TH-E LBERTYVIlLE INDE NDEN. THUDAY. JULY 28, 1921. RELEASE ALLEUEDaori! il :] Il L lutte Tt BANK ROBBER ON Nli> i2'i"l ASInotO ('DDES $109000 BONDS K ir îr: ,SAYS__MINISTER o I.ori(rli nstiriI;it-i h John Glmore, indicted for oh '-no, bing Antioch bank, fur- . i i o,, R!.l- s l eV. M. . Thomas of Deerfield., nisheIbi . ' Flays Women who follow Nian t' Ùît hai.- ,planningg o Fashion as Prescribed by rt-n h.ruity St naninuel iiUf id' "i î i 'hlh oltîinrr riit annuali-Hh Paris aad New York. (c~u iio- Xtirla-h o.rat'-hik. a,t ll ttii-sday tas rt- l-iiîa.s4-'i ('i bonds - Il ' iri . ;oli eI oi lu i,.MFie'tt 4, ýoiI $10 tl<W. la-titi,- JudgI' C. C. l-dwaIds, Tt1'l". iAi . ingtho-li nu i -undlitiiiitr--raüir. 1h' na ijrV Lil. t indo-lot fl iihnne-il îki , gn I t illç.îli ii rî'ig tii nja ud k iftaictl n tc il Ille- bond.r'suiiiii-jb i tiiiîa n Thnîr id i, ,ll'rnootn jjss i-, ei- - s it> sach ha 11) i tititi Sa <aht irf ntrand. -* %etuiigflg ttiis msi-k lt s ire. BIl its verynatuto it-tir'-r, i i t în f i gt u e l- , îi.îh,,i Ti- tii tttal i s ii, \tal iiiiiui, tifstuii[tiotfl(i ieIt>itfl à h . ýj nf bonds. ~whiéi wo, trt- i<tittt-d ii i g 0 o i t, >- -r> g :(i andl wîit bo Ii-It n touche-s lire tirer-- 15 ,aIîn, i- Th c i beir'. t ot îîiace tiar' t han al lue -gi ti. nu hott iwnru titi JIL 29, 30 s singed. the bod y cohstuil l.YTr ti-a ag, uc vitible 'aeretak roi 31 and i giii-1 1iad e i lmjr s 'a e have on record one' jflsanfl- wh.lie 11u111 tii're atîty depas3t bhuis.,-- file -li hutit ui- ,- i r '- vil ii ri eur-nt tire rias absolutely haril.sIitt, ougili tiit-beng-tsiinilhymdi. dîal-. ' t- is 'IlIo,pi.uii i niTy> ni it-aring it enveioîîed th(, bodies otiri ne mien. ,( bir holderoi. An altelPt t 10 lowIlite uit, g.0taýi IîtiIItI.slDaniel 3:27-'The rire bail naoîpower, '.tank mate- tailed. lit lm ,-t-imtateui trhai Tiir- taiwsn-liî, t-an. n Ill ich in- upon titiir badies.noir was the- laitm 'heé robbery totatied a lost of $10.000- 1ludem Ant'l Hickory,' ilburn and Ianenihrwr-ierloe Gilmore was Indicied ai tire ia.t L.ake Villa. was hitld ai Miliburn on changedt, noirhadl the- snteii ortrire y se8mion of the Lake count> grand Sunday afttrncon. ai 'ahlcb a large jtassed over them.' jW-tT number front Antiocit were in attend- The thrpe Jpws facu-d titi reil bot Uindelof f us the samp mi a wtho ance. furnace because of their conviction. elined the- bond nf John C. Heapiç, Mrs. George Kuhaupt ia spending They fet that il were better to burnk wbo wa" arested on a charge ot hold. this week with her parents, Mr. and than ta, bow before ihe idol. How tbis1 Ing vit Audro Pucin". plate and escap- -mun. Schnîaii ai Jackson. Wis;. conviction is needed individualiy andf ing with 815000l. Heapm then diaap- Misti Anna Dudley or Chicago is taiiectively today! There art- idois oft searmd and wax captureil in Indiana spending morne ite ith ber sister, goid today ihat we are commanded fil afttr rabbing a bank thete . for whic h Mrs. Wilson McGep ai (bis place. bow befare just as; there were yearit lireulà been sentenced to prison. Mrs. Cook retitrned tar Antloch on agu. Arneicafla are fast drifttng to Hpeta>frfeited his bonds. and when Monday alle-r spendlng the pasti week the point wbere tbey believp nothing tat'i-ti Attomey ordered the bonds- with frieiids ai Wauconda. ifticfielti> tu burn for, ht The Puri- muan ta elher troduce Heapo; or pay Nirs. Murrie Hoiron lm quit e id'. tans feit li were betiet o0 tace an un- -lu. forfeit. Lindeloff fulid! wierc tiis week. cbariedt sea. an unknowfl worid, than Heas could be found. Horner Van Patten, of the state of t i give up iheir convictionsa of 'God; Kanmaft slitere '.isitlng bis brothera, the eariy American commonwealth feit s 000000000 000 00000 Jalie anil (han'> yVan Patt-n. rthal ut were better tu dit' fightinti 0 A N 1T() C H ' Le,-t- Waiatetr. of <raysiake rtent issi thian tua aitot their libertit". as free ooooê eeS< 0000 00 runda%. with Antioch frientis metn tii be snatched tram ihenu Lin 0060 __ -- 1coin waa willing ta îisk ihe -Union Miser Myrtie-Rea itolIîiiirngs. Mont.BS000 0 00004»0o000 o0 0 0 0,4o pon the, convictiontibali afil nen are <bas ~i1t0 -eeritabere bornf ret- *lie won. the lviniting ber tRen. it ha. o lýLA KE VILLA. iuias o n ti liti h r and othér rt-iative,' an'd trient!'.lienr0prtn o n alwl i h r ibswpek 0 00 00000 0000000000 -iinliarl% consiitutedl. Trit.Ju'aiisior'- Miisa PauIjne tl-lt t ahit nen', i'. Nist. Intrnand ];iuglit.i n an I i. 'witing- tatu rsk ibelir skinsf'- itî re -~jaslog a few da>, li!,- we-k wilitFret liHamtiit)olni jtt-fii'idai aitRive I-eou(nsceneeI Th won utnniheu consci Antioeb r-lativs. ires i irlturnëd'te tîîcwitit -nec'. anti 'sn a kîngiloin bt--odes. Wiiiam Beter ' a(thit-ntct, las îe-Ill fi-' ra i î, intk-m ' n ntihe- fon- tf Atute-nas rcaet'tii Ioi.t antrMonday anarning u-tî Il nia> thle fashio atnesiilr" gm.. Gupit and son of Kenosaa Wiu 1and lN.-wa York. A tes meni and woî,ino ujiensa te-w da>a the a evk wLlit Mer'('amuiomn hatdat gut,, at' k wthrithe t'.t- tessout.-it arjo, 111111111117u-1rldrcru tttomi Southern %Viscorin Amt-ncan woîlten tail dîtwn and wot' Mf" Lnda Buscîrinait oi Chicagois Norma t >eitor ii siied thic<'iJffuird t ihiiu thre giddes't ot dreat, and famhiOn. '.pu4bw or- me t- s t ilt1lier Parents Shanks taiiilyai laincs a e-v. e Itreiatwoe bats.1 a>. in -niodest aleeiareI." IL . ilugtf» i-m laid op, hlaving Mrs. Herman Weniliand andl is.I tîes aretinade ta caver the entire msegoed on a apk( ttne day tire fast Rudolph Wendiand, wtlî Flot-anc-. bcoil'- foi haîf of t. The idol i t aia- wpý. pie-ni a ftui, sday'. ast ws-ei. wiîi i-c io tn decroe-' rat 'aamen*s dresses 3bn [Darby lat Tueaday. silo tue bîiuves ai Mtclzan City. abottd be eutlilowftard ftram the' nek _________________________ IL A.littugia- taine hob at ntFr1 and upward to tire-knees-thai anc- ----------- --- a ytt)r a te-w da> t svat-ation. thiril of the body sbosiid be expased ta ---ni-e----ti-taei 01 Maywootj the public gaze of men. ut modcst ,-i, 'a. ' -k a' 7h- tantes Aiwéll wotmen could but know wbaitnmodest A RL N TO N nýaimen, ijnk of sucbfludity ofthboy ARLI G TO Nthe woud busb ithsharne. oM irs. a mtihioKnoa> ie ntr la the second place, tbe Jew. mwent lbeintothe furnace and the oni> thing ij H OT q aui. Mr. lBen Hamlin, and f:mily. - ra _____________________ ci MrA. %adr's ntother and father. Mr. because of tbt-it trust and failih in their andl Mrs. Anderson., nlso aiber i-tla- Got wbowas ableie tadelivet thetu tîie- il ri Kenti-tia iis.t tht' tatk lbthee l one s pon in ibis world wber.- Good 1veais 50e n herr bsfr 'e-balipoe M s Mller i i ittng is ss-randl bas burned iseif oui. Thai place tm - î,t~oher iitsn'â.arm e iieltd God luuseijf tak Mr. andl MIrsJamesa K-rr sjent lstt me the ti-e of judgnipt nto H ia otn AWTVII"A~TSunda in (Chicago, wth theoir tiaugl- broeatit. Il sa.'a deibitat- chalceai 1VAVRLE JAI, ILL tFic i 'rs George Mtche-ll. he Son oai((>a]i hat Hi died ee ut.' Koeltrit i toitox m tira t.'. 1<o lit-. leath sa- ni' itusr.'acctdent. buti -- -- - - - irs-ne'.'. catagt errs id tlic lj,reiediiaittd ann'dil --- -- -------- Thre'Fast Fox t.aké- te1nutîrs ýSud- Ilbrt t tfrt- mtît n-g lie ilo-,t e i~ lii itieci witit 'r'. Jo- luck-r tif eaetr tr al tia sii nhti t hTut. >atiernon.August 4tir andilfini. r incstaper. Vir-itorl, tnî set y, 1.-týIetbhi stireti-dt ad. ,R. iPEN~DLIAIN D -s viti Aiv.ii. sëc>. whltt W -,r1t gain ouir t-' î. - ,, a fýV la'. ay hich sas such ia se-ri -'esi-, CIROCERY AND MARKET as t erwii ie1he1d Prllt-r, ',',an onille rit.'intI. "t 1Iii- ttin.1 DEAL1Es IN selected Titi-place is Lehiafn". itn-tit s I-as>ý Grave, -aSt 'fth(-b.' nustîroatantd oppo ~seera M rchndie sit f lt- Jarvis house. Se e l 000 000 000000000Oc000 Genra M rcan is wek; siu o telndepanden fr o 0 D LER FI ELD 0 istori atiacinan.andittrtidétails of 000000000009000000 STAPLE AND FANCY GROÇERIES t lut-big day> DR W DI, OIOMThe Canueron garage was brokef ini- Ni mn sie Eatan 'i'tfed tt. Fletît B O OM A N D SH O ES f o s taken. E ntrancé w as gained by Ars and M ms O scar lec h a nt. M r. NATS AND CAS hreaking a window. e a uadMe atrBehmadui- Mrs. Will MePadiln asaFontidu ad rs. Wam alicr Bet'is am a l i ~~OSIER~~ Lac visitor rer the week end. de.JmsGloa.Ms ait a MrsGeoge elmwascaled o Fr-leway and Mi.-and Mrs. William Gai 'Art GeordgebHelrnnwaIoentlThurtît>For cbeutsProdmoeBoughtsa soIdest Park Monda>- by lhe death of ber and hrdenL nkTunsa>a grandfatbt'r Ltnglak Phas 107.J (Ilyde Helin in spendhng bis vacation Miss lieit- taînkeitiacî liastituinne,. It înuiet' rocn Lake Gent-va.where sht- attend- LAKE VU-LA iUJNIS Nir IlenireIlpeesîn bas bt-en on ed a bible conference. - tire sick isi but lm better again. MAr. and Mrs. George litcken weu. __________________________ Mr. and'rs. Cari Miller serc But1.-calleil ta Chicàgo Wedn.-sday tua air nt __ington visitra ov er Sunday. the funerai of a cousin. Seerl of the tti naoie (ai isited FRtU GRABBt AUCTIONEERING FAIM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH- COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 B<vwe Cbaqmns uio Cage P.E IILDEBRANDTI IREXALL GOODS AND COUGH MEDICINESJ 1 stmwadidDka Fmacy Sutaiesy Co.f.domei TeiletAtlcl Pdlfimesy DoUs and Tuore SPIIYSICIANs' PRESCIPTIONS CarMIy ComFounded TME REXAIL STORE 0,00000000000000001 0 VOLO 000. 1 S. J. Rassei-l t-uned ast Thuradayj lt-ont a visît wiiir relatives; in Kansas.i Nir. anti 'An. Croken ai Libentyvuie Sundayed witbu their daughtt'r, lirs.j Let- Husoil. MAr. antd Mis. C. Dillon and Mr. and .N. Wili Dllon and son. Walter, vis- itel relatives aI Ridgelield SundaY. 1 Miss Pt-ami PearI Vase> sas tite guest otf('rystal Laite frit-nds over tht- wet-ltend. S. Wagner and larnily viieil rda- Stives ut Fremant Sunday. Mir. and 'r.Abert Kautenberg of Waukegan visileil ai lie Walton borne over Sunday. lira John Wallon rt-- turne-I honte wiith t-ni for a iew daYs vs lit. Tic Ladies' Aid Socit-ty will uutet witi Mrs. Earl Townsend next Thurs- day. Augliat 4tb. Mrs. Jt-nniç Crossman s visiting her sisler. 'Ara. James Kinsan. bhilawet-k. Rt-v. Sangers-sermnon on 'Loyalty" was enjoyed by al present lait Sun- da&- Ail are cordialby inviled to corne ta services at 2*16 p. m. July 31. Tht- Ladies' Aid Society wili give an ht-e creamu social at the home of Mir. and Mlra-. John'Meyer Augnat 19. J . Sailor 0f ('hicaga sili be sitb ius ibat evening. shich wlll lie tfgmtat Inter- est to aIl. Plan ta) be blere. SAlbert BurriBaslotf Wednesday for West Virginla after vlsiting aI Law-u dele* Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell andi son Sunda-yed ai the S. Davis home lu tRound Lake. ir'- totus bt-is ai Grass Lake Sanda>. Mm-rs. George Ki-uibach afH Iighiland Pl'k, kwatt the- guett tIirMi. Wuilliamn Ne'.ili Tiarsday. itobert %IacWaidî.s lua bas been seu icîusty sick tht- îa5lst et-k, la nmiro' tî4g. .\fi"aSuaineti.sai Chicaga sas thi guesi of Miss Lauta lteteî.son ast-t- tht wet-k end. MAr. a-nd 'Ara. C. G. Pettis, Mias Est l'eîîi8 andl Mrs. Enuib Frederick an. uitile Cianiotte visiteil Mr. anti Mrs R. M. Lord or Ravenswood Sunday. N-r and lins. Frank Supîiffe ant cihidretinuotoreal f rom Texas and &"-,g vislthng a! the- Suppledale Farnu. 1Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bancock anm dauglutera Pt-ami and lune,.oa, '.isiting Mr. and 'Ara. Edwa-rd BIt-ming lîr. anld Ars. R. E. Wyani. rt-turnie hast week from Epiriaun. Mich. Misi Elizabeth WYani ieft Monday for 1hi Camp n're Girle' cala') near Sault Hav'en. William Biederstadî andlaunasf-ai vey a-nil Theoilore of Chicago sýet tie gui-st.. of F C. Bieder4t!îdt lia Wednt-sda> - Mrs. Perle Butson andl bah>- tf La-ti leIoaa are visiîing ht-r patents.,'Ar. an, Mra. Henry Piagge. t Miss Jessie Woodman anil Mrs. Ruf seil De Verre let Tut-tday for Pai Pata Laké. Mici.. -where tht-y sili ro Lmain faoi-lu Week. miss Dorotby Reichel apent l- week end wltlu Miss Elizabeth Schil rIra at De Kalb. Mir. and lrs. W. A. Whiting an Mn. and lira. Almon PaWers of OR aPark spent Suniday with Mr. and Ur %Lhiucoiu Pettie. lins. F'rank Peterson was tht- guef o iii r gisti* Mn !l - - o r' N\'ik,- :-,iim Thitrsai Mis., L> r., i - --- 'u ii fil iiin-. dti 'L r n-n- L, nl-ssi, nIloilo. > irm - . ,, iý M' etn M.' L .ttî ' l-(,tan o Nni m Il \hi1n .- - Ni r,r -( 'n lk o i-aia hý Mtirss Il - Ni 11i. I r . ii Il tir,' kisçîi li ailhrIi - - -i N ni in n iarru ng un. Nis'.Eva l'-i - --1 :im 'uýu'. - whete >f-hn ' - ii- In i at-the lsiru fi r'o ýijss JMurgal i:;..; 1: - -- -hli. dtt ýisuiîung thu-ir am -I- N MiR-ia ai Fargo, Noi ii1hr'à Miss Veren.- lii. ' I- r-n - grandparents, Mni.inli 'u: - *A %Ir Gunckel ohfar5» 1 Miss Elta Fan, - -r r t iti .-. l - avient hast mweek ni!t, 'tir-a Loiui. Hubn. Lt-ave the -datu .hcIln Salrtla'.- August 6t h,1if til '-r. nu as tht-rt- is to be a street trnnnal iel.'d an Wau- kegan roiad ai i' iu l Ail attrac- tions af the dia> ant itetrt-sments. iNme and bav-e a n"nnrl inmle traceeds to go ta tht- tire rli-iairiueni. United Evangelical Church Services for nexi Sunday ar- as toi- tows: Tht' suvi'-' tufr the morning wli be "Wheai ani Týareç in tire ChrIs- tlan Lite."' Ai lhe C. E. iflerina iL n ir-ie-i coing Miss LOY taili be i hit ariîil irtht- stabjtct. "hrlitim i'rrorien-Anttng the lndians." Tire membet s r- i. 'n n-litira 'aim at-e givlng iheir *, r:r- st>Sonda) eernîng are doini. mur b ici ail <i tht- tftert-st aoftire inilTing. Subjr et for the jîreacbiflg t-cnt. u- TIre ttnaaîle Lit.- and Soute .La---n-.i ' s TîIay - Prayer mneetilng - I. -tt ued- net-da> eening a, it h, u,,Intir ait sho cuire ta asaîl imii-'1 e-. 'n a 'ub- lic devotional lenr 'Th Ti'chair Wull iil- n't rima t-dia> i-sening for îîrau iii Next Tueiaa> aitirnrsrn irue Von i-n'a Mîssionar> roiîiur sit mîti ai the home at Mn-r>. Cier We'ssIing. Ail menabi-naart ii'rnritir h i reent. The orchegira IlIJii uieting for rthe Iturpose otftur;.aniznng Tht' ioilow- ing officer,- emeletied furesldent, Arnold KeKier';tisretcf George Beckmian; Secr*eti-,n. Mis. Chbteir Wessiing; Treastui-im-, Muas Laurel Siryker. >The archestia enirraîneil the' chil- dri-n ai the' torcus Home Sanda> aft- ernolon with a nîttuiberiiiofline seier- n ions. Why Not Buy Your Overland 4 Autôm obil1e Now and Enjoy Your Car Dur- ing the Hot Summer Months? A cash payment of $287.50 puts this. car at your door with the smal balance of a littie over $1.00 a day payable in- monthly installments. There Is No Inte,-est Charged. COME IN, and let us talk over with you our reasonable paymeot plan at 358 Central Ave., Hfighland Park, Illinois. Open evenings until 9 o'cWlck FRANCIS L. WOOLLEY Rov. M. L. Thomas, Pastor. Oui- church and tire enture village t- cEivei a atvire umock ai the suddenrLcý Jtobbins,. asttTuesila> e'.ening. Tho Mr Robibins liad liv'ed anaong usle-s ihla au yeaî. lie liad t-ndeared himIacit 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 t,, ,-iur> iearî b>'% irls tauin-g iisposi C GR A Y S LA XE lion.kînoilness iof lieart and unfeigneilz iI- le i-%as aicati> belcustît Il>.>tii So 1 o O0000O0000 000 000 enlire cî-ngregai.ion and he s iii ie Mît-s Mmi.- Katîrcplilsnriina fies it e-afjýi> issel. The noblenelcs orilihlds u'uitiSnan ctaiacter mia> ie estimateil b> u i-si-ti i-Athen t .intiirii riblt iie atd to0iis memoi-" b> rienils s- - - ai ,i)n,,,,, wbo came froin Chicago andlNa riou- -Ka sillages and haiets oftIlinois. tabil, tIr,- 1; tnie he<tbc.-nteritain--d lr-r tri-si-ni ra i i'. luneral. fi san. ,,i trentF,'%fi-Mnandi Mi ri - tli-runf matedtu iioser ont' bunilrî-d îîîîîoaîî Ciiitagn rt tr sin fiuionutîe- sere lresent. (aluarin-Nlr. aud Mini ('hurles- Kuehkt-i. Jr.. ngr ottiin l<ving synipail> Iota i 1 t tiii, iit i Itluiki-t if ýuttntday. Nuis. tbyin'. andl the cildren. %V utar, i'1 ..- sititilh r-n-.lendingIlleii zlamî iliran iii.' art- ta make tt i-î ltic ' m ek tith i Irci ri L:hItut. M'. Grant un Itirfriteloi. where we mai; tninue i-u-.-. mn Lib-ru> s tht. rus liate teninear us.Tht pastiranti r-Nlati-qnJack Nielen i OakPartk. 111. Dr lintrniotored to Milwaukeî titi r-. -lwndinen lit>. ta-uiiin s th irlin 1-ria> rutntiendl ihe fanerail, iti gin.,iiar.-ni-. Nfir andilis -I.1t.r wst ireiniun SI.Pauls Metutodistisna i wtt, i a (r'a hture h.i îf shicb our- latiebrai lit-r 11i.and IMnsi-t-. Ir t i-nli e eti i tittd waq lotait-ri> a nieMtber. Tht' fanerai Sunaa eî-nifg alspun-ientItng-a va- ttît i, %%as ni-an> as large a-i the-tenicrul in if'one t'. ek ai lies usg Lake anti - ru-t - ~ ii.iinerestihncplrcesti-.n 'uVsconsin.1 1- The l'hiAlpha Beta ci-ast tii y iiifg '0i n 'r.iiS1.i idlaiii sîitn in zîa'. Moasiat succesrnhtl tamiiii a ndac tle Tt-gada d la tiriini tai on i')r' la-n of tht' canîîîuniî> il tr .tnja1th' irtttt-it- tîa aurday evening. Nearli> - - lahi, e'.ýbd etilaand flus brotber were trrea Pl "aube nt urnetiii io 1innesloisi ni Tthis ciasa tif >ong taomuen t- Mondd>, wiie enu hai-bus aruoiati on as -abtuai iiîu liveat organizaton ihai we enginepli. iîaste- 'fn îuntered in sonne tint.culne Nr.and . Ir-. "un kIao son lt rlas[ - aain. i wa~îs-s ffie! Wt'inesday morning tro ithir nt'w Th e iiu,-ii otilar bah> in ls.rt-d home. i la Bchanan. Nit-hi, ' t - r ,s- Io ri,. m n lu' uly' Cloase. whoiru el nîrr>iIoiie tht-se ireolil,. ..raîu,,ti dail tht- neni witb 11'43 votes.slae but wsit hein socces and - Ne-si Sunday morning n WAilli:il irrtTintý,sei n itirsn ntw home. dWilsoin, n efgineoer on tire Si. taul Nia mn,-Atm a-ut înieî irt'unt- nroati nsmîi a'.e charge ot flitcitotning lie-n tujihlt tnt i mti-r iront Chant sersvut-t. Mn. Wilson bas bt-en- witlt paig. Il.îîtt'r te eek e-nil. tht- st. 'aul road for aver thirty rt-ars ,Titi- e 's as a littie- excilemen if- I. and suis a coworker wiîh the- laie E Shaft'rs gent-rai store WedneoItay: HiramutIlabbins for a long s-hile, fis n . iorm e n a large tai-antuta sas[ - niajici ls -Can a Ma-n be a Railroaden ttunil in a bunch of banans h tandl b.- -uChristian?" We experti 10 iiei- was put in a glass jr anil tilt tiechcurcb for Ibis brother. HOe - y people .'isited the- store lW set' lias nman> interesîing experience'. t -tht- nonster. S. ent.Il-srtt-arh tMonay>was a holidlay n Graysiake. Obituary and ail lad asîde Ibeir work ta, attend1 A tamiSitafford Rabbins taas born tht- firqt annual Clinte give-n b> Cheý Li.'tbnitr> y11< 88, a". t Lamira. Ilouge Nestie's Food Co. '.ll places of bus[- couniy. Wisconsin. Aitich age of 21 neasa claaed for the- afiernoon ta atiow id ire- wuus îarrled to MissJennît'Davis. tht- bt-ip ta attend. A fine atdresesr as 7 1 Nur. utubbins entered tie service_ of th@ deiivered by H. .4. Rowi'. of Ne-w h.Milw.auikee raiuroad at the'age of 24.Yr.arpiieiaie0 h-txc >d Be walnoon promoted and ai lbis ti'.- e darlment of the Nesîli- coli- 1 deatit sas anc of (the oldesi exigineers pan>. lus addr,-ss sas instructiv'e le in point of srvc o hegstm as wt-ii as entertaining. Tic Grayslake Il Ht- passed suddenuy agytu. band funisheil lie music for the da). homet in t)eerfieid on the evening of The bood com3tany fhurnished tret- ice rJul> 19, 1921. bavlng ived 63 years, 5 cre-aut anti lemonade for the- crawl. monîba and 1 dey. Hua widow andl andl sas gre-aly l>-areciateti, as tht' ti four rhiidren survive hlm. I-a chi- weathî-r watt bot. Tic amail boys dren baving passed away in infancy. siaowed an uiniimited capacity for lt-c Is Dr. George Hiramu Robbins. of' Madi creusu. It was a Picnic tlai witi fot il son. Wiq.; John Holden Robbins ni -tin bp torgotten. Miss Grace Rabbins af Deerfieliid. mîntu - -- o- eoti at &S Mmr. John Archer of Omnaha. Neb.. art-, îiiig t ieitna. it Lw the. surviving cbildrel. tirent tria '. l ak, hiîtîs bliaare. *e Tht- delceaaed was a member Of liresimii tî,.- eeliitinutrstrnitnli- llrotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.> tiani .tii i-ylt. iithuni> mnen in titi .' thre Maqonic Order and a rullng eider' %nri0.1-td ýlank F: Mat-un. larrt'i '*.Ntut la in lie Presbyterian citîrch of Dee-t- I'tatk.'gattiand t tuas.utnagelrthi et fieldl.Ilîlinois. q i.'1 fliliutMie h -. it-oînpan,, id Tn know Mr. Rabbins sas to lavt- stryt-."'-Tht'lattis tiower-- gttw in luht k hii. He was a nman of deep Pitley -tnd river nean ht-rt-. 're biossofli r. gmtat affection anad a moat geniai dis- la equalun as large if nol larger Chan position. Hundi-eds of fiend mourn ihise 1t141 cos in Grass Liake, Lake asi bis dezarinre. iift.- Telephone Highland Park 237 HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS. AUCTION SALý 1 Household Goods 1 wfl seilat public auction at nmy residi opposite Citizens Bankl Are&, Ii, the fàOU described property, on I Saturda y, July 3Mt Commencing at 2 P. M. sharp ceitua.nd remscn'oir. ni-art>. ne-s'. Excellent baker. 1 fase Iluiner, *Jev.ei. ntart> new. ilo liiblant lieisi, t Clas Ritniti i Itiine Itoonu 'Table- 6 Cfod tiinng tlottnt <minnn 2 Goosl Kitchen Chair, t Kîteluen Cuabinet î Rtcking Chairs, t b.ittlier ilttii. tutai> fi-t Nes Curtin :1Go DrSeand 2 iluifoers 2 i fi Sans tal CSads 1 Singer S-ig ai 1 Pirgerirtaing ab2 Paer Portiers G,(ooti Bt-is, Springs and1 i 91>12 Wilton Vebvet lIsE t XxItO Itrussels Rug luches Stretchers MRS. FRED SLICKER, Prq LINCOLN LUSK, Auctioneer. AS. oouab4aftTY5 Back To Pre'War at At this ti"o e,«y.ues o b.imIott picu teoa neual lode. mgiste da MY PRICES O GUARANTEEDRINTTIfRTF;R JO DATS AS FOLLOWS:'" (3ald Ct owns, 21'K Searqess5-- ..... ...... ... Porcelain Ci-awns, Pivot Teetb, *rrui- Bite moulda Porrcelain Fillings ---........... ........... ............83 (Wil Dot change color) g-aid Inlay's or Fillinas, according to stzta ...- ........ Platos that 1 guarantee you.can eat con off the cob ....... (AccordiliS ta naterial> Trreatnint. nerve killIed and rmot fIlled --............«- And ieoîem ber, i will flot burt you. 1 use medîcînie first (W>* away the pain. THEE PRICES ARE FOR ý3é DAYS OU. Di. F. E. CORLISS 130 Washîington8S Ovr th. TimsfIf WAUKECIAN, ILL PAGE I ie thon a AOVANCE- edent xm Wad ur 285-J-2 fort at arly in r in- limate on the ord of s in thse Pce1 ail mical in All mits Co. mos " 1 -- -- -- - - - --y --- - - -- -