Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jul 1921, p. 11

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LIBFRTYVRI P INDF-PP N?.rT- ! IRqflAV - u - - - .~ -. .~.-'., c. * J tUL YI Z 1, 1Z PGETJ1 Les 7alcie and >cks Ns -98C. ED DRESS YAR.D Vi Iy attractive - 69c WASH YARD i,,1 t ro porteti ger. aini fIttIers. iý: ". 49c LES YARD lit.itîttit coter- c 79c $3.4 UMPS ptional veacsng -l. $4.85 an bie had in ds. ners TE loir lote re- w ~uIhwIrurlght direction, t10@cectat the them n intaklng chidren -mb othei Libertyville In depe n aen tISAVING IIILDRIENI , Z<la and bodies are norur.tîlIy de homes ln cases whe re parents rairnot v ,pead opac hed r d are for tliem. In a number of suc Lake County Indeendent Waukegan MWeeklySun avsw pd l 0plc h eitns eoe i aet uter.a i nevt IJI 'UNSI!NI--î~4 ~ r.ce heyCA IiU5i-L'~-a'nl lie- Il tood and cannot Le at home 10rar-e --- --- -'ee--ogbnestina 77=i aie ont dr Ng CURTMISIN tWu fl.zeL or t le chitdren. tnducttng 11w,- -Lae Cuii- t C UR.,-M SSIN-Th, z .aions n Cî1îi,,r. rtîr (hi]dren loto good home, teIFcon aJu v en ileQÛ I t S n u r n .ep o rt de ev in p i t e, 'w to u h. I -i i d ed askîng e r hplai or . T h, the pat neyerai days to malte anybody feel atinfîed. No mater whaî s iitie- hi<r îî. r.rii tred i utle thepla n o! riigln rEci,n of tie court aRekit. e- *~tc pudrtergtlfic These liom(8 ~musttaiseorei[neup t0 kilid you wanted, no matter HOW seisational, it was here, in bouches. Il scP r Whilethie waywîîitIr (701 of standard. stemsas intseenometime tub aLralofbig ews s laely.d.-eNine 0f tie 20 peltitons tîled inth scea a iftierencvr as ucba ra f bg nwsas atey.shows unfortuinates, delin- nItifllto court, many cases'n rc h toc Ürcourt w.'re perional lIppliralon frein quents get good care it-attîn. îînes, ack f PI r. , - , n 1 c1~ alle frein the Cirns Pro ec tvp Waukegan people rtad with interest the 'aâppropriitlon or- a dozen and one other r'aFii n od League ,lunuane Socetey, iîolir- dinance" of thse North Shsort Saritary Ditrict, whereby it in estimated ! ET O SHOL he coutt9dylce and dIrert on 'Il-n coinr. and the Waukegaîn city Pcehool th&t $114,150 wili be necded for thin ycar's expenste. Now if thse board gifre, h are re 0wywha'- li.y,,,il -. e vil Only get bUly tand retlly aRccomplinli Something besidcs getmang reports Onie ît-psn't he'ar murti aboutle- tîeyondthie controt n tof t 1 , .irrî r.-t uring the quarter Iwo boys i e Ptn'd'-et and dEtinrîuent clildron, wito or. guardians. iu many of 'tI t- < at-- remnoved frein the. countv uiil tend of extgntfrn whch aie neyer caried o&t, nakng nurveys, etc., the tax- aie brought Jmb the Lake ruoy ortdsof adylce and a tf. 1îio , .acd blnplîvrte totî,e. ri lo'y wiî' Juvnil cortfo th retio tat indr te spevison l ýr.ni7 teatd itti a Cut; threc'elde payera won't fe el no queamish about that anitarydititrc tt a=. A Jvionc-r, ote b re n haunethe tupe re lo w-,, It th te the officers in cagJudge P'. L.chnet wollte . -..H'I underwent minor op.'ration-,. dental solir.g fcature is tisat in thse ordinance ia bhown $20,U, eb sdfr esni n is ayPleerLi iipals. wou a.4hertormeil on arotei ir A probation otficcr, shun publirity, tbc-TIi.'report iwn bhtat e i g tc rinuuîbsr were areil for aut hieJaclivon "conttruct'on of ewage ditponal plant in Waukegan-and if that IS tivn L oetrtniscOb kr.'e r,îonthm 267 childut- nýer..'a, streetho. prvdd i ilgi ýu eething for our money, which we havent gel t tîîghtened out te, better advantagî- ',-r Iti.e supervIion of t',ecouelrt provded it illgivéus f hie parent and chiidren iovolv-d <tf)lty twenty-five were t0o.îr!itiEd, 14' te date. We notice also an item of $20,000 for "surveys, engineer'a re' aie Dot embariTeséed by suri <if theiie 25 being piaccî4l ili trivatil ports ad engineering in connection with water departmetnt" and we hope ty, but accordiog 10 a report the lIlnle, one of thse tltings ilhecorot 'iIxed Engliah. court lias just eubmtttcd 1te Seetid1 owtnvcPtýicTt Jh iaat ý 9 te a sor-t that mens omthing but, with Wankegnn'n big water plan welI under Departroant of Publie Wlf'jre tlisiicaves onty Il of thse 26-i tIitdren htatoiy on the'i11e k GineraI Bî'ad. 'ork te aneîof 1he mtt ilhpuctant i"ho were tient ta various li tosdock. n lale cmo walefol. way, that nuin stems quite a big one te make a survey of the water nta- with whlch the county looitutions for dependenba or delitiqur t',.lwn ýïojà8ýe Eif tion tither here or elsewhere in the district. $20000 for eng-;nters' ad- have te deal. The probation offîcer t i-It'.- 310 a iovlng aiïŽn; ne*te,th"Bsifo'rd Thie report revers thte 5uvenite homecs and Interviewed 31.1 jo rhon', ttf vic in quite a sum andi of itacif voulti go a long way toward constr-uction work of the county during the rpast for the purpose of Intereti fle' o.m in ido rn under laIn, j thle foucth of somehiting. It appean that about al the district han donet todate Iic ots n î îd-qat y ei ck moghî attr pot hJornaiilt. itta'Mne Thîe work hi te1 diet it tlti feet in vers calît upon famîtiem tri inierestti<iiJ<iril te, raine taxes and pey ont smre te engineer, for their advice, ativice which _______________________________ tei date appaxently *hasn't been utilized, at least flot so the public caut net ighty quiet about it-axid havenet boasted about ilt to tise cItent that-= tise taxpayern have been advined f anytbing they've done. - ac ntise!= Ce The Shirts tatipayers know about ai httle of tise details cf tbe anitary dîîtrîct's le-l e w - teiîda r.nd expendituren an thcy do about tlic Waukegan park board's. IInla'DM ll inoftLe:t )' l>- mon rIS <i CO!> IS LATEST a IWit iiwiiI-iait ii INL dK'COUNTY~ aeli u.cti. Dr ~ft~-he!ts tcv IsL"iP S < irt 'rite fi i l,,, tay ttr 1 tair ead by sv'earirg ng I '"i~td. rs,fî , r speciaI deputy ' "f if,4n fepniO 07 PE R TCwr;S H P S FOLLOW- le ,fCnt t-i '-u'- liard. Tî'iiY flîiy r 1w i,¶î- I t îI. k, i 1,-iirt t. fr 1- -" .- hü' w . t I \i p, 'l', Il - Si.~~~ 'tK "î t ylT ake a n Cihnere S-ýavI. a"îî , t o rm n "i, n.w t f t'késtit ,ir.' l i l Si îî-ihî. <r. - dr.*- i rt,. r-ýw ,t. ,t- rhm4ni,- atat. - h FPord s 0oxv 310), FiyeldU wate Does J You can plow, disk,- Sils arrow, harvest,- thresh, bale hay, grind feed, fil the silo, saw wood, pump water, pull- stumps, do roadj work or any other Fe.d power job around the farm' I quicker, easier anid at less _ cost to.youwith tht - Fordson Tractor. Twenty-four h-oûrs each day, every'working day in the yeax it will give maxi- mni service. ýJght but powerful it gets-fromn job to job quickly. £ey to -operate and otlef- cient, economical and above ilDEPEN',DABLE. Gt ini thc power-farmrnin- frame of mind rtow. Cali, phone or d\, us a card for faacs. Seceth2e Iord0on in practical ~Vîuukî~' tNt t :lý iltc 29500 BIfi PICNIC 0F FARM1RS ASSOC. AT WADSWORTII The directr,, of the' Lake County1 Pioneer Agriiitur'l lassociation or 'Wadswortî have denlded tri give ' thelr second annual picnte andti huit kect dinner Saturtlry, jùly 30, tn Mc- Caithy's gr.ive. wh.'ri It vas tieldt tant yellr, une ut the airaI beuuttful picoîr grounavrs Lake colanby. The association have theirprograwn(n.arly completed, andl have a spt.'Odid line of attractions for te day. forenioion. aternoon and eventng, beginning dit 10 o'clock a. m. They bave ier'ireui tome outhtei.'10051Prominent nmen ocf Lake <ounty 10 d.'tîvr addrensesanad nati6nal speakers of cepube viii ail dresn the thronk. The farnîcrs andti u>lncnaq men of Lake county have Planned- tb take rte entire day vtth their familles andl forget tileir <ares. Thefr picote grourida are iucated about half a mtte vest of Wads- wortli, acrohm the Deaplinea river, overloolting thie beautiful Demptalnes river valley. One outhe s' pecial featurea i'llt bc Men 's ,vocal and Instrumental munie bY nçlme of the mmd taetd'muIp of the <iOUIty. SOut at&~fis1~ taiti.,hie happîy reripient oft SU' Iittio u iurty. ai *fter golns to each meurher of tie'fnlily and ask, lxig Iiii.. or lier to tke her there and In erh Istan e hcng told a good rea. suin wjby they couldn't do rîo, se nioi y turued to me anA na!d: -aube a letter and tell them' ' ' Ladu" lThi4 Gift la Wetcome. If yo .estre 10 cern-rober witb a pren;e 1 orne Irtend or former chunt living At a disem. purchase a box o' sint ioner-y, give n st.eet t0 your one. t! ie Inutual friendg lu I asir themi Ccli t, write a favorite recIpe on lb. Th,:n rollect thrc;e shpets, make themn lito kt nert book andl tend IL. It will be bî.sît, ."aus. il lepersornal. Read Our Other Advertisement On Another Page 0f This Paper S-hirts In a Sensational'Sale! SURPLUS STOCKS 0F FAMOUS MANHATTAN SHIRTS And E W. SHIRTS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT LESS THAN MOST MER- CHANTS PAY AT WHOLESALE. INCLUDE] IN THE SALE ARE 0.~unin Sik hits, Svar, Sîk -*reE, New SiIaS~s Hanc'scme Madras Shirts, Wanted Pongees., The Newest Percales, r.'nrFt Irnrorted Maduas Shirts, liî Tlese For-r Trernendous Lot,. $2.00-11 $2.50 SHIRTS $3.00 titl$3.50 SHIRTS $5.00 -11]'I $6.00 SHIRTS --w- ~ - - - J- $8.50;r1 '$10.00 SHIRTS Here is news that will bring men to our store in crowds Fri. and Sat. morning for Man- hattan and E. & W. Shirts are recognized'the wonld over as the standard of quality and when Èhe opportunity corne.s to secuwe them at priees like these, cvery rnaii Who i-ads ALL ArEMVE,ýla ln Ei.y Coer, Ïù~ and Sizc. lu The Sale you'll find Shirts with collars attached and with- out collars, and to make selec- tion easy we have grouped them on tables according to size and price. Corne down ear- Iy, please, and select the pat- terns you like the best. Don't deay , for they are the best Sh!;rts -made in AAmerîca and ,me cffered IIýt sensatiorïal1y YCUVVE SEEEN MîIANY SWRIýFT SALES iýUt Thias E The All.

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