Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jul 1921, p. 12

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PAGE FOUIR Lit'értyville Independent Làke Gounty independent - Waukegan Weeklytçun Tratzky, Ruséian leader, now'blamnes the United States UüI '1Y VILL.E ID bTU~A.J>YM 9 Iwàc moni Say ~ (1Irnrn L.Ljawa t Kuaa-f a-, meh-*-fal-mot. h«"Iý iw v---.- Ummru country ought to hand «over its reinà of governrent t'O him Snd his ilk and then ho would be FOR us. And then these fair United States where people CAN live, would become as Russia-notldng. Yet there are same folks who believe -in Trotzky and his methodel Howevier, theyre the sort wh. ame neyer satiafied with anythiig or what anybody dae they may be with Trotzky today, but tamairrow they'll wat ta cut hie thraat. , ' PEDERAL ROADS IN ILLINOIS Thec state ofI llIinois will profit bý the new federal road Propam whiçh j. recognized by. coagresa.and preuented by Preaident Harng as afixèd goavernoent policy. The under*. standing is that a hundred Millions a year will be devoted ta this abject. Ilinois je expected to receive $4,500,000 a year from this source. Federal aid in road building je bestowed with the stipula- tion that the enduring roads thus constructed are to be ade- quately maintained by the states; otherwise most of the grant would be bast. The mates will ot hiesitate in conforming ta that condition. It is alea required that the roade eelected for 'federal aid be of inter-state or inter-county service. It je only in this way that'th bestawal ai federal support for road building je warranted. These two dasees together do flot exceed seven per cent of the public highways. The gov- ernment in concerned for the post roads but it looks also ta the commercial importance of the highway tra ffic. The sum to be received by Ilinais from the grant by cangrese ie sufficient to have an important bearing on the 44 th$1s èýCa en _Uom Àl,-. iNfiçh -tie state woud otherwîse hesitate. It will in 1-5 years d-oubýtle-the funde made available by the $6',00,000 bond issue. It mhakes it possible ta supplement sorne af the plane already laid out, where marked gaps resulted fromn the political in- fluences at play when the present systemn of roads was de- signated. 1North Chicago- i BURSTINfi EMERY WIIEFL PUTS OUT MAN'S R16HlT -FYF Clarence Philips of North Chi- cago is victim of serious accident IN VICTORY HOSPITAL Clarence Philipe, esiding ai 1734 S. Park avenue. Northt Çblcagn.vilii loge te aibI aif bis rigitl eye asethe resuit et an accident aI the Fansteel Electrlcai Company, iwbenu n ery vbeei burst, honling parliclea et te atone bta bis face? Tbe accident ncurred %bout 7 o'ciack Tnesday evening. Philipe vas taken te te office af Dr. A. lE. ludde ln North Ciicagoansd first aid adi- Uiuslered. allerwvicitho v as te- inavedte laVictory Memorlal bospitli Waukegau, by Dr. Budde vten te serlausuensacf hbeIiury vas deter- mineti.- 0 - ..laqnlry ai île. Fanaeel Plant tuda'y develaped, .iita act - Vtt lite entey viteel lua nuy aamai ne asidlaenIt a igit powar mtachine. 'i'ite injury tae r. FIiî,s' cye vas caumet by .a sutali place ts'iny iturte' ti Imi te viteel, whicit di(i milburst. (Chances' ot accident surit as a,; hfvbiri.i.aur.ed tîte injury 3f Mr PlIlip'. are veiy re- mole in te use cf samil iteels ai tiis kinti. Al chiîdren i inte vlnily ofuitKrk'iu Park ireilnvlled ta cometi u the Park ou Titursday ta neet MrtfeYoe. di- redlir of the playgratn.i A':oqra.ib baebeeu arrangeti tor botît boys sud girls, large and mmali sud vilI be carled out fot te remnalder of te sommer. Mr DeYoe la a great Base Ball fan aud viii make l ivety tor -the. boys. Tbeasildes are lu place, te s anti boxes are tilleti and te teetera andtinlgs are al eady. Came andi & el acquainleti. Heure fraut 12:' 0 on. Miss A. I. Eivards. 611 No. Caun- ty St. bas goesto Chicago le spenti a week. lu la anencng the bld. subuitîtid tor te upply ef ceni ion tbe city, Vter iuapistdt1en yeslsnday te Eun sIatedt ltIthe AnmreIctICeai -eompany of Chicago ita th l v w ld, $63.48. Ir. M. West ot Wankgasn vas tbe5 loy bider. He subuitteti a price 61,$2.40 t thte mines, yltldb, iddlng $2.71 treigitt anti 8 cs ltqan rlas brings îLe prcInte$5 19. ti ',snq 2V c'ft!1 a tou lover titanlte bld et -lte Amerîcan ecotpany. The epistopal Sunday schoqI itelti Il. picitîr tatay et bruce's lakvireee tbe choir la 1ev lu campj. Aut.Oa took tlite 11e ,-Ike out and 11îE y iad a * ite Ities itif. CITY BRi1E.S -Mary Swetlic ot Nort h Chcago MW iJerry F. glaue of tiis c147vr ;nlteti la Dmarniage lts manln 'b >~leBrochet'. Mr. and Ms. $1,ue Wi te l.icliIsBiifor a ev veclts11 elué Up ttuetr retors yull inake their ~boeitre.RaclheJournal-Neye. Ydtea Edilb Jailben et Siterida Rond andi Esater Nelson of Souh u8Slu sîreel, entertairieti a luip!>eh etb- - fiests luit éventas et à boua* prWt I bes Parl A4%dellgiti =*d gitu$5cb vasu qiveti ad thu z e rpu~lt f 1the veslas. vaî £ ~ ~s8.usg. l reorted- & Lncon Iltreet, vere visitors lun Chi- cago yeslemday. 'Te Anterican Legion wili bold their regular dance at Foss Park titis . .Srnitit and E. F. Johînson of Chicago niited Irienda ln Iis cily :.eslerday. The Junior Endeavon society of thte Presityterian citurcit apent a very en- joyable social tint e lst evening at te citureti. A large percentage of te mentiers vere it attendance. Leonard Nelson ei Sault Lincoln sîeet. vito bad lus lonails emoveti at te Viclary Memarial bosptal a couple of Beys aga la getling atoug nicely. George C. Etivards 'of Chicago calleti on frientis lu titis Cty yesler- day. Aller completing taking te annu- ai census af Northt Chicago, achool districts Not. 64 anti 63, Mr. F. Ec. DeYoe makes te folowing report. Total population of Northt Chicago, 5888; for district No. 63, 3368, dis- tricit No. 64, 2520; numiter oi boys under 21 years of age, 1573 and nom. ber of girls unden 21 yeas, 1640, sud boys under 6 years,, 503; girls ulader 6 years, 439; above figures luclude botdistricts. AlierfT. Tanck of Kesala vieil- eti frieuis luntis city yestemday. Miss Blanche Deacon a! Soult Park avenue, daugiter oi Mayor Henry Deacon whtounudenveul an op- eralios for appendicitîs last Satur- "sy aette itery Meueorliitelpil- al. te gelisg'along, very nicely. Leo Dowe. ofte Day Steel Pro- dutts cnmpauy, v#s a btusiness visît- or lu Chicago yesterday Mr. andi Mrs. Hl. E. Wells of Lake Forest visiîed trlends in titis City yes- lerday eveniug. Frances lipeKa, "Bob'* Kapitelut anti "Joitunie" O'Keefe. appoinleti delegatea fian te Siarvin Poel of thitacity, eurneti Irointh<Oe Antemcan Legion convention. beld et Spring- ifildta n ev days ago. feeling quite prouti of tpeir borne citapten. Tbey ineporte t ltIte local Post vas tte oniy one sog te Nartht Sire taI vas represeuted ti aiIbs Legion can- 7vention. We muaI admit tat we bave a live campauy of youug Imen; 1tey are vide-avaka ou al lte art- ivties of te Legions. botsocial anti instructive, Ibrougitoul lite Icountry aUd titsy bave proveti many Unlies over taIttey are te "pep- piest'" of Legloneers. Tbey are cou- linualiy doiug aometbing tb keep tn lte mid aiftse publietat tey are e1111 on te uap.NorthtChiffle eiti- sens ave sV..7*reasonule be prend of the Pent as veli as tse memberu bave. If yeu ever bave an opportun- ity ot atlendlng amy et lhe social fonctions etrlits Legien, do Io, as yen vUS untieubtedly be royalir en- tartained. Itlal by gettUng eut among people andi alîendin'gaffair surit as above mentienet cen,.VetOns taI ruleS the Leg.neen( capable ef do- lug some. of fite aplëndîititings tbey bave, If otiter venitibe uaiInter- aauletilu titir organisations alter cil- les ounté NanitrthBoeswould tian bave A L. Posta le be proudocf as vwel sa Northt Chicago. Mrs. John lyskevlci af 22nti treet,- luentertaninug, bar motter. MWt A. N. Kônifisky ci Wenopa, Mi., and ber aliter,. Efas *LUCY IKoslnskY. 1teaç$aer lu Meropallan snescl Nlegs. relurnet inlaCiIago yeterday i ailer a vîitlvith hpbr. Lilit isl léia egrolt commcion. A [UlmuO UIUIU! Art Ta ShOrt;., Afpdisplaying as an "lexhib- ut Trs. iohnson, defendant, the jury I"peeks"F A HARD FOUGHT CASE- Vion. Iii.: Mrs. Sarah Johnuson vas fined five dollars and conts yesterday for vielating lthe Zion dress ordi- fiance. ?lrs. Johnson vas srrested an the platforu ofthlie Chicago Northt- western raîlway at Zion on Jue 2lat ,as silo atepped aon the train. Chiot Theodore Becker made lthe ar andi charged ber with Yvlatin sec- ticn 4 of the drees ordinsuce. Site bail violateti the ordinance on tbree count. 1. Espting the neci, andi shoui- ders lover than the juncture*oft the pit ofthlie neck wilh the clavic:e or cjoller belle; and on tIie îioulders a grenier distance flan a thirël part of thte neci, witlîthflic p.of the shail- Exto îno lihe arme ïSove lthe mid1dle. of lime fuorearin., 3. Weaiing a î.Ieekaboo" or tias- qumwo net blouse. Nira. .Johnson intaID years of age, lives at Wintmiop Harbtor and is eut- ployed aI lite lMarushall-Field lace wotIfs at Zion. Sue vans broughîl be- for a jury of six on July Jat and was acquitted on account of lthe Jury <lis- agrecîtig. <On tlhe motion of Assistl- ant City Attornley J. L. Biaitop, a new trial was granteti. and the case vans iteard today by Just4ce W. E. Schîmal- fusa and by a Jury of Iveive men. Cit y Attarney Tîteodore Forby con- duce d lte prosecution sneAttorley A. P'. iesubien appeareti for thte de- feo.,.. City Alty. li'rby prefaced iebi re- marks by inforxning lthe court lthat be iutended ta "*ilghit lout liill i rOze over. and titen flgit Il eut on lthe ice."I Botit counsels ther' began ta wig- île. At first a jury of six vans catled Iu. but Attorney Beaubien vas flot satis- lied andsketi for a double venire. go twelve mten were çalled. Woman Eithibited. On thte motion oai Mr. Porby. lteé défendent, Mrs. Johntsou, vas oflereti as an exhîbiti Exhibît 1 vas fixa- aleeves. Exhibit 2, tht neck et the gavu. Exitibit 3, lte valstltzlsi. Questions Ordinance. Mr. Beaubien objecled ta the ordi- nantie on the graundthatlitaI las pub- liaitedinla"Leaves of Healing, vhich paper ite contended vas not a secu- lar one. Thte court overruled titis ob-. jectiont. On lte vititess stand, Mr. Becker vas ssked If be considereti ltaIlthe défendaent expaseti enougit of ber body te violate tite ordinance. " lm satisfisd !tst alle exposed more," said Mr. 13ecker. !.rs. Johtn- son contended titat Il vas ber pink corset caver ltaI Mr. Becker saav 'tirougi the mosqitl net blouse. and aite offereti la go home-aud Procure itln énvidenice. Ounlte vitueBB stand aite complaînedti lt Mr. Becker vas unfair in singlirtglier eut. ais Ihere vere titree nîter girls on tbe plat- form on lthe morang of jupe 21. one, a coloreti gil, itad mll atocklngs an, and lte othi ttv bati georgettes, or 'peekalto" vaaigs on. .Mrs. Gertrude Wilbur was a vit ues for the defense. Site told the court ltaI ,sie salt ladies vear ai Ruitina' store in 3Vaukegan. Site aid on su average of four dozen waisîs a day. many of vblcit vere of siotilat type la lte one Ms.Jahnson rare ln court. Beware, Rememnber Rome,- In bis atidres te lthe jury, Attorney oFrby saidthaltaI. Americau is tacing lte same dangers as swept Greece antd Rome tram thelr fouudatiotts. Wbere ia g0IDS te be the gtopping point? If titis lblsgg eau continue. vite la our civilizatofi going la sud? la il going tb sud la nudenesa? WberO leltae protection for Our vives antd daugittera. andi for aur- selves? la titsre ne mla lte land tat eau %top il? Whers itse diviti. 1til ng e? If dure you te, go hall! vay, . by nol go ait the vay? Are ve go. 1iug 10 aay,'ltus fair and n fartiter ?' Expose lthtroat, tit heulders, ltse aides eitte bOdy, lte bnck-wbere 1are yen gains te atop If Boute pover .do«eDoseatoplin aud ssy 'Thtus$aall Lyen go anti no fartiter.' Peskaboo valaIls hav.e te teudon- cy 10 make mes curloUs, complaiued City Attorniey Forlty . Tltey are con- Sducive 10 loy public morale. ) 'Woelfl rdeibroogi t 'itis tovu in qautomobiles viit t letiaugit dattes on theis le ail a tcotitpidk!" salid Mr. i arby. It15la Ime vs took titis ting by the titrent ant i lierally chî<ked lte lite eut Of l" ' Nr. Forby furtiter comtpiaiaed thaI ltese "peelcaboo" vaios depettded rlargely on lthe sadeCsuad lte sîad-J ovs ta taîl »aek ou. FinI litey itat abOlI aleeýtho ttn 1ev uacked dreas- ,s, lte PeekabOO vaîstz, -andth ie neit Question vas 'Wiy put ont ary- thiug ai l' gruvu n narignéos dIsaPPear Ilke ais W ha &peekabo anti bats beore te iibt ai day.- Forby 1 turtiter explalue t ltI e James A. Cerfielti. - rev up te taMous Zion Dresa ord!- 'naume sud be delOued te word '"Peek- Rt, -...mvng. ' aboo" as.meanlul «'t is. andItti ls 't "stiMot alvayl Il ISt't." M iuves uot benI Ibat givesi500mon" et0te lorner. but ho givm estbo vie givee best..h Ilt Yen oui' ,roleet your prepetr sa nuet" seboontfil1 Fet I vy nsolyonr 'r*g M«Ied t 41Je freely; aéee a" t e 1elty * »et ~FII COMFS TO LAKE COUNTY 'Mrs. Fifi Potter StiUman, principal i sation'fj most .8ensational divorce suit, who is Dow visiting at the Lake Porest estate of Harold F. MeCorrnick - andI hus Lake âe dram Ia FimutuplansIaII$ s beiqngZWtf ~he raia, ifis pansbeig to remain i Like County, under a doctor's care until she is forced to go to NewYork in eCnal of 1h. 1 fM-5 t for helr son: Guy 'slam Iilks." If men are permîlledt t sec a vamansa arra or ieg titere's uo itarut lu Il. Titis aId idea of a man's or voman la like tbe Moiammedan's. It'a jusl a tempest in a teapol." quolt lte atarney. ..Most things *oft liiakinti usualiy atarI viit a lot of vintit, retorleti Mr. Forby. Thte jury ltesn etiret andi aller an absence oet fteeu minutes lbey re- tnneti vit a xtiict of "guijly." anti asseaseti a : e f a i 1v.dollars anti coBts. Thte jUry Ibat believedti tey-vere building insanu bonteat nd uspre- Juced opiuiou la as follava; WIII Sveeney. H. McCormadi,. 1). Ilisitap. P. Julian. Des Keuchler. ]Paul Mayback Dea Suten J. Caspersan Mr. Bennevate Mr. Poisoni M. Clemeul Mn. Little Courtry a condsry Lake,. Thte Great Sait laite Lu tue lurget Take In tbe'Usited States besîdeEk the great Imkes. Thte Lake efthIe W'oods, lying îmrtiy in Minnesota and pati, la CaumeIt, in next 'lu .. Encrgy ln Varqus Lamp-~ Acm'.idittg 10 un Engliail scientitst, Cimodtes and <il and gas lampa Irans- ferla anly 2 per cent of energy ltob ligitt, Incandescent eeciec ld lapaS8 per cent. are ligitts 10 per cent, aud lte megnestum is 11gb 5 pen cent. Wlnltec Ma a fucit May b. 'eppointel by Gevernor sUmail ef11114 naIs lail ilte Unexpireti tern i b ier latter. te late CIngre#gamn "BIliy' biasan. If mite luàucDo t- pointedab$ -pompuî lui tuate'o.' 5JOOa&oi atilt 1941 ba"p cOOS uüuuîpaî.u.,snl )qj. ",aeil 'enm notlîtug. ' 7 WhaI About titat advice bin nniglniJwlve ?"' l vont work. IVîat You fiai tejii1 em, tbey gues."-LoutàýilSe Cuier-Jour- uni: ~À. À. À. À. ÀÀAAà..4,éé*,4644444*) .v'v-v'v-'v- - The Store d on accel liolie I. July 1 during [oncement Manager of Zion Dept. desiresta announce, that ount of the fact thbat a syM-- picture, in which three ud persons are to partid- wiUl be taken on Thursdâ3, [, the store will be doe15ç e the ntire day, 4 4 :4 i.4 's -j 4 4 4 4 zoom M The Air We Iréathe. A cuble foot of *Ir weigbe 4bout one and three-teultU ounce. Tiios 13 la reckoned that nasinîgle buman lsdi. vidaitbrenthes ln 12 umontheairîzand one-fithtons of air. To keep hint - 1p~f Wr Pr J OAtn..~ 111- require\Ô toius of air. T'h. population' ef the United iStates brathes snnually (0S,000tous of air. Thte îequiretnent for the entire Population et th. worid la lba b ROSlborbod of 10.5W0000 t,)tu. Marked. Pbrsilolst~¶urson bas a pro. fleunced mantb.matUail buînp." TheS 5 -"lt' wher.papa Nat tme -for being et fte bottom of ltthe'umeiète ý'f ordsi I 27e End of a Perfect Day .-and aul geady o anothar, whether k b. te piow, lharrow, &Mi; t. run the tbre.her, the mm n aefler, th. hzay baler or wbat-not Por Fordson Tractors are flot only dofag la the Most economlcal and mont efficient nimacr, anl general field work for farmer. the woeld'over. 6but they euvlng themtdm, abr end money in tahlng cmreof every power job. It =EIbIies ai of the qualtie-li of the âÏl.' vantge&-you bave wished 1log in a tractmr. It l ight; it lapow - ; t lu efflcent; it 4 economlcal in both fuel consumption mnd un- keep; 13 le durable; itis dependable; and it Ui not exta&nant in coat. It's bard ~to tel you ail the lacte about rite, Ptidson hure. We prefer teo <*1k t. yen pet- solially andi to show fou t masy advautagee. WWII l adly brlng aU ' the facte to you Uf yos wiUl phone or drap us a card.. WILSON &,OHM~ ,WAukegan Libertyville IT OFFICIAL LISI Of REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS rw maiad '%y LAItS 00. rilMs «Ao rRUST co. E. E. Groe and ifite 1 W. P. Dick- lmien and i wle, lot 35 Spener'. Hiltands, Wauceuda. w. d. 300. F.,LU Martens andi vif. to H. W. Venger andi vifs, lot 9. Rermide mil. flarsinglon. W. d. $5,400. SEllza P. 9lver and wvif. tu0 . W. Browa, a acre thi Ne 1-4 Sec 1, New. port lvp..., i d. $1f. . Q. W. Wa.dawort band yWite Cari BrlulaX Md ite, lot 116.Wgdmworth, uhb., Waakegan, W. d. 4700. F. W. Churchill and i vie to A. L.- Ritta, lots 30 10 25, bik. 67, North 7bl. cage. W. d. $10. Minnie A. Sella and iuabandti t Eldia Franson anti hunbad, 5SWe af lot 7 Sunderlin'a Vlctary st= sub., Waukegan, w. di. $10. A. J. ýBeéI6îàan and *Ife tW Frank Serocki' and vite, lot 24, bik. 60, North chicage. w.i. 110. éjuiY 7, 1921 n Catherine E. Egdrîck and itumba il ta Titomai Higginai, iots 15 and 10, block 2, l3ur cheils Sttb. Htghwnod, W D) $10.00f. W. A. Wixson andô wîfe tu S. C. Maliner and vile, part lot 1, block go Highland Park, W D) 110m.0 Pcter Mer: and vite et ai te H. L. Enauit et ai N E 40 acres 9 E V, Bec. 7 Fremont Twp. W D $1,200. J. G3. Iart and vife te E. D. Wiibur andi wife lot 4, block 1 Lyondale Sub, WVsukegan, W D $900. Est. >of .esse ,Toinlîlin'.te Lydi.- And Rilîland Sit*a lot 7 (Ex W 3 ft). loteb Noitf fi ~.Ad. Wtietn lielîiai K-nnedy ieid wife to Mary tP.lDoyle -N 40 ftS 116 ftlot A V' Peaubiten sf11 wire te 1,oit'. Rasnussen, tcf'. 4o itn(t 41 itio<k 2 Orvis Sut.. Wauuiecan. W D 14fflm P. TT. itartlettfad mi cdrteAnnaf,. Colfi n s, lot 1.1 , ! k 1 Ravli ti tli isd ihlant Park, 1lied $3,0oi0 Pearl T. Stewa rt and ht hlas Ote Mary l<rmt.ztmttfrt nd in NW'i Sec. 28 Cuba Twpe' %%'t) $1.500. July 9, 1P21 ,cf Orlando ingvofd..rhl and iet Nick Ntclafîn lot 3, b!ork 1, Marshall date ftub. Long Lake W D) $10. Edwarîi Mooney and wifp ta City of Waulieran W 20 f. of 6. bliock 4, Rldgeland Sub for tqtreet, W 1) $350. Cý R. Danie18ansrd wife et ai te S. 9. Spragîie lot 27, Sin!iliine Sub on Titird Lake, W 1) $750. F. V. Brand and vite etai te Lit- lian F. Monte@ lot 65, Whington Park. Wmukegan. W D Il. Il. C. Llîebfield and vile te CM. Wliitsou andi vite lot Si Ciiimmlngis & Coa. Nortit Ave. Add. WVaukegan. W D) $10. D. N. Faulkner and vile te C' H. Hal' snd vite, tract of landi ln Seca. 3 aud 4 Warren Twp. W ID $10. C. H. Hall aud ile te 1D. N. Faulk- ner. lot S. iblock, 1 Durats West ,ide. Sub. Wauk(gau, W D $1. 4 q 144 lIIET W& IN lNEAW manindvaale and nétural, [oq(t.M enid Commasi sense methodà THE CSUcT R camdeodefums AMING ASSISTAN PLEGeDVATEU5 1 T05 &- 7 T0-30P. M IL23 lq.GENESEE ST WAUEGAN, IL WE INSUltE CLASSES ACAliNS? BREAI<AGE 109 South G. nse. et 1hre. Docteru Two Heur service 111 N. Gn.seeOt Waukegan. Il i. Every dei notable occ la many Ca .4 apeciali Corse Severa for this Oie makes, desi chuse one( very substl Madie et flesb for dancing o1 July Clearauce HOI Made neat figure Sale pric PORCU Glugitam treas A large selocti simablo style&. Bbecially price Cul front ara rlek rack ýdge. July Clearance Chamng truinmed w coloni. T which they watih and. ently. Sizes 14 years -. INYANi Mtade ni fin, TrImmed ivLtb bon. Long or very low pricli u lte rosuît i speclal purcita CLE. These ar ar'e nade a braid trinu mi4ses. f Mfade of trimnmed m lar price. Sale price Chidrei and l' e ad atl chechet i gg nently trimmt Clearance prit Ce% These Dre individual clean look Sale Price 2 J 1 evenind. y i F't .ÀM 1\,ý,-7.,( IL

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