lte ALLY HAD TO. prîce of 7% cents ai Une lasI year ap- Thte itole transaction aintlesbW olying merely 1tatofficial publications. and lte taxpayera vili, as a 1sucb as ordinances. notices. ehc.. as te- iteep a walcitful eye on lte triS WWwý quired lu be prînteil iy luw -.It was were s0 boid as 1a bevillilng to, apw! also specifieti in tihe biot'litis paper publicentoneys in thittmanner. 1T1y,-; Ibat no citarge was n1hi tttM(Ilr l'or ilI seek 10 ,excuse titemslvt, î. printinil theiti uinule. orit111t. ioa"d nîay gel away vitit i t vhf6 mreetings. -'liecausi- tte independent folks wito WANT la accePtl hit O irad reason lu believe ltere-ws a '-alnations. buý 10 lite large qt ii-alta liurn lte officiai irnting oser oltméti vitose propterty laa1.44. i ihe Ri- igisler. regardlesseOf )lîrie" iinlaîn lte village. lbey yul iu utirroasavi' fhlietax payeîs itltifli-. hi abletae10make il nuiteeclear. tite- lndependftl aubttilted a bid tof I îlirowing ta lte four viRda S cents a lune, Inslend of 7%/ cents, as anti general precedent of let year. contracta tu lie lowt bidâgi. They're Nol Conc.rned have brougitl upon thefr ov 'b However, even Ibis diS not seeni to qulazing publ4ilc ib;1wM mtter with these lbree meit. TiteY lnow., and onght talknovw,:js dld npt care about lte cost of same s0theim motive -vas, and vietIor t" long as te laxpayers foot lthe tills, are 10 receive favols for thior aot.. tut voteS 1tavard lte contract tu a or vitetiter îtey merolly 414 It te sb.M'ý bldder vito vas TWO AND ONE- favoritiffm aIt e expense of the tam. HALF TIMES HIGHER ltanie! Inde- payera ofrlte village.1 1 pendent, Lakte coutnys oldeat and The lndepeitdent vill probably bave- most reUlable veeldy novmmaer. smre very inîeresting revolàtloob e Along Ibis line, il night b. asked Untold viii> refereuce tg &lffle9 vity tbe same board 0f trUjîses One5 lUsieas maltera beina gifU mantit ago, viten Il cali5ed for bide on viDage counciL. If te ~ a cernent sidevalit la lte Cook Me- conneoi in d.spoglng oftis lte lowest of vbîcb vas at the rate of l1» lo a qiterion&as tu 1oy1V 29 conte per foot and te bighest aI nais maltera are gaing te le 15 e nte per foot. Sddnet a'ward the it look» su ahiougit th* *illag cantract 10 the man vito bld 85 cente. ertyvIlle la la for a itant tig (Contlnued on Page Elght) -7-- - -,