ight h me r7ri blet-k anti coi- blu ln avY hal>y aIl col-I LIBERTYVI LLE LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDFKI' -INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOLUME XXIX.-NUMBER 29. 'Izl BBMYVLLE. LAKE COU?<IY, HINIS, THURSDAY. JULY 21, 192 1. $1.503 PER YEAR INj n ever 1 Styles rance some $e.50 velours and [AT'eî m- i season 's best Very special- JuIy Sale at Eand a few checked vel- tines'Ç etc., in latest modela id Si lk rts White wash >okimg styles white wash tyles and siz- up to $5 in )tton figures i welI as satin M.98. rash Skirts- d $10 values 1wool plaid ovelty sports rs and styles kirts in fancy striped flanu j inels, kumsi 75-. iilk Skir-ts in ,uuisi kumsa, 'here-n-there 1 ail colora atj -sts rly Sale lightly soiled 0 Wirthmor yles at M.ç le new voile - Es, $1.89. oile and new veciafly prie- 6 silk wasts $9 ,waists- nd $14.50Oic3 ests at $8.88& id Silk ters vool tîie-baàk d$7.9$ wool and tuxedo id $8.98 slk ilors at $5.98. silk sweaters and colors; at 3weaters in a elever styles 49M~5 PÏ4d ýto. DAUGHTER WILL IMPATIENT *TThNC wING 2 FARM i teZ rtiu -4IVRNR*AK 5U~~C1~i1 F&TIffR ~ERS AVERTED BY a~aI2d nTen ~LAKE. COUNTY IN __ ~~~~SIERIFF AND A6S00xcuiesore hchh OD ROADS PLAN Mao' agtrwf ,Armed neighbors attempted to * . u radr ipLbrtvil * Assures Waukegan delgatWo 11il»Msn agov. Smai e C U jLake ~cattle feud victlms and Lake county are thug given * Libertyviki-Ant*och. p eji beappolnted by j fro ambuance thre uevwwitle resh. and the wl erse to f111 the, vacanoy ' Arr muac wl ers / /-YA warrant chargini auaault with a * character of saine l air ahead of Governor Len gelait hi taking heov. limait wiIl appoint Mrs. Winl- a #( d.adly weapon wae issued Tuesday att- * any other paper in this section* keen luterest in the early ed Meson Hock, dauglacer o! late ~ ~ U O ~r ernoon for Ed Sage and hie brother e of tesae rfr htmte u lion of the varlous, road li roe C.ongreamnan William E. Magon, for- I lII? Librtyrond folowig te ahotig 0 weChanof Plamentnd ta suonePetirr*bartyvarteo fthlosiatethTosgettthe f project8 in Lakp oounty mmd* ol- uiehr ln oWashingeutoIfa sucaced lierMmetadhi ope: aypr aflestt.T gtte Pressed himacîf as reahiiaag thi ar- at.e4lu oshigtitonfa vcacya on the Ed Sage.farmr. * news of Lake coutrit>, whiil IS-y, gent nepds af!ftle county becauael, o .oinmentla cnstiutioalFlamant and hie sont were released*NES subscribe for Thi, Inde- ifs proxirnity ta Chicago, vhose trit-, r A-;BUrance bj the goveruar Chat ho, uher M bondefor J h 6.and mesult* pNEnt th le biggest and béat tifc through lier% la beavy. favorable trsherHeancammented1 upon thseteorfecty 2e favt oralth-henddc asI~ charge.s ie against themn Mon. * weekly newspaper in the state. He*metduonteefcoa *K n olnri Sa it a inHo .ck , Kfollowîug by wSa ie d iy 15 p ry ar ength last week et Springfield wffl ilii taîh-Sml s h ome u Ku kadab Sg. nI 1.Opeli e met ln conference. vlth a daie iPe l i~ s sue a suc~eif~ î~.±r - - iAftPi belng siiot ouring a h)attle * * lion of Lake cut el n1dU -rzal- anr lo Prment pe nd bs]so.sP ale *jc.ti, * * C(iar1.e's E. Russel, Otl uura bp h- nfi,l a: Wahlnelin. Lut ah" FE fer. ,!: of F've PojInts. near Wfuke. chairman of the board of superviei-- '11b. h.tra utaon& rn cogrogan. bath aerioui * v waunded wlîh i George Bairslow and William Strat- M hre us O. aLighter I uckshot alleged ta have Ibéon t-lrdtn ,,r 9uk hs îsadRb iKl~ae nlbolîn iiGov. Small-discuesed the rond pam i e of uc th aritIl cuganee.d oenîharaîe .i lil àagta for the location of the Liber>1I Iat' oTiira hre onst, aud e I cunl t i d r -iolvers proutpidagain.st S I SNGIU fB IJD Atiocli tate bond issue rond, a»d *lar ughtr Te ln at,*necei a in ieh. oînded rien heing lîken awav ,dpelared that lie will Séeefthet tbjW. b-l'filial: anhambulane hi StRerert,:lif; 9lroute is located. as until this la doille, youugesî.Robert, i 9 ~ii/ een and ilsh eput>, Eh in J. (kit IA UE M D~ the-county officiais will lbe tinebie t& lýr l in. of Waukegan, and Congtatîle lien I CH R EM DEtmîi eelterutewbs nîitueci:ality tt of n a oser 'hledis -l.ibt-riv-.,f L.iberll.ville, andI-a rè ta bê es tabi hed imd lmiit6j C 'onaltutlnalil of n apoinîmut t î1îck action of thé- officers in whiTe skrt-i -Antloch road viii be Le nr . -îsî aid tp aîlot ate lardue Ii,. sîrtijas wav prohabîyar tJohn -Delsandro, Chicago-COn- materially ahortened by mai eklgs ý' ~lrî ,hi" id oa, buCal thîe cfn -t Ivlnctiing as feeling ranl hiiziî tractor, charged also with ecml cutoffa. Aniong the road hl-. '.V h fawoeuru th t tn, oe .-f jtr . provements that are betng blettitUp -tiutinv ak p rovsin ortha_. atlevfr n ou.ho state licenwse peuding the location of this rond là acnc'mian-auge. > te daih o!S The o. -île raged imore thuitan '-rie Lake Villa-Antioch rond. 'îugrvaaman-aîîargan hour and tirv r eeelepy One of the uitiolserlous ganse. oas I iamutanxicis ta Sée Lake conuP Ifie I 1 ias n l r:in d le F t atrid cs and shela ln the aotgun tins in rcent years came ta light go ahead witt lits rond o i," GQ el. kerg e présent aativor. ute L s ntaulamalic revolver carrieli by with the acre-sI last Sunday of John Salitdeciered. "and wilI COlt9. -ie " a rrý eent' rs.Ifck t- h4-Flanietila accordlng ta Sheriff Delsmandro, aged 2'J. a plumbing ln every wayIcntOectt A 'ai S taert etentr aneof a . î;iýeetn. wbo disarmed Iheni and Sage. contractor ln tChicago, who ls charg- ImProvements are made las eSOUMta ,f reya nitdati- aulargP sud of aIthé j Wlien tireIiolland ambulance frons ed with has-iug siain several sang possible.l . -.-ft1Ihng of the place of the latter lIn %crowdd an riveut e as îLe to restdi Aepcutv. ame warder- Antioch roed so that the Lake VU1116 * lIen telne . inass a s e foheon. wouded muen were being Leiped imia lzHenry Kern on fle Rosecrans -road Antiocb roati cen b matde a part q* frituat n oie, luothapptaet.oubI y-it. anti denîsnds were mede that uiiey neer the Despiaines river. When or- the prolect the county vil constiUiM hotitatîon rot. fr ppluhonthy efleihere. the- ueighbors tiraieat.resteti bis geme bag cotained the-an overbeeti croslug about one 2> 'ie oi-iol-. for Cide Le e .!..Â..... Â.....n 1ttbteir gaing ta the hospital. ftlloviiig bîrds. 1105ofLae tul oer Ctoet "Mid oySaIlufil m iae heT r es o itin1 WeIl give tht-ma the- treatment Ihey One Bob'oiiik. Thebearing:otoc al"m ofbas b 'IuedtmGo. Msamîc l n uee the 1 IL A ~ I 1ought ta Lave,'* onemain l~the crovd Oue Warbit-r. Tsetyvor entiebro 25.aail a gm.Mca-sHok 1 il lotoir , .esbouted. there beiug e double-mean- Que Flicker.________ rua lur, aan J'uc t Cheant f1 h Ig.lu Coin.j fig urh ufecin !ais ,olce. One Bittera. laUrasasl .lîtth- u tot IL ~uu iifini e0j h tte.ocers Unbed through One Brown Thasher. 1Frn'tng M aksmef.t te armd mot ,th the wouu<ed Dlgdro wshutig with anau-aitFAJtMIR CLAI Seatmen herin tiLe Th-emfttainntehe-aatrabe.ftornade aLoi gun. He dd flot have if i am flrai iaie enough ta ethe Teaction o te élre% nebesai bld.andte ludepeudet- beîug ilancet-in ihanddu hurried tht Woukegeu state license ln his possession. The S RA E0 EI a wfor aafety and medical attention. defEdeR tod Wrde Ker Ehl-L tiraI w muan wit.cbtdren to' serve the village board oh trustees ast veek chenged ouI>- lu ihat the charge ',2cann eiOn Ofv i ll t- IdedeuaDntWn he c.bslt o fe id e oesdA C in nWashington.- Mrâ. l-uckèald, "h in ewerdlug a couîract for tht- village for publiahing officiel board pro-. trnsactions. patiahe y tiuriug The FDnteWntThare lu VItor éfe ant ld tardoen arnfie t hCL~ u wil Ihink il mY dutY ta serve the tiinîing to tht- Lake- County Register celà va hi intee lmluated. the astI18m artihs."-F rn h- oalbspasWukgnlod pn t o f e ad tu uud saeinadàt 'hm"en sud f hîdren fftrm thte n- a cents p -r ue m iTtt ii ! Again the board falleti ta reach a flegister of July 16. mhrealts ha bt-en d pat tht-rt- Une ht- aat vth n iniîu 'iolh -ad Iltits cuury s t becets t-r111e.subhted by the Inde- décisioand sai w as net uutih a iThis tatentent sud t-ver>thing l emorv en made tiht ftht-yle frhulgviotasaeh-Ned to aevle go oulCeSa, .iln iust makë a sut-ceàs Of pendent, bas eroused a Storm of pro- later meeting thw hecatrci piedttrenea leant ht-e e h-rttutiththirfainhimuskmvî tchdr.n anid gave it-ni tht-bt-st test and critlcism among thet axpayer. vas awardeit ta lie Regidter. pri.Isit-yiuhn t eri n.Al t cta the-A ir tenwu ieceusal $26e frh ngit otas. T t -eàmniunon-havevlee 'l~ ouhy vanien ~ Of Lîberty-ville. vho vert-unt generahi> iuarily beceuse of Editor lustta ihi glute t n thgte v ief o~t îai-fte odtioheihpen t enéine $25 andiug a sanghebinmlaum avar o!thedea ouil t vs epOsd mpret-uatiu te Regisier bal lice sPecttîed luit vhat toe charge vas fametscoviti n be rtraitd thea-sdcsa ai )ladogt n cn mk ucae & rom op tlu date liave-bteu unmarrled. lu thltlaisue of tbe ludependent.1 ibret fines as many aubacribers fer. Each ordinance or notice printed lmnt it ovrage ti -ardsetn t-minum if esn luecsno 1 c mk pu hae As a theyounge-i of Congreantan Trustesî rummitt. Hafemun andinluLibertyvilie as the Independient Iwwas oyttl h-bI vscagdtmoo tfr utceHryHycaetettiwlhattttt 10 Tt mrcn emrkoab B " easurtdaghraMm.Sturm hase ,'Ladsaimne tather trylug sud is offer ta subit foffice rec af teé rate outà 1i- cents pt-m tint-, sud an echarge of asseuit. the campleintcsdthe otalaon a$10 -h mrcn omrkor ittu& veuitta iciîoîlunWashlngton interviewa yuittrate citizena lu tryiug ords u roion etssrio.rh-anentbr fhus utfielluteenginieangae.eh amaa____t____andl temete-vib i baiea M as a girl andi bas passed iconsiérable ta expiain their action, lu awardinga hdepeuideut mt-.rea tn.The had vas sîa odfins a nd tih e it ounmt- y9ng Fmedent kagei dovu hlt'n a thgestlthwtb mbies ilie S uine tht-r.'gsace. contrat-t at a figure of tvoansditone-- f ailei ta refuie tt ltmn u e fadu tht-cotrt-tfr itt-vfe white St- vas holding a baby, lNIJ at emtr .N oedl f* bah hits Igerthan t,' service neither dît hie respondt a an invi "reya'wsreerd t h-sd that the- Eider Fientent sutasaed 5 A At-icn aIBNe, edFaOI t' ~ ali COUhi aCbenscrd ation ta submit bis circulation finsuce comiitee, Trustee Elavworth the- vindova of the- Sage bouse. Sage micnPrtBueuedalcttW vwuir ON ii N Tht- Indepeudent office bas bt-en sa- iecoi'ds.- Franitht- Register Oi weut avec tht- books sud vaut-hers o! aiso chalutslhe dld not shoot util dy eaesapdwt t ItdbySorsofcties n txaý Jl 1.the village cierk aud cointet the ilum.the atteck upon bis vîfe. .te L I RAD V E nc ru'hefmrathentielvlue -cmeny o! vhous have ual bt-eu auy At nu tinte usatht- aubject of ieu- bt-c of. es o! ardinances netTe Bad bionaitbas exiateit beiveen te EE E D as tht- rt-uto .0 lclbal M [LEIII[I1 I U 10fre d>lauluttpa.atdatomntneivbd ert- alit- trittcharged tallied vlth tht-fhnes Fiaments eut Sage» sud severai othler11Eh-dbtontfaturuaIlor vacdter nintn adtsuifor Furihermore ittaaflot true tht I- -Printed ai tLe at-n f 7% cents. neighboî-s. fitila chergedtIhat several uttenbrasaloS ai tile action o! tht-st- men, eiected by dependent vas aiket for a staterneni Ai the- recor-ds Ldf thîs office aie-t' alhsa at, white Peter Nur nf, ___tIe United Stetes.Moutay. Our W. BY THE MaKERS J tht- people ta stre tht-btst inteiet-SI0ofîî, circulation. No mt-nîbt- ai 1he- open atâYfine fr a auitas ta the Sages faber-in-lav, wes bt-att-neuP rTe bootlegge-rs fltihe lakes' e- 'aiuctions to countyter~i bn have etraed bad.lnom anyne couuect-ed wilh the ýàmount rt-ct-ied b>- tht- Indepedeut iîle had etnllytd mIat Sagesà fieldat. heactea. Their business lagout nth-tegahirprao!* th o nfde ce. r ntht-r, by de-! officiah farnily o f tht- village. nor auy- tram the vilage for r pnutlng, an d bu ht e mure ni t -u th t- latt-?a 0ctegl ons ar wgo ving e y v e go td dv - e re T fx a e ca eley a a Fffl n percent reduction on b-elytmn vy.tt sei n- -a, askei os as to tht- aumbeî* of paýlt-euaIdurîngttht-pat eîghteeu naen Ateoned tht- mit-r bu t - onvoo.Thovngt aidhetgapie ruhtporsutA mont-y.psit-acirculait-t lu tht- village. Whitt-u itihs., A' i A.V SlL u u-their val-es ao aecuI-ely cuatonties ma inChicago tht- rdeoM «gns uuggies, p w, Tht- Independent bas no tiesire to tht- great difference lu tht- amout tof tettinquiiy by a as.a»cious a vasnwutaken. About Fhemesalie ta geRt ut te lgé" ae attemnts n. ocerniug t ibu"1 engines, etc. enter ia o anevapaper Ot-allaitrs>. ite ida vas brout-ht out lu rtadiut boardi oember ian anpparent cattit- anti tht-latter t-t tht-m bat-kfietag '.o. eud dot-s flt Intend ta. But in it issue-tht- bita as teuderesi, tilhaquestion vas ou ercharge broughi tht- blautie- ou a vmit of repît-vîn. On tva ai r Sietes Attorney A. V. SmithiL 1 «I have eleady ecelveti huay0 Tatcor. sud oiigIr tarni machineryo! Selumday. July 101h. the- Lake Coun , sinip>l it-tted luto tht- matt-r hy the planation au ercor Lad oct-omed. ltaiosLeF at are t-lie camping elen tssly lapon 1their tmilIorerto!haiganidlt. andRegisermlu tyiagetadefetetitht-e-éditer of tht- Regiater, after the- sli" r-qulriug reprintint- of a bellot with bsving recovereit tht- taille by aint tu i atisfît-t yuLameting bonies re ciiilg luv t" su mpeeusar iiser hunvarrauteit action af Grummîtil ate îroîoito hitbtenrferei 0îL jbLete ht eceaveprt-.I ore.sutfilu tt- ute rlvcehemmi.Tt- savtl eaonvb brnch baes of the nmanufacturera pooiinhdbe eerd nte jbhneteecsiepie bre n inlg lemoonnualy The-h fi pt-ria annunce ibis veek a ewtvmtnu sud Sturm,. makes sanie glarlut-, finacecommutet-. That tottsiit.e. Hou, tver, the treble prit-e for- tat Tht- Flameuls formerly rt-ided et bontisthtm o eIali>. Tt i<frtrl o blii uCl st-ieo!prt-s hîlh ha rdialmiustaements, eut lu order la lettthe- nor ail> member of il. didt ual-m,- job ai ballot prîntingtg laOiitx Kairfit-itanti iftglaclalmedtWtety gt aidy8 lyuliéLe ten vn. a itt.meutactomeitgooda antisupplie* b medections. theiteavlesit-ut bsine * eopîalt o f the late novlte ft-. in> ý iilluiry atibtis office aaas hedc pantt FotaL R--tI-he csiea iipilslita otaiy. Aot-tt w-keutmat iv otta ismt osx-bn.latv tleo!ttva.vshhaezeLe p tculation o! this pier. -1Tht statemeut Jul> 16. ______________ayersn'§________parHela___heain____. riaons, bIesenlusplyatht- Reglîter by paragnaphs. tht- lirai of of tlt- Ret-taer ou tht- circulation ques- No morntier a tile village huard,1 ~caugIf! lu the ut-t o! tht-dry et-enta. France andItlI. H. inneate hayî presses, grain drillsansd tanY' Wbîch la as foliOva: tion is go0 ahI>' that il la net vonîhy "suspicions" or othervise, Las mate ndepîedents bills for thetissu îwo They uitrt-George Koeth. Jr.. o! the.t- alut-o! tht- gondi vhit-hbeI 15 pt-m cent, it 1 aunotalet. Traetors ;lit o! 4 cents eahUne for publishing prtifi. tht- billotoelb.hallot ainau>'lier wiling ta assistinluan>- va>-possible Fox ae. hLs t-eu eLrge qati --Ilcds holacet obapatuvy. whiuli have been st-Ding at $1.200 are urdinancesaneutlt-gai noticesanti -Htfore tht- Rt-list-r vas eeb- bill subuttteit b> tîîîsoffice, andi uo un Ibisaudit. Ai the haisfor the-as- >. of whisky st-îzed oanragportemation gbneyfDm now $1.050. 'whie Ihuse vhicuî veret-hlesaine rate for village boardti dthe Smtt harete thet- i l'Lant t-xplanationflier norsu'tet atilsrion thtt heLils mgintihevil- AIrh ar.BY his- Tr-auespobnti Net5on la wir" quo 1dat$2,1h(0are nov $1,950. proct-etiigs. Cerefu ai-lt-ulfttiOti lage a! Libertyville 10 cents a imne hit vasut-cts-ar>'. Tht-bill fan th--iage pwere paitiet exista anly in tLe key seized. tarner paylng the felgbt on ils*'-" Tht- managers o! the- rauch bous- establiAiet Chat tht- Rigister bild, forlaial puliications. Tht-y nov balos was hast-t ulon a standard ituil or Chf,îétrlaco!the t.utlitt-r. .lnck"Britioti1 lt' . Onttliuit 05duels sent ta market, bue lbe 16ab" t-ýa sy flinttht- lesser quotatlons are elirinatini tg sIl did. chaige foi charge tht- tif>' o! Waukegeu 10 sut faimrlîrice llst, in use lu thouàansud ttli. knawalte statement ta le Fox Lak is-veldd aît. iîg. î]uantiiý oa! ngtise lI ou tht- outbOusid flt due teanay decrease iu tise cost poblishint, tht- officiai jroceetingi- ienta a lhue for ail publications a!futvspapei îantîjob Printing hiause l fls.S and ve kuaw4t ta le false. IIf' bootîcu 'w itike>. ,aisîs. esuifera trait lit-kof a! produaction, but betcuse t-f tht- whereas the- JItepenitent ncludteh in t-lu- taily papier. Lest year ait-m tee t-auDit>. liguires evem>body else la trooketl Just .Nhn ,Anthecaîin, cPSlît~îu-tredit facilitles. Aiment ta 9 'feriner' stl'ke," inaugurat-t lasIt tis t-ni autise sanie Charge ilta lise> charget Lihertyvilei/c il The- ballots lac 111e sturing élection -;iîat h an'l eut-nti - ýtritglitin l'e> st-Ledse slu infavor o! settint-up t-0 tell vLen grain prît-es vert-bain- for ilégal #notices, woîld ail ea un e for publisLiug oriinauces anti vert-printe t tuice, but tht- cior vas 1 Led. Ktiillitotiaîî.n hiVî,) , ;- îl-itis,-marketing Institutions me ui-ttdovn ta sertl a low figure ihet lu tht- ytai-'s total ansount paid, itai notices."'- Frant tht-Rt-t-lit-i not tht-fauli ofaIianone lin lil office. Tliaats Ihai, so lai liS thu auidislingp itili o! Wquacaticutoiiby hinseif ta d imitlied tLe uitn who tîli tuie soilinla aboîltise sanit as lheIseldehit-iandi mefialufrot huiug detsbut halwLat-ie <lffe UaiJul> 16. A hrof atî ,t.ibinîitted tae alone>. Ing litics or te. tegistt-î île ion Ait h lf iil-i- îhhi,-(lit,, is protuttamtre t-cane ta onder ta sîlmuate traite andt litt-t tnce-tht-ne u-ult bie couidt liLt- Thisa taleotent Is faise ant ve have lie pail-i b> k. onsiae. cleral But1 e-il stailt- ad.on. W liiin lionstife uiot> vma apîielb-oe lt iu-i o ahcnue tht maufcitmit- lans n oer- ,t-ucaeiydeertsit-i. u-c bld- harcst a fm3a ove frensue du"the bpltilh.a.lk. au sainte Athe ail îote ale ai i s sait. ocit) a> îuii:ug Julît- lId a> iMiitho> inina fhorI'Z Ion. tht- comtîanies liavt-detIdedit a uere LotL rejetted lu cansl ,ut e tta tna>.wa ler of Libdty-s't- bllas lan ebt-cii pu it-. uei lit' Sisti a si i I tna> ît'Iîl. 'I wîl ;1aite Pîîîut isfr .01 __________ ahae lti yL ltefate ea t glIandi utw ita asked." -a h imlt att apyr !Lîei' an>slet -e -rocflanlidlt- u i 'ii'at-e.. ing a iiitlI, li foreiu in ato iipsuaan cotl, iad rth bha-kas lekith heas îO5eîht. a tt gfe, ti 1.~ille What la paiti lu Waukegau or- an> ht-Id iigli t ivaliddt- tht-electil !at îu î uadigseitrc o ona aupaii0oraniat sINIPPE pre-var it-vel.' *Tise it o! the Intependeut. as filet ftlter 5lqt-t-? h la net tht- mont-y o eti addtsalth-blostaiulont-ai iusa-hrtadi-t-n a ibitied mokrt.alime o pt, on b Tieut-v prit-es arae hast-tupon'th iseythtt-e ltrko! tht- village hboard.t. îe ,îue o! ibryve xta l t-lt raeredliea la ret $.00Fo i-iti tht- l iLtnt thepsft t-s e oficaIs t-Ltat blib m an theCoaut.d îîh ai te vbat casts viliiLe upon mater- anti othen tatten REQUIftED 1BY LAW sion Itlaissimpi>' a question of payiug mate, anu.,, sa sostatet on tiseMlImateit' iitakt. Anoihier lias nou dt- AU-is atsaiu htte t aeaeeiua "i niacs oie utnatl h-cs ntniisu-etavriacag !Stt a iiitdtit îeps eklt ttLi tfn algtt ôti MIis, gaini aLo ai aes anti ln leltt-nta le publisheit, voui L e rl.t-tai lot- a lne vhen tht- servit-t-coulti Lave filedt vîtht' -village cheni. We dit fenat-, andI SaYs le was spentingtheb>uu ~s wr-ui 1-effIcient-y in tht- utan future. Ou tht- four ct-ts ptr line." As tise ssmceed ht-t-n liat for 4c as une. h-Chicao ntchargé any mtore- than tht- vonlipeople,.,, mnty. Tht- thint ivet-tics 't ECIAL UELIVERj( 1 Tii tttatiantiBridge C0lDUtt$g - cood affecteit, bath lu stock eua tot-turs neo! tht- village ord are NOT ne- paliescacharge 50Oc sui-t 7 san lgatelvas werýa. and il flic Rt-gist9 a l ulilsa ,easou for voîing aut tht- çùOicaphts yp.man ibippeit fe- saie-fiime ta-came, tan- qulet b>' îaw t t- eprînt-i, this couli ne (14 Unes ta tht- Inch) Luithbat usglut-ta print thîs job fan one-third thse iontyi> n so lavîsl a maneîît.thath T utt aurdta- p t. e ew teeot ufcttrrr asetfiai tpy ainet i ni auner le costruet ta no argument vhy tht- peopleit- ! ier- amouut. t- are hnet. Le wîts ,sort-' at tî iDrfiprînt t iua N i BE DLia-steel sDanuiL. caetr o! thée tîtodn-a amens. thît Ihey Cnt-ud lu au>-eful1audt inceavcrtaiforatht-in thestrpailu shuliut-abtev' oimess tht- bld ncludet tht- boardi pro- tyville shoulit psy 10 cents a une for "Teesaii L -r-u adt n ertao inetitr 11ht- ten iit5&f.per-inulbrit-e, tenipot'allV - 0rneàIl. uy 1.teu-cet-sAngs. In fatt, a represeutative a! the village prînitint- wbeu hfcoulit have 1ant checki ai the lIntependeents antiih-r-ot-Leau-tr-vent- aif- w o vieturing tht-' W*t iipieslet. II. Jl> 13-'t-tc-the- Intepeudent statet ta 4he board ht-en gototen for 4 tentasut-m ime. lu billa paît b> tLe viilagé oa! Liber- fle expeuse o! tLe taxpaytm 0 Lb Wasinigtou, Jul> 11. -Casi of uh, wîr tIt-Iartient nefilseth tien lu tht-.aile a! automiobile lit-t-se lunpen meeting1 that tht- îroceedhngs 1916 tht- rate t-hartet b>'tht-Imnde- tyvmie turing tli- lait tva yt-ara. eri> aille. As s matit-m nf tact, tht- In« seniilt-a specldeIi' t-t' It-ttr la ta mii tst-elt-ho leusedeai0101111 pates asetht-rtsut o! a e ut-v 1evyl voulti be prnmtd-ithout chsage, as pt-Udetutas 4 t-t-ts pt- nie, as abfovu lu teallu t billiipadting artiste tidépendent Dia> NOT pint litestary in be remsedtfrain10 ta 25 de-ts. EoiOât I> twît bis vert-' rectiveS. s a re t h t - s t a t e $40 , 0 0 0 ni p o s t a g e a n dlha i t b t - t n d o n t - l u t h t i a nt , s u i t t h a t a L y a u r b o k s a n d t h t - v a r r a n t s ' d m a v n t ie l u x e s u t -h p r éca u t i o n i s en m ur e q u e s t i o n t h t - o n t - L a s l u t î n t . W m a s t e r G e n t - r a i H a y e s tr el e a st h t - $ 5 9 0 0 dan so t h e r ' lJgi t I > ' departinent o!St-cnttac>' Emmersan's tereti mia in case the- prnning vas T gWith a iepîtteti printint- fut st-curie a contrat-t b>'meana 0oftun- tht-Register had aisea prOntISOte ta chare foc Let-tcservit-t-thaont-eu-be îîghvaya chas. E. TtfieOl T h a i s. o ! fig u re s «o u li t-t-u it-j A t th t- n e x m e e tin g n e v b itit. p rin t u t- th P a s Y-irm e x t-e t-d in g a b i te b y te r i es oi th a t c o n tr a t-t." o c c u r re n c e . In s t -a ti o ! k e e p in fa ith , R u ra l c o muni tie s a re ta h v e h tt- h e se - ad v e r ti e ti a n uio nIs . plain lu192aud theneater vMi ho! vent- subtitteit. tht- Rtgsie's bie-.tht-le a! an>'previaus Year ln thet- Front tht- Regster.,July 16. - tht- Rt-tlatr DID PINT a full at-cei ter et-vce, addrieses whereermpas-loue are re-elvdi' t-ti ffl Umt -te fones inteeti o!ftour. ing lu-liectîtal vîtil lis previous' vililage's istai-y, tht-rt-la à s t-i v- A'-r-u ui n -ttkofteo h-mte l v îfnn sUeS. aILl îit-utfedb et-h a> mot Le compIlie tii.eZ I "7 Lake Coun*y'Ps Big Weekly m u *»e m beWeekrmesa n CuqtjCo.lId