THE UBERTYVIIL E MMe9o<.' ~UTWWPIUi Park 'or the ris. Pyle the huPushAujal Dlamond Lake, attending the Farte ANDRFKW J. WHIE is lie we.for - IS EftIOUSjLI Bureau ià. ti phUnger Ici! lor Sacranmento. Mise o fl1en-4a. . -, ~~ t'aiît,,fonabL hesî Inn EgidLý - - UILsJ ILIUiJ~ !ir. and Mrs. Arnold Keller of Glen- VUYVUIVAIA Ternett b ase bais tetero wayou E EVan! Sunda. Bys, he rainsou th'wcere guesta of Mr. andMrs. iuck' George Daîziel sure cau show o r t o rea is NER. Mil.Y VaWnt SNundT he yne h swe alsn ae NE .9MO D Y "r W U F(AN K P T them what speed la.*Sed'Cyaf Mr. and Mra. Henry Siljestroin and la tbere wtb the mît! when it cemes - Mr.and Mrs. Carl Anderson attended ta catcbung. Gurnne won by a score WM KUTO Was wormner wveil tnown resi che Kks' t)lente at Wauconda Sunday. Aged Resident of Waukegan Of 23 fta 3u-o lwnAneth den o Mibun ad oo gmeMissLucilie Di. of Oak Park. woIf wt 220 er banka et the Des Plaines river îrylngM Lake neighborh1oNliss Saie Wsling of Highland ago, back home Irl "te lht it ree 1 rs. ed Crstna le a F- 11hei e iwue Word was recels-ci hb, .lo1 j rs thester Wessling. iMystery surrounds tic return ta The hot weatier, rain and tie rapi] mu kwe White of flue irm of Wn-c &Tor,.. . M Larse> o0f Highland Park has Waukegan (If Miss Jlulia Mlarh. aged growth of con secin ta bie the chief tuday o! the death of Andrew J1i isdhsfailit% itîm(le J. A. Stryker .9. a life-long resider.l of the city; tapie Of conversation tiese days. Pros- White ofi Lyonn. Nelj.. ai Boulder flat and one ef tie heinrln itii. estale of octs for a humilier cr01> of corn are O@o.where lbehalltiecu lu a san Mr,,George Stanger returnnd tie the laIe Hîchîrid Col. ilu evidence. aa Connectoons toeuum for lo days for tr.'atinîcn for1 last oet the week f rout a slait wth rel- Two men whose icî'ntiti- snot Comment about thinga lu generai: n e i s _bInrt disease. indigeetion an -atiatis.;at Grand JUnction. loRs. known. ms«r Bsl lppr illIIIDunham- -This la aregua si me. Mr. White died eiîhcr Stinday iMr. and Mrs. George Hardler have Mansh off o' a Ni thhw.'tern Train!'mer." M. Siaughten "Sommer BÉchOOl CN stight or early Nlonday rnorning. anti vc:urned train tltct boneyrnoon $petn! reeday last week. lict er mbln ainattractive ltalihe youngsters, even if MI prir a awek aitliit lt ay bnai Tihe),lis. Wsconsin. and are mak t 'clebaeds t<i F Zoetili iîf Beach i!luabot." Joe Dodda-Hot. -Thiseu. OAs o i hi a n la good liealth. 1 ig htir hmeith Mmr. and Nirs. Han 'Station. made sure 11>8! It was Mr. weather la cool, compared ta tic days U. - Ho was born and] eretd in Lake' n Whilconb. Zoelîlen ta whom they hall tinned lhe; apent insîde of a submmàine.' Esther W iscon in R sort leouaty sud movcd,. about .15 *Mv'. J. A. Str>ki- antI chldren andýwornan over and lien cuietîy tePPed'Penlon-"Ii I adin> way 1 would keep v ~ 8a 8 5 @ 8 @ yearo ago. where lie (armiet]for aXI r' Romaync Siîvker andI cilidren back on thc trati an] continued themr cool by bobbtug my bain." Raiph Cbit- thmer ofit heas îm en e s te n et Thursda> sitît Ms.. uermun trie soulirard sith ne admonition ,reuden "la ihotteat ont Sunday wîeu NOSMAW ehryortp sto rtruh i the hit laestentconîpany, .a abeai vanston. to Mr. Zoebler ecepting, "See tli1 have ta thluk about thc weatben." "» hte ortipi oo hog i a'el bul sn a run abuasi-nies n Mrs. Roscoe 'Wessîing t-ntî'rlaineil $eh akncn f.Scbs oe'tBaeRaol idon't min] Ibis wea- waukee- hether for business or pleusure- whchhi, onHrr rs M rnicmil in lber stockiug." -'!thc rat ait; tie liotter tic day. ticheis aeaNot hreTanMMqik cocm terîle Nissionar) Societ> of tht' Unied And, befote Mr. Zoeiiletecould gel more iceoe soif d." L. W.Wake. ftable aNr tahoe Tyu qini o laukee He was a cousin of Andrcw White fEsN,,geiîal clurch Iîroaýferaîi on tî an>' furtier word front !hemn tiey iad fleld-"Tbc coin is gros ing an inch fot*IieWke o ih nt iVue' o rylkfreLaecuisubbeand missions in charge or!Nle,,_1,ite)e aboa rd ti"tîiahn and pulled per day." bu monter, 'withln es eào ome uervisor, sud D. M. Whitc ut Loon dmsF0Sa ug rhrMernerlouI soutbw.îrd bwrn]Chilcago. Mn. Hente), lias ihis announcementtonfrWak hs lake. Mis wifo died set ral years ago. dan]m sessFI y twaenoyt' Mortmuser>'hi ddet lotic itu o mae:-Watrtwn,Oc oooc One sot, George, is rinister i n Vsin îîcidn. r. .A Strykjer. Mtoe iv tery ac! lii MistesMritu-ai Dehiiel- Pewauk T5. va cThrge of lie religioJ. A.rk 0! sev hdati îougiîteta m in Miss ars i ihse J Ta Patrons an] Friends of W. T. H. S. flafed P' il Lke ake OBe a, She- chrge weste rsegi n otr ofsontchargi tfthe meeting, hu h ierslvein s;s inuaaîNu' ti Spcn! According ta proes uannounce- Plbymou he Oytal allPotc.hne n ev s Wten Sats.heA]oticeduca ý Quarteni>' ronferenre f charge 'iesa-,isýgsfli h-bs$ot.montsu. 1 take Ibis tard>' nians o! an- Fran Whie, ws hed ofthe duc l piesidtng EId.'r Thorn. trili be icI] at moat o! the las! «.ai in a caliolie ,nouncung lie rinners of goli] niedalâ lmuharsa ac ftmoal work in lic Philtippines as isiuino slmrte hnhv; 11,110 superlatendent of edlucation, under 1 hicburch Frida> cs.'ning Commun înitiooravumrtehnia offene] b>' tic Board] of Ediliralion for Y W..H.Tata dmnitrtio, utThonR" aw-nîcicii h.' e S nda clorirge. lng been a! tic horne of lier irotiet. excellence oft rnitdonc' in ties'arîous AOiS loo daily boat line connections for Northern' ' lte lcservice severai ears ago-I Wld liam. at Moac si Vaset erdeatmnt1tflie20-21:u lc ca ERDMichigan points. Pere Marquette Line Stesfm- A dargter esides in Englani] [vinda. liee belieeul siteras ntitM1920-2 Tu fnealan utia n tke Oerfieid Presbyteriani News. 1i% img. Home Econosmcs -Alice Murrie.e Th tnrladbuilwl aet i. e h atiiri 1 Agriruture--Gianville Ciampen>'. Frankfort and Onokema. paea thc little rile v huvch desîitc Ili.tlble nOds tl, tlt'eTo ,Woodwork- Weslt Sc-anson. 0900 000000 S G000 OO iehlac !th'ti>ain I e irtei tfottUnate. Meyer, Dodg tlhealnce oueda satokecultelndU ittriit tul i - n>t omeriittt. atiatcLeat the Luxury of S iie se 0000 0000000*** .1 Ross Slt'trian. undiîth, îvetmofl Ni,-MarBh, lu is tecalîcîl- ws Yo 'tung. _ _ _ _ _ rv l o h ot h r--h miss May odeo l'euia t. ' ting ,Ited icderorating fileii.nsidc of tiie'gîtaI ruany . yars. .cclordinkl aiten Sciolarsiuî-Isabel Bratzk.. lier sufft, lirs. John Bonnet.bnieTe okst-s r'aticaI M oetid t5*t undI iaI h~ i, Oalor>' Ferdinandi Knux. ~1IT Y1 orce Waukc.1ugintrut fot1 i useandRoad of Service and Satis- Mis. abi Adeauno!loi. ausht r' S ia i nedglass sintioss s are nu t o lbe tcl ntria . i.' niesa'n. MiiLMaleAdeso o of. an indt-nce letht' soreiitt ol oul. . Ieadministrations Jase bt'etsulitiz, R. B. HENLEY. Principal. epeat 'lhepast week witi i Ier atnt I Tiie'Phi AI'ii:t lista ts. ot otnufacilfurlie Àa. WH B Stewart. rpre sm bl omen are lo gis.' a rarnisal t a Sa1 trs en g Id-a a t 000000000000000000 À. . Sesat a rçtote soie etunday afternoun tand]eveuin>'. JUIv 23.1 dccidei] sic rouîi otOIaiu 900 00 leSOOO,0 ter. He ta mIl aithle home of his son, on Ite las-n of tilt- Ctmnitunity os istbrbrte' ilim o nîo R OUN DL A KE 0 Muih, mniu- o acampTuer.' nil he niany iniqu.' icaturea I ears ago s'as sF- i-dent 'if Wauke * 00 000 0000000000 Traàinsleaving Libertyville every hou ,from 8:48a.m'. UnM urhas. r iacai-ji sNIttmistiis, soit c-ilmiss a reat tan .. According te fiend lnInimate Nmaint>sniriti entbl log »art tratBluff Lake, calie] on lber treat. suilli lier tin'inclit ilfairs lit blok t crimornnng at 9 ,'clork an] eacb o 1 :8 a .m k o n cto st a a ey u d r c old trie. Mrs. Neiiarms. thé last O! Next Salurtia> afti-noon. 'Juls. 16. nul lier $2.2li,î en(& sent, o Monscow cscning at 8 tîclock att Si. Joscpi'a s1 :8 a n k o n cto st a a ey u d r c the wftk rhcrc cilt be anouier beachi paiti'. raili e *'lter paru ut -lu1.I,*-- 2"churri. ail durint ts nect. siarting ~m S The Ladies' Aid Society' nîli serve pose] of lhe Young Mens Fishienct Off ant i on I:er fi nus hvard front 1 July 101h. to the Nor h S ore Termina.L l S ation., .L wSukee-. tee craa an] cake on liec clurciî larn cnass and tht' soung romens Plii AI- lier but noling ini t!-4aJI e>xceptintt1 A terrifie halt an] rin] torrn arept Tuhday evening. .piatha esclasse Tic trurk c-Illeave that site waB living i tIti1aandil cxhs iiiyTusdyts, co ve in oh tesa dta s ora in ln s Ur. and] Mn. H. 1. Hughes oh Gur frnon> Antes corner about 4:30> tîcrci] tIo ClaS tîeri' lhc i d]luncrh damage ta cropi> an]dn e e . o es O uta s o L to n s soe. aft mde] clurcb bore Sunday. Evenybodýi brint somne lunch andil il Il as on.'day las, s ccl, l'a! NMri. other prpulîty. Il ras lic beavîcat M iss GrgAff o!flberlyville is vis- wili be sprea] ait togetier at supper Fred Zociler rec-ive] a telegranil halt tom nt>kown in ycars. an] laste] lUzig Misa Peail Cleveland. imie. Bnng your baîbn suit, Mr. f ront Rochester. Men.. tating tiat for sevénal minutes. Mr. goMns. Robet Bonner spent Thomas and Mra. Becker wIl he n Miss Mai ci roui] arrive st Wauke- i Datid Slutsntsn is non confine] bu - su..a vîtb r Mn Boner'a parents, charge of tie part>'. gan on a certain train t rom t-li s in oe because oî beant trouble. C hicago N o t Sh r & M iw u e R . e #4tKWufe, Win. Laal Sunday moring Wm. Warn- norrht an]dake] bier bu bave some 'Mn. an] Mrs. Milton Litwiler enter-N o h S or & M iwke R. . "~Is Deaman Of Wilmette lis apen]- pler. Mný an] Mrs. Petens an] Mn. and bo]dy meet lihe train. Mr. ZOehier ar laine] relatives front Chicago durnnr UBERrYVILE ' M E'T OFFICE AND PASSE R SIATIONPliONE 74. lnt ia w eeka lbore vith his cousins. Mrs. Carson were receive] into our cordhngly rent to the Norrtwsrern tie atisaI ei. Ma.,sd] Mn. George Wite an] M. churci membershli. station et rie apeciie] tine. TrO Miss Rena Roang la now employed1 as]Ma. W. 9 Denian motoro] to Do net fai to be et chuci next Sun- roîl dresse] men assiste] Mis%' at lie Tibliets'Camenon Linnber office. Vo@ Suaday an]dlira. White vie- day morning. as theno viii bc a 5ermion ffansi off rie train an] ralre] e: er ater Gog Eaierbas returned ta _______________ _______________________________ iW eg"atves in the viclnity o! Kan- bot of! tic griddle. . up te M. Zociler. askiimg un If he Wauconda, after vistlg bils dangirer. J'1Ale]an is lcer'esn The Sunday achool atreudance con-" rasthlie n "*vlcwaa tiere ta mes! Edrard Hen]ee. for lie pont two 0* 00 00 o,..o oo Fi« slultlaMsndonise olic e ton Il eia ep. Tie rbo ar la ses tcMiM ari ek 5nwal oeIA H RoOFCIAL PUBUCATI# trte,U«Uo i 0 AWneron as e sseheaoralesubeat tag lraonoftheny E xplainingilalia a as. Mr. Zoei Mrs. Ben Peterkortlanwbltae0 W Ul Afl te Wa. r as urtl au e t acci- o aitszed ndlieuntr>. Sbtofethny er attemped ru question tie mon about again. after being confine] lu 000 00 00000 000000 .... SI60the Could of nan rws Utl nauoa.o t izevine ountry .ut ie'mrey ai]fo hl l ie br hume vîi h a olen ankle. Mrs. A. L. Ruila. MdinsaAlice snd 11111e ' " "~ ~ UAI 0 SBila mialonr>-teavil hite or l l hucbsundteay ooi e oer i o i aI ho Wîi Mrs. Burnetu o! Wauconda visite] jeannette, an] Misn Henrietta Suyden DEEL I Ei!LD STA E BANK W&MJOli » or 21 tthie ebuci. The ru greer ail nho conte. lin] aie lia] monos in lier stocking.brduioln.Ll ivlr eelf udyeein o eea ek duilte date vii ho eannoune] later. Rev. Martin L. Thomas, Minister Witbt n t Ioera a] rtoeimaper harlsBanr a iest laand'.visr lbe ormr' stn u or ocatue 1921eeasimde ta te o! liorof Ptbti clou ! bus hess .aOte S Mps. CalIerine Bonner visite] se,-_______mtbg lierRchrl takli ioru Chicago Monday. Mns. Howard Beach an] children o! Illinois, punsoant ta law. or& ,,ays ith te Murie faily 0 0 0 er up turnher witlleuhem ietru Mrs. Witt Hunoan]dMrs. Bu] For] returne to ricin bornes in Chicago em~s rtilieMunieta il 66000 900000 0 0 0boarde] lie train andIlb won offlie- @a netnethT.B0 V I 0fore Mr. Zociler itardi>' knew via!t wre Waukegan shoupen lst Prida>'. Sundsy after spending a reck it vnasoaa Ma.. pDsa ntentlno]lie TB. O O L O tMrs. BanoI] Kennedy o! Chicago la Mnr. Gertie Beach. 1 Lms an] Discounte.............. ........... o sj#6uayftrloê f0000000000000000 iad bappene].a usintehmofhrcun.M........806M 9 clite e Wsblte 7 no]. acus-EF IB 2 R0.AD $13 agcll i oeo ircuI. M .] Mns. Wolmînan are enter- 4 Other Boa&aIl Stocks ........ .. ........ «.....***>....2.7000W la ci * M. White, dl.] ait bis home ln B. Trumtlee bas enterlalue] blis r- Il pas Jlaten loutin]that isMr iMr.u Marv Mitchell o! Chicago la vis- Mrs. Eyeroît Wels aun daugiter. 6 Banila Hou»., Funiture sa]d*lterne s ...................... 5,108@6 .'.3quL Nè ab..ercm*g ta o von] eace' r an] motionrimhe pant reek-. ,d] o ave muni wroney lu ber liga i m ! r.NIl e-Genevieve. f nom .Ares. spent ThonurDiirmDs.Csi.Ebeh eChecks and Collections .....1 he.M. White vaswvol] kaovn Mn&.- Abert KUtOlkboIg an] ber totklti' la in taîllia oolreba Dg or otal MP&- ZOhler éhâf,.say.viifi Mns.Leslie Ulfrich. Total Renotaces......................................................... =180416 1h5 iabOhOd.'.dauglter. Miss Mabel. relurne] 10 thein foun]. but 8$13.lMr. an] Mns. William Moure o! Ci- Mn. un] Mns. Ho] Dune an] Ivo chîl- home la Wsukegan Tuasday. Misa Marat.aa tithe1iine the men cage visite] aithre liome o! tic ialber's dren @pent lait week ai Forest rti cee. ~~~Mn&. S. 4. Russell an] motion are liande] her over lu Mr. Zeiler dl] sstcr. Mrs. George Huson. n uuapns e. Carr an]d aia tc * IRE RFI IL D * viaiting relativesiluK an]a hnu! nase uth to s..tin tact, aie lr u]Mn.Bon Potason enter-.wfe Antier îson.Mn]s.n. . uso ns1I eCapitondtin.sotoeckrIne.rlat.e.fro.W.......v.....a].......o!.......anaa........................................2800O 40000000er, Marlon. an] Frank McDonald. o! site was laken bticth Zociler hiomoe' he. k end. rere aloo visltlag flaem. 3 Undiidedd Profits (net) ........................... .....82 Mr..Md Mrslira A.J A.cReiche r.,,hJr h li],Elgnn.ySunda relatives enelaciv8slilhere.ean]eaiehebasabeen 1kept. FeaekWsauce.visrs. beranar-WmnkeChavisite]mblienn anr Mn,.e 4iarlestsC.a.n..o......a.]...t.........po............................................-....-.....-96.019 8 atheia Ounday guenla M. an] *ns Little Helen Brimer ras seiuls1' Undet s doctors erare. Il la fouanel enta in Grayslakp two days las! reek. son Raymond. of Ibis vlcnty, sPent 10 Otirer Liabilitiea.....................--------------------------------............ 0 # ;clin AspialeftoseutJohn, Jr.. o9 Ber- bonne] b>' beintu scaldo] niti ihot cei-t.ttlierrin] lias liecu affecte] an]. Miss Lois Reneban lbas been spcn]- tiche wee end rili thelr auDI. Mrs. ____ w>.M.m n tt n egiter. tee last rock. aie is beimue vetche] vY Ycareftully. lut glier Varaiion nîth homoeftallt. iFrank OrrelI. Total Liablitica........................................................ s182,88416 09 3 a0mi Park. miss Ethel Crohers -Sedo o opee]tig n] Ms o Llie pu i ek Tic Ritta au] Abert Snyder falli- 1, Paul M. Ditz, Ceaimer o! tire Deerfild State Bank, do ooeùl war W ]0004Clark Pienosi an] Harold cc crettisocial aithre home of Frank feels iliat somobody laiscamlag 10 take -nd a alieri urelire. lies motore tu Chicago Sunday eve- tiraItirhe above statenent is truc te tire bout of my knowlodge and bellet lito Dgl.Hirnnhaus Frlday eveaing. Juiy 15-ber ta soie institution. Sei o. A uî ýuceau ac w8gvnnng an] sawerlilttIe foks safclY On PU .DEz &ir Mns. AnsaShermnan eturned BSaten- Yeu are can]lally Invite] la attend. ttmont uf las! yesr rasalitent ln at tie Jimatnte hall Salun]ay oveniag. the train for Portland, Oregon. STATE 0F ILLINOIS' o ~,d7 fim si roks'vîst nti ier Sunday Schehol rtih M. E. cisircl a public Institut ion. where ee oes. George Scihert lias opene] up J .Cabnînntno auda'CUT FLRE i' SbcIr a]au 0hfrem bs7 a dey tr. M a swe, o!iei il] a! 1:S0 p. ni. Chuci services aI 2:15,fmot knur. tint' an] vulcanizîg %hop la ane SPart-fro hambevramtis' îsture SvIlli ils AK uurbdan wrnt efr e hs7t Ma. au] lins. JaemnBolingen o! Chf- Sunda>'. July'1.Rv agr etr Miss Marahi la elI knowu in Wau- ment o! the Jîle Amnan building. malier ndnaister ln Belliel. Vermont,.!Jly 91 NPS rovem the veek on] guesta of lMr. M. and ira. Lee Huson and daugli- koganuan]diran>years &go vas a George Weinburg o! Chicago spoul Bar-n. ou Sunday. Jol>' 3. lu Mn. sud TE.J NA.Ntr ule xr Ms. Bugone Huden. ter viste]l relatives ai Lake Forest teacher lui lb.' local sichools. ilie- eek end au lie John Bal>'hoine. Mrs. Witt Heckelsreiler. a bouncing 1_________________________________ Mf. Srai Adamsa nd gran]daugh- Sunda>'.1th MYSTERIOUS FEATURES ayb. tuaarevislîn rlatvesmn ilcgo Mis hnMer o! Gilimer latic Theo noie allamtla une of ratier 0 0 0 -.*s ~ bb u' ileïar vstig eltve i Ciag. Rtose mysteBnlous acircumalancea mespecially 0 0 0 0 » e hrhNts Mm Ms.Fred l Hgge visite] Mn guRo esl ot Bzel Biaangarte rima nek.*s ALF OtA o * CogrcPoonlhuri-ots.(Officiai Publication) t-Up. Igla Suida>'an] Monda>' Mr. an]dlira. WiIi Dillon an] son, lu vIew ofthtictact fialiteto0 R L I h eeySetyIra - l saR pout e te .comdct, of W. H. citcaa nd ledaughler. Wallon, spent Sonda>' at Long Grave sîrangera nu îeîtoithe train lu Wau- *o0o00000000@0114. li-a eCetng ter Tocelurîl boJl a ~tr of hcgo. Mth uss fwlh i.nd Mrs.__rankStabi. began offered noe explanallon of thir eh' o aconfurence nmeetig0 4.atet li ch on. urrenclng at 10 YrtSaeD u fR udCk S Mma. Milton Franta eenteluie] a dent. lefI t i 'sa-age troin ber brofatke an active part, Mr-. KawabatanIl The choir nl bave Ha tîluirnext I.ocatoi at Round Lake, State o! tire clou. o! busins aon tic loti -es'wof 1i11e foks Selurds>' in bau- lU> Àt'II1 TU CI1YI or, in fact. lie>' vante]. lb seeme]. bie uns1le teulbe rîtius next Suda>' Frida>'. Jul>'15, atDiatiion] Lakte. day o! dune, 1921, as made to tire Auditor o! Poblic Accounts o! tic State tiretber danigiter. Oive, tic occasion meréty ho g,'.lber of! liîli ends. evcning. but lromieta0corne at a Tic Baracas nIl meet aIticheTen- ofIllhinois, pursuant ta Ian. *9whanronl i brlbday. A 4SJ'EWho thIe>' wue.. wiîat conuecîlinlie>' ater date. He bas so ian>'catils that nis Court next Saturda>' evening. Foi-RSURE Una. Carrin an]dlim. Page outhf- AfifiS 3DE S V'JL hall wmulî Miss Mai aihas not been it-finds il difficulI to ffiletei. lowing the gaones thie" ilthIe an EOCS rere lhe guestm or Mmr. William À - delermmnetiý No word lia cone lu Ti- Ladies* Aid mcl aithre saoie of eleclion of officens. 1 1 Loansansid Discounts ......... ..............................--...........$ 97,011 66 ~l8a.îU DI AW Waukegan frienda o! Miss Marsi 5 Mrs4. Ernest Lemmni aPrairie IVew Sunda>'. Jul>' 17: Citurci arbool at 2 Overdrsfls ............................................................. 561 Ur.s.ied]Mlin Albert licyhecit are iND EW L brbtier in Idahuo ticrefore Il 1a nutlIsat Tiursday. 10:00ea. m. Sobjor!. "A Stu]>' of Pail'is s' Ub M rseleaiv e n adick.nlu inurunietheeTliesent lber back In ,Ma'. an]Mrs. L. H. Kruegt't rere Conversion." Tic Banaca .Cela Il U.4S. ernnd Senl In ................ent................................ 1,918 21 -MiaW aarelie i i ndi a-charge utfltese tro mcii un nul. W~aucon<alartlers last Saturday>. furnisb lic oîenlng exorcises. irl te ç] n 5%6 qýO"ie of reeks niti rcJative's 1h Oab- Springfield]. tI.Cosroa] "rom- The tart that NMiss Marsi Ita] Nls Latira Manin. wiu ras over-- service at 11 a. Mn. SUbJeCt Or sermon Banking House Funniture an] Fixtures ......................... 16,100 00 to an]dSturgeontBs>'. nions'* near country' achuota. churcies220wt ltWIlýBl et eeamn ihteha as -,wstn TeGetCmisin" F ýa-7 Detat Bns ahEcags hcsadCletos.... 0663 risiod M an MreWiliam un ovmtt cilinti' imidaart'forii]]n >ear ago an] liai] but $13 nlier per-en 10ie heospîlal antila imrproing urnug oui-Fali.Tt"Rsucs,,...................so7~l9 leken lest vecirlevrittîr> non !(i- tie tribes o! Ru-. is rie utii itra1 i 'uiler.l elito mrtie'lPS Il Mr. sued lira E] Binghamu of trving man> Ct.rplng nean tiese- places la avetsnute. t isti- îroui] orner of a tien ILLINOI TnIiu 1 Capital Stock ....................................,..... 1..2...................0 violtuitIýd.b>' a nea' statle Ian passe]l case. ogtureea. b> lhe ity-secon] generai assembî>'. 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 0 0 : eesd n a iy w r hi upu ............................................... 2O0 ---- --- -- -------- 111100 e, onlE doi0 cge vsibr urna. MTAXES S r 3 urdv dPlu fits........................................................ ,60022 oie., b»ut i prohliîs ail nomade. tour- 1oUGURNEE INundI. Msa Eelynne SI 4 Deposits......................... ........................................ 269,910 O8 lai, hnsen'aera pri ealouens OOo a~~~ ~<>>~~1 >oO O O O mained, n.lhe 'cil>'bu spen] tise neek. Luchi Bm-s, hvepraicrsee ie-6 Resenve ............................................ ....... ... ....... 686 A Li GT N 'm]Si ond>rs ol inctrsfoa Tclineae umnn a idJcLi beBas.plae uca ebdt'Wemgo:Tll a eeît >. oa ihle........... . ...... ........ 1,666 THE AI FOR FÂCIL SCALP TR] Efficeu For Toilet Prel CONSUL .OFFICES Over.Rearde EVEN WITII WE w Contest at Fair G More Like Run Than Ball nîng st r.ak -undav t Aiî. ýoSlars ,f Kaùnou lei( < dcing., îlotsn ( ;rounds. îneludiig .a flagrîai ion oý ilic o mitand, whîi (the.'ir, stand) wts C.tIls our fflcjiai1 lions wîth a and a 1, 'ider. and wh the lireandl thi>eduait n cteerMI away, we had ed by a score of 18 t( Manager Krunrnery piteber. whe caime hit Pd by Jud Moore, andi te-ho charitable, Il. m Rafomod George lef 1.0 o oa. M'a etaid on the bill bad tala rima and nob tfM_.ý"d thon old rël ce ini and finahed Kfitoooha go! one ini our nobule defenders nuein tleir hait by thi ci errors and singles b Wata)m started th s gli" 1.0cener. was t wbpa Aither walkfed. retred two w Ilh nfi scorptil wtaen Rlta let drive go through. K( aith~e lientrying tn 5< R4Uata u Snydpr. haiwith singles' Nul and Krunniery got iropp*d hie third tir unoved un. on a wlld1 dirovwtmin un.' with sarrificed Krunyinery iedout 10 centpr An Ppideonic of wi i,*eo firr<irs aide, A pair otflni.a v' i the Ibird, and tht wtif're thîixs wouid for a Itiçi' ilbl.' pla in Rudy. A( th.' -tait of th ilaid a nic- total of e lie dand when the fir scor.d on wiiii pitche Pd oui and Jo.' l)orfl.' honfing job. Jop fann to. fac-, hini. tore"d thi Rudy asnd fanned Qu outi. R(eJuv.'nat.-d hv t f i he iorne lads riz ri gl pill far and wide. Fit wrhen Koe droprned a gltIc t>enter; Finste prror by Cook and Sn at third. NU!! aIngl- Knunmery pushed t